
Program at a glance:

Venue 14.9.:Hotel Sofitel Munich (at main train station - Hauptbahnhof)
Venue 15.9. & 16.9.:BMW Welt Munich

Workshop: SCH'16

SOCIALHEALTH 2016 - International Workshop on Social Computing in Digital Health

"Social Computing in Digital Health" aims to discuss the application of social computing to eHealth, mHealth, and public health services. This field of research aims to bring together interactive social intelligence to eHealth systems by combining information from multiple users and groups, along with context information and social interaction to promote innovative methods of health system and monitoring.

Virtual and Augmented Reality Environment for Remote Training of Wheelchairs Users - Social, Mobile, and Wearable Technologies Applied to Rehabilitation
Eduardo Naves (Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil); Teodiano Bastos (Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil); Guy Bourhis (University of Lorraine, France); Yuri Motta Lopes Rodrigues Silva (IFAM - Federal Institute of Amazonas, Brazil); Vandermi Silva (Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Brazil); Vicente F. Lucena, Jr. (Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil)
UbMed: A Ubiquitous System for Monitoring Medication Adherence
Vandermi Silva (Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Brazil); Marlos Rodrigues (Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial - SENAI - Amazonas & University of Amazonas - UFAM - Brazil, Brazil); Vicente F. Lucena, Jr. and Raimundo Barreto (Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil)
On the Use of Inertial Sensors and Machine Learning for Automatic Recognition of Fainting and Epileptic Seizure
Erick Ribeiro and Larissa Bentes (UFAM, Brazil); Anderson Cruz (Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Brazil); Gabriel de Souza Leitão (Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil); Raimundo Barreto and Vandermi Silva (Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Brazil); Fernando Koch (Korea University, Brazil); Tiago Primo (Samsung, Brazil)

Workshop: SSH

The 4th International Workshop on Service Science for e-Health (SSH 2016)

Technological developments in computing and networking have largely made the delivery of health services, including medical diagnosis and patient care, possible from a distance. Many funded projects have evaluated and are evaluating the use of communications technology in the implementation and performance of telemedicine activities, and examined the impact of telemedicine on medical care in terms of cost, quality, and access. Telemedicine has become a growing new interdisciplinary field, which will eventually contribute to improving the quality of health care for everyone. However, successful implementation of this vision depends not only on innovative telemedicine applications but also on networking and computing technical readiness. Furthermore, many ethical, social, and political problems arising in telemedicine need technical solutions.

e-Health/m-Health Services for Dermatology Outpatients Screening for Skin Cancer and Follow-up
Zviad Kirtava (Tbilisi State Medical University; Partners for Health NGO); Teona Shulaia (Marjani Clinic, Georgia); Natalya Kiladze and Nato Korsantia (Tbilisi State Medical University, Marjani Clinic, Georgia); Teimuraz Gogitidze (Batumi Maritime Hospital, Georgia); David Jorjoliani (Partners for Health NGO, Georgia)
Easy Fall Risk Assessment by Estimating the Mini-BES Test Score
Giovanna Sannino (Institute of High Performance Computing and Networking National Research Council of Italy, Italy); Ivanoe De Falco (Institute of High Performance Computing and Networking, ICAR-CNR, Italy); Giuseppe De Pietro (ICAR CNR, Italy)
An Algorithm for Estimating Baseline Wander Based on Nonlinear Signal Processing
Krzysztof Brzostowski (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland)
Muscular Activation Intervals Detection Using Gaussian Mixture Model GMM Applied to sEMG Signals
Amal Naseem (University of Orleans, France); Meryem Jabloun, Philippe Ravier and Olivier Buttelli (Université d'Orléans, France)
Current Health Records Practices in Afghanistan and Possible Future Development
Abdul Wahid Samadzai, Vladimir Tomberg and David Lamas (Tallinn University, Estonia)
Nurturing Wearable and mHealth Technologies for Self-Care: Mindset, Tool Set and Skill Set
Zilu Liang (Kyoto University of Advanced Science, Japan & The University of Tokyo, Japan); Yukiko Nagata (The University of Tokyo, Japan); Mario Alberto Chapa Martell (CAC Corporation, Japan); Takuichi Nishimura (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan)
IoT Modelling and Runtime Suite for e-Health
Pawel Stelmach, Łukasz Falas, Grzegorz Kasiukiewicz, Paulina Kwaśnicka and Pawel Swiatek (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland)
Computer-Assisted Clinical Diagnosis in the Official European Union Languages
Jolanta Mizera-Pietraszko (Military University of Land Forces, Poland)
A Non Invasive and Intelligent Method for Cardiovascular Parameters Tele-Monitoring
Ridha Ben Salah (Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University & College of Applied Medical Sciences, Saudi Arabia); Tareq Hadidi (Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia); Ihsen Ben Salah (National Engineering School of Carthage, Tunisia); Kaïs Ouni (ENICarthage, Tunis & National Engineering School of Carthage, Tunisia); Sofienne Mansouri (Biophysics Research unit (Medical school of Tunis), Tunisia); Souhir Chabchoub (High Institute of Medical Technology Tunis, Tunisia)
Performance Evaluation of Mobile Medical Multimedia Transmission Over ITS GeoNetworking Protocol
Norbert Varga and Laszlo Bokor (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)

Workshop: SPAIMEH & ReHIS

Shared session between the 3rd International Workshop on Secure and Privacy-Aware Information Management in eHealth + the 3rd International Workshop Reliability of eHealth Information Systems

SPAIMEH: Traditional access control measures for privacy preservation may not match the eHealth record system scenario, where the roles of all stakeholders are less defined. Questions regarding data ownership and information management obligations for major stakeholders (healthcare professionals, patients, administrators) arise. Healthcare professionals require ready access to as much information as possible to support informed decision making. However, patients may want to exercise control over the entities gaining access to their personal health information, with particular concerns for information privacy. Balancing these competing concerns is a major challenge in the implementation of successful e-Health systems. This is not just a technological challenge, but a multidisciplinary problem with technological, social, legal and health policy aspects.

