Author |
Session |
Start page |
Title |
A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Abdallah, Mohamed |
CNC'19: CNC IV.6 |
67 |
Secrecy Capacity of Hybrid RF/VLC DF Relaying Networks with Jamming |
Abdel-Rahman, Mohammad |
859 |
Joint Base Station Selection and Adaptive Slicing in Virtualized Wireless Networks: A Stochastic Optimization Framework |
Abolfathi, Roxana |
MCC & OGC.1 |
582 |
A Novel Rate Control Method for Free-viewpoint Video in MV-HEVC |
Abusitta, Adel |
CLD.2 |
370 |
Toward Secure Resource Allocation in Mobile Cloud Computing: A Matching Game |
Adachi, Koichi |
WAHS.3 |
1024 |
Array Antenna for Power Saving of Sensor Nodes in UAV-BS enabled WSN |
Adam, Nadir |
NAPE I.1 |
735 |
Infrastructure vs. Multi-Hop D2D Networks: Availability and Performance Analysis |
Addesso, Paolo |
CIS I:.2 |
437 |
Adversarial Detection of Concealed VoIP Traffic |
Adler, Aaron |
WAHS.5 |
1034 |
Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks |
Ahmed, Tarem |
MLCN.2 |
658 |
An Empirical Investigation of DDoS and Flash Event Detection Using Shannon Entropy, KOAD and SVM Combined |
Al Baidhani, Amer |
6 |
Learning for Detection: A Deep Learning Wireless Communication Receiver Over Rayleigh Fading Channels |
Al-khori, Jaber |
CNC IV.6 |
67 |
Secrecy Capacity of Hybrid RF/VLC DF Relaying Networks with Jamming |
Alahmadi, Ahmed |
WN II:.2 |
509 |
Blocking Probability Analysis for Relay-Assisted OFDMA Networks using Stochastic Geometry |
Albalawi, Abdulazaz |
809 |
A Delay-Based Congestion-Control Protocol for Information-Centric Networks |
Alberti, Nikolas |
SPC.2 |
983 |
VLSI Architectures for ORVD Trellis based MIMO Detection |
Alesawi, Sami |
CNC VI.3 |
265 |
Tail Latency Prediction for Datacenter Applications in Consolidated Environments |
CNC VI.4 |
270 |
Overcome Heterogeneity Impact in Modeled Fork-Join Queuing Networks for Tail Prediction |
Ali, Imad |
ISA.7 |
647 |
SORT: SOcial HelpeR SelecTion Scheme for Mobile Question Answering Systems |
Ali, Jehad |
197 |
Performance Comparison of Software Defined Networking Simulators for Tactical Network: Mininet vs. OPNET |
Almosa, Hayder |
WC I.4 |
883 |
Downlink Resource Allocation in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems |
Almutairi, Saleh |
CNC X.2 |
334 |
A Bare PC Text Based Browser |
Alorini, Dema |
CNC II:.5 |
131 |
Maximizing Secrecy Rates and Payoffs Through Wireless Virtualization in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks |
CIS I:.4 |
448 |
Automatic Spam Detection on Gulf Dialectical Arabic Tweets |
Alshamrani, Adel |
CIS II:.6 |
572 |
SUPC: SDN enabled Universal Policy Checking in Cloud Network |
CIS II:.7 |
577 |
Adaptive MTD Security using Markov Game Modeling |
Altintas, Onur |
Invited Talks II: AI & WN:.1 |
537 |
Virtual Edge Computing Using Vehicular Micro Clouds |
Altuwaiyan, Thamer |
CLD.1 |
365 |
SmartEye: Mobile Device Proximity Monitoring via Wireless Signal Analysis |
Alyatama, Anwar |
153 |
Multi-Resource Continuous Allocation Model for Cloud Services |
Amir-Mohammadian, Sepehr |
854 |
Data Migration in Large Scale Heterogeneous Storage Systems with Nodes to Spare |
An, Min Kyung |
WN I:.1 |
395 |
Minimum Latency Aggregation Scheduling in Internet of Things |
Antonescu, Bogdan |
MCVC.5 |
923 |
Diffuse Scattering Models for mmWave V2X Communications in Urban Scenarios |
Aoki, Yuya |
CNC V.1 |
219 |
Construction of Time-Space Radio Environment Database using HMM for Cooperative Sensing |
Appana, Pranavi |
CIS II:.5 |
567 |
What To Do First: Ranking The Mission Impact Graph for Effective Mission Assurance |
Argueta, Derek |
CIS I:.3 |
442 |
A Quantitative Study of the Deployment of DNS Rate Limiting |
Ascheid, Gerd |
SPC.2 |
983 |
VLSI Architectures for ORVD Trellis based MIMO Detection |
Asfaw, Michael Berhane |
CQSM & ISA.1 |
463 |
Performance Analysis of Raptor Code for Reconciliation in Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution |
Atighetchi, Michael |
WAHS.5 |
1034 |
Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks |
Auras, Dominik |
SPC.2 |
983 |
VLSI Architectures for ORVD Trellis based MIMO Detection |
Avramovic, Ivan |
NAPE I.3 |
747 |
NP-completeness of Shortest Leaf-to-Leaf Distance in a Tree |
Ayimba, Constantine |
MLCN.3 |
663 |
Adaptive Resource Provisioning based on Application State |
Azgin, Aytac |
828 |
Stateless Forwarding in ICN with Dynamic Non-Bloom Filters |
B A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Baba, Ken-ichi |
CNC VI.7 |
287 |
Emergency Trunk Reservation Control Using Waiting Queue for Accommodating More General Calls |
Bambos, Nicholas |
GCNC.7 |
729 |
Bidding-Based Dynamic Power Pricing Scheme in Smart Grids |
Bande, Meghana |
MLCN.1 |
653 |
Multi-User Multi-Armed Bandits for Uncoordinated Spectrum Access |
Banerjee, Subharthi |
SPC.5 |
1000 |
Accuracy Analysis of Feature-based Automatic Modulation Classification with Blind Modulation Detection |
Barik, Runa |
ISA.1 |
612 |
Investigating the Delay Impact of the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) |
Basagni, Stefano |
MCVC.5 |
923 |
Diffuse Scattering Models for mmWave V2X Communications in Urban Scenarios |
Basta, Nardine |
CNC IV.2 |
46 |
SMAP: A Map Extension Framework for Intelligent Travel Systems |
Baum, Michael |
777 |
Evaluating the Performance and Energy Efficiency of OpenGL and Vulkan on a Graphics Rendering Server |
Baykal, Nazife |
MLCN.2 |
658 |
An Empirical Investigation of DDoS and Flash Event Detection Using Shannon Entropy, KOAD and SVM Combined |
Beard, Cory |
CNC IX.2 |
298 |
Fractional Packet Duplication and Fade Duration Outage Probability Analysis for Handover Enhancement in 5G Cellular Networks |
Beckerle, Michael |
WAHS.5 |
1034 |
Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks |
Bellaïche, Martine |
CLD.2 |
370 |
Toward Secure Resource Allocation in Mobile Cloud Computing: A Matching Game |
MCVC.1 |
900 |
A Decentralized Reputation Management System for Securing the Internet of Vehicles |
Benmohamed, Lotfi |
816 |
Optimal Cache Allocation under Network-Wide Capacity Constraint |
Beytur, Hasan Burhan |
CNC X.3 |
339 |
Age Minimization of Multiple Flows using Reinforcement Learning |
Biagioni, Edoardo |
CNC I:.2 |
78 |
Preventing UDP Flooding Amplification Attacks with Weak Authentication |
Bin Sahbudin, Murtadha Arif |
CNC X.5 |
350 |
MongoDB Clustering using K-means for Real-Time Song Recognition |
Birke, Sebastian |
SPC.2 |
983 |
VLSI Architectures for ORVD Trellis based MIMO Detection |
Blais, Stephane |
WAHS.5 |
1034 |
Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks |
Blanco, Alejandro |
WC I.3 |
876 |
A Comprehensive Study of Low Frequency and High Frequency Channel Correlation |
Blasch, Erik |
CIS I:.1 |
432 |
Towards Multimodal Learning for Android Malware Detection |
Blough, Douglas |
CQSM & ISA.7 |
497 |
Queueing Analysis of Auxiliary-Connection-Enabled Switches for Software-Defined Networks |
Bolla, Raffaele |
214 |
An abstraction layer for cybersecurity context |
Booz, Jarrett |
GCNC.1 |
697 |
A Deep Learning-Based Weather Forecast System for Data Volume and Recency Analysis |
Boryło, Piotr |
164 |
Risk Assessment Approach to Secure Northbound Interface of SDN Networks |
NAPE I.6 |
764 |
Slotted Flow Stats Acquisition: a Resource-efficient Flow Statistics Polling in OpenFlow Networks |
Bothe, Shruti |
CNC VI.6 |
282 |
Generative Adversarial Learning for Machine Learning empowered Self Organizing 5G Networks |
Boyanapalli, Uday |
159 |
Fast and Accurate Machine Learning-based Malware Detection via RC4 Ciphertext Analysis |
Brisky, James |
WN II:.6 |
531 |
Dynamic EAP Based MAC Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks |
Brockelsby, William |
CNC IX.1 |
292 |
A Graded Approach to Network Forensics with Privacy Concerns |
Brown, Aaron |
847 |
Virtually the Same: Comparing Physical and Virtual Testbeds |
C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Cabric, Danijela |
MLCN.5 |
674 |
Deep Learning Based Transmitter Identification using Power Amplifier Nonlinearity |
WC II.2 |
943 |
Joint Precoder and Combiner Design for MMSE Distributed Beamforming with Per-Antenna Power Constraints |
Cai, Xiaobo |
782 |
An energy-efficiency-aware resource allocation strategy in multi-granularity provision for green computing |
Calcaterra, Claudio |
CNC IV.4 |
56 |
Hadoop Performance Evaluation in Software Defined Data Center Networks |
Calvert, Ken |
CQSM & ISA.3 |
473 |
Enhancing Interdomain Transport via Economic Software-Defined Exchange Points |
Cameron, Agnes |
ISA.5 |
637 |
MedRec: A Network for Personal Information Distribution |
Campbell, Roy |
Invited Talks V: Mobile Computing/System.2 |
692 |
Bracelet: Edge-Cloud Microservice Infrastructure for Aging Scientific Instruments |
Cao, Jin |
CLD.6 |
390 |
An Extended Control Framework for Privacy-Preserving Photo Sharing across Different Social Networks |
WN I:.5 |
418 |
DIAM: Diversified Identity Authentication Mechanism for 5G Multi-Service System |
WN I:.6 |
425 |
Privacy-Preserving Device Discovery and Authentication Scheme for D2D Communication in 3GPP 5G HetNet |
Cao, Zhiyong |
782 |
An energy-efficiency-aware resource allocation strategy in multi-granularity provision for green computing |
Carmenini, Alessio |
CNC IV.4 |
56 |
Hadoop Performance Evaluation in Software Defined Data Center Networks |
Caro, Armando |
WAHS.5 |
1034 |
Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks |
Carrega, Alessandro |
214 |
An abstraction layer for cybersecurity context |
Casari, Paolo |
MLCN.3 |
663 |
Adaptive Resource Provisioning based on Application State |
Cassioli, Dajana |
CNC IV.4 |
56 |
Hadoop Performance Evaluation in Software Defined Data Center Networks |
Chafii, Marwa |
WC I.2 |
869 |
Blind Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation in Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing |
Chan, Michael |
Invited Talks V: Mobile Computing/System.2 |
692 |
Bracelet: Edge-Cloud Microservice Infrastructure for Aging Scientific Instruments |
Chang, Ronald |
ISA.7 |
647 |
SORT: SOcial HelpeR SelecTion Scheme for Mobile Question Answering Systems |
