

Time (Mauritius) Chamarel 1 Chamarel 2 Belaire Exhibition area Conference foyer Le Meridien Hotel

Sun, 7 10

14:00-17:00         Registration  
17:15-18:15           Welcome

Mon, 7 11

08:00-09:00         Registration  
09:00-09:15 Opening        
09:15-11:45 Keynote Session I        
11:45-12:45 Enhanced Heat Transfer Renewable Energy Two Phase Flow    
13:00-14:00         Lunch
14:00-14:45 Heat Exchangers Combustion, Engines and Turbomachinery I Processes    
15:15-15:45   Posters I    

Tue, 7 12

08:00-09:15         Registration  
09:15-11:00 Keynote Session II        
11:00-12:15 Natural Convection Combustion, Engines and Turbomachinery II Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer I    
12:30-13:30         Lunch
13:30-14:45 Advanced Energy and/or Environmental Systems Fluid Flow, Turbulence and Aerodynamics I Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer II    
14:45-15:00 MEMS, Nanotechnology and Fuel Cells    
15:00-15:15   Posters II    
18:00-22:00           Conference Banquet

Wed, 7 13

08:00-09:15         Registration  
09:15-11:00 Keynote Session III        
11:00-12:15 Fluid Flow, Turbulence and Aerodynamics II Power Plants, Nuclear, Boilers, Co-generation and Fluidized Beds Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer III    
12:30-13:00     Lunch
13:30-14:30       Posters III    
14:30-15:30       Posters IV    

Sun, 7 10 14:00 - 17:00


Foyer of meeting rooms: Le Meridien hotel
Room: Conference foyer

Sun, 7 10 17:15 - 18:15


Garden area
Room: Le Meridien Hotel
Chair: Josua P Meyer

Mon, 7 11 8:00 - 15:00


Foyer of meeting rooms: Le Meridien hotel
Room: Conference foyer

Mon, 7 11 9:00 - 9:15


Welcome and Introduction to the Conference
Room: Chamarel 1
Chair: Josua P Meyer

Mon, 7 11 9:15 - 11:45

Keynote Session I

Room: Chamarel 1
Chairs: Josua P Meyer, Vijaya Raghavan
The Use of Open Cell Metal Foams in Heat Exchangers: Possibilities and Limitations
Michel De Paepe, Peter De Jaeger, Henk Huisseune and Christophe T'Joen
Tea/coffee (10:00 - 10:15)
Remote Controlled Nanoparticle Heating for Biomedical Applications
Dongsheng Wen
Visualisation Strategies for Computational Thermo Fluid Dynamics
Gordon Mallinson and Stuart E Norris

Mon, 7 11 11:45 - 13:00

Enhanced Heat Transfer

Room: Chamarel 1
Chairs: Qiuwang Wang, Xiaoze Du
Heat Transfer Enhancement, Flow Visualization and Friction
Adam Stasiek, Jan Stasiek, Marcin Jewartowski and Dariusz Mikielewicz
Numerical Study of the Thermal and Hydraulic Characteristics of a Round Tube Heat Exchanger with Louvered Fins and Delta Winglets
Henk Huisseune, Peter De Jaeger, Christophe T'Joen, Bernd Ameel and Michel De Paepe
Parametric Influence of Open-Cell Metal Foam on Thermal and Hydraulic Performance
Peter De Jaeger, Christophe T'Joen, Henk Huisseune, Bernd Ameel and Michel De Paepe
Corrugated Channels Heat Transfer Efficiency Analysis Based on Velocity Fields Resulting From Computer Simulation and PIV Measurements
Tadeusz Ryszard Fodemski, Grzegorz Gorecki and Piotr Jasinski
Theoretical Validation of Test Results for the Pressure Drop Values of Circular Pins with a Maximum Length to Diameter Ratio of 3.0 Using Existing Equations and Test Data for Heat Exchanger Application
Tosha Churitter

