Author |
Session |
Start page |
Title |
A A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Abdul Aziz, Anees |
1-6.6 |
213 |
The Development of A Mobile Music Streaming Application Using Machine Learning |
2-3.9 |
275 |
Influence of Processing Parameter on Microstructure and Physical properties of Electrospun SnO2 Nanofibers |
Achmad, Fendi |
2-4.3 |
301 |
Design and Development of AUDI'S AUV as an Underwater Robot Prototype |
Adhipta, Dani |
2-4.4 |
307 |
Docker Swarm Orchestration for High Performance Computing Cluster as Container |
Adila, Rida |
2-7.1 |
480 |
Optimization Techniques for Data Consistency and Throughput Using Kafka Stateful Stream Processing |
Adiwijaya, Muhammad |
2-4.9 |
335 |
Integration of Software-Defined Networking with Named Data Network for Implementing Forwarding Strategies in Wireless Networks |
Afandi, AN |
2-5.3 |
363 |
Evaluation of Short Circuit Current due to Wind Farm Interconnection to Selayar Island Power System |
Affandi, Achmad |
2-6.1 |
415 |
In-Depth Network Traffic Analysis using Machine Learning Perspective: Characterization and Classification |
2-6.2 |
422 |
Geometry Prediction of The Antenna Design Using Machine Learning Method |
Affandy, Affandy |
1-4.3 |
105 |
Effect of Distance and Light Intensity on Multiple Detection Object |
Afifah, Khilda |
1-6.8 |
226 |
Real-Time BISINDO Sign Language Recognition: A Dynamic Approach with GRU and LSTM Models Leveraging MediaPipe |
Agusriandi, Agusriandi |
2-6.2 |
422 |
Geometry Prediction of The Antenna Design Using Machine Learning Method |
Agustiarmi, Winda |
1-1.2 |
8 |
A Concurrent Perspective on Collaborative Learning with Smart Contracts |
Agustin, Nike |
2-3.8 |
270 |
Nuclear Power Plant Implication on Supply and Demand Projection Analysis: A Case Study in the Sumatra Region |
Ahdan, Syaiful |
2-4.1 |
289 |
Vehicle-Named Data Network Case Study in Traffic Management System |
Ahmad, Musyaffa' |
1-1.7 |
36 |
IGBT Losses Analysis of A Three-Phase Rectifier Converter on Hybrid Train |
Ahnaf, Kern |
2-7.7 |
513 |
Comparative Analysis of Image Processing Methods Using GLCM and LBP Feature Extraction for Lung Cancer Detection |
Aji, Adam |
2-5.7 |
385 |
Factors Influencing the Adoption of Mobile Augmented Reality in Rattan Industry Using Mobile Augmented Reality Acceptance Model |
Akbar, Fannush |
1-6.3 |
197 |
Bandwidth and Gain Enhancement of Rectangular Antenna with Upper Corner Etching and Partial Ground for Microwave Breast Imaging Applications |
Al-Alshaqi, Mohammed |
1-5.6 |
169 |
Disinformation Classification Using Transformer based Machine Learning |
Al-Khowarizmi, Al-Khowarizmi |
2-7.2 |
486 |
Leukocoria Identification: A 5-Fold Cross Validation CNN and Adaboost Hybrid Approach |
Al-Sutlhon, M. Abid |
1-6.8 |
226 |
Real-Time BISINDO Sign Language Recognition: A Dynamic Approach with GRU and LSTM Models Leveraging MediaPipe |
Alani, Omar |
2-6.8 |
457 |
Optimizing the Parameters of Relay Selection Model in OLSRv2 D2D Network |
Ali, Fadel |
2-4.2 |
295 |
A Comprehensive Exploration of Fine-Tuning WavLM for Enhancing Speech Emotion Recognition |
Ali Ahmad, Umar |
2-3.5 |
254 |
Design of LoRa Technology as GPS Tracker and SoS Panic Button on Fish Lift Nets |
Alifah, Nayla |
2-6.5 |
439 |
The Impact of E-Trust and E-Service Quality Mediated by E-Satisfaction on User's Loyalty in TikTok Shop |
Amanaf, Muntaqo |
1-6.3 |
197 |
Bandwidth and Gain Enhancement of Rectangular Antenna with Upper Corner Etching and Partial Ground for Microwave Breast Imaging Applications |
Ambary, Fadhila |
2-6.5 |
439 |
The Impact of E-Trust and E-Service Quality Mediated by E-Satisfaction on User's Loyalty in TikTok Shop |
Ameliana, Ameliana |
1-5.8 |
180 |
Reseller Segmentation for A Strategy to Increase Purchase Deposit of A Telecommunications Company Using The LRFM and K-Means Algorithm |
Anderson, Sean |
2-4.5 |
313 |
Real Time Facial Expression Recognition on Raspberry Pi using DeepFace Framework |
Andriadi, Kus |
2-7.3 |
492 |
Synthetic Batik Pattern Generator using Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network with Gradient Penalty |
Andyartha, Putu Krisna |
1-4.1 |
95 |
Presenting a Reliability Evaluation Framework for Cloud-based Machine Learning in Microservices |
Anggreainy, Maria Susan |
2-3.11 |
284 |
A Logistic Regression Model using Pearson Correlation for Breast Cancer Classification |
2-4.11 |
346 |
Analysis of The Utilization of Human Motion Tracking in The Security Sector: Examining The Accuracy Level and Key Factors in Operation |
Anisah, Ida |
2-6.3 |
427 |
Experimental Results of LoRa Network Radio Propagation Modeling in Campus Area |
Anita, Tiurida |
1-1.3 |
14 |
Enhancing Customer Satisfaction in Hotel Industry Through Chatbot as E-Services Agent and Communication Credibility |
Anu, Tri Andre |
2-7.9 |
524 |
The Role of the SECoS Algorithm in Forecasting Budgeting Costs for Official Trips Orders |
Apriono, Catur |
1-5.7 |
175 |
Influence of physical form of Unit-Cell elements for Reflectarray in radar applications |
Ardina, Elfira Nureza |
2-4.10 |
341 |
Implementation of Simplest Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM) in Determining Last Vowel Marks of Two Nouns in Arabic |
Arifin, Satria Perdana |
2-3.7 |
266 |
Optimizing Extract, Transform, and Load Process Using Change Data Capture |
Aripriharta, A |
2-5.3 |
363 |
Evaluation of Short Circuit Current due to Wind Farm Interconnection to Selayar Island Power System |
Ariyanti, Maya |
1-4.5 |
116 |
E-Service Quality Analysis for Video Players and Editor App Using Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling |
Arymurthy, Aniati |
2-4.2 |
295 |
A Comprehensive Exploration of Fine-Tuning WavLM for Enhancing Speech Emotion Recognition |
Astuti, Sri |
2-4.9 |
335 |
