Author |
Session |
Start page |
Title |
A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
A-Rahim, Mohamad |
CS4.1 |
139 |
Metamaterial Based Beamforming Network Integrated With Wilkinson Power Divider |
CS4.2 |
141 |
Broadband Metamaterial Polarizing Reflector at X-Band Frequencies for RIS Application |
CS4.4 |
145 |
Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna With Rotated S Shape Slot for 5 G Application |
RS19.2 |
463 |
Bandwidth Enhancement by Interconnecting Double Hexagonal Loops FSS |
RS23.4 |
513 |
A Miniaturized Branch Line Coupler for 5G Dual Band Applications |
Abbas, Syed Muzahir |
RS3.2 |
73 |
Radiation Characteristics of Three Dimensional Printed Meta-Surface in Broadside Condition |
Abd Rahman, Nurul Huda |
RS16.5 |
399 |
Flexible Low-Profile On-Metal Tag Antenna for Asset Tracking and Identification |
Abd Wahab, Muhamad Amin |
OS2.5 |
311 |
Reflected Slow and Fast Wave Attenuation Association With Cancellous Models Porosities and Thicknessess |
Abdul Razak, Mohd Azhar |
OS2.5 |
311 |
Reflected Slow and Fast Wave Attenuation Association With Cancellous Models Porosities and Thicknessess |
Abe, Tomoki |
OS4.3 |
365 |
Null-Steering Metaspiral Antenna |
Abedian, Mohammad |
RS9.3 |
237 |
Closely Spaced MIMO Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Sub 6 GHz Applications |
Abegaonkar, Mahesh |
RS29.3 |
571 |
Air-Filled SIW Antenna for High Gain SmallSat Applications |
Abubakar, Ahmad |
RS23.4 |
513 |
A Miniaturized Branch Line Coupler for 5G Dual Band Applications |
Action, Chan Kean Mun |
RS16.5 |
399 |
Flexible Low-Profile On-Metal Tag Antenna for Asset Tracking and Identification |
Afzal, Muhammad Usman |
AS1.1 |
1 |
Ku-Band Metallic Metasurfaces for High-Power Microwave Applications |
RS3.4 |
77 |
All-Dielectric Phase Correcting Surface Using Fused Deposition Modeling Technique |
CS5.3 |
201 |
A Dual Band Resonant-Cavity Antenna for Satellite Communication |
Agneessens, Sam |
CS2.1 |
101 |
Monopulse Feeding Network Based on New Gap Waveguide Planar Magic-Tees |
Ahmed, Foez |
AS1.1 |
1 |
Ku-Band Metallic Metasurfaces for High-Power Microwave Applications |
RS1.1 |
31 |
A Modified Approach to Optimize Phase-Gradient Metasurface-Based Beam-Steering System |
RS3.4 |
77 |
All-Dielectric Phase Correcting Surface Using Fused Deposition Modeling Technique |
CS5.3 |
201 |
A Dual Band Resonant-Cavity Antenna for Satellite Communication |
Ahn, Dal |
RS5.1 |
109 |
A Design of Optimum Distributed Highpass Filter Using Defected Ground Structure |
RS5.4 |
115 |
Design of Compact Bandpass Filter With Stub-Loaded to the Closed Loop Resonator |
Akamine, Cristiano |
OS1.1 |
217 |
Broadband Diversity Antenna Array for UHF Digital TV |
Akimoto, Shimpei |
CS9-I.4 |
259 |
High-Precision Measurement of the Radiation Patterns of Small Antennas by an S-Parameter Method Using a Photodiode Module |
AL-Baiyaa, Tamara |
CS4.4 |
145 |
Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna With Rotated S Shape Slot for 5 G Application |
Alayón Glazunov, Andrés |
AS3.4 |
57 |
Ultra-Wideband, Wide Scanning Phased Array for SATCOM Ground Station |
RS23.2 |
509 |
Channel Estimation Errors and Their Impact on Irregular Array Performance in Massive MIMO |
RS24.4 |
521 |
Impact of Test Zone Polarization-Imbalance on MIMO Efficiency in a Random-LOS OTA Setup |
Algaba-Brazález, Astrid |
AS1.3 |
5 |
Azimuth and Elevation Scanning With Stacked Modulated Geodesic Luneburg Lenses |
AS1.5 |
9 |
Full Azimuthal Coverage in Planar Lens Antennas |
CS2.2 |
103 |
Overview of Research on Metalenses and Geodesic Lenses for 5G/6G Applications in Ericsson |
Ali, Ahmed |
CS3-I.1 |
129 |
A Compact Wideband Solar-Cell Integrated Antenna |
Ali, Ali |
RS15.1 |
381 |
Ultra-Wideband Dielectric Reflectarray Antenna With OAM Beams for mm-Wave Applications |
RS23.1 |
507 |
Reflective Metasurface for 5G mmWave Coverage Enhancement |
Alibakhshikenari, Mohammad |
RS26.3 |
541 |
Uniform Overlap Feeding Network to Reduce the Number of Phase Shifters in Scan Arrays |
Ameya, Michitaka |
CS9-III.3 |
355 |
W-Band Millimeter-Wave Antenna Measurement System Using an Optical Fiber Link Millimeter-Wave Generator |
Aminu, Murtala |
RS23.4 |
513 |
A Miniaturized Branch Line Coupler for 5G Dual Band Applications |
Amishima, Takeshi |
OS2.1 |
303 |
An Rx Selection for Reducing Spatial Variation in TOA Localization Accuracy |
An, Donggeun |
CS1.1 |
97 |
28 GHz 5G OTA Test Using Optically-Transparent Reflective Surface Fabricated by Electroforming |
An, Jianping |
OCS1.1 |
21 |
340-GHz Antenna-Coupled High-Tc Superconducting Balanced Downconverter: Device Design and Performance Prediction |
OCS1.4 |
27 |
A High-Efficiency Quasi-Optical Coupling Design for Terahertz Heterodyne Receivers |
Ang, Jim Darrell |
RS26.4 |
543 |
Design of Millimetre-Wave Passive Mixer in 45-nm SOI CMOS Technology |
RS26.5 |
545 |
Design of Millimetre-Wave Low-Noise Amplifier in 130-nm SiGe HBT Technology |
Anwar Apandi, Nur Ilyana |
CS5.5 |
205 |
Effect of Directional Antenna Arrays on Millimeter Wave Cellular Networks |
Araghi, Ali |
RS19.3 |
465 |
Polarization Insensitive Reconfigurable Artificial Magnetic Conductor for Wideband Applications |
Arai, Hiroyuki |
RS9.1 |
233 |
An Optimal Decoupling Selection for a Monopole Array on Finite Sized Ground Plane |
CS6.1 |
243 |
A Low-Profile Direction-Finding Antenna With Deep Null Steering Using High-Impedance Surface |
CS9-I.1 |
253 |
Simplified OTA Test Using Phase-Less Spherical Near Field |
CS8.3 |
345 |
Wide-Angle Scanning and Gain Enhancement of Array Antenna by Dielectric Lens |
Arai, Keisuke |
RS27.3 |
551 |
The Effect of Raindrops on the Automotive On-Glass Antenna |
Arima, Takuji |
CS6.3 |
247 |
Effective Modeling Method of Single Antenna Above Meta-Surfaces in FDTD Method |
RS12.4 |
279 |
Electrical Performances of Meander Line Antenna in Fat Phantom |
CS7.3 |
287 |
Doppler Shift Analysis of Moving Antennas Above the Road Surface by Using FDTD Method |
CS7.4 |
289 |
Far Field Analysis by MR/FDTD With Adaptive Integration Method |
RS27.3 |
551 |
The Effect of Raindrops on the Automotive On-Glass Antenna |
Aris, Mohd Aziz |
RS7.5 |
175 |
Electrical Characterization of Pandanus Atrocarpus as a New Flexible Organic-Based Substrate: A Preliminary Studies |
RS16.5 |
399 |
Flexible Low-Profile On-Metal Tag Antenna for Asset Tracking and Identification |
Ariyama, Naoki |
CS7.3 |
287 |
Doppler Shift Analysis of Moving Antennas Above the Road Surface by Using FDTD Method |
Arpanaei, Farhad |
RS26.3 |
541 |
Uniform Overlap Feeding Network to Reduce the Number of Phase Shifters in Scan Arrays |
Arya, Ashwini |
CS3-I.4 |
135 |
Liquid Crystal Based High-Efficiency Reconfigurable Metasurface |
Asadnia, Mohsen |
RS3.2 |
73 |
Radiation Characteristics of Three Dimensional Printed Meta-Surface in Broadside Condition |
Asahi, Kei |
CS7.4 |
289 |
Far Field Analysis by MR/FDTD With Adaptive Integration Method |
Asakawa, Koji |
CS6.2 |
245 |
A Metamaterial-Inspired V-Shaped Wire Antenna for Wideband Operation |
Asano, Yusuke |
RS12.1 |
273 |
Noncontact Size Detection Method for Bedsores |
Asthan, Rheyuniarto |
CS9-I.3 |
257 |
Radiation Characteristics of Wideband Skeletal Discone Antenna |
Austin, Andrew |
RS8.3 |
181 |
Improving Millimetre Wave Coverage in an Indoor Environment Using Passive Reflectors |
RS14.4 |
337 |
A Smaller-Than-Nominal-Swath Design Methodology for Ship Detection Synthetic Aperture Radars on Small Satellites |
RS21.4 |
487 |
Neural Network Model-Based Self-Interference Cancellers for True Full-Duplex Systems |
Aye, Su Yee |
RS17.3 |
425 |
C-Band Dual-Polarized Hat-Fed Reflector Antenna |
B A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Bagheri, AmirMasood |
RS17.5 |
429 |
Polarisation Insensitive Transparent Metasurface With Dual Pass Band and Dual Stop Band for Wide-Incidence Angle Coverage Enhancement |
RS19.3 |
465 |
Polarization Insensitive Reconfigurable Artificial Magnetic Conductor for Wideband Applications |
