Author |
Session |
Start page |
Title |
A A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
A, Mirwan |
5B.4 |
652 |
Virtual Assistant Using LSTM Networks In Indonesian |
Abd Rauf, Muhammad Fairuz |
3B.8 |
433 |
Sentiment Analysis for 2016's SPM and STPM leavers |
Abdullah, Syaifudin |
5A.4 |
612 |
Legal Protection Policy on Computer Programming of Document Security System Based On Law No. 28 Copyright |
Abdurachman, Edi |
1C.3 |
99 |
Key Factor Adoption Blockchain Technology In Smart Supply Management: Literature Review |
5A.5 |
617 |
Success Factors of the Blockchain Adoption for Smart Manufacture |
Achsani, M Zulfa |
3B.5 |
415 |
Elasticsearch Analyzer In Broad Match Advertising System |
Adawati, Infaz |
2B.3 |
231 |
Data Quality Assessment on Higher Education: A Case Study of Institute of Statistics |
Adi, Kusworo |
3C.5 |
459 |
Logic Scoring of Preference Method for Determining Landfill with Geographic Information System |
Adi, Prajanto |
4A.4 |
527 |
Image Watermarking using CRT through Gradient Magnitude of Laplacian Filter |
Adiaksa, Gregah |
3D.2 |
481 |
Implementation of One Orde Extraction for Identification of Coal Batik Method with Backpropagation Method |
Adji, Teguh |
2C.5 |
287 |
The effect of embedding dimension reduction on increasing LSTM performance for Sentiment Analysis |
Adnan, Zuraidy |
2C.4 |
281 |
Exploiting Malay Corpus On Islamic Issue using Sketch Engine |
3B.8 |
433 |
Sentiment Analysis for 2016's SPM and STPM leavers |
Adzkiya, Dieky |
4B.3 |
566 |
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Missile Firing Impact Force on Warship |
4B.4 |
571 |
Ship Heading Control of Warship Using Disturbance Compensating Model Predictive Control Method |
Affandi, Achmad |
4B.1 |
555 |
Data Communication Protocols Supporting Monitoring Service of Traffic Management Center |
Ahmad, Yasir |
5B.8 |
674 |
A Fuzzy base Approach to Reduce the Domain of Ambiguities in Software Requirement |
Ahmadzadegan, Mohammad Hossein |
6A.4 |
695 |
Massive DDoS Occurrence Investigation in Future IoT devices |
Alasiry, Ali |
4B.5 |
577 |
Balance Control of Humanoid Dancing Robot ERISA while Walking on Sloped Surface using PID |
Alifi, Muhammad |
5B.1 |
637 |
Information Extraction of Traffic Condition from Social Media using Bidirectional LSTM-CNN |
Almahfud, Mustofa Alisahid |
1A.3 |
11 |
An Effective MRI Brain Image Segmentation using Joint Clustering (K-Means and Fuzzy C-Means) |
Amalia, Citra |
1B.2 |
49 |
Determine The Winner of The Construction Tender in Central Kalimantan Using Analysis Network Process (Case Study: LPSE Central Kalimantan) |
Amanah, Umu |
5B.3 |
646 |
SEMAR: An Interface for Indonesian Hate Speech Detection Using Machine Learning |
Amini Deilami, Hossein |
6A.4 |
695 |
Massive DDoS Occurrence Investigation in Future IoT devices |
Andri, Kuntoro |
2D.8 |
347 |
Agricultural Strategic Commodity Price Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network |
Anggraeni, Wiwik |
2D.8 |
347 |
Agricultural Strategic Commodity Price Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network |
Anto, Irfan |
4B.6 |
582 |
Design and development the IoT-based smart hydroponic system |
Ardita, Michael |
4B.1 |
555 |
Data Communication Protocols Supporting Monitoring Service of Traffic Management Center |
Ardyastiti, Ericha |
1A.7 |
33 |
A Survey: Effect of the Number of GLCM Features on Classification Accuracy of Lasem Batik Images using K-Nearest Neighbor |
Armi, Nasrullah |
4B.8 |
591 |
OFDM based Signal Detection Performance in Cognitive Radio Systems |
Arrasyid, Adli Azhar |
4A.3 |
522 |
Image Watermarking using Triple Transform (DCT-DWT-SVD) to Improve Copyright Protection Performance |
Arsiwi, Pramudi |
4A.4 |
527 |
Image Watermarking using CRT through Gradient Magnitude of Laplacian Filter |
Arymurthy, Aniati |
2C.8 |
305 |
Random Subspace Method for Sleep Stage Classification of Autism Patients |
Asfihani, Tahiyatul |
4B.3 |
566 |
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Missile Firing Impact Force on Warship |
4B.4 |
571 |
Ship Heading Control of Warship Using Disturbance Compensating Model Predictive Control Method |
Ashari, Ahmad |
5A.1 |
595 |
Visual Adjustment Tools Selection for Multi-format Distributed World Framework |
Asor, Jonardo |
3C.7 |
470 |
RESEARCH++: An Academic Social Networking Research Community Portal for Profiling and Expertise Classification |
3D.1 |
476 |
Pattern Recognition from Radiology Reports towards Predictive Lung Disease Manifestation in Municipal Settings |
Assidiqi, Moh Hasbi |
3A.1 |
353 |
Development of A Warning Receiver System for Public Display Based on Application-Controlled Video Switcher |
Astuti, Dwi |
1D.6 |
158 |
Improved Message Payload and Security of Image Steganography using 3-3-2 LSB and Dual Encryption |
Augoestien, Nia |
3A.7 |
384 |
Multidimensional Earcon Interaction Design for The Blind: a Proposal and Evaluation |
Aulia, Giska |
4B.4 |
571 |
Ship Heading Control of Warship Using Disturbance Compensating Model Predictive Control Method |
Ayuning Budi, Nur Fitriah |
5A.3 |
606 |
Challenges for Implementation of The Draft of Presidential Regulation on Indonesia One Data |
Azhari, Azhari |
3A.7 |
384 |
Multidimensional Earcon Interaction Design for The Blind: a Proposal and Evaluation |
B A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
Bachtiar, Mochamad |
3A.1 |
353 |
Development of A Warning Receiver System for Public Display Based on Application-Controlled Video Switcher |
Basofi, Arif |
1B.7 |
77 |
Landslide Risk Mapping in East Java, Indonesia, Using Analytic Hierarchy Process - Natural Breaks Classification |
Bertalya, Bertalya |
2D.1 |
310 |
Analysis of Tuberculosis Cases in Indonesian by Using K-means Clustering Technique |
Budi Utomo, Eko |
4A.6 |
538 |
Payload and Antena Tracker System Development for Indonesia Tropopause Baloon Competition |
Budiharto, Widodo |
3B.6 |
421 |
Text Mining Analysis Log Discussion Forum for Online Learning Recommendation Systems Using Machine Learning |
Budiyanto, Dani |
1D.2 |
136 |