ReHIS: The workshop provides an international forum for research community working on testing, verification, performance evaluation, and reliability of eHealth research areas.

An Exploratory Study of the Role of eHealth in Healthy Ageing
Urooj Raza Khan (University of Melbourne & Charles Sturt University, Australia); Tanveer A Zia (University of Notre Dame Australia, Australia); Kaushalya PereraPerera (Charles Sturt University, Australia)
Survey on Cybersecurity Issues in Wireless Mesh Networks Based eHealthcare
Kashif Saleem (King Saud University, Saudi Arabia); Khan Zeb (Concordia University, Canada); Abdelouahid Derhab (King Saud University, Saudi Arabia); Mehmet A Orgun (Macquarie University, Australia); Haider Abbas (National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan); Jalal Almuhtadi (King Saud University, Saudi Arabia); Amjad Gawanmeh (University of Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
Quality Evidence, Quality Decisions: Ways to Improve Security and Privacy of EHR Systems
Hamzah Osop (Agency for Science Technology and Research, Singapore & Nanyang Technological University, Singapore); Tony R Sahama (Queensland University of Technology & IEEE ACM IBS ACS SSAInc HISA, Australia)
Metrics for eHealth Services Improvement
Gilmini Dantanarayana (University of Ruhuna, Australia); Tony R Sahama (Queensland University of Technology & IEEE ACM IBS ACS SSAInc HISA, Australia)
Anatomy of Log Files: Implications for Information Accountability Measures
Chathurika Wickramage (Queensland University of Technology, Australia); Tony R Sahama (Queensland University of Technology & IEEE ACM IBS ACS SSAInc HISA, Australia); Colin Fidge (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)

Workshop: iOR

2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Operating Rooms (iOR'16)

The operation room is the most expensive area in hospitals. To optimize operating room management, connected devices which are communicating and sharing data with other peripheral devices are necessary. By analyzing available data of these connected devices, actions of surgical staff and other data in the operating room and parallel matching of all available data with dedicated workflow models, will make context-aware operating rooms possible. These context-aware operating rooms could help to prevent surgical errors i.e. by automated detection of deviations from the standard processes or even automate counting of consumables and prevent them from being remained in the patients´ cavity.

This workshop covers the acquisition, analysis, as well as modeling and monitoring of surgical processes and the integration of all information acquired during anamnesis, i.e. anatomy of patient, diagnostic information, etc. in process models. To achieve the main goal of a context-aware operating rooms, a close cooperation of clinicians, researchers and engineers is necessary. Therefore this will be an interdisciplinary workshop, interactive demonstrations are welcome.

A Concept for Consistent and Prioritized Presentation of Surgical Information
Erik Schreiber and Stefan Franke (Universität Leipzig, Germany); Richard Bieck (Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery, University of Leipzig, Germany); Thomas Neumuth (Universität Leipzig, Germany)
3D-Surgical Microscopy: Possibilities and Limitations
Armin Schneider (Jade University of Applied Sciences, Germany & Munich Surgical Imaging GmbH, Germany)
Activation Patterns in Electrosurgery by Experts and Residents
Frédérique Meeuwsen and Annetje Guédon (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands); Ewout Arkenbout (TU Delft, The Netherlands); Maarten van der Elst (Reinier de Graaf Groep, The Netherlands); Jenny Dankelman and John van den Dobbelsteen (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)

Workshop: ETPHA

The 1st International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Pervasive Healthcare and Applications (ETPHA 2016)

The objective of this workshop is to offer an international platform for the presentation of research papers that would address the impact of Emerging Technologies on Healthcare applications and services. Recent advances in sensing, computing, communication and networking technologies have paved the way to dangle unprecedented pervasive healthcare applications and services. For example, body sensor networks (BSNs) employ numerous miniaturized, portable, and autonomous sensing devices in, on, or around the body for pervasive health monitoring such as predicting contingency abnormal condition and treatment of chronic diseases including diabetes and hypertension. Moreover, BSNs can help in determining context-aware psychological classification (e.g., personality type, mood, psychological condition) in real-time based on physiological parameters (e.g. body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, perspiration, and brain impulses), which can revolutionize human-interactions. Other potential applications may include activity scheduling based on circadian rhythms, social network computing, interactive gaming, driver drowsiness detection, and entertainment. Nonetheless, enormous amount of critical data (Big Data) collected through various BSN nodes require fast, reliable, on-demand, scalable, secure, and powerful communication (e.g., 5G) and computing infrastructure (e.g., cloud computing). However, integration of these technologies introduces new social, legal, technical and security challenges. Emerging technologies have played a vital role to elevate the health services in rural and urban areas of entire world. New horizons are opened in Telemedicine, remote patient monitoring, remote ICU monitoring (e-ICU), wearable technology, patient data analytics and healthcare cyber-security. The aim of this workshop is to foster high quality original, unpublished research papers that articulate recent advancements on the domain.