Integration of Software-Defined Networking with Named Data Network for Implementing Forwarding Strategies in Wireless Networks |
Atmaja, Ardian |
2-5.2 |
357 |
Seafloor Imaging Maps by Incorporating Side Scan Sonar Technology on Hybrid Autonomous Underwater Glider |
Away, Yuwaldi |
2-3.6 |
260 |
State of The Art: Fragility Function of Electrical Power System |
B A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Bagus Nusantara, Adetiya |
2-7.1 |
480 |
Optimization Techniques for Data Consistency and Throughput Using Kafka Stateful Stream Processing |
Bahri, Al |
2-5.6 |
379 |
Performance Evaluation of Hardhat Image Classification using Deep Learning and Grad-CAM |
Bangapadang, Stephanie |
1-5.3 |
153 |
Implementation of Virtual Reality on Housing Purchase Intentions: An Empirical Study |
Banjar-Nahor, Kevin |
2-3.8 |
270 |
Nuclear Power Plant Implication on Supply and Demand Projection Analysis: A Case Study in the Sumatra Region |
Basuki, Achmad |
2-6.1 |
415 |
In-Depth Network Traffic Analysis using Machine Learning Perspective: Characterization and Classification |
Basuki, Ruri |
1-4.3 |
105 |
Effect of Distance and Light Intensity on Multiple Detection Object |
Bayu Murti, Budi |
1-4.2 |
101 |
Spectrum Sensing Using SVM Based Energy Detection in Cognitive Radio Systems |
Beatrice, Ardelia |
1-3.5 |
70 |
EDITH: AI for Detecting Accident Through CCTV Using MobileNetV2 with WhatsApp-WebJS as an Auto Reporting System |
Boonpoor, Paradorn |
2-5.4 |
369 |
Detection of Defects in Work-in-Process Products Using Deep Learning: A Case of a Tap Production Line |
Bregastantyo, Brian |
1-6.7 |
220 |
Prognosis Model of The Treatment Period of Tuberculosis Patients with Medication Compliance Parameters using The Gradient Boosting Algorithm |
Budhi, Gregorius |
2-7.8 |
519 |
Time series forecasting for daily to monthly temporal hourly-based solar PV output power |
Bunu, Sanusi |
2-6.8 |
457 |
Optimizing the Parameters of Relay Selection Model in OLSRv2 D2D Network |
C A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Cahyadi, Yagus |
2-5.5 |
373 |
Comparative Study of Deep Learning Methods through Improvement of Skin Image Quality of Basal Cell Carcinoma |
Cassandra, Cadelina |
2-5.8 |
391 |
Adaptive E-Learning System in Corporate using SALM |
Ceng Giap, Yo |
1-4.3 |
105 |
Effect of Distance and Light Intensity on Multiple Detection Object |
Chatchalermpun, Surachai |
1-5.5 |
164 |
Comparison of 5G-QoS After Merger Between Two Mobile Network Operators in Urban Areas Using Mobility Tests |
Chen, Chun-Ching |
1-1.1 |
1 |
Predicting the Intention of Clinic Patients to Adopt Clinic Self-Service Appointment and Payment Kiosks using the modified UTAUT framework |
Chen, Michael |
2-4.11 |
346 |
Analysis of The Utilization of Human Motion Tracking in The Security Sector: Examining The Accuracy Level and Key Factors in Operation |
D A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Daengsi, Therdpong |
1-5.5 |
164 |
Comparison of 5G-QoS After Merger Between Two Mobile Network Operators in Urban Areas Using Mobility Tests |
2-5.4 |
369 |
Detection of Defects in Work-in-Process Products Using Deep Learning: A Case of a Tap Production Line |
Dahlan, Akhmad |
1-1.8 |
42 |
Kmeans - Chimpanzee Leader Election Optimization Algorithms-Based Data Analysis in Clustering Model |
Dahsyat, Mohamad |
1-4.7 |
129 |
FPGA-based Digital Circuit Design for UAV Pilot-in-Loop System with Field Test Verification |
Dani Prasetyo Adi, Puput |
1-6.2 |
191 |
Clustering Satellite Images of Forest Area Change in Nabire Regency with NDVI, SAVI, MSAVI, VCI, TCI, dan VHI Method |
Dawood, Rahmad |
2-5.6 |
379 |
Performance Evaluation of Hardhat Image Classification using Deep Learning and Grad-CAM |
Dhaneswara, Donanta |
2-4.7 |
324 |
The Effect of Zn Doping to TiO2 Thin Film Band Gap and Photocatalytic Performance: Experiment and Density Functional Theory Simulation |
Dhiyaussalam, Dhiyaussalam |
1-3.7 |
82 |
Optimization of Random Forest Hyperparameters with Genetic Algorithm in Classification of Lung Cancer |
Diana, Diana |
1-3.5 |
70 |
EDITH: AI for Detecting Accident Through CCTV Using MobileNetV2 with WhatsApp-WebJS as an Auto Reporting System |
Diantari, Retno |
2-7.6 |
507 |
Power Energy Export Import Metering Performance System On PLTS On Grid In The Laboratory Renewable Energy Institute Of Technology PLN |
F A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Faiza, Delsina |
1-1.2 |
8 |
A Concurrent Perspective on Collaborative Learning with Smart Contracts |
Fatekha, Rifqi |
1-1.4 |
20 |
Development of Ice Hockey Robot as Interactive Learning Media in Higher Vocational Education |
Fatichah, Chastine |
2-6.4 |
433 |
Abnormality Detection of Effluent Dialysate Images on Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Using Deep Learning |
Fatriansyah, Jaka |
2-4.7 |
324 |
The Effect of Zn Doping to TiO2 Thin Film Band Gap and Photocatalytic Performance: Experiment and Density Functional Theory Simulation |
Febiorama, Alravi |
2-3.8 |
270 |
Nuclear Power Plant Implication on Supply and Demand Projection Analysis: A Case Study in the Sumatra Region |
Febriantono, M |
1-5.4 |
158 |
Classification of Batik Industry Wastewater Quality Using Machine Learning and IoT |
Febrita, Ruth |
1-5.1 |
141 |
The Implementation of Machine Learning for Optimizing Network-Based Intrusion Detection in the Snort Application |
Febriyanti, Shafira |
1-5.2 |
148 |
Evaluation of Load Balancing Optimization with Resource-Based Algorithms on a P4-Based Programmable Data Plane |
Federico, Andreas |
2-4.7 |
324 |
The Effect of Zn Doping to TiO2 Thin Film Band Gap and Photocatalytic Performance: Experiment and Density Functional Theory Simulation |
Fernando, Erick |
2-5.1 |
351 |
The Cybercrime and Trust on Repurchase Intention in E-Commerce: Online Experience As Moderator |
Fernando, Yudi |