Comparative Implementation Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA) And Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) For Open Source Develop Cryptomator Library Based On Android |
Buliali, Joko |
2C.3 |
276 |
Hybrid Method of Undersampling AND Oversampling for Handling Imbalanced Dataset |
Bustoni, Isna |
3A.7 |
384 |
Multidimensional Earcon Interaction Design for The Blind: a Proposal and Evaluation |
Buwono, Robby Cokro |
3A.4 |
367 |
Round-robin Algorithm in HAProxy and Nginx Load Balancing Performance Evaluation: a Review |
C A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
Cahyabuana, Brigitta |
1B.4 |
61 |
The Consistency of Using Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) on Risk Assessment of Information Technology |
Catedrilla, Gene Marck |
3C.4 |
453 |
VIP READY: A Mobile Leisure Search Engine for Visually Impaired Persons Utilizing Phone Motion and Speech Recognition |
3D.1 |
476 |
Pattern Recognition from Radiology Reports towards Predictive Lung Disease Manifestation in Municipal Settings |
Ceisa Santi, Nirma |
3D.2 |
481 |
Implementation of One Orde Extraction for Identification of Coal Batik Method with Backpropagation Method |
Choirunnisa, Shabrina |
2C.3 |
276 |
Hybrid Method of Undersampling AND Oversampling for Handling Imbalanced Dataset |
Chrisnanto, Yulison |
1B.8 |
83 |
Optimizing Outlier in K-Means Clustering Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm |
Christian, Dion |
1B.8 |
83 |
Optimizing Outlier in K-Means Clustering Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm |
Chyan, Phie |
2D.7 |
343 |
Decision support system for selection of dog breeds |
Condrobimo, A. Raharto |
3C.3 |
449 |
The Safe and Trust factors of Mobile Transportation System for user behavior in Indonesia |
Crysdian, Cahyo |
3C.6 |
465 |
Optimization of Naïve Bayes Classifier To Classify Green Open Space Object Based on Google Earth Image |
D A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
Darabpour, Roya |
6A.1 |
679 |
A comparison between evolutionary-algorithms parallelization in CUDA architecture |
Darmawan, Adytia |
4A.6 |
538 |
Payload and Antena Tracker System Development for Indonesia Tropopause Baloon Competition |
Darwis, Taufik |
3B.5 |
415 |
Elasticsearch Analyzer In Broad Match Advertising System |
Dewantara, Belly |
4B.2 |
560 |
Adaptive DOCR Coordination in Loop Electrical Distribution System With DG Using Artificial Neural Network LMBP |
Diah Prahmana karyatanti, Iradiratu |
4B.2 |
560 |
Adaptive DOCR Coordination in Loop Electrical Distribution System With DG Using Artificial Neural Network LMBP |
Dinimaharawati, Ashri |
2C.1 |
265 |
Design and Implementation Educational Games E-Learning Using Learning Experience Design (LXD) Towards Student Learning Experience |
E A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
Echalar, Loyd |
3C.2 |
443 |
PaLife: A Mobile Application for Palay (Rice) Health Condition Classification Utilizing Image Processing and Pigment Analysis Towards Sustainability of Palay Production |
Edbert, Ivan |
3C.3 |
449 |
The Safe and Trust factors of Mobile Transportation System for user behavior in Indonesia |
Eridani, Dania |
4B.7 |
587 |
Performance of Sensors Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi through MQTT Protocol |
F A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
Fahmi, Amiq |
5A.6 |
622 |
Waqf Lands Assets Classification Based On Productive Value For Business Development Using Naïve Bayes |
Fajar, Ahmad |
1A.8 |
39 |
Information as a Service on Cloud Computing Technology: A Review |
2A.8 |
215 |
Big Data Architecture for Indonesia Online Travel Agent based on Cloud Computing |
Fakhrurroja, Hanif |
4B.6 |
582 |
Design and development the IoT-based smart hydroponic system |
Fanany, Ivan |
2C.8 |
305 |
Random Subspace Method for Sleep Stage Classification of Autism Patients |
Fariza, Arna |
1B.7 |
77 |
Landslide Risk Mapping in East Java, Indonesia, Using Analytic Hierarchy Process - Natural Breaks Classification |
Fauzan, Reza |
5A.2 |
601 |
Activity Diagram Similarity Measurement: A Different Approach |
Fauziah, Noveline Aziz |
1D.4 |
146 |
Design and Implementation of AES and SHA-256 Cryptography for Securing Multimedia File over Android Chat Application |
Fauziati, Silmi |
2B.8 |
259 |
Analysis Distribution Traders and Population Density in Dharmasraya District of West Sumatera Province Using Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis |
Ferdiana, Ridi |
2A.1 |
174 |
Software Metrics Classification for Agile Scrum Process: A Literature Review |
Ferdiansyah, Indra |
3A.1 |
353 |
Development of A Warning Receiver System for Public Display Based on Application-Controlled Video Switcher |
Fernando, Erick |
1C.3 |
99 |
Key Factor Adoption Blockchain Technology In Smart Supply Management: Literature Review |
3C.3 |
449 |
The Safe and Trust factors of Mobile Transportation System for user behavior in Indonesia |
5A.5 |
617 |
Success Factors of the Blockchain Adoption for Smart Manufacture |
Fikri, Ahmad |
3C.1 |
439 |
Performance Comparison of Dalvik and ART on Different Android-Based Mobile Devices |
Fransisca, Fransisca |
3B.4 |
410 |
The Impact of Facebook and Whatsapp Utilization to The Learning Effectiveness |
Fuad, Muchamad Chaninul |
3A.1 |
353 |
Development of A Warning Receiver System for Public Display Based on Application-Controlled Video Switcher |
G A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
Gemeliarana, I Gusti Ayu Kusdiah |
1C.8 |
126 |
Evaluation Of Proof Of Work (Pow) Blockchains Security Network On Selfish Mining |
Gharibi, Wajeb |
4B.8 |
591 |
OFDM based Signal Detection Performance in Cognitive Radio Systems |
Ghorbani, Hamidreza |
6A.4 |
695 |
Massive DDoS Occurrence Investigation in Future IoT devices |
Ginting, Jusia |
3B.3 |
405 |
The Spread Path of Hoax News in Social Media (Facebook)Using Social Network Analysis (SNA) |
Gumilang, Mukhamad |
2C.2 |
271 |
E-learning Governance of Universitas Negeri Malang Using Cobit 4.1 Through Deliver and Support Domain |
Gunanto, Samuel Gandang |