Mon, 7 11 11:45 - 12:45

Renewable Energy

Room: Chamarel 2
Chairs: M. Masud K. Khan, Haimin Shi
Optimum Operating Conditions of the Small-Scale Open and Direct Solar Thermal Brayton Cycle At Various Steady-State Conditions
Willem Gabriel Le Roux, Tunde Bello-Ochende and Josua P Meyer
Influence of Air Flow Circulation and Absorbed Thermal Energy on Convective Heat Transfer During Operation of Mixed-Mode Solar Dryer
Subodh Kumar and Shobhana Singh
Analysis of a Multi-Megawatt Grid Connected Wind Farm
Shafiqur Rehman, Md. Mahbub Alam, Josua P Meyer and Luai Al-Hadhrami
An Overview of Solar Thermal Cracking of Natural Gas: Challenges and Solutions Towards Commercilization
Nesrin Ozalp

Mon, 7 11 11:45 - 13:00

Two Phase Flow

Room: Belaire
Chairs: Gad Hetsroni, Stephane Lips
Experimental Study of Convective Condensation of R134a in an Inclined Tube
Stephane Lips and Josua P Meyer
Study of Helically Coiled Adiabatic Capillary Tubes for Transcritical CO2 Expansion
Neeraj Agrawal and Souvik Bhattacharyya
Model of Heat Transfer in the Stagnation Point of Rapidly Evaporating Microjet
Dariusz Mikielewicz, Jaroslaw Mikielewicz, Tomasz Muszyński, Jan Wajs and Eugeniusz Ihnatowicz
Critical Heat Flux on Flow Boiling of Ethanol-water Mixtures in a Diverging Microchannel with Artificial Cavities
Meng-Shan Tsou, Ben-Ran Fu and Chin Pan
Experimental Investigation of Re-Wetting of Hot Horizontal Tubes
Mohamed S Hamed

Mon, 7 11 13:00 - 14:00


180 degree Restaurant
Room: Le Meridien Hotel

Mon, 7 11 14:00 - 15:45

Heat Exchangers

Room: Chamarel 1
Chairs: Tosha Churitter, Chin Pan
Hydrodynamic and Thermal Evaluation of Biofouling Mitigation in Plate Heat Exchangers
Sergio Leal Braga, M. N. Frota, Juan José Milón Guzmán, E. M. Ticona and J. R. C. A. Neto
Numerical Investigation of Flow Fields of Air-Cooled Condenser Cell Including Fan Blade Passages
Zhang Hui, Yue Yujin, Xiaoze Du, Lijun Yang and Yongping Yang
A Microjet Based Recuperator
Dariusz Mikielewicz, Jan Wajs, Jaroslaw Mikielewicz and Eugeniusz Ihnatowicz
Comparison of Frosting, Defrosting and Condensate Retention Characteristics of Vertical Parallel Microgrooved and Plain Brass Surfaces in Forced Convection Condition
Md. A Rahman and Anthony Jacobi
Tea/coffee (15:00 - 15:15)
Experimental Study on Condensation, Frost Formation and Condensate Retention on Microgrooved and Plain Brass Surfaces Under Natural Convection Condition
Md. A Rahman and Anthony Jacobi
Aspects of Fouling in Case of Heat Exchangers with Polluted Gas
Bohuslav Kilkovský, Vojtěch Turek, Zdeněk Jegla and Petr Stehlík

Mon, 7 11 14:00 - 14:45

Combustion, Engines and Turbomachinery I

Room: Chamarel 2
Chairs: Roger Sierens, Vijaya Raghavan
Ultra-Downsizing of Internal Combustion Engines
Victor Gheorghiu
Experimental Analysis of a Diesel Cycle Engine Using Gasoline as Fuel: HCCI Technology
Sergio Leal Braga, Juan José Milón Guzmán and Jose Alberto Aguilar Franco
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Cooling Air Flow in an Electric Generator
Pirooz Moradnia, Valery Chernoray and Håkan Nilsson

Mon, 7 11 14:00 - 16:00


Room: Belaire
Chairs: Kamelia Boodhoo, Muhammad Marsudi
Analysis of Processes in Spent Fuel Pools in Case of Loss of Heat Removal Due to Water Leakage
Algirdas Kaliatka and Eugenijus Uspuras
Study of Acoustic Emission During Tensile Test of Mild Steel Plate
Muhammad Marsudi
Optimum Heat Storage Design for Heat Integrated Multipurpose Batch Plants
Jane Stamp and Thokozani Majozi
Cavitation Processes in Binary Systems - the Effect of a Dissolved Gas on the Nucleation Rate Described by the Classical Nucleation Theory
Tomas Nĕmec and Frantisek Maršík
Tea/coffee (15:00 - 15:15)
Characterization of Heat Fluxes During Water Spray Cooling of Thick Rotating Plates
Christophe Pennel, Stéphane Decossin and Gaëlle No'osi
Industrial Heat Utilisation Through Water Management
Toshko Zhelev, Krum Semkov, Emma Mooney, Thokozani Majozi and Andrei Korobeinikov
Efficiency Augmentation of Gas Turbine Cycles
Hans Josef Dohmen, Jan Ph. Schnitzler and Friedrich Benra