1-5.3 |
153 |
Implementation of Virtual Reality on Housing Purchase Intentions: An Empirical Study |
2-5.1 |
351 |
The Cybercrime and Trust on Repurchase Intention in E-Commerce: Online Experience As Moderator |
Fikri, Ryan |
1-1.2 |
8 |
A Concurrent Perspective on Collaborative Learning with Smart Contracts |
Fikriansyah, Muhammad |
1-3.8 |
89 |
A Deep Dive into Electra: Transfer Learning for Fine-Grained Text Classification on SST-2 |
Firdaus, Rifki |
1-4.7 |
129 |
FPGA-based Digital Circuit Design for UAV Pilot-in-Loop System with Field Test Verification |
Firmansyah, Eka |
1-1.7 |
36 |
IGBT Losses Analysis of A Three-Phase Rectifier Converter on Hybrid Train |
Fitrianah, Devi |
2-3.11 |
284 |
A Logistic Regression Model using Pearson Correlation for Breast Cancer Classification |
2-6.10 |
469 |
Exploring Spatial and Temporal based Clustering Algorithm for Forest Fire Event Identification Imstagrid, clustering, L spatial, spatio temporal |
G A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Gao, Tianhan |
2-3.3 |
242 |
Automatic Creation of LSTM Game Level Based on Attention Mechanism |
Gui, Anderes |
1-5.3 |
153 |
Implementation of Virtual Reality on Housing Purchase Intentions: An Empirical Study |
2-5.1 |
351 |
The Cybercrime and Trust on Repurchase Intention in E-Commerce: Online Experience As Moderator |
Gumilar, Langlang |
2-5.3 |
363 |
Evaluation of Short Circuit Current due to Wind Farm Interconnection to Selayar Island Power System |
Guno, Yomi |
1-4.7 |
129 |
FPGA-based Digital Circuit Design for UAV Pilot-in-Loop System with Field Test Verification |
Gusrian, Ghivari |
2-4.1 |
289 |
Vehicle-Named Data Network Case Study in Traffic Management System |
H A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Hakim, Lukman |
1-5.1 |
141 |
The Implementation of Machine Learning for Optimizing Network-Based Intrusion Detection in the Snort Application |
Halimah, Noor |
2-4.10 |
341 |
Implementation of Simplest Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM) in Determining Last Vowel Marks of Two Nouns in Arabic |
Handayani, Puji |
1-6.1 |
186 |
Miniaturization Microstrip Antenna for WPT Implantable Antenna by Using Fractal and DGS Techniques |
Hariyanto, Nanang |
2-3.8 |
270 |
Nuclear Power Plant Implication on Supply and Demand Projection Analysis: A Case Study in the Sumatra Region |
Haryati, Mutiara |
2-6.4 |
433 |
Abnormality Detection of Effluent Dialysate Images on Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Using Deep Learning |
Hasanah, Uswatun |
2-7.5 |
501 |
Enhancing Restaurant Customer Review Analysis: Multi-Class Text Classification with BERT |
Hervina, Meti |
1-5.2 |
148 |
Evaluation of Load Balancing Optimization with Resource-Based Algorithms on a P4-Based Programmable Data Plane |
Herya, Fuad |
2-3.8 |
270 |
Nuclear Power Plant Implication on Supply and Demand Projection Analysis: A Case Study in the Sumatra Region |
Heryadi, Yaya |
2-7.3 |
492 |
Synthetic Batik Pattern Generator using Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network with Gradient Penalty |
Hidayat, Asyaraf |
1-4.7 |
129 |
FPGA-based Digital Circuit Design for UAV Pilot-in-Loop System with Field Test Verification |
Hidayat, Risanuri |
1-4.2 |
101 |
Spectrum Sensing Using SVM Based Energy Detection in Cognitive Radio Systems |
Hidayat, Syahroni |
2-7.5 |
501 |
Enhancing Restaurant Customer Review Analysis: Multi-Class Text Classification with BERT |
I A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Ikhsan, Ridho |
1-5.3 |
153 |
Implementation of Virtual Reality on Housing Purchase Intentions: An Empirical Study |
2-5.1 |
351 |
The Cybercrime and Trust on Repurchase Intention in E-Commerce: Online Experience As Moderator |
Imani, Fikri |
2-3.7 |
266 |
Optimizing Extract, Transform, and Load Process Using Change Data Capture |
Indradjaja, Nicholas |
2-4.11 |
346 |
Analysis of The Utilization of Human Motion Tracking in The Security Sector: Examining The Accuracy Level and Key Factors in Operation |
Insani, Rachmat Wahid Saleh |
1-4.6 |
123 |
Formal Modeling on Improvements of Route Discovery Algorithm for AODV using UPPAAL |
Isnanto, R Rizal |
2-5.9 |
397 |
Expert System for Diagnosis of Diphtheria Disease Using Fuzzy Logic |
2-5.10 |
403 |
Gastritis Diagnosis Expert System Using Android-Based Certainty Factor Method |
Isnawati, Anggun |
2-3.5 |
254 |
Design of LoRa Technology as GPS Tracker and SoS Panic Button on Fish Lift Nets |
Izdihar, Zahra Nabila |
2-3.2 |
237 |
K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm for Heart Disease Detection: A Comparative Evaluation of Minkowski and Manhattan Distances |
J A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Jailani, Rozita |
2-6.10 |
469 |
Exploring Spatial and Temporal based Clustering Algorithm for Forest Fire Event Identification Imstagrid, clustering, L spatial, spatio temporal |
Jalil, Abdurrahman |
1-6.6 |
213 |
The Development of A Mobile Music Streaming Application Using Machine Learning |
Jalil, Muchamad Maroqi Abdul |
2-6.4 |
433 |
Abnormality Detection of Effluent Dialysate Images on Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Using Deep Learning |
Jamzuri, Eko |
1-1.4 |
20 |
Development of Ice Hockey Robot as Interactive Learning Media in Higher Vocational Education |
Jannah, Ade Miftahul |
2-5.5 |
373 |
Comparative Study of Deep Learning Methods through Improvement of Skin Image Quality of Basal Cell Carcinoma |
Jaya, Putra |
1-1.2 |
8 |
A Concurrent Perspective on Collaborative Learning with Smart Contracts |
Jiahui, Zhu |
2-3.3 |
242 |
Automatic Creation of LSTM Game Level Based on Attention Mechanism |
Jiangbin, Zheng |
2-7.4 |
496 |
Transfer Learning and On-Fly Data Augmentation for Scene Understanding Using InceptionResNet |
Jupriyadi, Jupriyadi |
1-6.5 |
207 |