Baharom, Bazilah |
RS6.3 |
123 |
Design for Uniform Aperture Distribution of 2×2 Lens Array Using Concave-Convex Lens in THz Band |
Bakar, Rohani |
RS6.3 |
123 |
Design for Uniform Aperture Distribution of 2×2 Lens Array Using Concave-Convex Lens in THz Band |
Bang, Sung-il |
RS27.1 |
547 |
Experimental Study of Site-VSWR Method for Radiated Emission Test Sites Above 18 GHz |
Basu, Ananjan |
CS10.2 |
403 |
Circularly Polarized Slotted Waveguide Leaky Wave Antenna at W Band for Radar Application |
RS27.6 |
555 |
Leaky Wave Antenna Design by Loading Radiating Elements to an Asymmetrical SSPP Line |
RS29.3 |
571 |
Air-Filled SIW Antenna for High Gain SmallSat Applications |
Bellion, Anthony |
AS3.1 |
51 |
Single Substrate Electrically Small Huygens Dipole Antenna Design With Reactive Loading |
RS18.5 |
439 |
Short-Circuit Excitation Electrically Small Antenna Design With Reactive Loading |
Bhattacharjee, Ankit |
RS17.1 |
421 |
Monopole Antenna With Dual-Band and Dual-Sense of Reconfigurable Circular Polarization |
Bialkowski, Alina |
RS21.2 |
483 |
Anomaly Localisation From Microwave Signals Using Deep Learning |
Bialkowski, Konstanty |
RS12.2 |
275 |
Dynamic Heart Phantom for Electromagnetic Imaging |
Bordin, Claudio |
OS1.1 |
217 |
Broadband Diversity Antenna Array for UHF Digital TV |
OS5.2 |
373 |
Breathing Detection via a UWB Radar |
Bories, Serge |
AS3.1 |
51 |
Single Substrate Electrically Small Huygens Dipole Antenna Design With Reactive Loading |
RS18.5 |
439 |
Short-Circuit Excitation Electrically Small Antenna Design With Reactive Loading |
Bosch, Wolfgang |
AS2.1 |
11 |
High Gain Filtering Lens Antenna |
Botham, Christopher |
RS23.1 |
507 |
Reflective Metasurface for 5G mmWave Coverage Enhancement |
Bourne, Michael |
CS9-III.5 |
359 |
Measurement of a Cryogenically Cooled Ultra Wideband Feed Horn for the Effelsberg Telescope |
Bowen, Mark |
CS11.2 |
413 |
Validation of Phased Array Mutual Coupling Simulation With Analytical Calculation |
Brennan, Paul |
RS16.3 |
395 |
An Improved RHCP Archimedean Spiral Antenna for Glacial Environmental Sensor Networks |
Bruzzone, Lorenzo |
RS14.5 |
339 |
Impact of Magnetometer Boom With Radio Wave Experiment on RIME Performance Aboard JUICE |
Bu, Xiangyuan |
OCS1.1 |
21 |
340-GHz Antenna-Coupled High-Tc Superconducting Balanced Downconverter: Device Design and Performance Prediction |
OCS1.4 |
27 |
A High-Efficiency Quasi-Optical Coupling Design for Terahertz Heterodyne Receivers |
Budayawan, Khairi |
RS16.4 |
397 |
A Design of Broadband Axial Ratio Ellipse Microstrip Antenna for CP-SAR Sensor |
Burton, Fraser |
RS23.1 |
507 |
Reflective Metasurface for 5G mmWave Coverage Enhancement |
Byun, Gangil |
CS3-II.3 |
191 |
Millimeter-Wave Display-Mounted Antenna for Hand Gesture Sensing on Mobile Devices |
C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Cao, Xin |
OS6.3 |
455 |
A Dual-Passband Filter With Wide Stopband Based on Quarter-Mode Substrate Integrated Elliptical Waveguide |
Carrasco, Eduardo |
RS15.2 |
383 |
Impact of Addressing Techniques on Liquid Crystal-Based mm-Wave Reflectarrays |
Carter, Nick |
CS9-III.5 |
359 |
Measurement of a Cryogenically Cooled Ultra Wideband Feed Horn for the Effelsberg Telescope |
Castilho, Fernando |
OS5.2 |
373 |
Breathing Detection via a UWB Radar |
Castillo, Santiago |
CS9-III.5 |
359 |
Measurement of a Cryogenically Cooled Ultra Wideband Feed Horn for the Effelsberg Telescope |
Castillo-Tapia, Pilar |
AS1.3 |
5 |
Azimuth and Elevation Scanning With Stacked Modulated Geodesic Luneburg Lenses |
Castro, Nelson |
RS3.1 |
71 |
3D Printed Anisotropic Dielectric Polarizer for 38 GHz Low Profile Horn Antenna Array |
Cha, Hyeseong |
RS5.1 |
109 |
A Design of Optimum Distributed Highpass Filter Using Defected Ground Structure |
Chae, Chan-Byoung |
CS1.1 |
97 |
28 GHz 5G OTA Test Using Optically-Transparent Reflective Surface Fabricated by Electroforming |
Chai, Ruolei |
OCS3.2 |
151 |
A Low-Profile Parasitic Dipole Antenna With Improved Bandwidth and Gain |
Chakraborty Das, Ashmi |
RS28.3 |
561 |
Field Theoretic Analysis of a Four Port Narrow Wall Directional Coupler |
Chan, King Yuk |
CS10.1 |
401 |
A Ku-Band Circular-Polarized Horn Antenna Based on a 3D Printed Polarizer |
Chang, Su-Wei |
CS2.5 |
The Challenges of Millimeter-Wave Technology in 5G/B5G and Satellite Communication |
Chang, Suho |
CS1.1 |
97 |
28 GHz 5G OTA Test Using Optically-Transparent Reflective Surface Fabricated by Electroforming |
Chang, Teng |
RS5.5 |
117 |
Fast Optimization of Unbalanced Filtering Antenna and Phase Controlled Transmission Line With Arbitrary Reference Impedances |
Chatzinotas, Symeon |
RS1.3 |
35 |
Triangular Intertwined Frequency Selective Surface |
Chaudhary, Girdhari |
RS5.2 |
111 |
A Design of 3-Pole Coupled Line Bandpass Filter Using Group Delay Analysis Approach |
RS5.3 |
113 |
Filtering Differential Phase Shifter With Arbitrary Prescribed Wideband Flat Phase Difference and Group Delay |
Chen, Cheng |
RS12.2 |
275 |
Dynamic Heart Phantom for Electromagnetic Imaging |
Chen, Jixin |
OCS5.1 |
209 |
A 300 GHz SiGe Patch Antenna With 5.3 dBi Gain Using Off-Chip Package |
Chen, Ke |
CS12.4 |
447 |
A Compact Folded Transmitarray Antenna With Polarization-Dependent Metasurface |
Chen, Liang |
RS21.5 |
489 |
foF2 Estimation With TEC Observation Over China Based on Random Forest Method |
Chen, Longjiang |
RS21.5 |
489 |
foF2 Estimation With TEC Observation Over China Based on Random Forest Method |
Chen, Mingzheng |
RS7.4 |
173 |
Cost-Effective Fully-Metallic Geodesic H-Plane Horn Antenna |
Chen, Qiao |
CS5.1 |
197 |
Ray-Tracing Analysis of Double-Layer Geodesic Lens Antenna |
RS28.5 |
565 |
Ka-Band Implementation of a Geodesic Half Maxwell Fisheye Lens Antenna |
Chen, Shengjian |
AS1.4 |
7 |
Modular Wearable Textile Antenna With Pattern-Interchangeability Using Snap-On Buttons |
RS3.5 |
79 |
A 3D-Printed Hybrid Dielectric Resonator Antenna With Low Cross-Polarization |
RS7.2 |
169 |
Miniaturized Wearable Antennas Using Resonant Current Path Length Manipulation |
RS22.4 |
503 |
A Wideband Unbalanced-To-Unbalanced Choke for Return Current Suppression in Antenna Measurements |
RS25.3 |
531 |
A High-Gain Single-Layered Circularly Polarized Spiral Series-Fed Patch Antenna Array |
Chen, Shu-Lin |
AS2.3 |
15 |
Closed-Path Toroidal-Waveguide Leaky-Wave Antenna With Directive Beam |
OS3.4 |
319 |
A High-Efficiency 3D-Printed E-Band Dielectric Transmitarray for Integrated Space and Terrestrial Networks |
CS10.5 |
409 |
A Low-Profile Polarization Reconfigurable Antenna |
Chen, Weiyi |
CS6.2 |
245 |
A Metamaterial-Inspired V-Shaped Wire Antenna for Wideband Operation |
Chen, You-Cheng |
OCS5.2 |
215 |
Design of mmW Broad-Beam Reflecting Surface Using Grey Wolf Optimizer |
Chen, Yuenian |
OS1.3 |
221 |
A Dual-Slant-Polarized Differentially-Fed In-Band Full-Duplex (IBFD) Antenna |
Chen, Zhe |
CS10.3 |
405 |
Multi-Antenna-In-Package With High Isolation |
Chen, Zhengchuan |
OS3.1 |
313 |
The Design of a Dual-Band Bidirectional Metal-Only Transmit-Reflected-Array Antenna Element With Different Polarizations |
OS6.1 |
451 |
A Wideband High Gain Arched Slotted Patch Array Antenna by Substrate-Integrated Coaxial Line |
Chen, Zhenting |
CS4.3 |
143 |
Design Consideration of Dual-Polarized Angle- Selective Surfaces |
Cheng, Qiang |
OCS3.3 |
153 |
A Wide-Band and Wide-Beam 1-Bit Phase Reconfigurable Antenna |
Cheng, Rui |
OS6.3 |
455 |
A Dual-Passband Filter With Wide Stopband Based on Quarter-Mode Substrate Integrated Elliptical Waveguide |
Cheng, Weixia |
AS2.4 |
17 |
Clutter Removal in Ground-Penetrating Radar Images Using Deep Neural Networks |
Chia, Tse Tong |
RS17.3 |
425 |
C-Band Dual-Polarized Hat-Fed Reflector Antenna |
Cho, Hyunyoung |
OCS3.5 |
157 |
Series-Fed Slit Ring Resonator Antenna Array With Wide Fan-Beam and High Gain |
RS13.4 |
327 |
RF Energy Harvesting System for Polarization Independence and Stability of Time-Varying Signal |
