24/60-GHz Dual-Band Double-Directional Channel Measurements in Urban Cellular Access Environments
275-GHz Planar High-Gain Resonant Cavity Antenna With Effective Medium
28 GHz 5G OTA Test Using Optically-Transparent Reflective Surface Fabricated by Electroforming
340-GHz Antenna-Coupled High-Tc Superconducting Balanced Downconverter: Device Design and Performance Prediction
3D Broadband FSS With Through Holes and Low Profile for UHF and SHF Applications
3D Printed Anisotropic Dielectric Polarizer for 38 GHz Low Profile Horn Antenna Array
3D Tempered Glass-Covered Metasurface Antenna-In-Package Enabling Reliable 5G/6G Smartphone Beam Coverage
79 GHz Meandering Enclosed-Coplanar Variable Delay Lines in Liquid Crystals Encapsulated Within Independent and Shared Cavities
920 MHz Band Radio Wave Propagation Characteristics From Underground for Detecting Victims by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
A 1-Bit 14 × 14 Dual-Beam Electronically Reconfigurable Reflectarray
A 2.45 GHz Rectenna System for Far-Field Wireless Power Transfer / Energy Harvesting
A 300 GHz SiGe Patch Antenna With 5.3 dBi Gain Using Off-Chip Package
A 3D Printing 120 GHz Lens Antenna for Terahertz 1D Beam-Scanning Applications
A 3D-Printed Hybrid Dielectric Resonator Antenna With Low Cross-Polarization
A Beam-Forming Antenna Integrating Magic-T Based Matrix Feed Network
A Circularly Polarized Endfire Antenna Based on Single-Sided Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons
A Compact Broadband Quasi-Isotropic Antenna for Wireless Energy Harvesting Applications
A Compact Folded Transmitarray Antenna With Polarization-Dependent Metasurface
A Compact Rectangular Loop Antenna for 5G mmWave Application
A Compact Wideband Solar-Cell Integrated Antenna
A Design of 3-Pole Coupled Line Bandpass Filter Using Group Delay Analysis Approach
A Design of Broadband Axial Ratio Ellipse Microstrip Antenna for CP-SAR Sensor
A Design of Optimum Distributed Highpass Filter Using Defected Ground Structure
A Development of WPT Devices for Wireless-Powered Small Sensors for Home Health Care
A Differential Low-Profile Metasurface Filtering Antenna
A Dual Band Resonant-Cavity Antenna for Satellite Communication
A Dual-Passband Filter With Wide Stopband Based on Quarter-Mode Substrate Integrated Elliptical Waveguide
A Dual-Polarized High-NA Achromatic Transmission Huygens' Metalens
A Dual-Slant-Polarized Differentially-Fed In-Band Full-Duplex (IBFD) Antenna
A Feasibility Study of Circularly Polarized MACKEY Using Sequential Array Technique
A Filtering Power Divider With Wide Bandwidth Using a Single Dielectric-Loaded Cavity Resonator
A Fixed-Frequency Beam-Scanning Leaky-Wave Antenna Base on Phase and Amplitude Control
A Frequency Reconfigurable Metasurface Based on Liquid Metal
A GSM Band RF Sensor Antenna
A High-Efficiency 3D-Printed E-Band Dielectric Transmitarray for Integrated Space and Terrestrial Networks
A High-Efficiency Quasi-Optical Coupling Design for Terahertz Heterodyne Receivers
A High-Gain Single-Layered Circularly Polarized Spiral Series-Fed Patch Antenna Array
A Hybrid Dual-Polarized Conformal Dielectric Resonator Antenna Array for Mobile Terminals
A Ku-Band Circular-Polarized Horn Antenna Based on a 3D Printed Polarizer
A Low Profile and Broadband Silicon-Based Dielectric Resonator Antenna
A Low Profile Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons
A Low-Profile Direction-Finding Antenna With Deep Null Steering Using High-Impedance Surface
A Low-Profile Parasitic Dipole Antenna With Improved Bandwidth and Gain
A Low-Profile Polarization Reconfigurable Antenna
A Meta-Surface-Inspired Circularly Polarized Antenna With Magneto-Electric Feeding Structure
A Metamaterial-Inspired V-Shaped Wire Antenna for Wideband Operation
A Miniaturized Branch Line Coupler for 5G Dual Band Applications
A Modified Approach to Optimize Phase-Gradient Metasurface-Based Beam-Steering System
A Multi-Beam Array Antenna Employing Simple 4 × 2 Beam-Forming Network Integrating Magic-T and Hybrid Coupler
