Author |
Session |
Start page |
Title |
A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Abbas, Haider |
Workshop: SPAIMEH & ReHIS.2 |
24 |
Survey on Cybersecurity Issues in Wireless Mesh Networks Based eHealthcare |
Abomhara, Mohamed |
GP00.2 |
239 |
UML/OCL-based Modeling of Work-Based Access Control Policies for Collaborative Healthcare Systems |
Abouchi, Nacer |
GP01-c.1 |
378 |
A Data Fusion System to Study Synchronization in Social Activities |
Abraham, Susanne |
GP05-c.1 |
430 |
Application of Recommender System Methods for Therapy Decision Support |
Ackermann, Pascal |
GP02-a.2 |
159 |
EEG-based Automatic Emotion Recognition: Feature Extraction, Selection and Classification Methods |
Ahamed, Sheikh |
GP02-a.1 |
153 |
An Approach to Localization in Crowded Area |
Ahn, Yonghee |
GP04-b.4 |
620 |
A Framework for Modularised Wearable Adaptive Biofeedback Devices |
Ahsan, Golam Mushih Tanimul |
GP02-a.1 |
153 |
An Approach to Localization in Crowded Area |
Ajigboye, Olamidipupo |
GP04-b.1 |
602 |
Towards Semantics in Wearable Sensors: The Role of Transducers Electronic Data Sheets (TEDS) Ontology in Sensor Networks |
Al Assaad, Hiba |
GP01-c.3 |
388 |
Sway Analysis and Fall Prediction Method Based on Spatio-Temporal Sliding Window Technique |
Al-Madani, Osama |
GP02-c.1 |
406 |
ParkNosis: Diagnosing Parkinson's Disease Using Mobile Phones |
Alasti, Mehdi |
GP04-b.2 |
608 |
A Queue-Size & Channel Quality Based Adaptation of the Energy Detection Threshold in IEEE802.15.6 CSMA/CA |
Alawieh, Hussein |
GP05-b.1 |
295 |
Patient-Aware Adaptive Ngram-based Algorithm for Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using EEG Signals |
Alhonnoro, Tuomas |
GP12-b.4 |
590 |
Accessing Image Resolution and Frame Rate Effects in Radiology From a Human and a Machine Point of View |
Ali, Mohamad |
GP04-a.1 |
496 |
Distributed Scheme for Interference Mitigation of WBANs Using Predictable Channel Hopping |
Almeida, Eduardo |
GP12-b.5 |
596 |
Integrating Multiple Data Sources in a Cardiology Imaging Laboratory |
Almuhtadi, Jalal |
Workshop: SPAIMEH & ReHIS.2 |
24 |
Survey on Cybersecurity Issues in Wireless Mesh Networks Based eHealthcare |
GP11.3 |
562 |
U-Prove Based Security Framework for Mobile Device Authentication in eHealth Networks |
Aloul, Fadi |
GP02-b.6 |
289 |
Emotion Recognition Using Mobile Phones |
GP02-c.1 |
406 |
ParkNosis: Diagnosing Parkinson's Disease Using Mobile Phones |
Alves, André |
GP12-a.4 |
366 |
Assessing the Relational Database Model for Optimization of Content Discovery Services in Medical Imaging Repositories |
Amoud, Hassan |
GP05-b.2 |
301 |
Data Fusion for Predicting ARDS Using the MIMIC II Physiological Database |
Andrès, Emmanuel |
GP01-c.3 |
388 |
Sway Analysis and Fall Prediction Method Based on Spatio-Temporal Sliding Window Technique |
Antkowiak, Daniela |
GP07.1 |
523 |
Language Therapy of Aphasia Supported by Augmented Reality Applications |
Arai, Kohei |
GP02-a.4 |
171 |
Analysis of Thigh Cross-sectional Proportion Using the Portable Ultrasound Imaging System |
Arif, Muhammad |
GP02-a.1 |
153 |
An Approach to Localization in Crowded Area |
Arkenbout, Ewout |
Workshop: iOR.4 |
Activation Patterns in Electrosurgery by Experts and Residents |
Armitage, Grenville |
GP03.2 |
123 |
Potential Redundant Link Fail-over Strategies for Uptime-sensitive Medical Telemetry Applications |
Arslan, Huseyin |
GP08.3 |
636 |
Reliable Listen-Before-Talk Mechanism for Medical Implant Communication Systems |
B A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Bachiri, Mariam |
GP06-c.4 |
466 |
Experiment Design of Free Pregnancy Monitoring mPHRs Quality Evaluation |
Badea, Mihai-Sorin |
GP02-a.5 |
177 |
Severe Burns Assessment by Joint Color-Thermal Imagery and Ensemble Methods |
Badoiu, Silviu |
GP02-a.5 |
177 |
Severe Burns Assessment by Joint Color-Thermal Imagery and Ensemble Methods |
Bagot, Mathieu |
GP03.3 |
129 |
A Flexible Architecture for Mobile Health Monitoring |
Bakirtzis, Christos |
Workshop: Health 4.0 and the Power of Big Data.1 |
100 |
Health 4.0: The Case of Multiple Sclerosis |
Balasubramaniam, Sasitharan |
GP08.4 |
640 |
Wireless Optogenetic Neural Dust for Deep Brain Stimulation |
Balfas, Mohammed |
GP02-a.1 |
153 |
An Approach to Localization in Crowded Area |
Baly, Fady |
GP10.4 |
658 |
Dynamic EEG Compression Approach with Optimized Distortion Level for Mobile Health Solutions |
Baras, Karolina |
GP07.2 |
529 |
PhysioVR A Novel Mobile Virtual Reality Framework for Physiological Computing |
Barbi, Martina |
GP04-b.2 |
608 |
A Queue-Size & Channel Quality Based Adaptation of the Energy Detection Threshold in IEEE802.15.6 CSMA/CA |
Barreto, Raimundo |
Workshop: SCH'16.2 |
5 |
UbMed: A Ubiquitous System for Monitoring Medication Adherence |
Barreto, Raimundo |
Workshop: SCH'16.3 |
9 |
On the Use of Inertial Sensors and Machine Learning for Automatic Recognition of Fainting and Epileptic Seizure |
Barthod, Christine |
GP07.4 |
541 |
Ergonomic Surgical Practice Analysed Through sEMG Monitoring of Muscular Activity |
Bastião Silva, Luís |
GP12-b.5 |
596 |
Integrating Multiple Data Sources in a Cardiology Imaging Laboratory |
Bastos, Teodiano |
Workshop: SCH'16.1 |
1 |
Virtual and Augmented Reality Environment for Remote Training of Wheelchairs Users - Social, Mobile, and Wearable Technologies Applied to Rehabilitation |
Bazzani, Marco |
GP06-c.1 |
454 |
Midwifery E-Health:From Design to Validation of "Mammastyle - Gravidanza Fisiologica" |
Beckert, Stefanie |
GP05-c.1 |
430 |
Application of Recommender System Methods for Therapy Decision Support |
Belli, Alberto |
GP03.5 |
141 |
An Innovative WebRTC Solution for e-Health Services |
Ben Lazrag, Mehdi |
GP00.2 |
239 |
UML/OCL-based Modeling of Work-Based Access Control Policies for Collaborative Healthcare Systems |
Ben Salah, Ihsen |
Workshop: SSH.9 |
91 |
A Non Invasive and Intelligent Method for Cardiovascular Parameters Tele-Monitoring |
Ben Salah, Ridha |
Workshop: SSH.9 |
91 |
A Non Invasive and Intelligent Method for Cardiovascular Parameters Tele-Monitoring |
Bentes, Larissa |
Workshop: SCH'16.3 |
9 |
On the Use of Inertial Sensors and Machine Learning for Automatic Recognition of Fainting and Epileptic Seizure |
Bera, Delphine |
GP07.5 |
547 |
Is There a Relationship Between Frailty Indices and Balance Assessment in Older People |
Berenguer, Marc |
GP01-b.5 |
273 |
Building a Spatial-Temporal Index to Detect the Global Pattern Deviations in Daily Activities of Elderly Subjects |
Bieck, Richard |
Workshop: iOR.2 |
15 |
A Concept for Consistent and Prioritized Presentation of Surgical Information |
Bitsch, Jó Ágila |
GP02-a.2 |
159 |
EEG-based Automatic Emotion Recognition: Feature Extraction, Selection and Classification Methods |
Björkman, Mats |
GP04-b.3 |
614 |
SDN-TAP: An SDN-based Traffic Aware Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks |
Bokor, Laszlo |
Workshop: SSH.10 |
95 |
Performance Evaluation of Mobile Medical Multimedia Transmission Over ITS GeoNetworking Protocol |
Bolic, Miodrag |
GP03.6 |
147 |
Time-Frequency Based Contactless Estimation of Vital Signs of Human While Walking Using PMCW Radar |
Bourhis, Guy |
Workshop: SCH'16.1 |
1 |
Virtual and Augmented Reality Environment for Remote Training of Wheelchairs Users - Social, Mobile, and Wearable Technologies Applied to Rehabilitation |