The Impact of Interest Flooding Attack (IFA) and Collusive IFA on Named Data Networking (NDN) |
K A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Kaharjito, Frandi Adi |
1-4.7 |
129 |
FPGA-based Digital Circuit Design for UAV Pilot-in-Loop System with Field Test Verification |
Karyawan, Karyawan |
1-4.7 |
129 |
FPGA-based Digital Circuit Design for UAV Pilot-in-Loop System with Field Test Verification |
Kemala, Ade |
2-6.10 |
469 |
Exploring Spatial and Temporal based Clustering Algorithm for Forest Fire Event Identification Imstagrid, clustering, L spatial, spatio temporal |
2-6.11 |
475 |
Clickbait Detection in Indonesia Headline News Using BERT Ensemble Models |
Kerthyayana Manuaba, Ida |
2-3.4 |
248 |
A Comparative Analysis of Modern and Traditional Sorting Algorithms for Optimizing Automobile Production Scheduling |
Kliwati, Sri |
2-4.8 |
331 |
Angle Calculation of Interferometry System Based on Trigonometry Functions |
Kolandaisamy, Raenu |
1-6.6 |
213 |
The Development of A Mobile Music Streaming Application Using Machine Learning |
Kumar, Shishir |
2-4.6 |
319 |
Design and Implementation of MIL-STD-1553B Bus Remote Monitoring Through Ethernet on FPGA |
Kurniawan, Afdhal |
2-4.11 |
346 |
Analysis of The Utilization of Human Motion Tracking in The Security Sector: Examining The Accuracy Level and Key Factors in Operation |
Kurniawan, Arif |
2-4.3 |
301 |
Design and Development of AUDI'S AUV as an Underwater Robot Prototype |
Kurniawan, Yohannes |
2-5.8 |
391 |
Adaptive E-Learning System in Corporate using SALM |
Kusuma, Christian |
1-3.5 |
70 |
EDITH: AI for Detecting Accident Through CCTV Using MobileNetV2 with WhatsApp-WebJS as an Auto Reporting System |
Kusumaputra, Farraz |
2-4.9 |
335 |
Integration of Software-Defined Networking with Named Data Network for Implementing Forwarding Strategies in Wireless Networks |
Kusumawardana, Arya |
2-5.3 |
363 |
Evaluation of Short Circuit Current due to Wind Farm Interconnection to Selayar Island Power System |
L A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Leona, Rodibelle F |
1-4.6 |
123 |
Formal Modeling on Improvements of Route Discovery Algorithm for AODV using UPPAAL |
Lukas, Lukas |
2-7.3 |
492 |
Synthetic Batik Pattern Generator using Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network with Gradient Penalty |
M A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
M Kom, Sucipto |
1-4.6 |
123 |
Formal Modeling on Improvements of Route Discovery Algorithm for AODV using UPPAAL |
Maheswara, Yoses |
1-6.8 |
226 |
Real-Time BISINDO Sign Language Recognition: A Dynamic Approach with GRU and LSTM Models Leveraging MediaPipe |
Mailangkay, Adele |
1-3.6 |
76 |
Technology Acceptance in Film Production: Analysis of the Technology Acceptance Model for Artificial Intelligence Applications in the Film Industry |
Manuaba, Ida Bagus Kerthyayana |
1-3.2 |
53 |
Food Text-to-Image Synthesis Using VQGAN and CLIP |
Masada, Hossey |
2-4.11 |
346 |
Analysis of The Utilization of Human Motion Tracking in The Security Sector: Examining The Accuracy Level and Key Factors in Operation |
Maulana, M Aldy |
2-3.8 |
270 |
Nuclear Power Plant Implication on Supply and Demand Projection Analysis: A Case Study in the Sumatra Region |
Maulina, Novi |
2-5.5 |
373 |
Comparative Study of Deep Learning Methods through Improvement of Skin Image Quality of Basal Cell Carcinoma |
Mauludiyanto, Achmad |
1-6.3 |
197 |
Bandwidth and Gain Enhancement of Rectangular Antenna with Upper Corner Etching and Partial Ground for Microwave Breast Imaging Applications |
Mawagali, Palme |
2-7.4 |
496 |
Transfer Learning and On-Fly Data Augmentation for Scene Understanding Using InceptionResNet |
Mayasari, Ratna |
2-4.9 |
335 |
Integration of Software-Defined Networking with Named Data Network for Implementing Forwarding Strategies in Wireless Networks |
Mi, Qingwei |
2-3.3 |
242 |
Automatic Creation of LSTM Game Level Based on Attention Mechanism |
Muchtar, Kahlil |
2-5.5 |
373 |
Comparative Study of Deep Learning Methods through Improvement of Skin Image Quality of Basal Cell Carcinoma |
2-5.6 |
379 |
Performance Evaluation of Hardhat Image Classification using Deep Learning and Grad-CAM |
Mudarris, Mudarris |
1-1.7 |
36 |
IGBT Losses Analysis of A Three-Phase Rectifier Converter on Hybrid Train |
Mukti, Fransiska |
2-6.1 |
415 |
In-Depth Network Traffic Analysis using Machine Learning Perspective: Characterization and Classification |
Muljono, Muljono |
1-4.3 |
105 |
Effect of Distance and Light Intensity on Multiple Detection Object |
Mulyana, Eueung |
1-6.5 |
207 |
The Impact of Interest Flooding Attack (IFA) and Collusive IFA on Named Data Networking (NDN) |
Mulyani, Lidya |
1-4.5 |
116 |
E-Service Quality Analysis for Video Players and Editor App Using Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling |
Muslikhin, Muslikhin |
1-1.3 |
14 |
Enhancing Customer Satisfaction in Hotel Industry Through Chatbot as E-Services Agent and Communication Credibility |
Mustafid, Mustafid |
2-5.9 |
397 |
Expert System for Diagnosis of Diphtheria Disease Using Fuzzy Logic |
Muttakin, Imamul |
2-4.8 |
331 |
Angle Calculation of Interferometry System Based on Trigonometry Functions |
N A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Nabiilah, Ghinaa |
2-3.2 |
237 |
K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm for Heart Disease Detection: A Comparative Evaluation of Minkowski and Manhattan Distances |
Nachipyangu, Michael |
2-7.4 |
496 |
Transfer Learning and On-Fly Data Augmentation for Scene Understanding Using InceptionResNet |
Nafisah, Helya |
2-4.7 |
324 |
The Effect of Zn Doping to TiO2 Thin Film Band Gap and Photocatalytic Performance: Experiment and Density Functional Theory Simulation |
Narasimhulu, Pillutla |
2-4.6 |
319 |