SPC.1 |
977 |
Distributed Multi-Stream Beamforming in Multi-Relay Interference Networks with Multi-Antenna Nodes |
Chang, Sang-Yoon |
1 |
Silent Timestamping for Blockchain Mining Pool Security |
Chang, Yusun |
835 |
Multiple Path Infrastructure-less Networks A Cooperative Approach |
Che, Hao |
CNC VI.3 |
265 |
Tail Latency Prediction for Datacenter Applications in Consolidated Environments |
Chen, Dayuan |
777 |
Evaluating the Performance and Energy Efficiency of OpenGL and Vulkan on a Graphics Rendering Server |
Chen, Gaojie |
CQSM & ISA.6 |
491 |
Multi-objective Optimization of Joint Power Allocation and Splitting Control for SWIPT-enabled NOMA Systems |
Chen, Lei |
WN I:.1 |
395 |
Minimum Latency Aggregation Scheduling in Internet of Things |
Chen, Min |
11 |
Product Review Credibility Analysis |
Chen, Muhao |
WN II:.4 |
520 |
Towards Efficient Cellular Traffic Offloading via Dynamic MPTCP Path Configuration with SDN |
Chen, Shi-Xuan |
175 |
Design of an Efficient Resource Management Model in Elastic Optical Networks |
MCC & OGC.5 |
602 |
Spectrum Usage Minimization for Shared Backup Path Protection in Elastic Optical Networks |
Chen, Shuangwu |
CNC I:.5 |
94 |
An Information Feature Extraction and Rapid Updating Scheme for Knowledge Centric Networking |
Chen, Sixia |
854 |
Data Migration in Large Scale Heterogeneous Storage Systems with Nodes to Spare |
Chen, Wenfan |
WN II:.3 |
515 |
Joint Transmission Scheduling and Power Allocation in Wirelessly Powered Hybrid Radio Networks |
Chen, Xiang |
CNC I:.4 |
88 |
Multicast Design for the MobilityFirst Future Internet Architecture |
Cheng, Yuan |
CIS II:.5 |
567 |
What To Do First: Ranking The Mission Impact Graph for Effective Mission Assurance |
Cho, Hyuk |
WN I:.1 |
395 |
Minimum Latency Aggregation Scheduling in Internet of Things |
Choi, Wan |
34 |
Markov Chain Analysis for Compressed Sensing based Random Access in Cellular Systems |
Cholda, Piotr |
164 |
Risk Assessment Approach to Secure Northbound Interface of SDN Networks |
NAPE I.6 |
764 |
Slotted Flow Stats Acquisition: a Resource-efficient Flow Statistics Polling in OpenFlow Networks |
Chowdhary, Ankur |
CQSM & ISA.5 |
486 |
SDN based Network Function Parallelism in Cloud |
CIS II:.6 |
572 |
SUPC: SDN enabled Universal Policy Checking in Cloud Network |
CIS II:.7 |
577 |
Adaptive MTD Security using Markov Game Modeling |
Cirillo, Michele |
CIS I:.2 |
437 |
Adversarial Detection of Concealed VoIP Traffic |
Coffin, Daniel |
WAHS.5 |
1034 |
Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks |
Copeland, John |
835 |
Multiple Path Infrastructure-less Networks A Cooperative Approach |
Crussell, Jonathan |
847 |
Virtually the Same: Comparing Physical and Virtual Testbeds |
D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Dallesasse, John |
Invited Talks V: Mobile Computing/System.2 |
692 |
Bracelet: Edge-Cloud Microservice Infrastructure for Aging Scientific Instruments |
Daneshgadeh Cakmakci, Salva |
MLCN.2 |
658 |
An Empirical Investigation of DDoS and Flash Event Detection Using Shannon Entropy, KOAD and SVM Combined |
Das, Ria |
CNC II:.7 |
141 |
HYPER-VINES: A HYbrid Learning Fault and Performance Issues ERadicator for VIrtual NEtwork Services in Multi-Cloud Systems |
David, Rodrigo |
CNC X.1 |
329 |
Hybrid precoded index modulation in downlink mmWave MU-MIMO systems |
Dawadi, Babu |
GCNC.4 |
714 |
Recommendations for Energy Efficient SoDIP6 Network Deployment at the Early Stage Rural ICT Expansion of Nepal |
Deccio, Casey |
CIS I:.3 |
442 |
A Quantitative Study of the Deployment of DNS Rate Limiting |
NAPE I.4 |
753 |
DNS Diagnostics through the Eye of the Beholder |
Demke, Jonathan |
CIS I:.3 |
442 |
A Quantitative Study of the Deployment of DNS Rate Limiting |
Di Mauro, Mario |
CIS I:.2 |
437 |
Adversarial Detection of Concealed VoIP Traffic |
Ditzler, Gregory |
WC I.5 |
888 |
Online Reconfigurable Antenna State Selection based on Thompson Sampling |
Do, Emily |
WAHS.5 |
1034 |
Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks |
Dong, Lijun |
ISA.4 |
630 |
Distributed Mechanism for Computation Offloading Task Routing in Mobile Edge Cloud Network |
Dressler, Falko |
Invited Talks II: AI & WN:.1 |
537 |
Virtual Edge Computing Using Vehicular Micro Clouds |
Du, Pengyuan |
WN II:.4 |
520 |
Towards Efficient Cellular Traffic Offloading via Dynamic MPTCP Path Configuration with SDN |
Du, Xiaojiang |
CIS I:.5 |
453 |
Verification Code Recognition Based on Active and Deep Learning |
CIS II:.1 |
547 |
ESAS: An Efficient Semantic and Authorized Search Scheme over Encrypted Outsourced Data |
Du, Xiuyu |
WC II.5 |
960 |
Topological Rate-Splitting Based Power Allocation Scheme in K-cell MISO Interference Channel with Imperfect CSIT |
Duan, Wei |
CQSM & ISA.1 |
463 |
Performance Analysis of Raptor Code for Reconciliation in Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution |
Duarte, David |
203 |
An Enhanced Capacity Model based on Network Measurements for a Multi-Service 3G System |
Dubin, Ran |
WN I:.2 |
402 |
Clustering the Unknown - The Youtube Case |
Dutta, Rudra |
CNC IX.1 |
292 |
A Graded Approach to Network Forensics with Privacy Concerns |
Dvir, Amit |
WN I:.2 |
402 |
Clustering the Unknown - The Youtube Case |
Dwaraki, Abhishek |
802 |
Using Natural Language Constructs and Concepts to Aid Network Management |
E A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Elgamal, Tarek |
Invited Talks V: Mobile Computing/System.2 |
692 |
Bracelet: Edge-Cloud Microservice Infrastructure for Aging Scientific Instruments |
Ellard, Daniel |
WAHS.5 |
1034 |
Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks |
Elmokashfi, Ahmed |
ISA.1 |
612 |
Investigating the Delay Impact of the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) |
Engoulou, Richard |
MCVC.1 |
900 |
A Decentralized Reputation Management System for Securing the Internet of Vehicles |
Enkoji, Ai |
WN II:.6 |
531 |
Dynamic EAP Based MAC Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks |
Erbad, Aiman |
CNC II:.7 |
141 |
HYPER-VINES: A HYbrid Learning Fault and Performance Issues ERadicator for VIrtual NEtwork Services in Multi-Cloud Systems |
Erpek, Tugba |
WC II.3 |
950 |
Interference Regime Enforcing Rate Maximization for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) |
Essex, Aleksander |
CNC VI.5 |
276 |
Clustering Enabled Classification using Ensemble Feature Selection for Intrusion Detection |
F A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Fan, Howard |
6 |
Learning for Detection: A Deep Learning Wireless Communication Receiver Over Rayleigh Fading Channels |
Fang, Hua |
CLD.5 |
385 |
Neuro-Fuzzy classifier for behavioral intervention data |
CIS II:.3 |
557 |
Integrated Node Authentication and Key Distribution Method for Body Area Network |
Farooq, Hasan |
CNC VI.6 |
282 |
Generative Adversarial Learning for Machine Learning empowered Self Organizing 5G Networks |
Feng, Ming |
MLCN.7 |
687 |
Game Theoretic Based Intelligent Multi-User Millimeter-Wave MIMO Systems under Uncertain Environment and Unknown Interference |
WC II.6 |
965 |
Multi-Robot Enhanced Intelligent Multi-User Millimeter-Wave MIMO Systems under Uncertain Environment |
Feng, Yimeng |
SPC.3 |
990 |
Blind Channel Subspace Estimation for Massive MIMO with Hybrid Beamforming |
Fernando, Xavier |
191 |
Probabilistic Estimation of Honeypot Detection in Internet of Things Environment |
Fettweis, Gerhard |
WC I.2 |
869 |
Blind Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation in Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing |
Freedman, Richard |
802 |
Using Natural Language Constructs and Concepts to Aid Network Management |
Fu, Hsuan-Fang |
175 |
Design of an Efficient Resource Management Model in Elastic Optical Networks |
MCC & OGC.5 |
602 |
Spectrum Usage Minimization for Shared Backup Path Protection in Elastic Optical Networks |
Fu, Xinwen |
CIS II:.4 |
562 |
Toward Drone Privacy via Regulating Altitude and Payload |
Fujii, Takeo |
CNC V.1 |
219 |
Construction of Time-Space Radio Environment Database using HMM for Cooperative Sensing |
G A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Gaglio, Salvatore |
CNC X.6 |
355 |
A Lightweight Network Discovery Algorithm for Resource-constrained IoT Devices |
Gao, Chao |
CIS II:.4 |
562 |
Toward Drone Privacy via Regulating Altitude and Payload |
Gao, Lin |
WN II:.3 |
515 |
Joint Transmission Scheduling and Power Allocation in Wirelessly Powered Hybrid Radio Networks |
Garcia-Garcia, Amanda |
WC I.3 |
876 |
A Comprehensive Study of Low Frequency and High Frequency Channel Correlation |
Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Jj |
NAPE I.5 |
759 |
Flexible Evaluation Caching Using FATE |
809 |
A Delay-Based Congestion-Control Protocol for Information-Centric Networks |
MCVC.6 |
930 |
Busy-Tone Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance and Detection for Ad-Hoc Networks |
Garuba, Moses |
CNC II:.5 |
131 |
Maximizing Secrecy Rates and Payoffs Through Wireless Virtualization in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks |
Gatherer, Alan |
WC II.7 |
970 |
Optimizing Beams and Bits: A Novel Approach for Massive MIMO Base-Station Design |
Gebremichail, Aklilu |
CNC IX.2 |
298 |
Fractional Packet Duplication and Fade Duration Outage Probability Analysis for Handover Enhancement in 5G Cellular Networks |
Gerla, Mario |
WN II:.4 |
520 |
Towards Efficient Cellular Traffic Offloading via Dynamic MPTCP Path Configuration with SDN |
Invited Talks II: AI & WN:.1 |
537 |
Virtual Edge Computing Using Vehicular Micro Clouds |
WAHS.6 |
1039 |
Fragmented Data Routing Based on Exponentially Distributed Contacts in Delay Tolerant Networks |
Ghanem, Sakher |
CNC VI.4 |
270 |
Overcome Heterogeneity Impact in Modeled Fork-Join Queuing Networks for Tail Prediction |
Ghasemzadeh, Pejman |
SPC.5 |
1000 |
Accuracy Analysis of Feature-based Automatic Modulation Classification with Blind Modulation Detection |
Gilani, Syed |
GCNC.6 |
724 |