Bouzid, Marie-Jeanne |
GP01-b.5 |
273 |
Building a Spatial-Temporal Index to Detect the Global Pattern Deviations in Daily Activities of Elderly Subjects |
Brzostowski, Krzysztof |
Workshop: SSH.3 |
60 |
An Algorithm for Estimating Baseline Wander Based on Nonlinear Signal Processing |
Buchanan, William |
GP10.5 |
663 |
HI-risk: A Method to Analyse Health Information Risk Intelligence |
Bumgardner, Cody |
GP10.3 |
652 |
Constellation: A Secure Self-Optimizing Framework for Genomic Processing |
Buttelli, Olivier |
Workshop: SSH.4 |
65 |
Muscular Activation Intervals Detection Using Gaussian Mixture Model GMM Applied to sEMG Signals |
C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Cardoso, Nuno |
GP01-b.3 |
261 |
Smartphone-based Transport Mode Detection for Elderly Care |
Carrier, Julie |
GP02-b.3 |
283 |
Internet of Things in Sleep Monitoring: An Application for Posture Recognition Using Supervised Learning |
Chabchoub, Souhir |
Workshop: SSH.9 |
91 |
A Non Invasive and Intelligent Method for Cardiovascular Parameters Tele-Monitoring |
Chaccour, Kabalan |
GP01-c.3 |
388 |
Sway Analysis and Fall Prediction Method Based on Spatio-Temporal Sliding Window Technique |
Channappayya, Sumohana |
GP12-a.1 |
349 |
A Simple and Accurate Matrix for Model Based Photoacoustic Imaging |
Chapa Martell, Mario Alberto |
Workshop: SSH.6 |
76 |
Nurturing Wearable and mHealth Technologies for Self-Care: Mindset, Tool Set and Skill Set |
Chehab, Karim |
GP02-c.1 |
406 |
ParkNosis: Diagnosing Parkinson's Disease Using Mobile Phones |
Chen, Chang Wen |
GP04-a.3 |
508 |
Buffer-aware and QoS-effective Resource Allocation Scheme in WBANs |
Chen, Qi |
GP06-a.1 |
205 |
A Mobile Health Solution for Chronic Disease Management At Retail Pharmacy |
Chen, Qingchao |
GP01-a.2 |
216 |
Activity Recognition Based on Micro-Doppler Signature with In-Home Wi-Fi |
Cheng, Claire Wan-Chiung |
GP11.2 |
557 |
Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Medical Imaging: Review of Legal Barriers to Entry for the Commercial Systems |
Chetty, Kevin |
GP01-a.2 |
216 |
Activity Recognition Based on Micro-Doppler Signature with In-Home Wi-Fi |
Chew, Effie |
GP06-b.3 |
333 |
Towards Rehabilitative E-health by Introducing a New Automatic Scoring System |
Chkeir, Aly |
GP05-b.2 |
301 |
Data Fusion for Predicting ARDS Using the MIMIC II Physiological Database |
GP07.5 |
547 |
Is There a Relationship Between Frailty Indices and Balance Assessment in Older People |
Ciszek, Robert |
GP01-b.1 |
249 |
System Architecture of Customized Intelligent Lighting Control and Indoor Environment Monitoring System for Persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia |
Collart, Michèlle |
GP07.5 |
547 |
Is There a Relationship Between Frailty Indices and Balance Assessment in Older People |
Conradt, Jörg |
GP01-a.4 |
228 |
A Mobility Device for the Blind with Improved Vertical Resolution Using Dynamic Vision Sensors |
Corbett, Duane |
GP06-b.4 |
339 |
ROAMM: A Software Infrastructure for Real-time Monitoring of Personal Health |
Costa, Carlos |
GP12-a.4 |
366 |
Assessing the Relational Database Model for Optimization of Content Discovery Services in Medical Imaging Repositories |
GP12-b.5 |
596 |
Integrating Multiple Data Sources in a Cardiology Imaging Laboratory |
Craddock, Ian |
GP01-a.3 |
222 |
Opportunistic Physical Activity Monitoring Via Passive WiFi Radar |
Cruz, Anderson |
Workshop: SCH'16.3 |
9 |
On the Use of Inertial Sensors and Machine Learning for Automatic Recognition of Fainting and Epileptic Seizure |
D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Danas, Kostas |
Workshop: Health 4.0 and the Power of Big Data.1 |
100 |
Health 4.0: The Case of Multiple Sclerosis |
GP05-a.1 |
182 |
CorporateMeasures: A Clinical Analytics Framework Leading to Clinical Intelligence |
GP05-a.4 |
200 |
"OntoDrive" A Multi-Methodological Ontology Driven Framework for Systems Analysis of Health Informatics |
GP04-b.1 |
602 |
Towards Semantics in Wearable Sensors: The Role of Transducers Electronic Data Sheets (TEDS) Ontology in Sensor Networks |
Dankelman, Jenny |
Workshop: iOR.4 |
Activation Patterns in Electrosurgery by Experts and Residents |
Dantanarayana, Gilmini |
Workshop: SPAIMEH & ReHIS.4 |
37 |
Metrics for eHealth Services Improvement |
Darazi, Rony |
GP01-c.3 |
388 |
Sway Analysis and Fall Prediction Method Based on Spatio-Temporal Sliding Window Technique |
Davoudi, Anis |
GP06-b.4 |
339 |
ROAMM: A Software Infrastructure for Real-time Monitoring of Personal Health |
Dawy, Zaher |
GP05-b.1 |
295 |
Patient-Aware Adaptive Ngram-based Algorithm for Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using EEG Signals |
GP10.4 |
658 |
Dynamic EEG Compression Approach with Optimized Distortion Level for Mobile Health Solutions |
De Falco, Ivanoe |
Workshop: SSH.2 |
55 |
Easy Fall Risk Assessment by Estimating the Mini-BES Test Score |
de la Torre, Isabel |
GP05-c.5 |
448 |
Evaluating the QoE of a Mobile DSS for Diagnosis of Red Eye Diseases by Medical Students |
De Pietro, Giuseppe |
Workshop: SSH.2 |
55 |
Easy Fall Risk Assessment by Estimating the Mini-BES Test Score |
Delcher, Chris |
GP05-a.2 |
188 |
Predicting 30-Day All-Cause Readmissions From Hospital Inpatient Discharge Data |
Derhab, Abdelouahid |
Workshop: SPAIMEH & ReHIS.2 |
24 |
Survey on Cybersecurity Issues in Wireless Mesh Networks Based eHealthcare |
Desai, Uday |
GP02-c.2 |
412 |
Smartphone Based Automatic Abnormality Detection of Kidney in Ultrasound Images |
Di Simone, Gabriele |
GP01-b.4 |
267 |
Wireless Indoor Low Power Tracking System for Elderly People Assistance in an Urban Environment |
Dinis, Hugo |
GP08.2 |
630 |
Implantable Microdevice with Integrated Wireless Power Transfer for Thermal Neuromodulation Applications |
Do, Duc |
GP02-a.1 |
153 |
An Approach to Localization in Crowded Area |
Doha, Safieddine1 |
GP07.5 |
547 |
Is There a Relationship Between Frailty Indices and Balance Assessment in Older People |
Drame, Moustapha |
GP07.5 |
547 |
Is There a Relationship Between Frailty Indices and Balance Assessment in Older People |
Duchêne, Jacques |
GP05-b.2 |
301 |
Data Fusion for Predicting ARDS Using the MIMIC II Physiological Database |
GP07.5 |
547 |
Is There a Relationship Between Frailty Indices and Balance Assessment in Older People |
Dufaug, Amandine |
GP07.4 |
541 |
Ergonomic Surgical Practice Analysed Through sEMG Monitoring of Muscular Activity |
Durmaz Incel, Ozlem |
Workshop: ETPHA.2 |
111 |
A Hierarchical Lazy Smoking Detection Algorithm Using Smartwatch Sensors |
E A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
El-Hajj, Ahmad |
GP05-b.1 |
295 |
Patient-Aware Adaptive Ngram-based Algorithm for Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using EEG Signals |
GP10.4 |
658 |
Dynamic EEG Compression Approach with Optimized Distortion Level for Mobile Health Solutions |
Elkhorazaty, Youssef |
GP02-b.6 |
289 |
Emotion Recognition Using Mobile Phones |
Ellerweg, Roland |
GP12-b.2 |
579 |
Architecture of a Web-Based DICOM Viewer Showing Segmentations and Simulations |
GP12-b.4 |
590 |
Accessing Image Resolution and Frame Rate Effects in Radiology From a Human and a Machine Point of View |
Espírito Santo, António |
GP01-b.4 |
267 |
Wireless Indoor Low Power Tracking System for Elderly People Assistance in an Urban Environment |
Essafi, Sarra |
GP04-a.2 |
502 |