Rapid Delivery e-Health Service (RDeHS) Platform
Wei Liu (Georgia Gwinnett College, USA); Thomas Mundie (GGC, USA); Udo R. Krieger (Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, Germany); Ek Park (CSU-Chico, USA); Shi-sheng Zhu (Shantou University, Shantou Guangdong, China)
A Hierarchical Lazy Smoking Detection Algorithm Using Smartwatch Sensors
Muhammad Shoaib (University of Twente, The Netherlands); Ozlem Durmaz Incel (Bogazici University, Turkey); Hans Scholten and Paul Havinga (University of Twente, The Netherlands)

Workshop: Health 4.0 and the Power of Big Data

The aim of the workshop is to discuss the implications of 5G, Big Data, cyber-physical systems on the emergence of new treatment strategies (smart pharmaceuticals) and the subsequent change of service- and business models. Building on a workshop from IEEE Healthcom 2016 in Munich in September we would bring together a vision document (6 pages or so) to outline a roadmap for the next step on the development of strategies for the management of chronic, non-communicable conditions utilizing Industrie 4.0 design principles and emerging network technologies (5G).


  • Christoph Thuemmler, Edinburgh Napier University
  • Lyse Brillouet, Orange
  • David Soldani, Nokia
  • Astrid Grottland, Norwegian Centre of eHealth Research
Health 4.0: The Case of Multiple Sclerosis
Nikolaos Grigoriadis (AHEPA University Hospital, Greece); Christos Bakirtzis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece); Christos Politis (Kingston University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Kostas Danas (Kingston University, London, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Christoph Thuemmler (Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom (Great Britain) & Helios Park Klinikum Leipzig, Germany)

GP03: Telemedicine & Telematics

Architecture Design Ubiquitous Telemedicine Based on Arduino Mhealth LTE
Yair Rivera (Universidad Simon Bolivar, Colombia)
Potential Redundant Link Fail-over Strategies for Uptime-sensitive Medical Telemetry Applications
Isaac J True (Viaboxx GmbH, Germany & Swinburne University of Technology, Australia); Grenville Armitage (Netflix, Australia)
A Flexible Architecture for Mobile Health Monitoring
Mathieu Bagot (Université Bretagne Sud, France); Pascale Launay (IRISA, Université de Bretagne-Sud, France); Frédéric Guidec (IRISA & Université Bretagne Sud (UBS), France)
Multi-Layer Architectures for Remote Health Monitoring
Rahul Krishnan Pathinarupothi (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India); Maneesha Vinodini Ramesh (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amrita University, India); Ekanath Rangan (Amrita University, India)
An Innovative WebRTC Solution for e-Health Services
Paola Pierleoni, Luca Pernini, Lorenzo Palma, Alberto Belli, Simone Valenti, Lorenzo Maurizi and Loris Sabbatini (Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy); Alessandro Marroni (DAN Europe, Malta)
Time-Frequency Based Contactless Estimation of Vital Signs of Human While Walking Using PMCW Radar
Isar Nejadgholi (University of Ottawa, Canada); Sreeraman Rajan (Carleton University, Canada); Miodrag Bolic (University of Ottawa, Canada)

GP02-a: Feature Recognition

An Approach to Localization in Crowded Area
Md Osman Gani (University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA); Golam Mushih Tanimul Ahsan, Duc Do, Drew Williams, Mohammed Balfas and Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed (Marquette University, USA); Muhammad Arif and Ahmed Kattan (Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia)
EEG-based Automatic Emotion Recognition: Feature Extraction, Selection and Classification Methods
Pascal Ackermann, Christian Kohlschein, Jó Ágila Bitsch and Klaus Wehrle (RWTH Aachen University, Germany); Sabina Jeschke (RWTH Aachen University & Institute Cluster IMA/ZLW & IfU, Germany)
Breast Mass Detection From Mammography Using Iteration of Gray-level Co-occurrence Matrix
Somchanok Tivatansakul and Keiichi Uchimura (Kumamoto University, Japan)
Analysis of Thigh Cross-sectional Proportion Using the Portable Ultrasound Imaging System
Osamu Fukuda, Tatsuma Shimizu, Hiroshi Okumura and Kohei Arai (Saga University, Japan); Kiyotaka Fukumoto (Shizuoka University, Japan); Satoshi Muraki (Kyushu University, Indonesia)
Severe Burns Assessment by Joint Color-Thermal Imagery and Ensemble Methods
Mihai-Sorin Badea (Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania); Constantin Vertan and Corneliu Florea (University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania); Laura Florea (National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, Romania); Silviu Badoiu (Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania)

GP05-a: Decision-Support & Intelligence

CorporateMeasures: A Clinical Analytics Framework Leading to Clinical Intelligence
Fadi Nammour (Kingston University, London, Germany); Nashat Mansour (Lebanese American University, Lebanon); Kostas Danas (Kingston University, London, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Predicting 30-Day All-Cause Readmissions From Hospital Inpatient Discharge Data
Chengliang Yang, Chris Delcher, Elizabeth Shenkman and Sartaj Sahni (University of Florida, USA)
Summarizing Patient Daily Activities for Clinical Pathway Mining
Xiao Xu, Tao Jin and Jianmin Wang (Tsinghua University, China)
"OntoDrive" A Multi-Methodological Ontology Driven Framework for Systems Analysis of Health Informatics
Vasilios Keramaris (Kingston University, Greece); Kostas Danas (Kingston University, London, United Kingdom (Great Britain))

GP06-a: Self Monitoring & Disease Management

A Mobile Health Solution for Chronic Disease Management At Retail Pharmacy
Hongguang Zhang and Kai Liu (Shanghai CareLinker Medical Technology Co., Ltd., China); Weijian Kong (Shanghai University, China); Fei Tian, Youren Yang, Chu Feng, Ti Wang and Qi Chen (Shanghai CareLinker Medical Technology Co., Ltd., China)
Cell Phone- Based Diabetes Self-Management and Social Networking System for American Indians
Juan Li and Jun Kong (North Dakota State University, USA)

