Chair's Welcome
Dear colleagues,
HealthCom is the flagship conference of the IEEE Communications Society. The conference is now going into its 18th year and is well known in the health and information communication technology domain. As General Chair of IEEE HealthCom 2016 I would like to welcome you on behalf of IEEE and the members of our society to this years event in the beautiful and inspiring city of Munich.
Munich is well known for its architectures, its flair and tradition but also for being one of Europe's prime technology hubs. What better to place to connect what we know with what is likely to be in the cards for the future. The healthcare domain is in a transiting process from hospital based, expert focused domain towards a distributed patient centric care model. New individualised approaches mean that increasing amounts of data have to be shifted in real time. Moreover, in the future we will see more software being transported to data to become more effective and efficient. New, 5th generation mobile network technologies will enable the Internet of Things thus empower patients and formal and informal carers and their mobile technology. Cyber-physical systems will emerge and allow for Health 4.0 scenarios to take shape and lead the way towards smart pharmaceuticals, hyper-connected smart devices and automated, real time supply chain management. IEEE HealthCom 2016 will encourage researchers to go beyond the well known and the anticipated.
Let me close this welcome note with a word from French author and philosopher Antoine de Saint-Excupéry:
"As for the future your task is not to foresee, but to enable it"
I am wishing you all a successful and inspiring event and I am looking forward to meeting you in Munich.
Professor Christoph Thuemmler, PhD
IEEE Senior Member
The conference organisers would like to thank the conference patrons:
Platinum Patron

Gold Patron

Silver Patron