Performance Improvement of the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) Under Interferences |
GP04-a.4 |
514 |
Performance Improvement of the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) |
Everding, Lukas |
GP01-a.4 |
228 |
A Mobility Device for the Blind with Improved Vertical Resolution Using Dynamic Vision Sensors |
Ezzedine, Tahar |
GP04-a.2 |
502 |
Performance Improvement of the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) Under Interferences |
GP04-a.4 |
514 |
Performance Improvement of the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) |
F A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Falas, Łukasz |
Workshop: SSH.7 |
81 |
IoT Modelling and Runtime Suite for e-Health |
Fan, Qingxia |
GP12-b.3 |
584 |
Generic Features for Fundus Image Quality Evaluation |
Fawal, Ziad |
GP05-b.2 |
301 |
Data Fusion for Predicting ARDS Using the MIMIC II Physiological Database |
Feng, Chu |
GP06-a.1 |
205 |
A Mobile Health Solution for Chronic Disease Management At Retail Pharmacy |
Fernandes, José |
GP08.2 |
630 |
Implantable Microdevice with Integrated Wireless Power Transfer for Thermal Neuromodulation Applications |
Fernández-Alemán, José Luis |
GP06-c.4 |
466 |
Experiment Design of Free Pregnancy Monitoring mPHRs Quality Evaluation |
Fidge, Colin |
Workshop: SPAIMEH & ReHIS.5 |
43 |
Anatomy of Log Files: Implications for Information Accountability Measures |
Florea, Corneliu |
GP02-a.5 |
177 |
Severe Burns Assessment by Joint Color-Thermal Imagery and Ensemble Methods |
Florea, Laura |
GP02-a.5 |
177 |
Severe Burns Assessment by Joint Color-Thermal Imagery and Ensemble Methods |
Forestier, Nicolas |
GP07.4 |
541 |
Ergonomic Surgical Practice Analysed Through sEMG Monitoring of Muscular Activity |
Fotouhi, Hossein |
GP04-b.3 |
614 |
SDN-TAP: An SDN-based Traffic Aware Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks |
Franke, Stefan |
Workshop: iOR.2 |
15 |
A Concept for Consistent and Prioritized Presentation of Surgical Information |
Fukuda, Osamu |
GP02-a.4 |
171 |
Analysis of Thigh Cross-sectional Proportion Using the Portable Ultrasound Imaging System |
Fukumoto, Kiyotaka |
GP02-a.4 |
171 |
Analysis of Thigh Cross-sectional Proportion Using the Portable Ultrasound Imaging System |
G A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Gani, Md Osman |
GP02-a.1 |
153 |
An Approach to Localization in Crowded Area |
Garcia, Nuno |
GP02-b.2 |
277 |
Sleep Apnea Detection Using a Feed-Forward Neural Network on ECG Signal |
Gardiyawasam Pussewalage, Harsha |
GP11.1 |
551 |
An Attribute Based Access Control Scheme for Secure Sharing of Electronic Health Records |
Gawanmeh, Amjad |
Workshop: SPAIMEH & ReHIS.2 |
24 |
Survey on Cybersecurity Issues in Wireless Mesh Networks Based eHealthcare |
Ghaderi, Viviane |
GP01-a.4 |
228 |
A Mobility Device for the Blind with Improved Vertical Resolution Using Dynamic Vision Sensors |
Gogitidze, Teimuraz |
Workshop: SSH.1 |
49 |
e-Health/m-Health Services for Dermatology Outpatients Screening for Skin Cancer and Follow-up |
Goncalves, Luis |
GP08.2 |
630 |
Implantable Microdevice with Integrated Wireless Power Transfer for Thermal Neuromodulation Applications |
Goujon, Laurent |
GP07.4 |
541 |
Ergonomic Surgical Practice Analysed Through sEMG Monitoring of Muscular Activity |
Gräßer, Felix |
GP05-c.1 |
430 |
Application of Recommender System Methods for Therapy Decision Support |
Grigoriadis, Nikolaos |
Workshop: Health 4.0 and the Power of Big Data.1 |
100 |
Health 4.0: The Case of Multiple Sclerosis |
Gronotte, Philipp |
GP06-b.1 |
323 |
Still in Flow - Long-term Usage of an Activity Motivating App for Seniors |
Grønli, Tor-Morten |
GP05-c.3 |
442 |
Big Social Data Analytics for Public Health: Facebook Engagement and Performance |
Gu, Irene Y. H. |
GP01-c.2 |
382 |
Exploiting Riemannian Manifolds for Daily Activity Classification in Video Towards Health Care |
Guédon, Annetje |
Workshop: iOR.4 |
Activation Patterns in Electrosurgery by Experts and Residents |
Guidec, Frédéric |
GP03.3 |
129 |
A Flexible Architecture for Mobile Health Monitoring |
H A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Hadidi, Tareq |
Workshop: SSH.9 |
91 |
A Non Invasive and Intelligent Method for Cardiovascular Parameters Tele-Monitoring |
Hadjem, Medina |
GP02-c.3 |
418 |
ST-segment and T-wave Anomalies Prediction in ECG Data Using RUSBoost |
Hafeez, Syed |
GP06-c.2 |
460 |
Wireless Solution to Prevent Decubitus Ulcers: Preventive Weight Shifting Guide, Monitor, and Tracker App for Wheel Chair Users with Spinal Cord Injuries (Phase II)* |
Haidar, Mortada |
GP05-b.1 |
295 |
Patient-Aware Adaptive Ngram-based Algorithm for Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using EEG Signals |
Hajjam, Amir |
GP01-c.3 |
388 |
Sway Analysis and Fall Prediction Method Based on Spatio-Temporal Sliding Window Technique |
Halder, Luca |
GP06-b.1 |
323 |
Still in Flow - Long-term Usage of an Activity Motivating App for Seniors |
Hallikainen, Ilona |
GP01-b.1 |
249 |
System Architecture of Customized Intelligent Lighting Control and Indoor Environment Monitoring System for Persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia |
Hammoud, Hussein |
GP05-b.1 |
295 |
Patient-Aware Adaptive Ngram-based Algorithm for Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using EEG Signals |
Hansen, Kjeld |
GP05-c.3 |
442 |
Big Social Data Analytics for Public Health: Facebook Engagement and Performance |
Harryharasuthan, Vasantharajah |
GP07.2 |
529 |
PhysioVR A Novel Mobile Virtual Reality Framework for Physiological Computing |
Havinga, Paul |
Workshop: ETPHA.2 |
111 |
A Hierarchical Lazy Smoking Detection Algorithm Using Smartwatch Sensors |
He, Keshi |
GP12-a.3 |
360 |
Human-machine Interface Based on Multi-channel Single-element Ultrasound Transducers: A Preliminary Study |
Hein, Andreas |
GP06-b.1 |
323 |
Still in Flow - Long-term Usage of an Activity Motivating App for Seniors |
Hemati, Saied |
GP08.1 |
626 |
Exploiting Dental Implants for Creating Wired Implantable Health Monitoring Devices |
Hermens, Hermie |
GP10.2 |
646 |
A Maturity Model for Interoperability in eHealth |
Hesham, Ahmed |
GP02-b.6 |
289 |
Emotion Recognition Using Mobile Phones |
Hewson, David |
GP07.5 |
547 |
Is There a Relationship Between Frailty Indices and Balance Assessment in Older People |
Hickey, Caylin |
GP10.3 |
652 |
Constellation: A Secure Self-Optimizing Framework for Genomic Processing |
Huang, Po-Yu |
GP11.2 |
557 |
Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Medical Imaging: Review of Legal Barriers to Entry for the Commercial Systems |
Hum, Yan Chai |
GP12-b.1 |
574 |
Echocardiography to Cardiac CT Image Registration |
Hussain, Abid |
GP05-c.3 |
442 |
Big Social Data Analytics for Public Health: Facebook Engagement and Performance |
I A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Idri, Ali |
GP06-c.4 |
466 |
Experiment Design of Free Pregnancy Monitoring mPHRs Quality Evaluation |
Iskandar, Aulia |
GP06-b.6 |
345 |
A Wearable 1-Lead Necklace ECG for Continuous Heart Rate Monitoring |
Ito, Masaki |
GP09.2 |
484 |
Adaptive Code Width Protocol for Mitigating Intersymbol Interference in Diffusion-based Molecular Communication with Mobile Nodes |
J A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Jabloun, Meryem |
Workshop: SSH.4 |
65 |