GP01-a: Ambient Assisted Living

Activity Recognition Based on Micro-Doppler Signature with In-Home Wi-Fi
Qingchao Chen (University College London); Bo Tan (Tampere University, Finland); Kevin Chetty (University College London, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Karl Woodbridge (University College London (UCL), United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Opportunistic Physical Activity Monitoring Via Passive WiFi Radar
Wenda Li (Heriot Watt University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Bo Tan (Tampere University, Finland); Robert J Piechocki and Ian Craddock (University of Bristol, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
A Mobility Device for the Blind with Improved Vertical Resolution Using Dynamic Vision Sensors
Lukas Everding, Lennart Walger, Viviane Ghaderi and Jörg Conradt (Technische Universität München, Germany)

Welcome Reception

The welcome reception will take place at the Hotel Sofitel Munich Bayerpost.

Chair's Welcome

Keynotes: Huawei, Orange, GS1


  • Dr. Walter Weigel, Huawei: Beyond the Wire: how 5G will boost e-Health
  • Christian Hay, GS1: The Role of G-Tins in virtualization in Health Care
  • Lyse Brillouet, Orange

GP00: Emerging Topics

Determinants of Next Generation e-Health Network and Architecture Specifications
Christoph Thuemmler (Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom (Great Britain) & Helios Park Klinikum Leipzig, Germany); Alois Paulin (Austria); Ai Keow Lim (Celestor Ltd, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
UML/OCL-based Modeling of Work-Based Access Control Policies for Collaborative Healthcare Systems
Mohamed Abomhara and Mehdi Ben Lazrag (University of Agder, Norway)
Dynamic Fine-Grained Access Control in e-Health
Alois Paulin (Austria); Christoph Thuemmler (Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom (Great Britain) & Helios Park Klinikum Leipzig, Germany)

GP01-b: Ambient Assisted Living

System Architecture of Customized Intelligent Lighting Control and Indoor Environment Monitoring System for Persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia
Mika Raatikainen and Robert Ciszek (University of Eastern Finland, Finland); Johanna Närväinen, Juho Merilahti and Sami Siikanen (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland); Timo Ollikainen (City of Kuopio, Finland); Ilona Hallikainen and Jukka-Pekka Skön (University of Eastern Finland, Finland)
Smartwatch Based Tumble Recognition - A Data Mining Model Comparision Study
Klemens Waldhör (FOM Hochschule für Ökonomie und Management & Heartsome Europe GmbH, Germany); Rainer Lutze (Dr.-Ing. Rainer Lutze Consulting, Germany)
Smartphone-based Transport Mode Detection for Elderly Care
Nuno Cardoso (ISEP & Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS, Portugal); João Madureira (Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS, Portugal); Nuno Pereira (Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal)
Wireless Indoor Low Power Tracking System for Elderly People Assistance in an Urban Environment
Gabriele Di Simone (University of Salerno, Italy); António Espírito Santo (University of Beira Interior, Portugal); Vincenzo Paciello (University of Salerno, Italy); Antonio Pietrosanto (University of Salerno & CEO of Metering Research srl, Italy); Bruno Ribeiro (University of Beira Interior & Dep. Eng. Electromecanica, Portugal)
Building a Spatial-Temporal Index to Detect the Global Pattern Deviations in Daily Activities of Elderly Subjects
Norbert Noury (University of Lyon & Équipe Dispositifs Santé et Environnement - Laboratoire INL, France); Marc Berenguer and Marie-Jeanne Bouzid (Orange Labs, France); Jean-Baptiste Versini (University of Lyon, France)

GP02-b: Feature Recognition

Sleep Apnea Detection Using a Feed-Forward Neural Network on ECG Signal
André Pinho (Universidade of Beira Interior, Portugal); Nuno Pombo (University of Beira Interior, Portugal); Nuno M. Garcia (Universidade da Beira Interior & Instituto de Telecomunicações, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Portugal)
Internet of Things in Sleep Monitoring: An Application for Posture Recognition Using Supervised Learning
Georges Matar (École de Technologie supérieure); Jean Lina (École de Technologie Supérieure, University of Quebec, Canada); Julie Carrier (Center For Advanced Research In Sleep Medecine, Canada); Anna Riley (Riley's 321 Sleep, Canada); Georges Kaddoum (ETS Engineering School, University of Québec, Canada)
Emotion Recognition Using Mobile Phones
Shams Y Shapsough, Ahmed Hesham, Youssef Elkhorazaty, Imran A. Zualkernan and Fadi Aloul (American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates)

GP05-b: Decision-Support & Intelligence

Patient-Aware Adaptive Ngram-based Algorithm for Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using EEG Signals
Hussein Alawieh, Hussein Hammoud, Mortada Haidar and Mohammad Nassralla (American University of Beirut, Lebanon); Ahmad El-Hajj (Beirut Arab University, Lebanon); Zaher Dawy (American University of Beirut, Lebanon)
Data Fusion for Predicting ARDS Using the MIMIC II Physiological Database
Aline Taoum (Université de Technologie de Troyes, France & Lebanese University, Lebanon); Farah Mourad-Chehade (Université de Technologie de Troyes, France); Hassan Amoud (Lebanese University & Faculty of Sciences, Lebanon); Aly Chkeir (University of Technology of Troyes, France); Ziad Fawal (Lebanese University, Lebanon); Jacques Duchêne (Université de Technologie de Troyes, France)
Adaption of Medical Information System's E-Learning Extension to a Simple Suggestion Tool
Petar Rajkovic, Dragan Jankovic and Aleksandar Milenkovic (University of Nis, Serbia)
Electronic Health Records: Improvement to Healthcare Decision-making
Hamzah Osop (Agency for Science Technology and Research, Singapore & Nanyang Technological University, Singapore); Tony R Sahama (Queensland University of Technology & IEEE ACM IBS ACS SSAInc HISA, Australia)
An Inference Mechanism Using Bayes-based Classifiers in Pregnancy Care
Mario W. L. Moreira (Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Ceará, Brazil); Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues (Senac Fac of Ceará, Brazil); Antonio Oliveira (Federal Institute of Ceara, Brazil); Kashif Saleem (King Saud University, Saudi Arabia); Augusto J. Venancio Neto (Federal University of Rio Grande Do Norte (UFRN), Brazil & IT Aveiro, Portugal)

