Monday, October 30
Monday, October 30 8:30 - 8:40
S0: Welcome
AI/Machine Learning (ML) is essential to automation and agent-human teaming to act as a force multiplier in many tasks such as image and video analytics, network management, and cyber defense and cyber offense. Recent works have demonstrated the security implications of the use of machine learning and is often referred to as Adversarial Machine Learning (AML). AML is the attackers' attempt to deceive a machine learning classifier or predictor with objectives that may include targeted or indiscriminate misclassification of samples, corruption of prediction, corruption of confidence in the ML algorithm, etc. AML also refers to defenses to make ML robust to adversarial manipulations, and has led to improved explainability of ML. The workshop seeks to solicit original research in the areas of Security of Machine Learning, Adversarial Machine Learning (i.e., evasion and poisoning) and defenses against such attacks, particularly in the context of AI/ML for cyber security. The workshop seeks to increase understanding of theory, scalable algorithms, and applications, and highlight challenges.
Monday, October 30 8:40 - 10:10
S1: Attacks
Adversarial Machine Learning (AML) has shown significant success when applied to deep learning models across various domains. AML generation of realizable samples for cyber applications requires an understanding of domain constraints.
Monday, October 30 10:00 - 12:30
Dist AI/ML
- Joint Optimization of E2E Latency, FPS, Energy, and Confidentiality for Surveillance UAV
- Channel-Adaptive Dynamic Neural Networks for Low-Complexity Distributed Signal Awareness
- RoamML: Distributed Machine Learning at the Tactical Edge
- M3: Towards Efficient Mixed Machine Learning Model Co-Location on Constrained Edge Devices
- Characterizing Distributed Inferencing at the Edge in Resource-Constrained Environment
- DeepMPR: Enhancing Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Networks Through Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Private Membership Aggregation
Military 5G
NextG DoD
Quantum Tech
- Quantum MBSE and Quantum SysML
- Computational Simulation Framework for Tactical Quantum Network Applications
- Spread Photon Transceiver for Quantum Secure Communications
- Pragmatic Quantum-Classic Phase Estimation of a Quantum Channel
- Low-Complexity Decoding Algorithm Utilizing Degeneracy for Quantum LDPC Codes
Adversarial IoT
- Detecting Unknown Attacks in IoT Environments: An Open Set Classifier for Enhanced Network Intrusion Detection
- IoBT-MAX: A Multimodal Analytics eXperimentation Testbed for IoBT Research
- Impact of Delays and Computation Placement on Sense-Act Application Performance in IoT
- Feature Compression for Multimodal Multi-Object Tracking
- Failure-Resilient ML Inference at the Edge Through Graceful Service Degradation
- Unlocking Efficiency: Understanding End-To-End Performance in Distributed Analytics Pipelines
- Challenges and Opportunities in Neuro-Symbolic Composition of Foundation Models
Monday, October 30 10:30 - 11:30
S2: Plenary
Monday, October 30 11:30 - 12:30
S3: Defences
In this session the robustness of transformers to adversarial samples for system defenders (i.e., resiliency to adversarial perturbations generated on different types of architectures) and their adversarial strength for system attackers (i.e., transferability of adversarial samples generated by transformers to other target models) are evaluated. Also presented is, a graph machine learning-based framework for detecting cyber attacks in mobile tactical software-defined networks. Finally, a novel application of the tensor decomposition method Canonical Polyadic Alternating Poisson Regression (CP-APR) with a probabilistic framework to identify anomalies in SCADA systems.