4A.5 |
532 |
Visual Perception Evaluation from The Synthesis of Realistic Facial Expressions Based On Feature Point Clusters |
Guntoro, Azmi |
2A.8 |
215 |
Big Data Architecture for Indonesia Online Travel Agent based on Cloud Computing |
H A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
Hadi Alhaq, Rohman |
3D.2 |
481 |
Implementation of One Orde Extraction for Identification of Coal Batik Method with Backpropagation Method |
Hamid, Azhar |
1C.4 |
103 |
A Study of Tracking Technology in Supply Chain Management |
2C.4 |
281 |
Exploiting Malay Corpus On Islamic Issue using Sketch Engine |
Hananto, Mursid |
5A.1 |
595 |
Visual Adjustment Tools Selection for Multi-format Distributed World Framework |
Harso, Suhono |
1C.3 |
99 |
Key Factor Adoption Blockchain Technology In Smart Supply Management: Literature Review |
5A.5 |
617 |
Success Factors of the Blockchain Adoption for Smart Manufacture |
5B.1 |
637 |
Information Extraction of Traffic Condition from Social Media using Bidirectional LSTM-CNN |
Hartanto, Rudy |
3D.4 |
492 |
Classification of Batik Image using Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix Feature Extraction and Correlation Based Feature Selection |
Harwahyu, Ruki |
3C.1 |
439 |
Performance Comparison of Dalvik and ART on Different Android-Based Mobile Devices |
Hastawan, Ahmad |
1D.1 |
131 |
Robustness of Steganography Image Method Using Dynamical Management Position of Least Significant Bit (LSB) |
Hayati, Hashri |
1C.7 |
120 |
Blockchain Based Traceability System in Food Supply Chain |
Hermawan, Hendhi |
4A.6 |
538 |
Payload and Antena Tracker System Development for Indonesia Tropopause Baloon Competition |
Heryadi, Yaya |
3B.6 |
421 |
Text Mining Analysis Log Discussion Forum for Online Learning Recommendation Systems Using Machine Learning |
Hidayanto, Achmad |
2B.3 |
231 |
Data Quality Assessment on Higher Education: A Case Study of Institute of Statistics |
5A.3 |
606 |
Challenges for Implementation of The Draft of Presidential Regulation on Indonesia One Data |
Hidayat, Wahyu Nur |
2C.2 |
271 |
E-learning Governance of Universitas Negeri Malang Using Cobit 4.1 Through Deliver and Support Domain |
Hidayatulloh, Indra |
3A.7 |
384 |
Multidimensional Earcon Interaction Design for The Blind: a Proposal and Evaluation |
Hildayanti, Ica |
1B.1 |
43 |
Performance Comparison of Genetic Algorithm Operator Combinations for Optimization Problems |
Holle, Khadijah |
3C.6 |
465 |
Optimization of Naïve Bayes Classifier To Classify Green Open Space Object Based on Google Earth Image |
I A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
Imawan, Cuk |
3D.3 |
487 |
Electrical Conductivity Prediction System of Honey using Hyperspectral Imaging |
Indrianti, Yasinta |
2C.6 |
293 |
Student Satisfaction on E-learning Website |
Irawan, Candra |
1A.7 |
33 |
A Survey: Effect of the Number of GLCM Features on Classification Accuracy of Lasem Batik Images using K-Nearest Neighbor |
Iriani, Ade |
3B.2 |
400 |
Identification of Influencers in Social Media using Social Network Analysis (SNA) |
Isa, Sani Muhammad |
3B.6 |
421 |
Text Mining Analysis Log Discussion Forum for Online Learning Recommendation Systems Using Machine Learning |
Ismayati, Euis |
4A.2 |
518 |
Fragile Watermarking Technique using a Linear Block Mapping for Document Image Authentication with Recovery Capability |
Isnanto, R Rizal |
1D.1 |
131 |
Robustness of Steganography Image Method Using Dynamical Management Position of Least Significant Bit (LSB) |
Izadyar, Marzieh |
6A.4 |
695 |
Massive DDoS Occurrence Investigation in Future IoT devices |
Izzati, Afifah |
1C.1 |
87 |
The Success Factors in Implementation of The E-Government Master Plan |
K A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
Kathiravan, Yamunah |
3B.8 |
433 |
Sentiment Analysis for 2016's SPM and STPM leavers |
Kelana, Bayu |
3A.5 |
373 |
The Antecedents of Cloud Storage's Continued Use on Higher Education |
Khalili, Mohammad |
6A.1 |
679 |
A comparison between evolutionary-algorithms parallelization in CUDA architecture |
Khan, Wazir Zada |
4B.8 |
591 |
OFDM based Signal Detection Performance in Cognitive Radio Systems |
Kharsananda, Boffin |
2B.8 |
259 |
Analysis Distribution Traders and Population Density in Dharmasraya District of West Sumatera Province Using Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis |
Kirana, Elika |
1B.3 |
55 |
Multi-Method Approach for Visual Detection to Improve M-Banking Application Among Students in Yogyakarta |
Komalasari, Nia |
2B.1 |
221 |
Effect Of Education, Performance, Position And Information Technology Competency Of Information Systems To Performance Of Information System |
Kosala, Raymond |
1C.3 |
99 |
Key Factor Adoption Blockchain Technology In Smart Supply Management: Literature Review |
5A.5 |
617 |
Success Factors of the Blockchain Adoption for Smart Manufacture |
Krisnawati, Lucia |
4A.5 |
532 |
Visual Perception Evaluation from The Synthesis of Realistic Facial Expressions Based On Feature Point Clusters |
Kuncoro, Muhamad Wahyu |
1A.2 |
5 |
Roundness and Eccentricity Feature Extraction for Javanese Handwritten Character Recognition based on K-Nearest Neighbor |
Kurnia, Reni |
2A.1 |
174 |
Software Metrics Classification for Agile Scrum Process: A Literature Review |
Kurniawan, Aditya |
1A.6 |
28 |
Face Authentication in E-Learning using Local Binary Pattern and Haar Cascade |
Kurniawan, Defri |
2A.5 |
198 |
Analysis And Design Of Online Exam System At School Using Unified Model |
Kusrahardjo, Gatot |
4B.1 |
555 |
Data Communication Protocols Supporting Monitoring Service of Traffic Management Center |
Kusumastuti, Dwi |
2C.6 |
293 |
Student Satisfaction on E-learning Website |
2D.4 |
327 |
Consumer Segmentation Using Case Base Reasoning Approach To Printing Company |
L A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
Labayne, Jonalyn Joy |
2C.7 |
299 |
Institutional Evaluation System with Data Analytics: Input to Continuous Quality Improvement |
Lestari, Indah |
3A.5 |
373 |