Muscular Activation Intervals Detection Using Gaussian Mixture Model GMM Applied to sEMG Signals |
Jankovic, Dragan |
GP05-b.3 |
306 |
Adaption of Medical Information System's E-Learning Extension to a Simple Suggestion Tool |
Jayalath, Dhammika |
GP04-b.4 |
620 |
A Framework for Modularised Wearable Adaptive Biofeedback Devices |
Jeschke, Sabina |
GP02-a.2 |
159 |
EEG-based Automatic Emotion Recognition: Feature Extraction, Selection and Classification Methods |
GP07.1 |
523 |
Language Therapy of Aphasia Supported by Augmented Reality Applications |
Jimeno, José |
GP05-c.5 |
448 |
Evaluating the QoE of a Mobile DSS for Diagnosis of Red Eye Diseases by Medical Students |
Jin, Tao |
GP05-a.3 |
194 |
Summarizing Patient Daily Activities for Clinical Pathway Mining |
Jorjoliani, David |
Workshop: SSH.1 |
49 |
e-Health/m-Health Services for Dermatology Outpatients Screening for Skin Cancer and Follow-up |
Jornet, Josep |
GP08.4 |
640 |
Wireless Optogenetic Neural Dust for Deep Brain Stimulation |
Jumel, Fabrice |
GP01-c.1 |
378 |
A Data Fusion System to Study Synchronization in Social Activities |
K A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
K j, Francis |
GP12-a.1 |
349 |
A Simple and Accurate Matrix for Model Based Photoacoustic Imaging |
Kaddoum, Georges |
GP02-b.3 |
283 |
Internet of Things in Sleep Monitoring: An Application for Posture Recognition Using Supervised Learning |
Karapanos, Evangelos |
GP06-b.2 |
327 |
Workload Management Through Glanceable Feedback: The Role of Heart Rate Variability |
Kasiukiewicz, Grzegorz |
Workshop: SSH.7 |
81 |
IoT Modelling and Runtime Suite for e-Health |
Kattan, Ahmed |
GP02-a.1 |
153 |
An Approach to Localization in Crowded Area |
Kayyali, Reem |
GP06-c.5 |
472 |
Mobile Self-Management Application for COPD Patients with Comorbidities: a Usability Study |
Keow Lim, Ai |
GP00.1 |
233 |
Determinants of Next Generation e-Health Network and Architecture Specifications |
Keramaris, Vasilios |
GP05-a.4 |
200 |
"OntoDrive" A Multi-Methodological Ontology Driven Framework for Systems Analysis of Health Informatics |
Khalil, Azira |
GP12-b.1 |
574 |
Echocardiography to Cardiac CT Image Registration |
Khan, Arshia |
GP06-c.2 |
460 |
Wireless Solution to Prevent Decubitus Ulcers: Preventive Weight Shifting Guide, Monitor, and Tracker App for Wheel Chair Users with Spinal Cord Injuries (Phase II)* |
Khatua, Apalak |
GP05-c.2 |
436 |
Immediate and Long-term Effects of 2016 Zika Outbreak: A Twitter-based Study |
Khatua, Aparup |
GP05-c.2 |
436 |
Immediate and Long-term Effects of 2016 Zika Outbreak: A Twitter-based Study |
Kheirkhahan, Matin |
GP06-b.4 |
339 |
ROAMM: A Software Infrastructure for Real-time Monitoring of Personal Health |
Khokhar, Ashfaq |
GP02-c.3 |
418 |
ST-segment and T-wave Anomalies Prediction in ECG Data Using RUSBoost |
Kiladze, Natalya |
Workshop: SSH.1 |
49 |
e-Health/m-Health Services for Dermatology Outpatients Screening for Skin Cancer and Follow-up |
Kirtava, Zviad |
Workshop: SSH.1 |
49 |
e-Health/m-Health Services for Dermatology Outpatients Screening for Skin Cancer and Follow-up |
Koch, Fernando |
Workshop: SCH'16.3 |
9 |
On the Use of Inertial Sensors and Machine Learning for Automatic Recognition of Fainting and Epileptic Seizure |
Kohlschein, Christian |
GP02-a.2 |
159 |
EEG-based Automatic Emotion Recognition: Feature Extraction, Selection and Classification Methods |
GP07.1 |
523 |
Language Therapy of Aphasia Supported by Augmented Reality Applications |
Kolla, Reiner |
GP06-b.6 |
345 |
A Wearable 1-Lead Necklace ECG for Continuous Heart Rate Monitoring |
Kong, Jun |
GP06-a.2 |
210 |
Cell Phone- Based Diabetes Self-Management and Social Networking System for American Indians |
Kong, Weijian |
GP06-a.1 |
205 |
A Mobile Health Solution for Chronic Disease Management At Retail Pharmacy |
Korsantia, Nato |
Workshop: SSH.1 |
49 |
e-Health/m-Health Services for Dermatology Outpatients Screening for Skin Cancer and Follow-up |
Koucheryavy, Yevgeni |
GP08.4 |
640 |
Wireless Optogenetic Neural Dust for Deep Brain Stimulation |
Krieger, Udo R. |
Workshop: ETPHA.1 |
105 |
Rapid Delivery e-Health Service (RDeHS) Platform |
Krooß, Roksaneh |
GP07.1 |
523 |
Language Therapy of Aphasia Supported by Augmented Reality Applications |
Kulac, Selman |
GP08.3 |
636 |
Reliable Listen-Before-Talk Mechanism for Medical Implant Communication Systems |
Küster, Denise |
GP05-c.1 |
430 |
Application of Recommender System Methods for Therapy Decision Support |
Kwaśnicka, Paulina |
Workshop: SSH.7 |
81 |
IoT Modelling and Runtime Suite for e-Health |
L A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Lai, Khin Wee |
GP12-b.1 |
574 |
Echocardiography to Cardiac CT Image Registration |
Lamas, David |
Workshop: SSH.5 |
70 |
Current Health Records Practices in Afghanistan and Possible Future Development |
Langberg, Henning |
GP05-c.3 |
442 |
Big Social Data Analytics for Public Health: Facebook Engagement and Performance |
Launay, Pascale |
GP03.3 |
129 |
A Flexible Architecture for Mobile Health Monitoring |
Lee, Tracey |
GP06-b.3 |
333 |
Towards Rehabilitative E-health by Introducing a New Automatic Scoring System |
Leitão, Gabriel |
Workshop: SCH'16.3 |
9 |
On the Use of Inertial Sensors and Machine Learning for Automatic Recognition of Fainting and Epileptic Seizure |
Leo, Kee Hao |
GP06-b.3 |
333 |
Towards Rehabilitative E-health by Introducing a New Automatic Scoring System |
Lew, Mandy Pei Yin |
GP06-b.3 |
333 |
Towards Rehabilitative E-health by Introducing a New Automatic Scoring System |
Li, Juan |
GP06-a.2 |
210 |
Cell Phone- Based Diabetes Self-Management and Social Networking System for American Indians |
Li, Wenda |
GP01-a.3 |
222 |
Opportunistic Physical Activity Monitoring Via Passive WiFi Radar |
Li, Yuefeng |
GP12-a.3 |
360 |
Human-machine Interface Based on Multi-channel Single-element Ultrasound Transducers: A Preliminary Study |
Liang, Zilu |
Workshop: SSH.6 |
76 |
Nurturing Wearable and mHealth Technologies for Self-Care: Mindset, Tool Set and Skill Set |
Liew, Yih Miin |
GP12-b.1 |
574 |
Echocardiography to Cardiac CT Image Registration |
Lim, Joo Ghee |
GP06-b.3 |
333 |
Towards Rehabilitative E-health by Introducing a New Automatic Scoring System |
Lin, Ting-Wei |
GP11.2 |
557 |
Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Medical Imaging: Review of Legal Barriers to Entry for the Commercial Systems |
Lina, Jean |
GP02-b.3 |
283 |
Internet of Things in Sleep Monitoring: An Application for Posture Recognition Using Supervised Learning |
Lins, Christian |
GP06-b.1 |
323 |
Still in Flow - Long-term Usage of an Activity Motivating App for Seniors |
Liu, Bin |
GP04-a.3 |
508 |
Buffer-aware and QoS-effective Resource Allocation Scheme in WBANs |
Liu, Honghai |
GP12-a.3 |
360 |
Human-machine Interface Based on Multi-channel Single-element Ultrasound Transducers: A Preliminary Study |
Liu, Kai |
GP06-a.1 |
205 |
A Mobile Health Solution for Chronic Disease Management At Retail Pharmacy |
Liu, Wei |
Workshop: ETPHA.1 |
105 |
Rapid Delivery e-Health Service (RDeHS) Platform |
Liu, Zhiqiang |
GP04-a.3 |
508 |
Buffer-aware and QoS-effective Resource Allocation Scheme in WBANs |
Lopes, Luis |
GP01-c.5 |
400 |
NSense: A People-centric, Non-intrusive Opportunistic Sensing Tool for Contextualizing Nearness |
López-Coronado, Miguel |
GP05-c.5 |
448 |