Performance Analysis of Flexible Duplexing-enabled Heterogeneous Networks Exploiting Multi Slope Path Loss Models |
Gjessing, Stein |
CNC II:.3 |
121 |
How to Control a TCP: Minimally-Invasive Congestion Management for Datacenters |
ISA.1 |
612 |
Investigating the Delay Impact of the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) |
Gnawali, Omprakash |
CNC IX.4 |
308 |
UWB-Based Single-Anchor Indoor Localization Using Channel Impulse Response |
WAHS.4 |
1029 |
Device-Free Activity Recognition Using Ultra-Wideband Radios |
Gokalgandhi, Bhargav |
WC II.4 |
955 |
Accelerating Channel Estimation and Demodulation of Uplink OFDM symbols for Large Scale Antenna Systems using GPU |
Golan, Nehor |
WN I:.2 |
402 |
Clustering the Unknown - The Youtube Case |
Golmie, Nada |
WN I:.3 |
408 |
Performance Assessment of Smart Meter Traffic over LTE Network Using SDR Testbed |
GCNC.1 |
697 |
A Deep Learning-Based Weather Forecast System for Data Volume and Recency Analysis |
Gong, Shimin |
WN II:.3 |
515 |
Joint Transmission Scheduling and Power Allocation in Wirelessly Powered Hybrid Radio Networks |
Goss, Ken |
WAHS.1 |
1011 |
A Web Application for the Remote Control of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
Goswami, Madhuprana |
CNC IX.5 |
313 |
Satellite MIMO Digital Beam-Forming under Nonlinear High-Power Amplifier and Keyhole |
Griffioen, James |
CQSM & ISA.3 |
473 |
Enhancing Interdomain Transport via Economic Software-Defined Exchange Points |
Griffith, David |
WN I:.3 |
408 |
Performance Assessment of Smart Meter Traffic over LTE Network Using SDR Testbed |
GCNC.1 |
697 |
A Deep Learning-Based Weather Forecast System for Data Volume and Recency Analysis |
Guan, Xinjie |
SPC.6 |
1005 |
Deep Learning based Framework for Automatic Damage Detection in Aircraft Engine Borescope Inspection |
Guan, Zhitao |
CIS I:.5 |
453 |
Verification Code Recognition Based on Active and Deep Learning |
CIS II:.1 |
547 |
ESAS: An Efficient Semantic and Authorized Search Scheme over Encrypted Outsourced Data |
Gui, Tina |
CNC II:.4 |
126 |
On Cluster Head Selection in Monkey-inspired Optimization based Routing Protocol for WSNs |
Guo, Qi |
GCNC.3 |
708 |
WLAN Channel Measurement in Two Classrooms for LOS and NLOS Coverage |
Guo, Shan |
CNC I:.3 |
83 |
Dynamic Bayesian Game Based Power Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing with Users' Behaviors |
Gupta, Lav |
CNC II:.7 |
141 |
HYPER-VINES: A HYbrid Learning Fault and Performance Issues ERadicator for VIrtual NEtwork Services in Multi-Cloud Systems |
Gupta, Riten |
WC II.2 |
943 |
Joint Precoder and Combiner Design for MMSE Distributed Beamforming with Per-Antenna Power Constraints |
Gurugubelli, Venkata Sukumar |
CLD.5 |
385 |
Neuro-Fuzzy classifier for behavioral intervention data |
H A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Hadian, Mohammad |
CLD.1 |
365 |
SmartEye: Mobile Device Proximity Monitoring via Wireless Signal Analysis |
MCVC.4 |
918 |
FARES: Fast and Accurate Recognition of Exact Scenes on Mobile Devices |
Hagenauer, Florian |
Invited Talks II: AI & WN:.1 |
537 |
Virtual Edge Computing Using Vehicular Micro Clouds |
Hagiwara, Junichiro |
16 |
Computational Complexity Reduction of Receive Weight Matrices in Massive MIMO SC-FDE |
29 |
A Study on Layouts of Distributed Antenna Arrays in an Indoor Multi-User Massive MIMO System |
Hai, Han |
CNC I:.7 |
105 |
Security Enhancing Spatial Modulation Using Antenna Selection and Artificial Noise Cancellation |
Haigh, Karen |
WAHS.5 |
1034 |
Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks |
Hain, Regina |
WAHS.5 |
1034 |
Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks |
Halabi, Talal |
CLD.2 |
370 |
Toward Secure Resource Allocation in Mobile Cloud Computing: A Matching Game |
MCVC.1 |
900 |
A Decentralized Reputation Management System for Securing the Internet of Vehicles |
Hamdi, Mounir |
CNC IV.6 |
67 |
Secrecy Capacity of Hybrid RF/VLC DF Relaying Networks with Jamming |
Han, Ke |
782 |
An energy-efficiency-aware resource allocation strategy in multi-granularity provision for green computing |
Hanna, Samer |
MLCN.5 |
674 |
Deep Learning Based Transmitter Identification using Power Amplifier Nonlinearity |
Hassan, Syed Ali |
CNC VI.1 |
255 |
A Method of Moments Estimator for Modulation Index of Continuous Phase Modulation |
GCNC.6 |
724 |
Performance Analysis of Flexible Duplexing-enabled Heterogeneous Networks Exploiting Multi Slope Path Loss Models |
Hatcher, William |
CIS I:.1 |
432 |
Towards Multimodal Learning for Android Malware Detection |
He, Dongbiao |
NAPE I.2 |
741 |
RankRoute: Efficient Interests Forwarding by Nodes Ranking |
He, Lijie |
787 |
Document Context-Aware Social Recommendation Method |
Heinzelman, Wendi |
NAPE I.1 |
735 |
Infrastructure vs. Multi-Hop D2D Networks: Availability and Performance Analysis |
Hematian, Amirshahram |
WN I:.3 |
408 |
Performance Assessment of Smart Meter Traffic over LTE Network Using SDR Testbed |
Hempel, Michael |
SPC.5 |
1000 |
Accuracy Analysis of Feature-based Automatic Modulation Classification with Blind Modulation Detection |
Heydariaan, Milad |
CNC IX.4 |
308 |
UWB-Based Single-Anchor Indoor Localization Using Channel Impulse Response |
WAHS.4 |
1029 |
Device-Free Activity Recognition Using Ultra-Wideband Radios |
Higuchi, Takamasa |
Invited Talks II: AI & WN:.1 |
537 |
Virtual Edge Computing Using Vehicular Micro Clouds |
Hosangadi, Gurudutt |
185 |
Mobile Device Localization in 5G Wireless |
Hou, Aiqin |
22 |
Intelligent Scheduling for Parallel Jobs in Big Data Processing Systems |
Hou, Jia |
CQSM & ISA.1 |
463 |
Performance Analysis of Raptor Code for Reconciliation in Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution |
Hsu, Cheng-Hsin |
ISA.7 |
647 |
SORT: SOcial HelpeR SelecTion Scheme for Mobile Question Answering Systems |
Hsu, Ching-Fang |
175 |
Design of an Efficient Resource Management Model in Elastic Optical Networks |
MCC & OGC.5 |
602 |
Spectrum Usage Minimization for Shared Backup Path Protection in Elastic Optical Networks |
Hu, Hao-Cheng |
MCC & OGC.5 |
602 |
Spectrum Usage Minimization for Shared Backup Path Protection in Elastic Optical Networks |
Hu, Mengxiao |
787 |
Document Context-Aware Social Recommendation Method |
Huang, Chin-Tser |
CIS I:.6 |
457 |
A Game Theoretic Approach for Making IoT Device Connectivity Decisions During Malware Outbreak |
Huang, Dijiang |
CQSM & ISA.5 |
486 |
SDN based Network Function Parallelism in Cloud |
CIS II:.6 |
572 |
SUPC: SDN enabled Universal Policy Checking in Cloud Network |
CIS II:.7 |
577 |
Adaptive MTD Security using Markov Game Modeling |
Huang, Mo |
CQSM & ISA.6 |
491 |
Multi-objective Optimization of Joint Power Allocation and Splitting Control for SWIPT-enabled NOMA Systems |
Huang, Scott |
180 |
Enhancing VoIP Security and Efficiency using VPN |
Hudson, Nathaniel |
842 |
On the Effectiveness of Standard Centrality Metrics for Interdependent Networks |
Hughes, Ben |
CNC VI.6 |
282 |
Generative Adversarial Learning for Machine Learning empowered Self Organizing 5G Networks |
Hussain, Fatima |
191 |
Probabilistic Estimation of Honeypot Detection in Internet of Things Environment |
Hussain, Rasheed |
191 |
Probabilistic Estimation of Honeypot Detection in Internet of Things Environment |
I A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Iannucci, Stefano |
CNC V.7 |
250 |
Towards Self-Defense of Non-Stationary Systems |
Ikeuchi, Tadashi |
WAHS.2 |
1018 |
A Stochastic Process based Routing Algorithm for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks |
Imran, Ali |
CNC VI.6 |
282 |
Generative Adversarial Learning for Machine Learning empowered Self Organizing 5G Networks |
Injadat, MohammadNoor |
CNC VI.5 |
276 |
Clustering Enabled Classification using Ensemble Feature Selection for Intrusion Detection |
Ioannidis, Stratis |
816 |
Optimal Cache Allocation under Network-Wide Capacity Constraint |
Islam, Safiqul |
CNC II:.3 |
121 |
How to Control a TCP: Minimally-Invasive Congestion Management for Datacenters |
ISA.1 |
612 |
Investigating the Delay Impact of the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) |
J A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Jaglarz, Piotr |
164 |
Risk Assessment Approach to Secure Northbound Interface of SDN Networks |
Jain, Raj |
CNC II:.7 |
141 |
HYPER-VINES: A HYbrid Learning Fault and Performance Issues ERadicator for VIrtual NEtwork Services in Multi-Cloud Systems |
Jekot, Marcin |
164 |
Risk Assessment Approach to Secure Northbound Interface of SDN Networks |
Jiang, Jinlei |
NAPE I.2 |
741 |
RankRoute: Efficient Interests Forwarding by Nodes Ranking |
Jiang, Xiaofeng |
CNC I:.5 |
94 |
An Information Feature Extraction and Rapid Updating Scheme for Knowledge Centric Networking |
Jiang, Xiuhua |
CNC V.2 |
224 |
A QoE-Driven Rate Adaptation Approach for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming Over HTTP |
Jiang, Xueqin |
CNC I:.7 |
105 |
Security Enhancing Spatial Modulation Using Antenna Selection and Artificial Noise Cancellation |
CQSM & ISA.1 |
463 |
Performance Analysis of Raptor Code for Reconciliation in Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution |
Jiang, Yi |
SPC.3 |
990 |
Blind Channel Subspace Estimation for Massive MIMO with Hybrid Beamforming |
Jiang, Yuan |
CNC IV.5 |
62 |
Angle-of-Arrival Estimator for Light Signals Based on Optimized Photodiode Array |
Jimenez Mateo, Pablo |
WC I.3 |
876 |
A Comprehensive Study of Low Frequency and High Frequency Channel Correlation |
Joshi, Shashidhar |
GCNC.4 |
714 |
Recommendations for Energy Efficient SoDIP6 Network Deployment at the Early Stage Rural ICT Expansion of Nepal |
K A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Kagawa, Toshinori |
CNC II:.2 |
116 |
Improvement on Localization Accuracy of IR-UWB By Adapting Time Bias Inner Transceiver |
Kamhoua, Charles |
CNC X.7 |
360 |
Countering Selfish Mining in Blockchains |
CIS I:.6 |
457 |
A Game Theoretic Approach for Making IoT Device Connectivity Decisions During Malware Outbreak |
Kamiura, Takuto |
209 |
A System for Generating Background Colors for e-Books, Based on its Text |