A New Design of a Fabry-Perot Cavity Antenna for Beam-Scanning With Polarization-Reconfiguration
A New Low-Cost and High-Gain Dual-Band Reflection/Transmission Array Antenna
A Novel Radiation Cancelling Filtering Dielectric Resonator Antenna Based on AMC Surface
A Parasitic Microstrip Linear Array With Customizable Tilted-Beam Radiation
A Prototype of Helmet Antenna With Omnidirectional Radiation Pattern for VHF
A Reconfigurable Circularly-Polarized Ring-Slot Antenna Employing Microstrip-Line Switchable Feed Network
A Simultaneous Beam Steering and Polarization Converting S-Band Transmitarray Antenna
A Smaller-Than-Nominal-Swath Design Methodology for Ship Detection Synthetic Aperture Radars on Small Satellites
A Study of Misalignment Effects for High- Frequency Wireless Power Transfer Systems Using a Novel Equivalent Transmission Line Model
A Study on Interference Suppression Performance Using Space Diversity of Mobile Terminal for Millimeter-Wave Full-Duplex MIMO System
A Study on Path Loss Prediction Based on Computer Graphics Technologies
A Test of Measurement of Antenna Alignment Using Image Processing
A Wide-Band and Wide-Beam 1-Bit Phase Reconfigurable Antenna
A Wideband Circularly Polarized Magneto-Electric Dipole Transmitarray Antenna
A Wideband High Gain Arched Slotted Patch Array Antenna by Substrate-Integrated Coaxial Line
A Wideband Low-Profile Transmitarray Antenna Based on Metasurface
A Wideband Rectangular DRA Excited by a Differential Power Divider
A Wideband Unbalanced-To-Unbalanced Choke for Return Current Suppression in Antenna Measurements
Air-Filled SIW Antenna for High Gain SmallSat Applications
All-Dielectric Phase Correcting Surface Using Fused Deposition Modeling Technique
An Accurate and Simple Method for Measurement of RF Characterization in Thin Substrate
An Efficient Method for Analyzing the Wideband RCS of Multi-Scale Objects Based on SAIM and CAT
An Experimental Study on DOA / DOD Measurement Method at 300 GHz Band by Double-Directional Rotating Reflector Antenna
An Improved RHCP Archimedean Spiral Antenna for Glacial Environmental Sensor Networks
An Optimal Decoupling Selection for a Monopole Array on Finite Sized Ground Plane
An Rx Selection for Reducing Spatial Variation in TOA Localization Accuracy
An SIW Leaky-Wave Antenna With Electronically Controlled Beam Scanning Performance
Analyses of Transmission Loss of a Gap Waveguide Composed of a Dielectric Substrate With EBG Elements
Analysis of AMC and EBG Properties in Planar Log-Periodic Toothed Antenna
Anomaly Localisation From Microwave Signals Using Deep Learning
Antenna and Propagation Measurements for Next Generation Mobile Communications
Antenna Requirements for Ionospheric Remote Sensing Using a Small Satellite
Assessing the Movement of Microwave Cables by Statistical Indicators
Attributed Scattering Center Extraction With Improved Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
Azimuth and Elevation Scanning With Stacked Modulated Geodesic Luneburg Lenses
Bandwidth Enhancement by Interconnecting Double Hexagonal Loops FSS
Bandwidth Extension of GSCPW-To-Waveguide Transition in Multi-Layer Dielectric Substrate by Corrugation Structures in THz Band
Bandwidth Improvement of Single-Layer, Circularly-Polarized, Proximity-Fed Patch Antenna
Basic Study of the Placement and Number of Receiving Antennas in Undersea Positioning
Beam Manipulations of Reconfigurable GeTe Metasurface for Terahertz Frequencies
Bistatic HFSWR Impulsive Interference Suppression Based on Data Fusion
Bistatic Millimeter-Wave Imaging Using Leaky-Wave Focusing Antennas
Breathing Detection via a UWB Radar
Broadband Active Switchable Absorber With Low DC Power Consumption
Broadband Diversity Antenna Array for UHF Digital TV
Broadband Metamaterial Polarizing Reflector at X-Band Frequencies for RIS Application
Broadbanding of Electrically Small Hemispherical Helix Antennas
C-Band Dual-Polarized Hat-Fed Reflector Antenna
Channel Estimation Errors and Their Impact on Irregular Array Performance in Massive MIMO
Characteristic Mode Analysis for Reconfigurable Antennas on Complex Platforms
