Osama Abboud |
TU Darmstadt |
Germany |
Erfan Abolfazli |
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
Iran |
Nikolaos Adoniadis |
TEI of Epirus |
Greece |
Luciano Agostini |
Federal University of Pelotas |
Brazil |
Muhammad Ahmad |
Ubiquitous Computing Lab, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Kyung Hee University |
Pakistan |
Abdulhaseeb Ishtiaq Ahmed |
Air University |
Pakistan |
Igor Aizenberg |
Manhattan College |
Hussein Al-Shatri |
Intel Corporation |
Austria |
Benoit Alexandre |
University |
Czech Republic |
Ghulam Ali |
Shah Abdul Latif University |
Pakistan |
Maria E. Angelopoulou |
Imperial College London |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Franciéric Alves de Araújo |
Brazil |
Marcus Araújo |
Brazil |
Nicole Artner |
Vienna University of Technology |
Austria |
João Ascenso |
Instituto Superior Técnico |
Portugal |
Stefano Asioli |
Queen Mary University of London |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Zdenka Babić |
University of Banja Luka |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Miroslav Baca |
Faculty of Organization and Informatics University of Zagreb |
Croatia |
Matin Bagherpour |
Nord Pool AS |
Norway |
Bojan Bakmaz |
University of Belgrade |
Serbia |
Thomas Bauschert |
Chemnitz University of Technology |
Germany |
Elham Bayesteh |
Shahrood University Of Technology |
Iran |
Benjamín Béjar |
Johns Hopkins University |
Csaba Beleznai |
AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology |
Austria |
Wanda Benesova |
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava |
Slovakia |
Diego Bertolini |
Brazil |
Deepayan Bhowmik |
Newcastle University |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Saverio Blasi |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Raghavendra S Bobbi |
National Institute of Technology Karnataka |
India |
Andrej Bogdanov |
Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Hong Kong |
Tiago Bonini Borchartt |
Brazil |
Saulo Bortolon |
University UFES |
Brazil |
Nikolaos Bourbakis |
Wright State University |
Jelena Bozek |
University of Zagreb |
Croatia |
Alexandre Brandão |
UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense |
Brazil |
Martin Breznan |
University of Zilina |
Slovakia |
Catarina Brites |
Portugal |
Nicole Brosch |
Vienna University of Technology |
Austria |
Dietmar Bruckner |
Vienna University of Technology |
Austria |
Tim Bruylants |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Belgium |
Ioan Buciu |
University of Oradea |
Romania |
Sergey Buzykanov |
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University |
Russia |
Ali Calhan |
Duzce University |
Turkey |
M. Emre Celebi |
Louisiana State University in Shreveport |
Shih-Hsu Chang |
Dayeh University |
Taiwan |
John Chantas |
Technological Instritute of Larisa |
Greece |
Maria G Chatzigiorgaki |
Hellenic Open University |
Greece |
Hu Chen |
Technische Universität München |
Germany |
Jie Chen |
University of Oulu |
Finland |
Oleg V. Chernoyarov |
National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute |
Russia |
Marina Chukalina |
FSRC Crystallography and Photonics RAS, Institute of Microelectronics Technology |
Russia |
John Cioffi |
Stanford University |
Esteban Clua |
Universidade Federal Fluminense |
Brazil |
Klaus Côco |
Federal University of Espírito Santo |
Brazil |
Maxime Colas |
France |
Josep Colom-Ikuno |
Vienna University of Technology |
Austria |
Angelo Coluccia |
University of Salento |
Italy |
Jeremy Constantin |
Switzerland |
Bruno Cornelis |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Belgium |
Paulo Lobato Correia |
Instituto Superior Tecnico - Universidade Tecnica Lisboa |
Portugal |
Diogo C Costa |
Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE |
Brazil |
Yandre M G Costa |
State University of Maringá |
Brazil |
Robert Cupec |
J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek |
Croatia |
Boguslaw Cyganek |
AGH University of Science and Technology |
Poland |
Robil W. Daher |
German University in Cairo |
Egypt |
Rohit Datta |
Fraunhofer IIS |
Germany |
Anselmo de Paiva |
Federal University of Maranhão |
Brazil |
Pieterjan De Potter |
Ghent University - IBBT |
Belgium |
Francesca De Simone |
The Netherlands |