Kang, Mingon |
159 |
Fast and Accurate Machine Learning-based Malware Detection via RC4 Ciphertext Analysis |
Kari, Chadi |
854 |
Data Migration in Large Scale Heterogeneous Storage Systems with Nodes to Spare |
Karne, Ramesh |
CNC X.2 |
334 |
A Bare PC Text Based Browser |
Kawai, Kenta |
CNC VI.7 |
287 |
Emergency Trunk Reservation Control Using Waiting Queue for Accommodating More General Calls |
Keitsch, Martina |
GCNC.4 |
714 |
Recommendations for Energy Efficient SoDIP6 Network Deployment at the Early Stage Rural ICT Expansion of Nepal |
Kemmerich, Thomas |
MLCN.2 |
658 |
An Empirical Investigation of DDoS and Flash Event Detection Using Shannon Entropy, KOAD and SVM Combined |
Khalid, Ihtisham |
CNC VI.1 |
255 |
A Method of Moments Estimator for Modulation Index of Continuous Phase Modulation |
Khamfroush, Hana |
842 |
On the Effectiveness of Standard Centrality Metrics for Interdependent Networks |
Khoury, Joseph |
MCC & OGC.2 |
588 |
A New Prediction Structure for Efficient MV-HEVC based Light Field Video Compression |
Kim, Donghyun |
159 |
Fast and Accurate Machine Learning-based Malware Detection via RC4 Ciphertext Analysis |
Kim, Kyungki |
CNC IX.4 |
308 |
UWB-Based Single-Anchor Indoor Localization Using Channel Impulse Response |
Kim, Yong |
CQSM & ISA.2 |
468 |
Accelerated Prediction of Bradycardia in Preterm Infants Using Time-Frequency Analysis |
Kim, Youngsoon |
159 |
Fast and Accurate Machine Learning-based Malware Detection via RC4 Ciphertext Analysis |
Kitsuwan, Nattapong |
MCC & OGC.6 |
607 |
Performance of Elastic Optical Network with Spectrum Slicing for Fragmented Bandwidth Allocation |
Ko, Euiseong |
159 |
Fast and Accurate Machine Learning-based Malware Detection via RC4 Ciphertext Analysis |
Kojima, Fumihide |
CNC II:.2 |
116 |
Improvement on Localization Accuracy of IR-UWB By Adapting Time Bias Inner Transceiver |
WC I.6 |
894 |
Experimental Evaluation of UL-NOMA System Employing Correlated Receive Diversity |
Konstanty, Steven |
Invited Talks V: Mobile Computing/System.2 |
692 |
Bracelet: Edge-Cloud Microservice Infrastructure for Aging Scientific Instruments |
Kroeger, Thomas |
847 |
Virtually the Same: Comparing Physical and Virtual Testbeds |
Kumar, Suman |
MCVC.2 |
905 |
A Robust Road Region of Interest Identification Scheme for Traffic-Video Data Mining |
Kurisummoottil Thomas, Christo |
SPC.4 |
995 |
Massive MISO IBC Reduced Order Zero Forcing Beamforming - a Multi-Antenna Stochastic Geometry Perspective |
Kwon, Hyuck |
CNC V.3 |
230 |
Frost's and Maximin Space-Time Adaptive Processing under Block Rayleigh Fading |
CNC IX.5 |
313 |
Satellite MIMO Digital Beam-Forming under Nonlinear High-Power Amplifier and Keyhole |
Kwon, Ki Won |
ISA.3 |
624 |
COMPRESS: A Self-Sufficient Scheme for Measuring Queueing Delay on the Internet Routers |
L A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Lanson, Julian |
MLCN.4 |
669 |
Network-based Classification of Authentication Attempts using Machine Learning |
Lason, Artur |
NAPE I.6 |
764 |
Slotted Flow Stats Acquisition: a Resource-efficient Flow Statistics Polling in OpenFlow Networks |
Lawrence, Stephen |
WAHS.5 |
1034 |
Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks |
Le, Tuan |
WN II:.4 |
520 |
Towards Efficient Cellular Traffic Offloading via Dynamic MPTCP Path Configuration with SDN |
WAHS.6 |
1039 |
Fragmented Data Routing Based on Exponentially Distributed Contacts in Delay Tolerant Networks |
Lee, Hyunsun |
WAHS.2 |
1018 |
A Stochastic Process based Routing Algorithm for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks |
Lee, Jooyoung |
191 |
Probabilistic Estimation of Honeypot Detection in Internet of Things Environment |
792 |
Spatial Community Search Using PageRank Vector |
Lee, Seunghyun |
34 |
Markov Chain Analysis for Compressed Sensing based Random Access in Cellular Systems |
Lee, Seungwoon |
197 |
Performance Comparison of Software Defined Networking Simulators for Tactical Network: Mininet vs. OPNET |
Leupers, Rainer |
SPC.2 |
983 |
VLSI Architectures for ORVD Trellis based MIMO Detection |
Li, Bin |
771 |
An Energy-efficient Metric for Relay Selection in Large-Scale Multi-hop Wireless Networks |
WC II.1 |
936 |
Elevation Power Spectrum Measurement and Interference Analysis of UMa I2O Uplink Channels |
Li, Chao |
GCNC.3 |
708 |
WLAN Channel Measurement in Two Classrooms for LOS and NLOS Coverage |
WC II.1 |
936 |
Elevation Power Spectrum Measurement and Interference Analysis of UMa I2O Uplink Channels |
Li, Chengming |
WN II:.3 |
515 |
Joint Transmission Scheduling and Power Allocation in Wirelessly Powered Hybrid Radio Networks |
Li, Fenghua |
CLD.6 |
390 |
An Extended Control Framework for Privacy-Preserving Photo Sharing across Different Social Networks |
WN I:.5 |
418 |
DIAM: Diversified Identity Authentication Mechanism for 5G Multi-Service System |
WN I:.6 |
425 |
Privacy-Preserving Device Discovery and Authentication Scheme for D2D Communication in 3GPP 5G HetNet |
Li, Hongxiang |
771 |
An Energy-efficient Metric for Relay Selection in Large-Scale Multi-hop Wireless Networks |
Li, Huan-Bang |
CNC II:.2 |
116 |
Improvement on Localization Accuracy of IR-UWB By Adapting Time Bias Inner Transceiver |
Li, Hui |
CLD.6 |
390 |
An Extended Control Framework for Privacy-Preserving Photo Sharing across Different Social Networks |
LI, Hui |
WN I:.5 |
418 |
DIAM: Diversified Identity Authentication Mechanism for 5G Multi-Service System |
WN I:.6 |
425 |
Privacy-Preserving Device Discovery and Authentication Scheme for D2D Communication in 3GPP 5G HetNet |
Li, Jun |
CNC I:.7 |
105 |
Security Enhancing Spatial Modulation Using Antenna Selection and Artificial Noise Cancellation |
Li, Lanlin |
CNC II:.1 |
110 |
A Two-phase Transmission Protocol Design for Ultra-reliable Communications |
Li, Lihua |
WC II.5 |
960 |
Topological Rate-Splitting Based Power Allocation Scheme in K-cell MISO Interference Channel with Imperfect CSIT |
Li, Ming |
WN II:.1 |
503 |
Context-Aware Analysis Scheduling in Wireless Body Area Networks |
WN II:.6 |
531 |
Dynamic EAP Based MAC Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks |
Li, Ming |
WC I.5 |
888 |
Online Reconfigurable Antenna State Selection based on Thompson Sampling |
Li, Richard |
ISA.4 |
630 |
Distributed Mechanism for Computation Offloading Task Routing in Mobile Edge Cloud Network |
Li, Sugang |
CNC I:.4 |
88 |
Multicast Design for the MobilityFirst Future Internet Architecture |
Li, Tengpeng |
MCVC.4 |
918 |
FARES: Fast and Accurate Recognition of Exact Scenes on Mobile Devices |
Li, Tongtong |
CLD.3 |
375 |
Security and Privacy of Electronic Health Records: Decentralized and Hierarchical Data Sharing using Smart Contracts |
WN II:.2 |
509 |
Blocking Probability Analysis for Relay-Assisted OFDMA Networks using Stochastic Geometry |
Li, Victor |
CNC V.6 |
245 |
Incentive Marketing Strategy under Multi-state Diffusion Model in Online Social Networks |
Li, Wei |
CNC IX.6 |
318 |
Optimal Admission Control For Secondary Users In Cognitive Radio Systems |
Li, Yan |
CNC V.6 |
245 |
Incentive Marketing Strategy under Multi-state Diffusion Model in Online Social Networks |
Li, Zejian |
WC II.5 |
960 |
Topological Rate-Splitting Based Power Allocation Scheme in K-cell MISO Interference Channel with Imperfect CSIT |
Li, Zhouzhou |
CIS II:.3 |
557 |
Integrated Node Authentication and Key Distribution Method for Body Area Network |
Li, Zupei |
CIS II:.4 |
562 |
Toward Drone Privacy via Regulating Altitude and Payload |
Liang, Xiaohui |
CLD.1 |
365 |
SmartEye: Mobile Device Proximity Monitoring via Wireless Signal Analysis |
MCVC.4 |
918 |
FARES: Fast and Accurate Recognition of Exact Scenes on Mobile Devices |
Liang, Xiaoyu |
821 |
An empirical study of intelligent approaches to DDoS detection in large scale network |
Liang, Yuan |
WN II:.2 |
509 |
Blocking Probability Analysis for Relay-Assisted OFDMA Networks using Stochastic Geometry |
Lim, Wansu |
CNC I:.6 |
100 |
Fine-tuning a pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network Model to translate American Sign Language in Real-time |
Lippman, Andrew |
ISA.5 |
637 |
MedRec: A Network for Personal Information Distribution |
Liu, Jingyu |
CIS I:.5 |
453 |
Verification Code Recognition Based on Active and Deep Learning |
Liu, Lingjia |
WC I.4 |
883 |
Downlink Resource Allocation in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems |
Liu, PengFei |
CIS II:.2 |
552 |
Three-way Email Spam Filtering with Game-theoretic Rough Sets |
Liu, Shuwen |
SPC.6 |
1005 |
Deep Learning based Framework for Automatic Damage Detection in Aircraft Engine Borescope Inspection |
Liu, Xiwen |
CQSM & ISA.4 |
480 |
Developing a QoE Monitoring Approach for Video Service Based on Mobile Terminals |
Liu, Xueyan |
CIS II:.1 |
547 |
ESAS: An Efficient Semantic and Authorized Search Scheme over Encrypted Outsourced Data |
Liu, Yongxin |
797 |
An LSTM Enabled Dynamic Stackelberg Game Theoretic Method for Resource Allocation in the Cloud |
Liu, Yu |
CNC II:.6 |
136 |
Authenticating Endpoints and Vetting Connections in Residential Networks |
Lo Re, Giuseppe |
CNC X.6 |
355 |
A Lightweight Network Discovery Algorithm for Resource-constrained IoT Devices |
WAHS.1 |
1011 |
A Web Application for the Remote Control of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
Loch, Adrian |
WC I.3 |
876 |
A Comprehensive Study of Low Frequency and High Frequency Channel Correlation |
Longo, Maurizio |
CIS I:.2 |
437 |
Adversarial Detection of Concealed VoIP Traffic |
Loos, Scott |
WAHS.5 |
1034 |
Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks |
Lu, Chao |
CIS I:.1 |
432 |
Towards Multimodal Learning for Android Malware Detection |
ISA.6 |
642 |
Real-Time Data Transport Scheduling for Edge/Cloud-Based Internet of Things |
Lu, Guangyan |
WC II.5 |
960 |
Topological Rate-Splitting Based Power Allocation Scheme in K-cell MISO Interference Channel with Imperfect CSIT |
Lu, Jianhua |
CQSM & ISA.4 |
480 |
Developing a QoE Monitoring Approach for Video Service Based on Mobile Terminals |