Mon, 7 11 15:15 - 16:00

Posters I

Room: Exhibition area
Video Based Classification of Two Phase Flows Using Linear Discriminant Analysis and Expectation Maximization Clustering
Bernd Ameel, Kathleen De Kerpel, Hugo Canière, Henk Huisseune, Christophe T'Joen and Michel De Paepe
Pressure Drop and Flow Behaviour of Refrigerant Two Phase Flow in a Smooth Hairpin
Kathleen De Kerpel, Bernd Ameel, Hugo Canière and Michel De Paepe
Gas Heating in Plasma Microcavities: Surface Effects
Manish Jugroot
Hot-wire Anemometry Measurement of Diffusion of Air-Carbon Dioxide Admixture in Flow Over Two-Dimensional Hill
Pavel Antos, Pavel Jonáš, Oton Mazur and Vaclav Uruba
Experimental Evaluation of Gas Turbine Emissions Fueled with Biodiesel and Biodiesel-Diesel Blend
Ricardo M Ferreira, Danielle Guerra, Manoel Nogueira and Pedro Lacava

Tue, 7 12 8:00 - 15:00


Foyer of meeting rooms: Le Meridien hotel
Room: Conference foyer

Tue, 7 12 9:15 - 11:00

Keynote Session II

Room: Chamarel 1
Chairs: Patrick H Oosthuizen, Souvik Bhattacharyya
Forced Convective Heat Transfer in Novel Structured Packed Beds of Particles
Jian Yang, Jin Wang, Shanshan Bu, Min Zeng and Qiuwang Wang
Tea/coffee (10:00 - 10:15)
Two-Phase Flow Boiling in Microchannels for Cooling of Microelectronics
John Richard Thome

Tue, 7 12 11:00 - 12:30

Natural Convection

Room: Chamarel 1
Chairs: Thokozani Majozi, Mohamed S Hamed
Numerical Investigation of Flow and Heat Transfer in Closed Cavities Partially Heated From Below
Shailendra Singh
Turbulent Dispersion of Particles in a Differentially Heated Vertical Channel
Jordi Pallares and Francesc Grau
A Numerical Study of Laminar and Turbulent Natural Convective Flow Through a Vertical Symmetrically Heated Channel
Patrick H Oosthuizen
Experimental Study of Natural Convective Heat Transfer From an Inclined Isothermal Cylinder with an Exposed Top Surface Mounted on a Flat Adiabatic Base
Abdulrahim Kalendar, Patrick H Oosthuizen and Alhadhrami Abdulrahman
Laminar Free Convection Up a Vertical Porous Plate with Suction
Stuart E Norris, Joe Deans and Gordon Mallinson
The Effect of Bench Arrangements on the Indoor Climate of Naturally Ventilated Greenhouses
Sunita Kruger and Leon Pretorius

Tue, 7 12 11:00 - 12:15

Combustion, Engines and Turbomachinery II

Room: Chamarel 2
Chairs: Md. Mahbub Alam, Zeljko Bogdan
Rise Time Evaluation of the Heat Flux Microsensor (HFM) on a Hot-Air-Gun Test Rig
Joachim Demuynck, Michel De Paepe, Roger Sierens, Sebastian Verhelst and Kam S Chana
Achievements and State of the Art of Hydrogen Fuelled IC Engines After Twenty Years of Research At Ghent University
Roger Sierens, Sebastian Verhelst, Joachim Demuynck and Jeroen Vancoillie
Experience with the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) Technique for the Modelling of Premixed and Non-Premixed Combustion
Weeratunge Malalasekera, Salah Ibrahim, Assaad Masri, Sreenivasa Gubba and Suresh Sadasivuni
Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Low Calorific Fuel Combustion At Different Oxygen Content in the Oxidizer
Jan Stasiek, Jacek Baranski and Marcin Jewartowski
Development of an Experimental Model Bubbling Fluidized Bed Combustor for Combustion of Biomass
Tunde Oyelade Raji

Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer I

Room: Belaire
Chairs: Masaru Ishizuka, Gordon Mallinson
Effect of a Forced Flow on 3D Dendritic Growth in Binary Systems
Dmitri Alexandrov, Alexey Malygin and Peter Galenko
Morphological Instability of the Sea Ice - Ocean Interface in the Presence of Brine Channels in a Mushy Layer
Dmitri Alexandrov and Alexey Malygin
Complex Characterization of Cotton FabricsThermo Physiological Comfort
Jiri Militky
Interaction Between the Jet and Wakes as a Method for Passive Control of Plane Impinging Jets
Zdeněk Trávníček, Václav Tesař and Frantisek Maršík
Unsteady Incompressible Flow and Heat Transfer of Dusty Non-Ionized Fluid with Charged Suspended Particulate Matter(SPM) Between Two Infinite Parallel Plates Due to the Motion of One of Them
Ashok Misra and J. Prakash

Tue, 7 12 12:30 - 13:30


180 degree Restaurant
Room: Le Meridien Hotel

Tue, 7 12 13:30 - 15:15

Advanced Energy and/or Environmental Systems

Room: Chamarel 1
Chairs: Leon Pretorius, Nesrin Ozalp
Using Liquid Air as a Way to Store Energy
Bernd Ameel and Michel De Paepe
Synthesis and Optimization of Cooling Water Systems with Multiple Cooling Towers
Khunedi Gololo, Thokozani Majozi and Toshko Zhelev
Finite Element Modelling and Experimental Validation of Rapid Pyrolysis of Lignocellulosic Biomass
Baishali Dutta, Satyanarayan R.S. Dev, Yvan Gariépy and Vijaya Raghavan
The VHTR Simulated Gas Loops for Developing the Scale-Downed High-Temperature Components
Sung-Deok Hong and Goon-Cherl Park
Assessment of Energy Recovery From Carbonation Process Using Mass and Energy Balance
M. Masud K. Khan
Superfine Water Cleaning System with "net Zero" Power Consumption as a Renewable Power Source
Anatoly Sudarev, Vladimir Konakov, Boris Krasny, Vadim Tarasovsky and Ivan Archakov
Development & Research of Double Loop Thermosyphon Air-Air Cooler for Wind Power Generator
Guodong Lu, Haimin Shi and Jianwei Zhou

Tue, 7 12 13:30 - 15:00

Fluid Flow, Turbulence and Aerodynamics I

Room: Chamarel 2
Chairs: Masaru Ishizuka, Pirooz Moradnia
On Micropolar Fluid Flow
Jian-Jun Shu
Assessment of Gamma−Theta Transitional Model for Laminar-Turbulent Transition Prediction in Supercritical Airfoils
Ernesto Benini
Effect of Mesh Grids on the Turbulent Mixing Layer of an Axisymmetric Jet
Robert Antonia and Lyazid Djenidi
A Uniqueness Theorem in Fluid Turbulence
Trevor Moulden
Improvement of Aerodynamic Performance Using Thermal Fields of Localized Plasma Sources
Nina F. Yurchenko
Fluid Structure Interaction in Fully Collapsible Tubes
Frantisek Maršík, Hynek Chlup, Vítězslav Štembera and Jan Hemza

Tue, 7 12 13:30 - 14:45

Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer II

Room: Belaire
Chairs: Tadeusz Ryszard Fodemski, Jiri Militky
Heating System in the Ancient World: the Example of the Southwestern Balneum in Diocletian's Palace in Split
Tin Turkovic, Zeljko Bogdan and Miljenko Jurkovic
Developing New Phase Change Material Components to Improve Energy Savings and Comfort in Buildings
André Bontemps and Laurent Royon
Influence of Dissipative Entry Temperature on Laminar Heat Transfer in Thermally Developing Region of a Circular Pipe with Viscous Dissipation
M M J Kumar and Satyamurty V V
Thermodynamics of Greenhouse Systems: a New Approach Leading to New Proposals for Sustainable Production
Filip Bronchart, Michel De Paepe, Jo Dewulf, Eddie Schrevens and Peter Demeyer
Modelling Heat and Moisture Transport in Porous Materials with CFD for Building Applications
Marnix Van Belleghem, Bernd Ameel, Arnold Janssens and Michel De Paepe