The Antecedents of Cloud Storage's Continued Use on Higher Education |
Lisanti, Yuliana |
3B.4 |
410 |
The Impact of Facebook and Whatsapp Utilization to The Learning Effectiveness |
Luhukay, Devyano |
3B.4 |
410 |
The Impact of Facebook and Whatsapp Utilization to The Learning Effectiveness |
M A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
M Saleh, Abdul |
1B.3 |
55 |
Multi-Method Approach for Visual Detection to Improve M-Banking Application Among Students in Yogyakarta |
Mahananto, Faizal |
2D.8 |
347 |
Agricultural Strategic Commodity Price Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network |
Mahastama, Aditya |
4A.5 |
532 |
Visual Perception Evaluation from The Synthesis of Realistic Facial Expressions Based On Feature Point Clusters |
Manongga, Daniel |
3B.2 |
400 |
Identification of Influencers in Social Media using Social Network Analysis (SNA) |
Manongga, Danny |
3B.3 |
405 |
The Spread Path of Hoax News in Social Media (Facebook)Using Social Network Analysis (SNA) |
Marjudi, Suziyanti |
1C.4 |
103 |
A Study of Tracking Technology in Supply Chain Management |
2C.4 |
281 |
Exploiting Malay Corpus On Islamic Issue using Sketch Engine |
Marpaung, Budi |
6A.3 |
690 |
Theoretical Model of Determinants Factors of Health Information Technology (HIT) Acceptance |
Marutho, Dhendra |
2D.3 |
322 |
Measuring Hybrid SC-FCM Clustering with Cluster Validity Index |
Maspupah, Asri |
1B.8 |
83 |
Optimizing Outlier in K-Means Clustering Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm |
Meiyanti, Ruci |
2B.4 |
237 |
Exploring Factors Influence Behavioral Intention to Use E-Government Services Using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) |
2B.6 |
249 |
The Components of Smart City Initiative: A Literature Review |
Mercado, Lester |
3A.6 |
378 |
Intelligent Library Systems with Data Analytics for Enhanced Customer Relation Management Towards Continuous Quality Improvement |
Meyliana, Meyliana |
1C.3 |
99 |
Key Factor Adoption Blockchain Technology In Smart Supply Management: Literature Review |
3C.3 |
449 |
The Safe and Trust factors of Mobile Transportation System for user behavior in Indonesia |
5A.5 |
617 |
Success Factors of the Blockchain Adoption for Smart Manufacture |
Mohamad Amran, Mohd Fahmi |
3B.8 |
433 |
Sentiment Analysis for 2016's SPM and STPM leavers |
Moniaga, Jurike |
1A.6 |
28 |
Face Authentication in E-Learning using Local Binary Pattern and Haar Cascade |
Mubarok, Husein |
4A.7 |
544 |
Solar Cell-Wind Turbine Hybrid Generation as a Solution of the Energy Audit Analysis at Hospital |
Mukhneri, Mukhneri |
2C.6 |
293 |
Student Satisfaction on E-learning Website |
Mulyati, Sri |
2D.5 |
332 |
The system of Classification of Diseases With Fever Symptoms In Children Using Methods Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor |
Munandar, Aris |
4B.6 |
582 |
Design and development the IoT-based smart hydroponic system |
Murad, Dina |
2B.1 |
221 |
Effect Of Education, Performance, Position And Information Technology Competency Of Information Systems To Performance Of Information System |
3B.5 |
415 |
Elasticsearch Analyzer In Broad Match Advertising System |
3B.6 |
421 |
Text Mining Analysis Log Discussion Forum for Online Learning Recommendation Systems Using Machine Learning |
Murmanto, Imanuel Revelino |
2D.4 |
327 |
Consumer Segmentation Using Case Base Reasoning Approach To Printing Company |
Mustika, I Wayan |
5B.6 |
662 |
Proper Buffer Size and Time To Live on the Scheduled Train System using Delay-Tolerant Networks |
Mustofa, Khabib |
5A.1 |
595 |
Visual Adjustment Tools Selection for Multi-format Distributed World Framework |
N A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
Najwa, Nina |
1B.4 |
61 |
The Consistency of Using Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) on Risk Assessment of Information Technology |
Naviangga, Dani |
1D.3 |
140 |
Secure Mobile Payment Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography |
Negara, Edi Surya |
5A.3 |
606 |
Challenges for Implementation of The Draft of Presidential Regulation on Indonesia One Data |
Ningrum, Novita |
3D.2 |
481 |
Implementation of One Orde Extraction for Identification of Coal Batik Method with Backpropagation Method |
Nugraha, I Gusti Bagus Baskara |
1C.7 |
120 |
Blockchain Based Traceability System in Food Supply Chain |
Nurcahyo, Aldian |
2A.8 |
215 |
Big Data Architecture for Indonesia Online Travel Agent based on Cloud Computing |
Nursetyo, Arif |
1A.4 |
17 |
LatAksLate: Javanese Script Translator based on Indonesian Speech Recognition using Sphinx-4 and Google API |
5B.2 |
641 |
Smart Chatbot System for E-Commerce Assitance based on AIML |
P A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
Panjaitan, Christin |
1A.1 |
1 |
Comparison K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in Real Time Entrants Recognition |
3A.2 |
358 |
Radio Frequency Communication for Data Transceiver in Fluid Pressure Monitoring on U-tube |
Patmanthara, Syaad |
2C.2 |
271 |
E-learning Governance of Universitas Negeri Malang Using Cobit 4.1 Through Deliver and Support Domain |
Permanasari, Adhistya |
1B.1 |
43 |
Performance Comparison of Genetic Algorithm Operator Combinations for Optimization Problems |
2B.8 |
259 |
Analysis Distribution Traders and Population Density in Dharmasraya District of West Sumatera Province Using Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis |
Pirmanto, Dovel |
3C.5 |
459 |
Logic Scoring of Preference Method for Determining Landfill with Geographic Information System |
Pramono, Luthfan Hadi |
3A.4 |
367 |
Round-robin Algorithm in HAProxy and Nginx Load Balancing Performance Evaluation: a Review |
Prasetijo, Agung |
5A.8 |
633 |
Indonesia Stock Exchange Securities Buy/ Sell Signal Detection using Bollinger Bands and Williams Percent Range |
Prasetyo, Khabib |
1D.7 |
163 |
Secured PVD Video Steganography Method based on AES and Linear Congruential Generator |
Pratama, Rian |
4B.6 |
582 |
Design and development the IoT-based smart hydroponic system |
Prathama, Dhimas Riksa |
1D.3 |
140 |