Ludant, Norbert |
WC I.3 |
876 |
A Comprehensive Study of Low Frequency and High Frequency Channel Correlation |
Lujan, Michael |
777 |
Evaluating the Performance and Energy Efficiency of OpenGL and Vulkan on a Graphics Rendering Server |
Lumbantoruan, Hendrik |
WAHS.3 |
1024 |
Array Antenna for Power Saving of Sensor Nodes in UAV-BS enabled WSN |
Luo, Yurong |
WN I:.5 |
418 |
DIAM: Diversified Identity Authentication Mechanism for 5G Multi-Service System |
Lyke, James |
CNC V.3 |
230 |
Frost's and Maximin Space-Time Adaptive Processing under Block Rayleigh Fading |
CNC IX.5 |
313 |
Satellite MIMO Digital Beam-Forming under Nonlinear High-Power Amplifier and Keyhole |
M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Ma, Christopher |
CNC II:.4 |
126 |
On Cluster Head Selection in Monkey-inspired Optimization based Routing Protocol for WSNs |
Ma, Maode |
WN I:.5 |
418 |
DIAM: Diversified Identity Authentication Mechanism for 5G Multi-Service System |
WN I:.6 |
425 |
Privacy-Preserving Device Discovery and Authentication Scheme for D2D Communication in 3GPP 5G HetNet |
Ma, Weibin |
WN I:.4 |
413 |
Location Information-Aided Load Balancing Design for Hybrid LiFi and WiFi Networks |
Ma, Yinglong |
CIS II:.1 |
547 |
ESAS: An Efficient Semantic and Authorized Search Scheme over Encrypted Outsourced Data |
MacKenzie, Allen |
859 |
Joint Base Station Selection and Adaptive Slicing in Virtualized Wireless Networks: A Stochastic Optimization Framework |
Madani, Anes |
MCVC.2 |
905 |
A Robust Road Region of Interest Identification Scheme for Traffic-Video Data Mining |
Mahlke, Robin |
SPC.2 |
983 |
VLSI Architectures for ORVD Trellis based MIMO Detection |
Mahmud, Md Shaad |
CQSM & ISA.2 |
468 |
Accelerated Prediction of Bradycardia in Preterm Infants Using Time-Frequency Analysis |
Mai, Van Sy |
816 |
Optimal Cache Allocation under Network-Wide Capacity Constraint |
Mancuso, Vincenzo |
MLCN.3 |
663 |
Adaptive Resource Provisioning based on Application State |
Marnerides, Angelos |
WN I:.2 |
402 |
Clustering the Unknown - The Youtube Case |
Marotta, Andrea |
CNC IV.4 |
56 |
Hadoop Performance Evaluation in Software Defined Data Center Networks |
Martinez, Ana |
WC I.2 |
869 |
Blind Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation in Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing |
Martorella, Gloria |
CNC X.6 |
355 |
A Lightweight Network Discovery Algorithm for Resource-constrained IoT Devices |
Marugan Borelli, Matteo |
WC I.3 |
876 |
A Comprehensive Study of Low Frequency and High Frequency Channel Correlation |
Mathewson, James |
NAPE I.5 |
759 |
Flexible Evaluation Caching Using FATE |
Matsuura, Ryota |
MCC & OGC.6 |
607 |
Performance of Elastic Optical Network with Spectrum Slicing for Fragmented Bandwidth Allocation |
Matta, Vincenzo |
CIS I:.2 |
437 |
Adversarial Detection of Concealed VoIP Traffic |
Matthé, Maximilian |
WC I.2 |
869 |
Blind Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation in Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing |
McDaniel, Troy |
Invited Talks III: QoS Modeling.1 |
542 |
Smart Stadia as Testbeds for Smart Cities: Enriching Fan Experiences and Improving Accessibility |
McGiff, Josh |
CIS I:.1 |
432 |
Towards Multimodal Learning for Android Malware Detection |
McHenry, Kenton |
Invited Talks V: Mobile Computing/System.2 |
692 |
Bracelet: Edge-Cloud Microservice Infrastructure for Aging Scientific Instruments |
Melvin, Ryan |
WN II:.6 |
531 |
Dynamic EAP Based MAC Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks |
Meng, Sachula |
CNC I:.3 |
83 |
Dynamic Bayesian Game Based Power Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing with Users' Behaviors |
Miura, Ryu |
CNC II:.2 |
116 |
Improvement on Localization Accuracy of IR-UWB By Adapting Time Bias Inner Transceiver |
Mo, Haoran |
792 |
Spatial Community Search Using PageRank Vector |
Mohaisen, David |
CNC X.7 |
360 |
Countering Selfish Mining in Blockchains |
Mohammadmoradi, Hessam |
CNC IX.4 |
308 |
UWB-Based Single-Anchor Indoor Localization Using Channel Impulse Response |
WAHS.4 |
1029 |
Device-Free Activity Recognition Using Ultra-Wideband Radios |
Monogioudis, Pantelis |
185 |
Mobile Device Localization in 5G Wireless |
Montemaggio, Andrea |
CNC V.7 |
250 |
Towards Self-Defense of Non-Stationary Systems |
Moriyama, Masafumi |
WC I.6 |
894 |
Experimental Evaluation of UL-NOMA System Employing Correlated Receive Diversity |
Morocho-Cayamcela, Manuel Eugenio |
CNC I:.6 |
100 |
Fine-tuning a pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network Model to translate American Sign Language in Real-time |
Mosleh, Susanna |
WC I.4 |
883 |
Downlink Resource Allocation in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems |
Moubayed, Abdallah |
CNC VI.5 |
276 |
Clustering Enabled Classification using Ensemble Feature Selection for Intrusion Detection |
Musmeci, Riccardo |
WAHS.1 |
1011 |
A Web Application for the Remote Control of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
N A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Nagurney, Anna |
CQSM & ISA.3 |
473 |
Enhancing Interdomain Transport via Economic Software-Defined Exchange Points |
Nahrstedt, Klara |
Invited Talks V: Mobile Computing/System.2 |
692 |
Bracelet: Edge-Cloud Microservice Infrastructure for Aging Scientific Instruments |
Naiwala P., Chandrasiri |
209 |
A System for Generating Background Colors for e-Books, Based on its Text |
Nakamura, Yoshitaka |
CNC V.4 |
235 |
A temporary communication system using DTN for improving power consumption of mobile terminals |
Nasiopoulos, Panos |
MCC & OGC.2 |
588 |
A New Prediction Structure for Efficient MV-HEVC based Light Field Video Compression |
Nassif, Ali |
CNC VI.5 |
276 |
Clustering Enabled Classification using Ensemble Feature Selection for Intrusion Detection |
Nauryzbayev, Galymzhan |
CNC IV.6 |
67 |
Secrecy Capacity of Hybrid RF/VLC DF Relaying Networks with Jamming |
Nchinda, Nchinda |
ISA.5 |
637 |
MedRec: A Network for Personal Information Distribution |
Nelson, Samuel |
WAHS.5 |
1034 |
Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks |
Nguyen, James |
CIS I:.1 |
432 |
Towards Multimodal Learning for Android Malware Detection |
ISA.6 |
642 |
Real-Time Data Transport Scheduling for Edge/Cloud-Based Internet of Things |
Nguyen, Linh |
MCVC.2 |
905 |
A Robust Road Region of Interest Identification Scheme for Traffic-Video Data Mining |
Nguyen, Minh |
CNC VI.3 |
265 |
Tail Latency Prediction for Datacenter Applications in Consolidated Environments |
Nguyen, Nam |
MCVC.4 |
918 |
FARES: Fast and Accurate Recognition of Exact Scenes on Mobile Devices |
Nguyen, Phuong |
Invited Talks V: Mobile Computing/System.2 |
692 |
Bracelet: Edge-Cloud Microservice Infrastructure for Aging Scientific Instruments |
Ni, Wenlong |
CNC IX.6 |
318 |
Optimal Admission Control For Secondary Users In Cognitive Radio Systems |
Nicholson, Todd |
Invited Talks V: Mobile Computing/System.2 |
692 |
Bracelet: Edge-Cloud Microservice Infrastructure for Aging Scientific Instruments |
Niemiec, Marcin |
164 |
Risk Assessment Approach to Secure Northbound Interface of SDN Networks |
Nishimura, Toshihiko |
16 |
Computational Complexity Reduction of Receive Weight Matrices in Massive MIMO SC-FDE |
29 |
A Study on Layouts of Distributed Antenna Arrays in an Indoor Multi-User Massive MIMO System |
Niu, Ben |
CLD.6 |
390 |
An Extended Control Framework for Privacy-Preserving Photo Sharing across Different Social Networks |
WN I:.5 |
418 |
DIAM: Diversified Identity Authentication Mechanism for 5G Multi-Service System |
WN I:.6 |
425 |
Privacy-Preserving Device Discovery and Authentication Scheme for D2D Communication in 3GPP 5G HetNet |
Niure Kandel, Laxima |
WN II:.5 |
526 |
Indoor Localization Using Commodity Wi-Fi APs: Techniques and Challenges |
Njilla, Laurent |
CNC X.7 |
360 |
Countering Selfish Mining in Blockchains |
CIS I:.6 |
457 |
A Game Theoretic Approach for Making IoT Device Connectivity Decisions During Malware Outbreak |
797 |
An LSTM Enabled Dynamic Stackelberg Game Theoretic Method for Resource Allocation in the Cloud |
Nkansah, Asare |
842 |
On the Effectiveness of Standard Centrality Metrics for Interdependent Networks |
O A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
O'Shea, Timothy |
MLCN.6 |
681 |
Approximating the Void: Learning Stochastic Channel Models from Observation with Variational Generative Adversarial Networks |
Ogawa, Yasutaka |
16 |
Computational Complexity Reduction of Receive Weight Matrices in Massive MIMO SC-FDE |
29 |
A Study on Layouts of Distributed Antenna Arrays in an Indoor Multi-User Massive MIMO System |
Ohgane, Takeo |
16 |
Computational Complexity Reduction of Receive Weight Matrices in Massive MIMO SC-FDE |
29 |
A Study on Layouts of Distributed Antenna Arrays in an Indoor Multi-User Massive MIMO System |
Okamoto, Satoru |
170 |
Expected Capacity Guaranteed Routing based on Dynamic Link Failure Prediction |
Oki, Eiji |
170 |
Expected Capacity Guaranteed Routing based on Dynamic Link Failure Prediction |
Oodo, Masayuki |
WC I.6 |
894 |
Experimental Evaluation of UL-NOMA System Employing Correlated Receive Diversity |
Ortega, Alvaro |
CNC X.1 |
329 |
Hybrid precoded index modulation in downlink mmWave MU-MIMO systems |
Ostrovskaya, Svetlana |
191 |
Probabilistic Estimation of Honeypot Detection in Internet of Things Environment |
P A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Palacharla, Paparao |
WAHS.2 |
1018 |
A Stochastic Process based Routing Algorithm for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks |
Pallipuram, Vivek K. |
854 |
Data Migration in Large Scale Heterogeneous Storage Systems with Nodes to Spare |
Panchanathan, Sethuraman |
Invited Talks III: QoS Modeling.1 |
542 |
Smart Stadia as Testbeds for Smart Cities: Enriching Fan Experiences and Improving Accessibility |
Pannu, Gurjashan Singh |
Invited Talks II: AI & WN:.1 |
537 |
Virtual Edge Computing Using Vehicular Micro Clouds |
Park, Jounsup |
MCC & OGC.4 |
597 |
Video Streaming over the LWA Systems |
Park, Sangjun |