Cho, Keizo |
CS9-I.5 |
261 |
Improvement of Target Estimation Accuracy of Terahertz Reflection Time-Domain Spectroscopy With MUSIC Using Virtual Arrays |
Chodkaveekityada, Peeramed |
RS14.1 |
331 |
Diversity Methods for Mitigating Tropospheric Attenuation in Thailand for Future Satellite Communication |
Choi, Hyung Do |
CS5.4 |
203 |
A Compact Rectangular Loop Antenna for 5G mmWave Application |
Choi, Jin-Young |
RS2.3 |
45 |
Reconfigurable Phased Array Antenna Based on Liquid Crystal With Miniaturized Bandpass Filter |
Choi, Sangjo |
CS1.1 |
99 |
Universal Design Method for Traveling Wave Series-Fed Array Antennas |
Choi, Yuseong |
RS5.1 |
109 |
A Design of Optimum Distributed Highpass Filter Using Defected Ground Structure |
Chokchai, Chatchai |
RS29.2 |
569 |
Bandwidth Extension of GSCPW-To-Waveguide Transition in Multi-Layer Dielectric Substrate by Corrugation Structures in THz Band |
Chong, Haechan |
CS3-II.3 |
191 |
Millimeter-Wave Display-Mounted Antenna for Hand Gesture Sensing on Mobile Devices |
Chong, Young Jun |
RS5.4 |
115 |
Design of Compact Bandpass Filter With Stub-Loaded to the Closed Loop Resonator |
Choo, Hosung |
CS3-II.1 |
187 |
Design of a Shared-Aperture Antenna With a Hashmark-Shaped Loop to Improve Electromagnetic Transparent Characteristics |
RS11.1 |
263 |
Design of a Single Radiator Monopulse Antenna for UWB Direction Finding |
RS23.3 |
511 |
Link Budget Analysis of Low Earth Orbit Satellites Considering Antenna Patterns and Wave Propagation in Interference Situations |
Chou, Hsi-Tseng |
RS5.5 |
117 |
Fast Optimization of Unbalanced Filtering Antenna and Phase Controlled Transmission Line With Arbitrary Reference Impedances |
Chrek, Thorn |
CS1.1 |
91 |
Precise Modeling of Active Component in Ka-Band Using Deep Neural Network Trained With S21 Data |
Chung, Jae-Young |
CS1.1 |
91 |
Precise Modeling of Active Component in Ka-Band Using Deep Neural Network Trained With S21 Data |
CS3-I.3 |
133 |
Reconfigurable Metasurface With a Novel Coupled Line Structure for Ka-Band |
Clapham, Kerry |
RS25.1 |
527 |
Simultaneous S/X 3.7 m-Diameter Earth Station |
Clendinning, Sarah |
AS2.2 |
13 |
Ray-Tracing Model for Elliptical Half-Geodesic Lens Antennas |
Cui, Na |
OS5.3 |
375 |
Bistatic HFSWR Impulsive Interference Suppression Based on Data Fusion |
D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
D'Errico, Raffaele |
RS24.6 |
525 |
V2V Dynamic Channel Characterization in 5G mmWave Band |
Dalarsson, Mariana |
RS28.1 |
557 |
TEM-Wave Propagation Over a Graded Periodic RHM-LHM Composite in a Coaxial Waveguide |
Danesh, Shadi |
RS17.5 |
429 |
Polarisation Insensitive Transparent Metasurface With Dual Pass Band and Dual Stop Band for Wide-Incidence Angle Coverage Enhancement |
Dang, Quoc Hung |
AS1.4 |
7 |
Modular Wearable Textile Antenna With Pattern-Interchangeability Using Snap-On Buttons |
Dang, Wen |
AS3.4 |
57 |
Ultra-Wideband, Wide Scanning Phased Array for SATCOM Ground Station |
Dao, Chien |
RS19.4 |
467 |
Bandwidth Improvement of Single-Layer, Circularly-Polarized, Proximity-Fed Patch Antenna |
Das, Sushrut |
RS4.2 |
83 |
A 2.45 GHz Rectenna System for Far-Field Wireless Power Transfer / Energy Harvesting |
RS16.1 |
391 |
A GSM Band RF Sensor Antenna |
De, Ratul |
RS29.3 |
571 |
Air-Filled SIW Antenna for High Gain SmallSat Applications |
de Souza, Daniel |
OS1.1 |
217 |
Broadband Diversity Antenna Array for UHF Digital TV |
OS5.2 |
373 |
Breathing Detection via a UWB Radar |
Delaveaud, Christophe |
AS3.1 |
51 |
Single Substrate Electrically Small Huygens Dipole Antenna Design With Reactive Loading |
RS18.5 |
439 |
Short-Circuit Excitation Electrically Small Antenna Design With Reactive Loading |
Denton, Craig |
RS27.5 |
553 |
Electromagnetic Shielding Using Graphene Material in Wide Bandwidth of 1.5GHz - 10GHz |
Diawuo, Henry |
RS29.2 |
569 |
Bandwidth Extension of GSCPW-To-Waveguide Transition in Multi-Layer Dielectric Substrate by Corrugation Structures in THz Band |
Ding, Can |
OS1.3 |
221 |
A Dual-Slant-Polarized Differentially-Fed In-Band Full-Duplex (IBFD) Antenna |
Ding, Chuanfei |
OCS1.1 |
21 |
340-GHz Antenna-Coupled High-Tc Superconducting Balanced Downconverter: Device Design and Performance Prediction |
OCS1.4 |
27 |
A High-Efficiency Quasi-Optical Coupling Design for Terahertz Heterodyne Receivers |
Doherty, Paul |
CS9-III.5 |
359 |
Measurement of a Cryogenically Cooled Ultra Wideband Feed Horn for the Effelsberg Telescope |
Dong, Qingqing |
RS21.4 |
487 |
Neural Network Model-Based Self-Interference Cancellers for True Full-Duplex Systems |
dos Santos, Edson |
OS1.1 |
217 |
Broadband Diversity Antenna Array for UHF Digital TV |
Du, Jia |
RS7.1 |
167 |
E-Band Multibeam Conformal Transmitarrays for Beyond 5G Wireless Networks |
Duan, Baoquan |
OCS5.1 |
213 |
Development of Single-Layer Full-Corporate-Fed SIW Slot Array Antennas |
Duncan, Juan |
RS1.3 |
35 |
Triangular Intertwined Frequency Selective Surface |
Dunning, Alex |
CS9-III.5 |
359 |
Measurement of a Cryogenically Cooled Ultra Wideband Feed Horn for the Effelsberg Telescope |
CS11.2 |
413 |
Validation of Phased Array Mutual Coupling Simulation With Analytical Calculation |
Dwari, Santanu |
RS17.1 |
421 |
Monopole Antenna With Dual-Band and Dual-Sense of Reconfigurable Circular Polarization |
RS28.3 |
561 |
Field Theoretic Analysis of a Four Port Narrow Wall Directional Coupler |
Dzagbletey, Philip |
CS3-I.3 |
133 |
Reconfigurable Metasurface With a Novel Coupled Line Structure for Ka-Band |
E A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Eckhardt, Johannes |
RS8.2 |
179 |
Performance Analysis of a Wireless Backhaul Network at Terahertz Frequencies |
Emanuelsson, Thomas |
CS2.1 |
101 |
Monopulse Feeding Network Based on New Gap Waveguide Planar Magic-Tees |
Esselle, Karu |
AS1.1 |
1 |
Ku-Band Metallic Metasurfaces for High-Power Microwave Applications |
RS1.1 |
31 |
A Modified Approach to Optimize Phase-Gradient Metasurface-Based Beam-Steering System |
RS3.2 |
73 |
Radiation Characteristics of Three Dimensional Printed Meta-Surface in Broadside Condition |
RS3.4 |
77 |
All-Dielectric Phase Correcting Surface Using Fused Deposition Modeling Technique |
CS5.3 |
201 |
A Dual Band Resonant-Cavity Antenna for Satellite Communication |
Etheve, Benjamin |
RS22.3 |
501 |
Assessing the Movement of Microwave Cables by Statistical Indicators |
Ettorre, Mauro |
CS2.3 |
105 |
Wide-Band Wide-Scan High-Gain CTS Array for SatCom Applications in PCB Technology |
Eun, Hae Soo |
CS3-II.3 |
191 |
Millimeter-Wave Display-Mounted Antenna for Hand Gesture Sensing on Mobile Devices |
F A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Falcone, Francisco |
RS26.3 |
541 |
Uniform Overlap Feeding Network to Reduce the Number of Phase Shifters in Scan Arrays |
Fan, Zheng |
AS2.4 |
17 |
Clutter Removal in Ground-Penetrating Radar Images Using Deep Neural Networks |
Feng, Yijun |
CS12.4 |
447 |
A Compact Folded Transmitarray Antenna With Polarization-Dependent Metasurface |
Fernández González, José Manuel |
RS1.3 |
35 |
Triangular Intertwined Frequency Selective Surface |
Fonseca, Nelson |
AS1.3 |
5 |
Azimuth and Elevation Scanning With Stacked Modulated Geodesic Luneburg Lenses |
RS28.5 |
565 |
Ka-Band Implementation of a Geodesic Half Maxwell Fisheye Lens Antenna |
Fu, Yunhao |
CS10.1 |
401 |
A Ku-Band Circular-Polarized Horn Antenna Based on a 3D Printed Polarizer |
Fukusako, Takeshi |
CS6.4 |
249 |
A Meta-Surface-Inspired Circularly Polarized Antenna With Magneto-Electric Feeding Structure |
Fumeaux, Christophe |
AS1.4 |
7 |
Modular Wearable Textile Antenna With Pattern-Interchangeability Using Snap-On Buttons |
RS3.5 |
79 |
A 3D-Printed Hybrid Dielectric Resonator Antenna With Low Cross-Polarization |
RS6.2 |
121 |
275-GHz Planar High-Gain Resonant Cavity Antenna With Effective Medium |
RS7.2 |
169 |
Miniaturized Wearable Antennas Using Resonant Current Path Length Manipulation |
