Ramon Alcarria |
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid |
Spain |
Constantinos Marios Angelopoulos |
University of Geneva |
Switzerland |
Stylianos Basagiannis |
United Technologies Research Centre |
Ireland |
Nabil Benamar |
Moulay Ismail University |
Morocco |
Ana Bernardos |
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid |
Spain |
Rahul Bhattacharyya |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Yann Bocchi |
HES-SO Valais - Wallis |
Switzerland |
Saadi Boudjit |
University of Paris 13 |
France |
Rodolfo De Paz Alberola |
United Technologies Research Centre |
Ireland |
Hervé Dedieu |
Switzerland |
Charalampos Doukas |
Italy |
Moez Esseghir |
Technology University of Troyes |
France |
Federico Facca |
Create-Net |
Italy |
Yasir Faheem |
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology |
Pakistan |
David Fernández |
University of Murcia |
Spain |
Marco Fiore |
National Research Council of Italy |
Italy |
Diego Gachet |
Universidad Europea de Madrid |
Spain |
Damianos Gavalas |
University of the Aegean |
Greece |
Dominique Genoud |
Hesso//Wallis - IIG |
Switzerland |
Yacine Ghamri-Doudane |
University of la Rochelle |
France |
Alexander Gluhak |
Intel |
United Kingdom |
Leandro Guillen |
Spain |
Isam Ishaq |
Ghent University - iMinds |
Belgium |
Wolfgang Kastner |
TU Vienna (Wien) |
Austria |
Srdjan Krco |
DunavNET |
Serbia |
Lambros Lambrinos |
Cyprus University of Technology |
Cyprus |
Rami Langar |
UPMC - University of Paris 6 |
France |
Franck Le Gall |
Easy Global Market |
France |
Chenghao Liu |
MediaTek Inc. |
Diego Lopez |
Telefonica I+D |
Spain |
Pablo López |
University of Murcia |
Spain |
Diego López-de-Ipiña |
Deusto Institute of Technology - DeustoTech, University of Deusto |
Spain |
Pedro Malo |
Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
Portugal |
Leandro Marin |
University of Murcia |
Spain |
Gregory Mermoud |
Cisco |
Florian Michahelles |
Siemens Corporation |
Enzo Mingozzi |
University of Pisa |
Italy |
Jin Mitsugi |
Keio University |
Japan |
Neeraj Mittal |
The University of Texas at Dallas |
Geoff Mulligan |
Proto6 |
Luis Muñoz |
University of Cantabria |
Spain |
Rasmus Nielsen |
Cisco Systems |
Yoshihiro Ohba |
Toshiba |
Japan |
Marcin Pawlowski |
Switzerland |
Dirk Pesch |
Cork Institute of Technology |
Ireland |
Tom Pfeifer |
Technische Universität Berlin |
Germany |
Selwyn Piramuthu |
University of Florida |
Antonio Puliafito |
University of Messina |
Italy |
Giorgio Quer |
University of California San Diego |
Shahid Raza |
Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS) Swedish ICT |
Sweden |
Herve Rivano |
Inria |
France |
Joel Rodrigues |
Instituto de Telecomunicações, University of Beira Interior |
Portugal |
Domenico Rotondi |
Italy |
Dario Russo |
CNR - National Research Council of Italy |
Italy |
Jorge Sá Silva |
University of Coimbra |
Portugal |
Sidi-Mohammed Senouci |
University of Bourgogne - ISAT Nevers |
France |
Martin Serrano |
National University of Ireland Galway - NUIG |
Ireland |
Dhananjay Singh |
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies |
Korea |
Houbing Song |
West Virginia University |
Razvan Stanica |
INSA Lyon |
France |
Joseph Teo |
Institute for Infocomm Research |
Singapore |
Milos Tesanovic |
Samsung Electronics R&D Institute UK |
United Kingdom |
Fabrice Theoleyre |
CNRS - University of Strasbourg |
France |
Ian Thomas |
Fujitsu |
United Kingdom |
Pascal Thubert |
Cisco Systems |
France |
Rolland Vida |
Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
Hungary |
Félix Villanueva |
University of Castilla-La Mancha |
Spain |
Massimo Villari |
University of Messina |
Italy |
Matthias Wählisch |
Freie Universität Berlin |
Germany |
Thomas Watteyne |
Inria |
France |
Anastasios Zafeiropoulos |
Greece |