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Papers by title

Atop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

A Conditional Analysis of RF ML Latent Features

A Method of Estimating Sparse and Doubly-Dispersive Channels

A Practical Perfect Secrecy Approach for IoBT Systems

Adaptive Beam Management for Secure mmWave Communications Using Software-Defined Radios

Adaptive Feature Engineering via Attention-Based LSTM Towards High Performance Reconnaissance Attack Detection

Adversarial Attacks on LoRa Device Identification and Rogue Signal Detection With Deep Learning

Adversarial Pixel and Patch Detection Using Attribution Analysis

Age of Critical Information: Optimizing Data Freshness Based on Content Criticality

Age of Gossip on Generalized Rings

An Approach to Tactical Network Performance Analysis With In-Band Network Telemetry and Programmable Data Planes

An Improved Nested Training Approach to Mitigate Clean-Label Attacks Against Malware Classifiers

An Interoperable Zero Trust Federated Architecture for Tactical Systems

Analysis and Optimization of Anti-Jamming Performance of User Terminals With Low Sidelobe Levels for LEO Satellite Systems

Analysis of Full-Duplex Radios With Transceiver Phase Noise on Spectrum-Tight Battlefields

Anti-Jamming Resilient LEO Satellite Swarms

Applying Mission Information Requirements to Value of Information Middleware

ATIC: Automated Testbed for Interference Testing in Communication Systems

Autonomous Cyber Defense Agents for NATO: Threat Analysis, Design, and Experimentation

Btop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

BeamArmor Demo: Anti-Jamming System in Cellular Networks With srsRAN Software Radios

BIER-Like Multicast for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Blind Geolocation of RF-Signals With LEO Satellite Formations

Ctop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

CAFNet: Compressed Autoencoder-Based Federated Network for Anomaly Detection

Challenges and Opportunities in Neuro-Symbolic Composition of Foundation Models

Channel Aware Adversarial Attacks are Not Robust

Channel-Adaptive Dynamic Neural Networks for Low-Complexity Distributed Signal Awareness

Characterizing Distributed Inferencing at the Edge in Resource-Constrained Environment

Characterizing the Modification Space of Signature IDS Rules

Characterizing the Performance of Distributed Edge Processing Resource Allocation in Dynamic Networked Environments

Chip-Interleaved DSSS for Energy-Efficient Physical Layer Encryption

CNN-Based Emitter ID-Verification and Rogue Emitter Rejection for IoT Networks Using Entropy-Informed RF-DNA Fingerprints

Computational Simulation Framework for Tactical Quantum Network Applications

Constant Scaling Asymptotics of Communication Bounds in Covert Channels Against Selective Adversary

Context-Aware Status Updating: Wireless Scheduling for Maximizing Situational Awareness in Safety-Critical Systems

Cooperative Agent System for Quantifying Link Robustness in Tactical Networks

Counterexample Guided Inductive Synthesis Using Large Language Models and Satisfiability Solving

Covert and Quantum-Safe Tunneling of Multi-Band Military-RF Communication Waveforms Through Non-Cooperative 5G Networks

Covert Communications in Cognitive Mobile Edge Computing Networks Using Restless Multi-Armed Bandits

Dtop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Data-Driven Constraint Mining for Realizable Adversarial Samples

Deep Learning Based Fast and Accurate Beamforming for Millimeter-Wave Systems

Deep Learning-Based Demodulation in Impulse Noise Channels

Deep Unfolded Superposition Coding Optimization for Two-Hop NOMA MANETs

DeepMPR: Enhancing Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Networks Through Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning

Demo: SSxApp: Secure Slicing for O-RAN Deployments

Demoing the RFRL Gym: A Reinforcement Learning Testbed for Wireless Communications

Demonstration of 5G-Underlay Signal Co-Existence

Demonstration of Closed Loop AI-Driven RAN Controllers Using O-RAN SDR Testbed

Demonstration of Joint SDR/UAV Experiment Development in AERPAW

Design SNR Optimization of Polar Codes Over Block Rician Fading Channels

Detecting Unknown Attacks in IoT Environments: An Open Set Classifier for Enhanced Network Intrusion Detection

Detection and Classification of Smart Jamming in Wi-Fi Networks Using Machine Learning

Detection of Cyberattacks in an Software-Defined UAV Relay Network

Distributed Space-Time Block Coding for Barrage Relay Networks

Do Programs Dream of Electromagnetic Signals? Towards GAN-Based Code-To-Signal Synthesis

Dominant Network Slices

DOTMFLPI Analysis of 5G for Several Military Use Cases

DSSS Chip-Wise Faster-Than-Nyquist Signaling With DPSK for Robust Carrier Synchronization

DUBIOUS: Detecting Unknown Backdoored Input by Observing Unusual Signatures

Dynamic Interference-Avoiding MIMO Links

Dynamic, Real-Time Analysis, Patching and Protection of Vehicle System Binaries

Dynamically Creating Tactical Network Emulation Scenarios Using Unity and EMANE

Etop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Efficient Link-State Multicast Routing by Optimizing Link-Weight With MARL