RS22.4 |
503 |
A Wideband Unbalanced-To-Unbalanced Choke for Return Current Suppression in Antenna Measurements |
RS25.3 |
531 |
A High-Gain Single-Layered Circularly Polarized Spiral Series-Fed Patch Antenna Array |
G A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Gao, Jingpeng |
OS5.1 |
371 |
Radar Working Mode Recognition Algorithm Based on Siamese Network and Deep Auto Encoder-Affinity Propagation |
OS5.6 |
379 |
Parameter Estimation of LFM-BPSK Composite Modulated Radar Signal Based on Multi-Output Regression Network |
Gao, Xiang |
OCS1.1 |
21 |
340-GHz Antenna-Coupled High-Tc Superconducting Balanced Downconverter: Device Design and Performance Prediction |
OCS1.4 |
27 |
A High-Efficiency Quasi-Optical Coupling Design for Terahertz Heterodyne Receivers |
Geng, Junping |
OCS3.1 |
149 |
A Low Profile Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons |
Gong, Haoxuan |
CS7.5 |
291 |
An Efficient Method for Analyzing the Wideband RCS of Multi-Scale Objects Based on SAIM and CAT |
Granet, Christophe |
RS11.5 |
271 |
Simultaneous L/X Prime Focus (F/D=0.41) Feed System for Remote Sensing Application |
RS18.1 |
431 |
Theoretical Design of Simultaneous Q/V Two-Port and Four-Port Feed Networks |
RS25.1 |
527 |
Simultaneous S/X 3.7 m-Diameter Earth Station |
Gu, Jihong |
RS28.4 |
563 |
Surface Integral Equation Based Characteristic Mode Analysis of Dielectric Objects |
Guirado, Robert |
RS15.2 |
383 |
Impact of Addressing Techniques on Liquid Crystal-Based mm-Wave Reflectarrays |
Guo, Ke-Xin |
OCS2.1 |
67 |
Design of Vivaldi Antenna With Ultra-Wide Passband and A Band Notch |
Guo, Pan |
CS10.5 |
409 |
A Low-Profile Polarization Reconfigurable Antenna |
Guo, Y. Jay |
AS2.3 |
15 |
Closed-Path Toroidal-Waveguide Leaky-Wave Antenna With Directive Beam |
OS1.3 |
221 |
A Dual-Slant-Polarized Differentially-Fed In-Band Full-Duplex (IBFD) Antenna |
CS11.1 |
411 |
Wideband Hybrid Couplers and Their Applications to Multi-Beam Antenna Feed Networks |
Gupta, Kamal |
RS27.5 |
553 |
Electromagnetic Shielding Using Graphene Material in Wide Bandwidth of 1.5GHz - 10GHz |
H A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Hahnel, Ronny |
CS2.4 |
107 |
Integrated mmWave 1x4 Half-Circle Monopole Antenna Array for Board-To-Board Communication |
RS14.5 |
339 |
Impact of Magnetometer Boom With Radio Wave Experiment on RIME Performance Aboard JUICE |
Hakamata, Kota |
RS20.3 |
475 |
Consideration of MACKEY Reverse F-Type for Multi-Band Purposes |
Hamdani, Deny |
RS19.1 |
461 |
Oval-Slot and Arc-Slits-Loaded UWB Planar Oval Monopole Antenna |
Hamid, Mohamad Rijal |
CS4.4 |
145 |
Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna With Rotated S Shape Slot for 5 G Application |
Han, Guo-Dong |
OS4.1 |
361 |
Circularly Polarized Wide-Angle Beam Scanning Circular Array Antenna |
Han, Sang Hyuck |
RS27.2 |
549 |
An Accurate and Simple Method for Measurement of RF Characterization in Thin Substrate |
Han, Sang Min |
RS1.2 |
33 |
Co-Simulation Method Using Active Device Models in Microwave Simulators |
Han, SoYul |
CS3-I.4 |
135 |
Liquid Crystal Based High-Efficiency Reconfigurable Metasurface |
Hannya, Taiga |
RS19.5 |
469 |
Broadbanding of Electrically Small Hemispherical Helix Antennas |
Haqqi, Fauzan |
RS16.4 |
397 |
A Design of Broadband Axial Ratio Ellipse Microstrip Antenna for CP-SAR Sensor |
Hasan, Maodudul |
RS2.4 |
47 |
A Reconfigurable Circularly-Polarized Ring-Slot Antenna Employing Microstrip-Line Switchable Feed Network |
RS18.4 |
437 |
A Multi-Beam Array Antenna Employing Simple 4 × 2 Beam-Forming Network Integrating Magic-T and Hybrid Coupler |
Hashiguchi, Hiroshi |
CS9-II.3 |
297 |
Cylindrical Near-Field Scanning of Bistatic Radar Cross Section for Reflectarray With Two-Dimensional Reflection |
Hashmi, Muhammad Abdur Rehman |
RS16.3 |
395 |
An Improved RHCP Archimedean Spiral Antenna for Glacial Environmental Sensor Networks |
Hayat, Touseef |
AS1.1 |
1 |
Ku-Band Metallic Metasurfaces for High-Power Microwave Applications |
RS3.4 |
77 |
All-Dielectric Phase Correcting Surface Using Fused Deposition Modeling Technique |
Hayman, Douglas |
CS11.2 |
413 |
Validation of Phased Array Mutual Coupling Simulation With Analytical Calculation |
He, Bin |
CS10.3 |
405 |
Multi-Antenna-In-Package With High Isolation |
He, Xiaoluo |
RS6.5 |
127 |
A Dual-Polarized High-NA Achromatic Transmission Huygens' Metalens |
Heo, Jin Myeong |
CS3-II.3 |
191 |
Millimeter-Wave Display-Mounted Antenna for Hand Gesture Sensing on Mobile Devices |
Herold, Christoph |
RS8.2 |
179 |
Performance Analysis of a Wireless Backhaul Network at Terahertz Frequencies |
Hikage, Takashi |
RS12.3 |
277 |
Development of a Numerical Model of 60 GHz Band Lens Antenna for the Study of Thermo-Physiological and Cellular Function Changes Induced by Millimeter-Wave Exposure |
CS7.1 |
283 |
Propagation Loss Characteristics Considering Human Body Shadowing in Local 5G Frequency Band Using Parallel FDTD Analysis |
Himdi, Mohamed |
RS19.2 |
463 |
Bandwidth Enhancement by Interconnecting Double Hexagonal Loops FSS |
Hirano, Takuichi |
RS26.1 |
537 |
Series-Fed Printed-Dipoles With a Director for Substrate Lateral Radiation |
Hirata, Akihiko |
OS7.1 |
491 |
Suppression of Multiple Reflection by Metasurface Absorber in 120-GHz-Band Close-Proximity Wireless Link |
Hirokawa, Jiro |
OCS5.1 |
213 |
Development of Single-Layer Full-Corporate-Fed SIW Slot Array Antennas |
CS11.5 |
419 |
Design of a Waveguide Two-Plane Coupler With a Different Division Ratio in Horizontal and Vertical Directions |
RS29.1 |
567 |
Groove Gap Waveguide With Interlaced Pins for Higher-Frequency Fabrication |
Hirose, Masanobu |
CS9-III.3 |
355 |
W-Band Millimeter-Wave Antenna Measurement System Using an Optical Fiber Link Millimeter-Wave Generator |
Hirose, Miyuki |
CS7.2 |
285 |
DCNN-Based Multipath Channel Prediction Model in Mobile Communication Environment |
Hisatake, Shintaro |
CS9-III.1 |
351 |
Near-Field Measurement and Far-Field Characterization of Antennas in Microwave, Millimeter-Wave and THz Wave Band Based on Photonics |
OS4.2 |
363 |
Phased Array of Dielectric Cuboid Antenna at 300 GHz Band |
Hishikawa, Tetsuya |
RS20.4 |
477 |
Characteristics Study of Structure of the Antenna Composed of a Metal Box and Folded Dipole Element |
Hlaing, Ngu |
RS12.4 |
279 |
Electrical Performances of Meander Line Antenna in Fat Phantom |
Hoellinger, Joseph |
RS24.6 |
525 |
V2V Dynamic Channel Characterization in 5G mmWave Band |
Honda, Junichi |
OS5.5 |
377 |
Preliminary Study on Receiving Status at MLAT Station and Estimated Aircraft Position |
Hong, Heon-Jin |
RS5.4 |
115 |
Design of Compact Bandpass Filter With Stub-Loaded to the Closed Loop Resonator |
Hong, Sun |
CS3-II.2 |
189 |
Generation of Plane Waves in the Nearfield Region in a Restricted Environment |
Hong, Wei |
AS3.2 |
53 |
A Wideband Circularly Polarized Magneto-Electric Dipole Transmitarray Antenna |
OCS5.1 |
207 |
Millimeter-Wave Dual-Band Antenna Array Integrated in Metal-Framed Smartphones |
OCS5.1 |
209 |
A 300 GHz SiGe Patch Antenna With 5.3 dBi Gain Using Off-Chip Package |
OCS5.1 |
211 |
A Hybrid Dual-Polarized Conformal Dielectric Resonator Antenna Array for Mobile Terminals |
Hong, Wonbin |
CS1.1 |
97 |
28 GHz 5G OTA Test Using Optically-Transparent Reflective Surface Fabricated by Electroforming |
Hong, Young-Pyo |
CS9-I.2 |
255 |
Element-Level Electric-Field Measurement of Phased Array Antennas Using Electro-Optic System for mm-Wave 5G Communications |
RS22.1 |
497 |
Element-Level Phase Measurement and Calibration of Array Antenna for mmWave 5G Communications |
RS22.2 |
499 |
Field-Calibrated Electro-Optic Probe for mmWave 5G Communications |
Hora, Jefferson |
RS26.4 |
543 |
Design of Millimetre-Wave Passive Mixer in 45-nm SOI CMOS Technology |
RS26.5 |
545 |
Design of Millimetre-Wave Low-Noise Amplifier in 130-nm SiGe HBT Technology |
Hosokawa, Takashi |
RS6.1 |
