Monday, February 18
Monday, February 18 8:30 - 9:30
Keynote Talk I: Internet of Everything for the New Industrial Revolution
Monday, February 18 9:30 - 10:00
Coffee Break
Monday, February 18 10:00 - 12:00
- Spam DIS Attack Against Routing Protocol in the Internet of Things
- Preventing UDP Flooding Amplification Attacks with Weak Authentication
- Dynamic Bayesian Game Based Power Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing with Users' Behaviors
- Multicast Design for the MobilityFirst Future Internet Architecture
- An Information Feature Extraction and Rapid Updating Scheme for Knowledge Centric Networking
- Fine-tuning a pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network Model to translate American Sign Language in Real-time
- Security Enhancing Spatial Modulation Using Antenna Selection and Artificial Noise Cancellation
Distinguished Lecture I:
Abstract: The aim of this tutorial is to bring together signal processing engineers, computer and information scientists, applied mathematicians and statisticians, as well as systems engineers to carve out the role that analytical and experimental engineering has to play in Big Data research and development. This proposal will emphasize on signal analytics, networking, computation, optimization, as well as systems engineering aspects of Big Data. There are four main objectives. The first objective is to provide an introduction to the big data paradigm, from the signal processing perspective. The second objective is to introduce the key techniques to enable signal processing for big data in a comprehensive way. The third objective is to provide numerical datasets, and illuminate how signal processing approaches can be addressed to wireless datasets. The fourth objective is to present the state-of-the-art big data applications. This will include classifications of the different schemes and the technical details in each scheme.
- A Two-phase Transmission Protocol Design for Ultra-reliable Communications
- Improvement on Localization Accuracy of IR-UWB By Adapting Time Bias Inner Transceiver
- How to Control a TCP: Minimally-Invasive Congestion Management for Datacenters
- On Cluster Head Selection in Monkey-inspired Optimization based Routing Protocol for WSNs
- Maximizing Secrecy Rates and Payoffs Through Wireless Virtualization in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
- Authenticating Endpoints and Vetting Connections in Residential Networks
- HYPER-VINES: A HYbrid Learning Fault and Performance Issues ERadicator for VIrtual NEtwork Services in Multi-Cloud Systems
- Outage Probability Bounds of EGC Over Correlated Lognormal Fading Channels
- SMAP: A Map Extension Framework for Intelligent Travel Systems
- Data Interpolation for Deep Learning based Encrypted Data Packet Classification
- Hadoop Performance Evaluation in Software Defined Data Center Networks
- Angle-of-Arrival Estimator for Light Signals Based on Optimized Photodiode Array
- Secrecy Capacity of Hybrid RF/VLC DF Relaying Networks with Jamming
- Silent Timestamping for Blockchain Mining Pool Security
- Learning for Detection: A Deep Learning Wireless Communication Receiver Over Rayleigh Fading Channels
- Product Review Credibility Analysis
- Computational Complexity Reduction of Receive Weight Matrices in Massive MIMO SC-FDE
- Intelligent Scheduling for Parallel Jobs in Big Data Processing Systems
- A Study on Layouts of Distributed Antenna Arrays in an Indoor Multi-User Massive MIMO System
- Markov Chain Analysis for Compressed Sensing based Random Access in Cellular Systems
Monday, February 18 12:00 - 13:30
Lunch (on attendee own)
Monday, February 18 13:30 - 15:30
Distinguished Lecture II
- A Method of Moments Estimator for Modulation Index of Continuous Phase Modulation