GP06-b: Self Monitoring & Disease Management

Still in Flow - Long-term Usage of an Activity Motivating App for Seniors
Christian Lins (OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology, Germany); Andreas Hein (Universität Oldenburg, Germany); Luca Halder (Bremer Heimstiftung, Germany); Philipp Gronotte (Jade University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
Workload Management Through Glanceable Feedback: The Role of Heart Rate Variability
John Edison Munoz Cardona (Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada); Evangelos Karapanos (Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus); Fabio M-iti Pereira (Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Portugal)
Towards Rehabilitative E-health by Introducing a New Automatic Scoring System
Tracey Lee (Singapore Polytechnic & Monash University, Singapore); Joo Ghee Lim (Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore); Kee Hao Leo (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore); Saeid Sanei (Nottingham Trent University & Imperial College London, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Mandy Pei Yin Lew (University of Glasgow, Singapore); Effie Chew (National University Hospital, Singapore); Ling Zhao (Senior Therapist, Singapore)
ROAMM: A Software Infrastructure for Real-time Monitoring of Personal Health
Sanjay Nair and Matin Kheirkhahan (University of Florida, USA); Anis Davoudi (Johns Hopkins University, USA); Parisa Rashidi, Amal Wanigatunga, Duane Corbett, Todd Manini and Sartaj Sahni (University of Florida, USA)
A Wearable 1-Lead Necklace ECG for Continuous Heart Rate Monitoring
Aulia A. Iskandar (Swiss German University, Indonesia); Wolfram Voelker (Unversitaetsiklinikum Wuerzburg, Germany); Reiner Kolla (University of Wuerzburg, Germany); Klaus Schilling (University of Würzburg, Germany)

GP12-a: Medical Imagery & Teleradiology

A Simple and Accurate Matrix for Model Based Photoacoustic Imaging
Francis K j, Pradeep Mishra and P Rajalakshmi (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India); Ashutosh Richhariya (LV Prasad Eye Institute Hyderabad, India); Sumohana Channappayya (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India)
Non-local Means Kernel Regression Based Despeckling of B-mode Ultrasound Images
Bharath Ramkrishna (Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, India); P Rajalakshmi (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India)
Human-machine Interface Based on Multi-channel Single-element Ultrasound Transducers: A Preliminary Study
Yuefeng Li, Keshi He, Xueli Sun and Honghai Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
Assessing the Relational Database Model for Optimization of Content Discovery Services in Medical Imaging Repositories
André Alves (DETI / IEETA - University of Aveiro); Tiago Marques Godinho and Carlos Costa (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
A Hybrid Quality Evaluation Approach Based on Fuzzy Inference System for Medical Video Streaming Over Small Cell Technology
Ikram Ur Rehman (University of West London, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Nada Y Philip (Kingston University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Moustafa M. Nasralla (Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University)


Workshop: 5G PPP Phase III

5G PPP Phase 3 calls are expected to be announced in 2017. Between now and then stakeholder discussions will shape the call text with regards to highlighted topics, impact, aims and objectives. This workshop will offer one of the rare opportunities to take action on building this important future call. The workshop will address in particular the requirements of the health domain.


  • Bernard Barrani, European Commission
  • David Soldani, Nokia
  • Halid Hrasnica, Eurescom
  • Sajida Zouarhi, Orange
  • Eirik Arsand & Astrid Grottland, University of Northern Norway
  • Altaf Sadique, GaneData, Leeds
  • Christoph Thuemmler, Edinburgh Napier University

GP01-c: Ambient Assisted Living

A Data Fusion System to Study Synchronization in Social Activities
Loïc Sevrin (Université de Lyon & INL, France); Bertrand Massot (University of Lyon & INSA Lyon, INL, France); Norbert Noury (University of Lyon & Équipe Dispositifs Santé et Environnement - Laboratoire INL, France); Nacer Abouchi (CPE Lyon, France); Fabrice Jumel (INSA de Lyon, France); Jacques Saraydaryan (CPE, France)
Exploiting Riemannian Manifolds for Daily Activity Classification in Video Towards Health Care
Yixiao Yun and Irene Y. H. Gu (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Sway Analysis and Fall Prediction Method Based on Spatio-Temporal Sliding Window Technique
Kabalan Chaccour (Antonine University, Lebanon & TICKET Research Lab & SYNERGIES Lab, France); Hiba Al Assaad (Lebanese University & LAMA Lab, Lebanon); Amir Hajjam (UTBM, SeT, France); Rony Darazi (Antonine University, Lebanon); Emmanuel Andrès (CHU Strasbourg, France)
A Conceptual Model for Integrating Social and Health Care Services At Home: The H@H Project
Fabrizio Pecoraro, Daniela Luzi, Elaheh Pourabbas and Fabrizio Ricci (National Research Council, Italy)
NSense: A People-centric, Non-intrusive Opportunistic Sensing Tool for Contextualizing Nearness
Rute C. Sofia (Fortiss, Germany & ISTAR, ISCTE-IUL, Portugal); Firdose Saeik (Ecole de Technologie Superieure, Canada); Luis Amaral Lopes (COPELABS/ University Lusofona, Portugal); Waldir Moreira (Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS, Portugal); Paulo Mendes (Airbus, Germany)