119 |
Evaluation of Luneberg Lens Focusing Performance in a Finite Size Anechoic Chamber |
Hossain, Toufiq Md |
RS10.4 |
229 |
Diverse Beam-Generating Boundary Tunable Metasurface Antenna for Imaging |
Hou, Jinyong |
OS2.4 |
309 |
Attributed Scattering Center Extraction With Improved Orthogonal Matching Pursuit |
Hozen, Toshiki |
RS24.2 |
519 |
An Experimental Study on DOA / DOD Measurement Method at 300 GHz Band by Double-Directional Rotating Reflector Antenna |
Htun, Htet |
RS2.4 |
47 |
A Reconfigurable Circularly-Polarized Ring-Slot Antenna Employing Microstrip-Line Switchable Feed Network |
Hu, Xianqin |
CS10.3 |
405 |
Multi-Antenna-In-Package With High Isolation |
Hu, Zhonghao |
CS12.2 |
443 |
3D Broadband FSS With Through Holes and Low Profile for UHF and SHF Applications |
Huang, Defeng |
RS1.5 |
39 |
Forward Scatter Shadow Ratio for Passive Forward Scatter Radar |
RS14.2 |
333 |
Doppler Analysis for Flying Object With Microwave Signal From Low Earth Orbit Satellite |
Huang, Junjie |
OS6.5 |
459 |
A Circularly Polarized Endfire Antenna Based on Single-Sided Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons |
Huang, Shaode |
RS28.4 |
563 |
Surface Integral Equation Based Characteristic Mode Analysis of Dielectric Objects |
Huang, Sheng |
CS10.1 |
401 |
A Ku-Band Circular-Polarized Horn Antenna Based on a 3D Printed Polarizer |
Huang, Yin-Shan |
RS23.5 |
515 |
A Low Profile and Broadband Silicon-Based Dielectric Resonator Antenna |
Huang, Ziai |
OCS1.5 |
29 |
Metasurface-Based Target Imaging and Range Detection |
Huber, Sigurd |
RS17.3 |
425 |
C-Band Dual-Polarized Hat-Fed Reflector Antenna |
Hur, Jeong woo |
OS7.3 |
495 |
Broadband Active Switchable Absorber With Low DC Power Consumption |
Hwang, In-June |
RS22.1 |
497 |
Element-Level Phase Measurement and Calibration of Array Antenna for mmWave 5G Communications |
RS22.2 |
499 |
Field-Calibrated Electro-Optic Probe for mmWave 5G Communications |
Hwang, Jung Hwan |
CS5.4 |
203 |
A Compact Rectangular Loop Antenna for 5G mmWave Application |
Hwang, Keum Cheol |
OS4.5 |
369 |
Inverse Design of Antenna Beam Pattern for Millimeter-Wave Base Station Applications |
Hwang, Myeonggin |
CS1.1 |
97 |
28 GHz 5G OTA Test Using Optically-Transparent Reflective Surface Fabricated by Electroforming |
Hwang, Myeongha |
CS3-I.2 |
131 |
A Simultaneous Beam Steering and Polarization Converting S-Band Transmitarray Antenna |
Hyoung, Changhee |
CS5.4 |
203 |
A Compact Rectangular Loop Antenna for 5G mmWave Application |
I A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Ibi, Shinsuke |
RS8.4 |
183 |
Evaluation of Secret Transmission Performance of Spatially Selective Modulation |
RS11.4 |
269 |
Distance Detection to a Human Body in a Sensing Technique Based on Changes of Antenna Characteristics |
Ide, Hayato |
RS20.2 |
473 |
Two-Dimensional Arraying of Unbalanced MACKEY |
RS20.3 |
475 |
Consideration of MACKEY Reverse F-Type for Multi-Band Purposes |
Iijima, Koki |
RS20.1 |
471 |
Circular Polarization of MACKEY Q-Type |
RS20.2 |
473 |
Two-Dimensional Arraying of Unbalanced MACKEY |
RS20.5 |
479 |
A Feasibility Study of Circularly Polarized MACKEY Using Sequential Array Technique |
Imai, Tetsuro |
CS7.2 |
285 |
DCNN-Based Multipath Channel Prediction Model in Mobile Communication Environment |
Inomata, Minoru |
RS13.3 |
325 |
RNN Based Proactive Received Power Prediction Using Latest and Estimated Received Power |
Ishitake, Tatsuya |
RS12.3 |
277 |
Development of a Numerical Model of 60 GHz Band Lens Antenna for the Study of Thermo-Physiological and Cellular Function Changes Induced by Millimeter-Wave Exposure |
Itoh, Kenji |
RS20.1 |
471 |
Circular Polarization of MACKEY Q-Type |
RS20.2 |
473 |
Two-Dimensional Arraying of Unbalanced MACKEY |
RS20.3 |
475 |
Consideration of MACKEY Reverse F-Type for Multi-Band Purposes |
RS20.5 |
479 |
A Feasibility Study of Circularly Polarized MACKEY Using Sequential Array Technique |
Iwai, Hisato |
RS8.4 |
183 |
Evaluation of Secret Transmission Performance of Spatially Selective Modulation |
RS11.4 |
269 |
Distance Detection to a Human Body in a Sensing Technique Based on Changes of Antenna Characteristics |
J A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Jadid, Marwan |
AS3.1 |
51 |
Single Substrate Electrically Small Huygens Dipole Antenna Design With Reactive Loading |
RS18.5 |
439 |
Short-Circuit Excitation Electrically Small Antenna Design With Reactive Loading |
Jang, Byung Jun |
RS11.1 |
263 |
Design of a Single Radiator Monopulse Antenna for UWB Direction Finding |
Jang, Doyoung |
CS3-II.1 |
187 |
Design of a Shared-Aperture Antenna With a Hashmark-Shaped Loop to Improve Electromagnetic Transparent Characteristics |
Jang, Youna |
RS5.1 |
109 |
A Design of Optimum Distributed Highpass Filter Using Defected Ground Structure |
RS5.4 |
115 |
Design of Compact Bandpass Filter With Stub-Loaded to the Closed Loop Resonator |
Janpugdee, Panuwat |
RS18.3 |
435 |
Feeding Effects to Gain Enhancement of Microstrip Antennas With Partially Reflective Surfaces |
Jeon, Young-Geun |
RS17.2 |
423 |
A New Design of a Fabry-Perot Cavity Antenna for Beam-Scanning With Polarization-Reconfiguration |
RS25.2 |
529 |
Very Low-Profile and High Aperture Efficiency Fabry-Perot Cavity Antenna |
RS25.4 |
533 |
Design Method of a High-Directivity Corner Fabry-Perot Cavity Antenna Using a Conformal Mapping |
Jeong, JangHoon |
RS21.1 |
481 |
Distance Measurement Method Using Neural Network Learning of Microwave Reflection Signals |
Jeong, Yongchae |
RS5.2 |
111 |
A Design of 3-Pole Coupled Line Bandpass Filter Using Group Delay Analysis Approach |
RS5.3 |
113 |
Filtering Differential Phase Shifter With Arbitrary Prescribed Wideband Flat Phase Difference and Group Delay |
Ji, Lu-Yang |
OS4.1 |
361 |
Circularly Polarized Wide-Angle Beam Scanning Circular Array Antenna |
CS10.4 |
407 |
A Frequency Reconfigurable Metasurface Based on Liquid Metal |
Jiang, Zhi Hao |
AS3.2 |
53 |
A Wideband Circularly Polarized Magneto-Electric Dipole Transmitarray Antenna |
OCS5.1 |
207 |
Millimeter-Wave Dual-Band Antenna Array Integrated in Metal-Framed Smartphones |
OCS5.1 |
211 |
A Hybrid Dual-Polarized Conformal Dielectric Resonator Antenna Array for Mobile Terminals |
Johansson, Martin |
AS1.3 |
5 |
Azimuth and Elevation Scanning With Stacked Modulated Geodesic Luneburg Lenses |
AS1.5 |
9 |
Full Azimuthal Coverage in Planar Lens Antennas |
CS2.2 |
103 |
Overview of Research on Metalenses and Geodesic Lenses for 5G/6G Applications in Ericsson |
Jones, Bevan |
AS2.3 |
15 |
Closed-Path Toroidal-Waveguide Leaky-Wave Antenna With Directive Beam |
Jun, Dongsoo |
CS1.1 |
97 |
28 GHz 5G OTA Test Using Optically-Transparent Reflective Surface Fabricated by Electroforming |
Jung, Bo Kum |
RS8.2 |
179 |
Performance Analysis of a Wireless Backhaul Network at Terahertz Frequencies |
Jung, Jaebaek |
CS3-II.4 |
193 |
3D Tempered Glass-Covered Metasurface Antenna-In-Package Enabling Reliable 5G/6G Smartphone Beam Coverage |
Jung, Juyoung |
RS5.1 |
109 |
A Design of Optimum Distributed Highpass Filter Using Defected Ground Structure |
Jung, Young-Bae |
CS9-III.4 |
357 |
Near-Field Measurement for 5G Modulated-Signal Radiated From the Antenna |
K A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Kabiri, Yasin |
RS9.3 |
237 |
Closely Spaced MIMO Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Sub 6 GHz Applications |
Kagaya, Osamu |
RS27.3 |
551 |
The Effect of Raindrops on the Automotive On-Glass Antenna |
Kageme, Satoshi |
RS11.2 |
265 |
Simultaneous Estimation of Walking Occupant Location and Stationary Occupant Respiratory Rate Using Millimeter-Wave Radar |
Kai, Taiyo |
RS7.3 |
171 |
A Prototype of Helmet Antenna With Omnidirectional Radiation Pattern for VHF |
Kaimori, Yusuke |
RS15.3 |
385 |
Development of Scanning Spot Beam Reflectarray Antenna |
RS15.5 |
389 |
Single-Layered Reflectarray Antenna With Branch Elements |
Kajie, Toshiki |
