REIN is a Research Associate at the Research Institute for
Communication, Information Processing Ergonomics (FKIE) at
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Europe's largest applied research
organization. Her particular research interest is in the analysis
of various manifestations of uncertainty in natural language and
how that affects information quality and reliability for situation
awareness and intelligence. Following a bachelors in German
philology, a masters in Management and a masters in Computer
Information Systems, she received her doctorate from the University
of Bonn in which she developed a methodology for automatic
generation of evidential weights for information extracted from
English text. Dr Rein's interest in information quality and fusion
began a project on automated threat recognition for the German
Luftwaffenamt, during which she began investigating text-based
uncertainty in HUMINT and OSINT.She has also been involved in
numerous NATO STO Research Task Groups, including one on analysis
and communication of risk and uncertainty in intelligence; mission
assurance and cyber risk assessment for unmanned autonomous system;
and currently chairing a task group on multi-level, multi-source
information fusion. In addition, Dr Rein delivering talks on
uncertainty and context in natural language as part of two NATO
Lecture Series, and as co-chaired a symposium on enhanced
information dominance through fusion of hard and soft