GP02-c: Feature Recognition

ParkNosis: Diagnosing Parkinson's Disease Using Mobile Phones
Abdulwahab H Sahyoun, Karim Chehab, Osama Al-Madani, Fadi Aloul and Assim Sagahyroon (American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates)
Smartphone Based Automatic Abnormality Detection of Kidney in Ultrasound Images
Pallavi Vaish (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India); Bharath Ramkrishna (Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, India); P Rajalakshmi (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India); Uday B Desai (IIT Hyderabad, India)
ST-segment and T-wave Anomalies Prediction in ECG Data Using RUSBoost
Medina Hadjem (Paris Descartes University, France); Farid Nait-Abdesselam (Université Paris Cité, France); Ashfaq Khokhar (Iowa State University, USA)
Intelligent Depression Detection and Support System: Statistical Analysis, Psychological Review and Design Implication
Mashrura Tasnim (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology); Rifat Shahriyar (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh); Nowshin Nahar (Eastern University, Bangladesh); Hossain Mahmud (Technische Universität München, Germany)

GP05-c: Decision-Support & Intelligence

Application of Recommender System Methods for Therapy Decision Support
Felix Gräßer (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany); Stefanie Beckert, Denise Küster and Susanne Abraham (Universitätsklinikum Dresden, Germany); Hagen Malberg (TU Dresden & Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Germany); Jochen Schmitt (Universitätsklinikum Dresden, Germany); Sebastian Zaunseder (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, Germany)
Immediate and Long-term Effects of 2016 Zika Outbreak: A Twitter-based Study
Aparup Khatua (University of Calcutta, India); Apalak Khatua (XLRI Xavier School of Management, India)
Big Social Data Analytics for Public Health: Facebook Engagement and Performance
Nadiya Straton (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark); Kjeld Hansen (Westerdals - Oslo School of Art Communication & Technology); Raghava Rao Mukkamala and Abid Hussain (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark); Tor-Morten Grønli (Kristiania University College, Dep. Technology, Norway); Henning Langberg (University of Copenhagen, Denmark); Ravi Vatrapu (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
Evaluating the QoE of a Mobile DSS for Diagnosis of Red Eye Diseases by Medical Students
Marta Manovel, Miguel Maldonado, Isabel de la Torre, José Jimeno and Miguel López-Coronado (University of Valladolid, Spain); Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues (Senac Fac of Ceará, Brazil)

GP06-c: Self Monitoring & Disease Management

Midwifery E-Health:From Design to Validation of "Mammastyle - Gravidanza Fisiologica"
Grazia Tommasone (ISTITUTO SUPERIORE MARIO BOELLA, Italy); Valentina Solinas (Università di Torino, Italy); Marco Bazzani (ISTITUTO SUPERIORE MARIO BOELLA, Italy); Paola Serafini (Università di Torino, Italy)
Wireless Solution to Prevent Decubitus Ulcers: Preventive Weight Shifting Guide, Monitor, and Tracker App for Wheel Chair Users with Spinal Cord Injuries (Phase II)*
Arshia A Khan (University of Minnesota Duluth, USA); Michael Reuter (Essentia, USA); Nam Phung and Syed Hafeez (UMD, USA)
Experiment Design of Free Pregnancy Monitoring mPHRs Quality Evaluation
Ali Idri and Mariam Bachiri (University Mohamed V of Rabat, Morocco); José Luis Fernández-Alemán and Ambrosio Toval (University of Murcia, Spain)
Mobile Self-Management Application for COPD Patients with Comorbidities: a Usability Study
Drishty D Sobnath, DS (Southampton Solent University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Nada Y Philip, Reem Kayyali, Shereen Nabhani-Gebara and Barbara Pierscionek (Kingston University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Andreas Raptopoulos (EXUS SA, Greece)

GP09: Nano Technologies

QoS Aware Molecular Activation and Communication Scheme in Molecular Nanoscale Sensor Networks
Hong-Hsu Yen (Shih-Hsin University, Taiwan); Xinheng Wang (Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University, China); Dong Wang (China Telecom Research Institute, China)
Adaptive Code Width Protocol for Mitigating Intersymbol Interference in Diffusion-based Molecular Communication with Mobile Nodes
Yao Sun and Masaki Ito (The University of Tokyo, Japan); Kaoru Sezaki (University of Tokyo, Japan)

GP13: Mixed e-Health

Economic Evaluation of m-Health: Case of e-Ambulance in Japan
Masatsugu Tsuji (University of Hyogo, Japan); Yoshihisa Matsumoto (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan); Masaru Ogawa (Kobe Gakuin University, Japan)

Banquet (Hofbräuhaus)

Venue is in Munich old town. Venue is reachable by public transport. Guidance will be provided.