Design and Implementation of MIL-STD-1553B Bus Remote Monitoring Through Ethernet on FPGA |
Nasution, Elvy |
2-3.6 |
260 |
State of The Art: Fragility Function of Electrical Power System |
Navastara, Dini Adni |
2-6.4 |
433 |
Abnormality Detection of Effluent Dialysate Images on Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Using Deep Learning |
Negara, Ridha |
1-5.2 |
148 |
Evaluation of Load Balancing Optimization with Resource-Based Algorithms on a P4-Based Programmable Data Plane |
2-4.1 |
289 |
Vehicle-Named Data Network Case Study in Traffic Management System |
2-4.9 |
335 |
Integration of Software-Defined Networking with Named Data Network for Implementing Forwarding Strategies in Wireless Networks |
Nicdao, John Christian |
2-6.9 |
463 |
Extracted Phytodyes from Carabao Grass (Paspalum conjugatum) as Photosensitizers for Fabrication of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells |
Noersasongko, Edi |
1-3.1 |
47 |
Heart Rate Variability Analysis Through Upsampling on Electrocardiogram Data |
1-3.3 |
59 |
Segmentation of Stacked Leaf Images for Enhanced Visual Monitoring using Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) Algorithms |
Nugraha, Eka |
1-5.7 |
175 |
Influence of physical form of Unit-Cell elements for Reflectarray in radar applications |
Nuha, Hilal |
1-3.8 |
89 |
A Deep Dive into Electra: Transfer Learning for Fine-Grained Text Classification on SST-2 |
1-4.8 |
136 |
Influence of Mean First Passage Time and Shape Parameter on Mutual Information in Biomolecular Signaling |
Nurdin, Nadhila |
2-5.6 |
379 |
Performance Evaluation of Hardhat Image Classification using Deep Learning and Grad-CAM |
Nurjaman, Muhammad |
2-5.7 |
385 |
Factors Influencing the Adoption of Mobile Augmented Reality in Rattan Industry Using Mobile Augmented Reality Acceptance Model |
Nurvita Trianasari, Nurvita |
1-4.5 |
116 |
E-Service Quality Analysis for Video Players and Editor App Using Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling |
Nusadina, Wilda |
1-5.2 |
148 |
Evaluation of Load Balancing Optimization with Resource-Based Algorithms on a P4-Based Programmable Data Plane |
O A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Octariadi, Barry Ceasar |
1-4.6 |
123 |
Formal Modeling on Improvements of Route Discovery Algorithm for AODV using UPPAAL |
Oktiana, Maulisa |
2-5.5 |
373 |
Comparative Study of Deep Learning Methods through Improvement of Skin Image Quality of Basal Cell Carcinoma |
P A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Painem, Painem |
1-5.8 |
180 |
Reseller Segmentation for A Strategy to Increase Purchase Deposit of A Telecommunications Company Using The LRFM and K-Means Algorithm |
Pamungkas, Wahyu |
2-3.5 |
254 |
Design of LoRa Technology as GPS Tracker and SoS Panic Button on Fish Lift Nets |
Parmonangan, Ivan |
1-3.5 |
70 |
EDITH: AI for Detecting Accident Through CCTV Using MobileNetV2 with WhatsApp-WebJS as an Auto Reporting System |
Permana, Ian |
2-5.3 |
363 |
Evaluation of Short Circuit Current due to Wind Farm Interconnection to Selayar Island Power System |
Phanrattanachai, Kritphon |
1-5.5 |
164 |
Comparison of 5G-QoS After Merger Between Two Mobile Network Operators in Urban Areas Using Mobility Tests |
Piyasinchart, Annop |
2-5.4 |
369 |
Detection of Defects in Work-in-Process Products Using Deep Learning: A Case of a Tap Production Line |
Ponto, Jeremy |
2-3.4 |
248 |
A Comparative Analysis of Modern and Traditional Sorting Algorithms for Optimizing Automobile Production Scheduling |
Pornpongtechavanich, Phisit |
1-5.5 |
164 |
Comparison of 5G-QoS After Merger Between Two Mobile Network Operators in Urban Areas Using Mobility Tests |
Prabowo, Abram |
2-3.2 |
237 |
K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm for Heart Disease Detection: A Comparative Evaluation of Minkowski and Manhattan Distances |
Prabowo, Hartiwi |
1-5.3 |
153 |
Implementation of Virtual Reality on Housing Purchase Intentions: An Empirical Study |
2-5.1 |
351 |
The Cybercrime and Trust on Repurchase Intention in E-Commerce: Online Experience As Moderator |
Pradana, Agrin |
2-4.7 |
324 |
The Effect of Zn Doping to TiO2 Thin Film Band Gap and Photocatalytic Performance: Experiment and Density Functional Theory Simulation |
Pranata, Mega |
1-3.4 |
65 |
Serverless Autoscaling Metrics for Optimum Performance on Edge Computing |
Prasarry, Yudhita |
1-5.3 |
153 |
Implementation of Virtual Reality on Housing Purchase Intentions: An Empirical Study |
Prasetijo, Agung |
2-5.9 |
397 |
Expert System for Diagnosis of Diphtheria Disease Using Fuzzy Logic |
Prasetyo, Simeon Yuda |
2-3.2 |
237 |
K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm for Heart Disease Detection: A Comparative Evaluation of Minkowski and Manhattan Distances |
Prasetyo, Sri |
1-6.2 |
191 |
Clustering Satellite Images of Forest Area Change in Nabire Regency with NDVI, SAVI, MSAVI, VCI, TCI, dan VHI Method |
Prasojo, Radityo |
2-4.2 |
295 |
A Comprehensive Exploration of Fine-Tuning WavLM for Enhancing Speech Emotion Recognition |
Prayitno, Gunawan |
1-6.2 |
191 |
Clustering Satellite Images of Forest Area Change in Nabire Regency with NDVI, SAVI, MSAVI, VCI, TCI, dan VHI Method |
Prayoga, Senanjung |
1-1.4 |
20 |
Development of Ice Hockey Robot as Interactive Learning Media in Higher Vocational Education |
Prihandoko, Danang |
2-6.5 |
439 |
The Impact of E-Trust and E-Service Quality Mediated by E-Satisfaction on User's Loyalty in TikTok Shop |
Prihatiningrum, Novi |
1-6.8 |
226 |
Real-Time BISINDO Sign Language Recognition: A Dynamic Approach with GRU and LSTM Models Leveraging MediaPipe |
Priyo Utomo, Agus |
1-5.1 |
141 |
The Implementation of Machine Learning for Optimizing Network-Based Intrusion Detection in the Snort Application |
Purwanto, Purwanto |
1-3.1 |
47 |