Sotirios Delis |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Greece |
Mathieu des Noes |
CEA -LETI Minatec |
France |
Tanuja Dhope |
University of Zagreb |
India |
Cagatay Dikici |
INSA Lyon |
Austria |
Satnam Dlay |
University of Newcastle |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Ioannis Dologlou |
Greece |
Krzysztof Dorosz |
AGH University of Science and Technology |
Poland |
Milos Drutarovsky |
Technical University of Kosice |
Slovakia |
Luis Ducla Soares |
I.S.C.T.E. / I.T. - Lisbon |
Portugal |
Wilfried Elmenreich |
University of Klagenfurt |
Austria |
Carlos J Escudero |
University of A Coruña |
Spain |
Jacques Facon |
PUCPR Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná |
Brazil |
Mohammad Javad Fadaeieslam |
Iran University of Science & Technology |
Iran |
Omar Fahmy |
Zewail City of Science and Technology |
Egypt |
Dagmar Faktorova |
University of Zilina |
Slovakia |
Bin Fan |
Orange Labs |
France |
Xiaofeng Fan |
Medical Image Pro |
Reuben Farrugia |
University of Malta |
Malta |
Philipp Fechteler |
Fraunhofer HHI |
Germany |
Zbynek Fedra |
Brno University of Technology |
Czech Republic |
Michael Feilen |
Germany |
Bruno Fernandes |
University of Pernambuco |
Brazil |
Virginia Fernández Arguedas |
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid |
Spain |
Alfonso Fernández Durán |
Alcatel-Lucent |
Spain |
Patrick Flandrin |
CNRS-ENS de Lyon |
France |
Peter Froehlich |
ftw - Telecommunications Research Center Vienna |
Austria |
Tomas Fryza |
Brno University of Technology |
Czech Republic |
Osamu Fukuda |
Saga University |
Japan |
Irena Galić |
J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek |
Croatia |
Jakub Galka |
AGH University of Science and Technology |
Poland |
Stephenson Galvão |
Spain |
Wilfried Gansterer |
University of Vienna |
Austria |
Mariano García-Otero |
Polytechnic University of Madrid |
Spain |
Gordana Gardašević |
University of Banja Luka |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Bruno Gardlo |
Austrian Institute of Technology |
Austria |
Juraj Gazda |
Technical University of Kosice |
Slovakia |
Hartmut Gemmeke |
Germany |
Fulvio Gini |
University of Pisa |
Italy |
Steven L Grant |
Missouri S&T |
Michał Grega |
AGH University of Science and Technology |
Poland |
Pierre Greisen |
ETH Zurich |
Switzerland |
Modris Greitans |
Institute of Electronics and Computer Science |
Latvia |
James Gross |
KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Sweden |
Víctor M. Gulías |
University of A Coruña |
Spain |
Bilge Günsel |
Istanbul Technical University |
Turkey |
Nikola Gvozdenovic |
Vienna University of Technology |
Austria |
Mirza Hamza |
University of Sarajevo |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Marco Happenhofer |
Vienna University of Technology |
Austria |
Gareth P Harrison |
University of Edinburgh |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Martin Havlíček |
Brno University of Technology |
Czech Republic |
Werner Henkel |
Constructor University Bremen |
Germany |
Wolfgang Hintermaier |
Germany |
Ali Hojjatoleslami |
University of Kent |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Karin Anna Hummel |
Johannes Kepler University Linz |
Austria |
Muhammad Hussain |
King Saud University |
Saudi Arabia |
Jae Jeong Hwang |
Kunsan National University |
Korea (South) |
Esa Hyytiä |
University of Iceland |
Iceland |
Matthias Ihmig |
Technische Universität München |
Germany |
Yasir Irshad |
Karlstad University |
Sweden |
Zoran Ivanovski |
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University |
Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of |
Jacek Izydorczyk |
Silesian University of Technology |
Poland |
William J. Emery |
University of Colorado |
Pooja Jain |
Indian Institute of Technology Indore |
India |
Toni Janevski |
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje |
Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of |
Bart Jansen |
Belgium |
Tomas Janvars |
Telecommunications |
Slovakia |
Gordan Jezic |
University of Zagreb |
Croatia |
Radovan Jiřík |
Brno University of Technology |
Czech Republic |
Gerrit Kalkbrenner |
Universitaet Bremen |
Germany |
Florian Kaltenberger |
Eurecom |
France |
Martin Kampel |
Vienna University of Technology |
Austria |
Péter Kántor |
Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
Hungary |
Mariusz Kapruziak |
The West Pomeranian University of Technology |
Poland |
Damian Karwowski |
Poznan University of Technology |
Poland |
Tomas Kasparek |
Brno University Hospital |
Czech Republic |
Andreas Kassler |
Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT) |
Sweden |
Narottam Chand Kaushal |
NIT Hamirpur |
India |
AbdulSattar Khidhir |
Northern Technical University |
Iraq |
Vlado Kitanovski |
Queen Mary, University of London |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Milos Klima |
Czech Technical University in Prague |
Czech Republic |
Radim Kolar |
Brno University of Technology |
Czech Republic |
Zsolt Kollár |
Budapest University of Technology and Ecomonics |
Hungary |
Karin Satie Komati |
IFES Campus Serra |
Brazil |
Ioannis Kompatsiaris |
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas |
Greece |
Samim Konjicija |
University of Sarajevo |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Ivica Kopriva |
Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb |
Croatia |
Elham Kordi Ghasrodashti |
Shiraz University |
Iran |
Pawel Korus |
AGH University of Science and Technology |
Poland |
Mitko Kostov |
University St. Kliment Ohridski - Bitola |
Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of |
Ivan Kraljevski |
Fraunhofer IKTS |
Germany |
Ioannis Krikidis |
University of Cyprus |
Cyprus |
Michal Kubicek |
Brno University of Technology |
Czech Republic |
Martin Kurras |
Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute |
Germany |
Olcay Kursun |
Auburn University at Montgomery |
I-Wei Lai |
National Taiwan Normal University |
Taiwan |
Martin Lamoš |
Brno University of Technology |
Czech Republic |
Francois Lauze |
Denmark |
Fotis Lazarakis |
NCSR Demokritos, Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications |
Greece |
Dusan Levicky |
UT Kosice, Slovak Rep. |
Slovakia |
Slavomir Lihan |
Slovak Telekom |
Slovakia |
Xinyu Lin |
Queen Mary University of London |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Panagiota Lioliou |
Ericsson Research |
Sweden |
Alexander Loos |
Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology |
Germany |
Alberto Lopes Filho |
Brazil |
Dimitrios Loukatos |
Agricultural University of Athens |
Greece |
Cheng Lu |
Aptina |
Ewa Lukasik |
Poznan University of Technology |
Poland |
Huynh Van Luong |
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg |
Germany |
Alexandre Maciel |
Federal University of Pernambuco |
Brazil |
Sergio Valcarcel Macua |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Muhammad Majid |
The University of Sheffield |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Ryszard Makowski |
Wroclaw University of Technology |
Poland |
Anders Mannesson |
Lund University |
Sweden |
Ermioni Marami |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Greece |
Radek Mareček |
CEITEC, Masaryk University, Brno |
Czech Republic |
Mahesh K Marina |
The University of Edinburgh |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Roman Marsalek |
Brno University of Technology |
Czech Republic |
Goran Martinovic |
Computer Science and Information Technologies |
Croatia |
Jefferson Martins |
Brazil |
Valentin Mateev |
Technical University of Sofia |
Bulgaria |
Bogdan J Matuszewski |
University of Central Lancashire |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Markus Mayer |
Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen - Nuremberg |
Germany |
Martin Medvecky |
Bratislava University of Technology |
Slovakia |
Hermann Meer |
University of Passau |
Germany |
Paul Meissner |
Infineon Technologies |
Austria |
Jan Meizner |
University |
Poland |
Vasileios Mezaris |
Information Technologies Institute / CERTH |
Greece |
Aleksandra Mileva |
Goce Delcev University |
Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of |
Dragorad Milovanovic |
University of Belgrade |
Serbia |
Nader Moayeri |
Mariano Molina-Garcia |
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid |
Spain |
Adrian Munteanu |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Belgium |
Mario Mustra |
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences |
Croatia |
Clemens Mutschisch |
Vienna University of Technology |
Austria |
Rangavittal Narayanan |