Secure Mobile Payment Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography |
Pratiwi, Dian |
5A.4 |
612 |
Legal Protection Policy on Computer Programming of Document Security System Based On Law No. 28 Copyright |
Presekal, Alfan |
3C.1 |
439 |
Performance Comparison of Dalvik and ART on Different Android-Based Mobile Devices |
Prihandoko, Prihandoko |
2D.1 |
310 |
Analysis of Tuberculosis Cases in Indonesian by Using K-means Clustering Technique |
Priskila, Ressa |
2B.7 |
253 |
An Investigation of Factors Affecting the Success of Regional Financial Management Information System (Case Study of Palangka Raya Government) |
Priyatama, Wisnu |
4A.7 |
544 |
Solar Cell-Wind Turbine Hybrid Generation as a Solution of the Energy Audit Analysis at Hospital |
Pudjajana, Andre |
3B.2 |
400 |
Identification of Influencers in Social Media using Social Network Analysis (SNA) |
Purnawan, Heri |
4B.3 |
566 |
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Missile Firing Impact Force on Warship |
Purnomo, Hindriyanto |
3B.2 |
400 |
Identification of Influencers in Social Media using Social Network Analysis (SNA) |
Purnomo, Mauridhi |
5A.6 |
622 |
Waqf Lands Assets Classification Based On Productive Value For Business Development Using Naïve Bayes |
Puspitaningrum, Ari Cahaya |
1C.2 |
93 |
A Proposed Stages to Develop E-Government Master Plan in Indonesia |
Puspitasari, Windi |
3A.3 |
362 |
Real-Time Monitoring and Automated Control Of Greenhouse Using Wireless Sensor Network: Design and Implementation |
Putra, Rizky |
2D.5 |
332 |
The system of Classification of Diseases With Fever Symptoms In Children Using Methods Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor |
Putrie, Vike Maylana |
1D.5 |
152 |
Super Encryption using Transposition-Hill Cipher for Digital Color Image |
Putro, Endi |
2B.2 |
227 |
Information Technology Governance For Smart Village in Indonesia |
Putro, Irfan |
3D.3 |
487 |
Electrical Conductivity Prediction System of Honey using Hyperspectral Imaging |
Putro, Prasetyo Adi Wibowo |
1D.2 |
136 |
Comparative Implementation Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA) And Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) For Open Source Develop Cryptomator Library Based On Android |
1D.3 |
140 |
Secure Mobile Payment Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography |
R A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
Rabiha, Sucianna |
1A.6 |
28 |
Face Authentication in E-Learning using Local Binary Pattern and Haar Cascade |
2D.4 |
327 |
Consumer Segmentation Using Case Base Reasoning Approach To Printing Company |
Rachmawanto, Eko |
1A.2 |
5 |
Roundness and Eccentricity Feature Extraction for Javanese Handwritten Character Recognition based on K-Nearest Neighbor |
1A.3 |
11 |
An Effective MRI Brain Image Segmentation using Joint Clustering (K-Means and Fuzzy C-Means) |
1A.5 |
23 |
Pathogenic Bacteria Genus Classification using Support Vector Machine |
1A.7 |
33 |
A Survey: Effect of the Number of GLCM Features on Classification Accuracy of Lasem Batik Images using K-Nearest Neighbor |
1D.4 |
146 |
Design and Implementation of AES and SHA-256 Cryptography for Securing Multimedia File over Android Chat Application |
1D.5 |
152 |
Super Encryption using Transposition-Hill Cipher for Digital Color Image |
1D.6 |
158 |
Improved Message Payload and Security of Image Steganography using 3-3-2 LSB and Dual Encryption |
1D.7 |
163 |
Secured PVD Video Steganography Method based on AES and Linear Congruential Generator |
4A.3 |
522 |
Image Watermarking using Triple Transform (DCT-DWT-SVD) to Improve Copyright Protection Performance |
Rahardwika, Dewangga |
1A.5 |
23 |
Pathogenic Bacteria Genus Classification using Support Vector Machine |
Rahman, Aulia |
5A.7 |
627 |
Review on Food Recommender System for Diabetes Mellitus |
Rahman, Yuli |
6A.5 |
699 |
An empirical metaheuristic assessment for solving of multi type DGs allocation problem |
Rahmatullah, Daeng |
4B.2 |
560 |
Adaptive DOCR Coordination in Loop Electrical Distribution System With DG Using Artificial Neural Network LMBP |
Rahmawanto, Fathur |
5B.5 |
656 |
Similarity Detector On The Student Assignment Document Using Levenshtein Distance Method |
Rahmayuna, Novita |
1A.5 |
23 |
Pathogenic Bacteria Genus Classification using Support Vector Machine |
Raja Lope Ahmad, Raja Mohd Tariqi |
1C.4 |
103 |
A Study of Tracking Technology in Supply Chain Management |
2C.4 |
281 |
Exploiting Malay Corpus On Islamic Issue using Sketch Engine |
Rakhmawati, Lusia |
4A.2 |
518 |
Fragile Watermarking Technique using a Linear Block Mapping for Document Image Authentication with Recovery Capability |
Rijati, Nova |
1D.7 |
163 |
Secured PVD Video Steganography Method based on AES and Linear Congruential Generator |
Riskinanto, Anggar |
3A.5 |
373 |
The Antecedents of Cloud Storage's Continued Use on Higher Education |
Rizqyawan, Muhammad Ilham |
4B.6 |
582 |
Design and development the IoT-based smart hydroponic system |
Rochimah, Siti |
2B.5 |
243 |
Error Message Quality of Web Form: Assessment on Existing Parameters |
5A.2 |
601 |
Activity Diagram Similarity Measurement: A Different Approach |
Rochmawati, Naim |
4A.2 |
518 |
Fragile Watermarking Technique using a Linear Block Mapping for Document Image Authentication with Recovery Capability |
Rofiq, M |
2D.8 |
347 |
Agricultural Strategic Commodity Price Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network |
Rosfitasari, Yuzi |
3D.2 |
481 |
Implementation of One Orde Extraction for Identification of Coal Batik Method with Backpropagation Method |
S A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
S, Syamsudin |
2B.4 |
237 |
Exploring Factors Influence Behavioral Intention to Use E-Government Services Using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) |
Safitri, Erika |
1B.7 |
77 |
Landslide Risk Mapping in East Java, Indonesia, Using Analytic Hierarchy Process - Natural Breaks Classification |
Safitri, Irma |
4A.1 |
513 |
Compressive Sensing L1 Norm for 2D-DCT Huffman Coding Medical Image Watermarking |