Evaluating the QoE of a Mobile DSS for Diagnosis of Red Eye Diseases by Medical Students |
Lucena, Vicente |
Workshop: SCH'16.1 |
1 |
Virtual and Augmented Reality Environment for Remote Training of Wheelchairs Users - Social, Mobile, and Wearable Technologies Applied to Rehabilitation |
Workshop: SCH'16.2 |
5 |
UbMed: A Ubiquitous System for Monitoring Medication Adherence |
Lutze, Rainer |
GP01-b.2 |
255 |
Smartwatch Based Tumble Recognition - A Data Mining Model Comparision Study |
Luzi, Daniela |
GP01-c.4 |
394 |
A Conceptual Model for Integrating Social and Health Care Services At Home: The H@H Project |
M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
MacKellar, Bonnie |
GP11.4 |
568 |
Patterns for Conflict Identification in Clinical Trial Eligibility Criteria |
Madureira, João |
GP01-b.3 |
261 |
Smartphone-based Transport Mode Detection for Elderly Care |
Mahmud, Hossain |
GP02-c.4 |
424 |
Intelligent Depression Detection and Support System: Statistical Analysis, Psychological Review and Design Implication |
Malberg, Hagen |
GP05-c.1 |
430 |
Application of Recommender System Methods for Therapy Decision Support |
Maldonado, Miguel |
GP05-c.5 |
448 |
Evaluating the QoE of a Mobile DSS for Diagnosis of Red Eye Diseases by Medical Students |
Manini, Todd |
GP06-b.4 |
339 |
ROAMM: A Software Infrastructure for Real-time Monitoring of Personal Health |
Manovel, Marta |
GP05-c.5 |
448 |
Evaluating the QoE of a Mobile DSS for Diagnosis of Red Eye Diseases by Medical Students |
Mansour, Nashat |
GP05-a.1 |
182 |
CorporateMeasures: A Clinical Analytics Framework Leading to Clinical Intelligence |
Mansouri, Sofienne |
Workshop: SSH.9 |
91 |
A Non Invasive and Intelligent Method for Cardiovascular Parameters Tele-Monitoring |
Marbukh, Vladimir |
GP04-b.2 |
608 |
A Queue-Size & Channel Quality Based Adaptation of the Energy Detection Threshold in IEEE802.15.6 CSMA/CA |
Marek, Victor |
GP10.3 |
652 |
Constellation: A Secure Self-Optimizing Framework for Genomic Processing |
Marques Godinho, Tiago |
GP12-a.4 |
366 |
Assessing the Relational Database Model for Optimization of Content Discovery Services in Medical Imaging Repositories |
GP12-b.5 |
596 |
Integrating Multiple Data Sources in a Cardiology Imaging Laboratory |
Marroni, Alessandro |
GP03.5 |
141 |
An Innovative WebRTC Solution for e-Health Services |
Massot, Bertrand |
GP01-c.1 |
378 |
A Data Fusion System to Study Synchronization in Social Activities |
Matar, Georges |
GP02-b.3 |
283 |
Internet of Things in Sleep Monitoring: An Application for Posture Recognition Using Supervised Learning |
Matsumoto, Yoshihisa |
GP13.1 |
490 |
Economic Evaluation of m-Health: Case of e-Ambulance in Japan |
Maurizi, Lorenzo |
GP03.5 |
141 |
An Innovative WebRTC Solution for e-Health Services |
Meeuwsen, Frédérique |
Workshop: iOR.4 |
Activation Patterns in Electrosurgery by Experts and Residents |
Mehaoua, Ahmed |
GP04-a.1 |
496 |
Distributed Scheme for Interference Mitigation of WBANs Using Predictable Channel Hopping |
Meisen, Tobias |
GP07.1 |
523 |
Language Therapy of Aphasia Supported by Augmented Reality Applications |
Mendes, Paulo |
GP01-c.5 |
400 |
NSense: A People-centric, Non-intrusive Opportunistic Sensing Tool for Contextualizing Nearness |
Mendes, Paulo |
GP08.2 |
630 |
Implantable Microdevice with Integrated Wireless Power Transfer for Thermal Neuromodulation Applications |
Merilahti, Juho |
GP01-b.1 |
249 |
System Architecture of Customized Intelligent Lighting Control and Indoor Environment Monitoring System for Persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia |
Mettler, Matthias |
GP04-a.5 |
520 |
Blockchain Technology in Healthcare - The Revolution Starts Here |
Milenkovic, Aleksandar |
GP05-b.3 |
306 |
Adaption of Medical Information System's E-Learning Extension to a Simple Suggestion Tool |
Mishra, Pradeep |
GP12-a.1 |
349 |
A Simple and Accurate Matrix for Model Based Photoacoustic Imaging |
Mizera-Pietraszko, Jolanta |
Workshop: SSH.8 |
86 |
Computer-Assisted Clinical Diagnosis in the Official European Union Languages |
Moreira, Mario |
GP05-b.5 |
318 |
An Inference Mechanism Using Bayes-based Classifiers in Pregnancy Care |
Moreira, Waldir |
GP01-c.5 |
400 |
NSense: A People-centric, Non-intrusive Opportunistic Sensing Tool for Contextualizing Nearness |
Moungla, Hassine |
GP04-a.1 |
496 |
Distributed Scheme for Interference Mitigation of WBANs Using Predictable Channel Hopping |
Mourad-Chehade, Farah |
GP05-b.2 |
301 |
Data Fusion for Predicting ARDS Using the MIMIC II Physiological Database |
GP07.5 |
547 |
Is There a Relationship Between Frailty Indices and Balance Assessment in Older People |
Mukkamala, Raghava Rao |
GP05-c.3 |
442 |
Big Social Data Analytics for Public Health: Facebook Engagement and Performance |
Mundie, Thomas |
Workshop: ETPHA.1 |
105 |
Rapid Delivery e-Health Service (RDeHS) Platform |
Munoz Cardona, John |
GP06-b.2 |
327 |
Workload Management Through Glanceable Feedback: The Role of Heart Rate Variability |
GP07.2 |
529 |
PhysioVR A Novel Mobile Virtual Reality Framework for Physiological Computing |
Muraki, Satoshi |
GP02-a.4 |
171 |
Analysis of Thigh Cross-sectional Proportion Using the Portable Ultrasound Imaging System |
N A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Nabhani-Gebara, Shereen |
GP06-c.5 |
472 |
Mobile Self-Management Application for COPD Patients with Comorbidities: a Usability Study |
Nagata, Yukiko |
Workshop: SSH.6 |
76 |
Nurturing Wearable and mHealth Technologies for Self-Care: Mindset, Tool Set and Skill Set |
Nahar, Nowshin |
GP02-c.4 |
424 |
Intelligent Depression Detection and Support System: Statistical Analysis, Psychological Review and Design Implication |
Nair, Sanjay |
GP06-b.4 |
339 |
ROAMM: A Software Infrastructure for Real-time Monitoring of Personal Health |
Nait-Abdesselam, Farid |
GP02-c.3 |
418 |
ST-segment and T-wave Anomalies Prediction in ECG Data Using RUSBoost |
Nammour, Fadi |
GP05-a.1 |
182 |
CorporateMeasures: A Clinical Analytics Framework Leading to Clinical Intelligence |
Nandakumar, Kannabiran |
GP10.3 |
652 |
Constellation: A Secure Self-Optimizing Framework for Genomic Processing |
Närväinen, Johanna |
GP01-b.1 |
249 |
System Architecture of Customized Intelligent Lighting Control and Indoor Environment Monitoring System for Persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia |
Naseem, Amal |
Workshop: SSH.4 |
65 |
Muscular Activation Intervals Detection Using Gaussian Mixture Model GMM Applied to sEMG Signals |
Nasralla, Moustafa |
GP12-a.5 |
372 |
A Hybrid Quality Evaluation Approach Based on Fuzzy Inference System for Medical Video Streaming Over Small Cell Technology |
Nassralla, Mohammad |
GP05-b.1 |
295 |
Patient-Aware Adaptive Ngram-based Algorithm for Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using EEG Signals |
GP10.4 |
658 |
Dynamic EEG Compression Approach with Optimized Distortion Level for Mobile Health Solutions |
Naves, Eduardo |
Workshop: SCH'16.1 |
1 |
Virtual and Augmented Reality Environment for Remote Training of Wheelchairs Users - Social, Mobile, and Wearable Technologies Applied to Rehabilitation |
Nejadgholi, Isar |
GP03.6 |
147 |
Time-Frequency Based Contactless Estimation of Vital Signs of Human While Walking Using PMCW Radar |
Neto, Augusto |
GP05-b.5 |
318 |
An Inference Mechanism Using Bayes-based Classifiers in Pregnancy Care |
