2024 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects
of Situation Management (CogSIMA)

May 7-10, 2024 | Montréal, Canada

Photo by Matthias Mullie on Unsplash

Where Cognitive Science meets Computer Science

The CogSIMA conference series provides an annual venue for presenting multi-disciplinary research on complex heterogeneous dynamical systems - of interacting humans, machines, computer agents and/or networks - whose individual and/or collective behavior depends on their situation awareness. Examples of systems include a variety of command and control systems, disaster monitoring and recovery systems, human-robot teams, physical and cyber security situation awareness systems, intelligent transportation systems, health care medical situation control systems, and many other systems. Common to these systems is the need to adequately perceive, reflect, act, and communicate according to the current situation and expected changes - both in the environment and within the systems themselves. The amount and variable quality of information that needs to be processed in order to derive decisions typically poses significant challenges for both human cognitive capabilities and computer processing power.

The CogSIMA conferences are aimed at researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and government, with a wide variety of backgrounds and experience including computer science, human factors, cognitive science, modeling & simulation, robotics, and systems engineering.

The theme of the conference will be "Human and Machines Together", reflecting also McGill's values such as inclusion, trust and teaming while facing diversity (of information), desiring the transparency (of decisions) where each of the actors help manage complex situations: humans leveraging human intelligence to further advance (machine learning) algorithms (e.g. using human-in-the-loop) and computers providing decision aids by fast and intensive computations as well as providing their own computed decisions by algorithms/software systems.

The theme will cover theory and applications of cognitive situation awareness/management in many fields including air traffic control, military operations, transportation, power systems, law enforcement, emergency management, health care, space, education, mining, and oil and gas operations, driving among others, developments of advanced information displays, the design of automated decision support systems, information fusion algorithms, new training approaches for improving SA in individuals and teams and other aspects of interest for more informed decision making.

Topics of Interest

  • Situation sensing, perception, comprehension, prediction and truth maintenance
  • "Big Data" analysis, situation learning and knowledge acquisition
  • Social media processing for situation awareness
  • Cognitive information fusion
  • Integration of human and signal intelligence
  • Multi-agent situation awareness, situation control and decision support
  • (Team) decision making
  • Models of collaboration and emergent behavior in cognitive multi-agent systems
  • Situation assessment methodology & applications, e.g.,
    • Situation recognition in autonomous vehicles
    • Situation assessment by Reinforcement Learning
  • Biologically-inspired computational models of situation management
  • Approaches to spatial and temporal reasoning, reasoning about goals, intentions and actions
  • Metrics and evaluation of performance of hybrid human- machine systems
  • Models of human-machine collaboration
  • Ontology-based computing, context modeling and discovery
  • Systems, platforms and tools for situation awareness, situation control and decision support
  • System-level experiments and application-specific research

Past CogSIMA Conferences

CogSIMA 2023

CogSIMA 2022

CogSIMA 2021

CogSIMA 2020

CogSIMA 2019

CogSIMA 2018

CogSIMA 2017

CogSIMA 2016

CogSIMA 2015

CogSIMA 2014

CogSIMA 2013

CogSIMA 2012

CogSIMA 2011

CogSIMA Activites

Please find further information on activities from the CogSIMA community under www.cogsima.org.


Aug 6: We are deeply saddened by the passing of our CogSIMA 2024 General
Co-Chair Dr. Melita Hadzagic

May 10: We thank our speakers, attendees and organizing team for making CogSIMA 2024 happen! Please stay tuned for CogSIMA 2025 in Duisburg, Germany!

May 10: We thank our sponsors and patrons IEEE, IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, ISIF, and OODA Technologies Inc.!
May 8: Venue update - on May 9 - 10, the conference events will take place in Arts W-120.
May 3: Venue updated - the main conference events will take place in Leacock 232.
Apr 18: We are pleased to announce keynotes by Dr. Kellyn Rein and Mr. Pete JW Saunders.
Apr 8: Tentative Program available.
Mar 28: Accommodations: CogSIMA 2024 group rates at Royal Victoria College (reserved for students, reservations due April 1) and Hôtel Le Cantlie Suites (reservations due April 8)
Mar 27: Paper acceptance notifications have been sent out.
Mar 06: We are thrilled to share that McGill Univ.'s user-centered design experts of the ADvanced AIRspace Usability (ADAIR) project will instruct a tutorial on Situation Awareness in the Design of Future Complex Systems.
Feb 29: We are excited to announce tutorials by renowned experts Prof. Péter Érdi on the cybernetics topic of feedback control, Prof. Prof. Galina Rogova on decision making under risk, and Alan Steinberg on context-sensitive information exploitation systems.
Feb 26: We are pleased to announce that Prof. Giancarlo Fortino (Univ. of Calabria, IT) will present a keynote address on "Situation-Aware Wearable Computing Systems".
Feb 5: Registration fees have been posted.
Oct 3: We are very happy to announce that the Technical Committee on Cognitive Situation Management has been recognized with the 2023 Most Active SMC Technical Committee Award Cybernetics at IEEE SMC 2023.


Sponsors and Patrons

IEEE logo
SMC logo

Mcgill university logo

OODA Technologies Inc.

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