Tue, 7 12 14:45 - 16:00

MEMS, Nanotechnology and Fuel Cells

Room: Belaire
Chairs: Manish Jugroot, Frantisek Maršík
Numerical Study of Effect of Design and Physical Parameters on a PEM Fuel Cell Performance
Surajudeen Obayopo, Tunde Bello-Ochende and Josua P Meyer
Tea/coffee (15:00 - 15:15)
Electrospinning of PVB Solutions - Influence of Electrorheological Behaviour
Petr Filip
Heat Transfer Coefficient and Viscosity of Alumina-water Nanofluids
Mohamed S Hamed
Heat and Water Management
Ivan Verhaert, Michel De Paepe, Grietus Mulder, Sebastian Verhelst and Griet Janssen

Tue, 7 12 15:00 - 16:00

Posters II

Room: Exhibition area
Flow Boiling of Ethanol in Small Diameter Tubes
Dariusz Mikielewicz, Michal Gliński, Jan Wajs and Abdul-Baset Zrooga
Comparative Study of Flow Condensation in Conventional and Small Diameter Tubes
Dariusz Mikielewicz and Rafal Andrzejczyk
Influence of Surface Emissivity and of Low Emissivity Shields on the Thermal Properties of Low Density Insulating Materials
Manuela Campanale, Mariacarla Arduini and Lorenzo Moro
Implementation of a 3D Solver for Electric Arc Welding, Coupling Fluid Mechanics with Electromagnetics
Håkan Nilsson and Pirooz Moradnia
Experimental Evaluation of Thermal Properties of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete At High Temperature
Cesare Bonacina, Manuela Campanale, Marta Deganello and Lorenzo Moro

Tue, 7 12 18:00 - 22:00

Conference Banquet

On the beach (18:00 - 22:00)
Room: Le Meridien Hotel

Wed, 7 13 8:00 - 13:00


Foyer of meeting rooms: Le Meridien hotel
Room: Conference foyer

Wed, 7 13 9:15 - 11:00

Keynote Session III

Room: Chamarel 1
Chairs: Trevor Moulden, Souvik Bhattacharyya
Heat Rejection in Condensers Close to Critical Point - Desuperheating, Condensation in Superheated Region and Condensation of Two Phase Fluid -
TC Chair
Tea/coffee (10:00 - 10:15)
Fluid Dynamics Around Twin Cylinders and Interactions
Md. Mahbub Alam and Josua P Meyer

Wed, 7 13 11:00 - 13:15

Fluid Flow, Turbulence and Aerodynamics II

Room: Chamarel 1
Chairs: Nina F. Yurchenko, Jian-Jun Shu
Comparison of Mesh Adaptation Techniques for High-Speed Compressible Flow Problems the Scramjet Testcase for the Euler Equations
Eric Schall
Integral Length Scales in Vegetated Open Channel Flows
Paola Gualtieri, Sergio De Felice, Federico Dell'Orfano and Guelfo Pulci Doria
Analysis of Secondary Flow Characteristics and Hydrodynamic Instability in Fluid Flow Through Curved Ducts
Tilak T Chandratilleke, Nima Nadim and Ramesh Narayanaswamy
Double-Diffusive Natural Convection Within a 3D Porous Enclosure, Using the Boundary Element Method
Janja Kramer, Renata Jecl, Jure Ravnik and Leopold Škerget
Detection Problems of Vortical Structures
Vaclav Kolar
Secondary Flow in Semi-Circular Ducts
Sofia Larsson, Elianne Lindmark, Staffan Lundström and Graham Nathan
Measurements for Flow Resistance Coefficient Values of Perforated Plates in Natural Air Convection Flows
Masaru Ishizuka and Tomoyuki Hatakeyama
Thermographic Analysis of Thin Liquid Films on a Rotating Disc: Approach and Challenges
Dena Ghiasy, Kamelia Boodhoo and Ming Tham
Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Flows with Strong Shocks Using Adaptive Unstructured Meshes
Dario Isola