CS6.5 |
251 |
Analyses of Transmission Loss of a Gap Waveguide Composed of a Dielectric Substrate With EBG Elements |
Kakubari, Yasuyuki |
OS5.5 |
377 |
Preliminary Study on Receiving Status at MLAT Station and Estimated Aircraft Position |
Kamardin, Kamilia |
RS12.4 |
279 |
Electrical Performances of Meander Line Antenna in Fat Phantom |
CS8.2 |
343 |
Focal Region Ray Tracing of Dielectric Lens Antennas for Multibeam Designing |
Kang, Eunjung |
RS23.3 |
511 |
Link Budget Analysis of Low Earth Orbit Satellites Considering Antenna Patterns and Wave Propagation in Interference Situations |
Kang, Hyunduk |
RS5.4 |
115 |
Design of Compact Bandpass Filter With Stub-Loaded to the Closed Loop Resonator |
Kang, Jin-Seob |
CS9-II.1 |
293 |
One-Port Calibration Methods Applicable to Free-Space Material Measurement |
Kang, No-Weon |
CS9-I.2 |
255 |
Element-Level Electric-Field Measurement of Phased Array Antennas Using Electro-Optic System for mm-Wave 5G Communications |
Kang, Taehoon |
RS5.4 |
115 |
Design of Compact Bandpass Filter With Stub-Loaded to the Closed Loop Resonator |
Kanters, Noud |
RS23.2 |
509 |
Channel Estimation Errors and Their Impact on Irregular Array Performance in Massive MIMO |
Karimbu vallappil, Arshad |
CS4.1 |
139 |
Metamaterial Based Beamforming Network Integrated With Wilkinson Power Divider |
Kasamatsu, Akifumi |
OS7.1 |
491 |
Suppression of Multiple Reflection by Metasurface Absorber in 120-GHz-Band Close-Proximity Wireless Link |
Kato, Tateki |
RS10.5 |
231 |
Experimental Study on 3D Imaging Using Millimeter-Wave Non-Uniform 2D-MIMO Radar |
Kawamura, Kenichi |
RS13.3 |
325 |
RNN Based Proactive Received Power Prediction Using Latest and Estimated Received Power |
Kazuki, Shintani |
RS11.4 |
269 |
Distance Detection to a Human Body in a Sensing Technique Based on Changes of Antenna Characteristics |
Keum, Hongsik |
RS27.1 |
547 |
Experimental Study of Site-VSWR Method for Radiated Emission Test Sites Above 18 GHz |
Khalily, Mohsen |
RS9.3 |
237 |
Closely Spaced MIMO Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Sub 6 GHz Applications |
RS15.1 |
381 |
Ultra-Wideband Dielectric Reflectarray Antenna With OAM Beams for mm-Wave Applications |
RS17.5 |
429 |
Polarisation Insensitive Transparent Metasurface With Dual Pass Band and Dual Stop Band for Wide-Incidence Angle Coverage Enhancement |
RS19.3 |
465 |
Polarization Insensitive Reconfigurable Artificial Magnetic Conductor for Wideband Applications |
RS23.1 |
507 |
Reflective Metasurface for 5G mmWave Coverage Enhancement |
Khan, Tayyab |
CS12.1 |
441 |
Wideband RCA Using a True-Time-Delay Metasurface: An Experimental Demonstration |
Khang, Gwon Gu |
OS7.3 |
495 |
Broadband Active Switchable Absorber With Low DC Power Consumption |
Khawaja, Bilal |
CS4.1 |
139 |
Metamaterial Based Beamforming Network Integrated With Wilkinson Power Divider |
Kidera, Shouhei |
AS1.2 |
3 |
Doppler Velocity Decomposed Radar Imaging Method for 79 GHz Band Millimeter Wave Radar |
RS10.1 |
223 |
Radar Enhanced Contrast Source Inversion Method for Microwave Nondestructive Evaluation |
RS10.2 |
225 |
Inverse Scattering Enhanced Synthetic Aperture Imaging for Multi-Layered Ground Media |
Kiem, Nguyen Khac |
RS19.4 |
467 |
Bandwidth Improvement of Single-Layer, Circularly-Polarized, Proximity-Fed Patch Antenna |
Kikuchi, Takafumi |
RS27.3 |
551 |
The Effect of Raindrops on the Automotive On-Glass Antenna |
Kikuma, Nobuyoshi |
RS6.3 |
123 |
Design for Uniform Aperture Distribution of 2×2 Lens Array Using Concave-Convex Lens in THz Band |
RS6.4 |
125 |
Design of 275 GHz Beamforming Network Using Partial Maxwell's Fisheye Lens |
CS8.4 |
347 |
Low Profile Cylindrical Lens Antenna With Matching Layers for 2-Dimensional Beam-Scanning |
RS29.2 |
569 |
Bandwidth Extension of GSCPW-To-Waveguide Transition in Multi-Layer Dielectric Substrate by Corrugation Structures in THz Band |
Kim, Daehyeon |
CS1.1 |
97 |
28 GHz 5G OTA Test Using Optically-Transparent Reflective Surface Fabricated by Electroforming |
Kim, Dong-Woo |
CS9-III.4 |
357 |
Near-Field Measurement for 5G Modulated-Signal Radiated From the Antenna |
Kim, Dongho |
CS1.1 |
93 |
Overview of a Miniaturized High-Gain Reflectarray Antenna |
RS17.2 |
423 |
A New Design of a Fabry-Perot Cavity Antenna for Beam-Scanning With Polarization-Reconfiguration |
OS7.3 |
495 |
Broadband Active Switchable Absorber With Low DC Power Consumption |
RS25.2 |
529 |
Very Low-Profile and High Aperture Efficiency Fabry-Perot Cavity Antenna |
RS25.4 |
533 |
Design Method of a High-Directivity Corner Fabry-Perot Cavity Antenna Using a Conformal Mapping |
Kim, Donghyun |
CS3-II.5 |
195 |
Analysis of AMC and EBG Properties in Planar Log-Periodic Toothed Antenna |
Kim, DongYoon |
CS3-II.1 |
187 |
Design of a Shared-Aperture Antenna With a Hashmark-Shaped Loop to Improve Electromagnetic Transparent Characteristics |
Kim, Gyoungdeuk |
CS3-I.2 |
131 |
A Simultaneous Beam Steering and Polarization Converting S-Band Transmitarray Antenna |
Kim, Ikhwan |
RS27.2 |
549 |
An Accurate and Simple Method for Measurement of RF Characterization in Thin Substrate |
Kim, JeongHwan |
RS27.1 |
547 |
Experimental Study of Site-VSWR Method for Radiated Emission Test Sites Above 18 GHz |
Kim, Jihoon |
RS6.4 |
125 |
Design of 275 GHz Beamforming Network Using Partial Maxwell's Fisheye Lens |
Kim, Jiwon |
RS5.4 |
115 |
Design of Compact Bandpass Filter With Stub-Loaded to the Closed Loop Resonator |
Kim, Jongyeong |
RS2.1 |
41 |
High-Efficiency Reconfigurable Reflectarray Based on Small Unit Cell of Ring Patch |
CS3-I.2 |
131 |
A Simultaneous Beam Steering and Polarization Converting S-Band Transmitarray Antenna |
Kim, JungHoon |
RS23.3 |
511 |
Link Budget Analysis of Low Earth Orbit Satellites Considering Antenna Patterns and Wave Propagation in Interference Situations |
Kim, Kangwook |
CS9-III.4 |
357 |
Near-Field Measurement for 5G Modulated-Signal Radiated From the Antenna |
Kim, Min-Seong |
RS13.1 |
321 |
Miniaturized UHF Module-Integrated Antenna With RF-Based Detection for Multi-Objective UAV Applications |
Kim, Minseok |
RS24.1 |
517 |
24/60-GHz Dual-Band Double-Directional Channel Measurements in Urban Cellular Access Environments |
RS24.5 |
523 |
Development and Verification of Double-Directional Channel Sounder at 300 GHz |
Kim, Minseong |
RS5.1 |
109 |
A Design of Optimum Distributed Highpass Filter Using Defected Ground Structure |
Kim, Sanghoek |
CS3-I.4 |
135 |
Liquid Crystal Based High-Efficiency Reconfigurable Metasurface |
Kim, Sanghyun |
RS1.2 |
33 |
Co-Simulation Method Using Active Device Models in Microwave Simulators |
Kim, Sangkeun |
CS3-II.1 |
187 |
Design of a Shared-Aperture Antenna With a Hashmark-Shaped Loop to Improve Electromagnetic Transparent Characteristics |
Kim, Sangkil |
CS3-I.2 |
131 |
A Simultaneous Beam Steering and Polarization Converting S-Band Transmitarray Antenna |
Kim, Seong Ju |
OS7.3 |
495 |
Broadband Active Switchable Absorber With Low DC Power Consumption |
RS25.2 |
529 |
Very Low-Profile and High Aperture Efficiency Fabry-Perot Cavity Antenna |
Kim, Seong-Jin |
RS13.4 |
327 |
RF Energy Harvesting System for Polarization Independence and Stability of Time-Varying Signal |
RS13.5 |
329 |
Feasibility Analysis of Ambient RF Energy Harvesting for Low-Power IoT Devices |
RS27.2 |
549 |
An Accurate and Simple Method for Measurement of RF Characterization in Thin Substrate |
Kim, Sohui |
RS5.1 |
109 |
A Design of Optimum Distributed Highpass Filter Using Defected Ground Structure |
Kim, Sol |
OCS3.5 |
157 |
Series-Fed Slit Ring Resonator Antenna Array With Wide Fan-Beam and High Gain |
RS13.4 |
327 |
RF Energy Harvesting System for Polarization Independence and Stability of Time-Varying Signal |
RS13.5 |
329 |
Feasibility Analysis of Ambient RF Energy Harvesting for Low-Power IoT Devices |
Kim, Wonkyo |
CS1.1 |
95 |
Water-Loaded, Compact Ultrawideband Antenna With a Broadside Radiation Characteristic for Brain Signal Monitoring Applications |