- Text-To-Speech quality evaluation based on LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks
- Tail Latency Prediction for Datacenter Applications in Consolidated Environments
- Overcome Heterogeneity Impact in Modeled Fork-Join Queuing Networks for Tail Prediction
- Clustering Enabled Classification using Ensemble Feature Selection for Intrusion Detection
- Generative Adversarial Learning for Machine Learning empowered Self Organizing 5G Networks
- Emergency Trunk Reservation Control Using Waiting Queue for Accommodating More General Calls
- A Novel NMF Algorithm for Detecting Clusters in Directed Networks
- Multi-Resource Continuous Allocation Model for Cloud Services
- Fast and Accurate Machine Learning-based Malware Detection via RC4 Ciphertext Analysis
- Risk Assessment Approach to Secure Northbound Interface of SDN Networks
- Expected Capacity Guaranteed Routing based on Dynamic Link Failure Prediction
- Design of an Efficient Resource Management Model in Elastic Optical Networks
- Construction of Time-Space Radio Environment Database using HMM for Cooperative Sensing
- A QoE-Driven Rate Adaptation Approach for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming Over HTTP
- Frost's and Maximin Space-Time Adaptive Processing under Block Rayleigh Fading
- A temporary communication system using DTN for improving power consumption of mobile terminals
- Spectrum Sharing for Heterogeneous Communication Systems in TV White Spaces
- Incentive Marketing Strategy under Multi-state Diffusion Model in Online Social Networks
- Towards Self-Defense of Non-Stationary Systems
- Enhancing VoIP Security and Efficiency using VPN
- Mobile Device Localization in 5G Wireless
- Probabilistic Estimation of Honeypot Detection in Internet of Things Environment
- Performance Comparison of Software Defined Networking Simulators for Tactical Network: Mininet vs. OPNET
- An Enhanced Capacity Model based on Network Measurements for a Multi-Service 3G System
- A System for Generating Background Colors for e-Books, Based on its Text
- An abstraction layer for cybersecurity context
Monday, February 18 16:00 - 18:00
Distinguished Lecture III:
- A Graded Approach to Network Forensics with Privacy Concerns
- Fractional Packet Duplication and Fade Duration Outage Probability Analysis for Handover Enhancement in 5G Cellular Networks
- A Meshed Tree Protocol for Loop Avoidance in Switched Networks
- UWB-Based Single-Anchor Indoor Localization Using Channel Impulse Response
- Satellite MIMO Digital Beam-Forming under Nonlinear High-Power Amplifier and Keyhole
- Optimal Admission Control For Secondary Users In Cognitive Radio Systems
- D2D-Assisted Physical-Layer Security in Next-Generation Mobile Network
- Hybrid precoded index modulation in downlink mmWave MU-MIMO systems
- A Bare PC Text Based Browser
- Age Minimization of Multiple Flows using Reinforcement Learning
- A full Secondary User model for Cognitive Radio in a GSM-900 scenario
- MongoDB Clustering using K-means for Real-Time Song Recognition
- A Lightweight Network Discovery Algorithm for Resource-constrained IoT Devices
- Countering Selfish Mining in Blockchains
Tuesday, February 19
Tuesday, February 19 8:20 - 8:30
Opening Ceremony
Tuesday, February 19 8:30 - 9:30
Keynote Talk II: Computing for the Common Good
Tuesday, February 19 10:00 - 12:00
Industry Forum
Invited Talks I: WC & 5G
- Towards Multimodal Learning for Android Malware Detection
- Adversarial Detection of Concealed VoIP Traffic
- A Quantitative Study of the Deployment of DNS Rate Limiting
- Automatic Spam Detection on Gulf Dialectical Arabic Tweets
- Verification Code Recognition Based on Active and Deep Learning