Heart Rate Variability Analysis Through Upsampling on Electrocardiogram Data |
1-3.3 |
59 |
Segmentation of Stacked Leaf Images for Enhanced Visual Monitoring using Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) Algorithms |
Purwanto, Purwanto |
2-5.10 |
403 |
Gastritis Diagnosis Expert System Using Android-Based Certainty Factor Method |
Purwita, Ardimas |
1-3.2 |
53 |
Food Text-to-Image Synthesis Using VQGAN and CLIP |
Purwitasari, Diana |
1-4.1 |
95 |
Presenting a Reliability Evaluation Framework for Cloud-based Machine Learning in Microservices |
Putra, Rudy |
2-4.7 |
324 |
The Effect of Zn Doping to TiO2 Thin Film Band Gap and Photocatalytic Performance: Experiment and Density Functional Theory Simulation |
R A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
R, Roslina |
2-7.9 |
524 |
The Role of the SECoS Algorithm in Forecasting Budgeting Costs for Official Trips Orders |
Raharjo, Agus Budi |
1-4.1 |
95 |
Presenting a Reliability Evaluation Framework for Cloud-based Machine Learning in Microservices |
Rahmadika, Sandi |
1-1.2 |
8 |
A Concurrent Perspective on Collaborative Learning with Smart Contracts |
Rahman, Aulia |
2-5.5 |
373 |
Comparative Study of Deep Learning Methods through Improvement of Skin Image Quality of Basal Cell Carcinoma |
Rahmani, Rizky |
2-3.8 |
270 |
Nuclear Power Plant Implication on Supply and Demand Projection Analysis: A Case Study in the Sumatra Region |
Ramadhani, Ahmad |
2-4.7 |
324 |
The Effect of Zn Doping to TiO2 Thin Film Band Gap and Photocatalytic Performance: Experiment and Density Functional Theory Simulation |
Ramadhani, Fanny |
2-7.2 |
486 |
Leukocoria Identification: A 5-Fold Cross Validation CNN and Adaboost Hybrid Approach |
Ramdan, Sigit |
1-1.7 |
36 |
IGBT Losses Analysis of A Three-Phase Rectifier Converter on Hybrid Train |
Ranny, Ranny |
2-4.5 |
313 |
Real Time Facial Expression Recognition on Raspberry Pi using DeepFace Framework |
Rawat, Danda |
1-5.6 |
169 |
Disinformation Classification Using Transformer based Machine Learning |
Redjeki, Sri |
2-4.10 |
341 |
Implementation of Simplest Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM) in Determining Last Vowel Marks of Two Nouns in Arabic |
Rico, John Arby |
2-6.9 |
463 |
Extracted Phytodyes from Carabao Grass (Paspalum conjugatum) as Photosensitizers for Fabrication of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells |
Riwurohi, Jan |
1-6.7 |
220 |
Prognosis Model of The Treatment Period of Tuberculosis Patients with Medication Compliance Parameters using The Gradient Boosting Algorithm |
Rusdah, Rusdah |
1-5.8 |
180 |
Reseller Segmentation for A Strategy to Increase Purchase Deposit of A Telecommunications Company Using The LRFM and K-Means Algorithm |
1-6.7 |
220 |
Prognosis Model of The Treatment Period of Tuberculosis Patients with Medication Compliance Parameters using The Gradient Boosting Algorithm |
Rustamaji, Rustamaji |
2-4.8 |
331 |
Angle Calculation of Interferometry System Based on Trigonometry Functions |
S A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Saddami, Khairun |
2-5.6 |
379 |
Performance Evaluation of Hardhat Image Classification using Deep Learning and Grad-CAM |
Sailellah, Hassan |
1-4.8 |
136 |
Influence of Mean First Passage Time and Shape Parameter on Mutual Information in Biomolecular Signaling |
Santriaji, Muhammad |
1-3.8 |
89 |
A Deep Dive into Electra: Transfer Learning for Fine-Grained Text Classification on SST-2 |
Sara, Ira |
2-3.6 |
260 |
State of The Art: Fragility Function of Electrical Power System |
Saraee, Mo |
2-6.8 |
457 |
Optimizing the Parameters of Relay Selection Model in OLSRv2 D2D Network |
Sari, Fiqey |
2-6.4 |
433 |
Abnormality Detection of Effluent Dialysate Images on Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Using Deep Learning |
Sari, Indah Purnama |
2-7.2 |
486 |
Leukocoria Identification: A 5-Fold Cross Validation CNN and Adaboost Hybrid Approach |
Sato, Dai |
2-6.9 |
463 |
Extracted Phytodyes from Carabao Grass (Paspalum conjugatum) as Photosensitizers for Fabrication of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells |
Satria, Andy |
2-7.2 |
486 |
Leukocoria Identification: A 5-Fold Cross Validation CNN and Adaboost Hybrid Approach |
Savor, Dara |
2-5.1 |
351 |
The Cybercrime and Trust on Repurchase Intention in E-Commerce: Online Experience As Moderator |
Sediyono, Eko |
1-6.2 |
191 |
Clustering Satellite Images of Forest Area Change in Nabire Regency with NDVI, SAVI, MSAVI, VCI, TCI, dan VHI Method |
Sembiring, Irwan |
1-6.2 |
191 |
Clustering Satellite Images of Forest Area Change in Nabire Regency with NDVI, SAVI, MSAVI, VCI, TCI, dan VHI Method |
Septian, Vincent |
2-4.3 |
301 |
Design and Development of AUDI'S AUV as an Underwater Robot Prototype |
Septiningrum, Fairuz |
2-4.7 |
324 |
The Effect of Zn Doping to TiO2 Thin Film Band Gap and Photocatalytic Performance: Experiment and Density Functional Theory Simulation |
Setianingsih, Casi |
2-6.6 |
445 |
Aerial Insights: Precision Cattle Monitoring Using UAV Imagery and Single Shot Detection |
2-6.7 |
451 |
Empowering Elderly Care: Innovative Fall Detection with OpenPose and YOLO |
Setijadi, Eko |
1-6.1 |
186 |
Miniaturization Microstrip Antenna for WPT Implantable Antenna by Using Fractal and DGS Techniques |
1-6.3 |
197 |
Bandwidth and Gain Enhancement of Rectangular Antenna with Upper Corner Etching and Partial Ground for Microwave Breast Imaging Applications |
1-6.4 |
202 |
Bandwidth Enhancement of U-Slot Rectangular Antenna for 5G Base Station Communication System at 3.5 GHz |
2-6.1 |
415 |
In-Depth Network Traffic Analysis using Machine Learning Perspective: Characterization and Classification |
2-6.2 |
422 |
Geometry Prediction of The Antenna Design Using Machine Learning Method |
Setyawan, Haris |
2-4.8 |
331 |