4A.8 |
550 |
Compressive Sensing and Histogram Adaptive Fuzzy Image Steganography |
Salim, Taufik |
4B.6 |
582 |
Design and development the IoT-based smart hydroponic system |
Sani, Ramadhan |
2A.5 |
198 |
Analysis And Design Of Online Exam System At School Using Unified Model |
Santoso, Albertus |
1B.2 |
49 |
Determine The Winner of The Construction Tender in Central Kalimantan Using Analysis Network Process (Case Study: LPSE Central Kalimantan) |
Santoso, Albertus Joko |
2B.7 |
253 |
An Investigation of Factors Affecting the Success of Regional Financial Management Information System (Case Study of Palangka Raya Government) |
Santoso, Irwan |
3C.6 |
465 |
Optimization of Naïve Bayes Classifier To Classify Green Open Space Object Based on Google Earth Image |
Saputro, Adhi |
3D.3 |
487 |
Electrical Conductivity Prediction System of Honey using Hyperspectral Imaging |
Sari, Christy Atika |
1A.2 |
5 |
Roundness and Eccentricity Feature Extraction for Javanese Handwritten Character Recognition based on K-Nearest Neighbor |
1A.3 |
11 |
An Effective MRI Brain Image Segmentation using Joint Clustering (K-Means and Fuzzy C-Means) |
1A.5 |
23 |
Pathogenic Bacteria Genus Classification using Support Vector Machine |
1A.7 |
33 |
A Survey: Effect of the Number of GLCM Features on Classification Accuracy of Lasem Batik Images using K-Nearest Neighbor |
1D.4 |
146 |
Design and Implementation of AES and SHA-256 Cryptography for Securing Multimedia File over Android Chat Application |
1D.5 |
152 |
Super Encryption using Transposition-Hill Cipher for Digital Color Image |
1D.6 |
158 |
Improved Message Payload and Security of Image Steganography using 3-3-2 LSB and Dual Encryption |
1D.7 |
163 |
Secured PVD Video Steganography Method based on AES and Linear Congruential Generator |
4A.3 |
522 |
Image Watermarking using Triple Transform (DCT-DWT-SVD) to Improve Copyright Protection Performance |
Sari, Riri |
1C.8 |
126 |
Evaluation Of Proof Of Work (Pow) Blockchains Security Network On Selfish Mining |
3C.1 |
439 |
Performance Comparison of Dalvik and ART on Different Android-Based Mobile Devices |
Sasmoko, Sasmoko |
1A.6 |
28 |
Face Authentication in E-Learning using Local Binary Pattern and Haar Cascade |
2C.6 |
293 |
Student Satisfaction on E-learning Website |
2D.4 |
327 |
Consumer Segmentation Using Case Base Reasoning Approach To Printing Company |
Satria, Novian Fajar |
4B.5 |
577 |
Balance Control of Humanoid Dancing Robot ERISA while Walking on Sloped Surface using PID |
Sauffi, Muhammad |
1C.4 |
103 |
A Study of Tracking Technology in Supply Chain Management |
Sembiring, Irwan |
3B.3 |
405 |
The Spread Path of Hoax News in Social Media (Facebook)Using Social Network Analysis (SNA) |
Sensuse, Dana |
2B.4 |
237 |
Exploring Factors Influence Behavioral Intention to Use E-Government Services Using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) |
Septiana, Risma |
1D.1 |
131 |
Robustness of Steganography Image Method Using Dynamical Management Position of Least Significant Bit (LSB) |
Setiadi, De Rosal Ignatius Moses |
1A.2 |
5 |
Roundness and Eccentricity Feature Extraction for Javanese Handwritten Character Recognition based on K-Nearest Neighbor |
1A.3 |
11 |
An Effective MRI Brain Image Segmentation using Joint Clustering (K-Means and Fuzzy C-Means) |
1A.4 |
17 |
LatAksLate: Javanese Script Translator based on Indonesian Speech Recognition using Sphinx-4 and Google API |
1A.5 |
23 |
Pathogenic Bacteria Genus Classification using Support Vector Machine |
1A.7 |
33 |
A Survey: Effect of the Number of GLCM Features on Classification Accuracy of Lasem Batik Images using K-Nearest Neighbor |
1D.4 |
146 |
Design and Implementation of AES and SHA-256 Cryptography for Securing Multimedia File over Android Chat Application |
1D.5 |
152 |
Super Encryption using Transposition-Hill Cipher for Digital Color Image |
1D.6 |
158 |
Improved Message Payload and Security of Image Steganography using 3-3-2 LSB and Dual Encryption |
1D.7 |
163 |
Secured PVD Video Steganography Method based on AES and Linear Congruential Generator |
4A.3 |
522 |
Image Watermarking using Triple Transform (DCT-DWT-SVD) to Improve Copyright Protection Performance |
5B.2 |
641 |
Smart Chatbot System for E-Commerce Assitance based on AIML |
Setiawan, Hermawan |
1D.8 |
168 |
Design of Secure Electronic Disposition Applications by Applying Blowfish, SHA-512, and RSA Digital Signature Algorithms to The Y Institution |
Setijadi, Eko |
4B.1 |
555 |
Data Communication Protocols Supporting Monitoring Service of Traffic Management Center |
Setik, Roziyani |
1C.4 |
103 |
A Study of Tracking Technology in Supply Chain Management |
2C.4 |
281 |
Exploiting Malay Corpus On Islamic Issue using Sketch Engine |
3B.8 |
433 |
Sentiment Analysis for 2016's SPM and STPM leavers |
Setiowati, Yuliana |
3B.7 |
427 |
Service Extraction and Sentiment Analysis to Indicate Hotel Service Quality in Yogyakarta based on User Opinion |
Setyabudhi, Nugroho |
1C.6 |
114 |
Factors Influencing The Adoption of e-Government by Indonesian Agribusiness Companies |
Setyawan, Robert |
1A.3 |
11 |
An Effective MRI Brain Image Segmentation using Joint Clustering (K-Means and Fuzzy C-Means) |
Setyohadi, Djoko |
1B.2 |
49 |
Determine The Winner of The Construction Tender in Central Kalimantan Using Analysis Network Process (Case Study: LPSE Central Kalimantan) |
1B.3 |
55 |
Multi-Method Approach for Visual Detection to Improve M-Banking Application Among Students in Yogyakarta |
2B.7 |
253 |
An Investigation of Factors Affecting the Success of Regional Financial Management Information System (Case Study of Palangka Raya Government) |
Setyorini, Fitri |
3B.7 |
427 |
Service Extraction and Sentiment Analysis to Indicate Hotel Service Quality in Yogyakarta based on User Opinion |
Setyowati, Lilis |
2D.1 |
310 |
Analysis of Tuberculosis Cases in Indonesian by Using K-means Clustering Technique |
Setyowati, Reni |
5A.3 |
606 |
Challenges for Implementation of The Draft of Presidential Regulation on Indonesia One Data |