Monday, October 30 14:00 - 15:30
S4: Panel
LTC Nathaniel Bastian, PhD, USMA
Dr. Ryan Craven, ONR
Prof. Brian Jalaian, Univ. West Florida
Dr. Kristopher Reese, IARPA
Monday, October 30 14:10 - 15:35
Technical Paper Presentations
Monday, October 30 14:15 - 17:30
Coalition Federated Operations
- Dynamically Creating Tactical Network Emulation Scenarios Using Unity and EMANE
- Autonomous Cyber Defense Agents for NATO: Threat Analysis, Design, and Experimentation
- Site-Specific Radio Signal Propagation for Tactical Environments Using 3D Path Tracing
- IoT in Coalition Federated Operations: Multi-National C2 Integration and Technical Interoperability Experiments
Monday, October 30 15:30 - 17:30
Demo Session
- Live Demonstration of Spectrum Maximization and Encryption Techniques for 5G and Wideband NFC Applications
- Demonstration of 5G-Underlay Signal Co-Existence
- Multi-Waveform Bridging of Streaming Video With an Innovative Software Radio
- Demoing the RFRL Gym: A Reinforcement Learning Testbed for Wireless Communications
- Validating a Modified JSON Web Signature Format Using the Scenario of Ammunition Issuance for Training Purposes
- Seeing Without Alarming Thief: Passive WiFi Sensing for Indoor Security Monitoring
- Demonstration of Closed Loop AI-Driven RAN Controllers Using O-RAN SDR Testbed
- Adaptive Beam Management for Secure mmWave Communications Using Software-Defined Radios
- BeamArmor Demo: Anti-Jamming System in Cellular Networks With srsRAN Software Radios
- Demonstration of Joint SDR/UAV Experiment Development in AERPAW
- Interference-Avoiding RFSoC-Based MIMO Links
- Demo: SSxApp: Secure Slicing for O-RAN Deployments
- End-To-End O-RAN Control-Loop for Radio Resource Allocation in SDR-Based 5G Network
- Optimization and Control of Autonomous UAV Swarm for Object Tracking
Monday, October 30 16:00 - 17:00
S5: Explainable AI
In this session, a framework is proposed for explainable AI and is successfully evaluated on a use case on conducting the proportionality assessment in military Cyber Operations and contributes to building responsible and trustworthy AI systems in the military domain. This session also discusses the integration of data-driven learning with structured reasoning, Neurosymbolic AI, to promise a more robust, adaptive, and transparent cybersecurity solutions.
Monday, October 30 16:05 - 17:00
Keynote: Timely Communications for Remote Inference and Estimation: A First Principles Approach
The evolution of Artificial Intelligence, Control, and Communications technologies has given rise to a new era of networked intelligent systems, which include autonomous driving, remote surgery, real-time surveillance, video analytics, and factory automation. Timely Inference is vital in these systems, where a trained neural network infers time-varying targets (e.g., the locations of vehicles and pedestrians) based on observations (e.g., video frames) captured by a sensing node (e.g., camera). Due to communication delay, the data delivered to the neural network may not be fresh, impacting both inference accuracy and overall system performance. In this talk, we will first examine the influence of information freshness on remote inference and estimation. One might assume that inference and estimation errors degrade monotonically as the data becomes stale. However, by a local information geometric analysis, we reveal that this assumption is true when the time-sequence data used for remote inference and estimation can be closely approximated as a Markov chain; but it is not true when the data sequence is far from Markovian. Hence, inference and estimation errors are functions of the Age of Information (AoI), whereas the function is not necessarily monotonic. This analysis provides an information-theoretic interpretation of information freshness. The second part of the talk focuses on the design of communication systems optimized for remote inference and estimation. We introduce a novel "selection-from-buffer" model for data transmission, which is more general than the "generate-at-will" model used in earlier AoI studies. Low-complexity scheduling strategies are developed to minimize inference and estimation errors. Trace-driven evaluations demonstrate the potential of these communication strategies to reduce inference and estimation errors by up to 10-10000 times. We will also discuss future directions, such as context-aware status updating and situational awareness maximization in safety-critical systems.
