
Important Deadlines

Important deadlines for tracks "Oral 3" and "Poster 3". The deadlines below are specifically for authors who submitted abstracts after 1 January 2015 (payment dates are the same as the earlier submission dates of the other tracks (Oral 1, Oral 2, Posters 1, Posters 2)

7 Feb 2015Abstract submission
8 Feb 2015Notification of abstract acceptance
8 March 2015Submission of full papers
25 March 2015Notification of acceptance of full papers
27 March 2015Revised paper
28 March 2015Notification of acceptance of revised paper
15 Feb 2015Early payment date. Take note: authors making use of this late track should consider making use of the early deadline date even though their papers were not yet accepted
29 March 2015Final date for payment and upload of final paper.

Important deadlines for tracks "Oral 2" and "Poster 2". The deadlines below are specifically for authors who submitted abstracts after 1 August 2014 (payment dates are the same as the earlier submission dates of “Oral 1” and “Poster 1”)

15 September 2014Abstract submission
7 October 2014Notification of abstract acceptance
15 November 2014Submission of full papers
31 January 2015Notification of acceptance of full papers
7 February 2015Revised paper
15 January 2015Notification of acceptance of revised paper
15 February 2015Early payment and upload of final paper
15 March 2015Final date for payment and upload of final paper.

Important deadlines for tracks "Oral 1" and "Poster 1" (Abstracts for these two tracks were already submitted before 1 August 2014)

31 July 2014Abstract submission
5 August 2014Notification of abstract acceptance
15 September 2014Submission of full papers
22 November 2014Notification of acceptance of full papers
15 December 2014Revised paper
15 January 2015Notification of acceptance of revised paper
15 February 2015Early payment and upload of final paper
15 March 2015Final date for payment and upload of final paper.

Student papers on work in progress (separate Call for Papers)

Papers in this track are very short papers of maximum three pages. This track is specifically for students who did not have sufficient material for a full paper or were too late for the deadline of full papers or posters. This is for students who just started with their projects and they may present their planning of their project, and preliminary results (not a requirement). This is thus for students presenting work in progress. This track will open on 15 October 2014, and no abstracts are required. The full papers must be submitted before 14 March 2015. Notification of acceptance on 28 March 2015. Revised paper submitted by 7 April 2015.

Revisions to this page

16 November 2014: Date for reviewer feedback changed to 22 November 2014 (for Oral 1 and Poster 1).

30 December 2014: Dates for Student Paper Track were changed from December 2014 to December 2015.

30 December 2014: Track 3 was inserted.