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Other reviewers

Technical Program Committee

Francesco Amato ITIS Galileo Galilei Roma Italy
Sara Amendola University of Rome Tor Vergata & Radio6ense srl Italy
Daniel Arnitz ThruWave, Inc. USA
Nicolas Barbot University Grenoble Alpes & Grenoble INP France
Rahul Bhattacharyya Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA
Aggelos Bletsas Technical University of Crete Greece
Alice Buffi University of Pisa Italy
Luca Catarinucci University of Salento Italy
Francesco P Chietera Polytechnic of Bari Italy
Riccardo Colella CNR Italy
Filippo Costa University of Pisa Italy
Senthilkumar CP Auburn University USA
Michael J Crisp University of Cambridge United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Luca Davoli University of Parma Italy
Alessandro Di Carlofelice University of L'Aquila Italy
Antonis G Dimitriou Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece
Gregory Durgin Georgia Tech USA
Aline Eid University of Michigan, Ann Arbor USA
Khaled ElMahgoub Tufts University USA
Joshua Ensworth Impinj USA
Gayle Goldner Goldner Management USA
Jasmin Grosinger Graz University of Technology Austria
Jeremy Gummeson University of Massachusetts Amherst USA
Peter J. Hawrylak University of Tulsa USA
Stephen Ho Auto-ID Labs, MIT USA
Sai Nithin Reddy Kantareddy Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA
Yuusuke Kawakita Kanagawa Institute of Technology Japan
Hsin-Chin Liu National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taiwan
Hessam Mahdavifar Northeastern USA
Gaetano Marrocco University of Rome Tor Vergata Italy
Ultan McCarthy Waterford Institute of Technology Ireland
Florian Michahelles TU Wien & Artifact-based Design and User Research Austria
Jin Mitsugi Keio University Japan
Andrea Motroni University of Pisa Italy
Tu N. Nguyen Kennesaw State University USA
Pavel Nikitin Impinj USA
Miguel L Pardal Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa & MIT Portugal
Josef Preishuber-Pfluegl innobir e. U Austria
Cheng Qi Cognosos, Inc. USA
Damith C. Ranasinghe The University of Adelaide Australia
James Rosenthal CSEM Switzerland
Alanson Sample University of Michigan USA
Yasser M Seddiq King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) Saudi Arabia
Wei Sun Wichita State University USA
Dajiang Suo Arizona State University USA
Stewart Thomas Bucknell University USA
Dieter Uckelmann HFT Stuttgart Germany
Jukka Voutilainen Voyantic Finland
Lei Xie Nanjing University China
Kasim Sinan Yildirim University of Trento Italy