Monday, October 30 17:00 - 17:10
S6: Wrap up
Tuesday, October 31
Tuesday, October 31 11:15 - 12:35
S1: Modulation & Coding 1
S2: Covert Signaling and Underlay Communications
- Enhanced Non-Preemptive Support of URLLC Using Spread Spectrum Underlay Signalling
- Underlay-Based 5G Sidelink With Co-Channel Interference Cancellation
- Covert Communications in Cognitive Mobile Edge Computing Networks Using Restless Multi-Armed Bandits
- Constant Scaling Asymptotics of Communication Bounds in Covert Channels Against Selective Adversary
S3: Federated Learning
- CAFNet: Compressed Autoencoder-Based Federated Network for Anomaly Detection
- MINDFL: Mitigating the Impact of Imbalanced and Noisy-Labeled Data in Federated Learning With Quality and Fairness-Aware Client Selection
- Wireless Federated 𝑘-Means Clustering With Non-Coherent Over-The-Air Computation
- FLNET2023: Realistic Network Intrusion Detection Dataset for Federated Learning
S4: Satellite Communication 1
- Analysis and Optimization of Anti-Jamming Performance of User Terminals With Low Sidelobe Levels for LEO Satellite Systems
- Hybrid Geometric/Shortest-Path Routing in Proliferated Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite Networks
- Blind Geolocation of RF-Signals With LEO Satellite Formations
- Satellite Communications Resilience - Service Restoration and Retainment
Tuesday, October 31 14:10 - 15:30
S5: Emitter Detection
- CNN-Based Emitter ID-Verification and Rogue Emitter Rejection for IoT Networks Using Entropy-Informed RF-DNA Fingerprints
- Adversarial Attacks on LoRa Device Identification and Rogue Signal Detection With Deep Learning
- MCRFF: A Meta-Contrastive Learning-Based RF Fingerprinting Method
- Searchlight: An Accurate, Sensitive, and Fast Radio Frequency Energy Detection System
S6: Resilient Tactical Networks
- An Interoperable Zero Trust Federated Architecture for Tactical Systems
- Cooperative Agent System for Quantifying Link Robustness in Tactical Networks
- Zero-Shot Dynamic Neural Network Adaptation in Tactical Wireless Systems
- Learning to Sail Dynamic Networks: The MARLIN Reinforcement Learning Framework for Congestion Control in Tactical Environments
S7: Optical and Underwater Links
- Online Reduction of Exploration Space for Automated Underwater Modem Optimization
- In-Band Full-Duplex Free-Space Optical Transceiver Design for Flying Platforms
- Reliable Communication in a Multi-Transceiver Mobile Optical Wireless Network
- Joint Jamming Alleviation for Mixed RF/FSO Relay Networks: Optimization and Learning Approaches
S8: Network Optimization
Tuesday, October 31 16:10 - 17:30
S9: SDNs & Network Slicing - 1
S10: Spread Spectrum and Radar Signals
- Chip-Interleaved DSSS for Energy-Efficient Physical Layer Encryption
- DSSS Chip-Wise Faster-Than-Nyquist Signaling With DPSK for Robust Carrier Synchronization
- Power and Second Order Cyclic Covertness of Chip-Wise Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Faster-Than-Nyquist Signaling
- Evaluating the Practical Range of Harmonic Radar to Detect Smart Electronics
S11: Attack and Intrusion Detection
- Characterizing the Modification Space of Signature IDS Rules
- Adaptive Feature Engineering via Attention-Based LSTM Towards High Performance Reconnaissance Attack Detection
- Transient Modeling of Topology-Based Worms in Networks With Link Interference
- SmiLe Net: A Supervised Graph Embedding-Based Machine Learning Approach for NextG Vulnerability Detection
S22: Modulation & Coding 2
- Novel Nonlinear Neural-Network Layers for High Performance and Generalization in Modulation-Recognition Applications
- Towards Scalable Automatic Modulation Classification via Meta-Learning
- Deep Learning-Based Demodulation in Impulse Noise Channels