Electrical Grid Anomaly Detection via Tensor Decomposition

End-To-End O-RAN Control-Loop for Radio Resource Allocation in SDR-Based 5G Network

Enhanced and Explainable Deep Learning-Based Intrusion Detection in IoT Networks

Enhanced Non-Preemptive Support of URLLC Using Spread Spectrum Underlay Signalling

Enhancing Real-Time Training of Heterogeneous UAVs Using a Federated Teacher-Student Self-Training Framework

Evaluating the Practical Range of Harmonic Radar to Detect Smart Electronics

Expected Probability of Radiometric Detection by Channelized Radiometer

Experimental Evaluation of AoA Estimation for UAV to Massive MIMO

Ftop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Failure-Resilient ML Inference at the Edge Through Graceful Service Degradation

Fairness-Aware Scheduling Optimization for NB-IoT in LEO Satellite Networks Using a 3D Spherical Coordinate System

Feature Compression for Multimodal Multi-Object Tracking

FLNET2023: Realistic Network Intrusion Detection Dataset for Federated Learning

Gtop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Generalizing Machine Learning Models for Zero-Day Encrypted Messaging Applications

Graph Machine Learning Based Cyber Attack Detection for Mobile Tactical Networks

Htop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Human Centered Explainable AI Framework for Military Cyber Operations

Hybrid Geometric/Shortest-Path Routing in Proliferated Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite Networks

Hybrid Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Active-IRS-Based Rate Maximization Over 6G UAV Mobile Wireless Networks

Itop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Impact of Delays and Computation Placement on Sense-Act Application Performance in IoT

Impact of Imperfect Channel State Information on Achievable Rate With Zero-Forcing Precoding in Massive MIMO Systems for Multi-Numerology

Implementing Jamming Detection on FPGA: An Accelerated Forward Consecutive Mean Excision Approach

Improving Robustness and Reducing Control Overhead via Dynamic Clustering in Tactical SDN

In-Band Full-Duplex Free-Space Optical Transceiver Design for Flying Platforms

Increasing the Supportable Number of WGS Users

Input Output Grammar Coverage in Fuzzing

Interference-Avoiding RFSoC-Based MIMO Links

IoBT-MAX: A Multimodal Analytics eXperimentation Testbed for IoBT Research

IoT in Coalition Federated Operations: Multi-National C2 Integration and Technical Interoperability Experiments

Jtop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Joint Jamming Alleviation for Mixed RF/FSO Relay Networks: Optimization and Learning Approaches

Joint Optimization of E2E Latency, FPS, Energy, and Confidentiality for Surveillance UAV

Ltop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Learnable Digital Twin for Efficient Wireless Network Evaluation

Learning Technique to Solve Periodic Markov Decision Process for Network Resource Allocation

Learning the Jointly Optimal Routing and Controller Placement Policy in Mobile Software-Defined Networks

Learning to Sail Dynamic Networks: The MARLIN Reinforcement Learning Framework for Congestion Control in Tactical Environments

LibDI: A Direction Identification Framework for Detecting Complex Reuse Relationships in Binaries

Live Demonstration of Spectrum Maximization and Encryption Techniques for 5G and Wideband NFC Applications

Long-Range mmWave Channel Response Measurement Over Four-Season Conditions

Low-Complexity Decoding Algorithm Utilizing Degeneracy for Quantum LDPC Codes

Low-Delay Proactive Mechanisms for Resilient Communication

Mtop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

M3: Towards Efficient Mixed Machine Learning Model Co-Location on Constrained Edge Devices

Machine Learning Based Node Selection for UWB Network Localization

Majority Vote Computation With Complementary Sequences for Distributed UAV Guidance

MCRFF: A Meta-Contrastive Learning-Based RF Fingerprinting Method

MINDFL: Mitigating the Impact of Imbalanced and Noisy-Labeled Data in Federated Learning With Quality and Fairness-Aware Client Selection

mMLSnet: Multilevel Security Network With Mobility

Mobile Spectrum and Interference Management From HF to mmWave

Modeling and Generation of Realistic Network Activity

Multi-Band Control Channel Architecture (MICCA): Mass Reconfiguration Protocol Design and Implementation Update

Multi-Waveform Bridging of Streaming Video With an Innovative Software Radio

Ntop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Neural SDEs for Robust and Explainable Analysis of Electromagnetic Unintended Radiated Emissions

Neurosymbolic AI in Cybersecurity: Bridging Pattern Recognition and Symbolic Reasoning

Non-Terrestrial Network (NTN): A Noble Alternate Fractional Programming for the Downlink Channels Power Allocation

Novel Nonlinear Neural-Network Layers for High Performance and Generalization in Modulation-Recognition Applications