Power Plants, Nuclear, Boilers, Co-generation and Fluidized Beds

Room: Chamarel 2
Chairs: Lijun Yang, Jan Hemza
Effect of the Flow Leading Slats Obliquity on the Thermal Performance of Air-Cooled Condensers in a Power Plant
Lijun Yang, Xiaoze Du and Yongping Yang
Effects of Magnetic Fields on the Improving Mass Transfer in Flue Gas Desulfurization with a Fluidized Bed
Keting Gui
Determination of Industrial Boiler Temperature Profile for Oil and Gas Fuels
Salamah S. Al-Anizi
Analysis of Reheater Size Impact on Power Plant Performance
Zeljko Bogdan
Organic Rankine Cycle as Efficient Alternative to Steam Cycle for Small Scale Power Generation
Ignace Vankeirsbilck, Bruno Vanslambrouck, Sergei Gusev and Michel De Paepe
LIVE Experiments on Melt Behavior in the Reactor Pressure Vessel Lower Head
Alexei Miassoedov, Thomas Cron, Xiaoyang Gaus-Liu, Alexander Palagin, Silke Schmidt-Stiefel and Thomas Wenz
Thermal Characteristics of Container for On-site Irradiated Nuclear Fuel Transportation
Sigitas Rimkevicius, Eugenijus Uspuras, Aurimas Tonkunas and Darius Laurinavicius
Feasibility and Primary Energy Savings of Absorption Chillers for Data Centers, Both Direct Fired and in Trigeneration
Wim Vansteenkiste, Kathleen De Kerpel, Marnix Van Belleghem and Michel De Paepe
Steam System Synthesis Using Process Integration Techniques: a Graphical Approach for Multiple Steam Levels
Sheldon G Beangstrom, Thokozani Majozi and Toshko Zhelev

Wed, 7 13 11:00 - 12:15

Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer III

Room: Belaire
Chairs: Vijaya Raghavan, Stephane Lips
Experimental Analysis and Numeric Simulation of Steady State Flow Forces on Valves of Mechatronic Pressure Regulators for Natural Gas Powered Combustion Engines
Dirk H. Hübner, Christian Klein and Harald Ortwig
Evaluation of the Climate for Conservation of the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb in the St. Bavo Cathedral in Ghent
Lien Backer, Michel De Paepe, Arnold Janssens and Kathleen De Kerpel
Geometric Optimisation of Forced Convection in a Vascularised Material
Olabode T Olakoyejo, Tunde Bello-Ochende and Josua P Meyer
Heat Transfer Coefficients for Laminar to Turbulent Flow in Tubes At Constant Heat Flux
Melissa Hallquist and Josua P Meyer
Numerical Study on CO2 Absorption Efficiency by Using Aqueous Monoethanolamine Solution in CO2 Absorber Column
Sungmin Shim, Jung-Gil Lee and Woo-Seung Kim

Wed, 7 13 12:30 - 13:30


180 degree Restaurant
Room: Le Meridien Hotel

Wed, 7 13 13:30 - 14:30

Posters III

Room: Exhibition area
Large-Eddy Simulations of Mixing Hot and Cold Fluids in Tee Junctions with/without Sintered Porous Medium for Various Temperature Differences
Tao Lu, Y. W. Wang and K. S. Wang
Bundle and Annulus CHF Correlations Applicable for Near Critical Pressure Region
Sung-Deok Hong and Goon-Cherl Park
Post Combustion Carbon Capture and Storage in Existing Coal Power Plant: Importance and Recent Development
M. Masud K. Khan

Wed, 7 13 14:30 - 15:30

Posters IV

Room: Exhibition area
The Helmholtz Free Energy of Pure Substances and Fluid Mixtures
Paul Papatzacos
Thermo-economic Analysis of Porous Building Materials with Admixtures
Ola Kamiyo, Edward Okeke and Tosin Salako
Design and Simulation of a Solar Assisted Desiccant-Based Air Handling Unit
Giovanni Angrisani, Maurizio Sasso, Carlo Roselli and Carlo Stellato

Conference Banquet with music band and 45 min sega show which is a dance invented by mauritians of african origin. It has become synonymous with «joie de vivre». The sega, its music and dance form, is specific to Mauritius. The sega, mainly based on African music originating with slaves, is nowadays played with modern instruments and features contemporary musical influences. (at the Le Meridien Hotel)