- A Game Theoretic Approach for Making IoT Device Connectivity Decisions During Malware Outbreak
- SmartEye: Mobile Device Proximity Monitoring via Wireless Signal Analysis
- Toward Secure Resource Allocation in Mobile Cloud Computing: A Matching Game
- Security and Privacy of Electronic Health Records: Decentralized and Hierarchical Data Sharing using Smart Contracts
- kFHCO: Optimal VM Consolidation via k-Factor Horizontal Checkpoint Oversubscription
- Neuro-Fuzzy classifier for behavioral intervention data
- An Extended Control Framework for Privacy-Preserving Photo Sharing across Different Social Networks
- Minimum Latency Aggregation Scheduling in Internet of Things
- Clustering the Unknown - The Youtube Case
- Performance Assessment of Smart Meter Traffic over LTE Network Using SDR Testbed
- Location Information-Aided Load Balancing Design for Hybrid LiFi and WiFi Networks
- DIAM: Diversified Identity Authentication Mechanism for 5G Multi-Service System
- Privacy-Preserving Device Discovery and Authentication Scheme for D2D Communication in 3GPP 5G HetNet
Tuesday, February 19 13:30 - 15:30
Plenary: Pramod K. Varshney, Syracuse University, USA.; Elza Erkip, New York University, USA
Tuesday, February 19 16:00 - 18:00
Invited Talks III: QoS Modeling
Invited Talks II: AI & WN:
- ESAS: An Efficient Semantic and Authorized Search Scheme over Encrypted Outsourced Data
- Three-way Email Spam Filtering with Game-theoretic Rough Sets
- Integrated Node Authentication and Key Distribution Method for Body Area Network
- Toward Drone Privacy via Regulating Altitude and Payload
- What To Do First: Ranking The Mission Impact Graph for Effective Mission Assurance
- SUPC: SDN enabled Universal Policy Checking in Cloud Network
- Adaptive MTD Security using Markov Game Modeling
- Context-Aware Analysis Scheduling in Wireless Body Area Networks
- Blocking Probability Analysis for Relay-Assisted OFDMA Networks using Stochastic Geometry
- Joint Transmission Scheduling and Power Allocation in Wirelessly Powered Hybrid Radio Networks
- Towards Efficient Cellular Traffic Offloading via Dynamic MPTCP Path Configuration with SDN
- Indoor Localization Using Commodity Wi-Fi APs: Techniques and Challenges
- Dynamic EAP Based MAC Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks
- Performance Analysis of Raptor Code for Reconciliation in Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution
- Accelerated Prediction of Bradycardia in Preterm Infants Using Time-Frequency Analysis
- Enhancing Interdomain Transport via Economic Software-Defined Exchange Points
- Developing a QoE Monitoring Approach for Video Service Based on Mobile Terminals
- SDN based Network Function Parallelism in Cloud
- Multi-objective Optimization of Joint Power Allocation and Splitting Control for SWIPT-enabled NOMA Systems
- Queueing Analysis of Auxiliary-Connection-Enabled Switches for Software-Defined Networks
Tuesday, February 19 19:00 - 21:00
Welcome Reception
Wednesday, February 20
Wednesday, February 20 8:30 - 9:30
Keynote III:
Wednesday, February 20 10:00 - 12:00
Plenary Forum
Wednesday, February 20 13:30 - 15:30
- A Novel Rate Control Method for Free-viewpoint Video in MV-HEVC
- A New Prediction Structure for Efficient MV-HEVC based Light Field Video Compression
- Domain-Specific Image Classification Using Ensemble Learning Utilizing Open-Domain Knowledge
- Video Streaming over the LWA Systems
- Spectrum Usage Minimization for Shared Backup Path Protection in Elastic Optical Networks
- Performance of Elastic Optical Network with Spectrum Slicing for Fragmented Bandwidth Allocation
Wednesday, February 20 16:00 - 18:00
Invited Talks V: Mobile Computing/System
Invited Talks IV: Information Theory, Signal Process
- A Deep Learning-Based Weather Forecast System for Data Volume and Recency Analysis