Angle Calculation of Interferometry System Based on Trigonometry Functions |
Shahab, Ahmad |
2-4.7 |
324 |
The Effect of Zn Doping to TiO2 Thin Film Band Gap and Photocatalytic Performance: Experiment and Density Functional Theory Simulation |
Shiddiqi, Hafizh Ash |
2-3.2 |
237 |
K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm for Heart Disease Detection: A Comparative Evaluation of Minkowski and Manhattan Distances |
Sidik, Yohan |
1-1.7 |
36 |
IGBT Losses Analysis of A Three-Phase Rectifier Converter on Hybrid Train |
Sidiq, Muhammad Fajar |
1-3.4 |
65 |
Serverless Autoscaling Metrics for Optimum Performance on Edge Computing |
Siregar, Alda Cendekia |
1-4.6 |
123 |
Formal Modeling on Improvements of Route Discovery Algorithm for AODV using UPPAAL |
Soebhakti, Hendawan |
1-1.4 |
20 |
Development of Ice Hockey Robot as Interactive Learning Media in Higher Vocational Education |
Soeleman, Moch Arief |
1-3.3 |
59 |
Segmentation of Stacked Leaf Images for Enhanced Visual Monitoring using Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) Algorithms |
Soeleman, Moch. |
1-4.3 |
105 |
Effect of Distance and Light Intensity on Multiple Detection Object |
Soetanto, Hari |
1-5.8 |
180 |
Reseller Segmentation for A Strategy to Increase Purchase Deposit of A Telecommunications Company Using The LRFM and K-Means Algorithm |
Sonata, Ilvico |
2-7.3 |
492 |
Synthetic Batik Pattern Generator using Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network with Gradient Penalty |
St Mt, Erlina |
2-7.6 |
507 |
Power Energy Export Import Metering Performance System On PLTS On Grid In The Laboratory Renewable Energy Institute Of Technology PLN |
Subaramaniam, Kasthuri |
1-6.6 |
213 |
The Development of A Mobile Music Streaming Application Using Machine Learning |
Suganda Girsang, Abba |
2-7.10 |
530 |
Comparative Algorithms for Stock Price Prediction Based on Market Sentiment Analysis |
Suhariadi, Iping |
2-4.7 |
324 |
The Effect of Zn Doping to TiO2 Thin Film Band Gap and Photocatalytic Performance: Experiment and Density Functional Theory Simulation |
Suhartana, Martin |
2-3.1 |
233 |
An Evaluation: RSA Private Key Exposure Impacts all key Vulnerabilities |
Sukma Wahyuni, Elvira |
2-7.7 |
513 |
Comparative Analysis of Image Processing Methods Using GLCM and LBP Feature Extraction for Lung Cancer Detection |
Sulaiman, Oris |
2-7.2 |
486 |
Leukocoria Identification: A 5-Fold Cross Validation CNN and Adaboost Hybrid Approach |
Sulistiyo, Edy |
2-4.3 |
301 |
Design and Development of AUDI'S AUV as an Underwater Robot Prototype |
Sulistyaning, Wahyu |
2-6.4 |
433 |
Abnormality Detection of Effluent Dialysate Images on Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Using Deep Learning |
Sulistyo, Selo |
2-4.4 |
307 |
Docker Swarm Orchestration for High Performance Computing Cluster as Container |
Sunarko, Budi |
2-7.5 |
501 |
Enhancing Restaurant Customer Review Analysis: Multi-Class Text Classification with BERT |
Suparta, Wayan |
2-7.3 |
492 |
Synthetic Batik Pattern Generator using Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network with Gradient Penalty |
Suryantoro, Satriyo |
2-6.4 |
433 |
Abnormality Detection of Effluent Dialysate Images on Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Using Deep Learning |
Susanto, Rudy |
2-6.11 |
475 |
Clickbait Detection in Indonesia Headline News Using BERT Ensemble Models |
Susilo, Reza |
2-4.9 |
335 |
Integration of Software-Defined Networking with Named Data Network for Implementing Forwarding Strategies in Wireless Networks |
Suwadi, Suwadi |
2-6.3 |
427 |
Experimental Results of LoRa Network Radio Propagation Modeling in Campus Area |
Suyanto, Heri |
2-7.6 |
507 |
Power Energy Export Import Metering Performance System On PLTS On Grid In The Laboratory Renewable Energy Institute Of Technology PLN |
Syahputra, Muhammad |
2-6.10 |
469 |
Exploring Spatial and Temporal based Clustering Algorithm for Forest Fire Event Identification Imstagrid, clustering, L spatial, spatio temporal |
2-6.11 |
475 |
Clickbait Detection in Indonesia Headline News Using BERT Ensemble Models |
Syahrial, Syahrial |
2-3.6 |
260 |
State of The Art: Fragility Function of Electrical Power System |
Syambas, Nana |
1-6.5 |
207 |
The Impact of Interest Flooding Attack (IFA) and Collusive IFA on Named Data Networking (NDN) |
Syukur, Abdul |
1-3.1 |
47 |
Heart Rate Variability Analysis Through Upsampling on Electrocardiogram Data |
T A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Talib Abdalla, Abdi |
1-4.8 |
136 |
Influence of Mean First Passage Time and Shape Parameter on Mutual Information in Biomolecular Signaling |
Tanasa, Irfansyah |
1-4.7 |
129 |
FPGA-based Digital Circuit Design for UAV Pilot-in-Loop System with Field Test Verification |
Tang, Chien |
1-1.1 |
1 |
Predicting the Intention of Clinic Patients to Adopt Clinic Self-Service Appointment and Payment Kiosks using the modified UTAUT framework |
Tanoto, Yusak |
2-7.8 |
519 |
Time series forecasting for daily to monthly temporal hourly-based solar PV output power |
Taufiqurrahman, Rifqi |
2-3.8 |
270 |
Nuclear Power Plant Implication on Supply and Demand Projection Analysis: A Case Study in the Sumatra Region |
Thaha, Mochammad |
2-6.4 |
433 |
Abnormality Detection of Effluent Dialysate Images on Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Using Deep Learning |
Thammachai, Thantorn |
2-5.4 |
369 |
Detection of Defects in Work-in-Process Products Using Deep Learning: A Case of a Tap Production Line |
Thamrin, Thamrin |
1-1.2 |
8 |
A Concurrent Perspective on Collaborative Learning with Smart Contracts |
Tjahyadi, Rudy |
2-5.8 |
391 |
Adaptive E-Learning System in Corporate using SALM |
Tjan, Farrel |
2-6.11 |
475 |
Clickbait Detection in Indonesia Headline News Using BERT Ensemble Models |
Triputra, Fadjar |
1-4.7 |