Keynote: Nokia (Dr. Soldani)

Workshop: WWRF

Setting the Scene for the 5G-enabled Health Ecosystem

Mobile health (m-Health) covers health applications that are enabled by mobile communication devices such as smart phones, tablets and laptop computers. The forthcoming 5G (fifth generation of mobile communications) will enable the independent communication of intelligent devices (known as the Internet of Things IoT) providing an ecosystem where such devices will have the autonomy to monitor the health related issues of individuals and update the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) that is centrally controlled by the healthcare system. This ecosystem will provide amazing opportunities for innovative applications that could transform the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery and personalised support. It is envisaged that together with prescribed medication we will be prescribed a mobile application system that will provide support on the way that we treat our health conditions. It is also important to point out that this ecosystem is predicted to create jobs and economic growth combining ICT, smart medical devices, and smart pharmaceuticals all working together for the delivery of healthcare encouraging prevention and leading to a healthier lifestyle.

The aim of this workshop is to present the vision of m-Health under 5G, provide experts' views on the development of this future ecosystem of intelligent devices and demonstrate with the presentation of case studies and short demos the benefits to the healthcare industry and the individuals.

Workshop: Project ALFRED

ALFRED - Personal Interactive Assistant for Independent Living and Active Ageing - is a project funded by the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission under Grant Agreement No. 611218. It will allow older people to live longer at their own homes with the possibility to act independently and to actively participate in society by providing the technological foundation for an ecosystem.

The ALFRED project organizes this workshop in collaboration with invited speakers to present and discuss:

  • possibilities for interoperability and open frameworks to bring solutions together
  • research results concerning interoperability and standards in the field of active ageing
  • needs of end users of technology and how these can be tackled within research
  • presentation of Google about Big Data (as an example the genomics project) and Machine Learning


GP04-a: Sensor Networks, Wearables, and IoT

Distributed Scheme for Interference Mitigation of WBANs Using Predictable Channel Hopping
Mohamad Ali (Paris Descartes University, France); Hassine Moungla (Université Paris Cité, France & Instiut Polytechnique de Paris, France); Mohamed Younis (University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA); Ahmed Mehaoua (Universite Paris Cite, France)
Performance Improvement of the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) Under Interferences
Sarra Essafi (SysCom, Communication System Laboratory, Tunisia); Tahar Ezzedine (Tunis El Manar University, Tunisia)
Buffer-aware and QoS-effective Resource Allocation Scheme in WBANs
Zhiqiang Liu and Bin Liu (University of Science and Technology of China, China); Chang Wen Chen (State University of New York at Buffalo, USA)
Performance Improvement of the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN)
Sarra Essafi (SysCom, Communication System Laboratory, Tunisia); Tahar Ezzedine (Tunis El Manar University, Tunisia)
Blockchain Technology in Healthcare - The Revolution Starts Here
Matthias Mettler (Boydak Strategy Consulting AG, Switzerland)

GP07: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Tools and Methods

Language Therapy of Aphasia Supported by Augmented Reality Applications
Daniela Antkowiak (RWTH Aachen University & Institute of Information Management in Mechanichal Engineering, Germany); Christian Kohlschein (RWTH Aachen University, Germany); Roksaneh Krooß and Maximilian Speicher (Bitstars GmbH, Germany); Tobias Meisen (University of Wuppertal, Germany); Sabina Jeschke (RWTH Aachen University & Institute Cluster IMA/ZLW & IfU, Germany); Cornelius Werner (University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Germany)
PhysioVR A Novel Mobile Virtual Reality Framework for Physiological Computing
John Edison Munoz Cardona (Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada); Teresa Paulino (University of Madeira, Madeira-ITI & M-ITI, Portugal); Vasantharajah Harryharasuthan (Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute & University of Madeira, Portugal); Karolina Baras (University of Madeira, Portugal)
Prediction of Anatomical Exposure to Solar UV: a Case Study for the Head Using SimUVEx V2
Arianna Religi (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Ergonomic Surgical Practice Analysed Through sEMG Monitoring of Muscular Activity
Amandine Dufaug and Christine Barthod (Université Savoie Mont Blanc, France); Laurent Goujon (University Savoie Mont Blanc, France); Nicolas Forestier (Université Savoie Mont Blanc, France)
Is There a Relationship Between Frailty Indices and Balance Assessment in Older People
Aly Chkeir (University of Technology of Troyes, France); Safieddine1 Doha (Inserm UMR 1099 Campus de Beaulieu Bat. 22 Rennes F-35042 France, France); Farah Mourad-Chehade (Université de Technologie de Troyes, France); David Hewson (University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Jacques Duchêne (Université de Technologie de Troyes, France); Moustapha Drame (CHU de Reims - Hôpital Robert Debré, France); Delphine Bera (Arcades, France); Michèlle Collart (Hopital, France); Jean-Luc Novella Novella (CHU de Reims - Hôpital Robert Debré, France)

GP11: Hippocratic Data: Access Control and Legal Implications

An Attribute Based Access Control Scheme for Secure Sharing of Electronic Health Records
Harsha S Gardiyawasam Pussewalage and Vladimir Oleshchuk (University of Agder, Norway)
Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Medical Imaging: Review of Legal Barriers to Entry for the Commercial Systems
Ting-Wei Lin and Po-Yu Huang (School of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan); Claire Wan-Chiung Cheng (Taipei Medical University, Taiwan)
U-Prove Based Security Framework for Mobile Device Authentication in eHealth Networks
Khan Zeb (Concordia University, Canada); Kashif Saleem (King Saud University, Saudi Arabia); Christoph Thuemmler (Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom (Great Britain) & Helios Park Klinikum Leipzig, Germany); Jalal Almuhtadi (King Saud University, Saudi Arabia)
Patterns for Conflict Identification in Clinical Trial Eligibility Criteria
Christina Schweikert and Bonnie MacKellar (St. John's University, USA)

