Welcome Message from the General and Executive Chairs
On behalf of the Organising Committee, it is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2015), held in the magnificent city of London, the UK’s capital. ICC2015 will be an excellent presentation, networking and publicity event, offering the opportunity for researchers, engineers and business people to meet and exchange ideas and information. In addition to the traditional keynote, symposium, workshop, tutorial and industry forum sessions, this year we are offering a new event – Chief Technology Officer Forum - during the plenary session. Here, the future of mobile networks will be discussed. London is one of the most vibrant and exciting cities in the world and increasingly recognised as one of the world’s leading technology hubs. There really is something for everyone to enjoy here and you are bound to have a memorable stay.
We would like to thank all the members of the Organising, Technical Program and Advisory Committees, as well as the numerous reviewers, paper authors, presenters, speakers and volunteers, who have worked diligently to make this conference a great success. Last, but not least, the support of the IEEE Communications Society staff and all our patrons, exhibitors, and supporters is greatly appreciated.
We look forward to welcoming you all at the IEEE ICC2015.
Swantee Olaf

Wang Jiangzhou

University of Kent, UK