Neumuth, Thomas |
Workshop: iOR.2 |
15 |
A Concept for Consistent and Prioritized Presentation of Surgical Information |
Ng, Siew Cheok |
GP12-b.1 |
574 |
Echocardiography to Cardiac CT Image Registration |
Nishimura, Takuichi |
Workshop: SSH.6 |
76 |
Nurturing Wearable and mHealth Technologies for Self-Care: Mindset, Tool Set and Skill Set |
Noury, Norbert |
GP01-b.5 |
273 |
Building a Spatial-Temporal Index to Detect the Global Pattern Deviations in Daily Activities of Elderly Subjects |
GP01-c.1 |
378 |
A Data Fusion System to Study Synchronization in Social Activities |
Novella, Jean-Luc Novella |
GP07.5 |
547 |
Is There a Relationship Between Frailty Indices and Balance Assessment in Older People |
O A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Ogawa, Masaru |
GP13.1 |
490 |
Economic Evaluation of m-Health: Case of e-Ambulance in Japan |
Okumura, Hiroshi |
GP02-a.4 |
171 |
Analysis of Thigh Cross-sectional Proportion Using the Portable Ultrasound Imaging System |
Oleshchuk, Vladimir |
GP11.1 |
551 |
An Attribute Based Access Control Scheme for Secure Sharing of Electronic Health Records |
Oliveira, Antonio |
GP05-b.5 |
318 |
An Inference Mechanism Using Bayes-based Classifiers in Pregnancy Care |
Ollikainen, Timo |
GP01-b.1 |
249 |
System Architecture of Customized Intelligent Lighting Control and Indoor Environment Monitoring System for Persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia |
Oloyede, Adekunle |
GP04-b.4 |
620 |
A Framework for Modularised Wearable Adaptive Biofeedback Devices |
Orgun, Mehmet |
Workshop: SPAIMEH & ReHIS.2 |
24 |
Survey on Cybersecurity Issues in Wireless Mesh Networks Based eHealthcare |
Osop, Hamzah |
Workshop: SPAIMEH & ReHIS.3 |
31 |
Quality Evidence, Quality Decisions: Ways to Improve Security and Privacy of EHR Systems |
GP05-b.4 |
312 |
Electronic Health Records: Improvement to Healthcare Decision-making |
Oude-Nijeweme d'Hollosy, Wendy |
GP10.2 |
646 |
A Maturity Model for Interoperability in eHealth |
Ouni, Kaïs |
Workshop: SSH.9 |
91 |
A Non Invasive and Intelligent Method for Cardiovascular Parameters Tele-Monitoring |
P A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Paciello, Vincenzo |
GP01-b.4 |
267 |
Wireless Indoor Low Power Tracking System for Elderly People Assistance in an Urban Environment |
Palma, Lorenzo |
GP03.5 |
141 |
An Innovative WebRTC Solution for e-Health Services |
Park, Ek |
Workshop: ETPHA.1 |
105 |
Rapid Delivery e-Health Service (RDeHS) Platform |
Pathinarupothi, Rahul |
GP03.4 |
135 |
Multi-Layer Architectures for Remote Health Monitoring |
Paulin, Alois |
GP00.1 |
233 |
Determinants of Next Generation e-Health Network and Architecture Specifications |
GP00.3 |
245 |
Dynamic Fine-Grained Access Control in e-Health |
Paulino, Teresa |
GP07.2 |
529 |
PhysioVR A Novel Mobile Virtual Reality Framework for Physiological Computing |
Pecoraro, Fabrizio |
GP01-c.4 |
394 |
A Conceptual Model for Integrating Social and Health Care Services At Home: The H@H Project |
Pereira, Fabio M-iti |
GP06-b.2 |
327 |
Workload Management Through Glanceable Feedback: The Role of Heart Rate Variability |
Pereira, Nuno |
GP01-b.3 |
261 |
Smartphone-based Transport Mode Detection for Elderly Care |
PereraPerera, Kaushalya |
Workshop: SPAIMEH & ReHIS.1 |
19 |
An Exploratory Study of the Role of eHealth in Healthy Ageing |
Pernini, Luca |
GP03.5 |
141 |
An Innovative WebRTC Solution for e-Health Services |
Philip, Nada |
GP12-a.5 |
372 |
A Hybrid Quality Evaluation Approach Based on Fuzzy Inference System for Medical Video Streaming Over Small Cell Technology |
GP06-c.5 |
472 |
Mobile Self-Management Application for COPD Patients with Comorbidities: a Usability Study |
Phung, Nam |
GP06-c.2 |
460 |
Wireless Solution to Prevent Decubitus Ulcers: Preventive Weight Shifting Guide, Monitor, and Tracker App for Wheel Chair Users with Spinal Cord Injuries (Phase II)* |
Piechocki, Robert |
GP01-a.3 |
222 |
Opportunistic Physical Activity Monitoring Via Passive WiFi Radar |
Pierleoni, Paola |
GP03.5 |
141 |
An Innovative WebRTC Solution for e-Health Services |
Pierscionek, Barbara |
GP06-c.5 |
472 |
Mobile Self-Management Application for COPD Patients with Comorbidities: a Usability Study |
Pietrosanto, Antonio |
GP01-b.4 |
267 |
Wireless Indoor Low Power Tracking System for Elderly People Assistance in an Urban Environment |
Pinho, André |
GP02-b.2 |
277 |
Sleep Apnea Detection Using a Feed-Forward Neural Network on ECG Signal |
Politis, Christos |
Workshop: Health 4.0 and the Power of Big Data.1 |
100 |
Health 4.0: The Case of Multiple Sclerosis |
Pollari, Mika |
GP12-b.4 |
590 |
Accessing Image Resolution and Frame Rate Effects in Radiology From a Human and a Machine Point of View |
Pombo, Nuno |
GP02-b.2 |
277 |
Sleep Apnea Detection Using a Feed-Forward Neural Network on ECG Signal |
Pourabbas, Elaheh |
GP01-c.4 |
394 |
A Conceptual Model for Integrating Social and Health Care Services At Home: The H@H Project |
Primo, Tiago |
Workshop: SCH'16.3 |
9 |
On the Use of Inertial Sensors and Machine Learning for Automatic Recognition of Fainting and Epileptic Seizure |
R A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Raatikainen, Mika |
GP01-b.1 |
249 |
System Architecture of Customized Intelligent Lighting Control and Indoor Environment Monitoring System for Persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia |
Rahmani, Sepideh |
GP08.1 |
626 |
Exploiting Dental Implants for Creating Wired Implantable Health Monitoring Devices |
Rajalakshmi, P |
GP12-a.1 |
349 |
A Simple and Accurate Matrix for Model Based Photoacoustic Imaging |
GP12-a.2 |
354 |
Non-local Means Kernel Regression Based Despeckling of B-mode Ultrasound Images |
GP02-c.2 |
412 |
Smartphone Based Automatic Abnormality Detection of Kidney in Ultrasound Images |
Rajan, Sreeraman |
GP03.6 |
147 |
Time-Frequency Based Contactless Estimation of Vital Signs of Human While Walking Using PMCW Radar |
Rajkovic, Petar |
GP05-b.3 |
306 |
Adaption of Medical Information System's E-Learning Extension to a Simple Suggestion Tool |
Ramkrishna, Bharath |
GP12-a.2 |
354 |
Non-local Means Kernel Regression Based Despeckling of B-mode Ultrasound Images |
GP02-c.2 |
412 |
Smartphone Based Automatic Abnormality Detection of Kidney in Ultrasound Images |
Rangan, Ekanath |
GP03.4 |
135 |
Multi-Layer Architectures for Remote Health Monitoring |
Raptopoulos, Andreas |
GP06-c.5 |
472 |
Mobile Self-Management Application for COPD Patients with Comorbidities: a Usability Study |
Rashidi, Parisa |
GP06-b.4 |
339 |
ROAMM: A Software Infrastructure for Real-time Monitoring of Personal Health |
Ravier, Philippe |
Workshop: SSH.4 |
65 |
Muscular Activation Intervals Detection Using Gaussian Mixture Model GMM Applied to sEMG Signals |
Ray, Apala |
GP04-b.3 |
614 |
SDN-TAP: An SDN-based Traffic Aware Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks |
Raza Khan, Urooj |
Workshop: SPAIMEH & ReHIS.1 |
19 |
An Exploratory Study of the Role of eHealth in Healthy Ageing |
Rehman, Ikram Ur |
GP12-a.5 |
372 |
A Hybrid Quality Evaluation Approach Based on Fuzzy Inference System for Medical Video Streaming Over Small Cell Technology |
Religi, Arianna |
GP07.3 |
535 |
Prediction of Anatomical Exposure to Solar UV: a Case Study for the Head Using SimUVEx V2 |
Reuter, Dominic |
GP12-b.2 |
579 |