Characteristics Study of Structure of the Antenna Composed of a Metal Box and Folded Dipole Element
Circular Polarization of MACKEY Q-Type
Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna With Rotated S Shape Slot for 5 G Application
Circularly Polarized Slotted Waveguide Leaky Wave Antenna at W Band for Radar Application
Circularly Polarized Wide-Angle Beam Scanning Circular Array Antenna
Closed-Path Toroidal-Waveguide Leaky-Wave Antenna With Directive Beam
Closely Spaced MIMO Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Sub 6 GHz Applications
Clutter Removal in Ground-Penetrating Radar Images Using Deep Neural Networks
Co-Simulation Method Using Active Device Models in Microwave Simulators
Complementary C-Shaped High-Sensitivity Resonator Sensor for Material Characterizations
Consideration of MACKEY Reverse F-Type for Multi-Band Purposes
Cost-Effective Fully-Metallic Geodesic H-Plane Horn Antenna
Cylindrical Near-Field Scanning of Bistatic Radar Cross Section for Reflectarray With Two-Dimensional Reflection
DCNN-Based Multipath Channel Prediction Model in Mobile Communication Environment
Decoupling of Four Closely Spaced PIFAs Using Parasitic Elements and Bridge Lines
Design Consideration of Dual-Polarized Angle- Selective Surfaces
Design for Uniform Aperture Distribution of 2×2 Lens Array Using Concave-Convex Lens in THz Band
Design Method of a High-Directivity Corner Fabry-Perot Cavity Antenna Using a Conformal Mapping
Design of 275 GHz Beamforming Network Using Partial Maxwell's Fisheye Lens
Design of a Shared-Aperture Antenna With a Hashmark-Shaped Loop to Improve Electromagnetic Transparent Characteristics
Design of a Single Radiator Monopulse Antenna for UWB Direction Finding
Design of a Waveguide Two-Plane Coupler With a Different Division Ratio in Horizontal and Vertical Directions
Design of a Wideband Millimeter-Wave Circularly Polarized Lens Antenna
Design of Compact Bandpass Filter With Stub-Loaded to the Closed Loop Resonator
Design of Millimeter-Wave Antenna for Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR)
Design of Millimetre-Wave Low-Noise Amplifier in 130-nm SiGe HBT Technology
Design of Millimetre-Wave Passive Mixer in 45-nm SOI CMOS Technology
Design of mmW Broad-Beam Reflecting Surface Using Grey Wolf Optimizer
Design of Vivaldi Antenna With Ultra-Wide Passband and A Band Notch
Development and Verification of Double-Directional Channel Sounder at 300 GHz
Development of a Numerical Model of 60 GHz Band Lens Antenna for the Study of Thermo-Physiological and Cellular Function Changes Induced by Millimeter-Wave Exposure
Development of Scanning Spot Beam Reflectarray Antenna
Development of Single-Layer Full-Corporate-Fed SIW Slot Array Antennas
Differential Feeding for High-Gain Low Side Lobe Slotted Waveguide Array Antenna in High Power Applications
Distance Detection to a Human Body in a Sensing Technique Based on Changes of Antenna Characteristics
Distance Measurement Method Using Neural Network Learning of Microwave Reflection Signals
Diverse Beam-Generating Boundary Tunable Metasurface Antenna for Imaging
Diversity Methods for Mitigating Tropospheric Attenuation in Thailand for Future Satellite Communication
Doppler Analysis for Flying Object With Microwave Signal From Low Earth Orbit Satellite
Doppler Shift Analysis of Moving Antennas Above the Road Surface by Using FDTD Method
Doppler Velocity Decomposed Radar Imaging Method for 79 GHz Band Millimeter Wave Radar
Dual Band Independent Phase Shift Electronically Reconfigurable Transmitarray for Ku Band
Dual-Band Dielectric Resonator Antenna With Self-Decoupling Characteristics
Dual-Wideband Dual-Polarized Gridded Patch Antenna Array for 5G Millimeter-Wave Systems
Dynamic Heart Phantom for Electromagnetic Imaging
E-Band Multibeam Conformal Transmitarrays for Beyond 5G Wireless Networks
Effect of Directional Antenna Arrays on Millimeter Wave Cellular Networks
Effective Modeling Method of Single Antenna Above Meta-Surfaces in FDTD Method