Kim, Wooksung |
RS2.3 |
45 |
Reconfigurable Phased Array Antenna Based on Liquid Crystal With Miniaturized Bandpass Filter |
Kim, Yongjune |
RS2.1 |
41 |
High-Efficiency Reconfigurable Reflectarray Based on Small Unit Cell of Ring Patch |
RS2.2 |
43 |
Improvement of Aperture Efficiency of Reflectarray Antenna Using Passive and Active Unit Cell |
Kimura, Sho |
RS8.1 |
177 |
Site-Specific Model of Building Entry Loss Based on Measurements in a High-Rise Building |
Kimura, Yuichi |
CS6.5 |
251 |
Analyses of Transmission Loss of a Gap Waveguide Composed of a Dielectric Substrate With EBG Elements |
Kitamura, Takayuki |
RS11.2 |
265 |
Simultaneous Estimation of Walking Occupant Location and Stationary Occupant Respiratory Rate Using Millimeter-Wave Radar |
Kitao, Koshiro |
RS8.5 |
185 |
A Study on Path Loss Prediction Based on Computer Graphics Technologies |
Klein, Bernhard |
CS2.4 |
107 |
Integrated mmWave 1x4 Half-Circle Monopole Antenna Array for Board-To-Board Communication |
Kobayashi, Keisuke |
CS9-I.5 |
261 |
Improvement of Target Estimation Accuracy of Terahertz Reflection Time-Domain Spectroscopy With MUSIC Using Virtual Arrays |
Kobayashi, Makoto |
RS13.2 |
323 |
920 MHz Band Radio Wave Propagation Characteristics From Underground for Detecting Victims by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
Kogiso, Nozomu |
RS22.5 |
505 |
Flux Separation Method for Gain Analysis on Telescope Antenna With Segmented Reflector |
Koo, Seo |
RS5.4 |
115 |
Design of Compact Bandpass Filter With Stub-Loaded to the Closed Loop Resonator |
Kot, John |
RS1.4 |
37 |
Transient Radiation and Scattering From Wire Antennas Using a Product Nystrom Method |
RS18.1 |
431 |
Theoretical Design of Simultaneous Q/V Two-Port and Four-Port Feed Networks |
RS25.1 |
527 |
Simultaneous S/X 3.7 m-Diameter Earth Station |
RS28.2 |
559 |
On the Equivalence Between Geometry and Material Properties in Maxwell's Equations |
Koul, Shiban |
RS27.6 |
555 |
Leaky Wave Antenna Design by Loading Radiating Elements to an Asymmetrical SSPP Line |
Koyanagi, Yoshio |
RS9.2 |
235 |
Decoupling of Four Closely Spaced PIFAs Using Parasitic Elements and Bridge Lines |
RS17.4 |
427 |
Orthogonal Polarized Omnidirectional Antenna Composed of Halo Antenna With Parasitic Elements and Dipole Antenna |
Kuno, Nobuaki |
RS13.3 |
325 |
RNN Based Proactive Received Power Prediction Using Latest and Estimated Received Power |
Kurihara, Takuya |
RS11.4 |
269 |
Distance Detection to a Human Body in a Sensing Technique Based on Changes of Antenna Characteristics |
Kürner, Thomas |
RS8.2 |
179 |
Performance Analysis of a Wireless Backhaul Network at Terahertz Frequencies |
Kurokawa, Satoru |
CS9-III.3 |
355 |
W-Band Millimeter-Wave Antenna Measurement System Using an Optical Fiber Link Millimeter-Wave Generator |
Kurosawa, Hiroyuki |
CS6.2 |
245 |
A Metamaterial-Inspired V-Shaped Wire Antenna for Wideband Operation |
Kusaka, Takashi |
RS6.1 |
119 |
Evaluation of Luneberg Lens Focusing Performance in a Finite Size Anechoic Chamber |
Kuse, Ryuji |
CS6.4 |
249 |
A Meta-Surface-Inspired Circularly Polarized Antenna With Magneto-Electric Feeding Structure |
Kuwata, Mizuki |
RS26.2 |
539 |
Measurement of a 60-GHz-Band Digital Beamforming Array Using 4-By-2 Circular Patch |
Kwon, DukSoo |
CS5.4 |
203 |
A Compact Rectangular Loop Antenna for 5G mmWave Application |
Kwon, Jae-Yong |
RS22.2 |
499 |
Field-Calibrated Electro-Optic Probe for mmWave 5G Communications |
L A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Lai, Jiexin |
RS3.3 |
75 |
A 3D Printing 120 GHz Lens Antenna for Terahertz 1D Beam-Scanning Applications |
Lai, Qixuan |
OCS4.2 |
161 |
Dual-Band Dielectric Resonator Antenna With Self-Decoupling Characteristics |
Lai, Wei-chung |
RS21.2 |
483 |
Anomaly Localisation From Microwave Signals Using Deep Learning |
Lanter, Ferry |
RS14.3 |
335 |
Antenna Requirements for Ionospheric Remote Sensing Using a Small Satellite |
Le Gallou, Jean-Hugues |
RS22.3 |
501 |
Assessing the Movement of Microwave Cables by Statistical Indicators |
Lee, Chanhee |
OCS3.5 |
157 |
Series-Fed Slit Ring Resonator Antenna Array With Wide Fan-Beam and High Gain |
RS13.5 |
329 |
Feasibility Analysis of Ambient RF Energy Harvesting for Low-Power IoT Devices |
Lee, Cheonga |
CS1.1 |
97 |
28 GHz 5G OTA Test Using Optically-Transparent Reflective Surface Fabricated by Electroforming |
Lee, Dong-Joon |
CS9-I.2 |
255 |
Element-Level Electric-Field Measurement of Phased Array Antennas Using Electro-Optic System for mm-Wave 5G Communications |
RS22.2 |
499 |
Field-Calibrated Electro-Optic Probe for mmWave 5G Communications |
Lee, Hyo-Won |
RS13.4 |
327 |
RF Energy Harvesting System for Polarization Independence and Stability of Time-Varying Signal |
RS27.2 |
549 |
An Accurate and Simple Method for Measurement of RF Characterization in Thin Substrate |
Lee, Jaebok |
RS5.1 |
109 |
A Design of Optimum Distributed Highpass Filter Using Defected Ground Structure |
Lee, Jaehun |
RS5.2 |
111 |
A Design of 3-Pole Coupled Line Bandpass Filter Using Group Delay Analysis Approach |
Lee, Jeong-Hae |
RS2.1 |
41 |
High-Efficiency Reconfigurable Reflectarray Based on Small Unit Cell of Ring Patch |
RS2.2 |
43 |
Improvement of Aperture Efficiency of Reflectarray Antenna Using Passive and Active Unit Cell |
Lee, Ji-Hoon |
RS13.4 |
327 |
RF Energy Harvesting System for Polarization Independence and Stability of Time-Varying Signal |
RS13.5 |
329 |
Feasibility Analysis of Ambient RF Energy Harvesting for Low-Power IoT Devices |
Lee, Kwang-Jae |
RS21.1 |
481 |
Distance Measurement Method Using Neural Network Learning of Microwave Reflection Signals |
Lee, Mee-Su |
CS3-I.5 |
137 |
A Compact Broadband Quasi-Isotropic Antenna for Wireless Energy Harvesting Applications |
Lee, Sangmin |
CS1.1 |
99 |
Universal Design Method for Traveling Wave Series-Fed Array Antennas |
Lee, Sun-Gyu |
RS2.1 |
41 |
High-Efficiency Reconfigurable Reflectarray Based on Small Unit Cell of Ring Patch |
RS2.2 |
43 |
Improvement of Aperture Efficiency of Reflectarray Antenna Using Passive and Active Unit Cell |
Lee, Wang-Sang |
RS13.1 |
321 |
Miniaturized UHF Module-Integrated Antenna With RF-Based Detection for Multi-Objective UAV Applications |
Leelatien, Pongphan |
RS16.2 |
393 |
Complementary C-Shaped High-Sensitivity Resonator Sensor for Material Characterizations |
Leite, Celso |
OS4.5 |
369 |
Inverse Design of Antenna Beam Pattern for Millimeter-Wave Base Station Applications |
Lertsakwimarn, Kittima |
RS4.4 |
87 |
A Study of Misalignment Effects for High- Frequency Wireless Power Transfer Systems Using a Novel Equivalent Transmission Line Model |
Li, Bin |
OCS2.1 |
65 |
A Wideband Rectangular DRA Excited by a Differential Power Divider |
Li, Haotian |
OCS3.1 |
149 |
A Low Profile Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons |
Li, Huanxin |
OCS1.1 |
21 |
340-GHz Antenna-Coupled High-Tc Superconducting Balanced Downconverter: Device Design and Performance Prediction |
OCS1.4 |
27 |
A High-Efficiency Quasi-Optical Coupling Design for Terahertz Heterodyne Receivers |
Li, Jian-ying |
CS10.4 |
407 |
A Frequency Reconfigurable Metasurface Based on Liquid Metal |
Li, Jinfeng |
OS6.4 |
457 |
79 GHz Meandering Enclosed-Coplanar Variable Delay Lines in Liquid Crystals Encapsulated Within Independent and Shared Cavities |
Li, Kun |
RS12.3 |
277 |
Development of a Numerical Model of 60 GHz Band Lens Antenna for the Study of Thermo-Physiological and Cellular Function Changes Induced by Millimeter-Wave Exposure |
Li, Mei |
OCS3.4 |
155 |
A Parasitic Microstrip Linear Array With Customizable Tilted-Beam Radiation |
Li, Meng-Jie |
OS4.1 |
361 |
Circularly Polarized Wide-Angle Beam Scanning Circular Array Antenna |
CS10.4 |
407 |
A Frequency Reconfigurable Metasurface Based on Liquid Metal |
Li, Mengze |
CS12.2 |
443 |
3D Broadband FSS With Through Holes and Low Profile for UHF and SHF Applications |