Sevani, Nina |
6A.3 |
690 |
Theoretical Model of Determinants Factors of Health Information Technology (HIT) Acceptance |
Sfenrianto, Sfenrianto |
2A.8 |
215 |
Big Data Architecture for Indonesia Online Travel Agent based on Cloud Computing |
Shofro, Puteri Awaliatush |
1D.6 |
158 |
Improved Message Payload and Security of Image Steganography using 3-3-2 LSB and Dual Encryption |
Shohieb, Samaa |
6A.2 |
685 |
A Proposed Effective Framework for Elderly with Dementia Using Data Mining Technique |
Sholiq, Sholiq |
2A.3 |
186 |
Effort Distribution per Activities for Small Software Development Project Which Uses Prototype Model |
2A.4 |
192 |
Quality Measurement of Software is Based on Characteristics of Functionality, Reliability, and Maintainability |
Siahaan, Daniel |
5A.2 |
601 |
Activity Diagram Similarity Measurement: A Different Approach |
Sihwi, Sari |
2D.6 |
338 |
Decision Support System of Complementary Breastfeeding Based on Ontology Modeling |
3B.1 |
394 |
Development of Regional Public Election Analytics Application In Indonesia Using Data from Twitter |
5B.3 |
646 |
SEMAR: An Interface for Indonesian Hate Speech Detection Using Machine Learning |
Sintiya, Endah |
1C.5 |
108 |
IT/E-Leadership Indicators to Explore Leadership Experience in E-Government Project |
Soeleman, Moch Arief |
3D.2 |
481 |
Implementation of One Orde Extraction for Identification of Coal Batik Method with Backpropagation Method |
4A.3 |
522 |
Image Watermarking using Triple Transform (DCT-DWT-SVD) to Improve Copyright Protection Performance |
Soesanti, Indah |
1B.1 |
43 |
Performance Comparison of Genetic Algorithm Operator Combinations for Optimization Problems |
3D.4 |
492 |
Classification of Batik Image using Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix Feature Extraction and Correlation Based Feature Selection |
5A.7 |
627 |
Review on Food Recommender System for Diabetes Mellitus |
Soyusiawaty, Dewi |
5B.5 |
656 |
Similarity Detector On The Student Assignment Document Using Levenshtein Distance Method |
Spits Warnars, Harco Leslie Hendric |
1C.3 |
99 |
Key Factor Adoption Blockchain Technology In Smart Supply Management: Literature Review |
5A.5 |
617 |
Success Factors of the Blockchain Adoption for Smart Manufacture |
Sriratnasari, Septia |
2A.8 |
215 |
Big Data Architecture for Indonesia Online Travel Agent based on Cloud Computing |
Subchan, Subchan |
4B.3 |
566 |
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Missile Firing Impact Force on Warship |
4B.4 |
571 |
Ship Heading Control of Warship Using Disturbance Compensating Model Predictive Control Method |
Subhiyakto, Egia |
2A.2 |
180 |
Fair Assessment in Collaboration Novice Teams for Basic Learning of UML Use Case Diagrams |
5B.2 |
641 |
Smart Chatbot System for E-Commerce Assitance based on AIML |
Subion, Marco Antonio |
3C.2 |
443 |
PaLife: A Mobile Application for Palay (Rice) Health Condition Classification Utilizing Image Processing and Pigment Analysis Towards Sustainability of Palay Production |
3C.4 |
453 |
VIP READY: A Mobile Leisure Search Engine for Visually Impaired Persons Utilizing Phone Motion and Speech Recognition |
3C.7 |
470 |
RESEARCH++: An Academic Social Networking Research Community Portal for Profiling and Expertise Classification |
Subriadi, Apol |
1B.4 |
61 |
The Consistency of Using Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) on Risk Assessment of Information Technology |
1B.5 |
67 |
The Need to Critical Review of Function Point Analysis |
2A.6 |
204 |
The Comparison Analysis of Estimation Effort Among Software Development Using Function Point Method |
2D.8 |
347 |
Agricultural Strategic Commodity Price Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network |
Sugiarto, Agung |
4B.5 |
577 |
Balance Control of Humanoid Dancing Robot ERISA while Walking on Sloped Surface using PID |
Sugiarto, Edi |
5A.6 |
622 |
Waqf Lands Assets Classification Based On Productive Value For Business Development Using Naïve Bayes |
Sulistianingsih, Nani |
3D.4 |
492 |
Classification of Batik Image using Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix Feature Extraction and Correlation Based Feature Selection |
Sulistiyono, Arif |
4A.5 |
532 |
Visual Perception Evaluation from The Synthesis of Realistic Facial Expressions Based On Feature Point Clusters |
Sulistyo, Selo |
5B.6 |
662 |
Proper Buffer Size and Time To Live on the Scheduled Train System using Delay-Tolerant Networks |
Sumaryanto, Sumaryanto |
2D.8 |
347 |
Agricultural Strategic Commodity Price Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network |
Sumpeno, Surya |
5A.6 |
622 |
Waqf Lands Assets Classification Based On Productive Value For Business Development Using Naïve Bayes |
Sunardi, Sunardi |
2D.2 |
316 |
MADM Model For Evaluation of Non-Permanent Teacher Performance Using Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS Methods |
Supriyono, Supriyono |
3C.6 |
465 |
Optimization of Naïve Bayes Classifier To Classify Green Open Space Object Based on Google Earth Image |
Surjandy, Surjandy |
1C.3 |
99 |
Key Factor Adoption Blockchain Technology In Smart Supply Management: Literature Review |
3C.3 |
449 |
The Safe and Trust factors of Mobile Transportation System for user behavior in Indonesia |
5A.5 |
617 |
Success Factors of the Blockchain Adoption for Smart Manufacture |
Susanto, Tony Dwi |
1C.1 |
87 |
The Success Factors in Implementation of The E-Government Master Plan |
1C.2 |
93 |
A Proposed Stages to Develop E-Government Master Plan in Indonesia |
Suseno, Jatmiko |
3C.5 |
459 |
Logic Scoring of Preference Method for Determining Landfill with Geographic Information System |
Sutadji, Eddy |
2C.2 |
271 |
E-learning Governance of Universitas Negeri Malang Using Cobit 4.1 Through Deliver and Support Domain |
T A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
Tamara, Mohamad |
3A.1 |
353 |
Development of A Warning Receiver System for Public Display Based on Application-Controlled Video Switcher |
Taryana, Ujang |
1A.8 |
39 |
Information as a Service on Cloud Computing Technology: A Review |
