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Welcome from TPC Chairs


Welcome from TPC Chairs

Welcome to the Annual International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2019)
February 18-21, 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

Nirwan Ansari Honggang Wang
Chonggang Wang Andrea Zanella

On behalf of the International Conference on Computing, Networking, and Communications (ICNC 19) Technical Program Committee, it is our great honor to warmly welcome you to Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

In the past 7 few years, the successes of ICNC'2012-ICNC'2018 have showcased the rapid convergence and integration of computing, networking and communications in many applications such as mobile and multimedia computing, sensor networks, smart grids and vehicular networks. It is our great pleasure to keep building such a high quality technical conference platform that covers all converging aspects of computing, networking and communications, so communities can share, exchange, and accelerate knowledge and technologies. As always, ICNC'2019 will continue on the path of this successful series to meet this goal.

ICNC'2019 received a total of 418 submitted papers and each paper received at least three independent reviews. Among these submissions, we have selected 118 papers for inclusion in the main technical program. These papers are organized into a number of sessions, to be held on February 19th, 20th, and 21st, 2019. Besides these regular papers, ICNC'2019 features four keynote lectures, to be given by world-class researchers Laura Hass, UMass Amherst, USA; Ali H. Sayed, EPFL, Switzerland; Lizhong Zheng, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; and Raj Jain, Washington University in St. Louis, USA. The conference also has 4 plenary talks, 4 distinguished lectures, 35 invited talks across the technical program, as well as a wonderful workshop program. We hope that you will enjoy our high quality technical program.

It is impossible to have a successful conference without the efforts of many people. We take this opportunity to express our special gratitude to our symposium co-chairs. They are:

  • Cloud Computing and Big Data Symposium Chair: Toktam Mahmoodi, King's College of London, UK; Hua Fang, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA
  • Communications and Information Security Symposium Chair: Mauro Conti, University of Padova, Italy; Lei Chen, Georgia Southern University, USA; Xiaoyan Sun, California State University, USA
  • Communications QoS and System Modeling Symposium Chair: Liangping Ma, InterDigital, USA; Miaowen Wen, South China University of Technology, China
  • Green Computing, Networking, and Communications Symposium Chair: Rongrong Zhang, University of Ottawa, Canada; Shaoen Wu, Ball State University, USA; Houbing Song, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA
  • Internet Services and Applications Symposium Chair: Qing Yang, University of North Texas, USA; Chenfei Gao, AT&T, USA; Jianli Pan, University of Missouri - St. Louis, USA
  • Machine Learning for Networking Symposium Chair: Danijela Cabric, UCLA, USA; Wei Yu, Townson University, USA; Paolo Casari, IMDEA, Spain
  • Mobile Computing and Vehicle Communications Symposium Chair: Carla Fabiana Chiasserini, Politecnico di Torino, Italy; Takamasa Higuchi, Toyota InfoTechnology Center, Japan; Lina Karam, Arizona State University, USA; Junfeng Wang, Sichuan University, China
  • Multimedia Computing and Communications Symposium Chair: Shervin Shirmohammadi, Professor, University of Ottawa, Canada; Carsten Griwodz, University of Oslo, Norway; Pradeep K Atrey, State University of New York, USA
  • Network Algorithms and Performance Evaluation Symposium Chair: Stefano Basagni, Northeastern University, USA; JaeSeung Song, Sejong University, South Korea; Chen Chen, Peking University, China
  • Optical and Grid Computing Symposium Chair: Julian Cheng, University of British Columbia, Canada; Yi Zhu, Hawaii Pacific University, USA
  • Signal Processing for Communications Symposium Chair: Alex Dytso, Princeton University, USA; Kewei Sha, University of Houston-Clear Lake, USA; Feng Ye, University of Dayton, USA
  • Social Computing and Semantic Data Mining Symposium Chair: Payam Barnaghi, University of Surrey, UK; Xiang Sun, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
  • Wireless Ad hoc and Sensor Networks Symposium Chair: Nicola Marchetti, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland; Jihong Yu, Simon Fraser University, Canada; Prof Majid Butt from Uni Glasgow, UK
  • Wireless Communications Symposium Chair: Marco Mezzavilla, NYU, NY; Chetna Singhal, IIT Kharagpur, India; Hongxiang Li, University of Louisville, USA
  • Wireless Networks Symposium Chair: Xiaojiang Du, Temple University, USA; Igor Bisio, University of Genoa, Italy; Bin Song, Xidian University, China

In addition, we are grateful to the authors who have contributed their work, the technical program committee members, the reviewers who have helped with the review process, and the session chairs who ensure a vibrant on-site conference experience. We also wish to thank Dr. Jian Ren, Dr. Tomohiko Taniguchi, the Executive Chairs of the conference, as well as Prof. Honggang Wang and Prof. Nirwan Ansari, the General Chairs of the conference, for their great support and leadership.

We hope you will enjoy the technical program, and look forward to seeing you in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

TPC Chairs:
Chonggang Wang, InterDigital, USA
Andrea Zanella, University of Padova, Italy

TPC Co-Chairs:
Tomaso de Cola, German Aerospace Center, Germany
Sanjeev Mehrotra, Microsoft Research, USA
Mugen Peng, BUPT, China