2024 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects
of Situation Management (CogSIMA)

May 7-10, 2024 | Montréal, Canada

Photo by Matthias Mullie on Unsplash

Organizing Committee

General Chair
Elisa Shahbazian
OODA Technologies Inc.,

General Co-Chair
Melita Hadzagic
OODA Technologies Inc.

Honorary Chair
Gabriel Jakobson
CyberGem Consulting,
Local Chair
Jeremy Cooperstock
McGill University

Finance Chair
Ken Baclawski
Northeastern University,
TPC Co-Chair
Galya Rogova
The State University of New York at Buffalo, USA

TPC Co-Chair
Alicia Ruvinsky

TPC Co-Chair
Tom Ziemke, Linköping University, Sweden

Industry Liaison
Michael Kozak
Lockheed Martin,

IEEE/IEEE SMC Liaison Co-Chair
Enrique Herrera-Viedma
University of Granada,

IEEE/IEEE SMC Liaison Co-Chair
Giancarlo Fortino
University of Calabria,

CAN Gov DND Liaison Chair
Andre Dupuis
Space Strategies Consulting Ltd,

CogSIMA Steering Committee Chair
Scott Fouse
Independent Consultant,

Publicity / Keynote
Kellyn Rein
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Germany

Tutorial Chair
Andrea Salfinger
University of Udine,

Publication Chair
Benito Mendoza
New York City College of Technology (CityTech),

Technical Program Committee

Dave Braines (IBM UK Ltd, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Jin-Hee Cho (Virginia Tech, USA)
Nancy Cooke (Arizona State University, USA)
Giuseppe D'Aniello (University of Salerno, Italy)
Natalia Derbentseva (Defence R&D Canada, Canada)
Patricia Dockhorn Costa (Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil)
Valentina Dragos (ONERA, France)
Varun Dutt (Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi, India)
Göran Falkman (University of Skövde, Sweden)
Jesus Garcia (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)
Georg Hägele (Husqvarna Group, Sweden)
Mieczyslaw Kokar (Northeastern University, USA)
Achim Kuwertz-Wolf (Fraunhofer IOSB & Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation (IOSB), Germany)
Kathryn Laskey (George Mason University, USA)
Christian Lebiere (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Gaëlle Lortal (Thales R&T, France)
Dalila B. Megherbi (University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA & Director of CMINDS Research Center, UMASS, USA)
Patrick Philipp (University of Applied Sciences Koblenz, Germany)
Arezoo Sarkheyli-Hägele (Malmö universitet, Sweden)
David Schuster (San Jose State University, USA)
Alexander Smirnov (SPIIRAS, Russia)
Lauro Snidaro (University of Udine, Italy)
Dirk Soeffker (University Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Alan N. Steinberg (Alan Steinberg, Independent Consultant, USA)
Pontus Svenson (RISE, Sweden)
Krishnaprasad Thirunarayan (Wright State University, USA)
Robert Thomson (United States Military Academy & Army Cyber Institute, USA)
Risto Vaarandi (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)
Rob Vingerhoeds (ISAE-SUPAERO, France)
Chen Zhong (University of Tampa, USA)


Aug 6: We are deeply saddened by the passing of our CogSIMA 2024 General
Co-Chair Dr. Melita Hadzagic

May 10: We thank our speakers, attendees and organizing team for making CogSIMA 2024 happen! Please stay tuned for CogSIMA 2025 in Duisburg, Germany!

May 10: We thank our sponsors and patrons IEEE, IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, ISIF, and OODA Technologies Inc.!
May 8: Venue update - on May 9 - 10, the conference events will take place in Arts W-120.
May 3: Venue updated - the main conference events will take place in Leacock 232.
Apr 18: We are pleased to announce keynotes by Dr. Kellyn Rein and Mr. Pete JW Saunders.
Apr 8: Tentative Program available.
Mar 28: Accommodations: CogSIMA 2024 group rates at Royal Victoria College (reserved for students, reservations due April 1) and Hôtel Le Cantlie Suites (reservations due April 8)
Mar 27: Paper acceptance notifications have been sent out.
Mar 06: We are thrilled to share that McGill Univ.'s user-centered design experts of the ADvanced AIRspace Usability (ADAIR) project will instruct a tutorial on Situation Awareness in the Design of Future Complex Systems.
Feb 29: We are excited to announce tutorials by renowned experts Prof. Péter Érdi on the cybernetics topic of feedback control, Prof. Prof. Galina Rogova on decision making under risk, and Alan Steinberg on context-sensitive information exploitation systems.
Feb 26: We are pleased to announce that Prof. Giancarlo Fortino (Univ. of Calabria, IT) will present a keynote address on "Situation-Aware Wearable Computing Systems".
Feb 5: Registration fees have been posted.
Oct 3: We are very happy to announce that the Technical Committee on Cognitive Situation Management has been recognized with the 2023 Most Active SMC Technical Committee Award Cybernetics at IEEE SMC 2023.


Sponsors and Patrons

IEEE logo
SMC logo

Mcgill university logo

OODA Technologies Inc.

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