Electrical Characterization of Pandanus Atrocarpus as a New Flexible Organic-Based Substrate: A Preliminary Studies
Electrical Performances of Meander Line Antenna in Fat Phantom
Electromagnetic Shielding Using Graphene Material in Wide Bandwidth of 1.5GHz - 10GHz
Electronically-Controlled Leaky-Wave Antenna With Dual-Band Fixed-Frequency Beam-Steering Performance
Element-Level Electric-Field Measurement of Phased Array Antennas Using Electro-Optic System for mm-Wave 5G Communications
Element-Level Phase Measurement and Calibration of Array Antenna for mmWave 5G Communications
Enabling Simultaneous Near-Field Focusing and Far-Field Radiation Using Multiple Lenses
Evaluation of Luneberg Lens Focusing Performance in a Finite Size Anechoic Chamber
Evaluation of Secret Transmission Performance of Spatially Selective Modulation
Experimental Study of Efficiency With Inductance Load and Relay Coil for Magnetic Field Coupling WPT
Experimental Study of Site-VSWR Method for Radiated Emission Test Sites Above 18 GHz
Experimental Study on 3D Imaging Using Millimeter-Wave Non-Uniform 2D-MIMO Radar
Far Field Analysis by MR/FDTD With Adaptive Integration Method
Fast Optimization of Unbalanced Filtering Antenna and Phase Controlled Transmission Line With Arbitrary Reference Impedances
Feasibility Analysis of Ambient RF Energy Harvesting for Low-Power IoT Devices
Feeding Effects to Gain Enhancement of Microstrip Antennas With Partially Reflective Surfaces
Field Theoretic Analysis of a Four Port Narrow Wall Directional Coupler
Field-Calibrated Electro-Optic Probe for mmWave 5G Communications
Filtering Differential Phase Shifter With Arbitrary Prescribed Wideband Flat Phase Difference and Group Delay
Flexible Biosensor for Non-Invasive Continuous Alcohol Monitoring
Flexible Low-Profile On-Metal Tag Antenna for Asset Tracking and Identification
Flux Separation Method for Gain Analysis on Telescope Antenna With Segmented Reflector
Focal Region Ray Tracing of Dielectric Lens Antennas for Multibeam Designing
foF2 Estimation With TEC Observation Over China Based on Random Forest Method
Forward Scatter Shadow Ratio for Passive Forward Scatter Radar
Full Azimuthal Coverage in Planar Lens Antennas
Fundamental Study on Misclassification of Urban Areas in Scattering Power Decomposition for PolSAR Data
Generation of Plane Waves in the Nearfield Region in a Restricted Environment
Groove Gap Waveguide With Interlaced Pins for Higher-Frequency Fabrication
High Gain Filtering Lens Antenna
High Impedance Wire-Loop Antennas for Wireless Power Transfer Systems
High-Efficiency Reconfigurable Reflectarray Based on Small Unit Cell of Ring Patch
High-Precision Measurement of the Radiation Patterns of Small Antennas by an S-Parameter Method Using a Photodiode Module
Impact of Addressing Techniques on Liquid Crystal-Based mm-Wave Reflectarrays
Impact of Magnetometer Boom With Radio Wave Experiment on RIME Performance Aboard JUICE
Impact of Test Zone Polarization-Imbalance on MIMO Efficiency in a Random-LOS OTA Setup
Improvement of Aperture Efficiency of Reflectarray Antenna Using Passive and Active Unit Cell
Improvement of Target Estimation Accuracy of Terahertz Reflection Time-Domain Spectroscopy With MUSIC Using Virtual Arrays
Improving Millimetre Wave Coverage in an Indoor Environment Using Passive Reflectors
Integrated mmWave 1x4 Half-Circle Monopole Antenna Array for Board-To-Board Communication
Inverse Design of Antenna Beam Pattern for Millimeter-Wave Base Station Applications
Inverse Scattering Enhanced Synthetic Aperture Imaging for Multi-Layered Ground Media
Ka-Band Huygens Array With High Realized Aperture Efficiency for 5G Wireless Applications
Ka-Band Implementation of a Geodesic Half Maxwell Fisheye Lens Antenna
Ku-Band Metallic Metasurfaces for High-Power Microwave Applications
Leaky Wave Antenna Design by Loading Radiating Elements to an Asymmetrical SSPP Line
Link Budget Analysis of Low Earth Orbit Satellites Considering Antenna Patterns and Wave Propagation in Interference Situations
Liquid Crystal Based High-Efficiency Reconfigurable Metasurface