34 |
Markov Chain Analysis for Compressed Sensing based Random Access in Cellular Systems |
Park, Younghee |
1 |
Silent Timestamping for Blockchain Mining Pool Security |
Paropkari, Rahul |
CNC IX.2 |
298 |
Fractional Packet Duplication and Fade Duration Outage Probability Analysis for Handover Enhancement in 5G Cellular Networks |
Parracho, Diogo |
203 |
An Enhanced Capacity Model based on Network Measurements for a Multi-Service 3G System |
Paul, Nilanjan |
WC II.4 |
955 |
Accelerating Channel Estimation and Demodulation of Uplink OFDM symbols for Large Scale Antenna Systems using GPU |
Peri, Daniele |
CNC X.6 |
355 |
A Lightweight Network Discovery Algorithm for Resource-constrained IoT Devices |
Perrins, Erik |
WC I.4 |
883 |
Downlink Resource Allocation in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems |
Pervaiz, Haris |
GCNC.6 |
724 |
Performance Analysis of Flexible Duplexing-enabled Heterogeneous Networks Exploiting Multi Slope Path Loss Models |
Pesavento, Davide |
816 |
Optimal Cache Allocation under Network-Wide Capacity Constraint |
Pham, Khanh |
CNC V.3 |
230 |
Frost's and Maximin Space-Time Adaptive Processing under Block Rayleigh Fading |
CNC IX.5 |
313 |
Satellite MIMO Digital Beam-Forming under Nonlinear High-Power Amplifier and Keyhole |
Phillips, Cynthia |
847 |
Virtually the Same: Comparing Physical and Virtual Testbeds |
Pierre, Samuel |
MCVC.1 |
900 |
A Decentralized Reputation Management System for Securing the Internet of Vehicles |
Pinto, Iola |
203 |
An Enhanced Capacity Model based on Network Measurements for a Multi-Service 3G System |
Pinyoanuntapong, Krittetash |
CNC V.3 |
230 |
Frost's and Maximin Space-Time Adaptive Processing under Block Rayleigh Fading |
Piwczyk, Tobias |
SPC.2 |
983 |
VLSI Architectures for ORVD Trellis based MIMO Detection |
Polovinkin, Andrey |
191 |
Probabilistic Estimation of Honeypot Detection in Internet of Things Environment |
Pouraghily, Arman |
ISA.2 |
617 |
A Lightweight Payment Verification Protocol for Blockchain Transactions on IoT Devices |
Pourazad, Mahsa |
MCC & OGC.2 |
588 |
A New Prediction Structure for Efficient MV-HEVC based Light Field Video Compression |
Prabakaran, Anusha |
11 |
Product Review Credibility Analysis |
Prasad, Narayan |
WC II.7 |
970 |
Optimizing Beams and Bits: A Novel Approach for Massive MIMO Base-Station Design |
Pu, Cong |
CNC I:.1 |
73 |
Spam DIS Attack Against Routing Protocol in the Internet of Things |
Q A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Qi, Xiao-Feng |
WC II.7 |
970 |
Optimizing Beams and Bits: A Novel Approach for Massive MIMO Base-Station Design |
R A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Ramanathan, Ram |
WAHS.5 |
1034 |
Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks |
Rao, Anil |
185 |
Mobile Device Localization in 5G Wireless |
Ravindran, Ravi |
828 |
Stateless Forwarding in ICN with Dynamic Non-Bloom Filters |
Rawat, Danda |
CNC II:.5 |
131 |
Maximizing Secrecy Rates and Payoffs Through Wireless Virtualization in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks |
CIS I:.4 |
448 |
Automatic Spam Detection on Gulf Dialectical Arabic Tweets |
GCNC.4 |
714 |
Recommendations for Energy Efficient SoDIP6 Network Deployment at the Early Stage Rural ICT Expansion of Nepal |
Reeves, Joseph |
WN II:.1 |
503 |
Context-Aware Analysis Scheduling in Wireless Body Area Networks |
Ren, Jian |
CLD.3 |
375 |
Security and Privacy of Electronic Health Records: Decentralized and Hierarchical Data Sharing using Smart Contracts |
WN II:.2 |
509 |
Blocking Probability Analysis for Relay-Assisted OFDMA Networks using Stochastic Geometry |
Repetto, Matteo |
214 |
An abstraction layer for cybersecurity context |
Retzepi, Kallirroi |
ISA.5 |
637 |
MedRec: A Network for Personal Information Distribution |
Richards, Dana |
NAPE I.3 |
747 |
NP-completeness of Shortest Leaf-to-Leaf Distance in a Tree |
Riley, George |
CQSM & ISA.7 |
497 |
Queueing Analysis of Auxiliary-Connection-Enabled Switches for Software-Defined Networks |
Rock, Colleen |
WAHS.5 |
1034 |
Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks |
Roh, Byeong-hee |
197 |
Performance Comparison of Software Defined Networking Simulators for Tactical Network: Mininet vs. OPNET |
Rojas-Cessa, Roberto |
ISA.3 |
624 |
COMPRESS: A Self-Sufficient Scheme for Measuring Queueing Delay on the Internet Routers |
Roodaki, Hoda |
MCC & OGC.1 |
582 |
A Novel Rate Control Method for Free-viewpoint Video in MV-HEVC |
Roy, Tamoghna |
MLCN.6 |
681 |
Approximating the Void: Learning Stochastic Channel Models from Observation with Variational Generative Adversarial Networks |
Rukkila, Adric |
Invited Talks III: QoS Modeling.1 |
542 |
Smart Stadia as Testbeds for Smart Cities: Enriching Fan Experiences and Improving Accessibility |
Russell, Katherine |
MCVC.3 |
911 |
Evaluation of a Geo-region Based Architecture for Information Centric Disruption Tolerant Networks |
Rzepka, Michał |
NAPE I.6 |
764 |
Slotted Flow Stats Acquisition: a Resource-efficient Flow Statistics Polling in OpenFlow Networks |
S A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Saad, Muhammad |
CNC X.7 |
360 |
Countering Selfish Mining in Blockchains |
Sabur, Abdulhakim |
CIS II:.7 |
577 |
Adaptive MTD Security using Markov Game Modeling |
Sagduyu, Yalin |
WC II.3 |
950 |
Interference Regime Enforcing Rate Maximization for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) |
Saito, K. |
16 |
Computational Complexity Reduction of Receive Weight Matrices in Massive MIMO SC-FDE |
Sakib, Muhammad Nazmus |
CIS I:.6 |
457 |
A Game Theoretic Approach for Making IoT Device Connectivity Decisions During Malware Outbreak |
Saleem, Sajid |
CNC VI.1 |
255 |
A Method of Moments Estimator for Modulation Index of Continuous Phase Modulation |
Salehin, Khondaker |
ISA.3 |
624 |
COMPRESS: A Self-Sufficient Scheme for Measuring Queueing Delay on the Internet Routers |
Salman, Tara |
CNC II:.7 |
141 |
HYPER-VINES: A HYbrid Learning Fault and Performance Issues ERadicator for VIrtual NEtwork Services in Multi-Cloud Systems |
Salo, Fadi |
CNC VI.5 |
276 |
Clustering Enabled Classification using Ensemble Feature Selection for Intrusion Detection |
Samaka, Mohammed |
CNC II:.7 |
141 |
HYPER-VINES: A HYbrid Learning Fault and Performance Issues ERadicator for VIrtual NEtwork Services in Multi-Cloud Systems |
Sampaio-Neto, Raimundo |
CNC X.1 |
329 |
Hybrid precoded index modulation in downlink mmWave MU-MIMO systems |
Sapavath, Naveen |
CNC II:.5 |
131 |
Maximizing Secrecy Rates and Payoffs Through Wireless Virtualization in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks |
Scarpa, Marco |
CNC X.4 |
344 |
A full Secondary User model for Cognitive Radio in a GSM-900 scenario |
CNC X.5 |
350 |
MongoDB Clustering using K-means for Real-Time Song Recognition |
Segerholm, Christina |
WC II.4 |
955 |
Accelerating Channel Estimation and Demodulation of Uplink OFDM symbols for Large Scale Antenna Systems using GPU |
Sekigawa, Shu |
170 |
Expected Capacity Guaranteed Routing based on Dynamic Link Failure Prediction |
Sengupta, Sailik |
CIS II:.7 |
577 |
Adaptive MTD Security using Markov Game Modeling |
Serrano, Salvatore |
CNC X.4 |
344 |
A full Secondary User model for Cognitive Radio in a GSM-900 scenario |
CNC X.5 |
350 |
MongoDB Clustering using K-means for Real-Time Song Recognition |
Seskar, Ivan |
WC II.4 |
955 |
Accelerating Channel Estimation and Demodulation of Uplink OFDM symbols for Large Scale Antenna Systems using GPU |
Shah, Syed Hassan |
GCNC.6 |
724 |
Performance Analysis of Flexible Duplexing-enabled Heterogeneous Networks Exploiting Multi Slope Path Loss Models |
Shang, Pingping |
CNC I:.7 |
105 |
Security Enhancing Spatial Modulation Using Antenna Selection and Artificial Noise Cancellation |
Sharif, Hamid |
SPC.5 |
1000 |
Accuracy Analysis of Feature-based Automatic Modulation Classification with Blind Modulation Detection |
Sharma, Sarthak |
WAHS.4 |
1029 |
Device-Free Activity Recognition Using Ultra-Wideband Radios |
Shen, Jian |
GCNC.5 |
719 |
Cloud-assisted Two-Factor Protection Mechanism for Public Data in Smart Campus |
Shen, Zejiang |
SPC.6 |
1005 |
Deep Learning based Framework for Automatic Damage Detection in Aircraft Engine Borescope Inspection |
Sheng, Bo |
CLD.1 |
365 |
SmartEye: Mobile Device Proximity Monitoring via Wireless Signal Analysis |
MCVC.4 |
918 |
FARES: Fast and Accurate Recognition of Exact Scenes on Mobile Devices |
Shenoy, Nirmala |
CNC IX.3 |
303 |
A Meshed Tree Protocol for Loop Avoidance in Switched Networks |
Shi, Zheng |
CNC IV.5 |
62 |
Angle-of-Arrival Estimator for Light Signals Based on Optimized Photodiode Array |
Shi, Zhenyu |
WC I.3 |
876 |
A Comprehensive Study of Low Frequency and High Frequency Channel Correlation |
Shirmohammadi, Shervin |
MCC & OGC.1 |
582 |
A Novel Rate Control Method for Free-viewpoint Video in MV-HEVC |
Shue, Craig |
CNC II:.6 |
136 |
Authenticating Endpoints and Vetting Connections in Residential Networks |
Shurbanov, Vladimir |
WAHS.5 |
1034 |
Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks |
Sie, Siou-Ci |
175 |
Design of an Efficient Resource Management Model in Elastic Optical Networks |
Silvestri, Simone |
WAHS.1 |
1011 |
A Web Application for the Remote Control of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
Simon, Robert |
MCVC.3 |
911 |
Evaluation of a Geo-region Based Architecture for Information Centric Disruption Tolerant Networks |
Singhal, Akshit |
CNC VI.3 |
265 |
Tail Latency Prediction for Datacenter Applications in Consolidated Environments |
Slock, Dirk |
SPC.4 |
995 |
Massive MISO IBC Reduced Order Zero Forcing Beamforming - a Multi-Antenna Stochastic Geometry Perspective |
So, Daniel K. C. |
CQSM & ISA.6 |
491 |
Multi-objective Optimization of Joint Power Allocation and Splitting Control for SWIPT-enabled NOMA Systems |
Son, Junggab |
159 |
Fast and Accurate Machine Learning-based Malware Detection via RC4 Ciphertext Analysis |
Song, Houbing |
782 |
An energy-efficiency-aware resource allocation strategy in multi-granularity provision for green computing |