GP12-b: Medical Imagery & Teleradiology

Echocardiography to Cardiac CT Image Registration
Azira Khalil (University Of Malaya, Malaysia); Yih Miin Liew (Universiti Malaya, Malaysia); Siew Cheok Ng (University Malaya, Malaysia); Yan Chai Hum (Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia); Khin Wee Lai (Universiti Malaya, Malaysia)
Architecture of a Web-Based DICOM Viewer Showing Segmentations and Simulations
Roland Ellerweg and Dominic Reuter (Fraunhofer FIT, Germany); Phil Weir (NUMA Engineering, Ireland)
Generic Features for Fundus Image Quality Evaluation
Zhenjie Yao (Chinese Academy of Sciences & Purple Mountain Laboratory: Networking, Communications and Security, China); Zhipeng Zhang and Li-Qun Xu (China Mobile Research Institute, China); Qingxia Fan and Ling Xu (Shenyang He Hospital, China)
Accessing Image Resolution and Frame Rate Effects in Radiology From a Human and a Machine Point of View
Roland Ellerweg (Fraunhofer FIT, Germany); Tuomas Alhonnoro and Mika Pollari (Aalto University, Finland); Peter Voigt (Leipzig University, Germany); Phil Weir (NUMA Engineering, Ireland)
Integrating Multiple Data Sources in a Cardiology Imaging Laboratory
Tiago Marques Godinho and Eduardo Almeida (University of Aveiro, Portugal); Luís Bastião Silva (BMD Software, Portugal); Carlos Costa (University of Aveiro, Portugal)


Panel: Cyber-Security, IoT, Wearables and the Quantified Self (QS)

In the Panel/Workshop at HealthCom 2016 on "Cyber-Security, IoT, Wearables and the QS", the IEEE Life Sciences Technical Community will bring together, under one roof, expertise in issues related to cybersecurity, the Internet of Things, wearables and the Quantified Self. Notable experts from the various IEEE Societies (Circuits & Systems Society, Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, Computer Society, Society on Social Implications of Technology & Consumer Electronics Society) will present and discuss their related fields of expertise. The audience and the experts will then discuss how to bring it all together and propose a vision and a plan of action for the next decade of persistent physiological monitoring.

Topics: - Wearable Devices and the Quantified Self - Cyberspace, Privacy and Information Security in the Healthcare Sector: Social Implications of Technology - Connecting Wearable and Implantable Medical Devices to Internet for Remote Sensing and Treatment - Up Close and Personal: Cybersecurity in Medical IoT Devices.


  • Eric Evenchick, Linklayer Labs, Toronto, Canada
  • Nahum Gershon, The MITRE Corp., McLean, VA
  • Luis Kun, IEEE, Faifax, VA
  • Mohamad Sawan, University of Montréal, Montreal, Canada

GP04-b: Sensor Networks, Wearables, and IoT

Towards Semantics in Wearable Sensors: The Role of Transducers Electronic Data Sheets (TEDS) Ontology in Sensor Networks
Olamidipupo Ajigboye (Kingston University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Kostas Danas (Kingston University, London, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
A Queue-Size & Channel Quality Based Adaptation of the Energy Detection Threshold in IEEE802.15.6 CSMA/CA
Vladimir Marbukh (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA); Martina Barbi (Instituto de Telecomunicaciones y Aplicaciones Multimedia (iTEAM), Spain); Kamran Sayrafian (NIST, USA); Mehdi Alasti (Adgen Telecom Group, USA)
SDN-TAP: An SDN-based Traffic Aware Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Hossein Fotouhi and Maryam Vahabi (Mälardalen University, Sweden); Apala Ray (ABB, India); Mats Björkman (Malardalen University, Sweden)
A Framework for Modularised Wearable Adaptive Biofeedback Devices
Yonghee Ahn, Dhammika Jayalath and Adekunle Oloyede (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)

GP08: Implantable Sensors

Exploiting Dental Implants for Creating Wired Implantable Health Monitoring Devices
Saied Hemati (University of Idaho, USA); Sepideh Rahmani (Pickard Orthodontics, USA)
Implantable Microdevice with Integrated Wireless Power Transfer for Thermal Neuromodulation Applications
José Fernandes (DEI- University of Minho, Portugal); Hugo Dinis, Luis Goncalves and Paulo Mendes (University of Minho, Portugal)
Reliable Listen-Before-Talk Mechanism for Medical Implant Communication Systems
Selman Kulac (Duzce University, Turkey); Huseyin Arslan (Istanbul Medipol University, USA)
Wireless Optogenetic Neural Dust for Deep Brain Stimulation
Stefanus Arinno Wirdatmadja (Tampere University of Technology, Finland); Sasitharan Balasubramaniam (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA); Yevgeni Koucheryavy (Tampere University, Finland); Josep M Jornet (Northeastern University & Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things, USA)

GP10: Data Processing and System Interoperability

A Maturity Model for Interoperability in eHealth
Lex Van Velsen (Roessingh Research and Development, The Netherlands); Wendy Oude-Nijeweme d'Hollosy and Hermie Hermens (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Constellation: A Secure Self-Optimizing Framework for Genomic Processing
Cody Bumgardner, Victor Marek, Caylin Hickey and Kannabiran Nandakumar (University of Kentucky, USA)
Dynamic EEG Compression Approach with Optimized Distortion Level for Mobile Health Solutions
Mohammad Nassralla (American University of Beirut, Lebanon); Ahmad El-Hajj (Beirut Arab University, Lebanon); Fady Baly and Zaher Dawy (American University of Beirut, Lebanon)
HI-risk: A Method to Analyse Health Information Risk Intelligence
William J Buchanan and Nicole van Deursen (Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom (Great Britain))

Closing Ceremony