- An Energy-efficient and Trust-based Formation Algorithm for Cooperative Vehicle Platooning
- WLAN Channel Measurement in Two Classrooms for LOS and NLOS Coverage
- Recommendations for Energy Efficient SoDIP6 Network Deployment at the Early Stage Rural ICT Expansion of Nepal
- Cloud-assisted Two-Factor Protection Mechanism for Public Data in Smart Campus
- Performance Analysis of Flexible Duplexing-enabled Heterogeneous Networks Exploiting Multi Slope Path Loss Models
- Bidding-Based Dynamic Power Pricing Scheme in Smart Grids
- Investigating the Delay Impact of the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP)
- A Lightweight Payment Verification Protocol for Blockchain Transactions on IoT Devices
- COMPRESS: A Self-Sufficient Scheme for Measuring Queueing Delay on the Internet Routers
- Distributed Mechanism for Computation Offloading Task Routing in Mobile Edge Cloud Network
- MedRec: A Network for Personal Information Distribution
- Real-Time Data Transport Scheduling for Edge/Cloud-Based Internet of Things
- SORT: SOcial HelpeR SelecTion Scheme for Mobile Question Answering Systems
- Multi-User Multi-Armed Bandits for Uncoordinated Spectrum Access
- An Empirical Investigation of DDoS and Flash Event Detection Using Shannon Entropy, KOAD and SVM Combined
- Adaptive Resource Provisioning based on Application State
- Network-based Classification of Authentication Attempts using Machine Learning
- Deep Learning Based Transmitter Identification using Power Amplifier Nonlinearity
- Approximating the Void: Learning Stochastic Channel Models from Observation with Variational Generative Adversarial Networks
- Game Theoretic Based Intelligent Multi-User Millimeter-Wave MIMO Systems under Uncertain Environment and Unknown Interference
Wednesday, February 20 19:00 - 21:00
Banquet & Award Ceremony
Thursday, February 21
Thursday, February 21 8:30 - 9:30
Keynote IV:
Part of the power of neural networks comes from the fact that it is a very generic, almost "blind", tool to extract useful information directly from data. Unlike more conventional data analysis approaches, it does not assume any knowledge of the statistical model, the structure, relation or constraints in the data, but tries to use a universal network structure to learn and represent all types of models. On the other hand, if we do have some of such knowledge of the model, such as in communication systems and almost all other engineering systems, in principle we should be able to make the inference algorithms more efficiently by taking advantage of the domain knowledge. It is however not clear how the domain knowledge should be used in deep learning in general. This talk tries to address this issue. Conceptually, we need to identify what happens inside a neural network during the learning process, to find out what statistical quantities are being calculated and how are they stored inside a network. To that end, we formulate a new problem called the "universal feature selection" problem, where we need to select from the high dimensional data a low dimensional feature that can be used to solve, not one, but a family of inference problems. We solve this problem and show that 1) the solution is closely related to a number of concepts in information theory and statistics such as the HGR correlation and common information, and 2) a number of learning algorithms, PCA, CCA, Matrix Factorization, and Neural Networks, implicitly solve the same problem. We then demonstrate how such theoretical understanding of neural networks can help us to establish a performance limit and design network parameters more systematically; and to include specific domain knowledge in the design of new network structures.
