• WS–01: Next Generation Backhaul/Fronthaul Networks (BackNets 2015) (ICC'15 - Workshops 01): Program; Committees
  • WS–02: Cognitive Radios & Networks for Spectrum Coexistence of Satellite & Terrestrial Systems (CogRaN-Sat) (ICC'15 - Workshops 02): Program; Committees
  • WS–03: Small Cell and 5G Networks (SmallNets) (ICC'15 - Workshops 03): Program; Committees
  • WS–04: Quality of Experience-based Management for Future Internet Applications and Services (QoE-FI) (ICC'15 - Workshops 04): Program; Committees
  • WS–05: Cloud Computing Systems, Networks, and Applications (CCSNA) (ICC'15 - Workshops 05): Program; Committees
  • WS–06: Green Communications and Networks with Energy Harvesting, Smart Grids, and Renewable Energies (ICC'15 - Workshops 06): Program; Committees
  • WS–07: Massive Uncoordinated Access Protocols (ICC'15 - Workshops 07): Program; Committees
  • WS–08: ICT-enabled services and technologies for eHealth and Ambient Assisted Living (ICC'15 - Workshops 08): Program; Committees
  • WS–09: Fiber-Wireless Integrated Technologies, Systems and Networks (ICC'15 - Workshops 09): Program; Committees
  • WS–10: Advances in Software Defined and Context Aware Cognitive Networks 2015 (IEEE SCAN-2015) (ICC'15 - Workshops 10): Program; Committees
  • WS–11: Wireless Physical Layer Security (ICC'15 - Workshops 11): Program; Committees
  • WS–12: MIMO and Cognitive Radio Technologies in Multihop Network (MIMOCR) (ICC'15 - Workshops 12): Program; Committees
  • WS–13: Advanced PHY and MAC Techniques for Super Dense Wireless Networks (ICC'15 - Workshops 13): Program; Committees
  • WS–14: Device-to-Device Communication for Cellular and Wireless Networks (ICC'15 - Workshops 14): Program; Committees
  • WS–15: Advances in Network Localization and Navigation (ICC'15 - Workshops 15): Program; Committees
  • WS–16: Cooperative and Cognitive Networks (CoCoNet) (ICC'15 - Workshops 16): Program; Committees
  • WS–18: LTE in Unlicensed Bands: Potentials and Challenges (ICC'15 - Workshops 18): Program; Committees
  • WS–19: Dependable Vehicular Communications (DVC) (ICC'15 - Workshops 19): Program; Committees
  • WS–20: Radar and Sonar Networks (ICC'15 - Workshops 20): Program; Committees
  • WS–21: Heterogeneous Converged Networks (ICC'15 - Workshops 21): Program; Committees
  • WS–22: Security and Privacy for Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems (ICC'15 - Workshops 22): Program; Committees
  • WS–23: 5G & Beyond - Enabling Technologies and Applications (ICC'15 - Workshops 23): Program; Committees
  • WS–24: Visible Light Communications and Networking (VLCN) (ICC'15 - Workshops 24): Program; Committees
  • WS–25: Cloud-Processing in Heterogeneous Mobile Communication Networks (IWCPM) (ICC'15 - Workshops 25): Program; Committees
  • WS–26: Smart Communication Protocols and Algorithms (SCPA 2015) (ICC'15 - Workshops 26): Program; Committees
  • WS–27: Dynamic SOcial Networks (DySON) (ICC'15 - Workshops 27): Program; Committees
  • WS–28: Next Generation Green ICT (ICC'15 - Workshops 28): Program; Committees