Welcome Speech
Whom I respect,
Prof. Dr. Naomie Salim, Professor of Computing from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
Dr. Ferry Wahyu Wibowo from Amikom University Yogyakarta,
Ir. Teguh Wiyono BP, MM, Chair of the Widya Bakti Yogyakarta Education Foundation,
Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Dean and Structural Officials of UTDI,
Representatives from IEEE Indonesia Chapter,
The Local Organizing Committee members,
Dear researchers and international conference participants.
Assalaamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
May peace and health be with us all.
First of all, let us offer praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty (SWT) for His blessings and mercy, thank God that we are all given health and the opportunity to be able to take part in the activities of the 2023 6th International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (2023 6th ISRITI) held by UTDI at the Santika hotel Batam Center.
On this occasion, allow me to express my sincere appreciation to the keynote speakers:
Prof. Dr. Naomie Salim, Professor of Computing from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, and Dr. Ferry Wahyu Wibowo from Amikom University Yogyakarta, for their willingness to share ideas and insights brilliant to present at this conference.
Dear Sirs and Madams,
On this occasion, as the Steering Committee of the Indonesian Digital Technology University Yogyakarta (formerly STMIK Akakom) would like to welcome you to the 6th iSriti international seminar, I apologize if this year's conference is still being held in a hybrid manner, and this is the first time we are holding it outside the city of Yogyakarta.
Alhamdulillah, the interest and enthusiasm of researchers from the 6th International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI) is very high, which is reflected in the increase in article manuscripts submitted from the previous year. In this 6th iSriti, the number of articles submitted was 373 from 19 countries. Each paper has been reviewed with tight criteria from our invited reviewers. Based on the results of the review, 94 papers have been received, so that the acceptance rate is 30.23% only, which will be presented in this conference with the theme: 'Intelligent Systems on Modern Society'.
We congratulate researchers whose manuscripts have been accepted for publication on the success and apologize to researchers whose manuscripts have not been accepted for publication. As the organizer of the conference, I would like to express my gratitude for the trust of the researchers who were willing to publish articles of their research results at the 6th iSriti which was organized by UTDI in collaboration with IEEE and IRSI. On this occasion, please allow me personally and on behalf of UTDI to thank the main speakers, IEEE, and IRSI, who have believed in and supported the holding of this conference.
We still hope that next year, we can meet again in person (face to face) in Yogyakarta or other cities, to be able to exchange scientific information and build networks between researchers, academics and practitioners from the world of education, industry/companies and government.
Dear Sirs and Madams,
On this occasion, I would like to express my deepest thanks to:
- Keynote speakers for allocating their valuable times to share valuable knowledge at
this conference;
- All participants who participate to publish their manuscript at this conference;
- Reviewers who have reviewed the articles submitted by researchers;
- Moderator who is willing to lead the presentation of the presenters;
- IEEE which has entrusted UTDI to organize this conference;
- IRSI which has supported iSriti activities to date, and
- Recognition should also go to the Local Organizing Committee members who have put enormous effort and support for this conference.
Last but not least, as the organizer, I would like to apologize profusely for any shortcomings or inconvenience during this event.
Thank you very much for your attention, and Wassalamu'alaium Wr. Wb.
Yogyakarta, 11 December 2023
Steering committee,
Totok Suprawoto