Architecture of a Web-Based DICOM Viewer Showing Segmentations and Simulations |
Reuter, Michael |
GP06-c.2 |
460 |
Wireless Solution to Prevent Decubitus Ulcers: Preventive Weight Shifting Guide, Monitor, and Tracker App for Wheel Chair Users with Spinal Cord Injuries (Phase II)* |
Ribeiro, Bruno |
GP01-b.4 |
267 |
Wireless Indoor Low Power Tracking System for Elderly People Assistance in an Urban Environment |
Ribeiro, Erick |
Workshop: SCH'16.3 |
9 |
On the Use of Inertial Sensors and Machine Learning for Automatic Recognition of Fainting and Epileptic Seizure |
Ricci, Fabrizio |
GP01-c.4 |
394 |
A Conceptual Model for Integrating Social and Health Care Services At Home: The H@H Project |
Richhariya, Ashutosh |
GP12-a.1 |
349 |
A Simple and Accurate Matrix for Model Based Photoacoustic Imaging |
Riley, Anna |
GP02-b.3 |
283 |
Internet of Things in Sleep Monitoring: An Application for Posture Recognition Using Supervised Learning |
Rivera, Yair |
GP03.1 |
117 |
Architecture Design Ubiquitous Telemedicine Based on Arduino Mhealth LTE |
Rodrigues, Joel |
GP05-b.5 |
318 |
An Inference Mechanism Using Bayes-based Classifiers in Pregnancy Care |
GP05-c.5 |
448 |
Evaluating the QoE of a Mobile DSS for Diagnosis of Red Eye Diseases by Medical Students |
Rodrigues, Marlos |
Workshop: SCH'16.2 |
5 |
UbMed: A Ubiquitous System for Monitoring Medication Adherence |
S A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Sabbatini, Loris |
GP03.5 |
141 |
An Innovative WebRTC Solution for e-Health Services |
Saeik, Firdose |
GP01-c.5 |
400 |
NSense: A People-centric, Non-intrusive Opportunistic Sensing Tool for Contextualizing Nearness |
Sagahyroon, Assim |
GP02-c.1 |
406 |
ParkNosis: Diagnosing Parkinson's Disease Using Mobile Phones |
Sahama, Tony |
Workshop: SPAIMEH & ReHIS.3 |
31 |
Quality Evidence, Quality Decisions: Ways to Improve Security and Privacy of EHR Systems |
Workshop: SPAIMEH & ReHIS.4 |
37 |
Metrics for eHealth Services Improvement |
Workshop: SPAIMEH & ReHIS.5 |
43 |
Anatomy of Log Files: Implications for Information Accountability Measures |
GP05-b.4 |
312 |
Electronic Health Records: Improvement to Healthcare Decision-making |
Sahni, Sartaj |
GP05-a.2 |
188 |
Predicting 30-Day All-Cause Readmissions From Hospital Inpatient Discharge Data |
GP06-b.4 |
339 |
ROAMM: A Software Infrastructure for Real-time Monitoring of Personal Health |
Sahyoun, Abdulwahab |
GP02-c.1 |
406 |
ParkNosis: Diagnosing Parkinson's Disease Using Mobile Phones |
Saleem, Kashif |
Workshop: SPAIMEH & ReHIS.2 |
24 |
Survey on Cybersecurity Issues in Wireless Mesh Networks Based eHealthcare |
GP05-b.5 |
318 |
An Inference Mechanism Using Bayes-based Classifiers in Pregnancy Care |
GP11.3 |
562 |
U-Prove Based Security Framework for Mobile Device Authentication in eHealth Networks |
Samadzai, Abdul Wahid |
Workshop: SSH.5 |
70 |
Current Health Records Practices in Afghanistan and Possible Future Development |
Sanei, Saeid |
GP06-b.3 |
333 |
Towards Rehabilitative E-health by Introducing a New Automatic Scoring System |
Sannino, Giovanna |
Workshop: SSH.2 |
55 |
Easy Fall Risk Assessment by Estimating the Mini-BES Test Score |
Saraydaryan, Jacques |
GP01-c.1 |
378 |
A Data Fusion System to Study Synchronization in Social Activities |
Sayrafian, Kamran |
GP04-b.2 |
608 |
A Queue-Size & Channel Quality Based Adaptation of the Energy Detection Threshold in IEEE802.15.6 CSMA/CA |
Schilling, Klaus |
GP06-b.6 |
345 |
A Wearable 1-Lead Necklace ECG for Continuous Heart Rate Monitoring |
Schmitt, Jochen |
GP05-c.1 |
430 |
Application of Recommender System Methods for Therapy Decision Support |
Schneider, Armin |
Workshop: iOR.3 |
3D-Surgical Microscopy: Possibilities and Limitations |
Scholten, Hans |
Workshop: ETPHA.2 |
111 |
A Hierarchical Lazy Smoking Detection Algorithm Using Smartwatch Sensors |
Schreiber, Erik |
Workshop: iOR.2 |
15 |
A Concept for Consistent and Prioritized Presentation of Surgical Information |
Schweikert, Christina |
GP11.4 |
568 |
Patterns for Conflict Identification in Clinical Trial Eligibility Criteria |
Serafini, Paola |
GP06-c.1 |
454 |
Midwifery E-Health:From Design to Validation of "Mammastyle - Gravidanza Fisiologica" |
Sevrin, Loïc |
GP01-c.1 |
378 |
A Data Fusion System to Study Synchronization in Social Activities |
Sezaki, Kaoru |
GP09.2 |
484 |
Adaptive Code Width Protocol for Mitigating Intersymbol Interference in Diffusion-based Molecular Communication with Mobile Nodes |
Shahriyar, Rifat |
GP02-c.4 |
424 |
Intelligent Depression Detection and Support System: Statistical Analysis, Psychological Review and Design Implication |
Shapsough, Shams |
GP02-b.6 |
289 |
Emotion Recognition Using Mobile Phones |
Shenkman, Elizabeth |
GP05-a.2 |
188 |
Predicting 30-Day All-Cause Readmissions From Hospital Inpatient Discharge Data |
Shimizu, Tatsuma |
GP02-a.4 |
171 |
Analysis of Thigh Cross-sectional Proportion Using the Portable Ultrasound Imaging System |
Shoaib, Muhammad |
Workshop: ETPHA.2 |
111 |
A Hierarchical Lazy Smoking Detection Algorithm Using Smartwatch Sensors |
Shulaia, Teona |
Workshop: SSH.1 |
49 |
e-Health/m-Health Services for Dermatology Outpatients Screening for Skin Cancer and Follow-up |
Siikanen, Sami |
GP01-b.1 |
249 |
System Architecture of Customized Intelligent Lighting Control and Indoor Environment Monitoring System for Persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia |
Silva, Vandermi |
Workshop: SCH'16.1 |
1 |
Virtual and Augmented Reality Environment for Remote Training of Wheelchairs Users - Social, Mobile, and Wearable Technologies Applied to Rehabilitation |
Workshop: SCH'16.2 |
5 |
UbMed: A Ubiquitous System for Monitoring Medication Adherence |
Workshop: SCH'16.3 |
9 |
On the Use of Inertial Sensors and Machine Learning for Automatic Recognition of Fainting and Epileptic Seizure |
Silva, Yuri |
Workshop: SCH'16.1 |
1 |
Virtual and Augmented Reality Environment for Remote Training of Wheelchairs Users - Social, Mobile, and Wearable Technologies Applied to Rehabilitation |
Skön, Jukka-Pekka |
GP01-b.1 |
249 |
System Architecture of Customized Intelligent Lighting Control and Indoor Environment Monitoring System for Persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia |
Sobnath, Drishty |
GP06-c.5 |
472 |
Mobile Self-Management Application for COPD Patients with Comorbidities: a Usability Study |
Sofia, Rute |
GP01-c.5 |
400 |
NSense: A People-centric, Non-intrusive Opportunistic Sensing Tool for Contextualizing Nearness |
Solinas, Valentina |
GP06-c.1 |
454 |
Midwifery E-Health:From Design to Validation of "Mammastyle - Gravidanza Fisiologica" |
Speicher, Maximilian |
GP07.1 |
523 |
Language Therapy of Aphasia Supported by Augmented Reality Applications |
Stelmach, Pawel |
Workshop: SSH.7 |
81 |
IoT Modelling and Runtime Suite for e-Health |
Straton, Nadiya |
GP05-c.3 |
442 |
Big Social Data Analytics for Public Health: Facebook Engagement and Performance |
Sun, Xueli |
GP12-a.3 |
360 |
Human-machine Interface Based on Multi-channel Single-element Ultrasound Transducers: A Preliminary Study |
Sun, Yao |
GP09.2 |
484 |
Adaptive Code Width Protocol for Mitigating Intersymbol Interference in Diffusion-based Molecular Communication with Mobile Nodes |
Swiatek, Pawel |
Workshop: SSH.7 |
81 |
IoT Modelling and Runtime Suite for e-Health |
T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Tan, Bo |