797 |
An LSTM Enabled Dynamic Stackelberg Game Theoretic Method for Resource Allocation in the Cloud |
Song, Lihong |
CNC II:.1 |
110 |
A Two-phase Transmission Protocol Design for Ultra-reliable Communications |
Song, Mei |
CNC II:.1 |
110 |
A Two-phase Transmission Protocol Design for Ultra-reliable Communications |
Spila, Timothy |
Invited Talks V: Mobile Computing/System.2 |
692 |
Bracelet: Edge-Cloud Microservice Infrastructure for Aging Scientific Instruments |
Strayer, Tim |
WAHS.5 |
1034 |
Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks |
Su, Patrick |
Invited Talks V: Mobile Computing/System.2 |
692 |
Bracelet: Edge-Cloud Microservice Infrastructure for Aging Scientific Instruments |
Sun, Han |
MCC & OGC.3 |
592 |
Domain-Specific Image Classification Using Ensemble Learning Utilizing Open-Domain Knowledge |
Sun, Kai |
CNC I:.3 |
83 |
Dynamic Bayesian Game Based Power Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing with Users' Behaviors |
Sun, Wensheng |
CNC I:.3 |
83 |
Dynamic Bayesian Game Based Power Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing with Users' Behaviors |
Sun, Xiaoyan |
CIS II:.5 |
567 |
What To Do First: Ranking The Mission Impact Graph for Effective Mission Assurance |
Sun, Yunqing |
WN I:.6 |
425 |
Privacy-Preserving Device Discovery and Authentication Scheme for D2D Communication in 3GPP 5G HetNet |
Sun, Zhe |
CLD.6 |
390 |
An Extended Control Framework for Privacy-Preserving Photo Sharing across Different Social Networks |
Surasak, Thattapon |
180 |
Enhancing VoIP Security and Efficiency using VPN |
Surnin, Oleg |
191 |
Probabilistic Estimation of Honeypot Detection in Internet of Things Environment |
Suzuki, Y. |
29 |
A Study on Layouts of Distributed Antenna Arrays in an Indoor Multi-User Massive MIMO System |
T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Tadayon, Ramin |
Invited Talks III: QoS Modeling.1 |
542 |
Smart Stadia as Testbeds for Smart Cities: Enriching Fan Experiences and Improving Accessibility |
Takahashi, Norikazu |
148 |
A Novel NMF Algorithm for Detecting Clusters in Directed Networks |
Takahashi, Osamu |
CNC V.4 |
235 |
A temporary communication system using DTN for improving power consumption of mobile terminals |
Takizawa, Kenichi |
CNC II:.2 |
116 |
Improvement on Localization Accuracy of IR-UWB By Adapting Time Bias Inner Transceiver |
WC I.6 |
894 |
Experimental Evaluation of UL-NOMA System Employing Correlated Receive Diversity |
Tanabe, Kazuki |
CNC VI.7 |
287 |
Emergency Trunk Reservation Control Using Waiting Queue for Accommodating More General Calls |
Tang, Jie |
CQSM & ISA.6 |
491 |
Multi-objective Optimization of Joint Power Allocation and Splitting Control for SWIPT-enabled NOMA Systems |
Tang, Meng |
CNC VI.2 |
260 |
Text-To-Speech quality evaluation based on LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks |
Tao, Xiaoming |
CQSM & ISA.4 |
480 |
Developing a QoE Monitoring Approach for Video Service Based on Mobile Terminals |
Tao, Yangyang |
CLD.4 |
380 |
kFHCO: Optimal VM Consolidation via k-Factor Horizontal Checkpoint Oversubscription |
Tapparello, Cristiano |
NAPE I.1 |
735 |
Infrastructure vs. Multi-Hop D2D Networks: Availability and Performance Analysis |
Taylor, Curtis |
CNC II:.6 |
136 |
Authenticating Endpoints and Vetting Connections in Residential Networks |
MLCN.4 |
669 |
Network-based Classification of Authentication Attempts using Machine Learning |
Teague, Kory |
859 |
Joint Base Station Selection and Adaptive Slicing in Virtualized Wireless Networks: A Stochastic Optimization Framework |
Tehrani-Moayyed, Miead |
MCVC.5 |
923 |
Diffuse Scattering Models for mmWave V2X Communications in Urban Scenarios |
Teng, Yinglei |
CNC II:.1 |
110 |
A Two-phase Transmission Protocol Design for Ultra-reliable Communications |
Tetteh, Will |
WAHS.5 |
1034 |
Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks |
Tezuka, Hayato |
WC I.6 |
894 |
Experimental Evaluation of UL-NOMA System Employing Correlated Receive Diversity |
Thapa, Bishal |
WAHS.5 |
1034 |
Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks |
Tian, Run |
WN II:.2 |
509 |
Blocking Probability Analysis for Relay-Assisted OFDMA Networks using Stochastic Geometry |
Turner, Matthew |
842 |
On the Effectiveness of Standard Centrality Metrics for Interdependent Networks |
Turner, Stuart |
Invited Talks V: Mobile Computing/System.2 |
692 |
Bracelet: Edge-Cloud Microservice Infrastructure for Aging Scientific Instruments |
U A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Ullah, Syed Asad |
CNC VI.1 |
255 |
A Method of Moments Estimator for Modulation Index of Continuous Phase Modulation |
Ulukus, Sennur |
WC II.3 |
950 |
Interference Regime Enforcing Rate Maximization for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) |
Usuzaka, Yoshito |
148 |
A Novel NMF Algorithm for Detecting Clusters in Directed Networks |
Uysal, Elif |
CNC X.3 |
339 |
Age Minimization of Multiple Flows using Reinforcement Learning |
V A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Veeravalli, Venugopal |
MLCN.1 |
653 |
Multi-User Multi-Armed Bandits for Uncoordinated Spectrum Access |
Venkateswara, Hemanth |
Invited Talks III: QoS Modeling.1 |
542 |
Smart Stadia as Testbeds for Smart Cities: Enriching Fan Experiences and Improving Accessibility |
Vieira, Pedro |
203 |
An Enhanced Capacity Model based on Network Measurements for a Multi-Service 3G System |
Voicu, Razvan |
835 |
Multiple Path Infrastructure-less Networks A Cooperative Approach |
W A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Wan, Xili |
SPC.6 |
1005 |
Deep Learning based Framework for Automatic Damage Detection in Aircraft Engine Borescope Inspection |
Wang, Bailing |
CIS I:.5 |
453 |
Verification Code Recognition Based on Active and Deep Learning |
Wang, Dandan |
185 |
Mobile Device Localization in 5G Wireless |
Wang, Feng |
CNC II:.4 |
126 |
On Cluster Head Selection in Monkey-inspired Optimization based Routing Protocol for WSNs |
Wang, Honggang |
CLD.5 |
385 |
Neuro-Fuzzy classifier for behavioral intervention data |
CQSM & ISA.2 |
468 |
Accelerated Prediction of Bradycardia in Preterm Infants Using Time-Frequency Analysis |
CIS II:.3 |
557 |
Integrated Node Authentication and Key Distribution Method for Body Area Network |
Wang, Huihui |
782 |
An energy-efficiency-aware resource allocation strategy in multi-granularity provision for green computing |
Wang, Jian |
797 |
An LSTM Enabled Dynamic Stackelberg Game Theoretic Method for Resource Allocation in the Cloud |
Wang, Jiaxin |
GCNC.3 |
708 |
WLAN Channel Measurement in Two Classrooms for LOS and NLOS Coverage |
Wang, Li |
CQSM & ISA.4 |
480 |
Developing a QoE Monitoring Approach for Video Service Based on Mobile Terminals |
Wang, Pan |
CNC IV.3 |
51 |
Data Interpolation for Deep Learning based Encrypted Data Packet Classification |
Wang, Ruyan |
GCNC.2 |
702 |
An Energy-efficient and Trust-based Formation Algorithm for Cooperative Vehicle Platooning |
Wang, Teng |
MCVC.4 |
918 |
FARES: Fast and Accurate Recognition of Exact Scenes on Mobile Devices |
Wang, Xi |
WAHS.2 |
1018 |
A Stochastic Process based Routing Algorithm for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks |
Wang, Yi |
WC I.3 |
876 |
A Comprehensive Study of Low Frequency and High Frequency Channel Correlation |
Wang, Ying |
CNC I:.3 |
83 |
Dynamic Bayesian Game Based Power Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing with Users' Behaviors |
Wang, Yongjin |
CNC IV.1 |
39 |
Outage Probability Bounds of EGC Over Correlated Lognormal Fading Channels |
CNC IV.5 |
62 |
Angle-of-Arrival Estimator for Light Signals Based on Optimized Photodiode Array |
Wang, Yongqiang |
22 |
Intelligent Scheduling for Parallel Jobs in Big Data Processing Systems |
Wang, Ziwei |
CNC V.2 |
224 |
A QoE-Driven Rate Adaptation Approach for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming Over HTTP |
Wapenski, Donald |
WAHS.2 |
1018 |
A Stochastic Process based Routing Algorithm for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks |
Ward, Andrew |
GCNC.7 |
729 |
Bidding-Based Dynamic Power Pricing Scheme in Smart Grids |
Wei, Chunqiao |
771 |
An Energy-efficient Metric for Relay Selection in Large-Scale Multi-hop Wireless Networks |
Welzl, Michael |
CNC II:.3 |
121 |
How to Control a TCP: Minimally-Invasive Congestion Management for Datacenters |
ISA.1 |
612 |
Investigating the Delay Impact of the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) |
Wen, Miaowen |
CNC I:.7 |
105 |
Security Enhancing Spatial Modulation Using Antenna Selection and Artificial Noise Cancellation |
West, Nathan |
MLCN.6 |
681 |
Approximating the Void: Learning Stochastic Channel Models from Observation with Variational Generative Adversarial Networks |
Westphal, Cedric |
NAPE I.2 |
741 |
RankRoute: Efficient Interests Forwarding by Nodes Ranking |
Widmer, Joerg |
WC I.3 |
876 |
A Comprehensive Study of Low Frequency and High Frequency Channel Correlation |
Wijesinha, Alexander |
CNC X.2 |
334 |
A Bare PC Text Based Browser |
Wilkins, Dawn |
CNC II:.4 |
126 |
On Cluster Head Selection in Monkey-inspired Optimization based Routing Protocol for WSNs |
Williams, Byron |
CNC V.7 |
250 |
Towards Self-Defense of Non-Stationary Systems |
Willis, Peter |
CNC IX.3 |
303 |
A Meshed Tree Protocol for Loop Avoidance in Switched Networks |
Wolf, Tilman |
CQSM & ISA.3 |
473 |
Enhancing Interdomain Transport via Economic Software-Defined Exchange Points |
ISA.2 |
617 |
A Lightweight Payment Verification Protocol for Blockchain Transactions on IoT Devices |
802 |
Using Natural Language Constructs and Concepts to Aid Network Management |
Wu, Chase |
22 |
Intelligent Scheduling for Parallel Jobs in Big Data Processing Systems |
Wu, Dapeng |
GCNC.2 |
702 |
An Energy-efficient and Trust-based Formation Algorithm for Cooperative Vehicle Platooning |
Wu, Jiaxing |
GCNC.2 |
702 |
An Energy-efficient and Trust-based Formation Algorithm for Cooperative Vehicle Platooning |
Wu, Xiaoge |
WC I.1 |
864 |
