Time (Paris) Elsewhere

Tue, 6 1

08:45 am-09:15 am Welcome
09:15 am-10:15 am Keynote Speech: Jean Walrand (UC Berkeley)
10:30 am-12:00 pm Network Capacity and Asymptotic Properties
01:30 pm-03:00 pm Routing
03:30 pm-05:00 pm Intermittent and Delay-Tolerant Networks

Wed, 6 2

09:00 am-10:00 am Keynote Speech: Shlomo Shamai (Technion)
10:15 am-12:05 pm Scheduling and Resource Allocation
01:30 pm-03:00 pm Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Access
03:30 pm-05:00 pm Game-Theoretic Models and Security

Thu, 6 3

09:00 am-10:00 am Keynote Speech: Eytan Modiano (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
10:30 am-12:00 pm MAC and Channel Access
01:30 pm-03:00 pm Energy Efficiency and Topology Control
03:30 pm-05:00 pm Interference Management