We are pleased to announce that Dr. Mica Endsley will present a keynote address on Situation Awareness & Automation: The Boeing 737-Max8 .
Registration is now open.
Registration fees and info are available here
Author registration deadline is March 31 Please register here
New Conference Dates: May 14-22, 2021.
Mar 26: Prof. Peeter Lorents will instruct a tutorial on The journey from Similar to Plausible Situations: Human and Mathematical Aspects.
Feb 22: Dr. Gabriel Jakobson (CyberGem Consulting, USA) will instruct a tutorial on Introduction to Mission-Centric Cyber Security Situation Management.
Jan 7: Prof. Katia Sycara (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) will present a keynote address.
Nov 19: Dr. William D. Casebeer (Riverside Research’s Open Innovation Center, USA) will present a keynote address on Human-Machine Teaming: Evolution or Revolution, and the Ethical Dimensions of Cyborgs.
Nov 16: Deadline Extension: Paper submissions are due Jan 11, 2021.
Nov 16: Prof. Susan Stepney (University of York, UK) will present a keynote address on Computation as a dynamical system.
Nov 02: Prof. Ann Bisantz (University at Buffalo, USA) and Dr. Emilie Roth (Roth Cognitive Engineering, USA) will instruct a tutorial on Getting Support Right: User and Use System Testing using a Work-centered Approach.
Oct 21: Prof. William Lawless (Paine College, USA) will instruct a tutorial on Interdependence and vulnerability in systems: Applying theory to define situations for autonomous systems.
Sep 24: The IEEE CogSIMA official website is online!