Low Profile Cylindrical Lens Antenna With Matching Layers for 2-Dimensional Beam-Scanning
Measurement of a 60-GHz-Band Digital Beamforming Array Using 4-By-2 Circular Patch
Measurement of a Cryogenically Cooled Ultra Wideband Feed Horn for the Effelsberg Telescope
Metamaterial Based Beamforming Network Integrated With Wilkinson Power Divider
Metasurface-Based Target Imaging and Range Detection
Millimeter-Wave Display-Mounted Antenna for Hand Gesture Sensing on Mobile Devices
Millimeter-Wave Dual-Band Antenna Array Integrated in Metal-Framed Smartphones
Miniaturized UHF Module-Integrated Antenna With RF-Based Detection for Multi-Objective UAV Applications
Miniaturized Wearable Antennas Using Resonant Current Path Length Manipulation
Modular Wearable Textile Antenna With Pattern-Interchangeability Using Snap-On Buttons
Monopole Antenna With Dual-Band and Dual-Sense of Reconfigurable Circular Polarization
Monopulse Feeding Network Based on New Gap Waveguide Planar Magic-Tees
Multi-Antenna-In-Package With High Isolation
Multifunctional, Low-Profile, Compact and Wideband Inductive Grid-Array Metasurface Antennas
Near-Field Measurement and Far-Field Characterization of Antennas in Microwave, Millimeter-Wave and THz Wave Band Based on Photonics
Near-Field Measurement for 5G Modulated-Signal Radiated From the Antenna
Neural Network Model-Based Self-Interference Cancellers for True Full-Duplex Systems
Noncontact Size Detection Method for Bedsores
Null-Steering Metaspiral Antenna
Numerical Simulation of New Transmitting Structure in Lateral Wells
On the Equivalence Between Geometry and Material Properties in Maxwell's Equations
One-Port Calibration Methods Applicable to Free-Space Material Measurement
Open Resonator Antenna Filled With Metamaterials
Orthogonal Polarized Omnidirectional Antenna Composed of Halo Antenna With Parasitic Elements and Dipole Antenna
Oval-Slot and Arc-Slits-Loaded UWB Planar Oval Monopole Antenna
Overview of a Miniaturized High-Gain Reflectarray Antenna
Overview of Research on Metalenses and Geodesic Lenses for 5G/6G Applications in Ericsson
Parameter Estimation of LFM-BPSK Composite Modulated Radar Signal Based on Multi-Output Regression Network
Performance Analysis of a Wireless Backhaul Network at Terahertz Frequencies
Phased Array of Dielectric Cuboid Antenna at 300 GHz Band
Phaseless Single Hemispherical Near Field Measurement
Physical Implementation of Huygens' Metasurface for High Refraction Efficiency
Polarisation Insensitive Transparent Metasurface With Dual Pass Band and Dual Stop Band for Wide-Incidence Angle Coverage Enhancement
Polarization Insensitive Reconfigurable Artificial Magnetic Conductor for Wideband Applications
Precise Modeling of Active Component in Ka-Band Using Deep Neural Network Trained With S21 Data
Preliminary Study on Receiving Status at MLAT Station and Estimated Aircraft Position
Propagation Loss Characteristics Considering Human Body Shadowing in Local 5G Frequency Band Using Parallel FDTD Analysis
Radar Enhanced Contrast Source Inversion Method for Microwave Nondestructive Evaluation
Radar Working Mode Recognition Algorithm Based on Siamese Network and Deep Auto Encoder-Affinity Propagation
Radiation Characteristics of Three Dimensional Printed Meta-Surface in Broadside Condition
Radiation Characteristics of Wideband Skeletal Discone Antenna
Radiation Pattern of a Radially Arranged Array in Relation With the Number of Linear Arrays
Rapid Measurement and Estimation of Antenna Radiation Pattern Based on Characteristic Mode
Ray-Tracing Analysis of Double-Layer Geodesic Lens Antenna
Ray-Tracing Model for Elliptical Half-Geodesic Lens Antennas
Reconfigurable Metasurface With a Novel Coupled Line Structure for Ka-Band
Reconfigurable Phased Array Antenna Based on Liquid Crystal With Miniaturized Bandpass Filter
Reflected Slow and Fast Wave Attenuation Association With Cancellous Models Porosities and Thicknessess
Reflective Metasurface for 5G mmWave Coverage Enhancement
Research Advance on Multistate Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons Antennas