Otop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

On Reliability of CBRS Communications Near U.S. Navy Installations in San Diego

On the Role of 5G and Beyond Sidelink Communication in Multi-Hop Tactical Networks

On the Secrecy Performance of Aerial IRS-Assisted Wireless Communications

Online Learning Meets Semantic Communication Over Wireless Channels

Online Reduction of Exploration Space for Automated Underwater Modem Optimization

Open Source-Based Over-The-Air 5G New Radio Sidelink Testbed

Optimization and Control of Autonomous UAV Swarm for Object Tracking

Ptop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Passive Geolocation of Multiple Pulsed Emitters

Persistent Throughput-Optimal Scheduling for Smart Jamming Resiliency

Phased Array System for Military Communications: Practical Applications of Null Steering for Interference Mitigation

Platform Management System Host-Based Anomaly Detection Using TF-IDF and LSTM Autoencoder

Power and Second Order Cyclic Covertness of Chip-Wise Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Faster-Than-Nyquist Signaling

Pragmatic Quantum-Classic Phase Estimation of a Quantum Channel

Private Membership Aggregation

Qtop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Quantum MBSE and Quantum SysML

Rtop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Reliable Communication in a Multi-Transceiver Mobile Optical Wireless Network

Revisiting the OLSRv2 Protocol Optimization in SDN-Enabled Tactical MANETs

RoamML: Distributed Machine Learning at the Tactical Edge

Stop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Satellite Communications Resilience - Service Restoration and Retainment

Searchlight: An Accurate, Sensitive, and Fast Radio Frequency Energy Detection System

Second-Order Analysis of Secret-Key Capacity From a MIMO Channel

Secure Beamforming in DLA-Based CAP-MIMO

Secure Line-Of-Sight Communications: Optimal Antenna Selection and Beamforming Design

Securing NextG Systems Against Poisoning Attacks on Federated Learning: A Game-Theoretic Solution

Security-As-A-Service for Embedded Systems

Seeing Without Alarming Thief: Passive WiFi Sensing for Indoor Security Monitoring

Separating Interferers From Multiple Users in Interference Aware Guessing Random Additive Noise Decoding Aided Macrosymbol

Sidelink Mode 2 Operations in Unlicensed Bands: Design Challenges and Potential Approaches

Signal Classification Using Deep Learning

Simulated Impact of Transient Response on Communications Using a Rydberg-Atom Electrometer Receiver

Site-Specific Radio Signal Propagation for Tactical Environments Using 3D Path Tracing

SmiLe Net: A Supervised Graph Embedding-Based Machine Learning Approach for NextG Vulnerability Detection

Spread Photon Transceiver for Quantum Secure Communications

srsRAN - the High-Performance OpenRAN Platform for 5G and FutureG

Stealth Spectrum Sensing Data Falsification Attacks Affecting IoT Spectrum Monitors on the Battlefield

Surface Wave Modes and Radiative Properties of a Plasma Antenna

System-Level Evaluation of 5G NR UE-Based Relays

Ttop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

The Efficacy of Transformer-Based Adversarial Attacks in Security Domains

The RAPTOR: A Global, Interoperable Platform for Endpoint Anomaly Detection, Attribution, Anticipatory Intelligence Generation and Exchange

Thwarting Adversarial Network Reconnaissance Through Vulnerability Scan Denial and Deception With Data Plane Programming and P4

Time-Diverse Doppler-Only LEO PNT

Timely Multi-Goal Transmissions With an Intermittently Failing Sensor

TISIN: Traceable Information Sharing in Intermittent Networks

Towards Effective Swarm-Based GPS Spoofing Detection in Disadvantaged Platforms

Towards Explainable Machine Learning: The Effectiveness of Reservoir Computing in Wireless Receive Processing

Towards Scalable Automatic Modulation Classification via Meta-Learning

Tradespace Performance Study of Polarization-Insensitive Spatial Filtering for Jamming Suppression

Transient Modeling of Topology-Based Worms in Networks With Link Interference

Turbo-VBI Based Off-Grid Channel Estimation for OTFS Systems With 2D-Clustered Sparsity

Utop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Underlay-Based 5G Sidelink With Co-Channel Interference Cancellation

Unlocking Efficiency: Understanding End-To-End Performance in Distributed Analytics Pipelines

Urgency of Information Optimization at Query in an Interactive System

Vtop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Validating a Modified JSON Web Signature Format Using the Scenario of Ammunition Issuance for Training Purposes

Wtop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Warping Functions Design for Long Warped ZT-DFT-s-OFDM

Waveform Manipulation Against DNN-Based Modulation Classification Attacks

Where to Deploy an Airborne Relay in Unknown Environments: Feasible Locations for Throughput and LoS Enhancement

Wireless Federated 𝑘-Means Clustering With Non-Coherent Over-The-Air Computation

Ztop A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Zero-Shot Dynamic Neural Network Adaptation in Tactical Wireless Systems