- Waveform Manipulation Against DNN-Based Modulation Classification Attacks
Wednesday, November 1
Wednesday, November 1 11:15 - 12:35
S12: Antennas and Propagation
- Deep Learning Based Fast and Accurate Beamforming for Millimeter-Wave Systems
- Secure Line-Of-Sight Communications: Optimal Antenna Selection and Beamforming Design
- Surface Wave Modes and Radiative Properties of a Plasma Antenna
S17: Experimental Testbeds, Systems & Implementation
- ATIC: Automated Testbed for Interference Testing in Communication Systems
- On Reliability of CBRS Communications Near U.S. Navy Installations in San Diego
- Multi-Band Control Channel Architecture (MICCA): Mass Reconfiguration Protocol Design and Implementation Update
- Analysis of Full-Duplex Radios With Transceiver Phase Noise on Spectrum-Tight Battlefields
S14: Channel Estimation
- A Method of Estimating Sparse and Doubly-Dispersive Channels
- Turbo-VBI Based Off-Grid Channel Estimation for OTFS Systems With 2D-Clustered Sparsity
- Expected Probability of Radiometric Detection by Channelized Radiometer
- Separating Interferers From Multiple Users in Interference Aware Guessing Random Additive Noise Decoding Aided Macrosymbol
S15: Explainable AI
- Enhanced and Explainable Deep Learning-Based Intrusion Detection in IoT Networks
- Neural SDEs for Robust and Explainable Analysis of Electromagnetic Unintended Radiated Emissions
- Learnable Digital Twin for Efficient Wireless Network Evaluation
- Towards Explainable Machine Learning: The Effectiveness of Reservoir Computing in Wireless Receive Processing
Wednesday, November 1 14:10 - 15:30
S16: Securing IOT and Edge Devices
S13: Anomaly & Malware Detection
- DUBIOUS: Detecting Unknown Backdoored Input by Observing Unusual Signatures
- An Improved Nested Training Approach to Mitigate Clean-Label Attacks Against Malware Classifiers
- Adversarial Pixel and Patch Detection Using Attribution Analysis
- Do Programs Dream of Electromagnetic Signals? Towards GAN-Based Code-To-Signal Synthesis
S18: GPS and Localization
S26: Age of Information and Activity Modeling
Wednesday, November 1 16:10 - 17:30
S19: SDNs & Network Slicing - 2
- An Approach to Tactical Network Performance Analysis With In-Band Network Telemetry and Programmable Data Planes
- Revisiting the OLSRv2 Protocol Optimization in SDN-Enabled Tactical MANETs
- Efficient Link-State Multicast Routing by Optimizing Link-Weight With MARL
- Thwarting Adversarial Network Reconnaissance Through Vulnerability Scan Denial and Deception With Data Plane Programming and P4
S20: Securing 5G Networks
S28: UAS
- Majority Vote Computation With Complementary Sequences for Distributed UAV Guidance
- Hybrid Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Active-IRS-Based Rate Maximization Over 6G UAV Mobile Wireless Networks
- On the Secrecy Performance of Aerial IRS-Assisted Wireless Communications
- Enhancing Real-Time Training of Heterogeneous UAVs Using a Federated Teacher-Student Self-Training Framework
Thursday, November 2
Thursday, November 2 11:15 - 12:35
- TISIN: Traceable Information Sharing in Intermittent Networks
- BIER-Like Multicast for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
- Characterizing the Performance of Distributed Edge Processing Resource Allocation in Dynamic Networked Environments
- Where to Deploy an Airborne Relay in Unknown Environments: Feasible Locations for Throughput and LoS Enhancement
S23: Jamming Detection & Prevention
- Implementing Jamming Detection on FPGA: An Accelerated Forward Consecutive Mean Excision Approach
- Persistent Throughput-Optimal Scheduling for Smart Jamming Resiliency
- Tradespace Performance Study of Polarization-Insensitive Spatial Filtering for Jamming Suppression
- Detection and Classification of Smart Jamming in Wi-Fi Networks Using Machine Learning