Taufiq, Taufiqqurrachman |
4B.8 |
591 |
OFDM based Signal Detection Performance in Cognitive Radio Systems |
Triandini, Evi |
5A.2 |
601 |
Activity Diagram Similarity Measurement: A Different Approach |
Trisno, Trisno |
3D.6 |
502 |
Clasification Of Typical Food From Sulawesi Using Artificial Neural Network And Wavelet Haar |
Trubus, Trubus |
5A.4 |
612 |
Legal Protection Policy on Computer Programming of Document Security System Based On Law No. 28 Copyright |
U A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
Urip Ari Wibowo, Agus |
5B.6 |
662 |
Proper Buffer Size and Time To Live on the Scheduled Train System using Delay-Tolerant Networks |
Utama, Ditdit |
1A.8 |
39 |
Information as a Service on Cloud Computing Technology: A Review |
Utami, Febyana |
3B.5 |
415 |
Elasticsearch Analyzer In Broad Match Advertising System |
Utomo, Danang |
2A.2 |
180 |
Fair Assessment in Collaboration Novice Teams for Basic Learning of UML Use Case Diagrams |
Utomo, Victor |
2D.3 |
322 |
Measuring Hybrid SC-FCM Clustering with Cluster Validity Index |
V A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
Vivien, Vivien |
3C.3 |
449 |
The Safe and Trust factors of Mobile Transportation System for user behavior in Indonesia |
W A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
Wael, Chaeriah |
4B.8 |
591 |
OFDM based Signal Detection Performance in Cognitive Radio Systems |
Wahyudi, Daud |
1A.6 |
28 |
Face Authentication in E-Learning using Local Binary Pattern and Haar Cascade |
Wahyunggoro, Oyas |
5A.7 |
627 |
Review on Food Recommender System for Diabetes Mellitus |
Wahyuni, Elyza |
3D.7 |
507 |
Decisions Support System To Determine Anxiety Levels Based On Fuzzy Preference Relations |
Wahyuni, Rinda |
2B.4 |
237 |
Exploring Factors Influence Behavioral Intention to Use E-Government Services Using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) |
Wan Hassan, Wan Azlan |
1C.4 |
103 |
A Study of Tracking Technology in Supply Chain Management |
2C.4 |
281 |
Exploiting Malay Corpus On Islamic Issue using Sketch Engine |
Wan Ismail, Wan Basri |
2C.4 |
281 |
Exploiting Malay Corpus On Islamic Issue using Sketch Engine |
Waskito, Yanuar |
3A.4 |
367 |
Round-robin Algorithm in HAProxy and Nginx Load Balancing Performance Evaluation: a Review |
Wibirama, Sunu |
2A.1 |
174 |
Software Metrics Classification for Agile Scrum Process: A Literature Review |
Wibowo, Ferry Wahyu |
3A.8 |
389 |
A Dynamic Intelligent Control Analysis on the Wireless Smart Machine Environments in The Industry 4.0 |
Wibowo, Jony Winaryo |
4B.6 |
582 |
Design and development the IoT-based smart hydroponic system |
Widayat, Widi |
2C.5 |
287 |
The effect of embedding dimension reduction on increasing LSTM performance for Sentiment Analysis |
Widia, Kiki |
1D.6 |
158 |
Improved Message Payload and Security of Image Steganography using 3-3-2 LSB and Dual Encryption |
Widianto, Eko |
4B.7 |
587 |
Performance of Sensors Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi through MQTT Protocol |
Widyasmoro, Agnes |
4A.5 |
532 |
Visual Perception Evaluation from The Synthesis of Realistic Facial Expressions Based On Feature Point Clusters |
Widyawan, Widy |
2C.5 |
287 |
The effect of embedding dimension reduction on increasing LSTM performance for Sentiment Analysis |
Wijanarko, Bambang |
3B.6 |
421 |
Text Mining Analysis Log Discussion Forum for Online Learning Recommendation Systems Using Machine Learning |
Wijayanti, Wiluyaningtyas |
2B.3 |
231 |
Data Quality Assessment on Higher Education: A Case Study of Institute of Statistics |
Wijayanto, Yusuf Nur |
4B.8 |
591 |
OFDM based Signal Detection Performance in Cognitive Radio Systems |
Wilantika, Nori |
2B.3 |
231 |
Data Quality Assessment on Higher Education: A Case Study of Institute of Statistics |
Wiliam, Andi |
2C.6 |
293 |
Student Satisfaction on E-learning Website |
Wilson, Eric |
1A.6 |
28 |
Face Authentication in E-Learning using Local Binary Pattern and Haar Cascade |
Winarno, Agus |
5A.6 |
622 |
Waqf Lands Assets Classification Based On Productive Value For Business Development Using Naïve Bayes |
Winarno, Edy |
4A.4 |
527 |
Image Watermarking using CRT through Gradient Magnitude of Laplacian Filter |
Windarto, Yudhi |
2B.2 |
227 |
Information Technology Governance For Smart Village in Indonesia |
Windasari, Ike |
5A.8 |
633 |
Indonesia Stock Exchange Securities Buy/ Sell Signal Detection using Bollinger Bands and Williams Percent Range |
Wiryanto, Wiryanto |
4A.2 |
518 |
Fragile Watermarking Technique using a Linear Block Mapping for Document Image Authentication with Recovery Capability |
Wiyono, Briansyah |
2B.5 |
243 |
Error Message Quality of Web Form: Assessment on Existing Parameters |
Y A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
Yhurinda Perdana Putri, Anggi |
1B.5 |
67 |
The Need to Critical Review of Function Point Analysis |
Yordan, Kahfi |
3D.7 |
507 |
Decisions Support System To Determine Anxiety Levels Based On Fuzzy Preference Relations |
Yossy, Emny |
2C.6 |
293 |
Student Satisfaction on E-learning Website |
2D.4 |
327 |
Consumer Segmentation Using Case Base Reasoning Approach To Printing Company |
Yudhoatmojo, Satrio |
2B.3 |
231 |
Data Quality Assessment on Higher Education: A Case Study of Institute of Statistics |
Yuhendra, Yuhendra |
3D.5 |
498 |
Image fusion for Classification Accuracy |
Yulherniwati, Yulherniwati |
2A.7 |
210 |
Modeling flexibility on internal quality assurance system business process |
Yulita, Intan |
2C.8 |
305 |
Random Subspace Method for Sleep Stage Classification of Autism Patients |
Z A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S T U V W Y Z |
Zahra, I |
1B.6 |
72 |
Development of Knowledge Management Application for Agricultural Indramayu |
Zahrotun, Lisna |
5B.7 |
668 |
The Implementation of Data Mining for Association Patterns Determination Using Temporal Association Methods in Medicine Data |
Zaini, Zulkifli |
2D.8 |
347 |
Agricultural Strategic Commodity Price Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network |