Thursday, February 21 10:00 - 12:00
Cooperative Intelligence for Situational Awareness in Autonomous Driving
Invited Talks VI: Security & Privacy
- An LSTM Enabled Dynamic Stackelberg Game Theoretic Method for Resource Allocation in the Cloud
- Using Natural Language Constructs and Concepts to Aid Network Management
- A Delay-Based Congestion-Control Protocol for Information-Centric Networks
- Optimal Cache Allocation under Network-Wide Capacity Constraint
- An empirical study of intelligent approaches to DDoS detection in large scale network
- Infrastructure vs. Multi-Hop D2D Networks: Availability and Performance Analysis
- RankRoute: Efficient Interests Forwarding by Nodes Ranking
- NP-completeness of Shortest Leaf-to-Leaf Distance in a Tree
- DNS Diagnostics through the Eye of the Beholder
- Flexible Evaluation Caching Using FATE
- Slotted Flow Stats Acquisition: a Resource-efficient Flow Statistics Polling in OpenFlow Networks
- An Energy-efficient Metric for Relay Selection in Large-Scale Multi-hop Wireless Networks
- Evaluating the Performance and Energy Efficiency of OpenGL and Vulkan on a Graphics Rendering Server
- An energy-efficiency-aware resource allocation strategy in multi-granularity provision for green computing
- Document Context-Aware Social Recommendation Method
- Spatial Community Search Using PageRank Vector
Thursday, February 21 13:30 - 15:30
Invited Talks VII: Multimedia
- Stateless Forwarding in ICN with Dynamic Non-Bloom Filters
- Multiple Path Infrastructure-less Networks A Cooperative Approach
- On the Effectiveness of Standard Centrality Metrics for Interdependent Networks
- Virtually the Same: Comparing Physical and Virtual Testbeds
- Data Migration in Large Scale Heterogeneous Storage Systems with Nodes to Spare
- Joint Base Station Selection and Adaptive Slicing in Virtualized Wireless Networks: A Stochastic Optimization Framework
- Chaos-based Information Rotated Polar Coding Scheme for Visible Light Wiretap Channel
- Blind Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation in Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing
- A Comprehensive Study of Low Frequency and High Frequency Channel Correlation
- Downlink Resource Allocation in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems
- Online Reconfigurable Antenna State Selection based on Thompson Sampling
- Experimental Evaluation of UL-NOMA System Employing Correlated Receive Diversity
Thursday, February 21 16:00 - 18:00
- Distributed Multi-Stream Beamforming in Multi-Relay Interference Networks with Multi-Antenna Nodes
- VLSI Architectures for ORVD Trellis based MIMO Detection
- Blind Channel Subspace Estimation for Massive MIMO with Hybrid Beamforming
- Massive MISO IBC Reduced Order Zero Forcing Beamforming - a Multi-Antenna Stochastic Geometry Perspective
- Accuracy Analysis of Feature-based Automatic Modulation Classification with Blind Modulation Detection
- Deep Learning based Framework for Automatic Damage Detection in Aircraft Engine Borescope Inspection
Invited Talks VIII: Audio and Acoustic
- A Decentralized Reputation Management System for Securing the Internet of Vehicles
- A Robust Road Region of Interest Identification Scheme for Traffic-Video Data Mining
- Evaluation of a Geo-region Based Architecture for Information Centric Disruption Tolerant Networks
- FARES: Fast and Accurate Recognition of Exact Scenes on Mobile Devices
- Diffuse Scattering Models for mmWave V2X Communications in Urban Scenarios
- Busy-Tone Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance and Detection for Ad-Hoc Networks
- Elevation Power Spectrum Measurement and Interference Analysis of UMa I2O Uplink Channels
- Joint Precoder and Combiner Design for MMSE Distributed Beamforming with Per-Antenna Power Constraints
- Interference Regime Enforcing Rate Maximization for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA)
- Accelerating Channel Estimation and Demodulation of Uplink OFDM symbols for Large Scale Antenna Systems using GPU
- Topological Rate-Splitting Based Power Allocation Scheme in K-cell MISO Interference Channel with Imperfect CSIT
- Multi-Robot Enhanced Intelligent Multi-User Millimeter-Wave MIMO Systems under Uncertain Environment
- Optimizing Beams and Bits: A Novel Approach for Massive MIMO Base-Station Design
- #1 A Web Application for the Remote Control of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- #2 A Stochastic Process based Routing Algorithm for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
- #3 Array Antenna for Power Saving of Sensor Nodes in UAV-BS enabled WSN
- #4 Device-Free Activity Recognition Using Ultra-Wideband Radios
- #5 Mission-Centric Content Sharing Across Heterogeneous Networks
- #6 Fragmented Data Routing Based on Exponentially Distributed Contacts in Delay Tolerant Networks