Samsung India Software Operations |
India |
Qassim MH Nasir |
University Of Sharjah |
United Arab Emirates |
Olivia Nemethova |
Grünecker, Kinkeldey, Stockmair & Schwanhäuser |
Germany |
Luiz Antonio Neves |
Brazil |
Meindert Niemeijer |
University |
The Netherlands |
Marcin Niemiec |
AGH University of Science and Technology |
Poland |
Symeon Nikitidis |
Imperial College London |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Katy C Noland |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Novica Nosović |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Lucas Ferrari de Oliveira |
Brazil |
Azza Ouled Zaid |
El manar University |
Tunisia |
Petr Pata |
Czech Technical University in Prague |
Czech Republic |
Juan E Paz-Viera |
Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas |
Cuba |
Kostas Peppas |
University of Peloponnese |
Greece |
Gabriela Perez |
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos - URJC |
Spain |
Héctor José Pérez Iglesias |
Universidade da Coruña |
Spain |
Mile Petkovski |
University St. Kliment Ohridski - Bitola |
Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of |
Tomas Piatrik |
Queen Mary University of London |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Geetha Pisharam |
Visveswaraya Technical University |
India |
Adrián Población-Hernández |
University Polytechnic of Madrid |
Spain |
Thomas Pock |
Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision |
Austria |
Pavol Podhradsky |
Slovak University of Technology |
Slovakia |
Jaroslav Polec |
Slovak University of Technology |
Slovakia |
Ante Poljičak |
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Graphic Arts |
Croatia |
Dimitrie Popescu |
Old Dominion University |
Charly Poulliat |
INP - ENSEEIHT Toulouse |
France |
Prakhar Priyadarshi |
Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering |
India |
Ales Prokes |
Brno University of Technology |
Czech Republic |
Ivo Provazník |
Brno University of Technology |
Czech Republic |
William Puech |
France |
Darijo Raca |
University of Sarajevo |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Geetha Ramachandran |
Vienna University of Technology |
Austria |
David Ramírez |
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
Spain |
K. r. Rao |
University of Texas at Arlington |
Ivana Raos |
Univeridad Politecnica de Madrid |
Spain |
Yacine Rebahi |
Fraunhofer Institut Fokus, Berlin |
Germany |
Peter Reichl |
University of Vienna |
Austria |
Roger Resmini |
Brazil |
Mohsen Rezaee |
Paderborn University |
Germany |
Alex Reznik |
Hewlett-Packard Enterprise |
Naveed Riaz |
Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Texchnology |
Pakistan |
Vaclav Ricny |
Brno University of Technology |
Czech Republic |
Erwin Riegler |
ETH Zurich |
Switzerland |
Javier Rodas |
University of A Coruña |
Spain |
Miguel A. Rodriguez-Hernandez |
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia |
Spain |
Peter Romirer-Maierhofer |
Telecommunications Research Center Vienna (ftw.) |
Austria |
Stefan Ruehrup |
Austria |
Nicole Ruiter |
Germany |
Milan Rusko |
Slovak Academy of Sciences |
Slovakia |
Evandro Salles |
Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo |
Brazil |
Muhammad K Samee |
University of the Punjab |
Pakistan |
Jose Luis San Emeterio |
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) |
Spain |
Fernando Sánchez |
Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) |
Austria |
Michele Sanna |
Queen Mary, University of London |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Ignacio Santamaria |
University of Cantabria |
Spain |
Emmanuel S. Sardis |
National Technical University of Athens - NTUA |
Greece |
Hisayuki Sasaoka |
Asahikawa National College of Technology |
Japan |
Shahid Satti |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - IBBT |
Belgium |
Vladimir Savic |
Qamcom Research & Tech |
Sweden |
Anke Schmeink |
RWTH Aachen University |
Germany |
Jens Schmitt |
TU Kaiserslautern |
Germany |
Hans D. Schotten |
University of Kaiserslautern |
Germany |
Jan Schreck |
Intel Labs |
Daniel Schwarz |
Masaryk University |
Czech Republic |
Dejan Seatovic |
Switzerland |
Nicu Sebe |
University of Trento |
Italy |
Vladimir Sebesta |
Brno University of Technology |
Czech Republic |
Gyorgy Sebestyen |