GP01-a.2 |
216 |
Activity Recognition Based on Micro-Doppler Signature with In-Home Wi-Fi |
GP01-a.3 |
222 |
Opportunistic Physical Activity Monitoring Via Passive WiFi Radar |
Taoum, Aline |
GP05-b.2 |
301 |
Data Fusion for Predicting ARDS Using the MIMIC II Physiological Database |
Tasnim, Mashrura |
GP02-c.4 |
424 |
Intelligent Depression Detection and Support System: Statistical Analysis, Psychological Review and Design Implication |
Thuemmler, Christoph |
Workshop: Health 4.0 and the Power of Big Data.1 |
100 |
Health 4.0: The Case of Multiple Sclerosis |
GP00.1 |
233 |
Determinants of Next Generation e-Health Network and Architecture Specifications |
GP00.3 |
245 |
Dynamic Fine-Grained Access Control in e-Health |
GP11.3 |
562 |
U-Prove Based Security Framework for Mobile Device Authentication in eHealth Networks |
Tian, Fei |
GP06-a.1 |
205 |
A Mobile Health Solution for Chronic Disease Management At Retail Pharmacy |
Tivatansakul, Somchanok |
GP02-a.3 |
165 |
Breast Mass Detection From Mammography Using Iteration of Gray-level Co-occurrence Matrix |
Tomberg, Vladimir |
Workshop: SSH.5 |
70 |
Current Health Records Practices in Afghanistan and Possible Future Development |
Tommasone, Grazia |
GP06-c.1 |
454 |
Midwifery E-Health:From Design to Validation of "Mammastyle - Gravidanza Fisiologica" |
Toval, Ambrosio |
GP06-c.4 |
466 |
Experiment Design of Free Pregnancy Monitoring mPHRs Quality Evaluation |
True, Isaac |
GP03.2 |
123 |
Potential Redundant Link Fail-over Strategies for Uptime-sensitive Medical Telemetry Applications |
Tsuji, Masatsugu |
GP13.1 |
490 |
Economic Evaluation of m-Health: Case of e-Ambulance in Japan |
U A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Uchimura, Keiichi |
GP02-a.3 |
165 |
Breast Mass Detection From Mammography Using Iteration of Gray-level Co-occurrence Matrix |
V A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Vahabi, Maryam |
GP04-b.3 |
614 |
SDN-TAP: An SDN-based Traffic Aware Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks |
Vaish, Pallavi |
GP02-c.2 |
412 |
Smartphone Based Automatic Abnormality Detection of Kidney in Ultrasound Images |
Valenti, Simone |
GP03.5 |
141 |
An Innovative WebRTC Solution for e-Health Services |
van den Dobbelsteen, John |
Workshop: iOR.4 |
Activation Patterns in Electrosurgery by Experts and Residents |
van der Elst, Maarten |
Workshop: iOR.4 |
Activation Patterns in Electrosurgery by Experts and Residents |
van Deursen, Nicole |
GP10.5 |
663 |
HI-risk: A Method to Analyse Health Information Risk Intelligence |
Van Velsen, Lex |
GP10.2 |
646 |
A Maturity Model for Interoperability in eHealth |
Varga, Norbert |
Workshop: SSH.10 |
95 |
Performance Evaluation of Mobile Medical Multimedia Transmission Over ITS GeoNetworking Protocol |
Vatrapu, Ravi |
GP05-c.3 |
442 |
Big Social Data Analytics for Public Health: Facebook Engagement and Performance |
Versini, Jean-Baptiste |
GP01-b.5 |
273 |
Building a Spatial-Temporal Index to Detect the Global Pattern Deviations in Daily Activities of Elderly Subjects |
Vertan, Constantin |
GP02-a.5 |
177 |
Severe Burns Assessment by Joint Color-Thermal Imagery and Ensemble Methods |
Vinodini Ramesh, Maneesha |
GP03.4 |
135 |
Multi-Layer Architectures for Remote Health Monitoring |
Voelker, Wolfram |
GP06-b.6 |
345 |
A Wearable 1-Lead Necklace ECG for Continuous Heart Rate Monitoring |
Voigt, Peter |
GP12-b.4 |
590 |
Accessing Image Resolution and Frame Rate Effects in Radiology From a Human and a Machine Point of View |
W A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Waldhör, Klemens |
GP01-b.2 |
255 |
Smartwatch Based Tumble Recognition - A Data Mining Model Comparision Study |
Walger, Lennart |
GP01-a.4 |
228 |
A Mobility Device for the Blind with Improved Vertical Resolution Using Dynamic Vision Sensors |
Wang, Dong |
GP09.1 |
478 |
QoS Aware Molecular Activation and Communication Scheme in Molecular Nanoscale Sensor Networks |
Wang, Jianmin |
GP05-a.3 |
194 |
Summarizing Patient Daily Activities for Clinical Pathway Mining |
Wang, Ti |
GP06-a.1 |
205 |
A Mobile Health Solution for Chronic Disease Management At Retail Pharmacy |
Wang, Xinheng |
GP09.1 |
478 |
QoS Aware Molecular Activation and Communication Scheme in Molecular Nanoscale Sensor Networks |
Wanigatunga, Amal |
GP06-b.4 |
339 |
ROAMM: A Software Infrastructure for Real-time Monitoring of Personal Health |
Wehrle, Klaus |
GP02-a.2 |
159 |
EEG-based Automatic Emotion Recognition: Feature Extraction, Selection and Classification Methods |
Weir, Phil |
GP12-b.2 |
579 |
Architecture of a Web-Based DICOM Viewer Showing Segmentations and Simulations |
GP12-b.4 |
590 |
Accessing Image Resolution and Frame Rate Effects in Radiology From a Human and a Machine Point of View |
Werner, Cornelius |
GP07.1 |
523 |
Language Therapy of Aphasia Supported by Augmented Reality Applications |
Wickramage, Chathurika |
Workshop: SPAIMEH & ReHIS.5 |
43 |
Anatomy of Log Files: Implications for Information Accountability Measures |
Williams, Drew |
GP02-a.1 |
153 |
An Approach to Localization in Crowded Area |
Wirdatmadja, Stefanus |
GP08.4 |
640 |
Wireless Optogenetic Neural Dust for Deep Brain Stimulation |
Woodbridge, Karl |
GP01-a.2 |
216 |
Activity Recognition Based on Micro-Doppler Signature with In-Home Wi-Fi |
X A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Xu, Li-Qun |
GP12-b.3 |
584 |
Generic Features for Fundus Image Quality Evaluation |
Xu, Ling |
GP12-b.3 |
584 |
Generic Features for Fundus Image Quality Evaluation |
Xu, Xiao |
GP05-a.3 |
194 |
Summarizing Patient Daily Activities for Clinical Pathway Mining |
Y A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Yang, Chengliang |
GP05-a.2 |
188 |
Predicting 30-Day All-Cause Readmissions From Hospital Inpatient Discharge Data |
Yang, Youren |
GP06-a.1 |
205 |
A Mobile Health Solution for Chronic Disease Management At Retail Pharmacy |
Yao, Zhenjie |
GP12-b.3 |
584 |
Generic Features for Fundus Image Quality Evaluation |
Yen, Hong-Hsu |
GP09.1 |
478 |
QoS Aware Molecular Activation and Communication Scheme in Molecular Nanoscale Sensor Networks |
Younis, Mohamed |
GP04-a.1 |
496 |
Distributed Scheme for Interference Mitigation of WBANs Using Predictable Channel Hopping |
Yun, Yixiao |
GP01-c.2 |
382 |
Exploiting Riemannian Manifolds for Daily Activity Classification in Video Towards Health Care |
Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z |
Zaunseder, Sebastian |
GP05-c.1 |
430 |
Application of Recommender System Methods for Therapy Decision Support |
Zeb, Khan |
Workshop: SPAIMEH & ReHIS.2 |
24 |
Survey on Cybersecurity Issues in Wireless Mesh Networks Based eHealthcare |
GP11.3 |
562 |
U-Prove Based Security Framework for Mobile Device Authentication in eHealth Networks |
Zhang, Hongguang |
GP06-a.1 |
205 |
A Mobile Health Solution for Chronic Disease Management At Retail Pharmacy |
Zhang, Zhipeng |
GP12-b.3 |
584 |
Generic Features for Fundus Image Quality Evaluation |
Zhao, Ling |
GP06-b.3 |
333 |
Towards Rehabilitative E-health by Introducing a New Automatic Scoring System |
Zhu, Shi-sheng |
Workshop: ETPHA.1 |
105 |
Rapid Delivery e-Health Service (RDeHS) Platform |
Zia, Tanveer |
Workshop: SPAIMEH & ReHIS.1 |
19 |
An Exploratory Study of the Role of eHealth in Healthy Ageing |
Zualkernan, Imran |
GP02-b.6 |
289 |
Emotion Recognition Using Mobile Phones |