RF Energy Harvesting System for Polarization Independence and Stability of Time-Varying Signal
Ridge Gap Waveguide Based Slot Antenna Array for Point to Point Wireless Communication
RNN Based Proactive Received Power Prediction Using Latest and Estimated Received Power
Robust Beamforming for Space-Based SAR Phased Arrays With Distributed Interferer Suppression
Scan Angle Extending Lenses Using Multiple-Boundaries
Series-Fed Printed-Dipoles With a Director for Substrate Lateral Radiation
Series-Fed Slit Ring Resonator Antenna Array With Wide Fan-Beam and High Gain
Short-Circuit Excitation Electrically Small Antenna Design With Reactive Loading
Simplified OTA Test Using Phase-Less Spherical Near Field
Simultaneous Estimation of Walking Occupant Location and Stationary Occupant Respiratory Rate Using Millimeter-Wave Radar
Simultaneous L/X Prime Focus (F/D=0.41) Feed System for Remote Sensing Application
Simultaneous S/X 3.7 m-Diameter Earth Station
Single Layer Unit Cell With Reduced Phase Sensitivity for X-Band Reflectarray Applications
Single Substrate Electrically Small Huygens Dipole Antenna Design With Reactive Loading
Single-Layered Reflectarray Antenna With Branch Elements
Site-Specific Model of Building Entry Loss Based on Measurements in a High-Rise Building
Small Loop Shape Antenna for Generating a Localized Heating Region
Study on Roll Angle Estimation of Radar Target Using Null Beam and Rotation Matrix
Suppression of Multiple Reflection by Metasurface Absorber in 120-GHz-Band Close-Proximity Wireless Link
Surface Integral Equation Based Characteristic Mode Analysis of Dielectric Objects
Synthesizing Multiple Beams, Sum and Difference Beams at 28GHz Based on A Programmable Metasurface
TEM-Wave Propagation Over a Graded Periodic RHM-LHM Composite in a Coaxial Waveguide
The Challenges of Millimeter-Wave Technology in 5G/B5G and Satellite Communication
The Design of a Dual-Band Bidirectional Metal-Only Transmit-Reflected-Array Antenna Element With Different Polarizations
The Effect of Raindrops on the Automotive On-Glass Antenna
Theoretical Design of Simultaneous Q/V Two-Port and Four-Port Feed Networks
Tilted Directional Couplers Based Nolen Matrix Beamforming Network for Fifth Generation Multi-Beam Application
Transient Radiation and Scattering From Wire Antennas Using a Product Nystrom Method
Triangular Intertwined Frequency Selective Surface
Two-Dimensional Arraying of Unbalanced MACKEY
Ultra-Wideband Dielectric Reflectarray Antenna With OAM Beams for mm-Wave Applications
Ultra-Wideband Frequency Selective Absorber With Dual Independent Notched Bands
Ultra-Wideband, Wide Scanning Phased Array for SATCOM Ground Station
Uniform Overlap Feeding Network to Reduce the Number of Phase Shifters in Scan Arrays
Universal Design Method for Traveling Wave Series-Fed Array Antennas
V2V Dynamic Channel Characterization in 5G mmWave Band
Validation of Phased Array Mutual Coupling Simulation With Analytical Calculation
Very Low-Profile and High Aperture Efficiency Fabry-Perot Cavity Antenna
Voltage Between Two Electrodes of Resonating Capacitive Couplers for Wireless Power Transfer
W-Band Millimeter-Wave Antenna Measurement System Using an Optical Fiber Link Millimeter-Wave Generator
Water-Loaded, Compact Ultrawideband Antenna With a Broadside Radiation Characteristic for Brain Signal Monitoring Applications
Wide-Angle Scanning and Gain Enhancement of Array Antenna by Dielectric Lens
Wide-Band Wide-Scan High-Gain CTS Array for SatCom Applications in PCB Technology
Wideband Circularly Polarized Antenna on Glass Substrate With High Optical Transparency
Wideband Design of 2×2-Element Dielectric-Filled Waveguide Slot Subarray for 350-GHz Band
Wideband Hybrid Couplers and Their Applications to Multi-Beam Antenna Feed Networks
Wideband RCA Using a True-Time-Delay Metasurface: An Experimental Demonstration
Wideband Shielding Diaphragm Based on Electrically Small Single-Negative Metamaterial for Package Application
Yagi-Uda Monopoles With Elevated-Angle Suppression for Endfire Radiation