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca |
Romania |
Maria Seidler |
Tecan Austria |
Austria |
Stefano Severi |
Magna Electronics |
Germany |
Ling Shao |
Northumbria University |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Tsu-Wang Shen |
Tzu Chi University |
Taiwan |
Gordan Sisul |
Croatia |
Nicolas Sklavos |
University of Patras |
Greece |
Athanassios N. Skodras |
University of Patras |
Greece |
Ondrej Skvarek |
University of Zilina, Faculty of Management and Informatics |
Slovakia |
Martin Slanina |
Brno University of Technology |
Czech Republic |
Bogdan Smolka |
Silesian University of Technology |
Poland |
Jan Svihlik |
Institute of Chemical Technology |
Czech Republic |
Tatiana Tambouratzis |
University of Piraeus |
Greece |
Georg Tauböck |
Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Austria |
Ye Tian |
Broadcom |
Jaroslav Tintera |
IKEM - Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Prague |
Czech Republic |
Terence D. Todd |
McMaster University |
Canada |
Fuensanta Torres |
Vienna University of Technology |
Austria |
Jan Tóth |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology |
Slovakia |
Quang Tran |
City University London |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Peter Truchly |
Slovak University of Technology |
Slovakia |
Bart Truyen |
Belgium |
Nikolaos Tsapanos |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Greece |
Nick Tsoligkas |
TEI of Halkida |
Greece |
Efstratios D Tsougenis |
Democritus University of Thrace |
Greece |
Birkan Tunç |
Istanbul Technical University |
Turkey |
Martin Turi Nagy |
Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology |
Slovakia |
Kurt Tutschku |
Blekinge Institute of Technology |
Sweden |
Andreas Uhl |
University of Salzburg |
Austria |
Wolfgang Utschick |
Technische Universität München |
Germany |
Karthikeyan Vaiapury |
Queen Mary University of London |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Peter Vajda |
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne |
Switzerland |
Giuseppe Valenzise |
Institut Mines-Télécom, Télécom ParisTech, CNRS LTCI |
France |
Koen VanDongen |
TU Delft |
The Netherlands |
Miroslav Vanek |
Alcatel-Lucent |
Slovakia |
Radoslav Vargic |
Slovak University of Technology, FEI |
Slovakia |
Matus Vasek |
Bratislava University of Technology |
Slovakia |
Janne Vehkaperä |
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland |
Finland |
Frederik Verbist |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - IBBT |
Belgium |
Markus Vincze |
Vienna University of Technology |
Austria |
Tuomas Virtanen |
Tampere University |
Finland |
Peter Viszlay |
Technical University of Košice |
Slovakia |
Lukas Vojtech |
Czech Technical University in Prague |
Czech Republic |
Juraj Vojtko |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology |
Slovakia |
Mario Vranjes |
University of Osijek |
Croatia |
Nicholas Vretos |
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas |
Greece |
Jiahui Wang |
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Qi Wang |
Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH |
Germany |
Claudio Weidmann |
CNRS / ENSEA / University Cergy-Pontoise |
France |
Robert Weigel |
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
Germany |
Stephan Weiss |
University of Strathclyde |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Bernard Wess |
TU Wien |
Austria |
Otakar Wilfert |
Brno University of Technology |
Czech Republic |
Andreas Wilzeck |
WiseSense GmbH |
Germany |
Marcin Wisniewski |
AGH University of Science and Technology |
Poland |
Min Xu |
Blue Highway LLC |
Heng Yang |
Queen Mary University of London |
United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Sang Min Yoon |
Yonsei University |
Korea (South) |
Heejung Yu |
Korea University |
Korea (South) |
Qingfeng Yu |
Stowers Institute for Medical Research |
Ashraf A Zaher |
German International University |
Egypt |
Santiago Zazo |
Universidad Politecnica Madrid |
Spain |
Lukasz Zbydniewski |
AGH University of Science and Technology |
Poland |
Radovan Zentner |
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing |
Croatia |
Wenbo Zhao |
Nanyang Technological University |
Singapore |
Mariusz Ziolko |
AGH University of Science and Technology |
Poland |