Chaos-based Information Rotated Polar Coding Scheme for Visible Light Wiretap Channel |
Wu, Yalong |
ISA.6 |
642 |
Real-Time Data Transport Scheduling for Edge/Cloud-Based Internet of Things |
Wu, Zhiqiang |
WN I:.4 |
413 |
Location Information-Aided Load Balancing Design for Hybrid LiFi and WiFi Networks |
X A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Xiao, Zhiqiang |
CNC IV.1 |
39 |
Outage Probability Bounds of EGC Over Correlated Lognormal Fading Channels |
Xie, Jinsen |
CNC I:.4 |
88 |
Multicast Design for the MobilityFirst Future Internet Architecture |
CNC I:.5 |
94 |
An Information Feature Extraction and Rapid Updating Scheme for Knowledge Centric Networking |
Xing, Ling |
CNC I:.5 |
94 |
An Information Feature Extraction and Rapid Updating Scheme for Knowledge Centric Networking |
XU, Dongliang |
CIS I:.5 |
453 |
Verification Code Recognition Based on Active and Deep Learning |
Xu, Guangxia |
787 |
Document Context-Aware Social Recommendation Method |
Xu, Guobin |
GCNC.1 |
697 |
A Deep Learning-Based Weather Forecast System for Data Volume and Recency Analysis |
Xu, Hao |
MLCN.7 |
687 |
Game Theoretic Based Intelligent Multi-User Millimeter-Wave MIMO Systems under Uncertain Environment and Unknown Interference |
WC II.6 |
965 |
Multi-Robot Enhanced Intelligent Multi-User Millimeter-Wave MIMO Systems under Uncertain Environment |
Xu, Haochen |
WC II.1 |
936 |
Elevation Power Spectrum Measurement and Interference Analysis of UMa I2O Uplink Channels |
Xu, Jing |
WN II:.3 |
515 |
Joint Transmission Scheduling and Power Allocation in Wirelessly Powered Hybrid Radio Networks |
Xu, Mingrui |
22 |
Intelligent Scheduling for Parallel Jobs in Big Data Processing Systems |
Y A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Yamada, Shohei |
209 |
A System for Generating Background Colors for e-Books, Based on its Text |
Yamanaka, Naoaki |
170 |
Expected Capacity Guaranteed Routing based on Dynamic Link Failure Prediction |
Yamaoka, Katsunori |
CNC VI.7 |
287 |
Emergency Trunk Reservation Control Using Waiting Queue for Accommodating More General Calls |
Yan, Han |
WC II.2 |
943 |
Joint Precoder and Combiner Design for MMSE Distributed Beamforming with Per-Antenna Power Constraints |
Yan, Mei |
CNC II:.1 |
110 |
A Two-phase Transmission Protocol Design for Ultra-reliable Communications |
Yang, Bowen |
CNC I:.4 |
88 |
Multicast Design for the MobilityFirst Future Internet Architecture |
Yang, Guangwen |
NAPE I.2 |
741 |
RankRoute: Efficient Interests Forwarding by Nodes Ranking |
Yang, Hemin |
CQSM & ISA.7 |
497 |
Queueing Analysis of Auxiliary-Connection-Enabled Switches for Software-Defined Networks |
Yang, Jian |
CNC I:.4 |
88 |
Multicast Design for the MobilityFirst Future Internet Architecture |
CNC I:.5 |
94 |
An Information Feature Extraction and Rapid Updating Scheme for Knowledge Centric Networking |
Yang, Jian |
MCC & OGC.3 |
592 |
Domain-Specific Image Classification Using Ensemble Learning Utilizing Open-Domain Knowledge |
Yang, Liwei |
CNC V.5 |
240 |
Spectrum Sharing for Heterogeneous Communication Systems in TV White Spaces |
Yao, JingTao |
CIS II:.2 |
552 |
Three-way Email Spam Filtering with Game-theoretic Rough Sets |
Ye, Feng |
CNC IV.3 |
51 |
Data Interpolation for Deep Learning based Encrypted Data Packet Classification |
CNC IX.7 |
324 |
D2D-Assisted Physical-Layer Security in Next-Generation Mobile Network |
SPC.6 |
1005 |
Deep Learning based Framework for Automatic Damage Detection in Aircraft Engine Borescope Inspection |
Yeo, Chai Kiat |
CNC V.5 |
240 |
Spectrum Sharing for Heterogeneous Communication Systems in TV White Spaces |
Yetis, Cenk |
SPC.1 |
977 |
Distributed Multi-Stream Beamforming in Multi-Relay Interference Networks with Multi-Antenna Nodes |
Ying, Daidong |
CNC IX.7 |
324 |
D2D-Assisted Physical-Layer Security in Next-Generation Mobile Network |
Yu, Shucheng |
CLD.4 |
380 |
kFHCO: Optimal VM Consolidation via k-Factor Horizontal Checkpoint Oversubscription |
WN II:.5 |
526 |
Indoor Localization Using Commodity Wi-Fi APs: Techniques and Challenges |
Yu, Wei |
WN I:.3 |
408 |
Performance Assessment of Smart Meter Traffic over LTE Network Using SDR Testbed |
CIS I:.1 |
432 |
Towards Multimodal Learning for Android Malware Detection |
ISA.6 |
642 |
Real-Time Data Transport Scheduling for Edge/Cloud-Based Internet of Things |
GCNC.1 |
697 |
A Deep Learning-Based Weather Forecast System for Data Volume and Recency Analysis |
Yu, Weicheng |
CNC I:.7 |
105 |
Security Enhancing Spatial Modulation Using Antenna Selection and Artificial Noise Cancellation |
Yu, Xiaoyan |
CIS I:.5 |
453 |
Verification Code Recognition Based on Active and Deep Learning |
Yu, Yu |
CQSM & ISA.6 |
491 |
Multi-objective Optimization of Joint Power Allocation and Splitting Control for SWIPT-enabled NOMA Systems |
Yu, Zhengtao |
CIS II:.1 |
547 |
ESAS: An Efficient Semantic and Authorized Search Scheme over Encrypted Outsourced Data |
Yue, Hao |
CNC IV.3 |
51 |
Data Interpolation for Deep Learning based Encrypted Data Packet Classification |
Yue, Qinggang |
CIS II:.4 |
562 |
Toward Drone Privacy via Regulating Altitude and Payload |
Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Zaghloul, Ehab |
CLD.3 |
375 |
Security and Privacy of Electronic Health Records: Decentralized and Hierarchical Data Sharing using Smart Contracts |
Zhan, Yafeng |
CQSM & ISA.4 |
480 |
Developing a QoE Monitoring Approach for Video Service Based on Mobile Terminals |
Zhang, Chuanji |
CQSM & ISA.7 |
497 |
Queueing Analysis of Auxiliary-Connection-Enabled Switches for Software-Defined Networks |
Zhang, Guanglin |
CNC V.5 |
240 |
Spectrum Sharing for Heterogeneous Communication Systems in TV White Spaces |
Zhang, Jin |
ISA.6 |
642 |
Real-Time Data Transport Scheduling for Edge/Cloud-Based Internet of Things |
Zhang, Kai |
CNC I:.7 |
105 |
Security Enhancing Spatial Modulation Using Antenna Selection and Artificial Noise Cancellation |
Zhang, Kuan |
CLD.1 |
365 |
SmartEye: Mobile Device Proximity Monitoring via Wireless Signal Analysis |
Zhang, Lin |
WN I:.4 |
413 |
Location Information-Aided Load Balancing Design for Hybrid LiFi and WiFi Networks |
WC I.1 |
864 |
Chaos-based Information Rotated Polar Coding Scheme for Visible Light Wiretap Channel |
Zhang, Meixiang |
CQSM & ISA.1 |
463 |
Performance Analysis of Raptor Code for Reconciliation in Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution |
Zhang, Qi |
CNC I:.5 |
94 |
An Information Feature Extraction and Rapid Updating Scheme for Knowledge Centric Networking |
Zhang, Qiong |
WAHS.2 |
1018 |
A Stochastic Process based Routing Algorithm for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks |
Zhang, Ruonan |
GCNC.3 |
708 |
WLAN Channel Measurement in Two Classrooms for LOS and NLOS Coverage |
771 |
An Energy-efficient Metric for Relay Selection in Large-Scale Multi-hop Wireless Networks |
WC II.1 |
936 |
Elevation Power Spectrum Measurement and Interference Analysis of UMa I2O Uplink Channels |
Zhang, Wenjie |
CNC V.5 |
240 |
Spectrum Sharing for Heterogeneous Communication Systems in TV White Spaces |
Zhang, Xiaoqian |
MCVC.4 |
918 |
FARES: Fast and Accurate Recognition of Exact Scenes on Mobile Devices |
Zhang, Xiu Yin |
CQSM & ISA.6 |
491 |
Multi-objective Optimization of Joint Power Allocation and Splitting Control for SWIPT-enabled NOMA Systems |
Zhang, Yan |
CIS II:.2 |
552 |
Three-way Email Spam Filtering with Game-theoretic Rough Sets |
Zhang, Yanyong |
CNC I:.4 |
88 |
Multicast Design for the MobilityFirst Future Internet Architecture |
Zhang, Yue |
782 |
An energy-efficiency-aware resource allocation strategy in multi-granularity provision for green computing |
Zhao, Qi |
WN II:.4 |
520 |
Towards Efficient Cellular Traffic Offloading via Dynamic MPTCP Path Configuration with SDN |
WAHS.6 |
1039 |
Fragmented Data Routing Based on Exponentially Distributed Contacts in Delay Tolerant Networks |
Zhao, Tianchi |
WC I.5 |
888 |
Online Reconfigurable Antenna State Selection based on Thompson Sampling |
Zheng, Jin-Jun |
175 |
Design of an Efficient Resource Management Model in Elastic Optical Networks |
MCC & OGC.5 |
602 |
Spectrum Usage Minimization for Shared Backup Path Protection in Elastic Optical Networks |
Zheng, Yifeng |
CNC V.5 |
240 |
Spectrum Sharing for Heterogeneous Communication Systems in TV White Spaces |
Zhong, Jiling |
MCVC.2 |
905 |
A Robust Road Region of Interest Identification Scheme for Traffic-Video Data Mining |
Zhong, Zhimeng |
GCNC.3 |
708 |
WLAN Channel Measurement in Two Classrooms for LOS and NLOS Coverage |
WC II.1 |
936 |
Elevation Power Spectrum Measurement and Interference Analysis of UMa I2O Uplink Channels |
Zhou, Bing |
WN I:.1 |
395 |
Minimum Latency Aggregation Scheduling in Internet of Things |
Zhou, Yiqing |
CNC IV.3 |
51 |
Data Interpolation for Deep Learning based Encrypted Data Packet Classification |
Zhou, Zhengyuan |
GCNC.7 |
729 |
Bidding-Based Dynamic Power Pricing Scheme in Smart Grids |
Zhu, Bingcheng |
CNC IV.1 |
39 |
Outage Probability Bounds of EGC Over Correlated Lognormal Fading Channels |
CNC IV.5 |
62 |
Angle-of-Arrival Estimator for Light Signals Based on Optimized Photodiode Array |
Zhu, Jie |
CNC VI.2 |
260 |
Text-To-Speech quality evaluation based on LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks |
Zhu, Liehuang |
CIS II:.1 |
547 |
ESAS: An Efficient Semantic and Authorized Search Scheme over Encrypted Outsourced Data |
Zhu, Xiaoyan |
CIS I:.5 |
453 |
Verification Code Recognition Based on Active and Deep Learning |
Zhu, Yi |
WAHS.2 |
1018 |
A Stochastic Process based Routing Algorithm for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks |
Zhu, Zhiming |
CNC IV.5 |
62 |
Angle-of-Arrival Estimator for Light Signals Based on Optimized Photodiode Array |
Zilberstein, Shlomo |
802 |
Using Natural Language Constructs and Concepts to Aid Network Management |
Znati, Taieb |
821 |
An empirical study of intelligent approaches to DDoS detection in large scale network |
Zong, Ziliang |
777 |
Evaluating the Performance and Energy Efficiency of OpenGL and Vulkan on a Graphics Rendering Server |