129 |
FPGA-based Digital Circuit Design for UAV Pilot-in-Loop System with Field Test Verification |
Tulloh, Rohmat |
1-5.2 |
148 |
Evaluation of Load Balancing Optimization with Resource-Based Algorithms on a P4-Based Programmable Data Plane |
U A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Utama, Ditdit |
1-1.5 |
26 |
An Object Oriented Floating Fuzzy Decision Model for Evaluating the Student Performance |
1-1.6 |
32 |
Multi-Criteria based Decision Model for Evaluation |
Utomo, Galang |
1-3.5 |
70 |
EDITH: AI for Detecting Accident Through CCTV Using MobileNetV2 with WhatsApp-WebJS as an Auto Reporting System |
Uyun, Shofwatul |
1-3.7 |
82 |
Optimization of Random Forest Hyperparameters with Genetic Algorithm in Classification of Lung Cancer |
V A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Virgono, Agus |
2-3.5 |
254 |
Design of LoRa Technology as GPS Tracker and SoS Panic Button on Fish Lift Nets |
W A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Wanayumini, Wanayumini |
2-7.9 |
524 |
The Role of the SECoS Algorithm in Forecasting Budgeting Costs for Official Trips Orders |
Wei, Daimeng |
2-3.10 |
279 |
SRAG: Speech Retrieval Augmented Generation for Spoken Language Understanding |
Wibisana, Anugerah |
1-1.4 |
20 |
Development of Ice Hockey Robot as Interactive Learning Media in Higher Vocational Education |
Wibowo, Ferry Wahyu |
1-1.8 |
42 |
Kmeans - Chimpanzee Leader Election Optimization Algorithms-Based Data Analysis in Clustering Model |
2-5.11 |
409 |
Performances of Chimpanzee Leader Election Optimization and K-Means in Multilevel Color Image Segmentation |
Wibowo, Sigit |
1-4.2 |
101 |
Spectrum Sensing Using SVM Based Energy Detection in Cognitive Radio Systems |
Wicaksono, Pradayan |
1-6.8 |
226 |
Real-Time BISINDO Sign Language Recognition: A Dynamic Approach with GRU and LSTM Models Leveraging MediaPipe |
Widada, Wahyu |
2-4.8 |
331 |
Angle Calculation of Interferometry System Based on Trigonometry Functions |
Widayat, Muhamad |
1-1.6 |
32 |
Multi-Criteria based Decision Model for Evaluation |
Widiono, Suyud |
1-3.3 |
59 |
Segmentation of Stacked Leaf Images for Enhanced Visual Monitoring using Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) Algorithms |
Widjaya, Jimlee |
2-7.8 |
519 |
Time series forecasting for daily to monthly temporal hourly-based solar PV output power |
Widyasari, Yohana |
2-3.7 |
266 |
Optimizing Extract, Transform, and Load Process Using Change Data Capture |
Widyawan, Widy |
2-4.4 |
307 |
Docker Swarm Orchestration for High Performance Computing Cluster as Container |
Widyawasta, Widyawasta |
1-4.7 |
129 |
FPGA-based Digital Circuit Design for UAV Pilot-in-Loop System with Field Test Verification |
Wihayati, Wihayati |
2-5.11 |
409 |
Performances of Chimpanzee Leader Election Optimization and K-Means in Multilevel Color Image Segmentation |
Wijaya, Claudia |
1-3.2 |
53 |
Food Text-to-Image Synthesis Using VQGAN and CLIP |
Wijaya, Fransisco |
1-1.7 |
36 |
IGBT Losses Analysis of A Three-Phase Rectifier Converter on Hybrid Train |
Wijaya, Ryan |
1-1.4 |
20 |
Development of Ice Hockey Robot as Interactive Learning Media in Higher Vocational Education |
Wijayanto, Aditya |
1-3.4 |
65 |
Serverless Autoscaling Metrics for Optimum Performance on Edge Computing |
Windarto, Yudi |
2-5.10 |
403 |
Gastritis Diagnosis Expert System Using Android-Based Certainty Factor Method |
Wirawan, Iwan |
2-6.3 |
427 |
Experimental Results of LoRa Network Radio Propagation Modeling in Campus Area |
Wiryadinata, Romi |
2-4.8 |
331 |
Angle Calculation of Interferometry System Based on Trigonometry Functions |
Wiyana, Tri |
1-1.3 |
14 |
Enhancing Customer Satisfaction in Hotel Industry Through Chatbot as E-Services Agent and Communication Credibility |
Wiyono, Agus |
2-4.3 |
301 |
Design and Development of AUDI'S AUV as an Underwater Robot Prototype |
Y A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Yafi, Akmal |
2-5.6 |
379 |
Performance Evaluation of Hardhat Image Classification using Deep Learning and Grad-CAM |
Yamashita, Masaru |
1-4.4 |
111 |
Patient Detection Using Inhalations or Exhalations in a Series of Respirations |
Yang, Hao |
2-3.10 |
279 |
SRAG: Speech Retrieval Augmented Generation for Spoken Language Understanding |
Yuhana, Umi |
1-4.1 |
95 |
Presenting a Reliability Evaluation Framework for Cloud-based Machine Learning in Microservices |
2-7.1 |
480 |
Optimization Techniques for Data Consistency and Throughput Using Kafka Stateful Stream Processing |
Yuliana, Mike |
2-6.3 |
427 |
Experimental Results of LoRa Network Radio Propagation Modeling in Campus Area |
Yuliandoko, Herman |
1-6.1 |
186 |
Miniaturization Microstrip Antenna for WPT Implantable Antenna by Using Fractal and DGS Techniques |
Z A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Zakariyah, Muhammad |
1-3.1 |
47 |
Heart Rate Variability Analysis Through Upsampling on Electrocardiogram Data |
2-5.7 |
385 |
Factors Influencing the Adoption of Mobile Augmented Reality in Rattan Industry Using Mobile Augmented Reality Acceptance Model |
Zaky, Umar |
1-3.1 |
47 |
Heart Rate Variability Analysis Through Upsampling on Electrocardiogram Data |
Zhang, Min |
2-3.10 |
279 |
SRAG: Speech Retrieval Augmented Generation for Spoken Language Understanding |
Zuhrie, Muhammad |
2-4.3 |
301 |
Design and Development of AUDI'S AUV as an Underwater Robot Prototype |
Zulkarnain, Arif |
1-1.3 |
14 |
Enhancing Customer Satisfaction in Hotel Industry Through Chatbot as E-Services Agent and Communication Credibility |
Zulkifli, Fitri Yuli |
1-5.7 |
175 |
Influence of physical form of Unit-Cell elements for Reflectarray in radar applications |
Zulmuqaddis, Angga |
1-6.4 |
202 |
Bandwidth Enhancement of U-Slot Rectangular Antenna for 5G Base Station Communication System at 3.5 GHz |