Li, Mingxiang |
RS6.2 |
121 |
275-GHz Planar High-Gain Resonant Cavity Antenna With Effective Medium |
Li, Qi |
CS11.5 |
419 |
Design of a Waveguide Two-Plane Coupler With a Different Division Ratio in Horizontal and Vertical Directions |
Li, Ruozhou |
OS3.3 |
317 |
A 1-Bit 14 × 14 Dual-Beam Electronically Reconfigurable Reflectarray |
Li, Shufang |
OS7.2 |
493 |
Ultra-Wideband Frequency Selective Absorber With Dual Independent Notched Bands |
Li, Sihan |
OS6.2 |
453 |
Numerical Simulation of New Transmitting Structure in Lateral Wells |
Li, Wen |
RS9.5 |
241 |
A Novel Radiation Cancelling Filtering Dielectric Resonator Antenna Based on AMC Surface |
Li, Wenhua |
OCS2.1 |
69 |
Research Advance on Multistate Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons Antennas |
Li, Xin |
OCS3.3 |
153 |
A Wide-Band and Wide-Beam 1-Bit Phase Reconfigurable Antenna |
Li, Yuanlong |
CS8.5 |
349 |
Open Resonator Antenna Filled With Metamaterials |
Li, Yue |
AS3.3 |
55 |
Dual-Wideband Dual-Polarized Gridded Patch Antenna Array for 5G Millimeter-Wave Systems |
Li, Yunli |
OCS5.1 |
211 |
A Hybrid Dual-Polarized Conformal Dielectric Resonator Antenna Array for Mobile Terminals |
Li, Zewei |
OCS5.1 |
213 |
Development of Single-Layer Full-Corporate-Fed SIW Slot Array Antennas |
Li, Zheng |
AS2.5 |
19 |
Electronically-Controlled Leaky-Wave Antenna With Dual-Band Fixed-Frequency Beam-Steering Performance |
OCS1.2 |
23 |
An SIW Leaky-Wave Antenna With Electronically Controlled Beam Scanning Performance |
OCS1.3 |
25 |
A Fixed-Frequency Beam-Scanning Leaky-Wave Antenna Base on Phase and Amplitude Control |
Li, Zixuan |
OS6.2 |
453 |
Numerical Simulation of New Transmitting Structure in Lateral Wells |
Lim, Eng Hock |
RS16.5 |
399 |
Flexible Low-Profile On-Metal Tag Antenna for Asset Tracking and Identification |
Lim, Jong-Hyuk |
CS9-III.4 |
357 |
Near-Field Measurement for 5G Modulated-Signal Radiated From the Antenna |
Lim, Jongsik |
RS1.2 |
33 |
Co-Simulation Method Using Active Device Models in Microwave Simulators |
Lim, Joseph |
CS4.5 |
147 |
Tilted Directional Couplers Based Nolen Matrix Beamforming Network for Fifth Generation Multi-Beam Application |
Lim, Seong-Ju |
OCS3.5 |
157 |
Series-Fed Slit Ring Resonator Antenna Array With Wide Fan-Beam and High Gain |
Lin, Ho-Yu |
RS8.1 |
177 |
Site-Specific Model of Building Entry Loss Based on Measurements in a High-Rise Building |
Lin, Lin |
CS8.1 |
341 |
Wideband Design of 2×2-Element Dielectric-Filled Waveguide Slot Subarray for 350-GHz Band |
Lin, Qingli |
CS12.5 |
449 |
Multifunctional, Low-Profile, Compact and Wideband Inductive Grid-Array Metasurface Antennas |
Lin, Shih-Cheng |
OCS5.2 |
215 |
Design of mmW Broad-Beam Reflecting Surface Using Grey Wolf Optimizer |
Lin, Wei |
CS11.3 |
415 |
Ka-Band Huygens Array With High Realized Aperture Efficiency for 5G Wireless Applications |
Litman, Amélie |
RS22.3 |
501 |
Assessing the Movement of Microwave Cables by Statistical Indicators |
Liu, Chunheng |
CS7.5 |
291 |
An Efficient Method for Analyzing the Wideband RCS of Multi-Scale Objects Based on SAIM and CAT |
OS2.4 |
309 |
Attributed Scattering Center Extraction With Improved Orthogonal Matching Pursuit |
Liu, Heng |
OCS1.1 |
21 |
340-GHz Antenna-Coupled High-Tc Superconducting Balanced Downconverter: Device Design and Performance Prediction |
Liu, Jizhe |
CS12.2 |
443 |
3D Broadband FSS With Through Holes and Low Profile for UHF and SHF Applications |
Liu, Qing Huo |
OCS5.1 |
213 |
Development of Single-Layer Full-Corporate-Fed SIW Slot Array Antennas |
Liu, Shan |
OCS1.3 |
25 |
A Fixed-Frequency Beam-Scanning Leaky-Wave Antenna Base on Phase and Amplitude Control |
Liu, Shi-Zhong |
CS10.3 |
405 |
Multi-Antenna-In-Package With High Isolation |
Liu, Xinxin |
OCS2.1 |
61 |
A Differential Low-Profile Metasurface Filtering Antenna |
Liu, Yanhui |
CS10.5 |
409 |
A Low-Profile Polarization Reconfigurable Antenna |
Liu, Ying |
CS7.5 |
291 |
An Efficient Method for Analyzing the Wideband RCS of Multi-Scale Objects Based on SAIM and CAT |
Losic, Dusan |
RS27.5 |
553 |
Electromagnetic Shielding Using Graphene Material in Wide Bandwidth of 1.5GHz - 10GHz |
Lu, Jingzheng |
OCS3.1 |
149 |
A Low Profile Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons |
Lu, Qian |
OS3.2 |
315 |
A New Low-Cost and High-Gain Dual-Band Reflection/Transmission Array Antenna |
OS3.3 |
317 |
A 1-Bit 14 × 14 Dual-Beam Electronically Reconfigurable Reflectarray |
Luk, Kwai-Man |
CS8.5 |
349 |
Open Resonator Antenna Filled With Metamaterials |
CS12.3 |
445 |
A Wideband Low-Profile Transmitarray Antenna Based on Metasurface |
M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Ma, Jun-Seok |
RS2.3 |
45 |
Reconfigurable Phased Array Antenna Based on Liquid Crystal With Miniaturized Bandpass Filter |
Maeng, Han-jun |
OS7.3 |
495 |
Broadband Active Switchable Absorber With Low DC Power Consumption |
RS25.2 |
529 |
Very Low-Profile and High Aperture Efficiency Fabry-Perot Cavity Antenna |
Mahmood, Nasrul Humaimi |
OS2.5 |
311 |
Reflected Slow and Fast Wave Attenuation Association With Cancellous Models Porosities and Thicknessess |
Mahmoud, Adham |
CS2.3 |
105 |
Wide-Band Wide-Scan High-Gain CTS Array for SatCom Applications in PCB Technology |
Makhoul, Gloria |
RS24.6 |
525 |
V2V Dynamic Channel Characterization in 5G mmWave Band |
Makino, Shigeru |
RS15.3 |
385 |
Development of Scanning Spot Beam Reflectarray Antenna |
RS15.5 |
389 |
Single-Layered Reflectarray Antenna With Branch Elements |
RS20.1 |
471 |
Circular Polarization of MACKEY Q-Type |
RS20.2 |
473 |
Two-Dimensional Arraying of Unbalanced MACKEY |
RS20.3 |
475 |
Consideration of MACKEY Reverse F-Type for Multi-Band Purposes |
RS20.5 |
479 |
A Feasibility Study of Circularly Polarized MACKEY Using Sequential Array Technique |
Mallejac, Nicolas |
RS22.3 |
501 |
Assessing the Movement of Microwave Cables by Statistical Indicators |
Manholm, Lars |
AS1.3 |
5 |
Azimuth and Elevation Scanning With Stacked Modulated Geodesic Luneburg Lenses |
AS1.5 |
9 |
Full Azimuthal Coverage in Planar Lens Antennas |
CS2.2 |
103 |
Overview of Research on Metalenses and Geodesic Lenses for 5G/6G Applications in Ericsson |
Marsault, Thierry |
RS24.6 |
525 |
V2V Dynamic Channel Characterization in 5G mmWave Band |
Maruyama, Tamami |
CS9-III.2 |
353 |
Experimental Study of Efficiency With Inductance Load and Relay Coil for Magnetic Field Coupling WPT |
Masuda, Hiroshi |
RS12.3 |
277 |
Development of a Numerical Model of 60 GHz Band Lens Antenna for the Study of Thermo-Physiological and Cellular Function Changes Induced by Millimeter-Wave Exposure |
Matsumoto, Kazuhiro |
RS20.4 |
477 |
Characteristics Study of Structure of the Antenna Composed of a Metal Box and Folded Dipole Element |
Matsumura, Takeshi |
RS24.1 |
517 |
24/60-GHz Dual-Band Double-Directional Channel Measurements in Urban Cellular Access Environments |
Matsunaga, Keisuke |
OS5.5 |
377 |
Preliminary Study on Receiving Status at MLAT Station and Estimated Aircraft Position |
Matsuno, Hiromi |
CS9-II.3 |
297 |
Cylindrical Near-Field Scanning of Bistatic Radar Cross Section for Reflectarray With Two-Dimensional Reflection |
Matsushima, Isao |
RS11.2 |
265 |
Simultaneous Estimation of Walking Occupant Location and Stationary Occupant Respiratory Rate Using Millimeter-Wave Radar |
Matsushita, Seiya |
RS22.5 |
505 |
Flux Separation Method for Gain Analysis on Telescope Antenna With Segmented Reflector |
McNeill, Robin |
RS25.1 |
527 |
Simultaneous S/X 3.7 m-Diameter Earth Station |
Mei, Peng |
CS5.2 |
199 |
Enabling Simultaneous Near-Field Focusing and Far-Field Radiation Using Multiple Lenses |
Mencarelli, Simone |
RS14.4 |
337 |
A Smaller-Than-Nominal-Swath Design Methodology for Ship Detection Synthetic Aperture Radars on Small Satellites |
Mesa, Francisco |
AS2.2 |
13 |
Ray-Tracing Model for Elliptical Half-Geodesic Lens Antennas |
RS7.4 |
173 |
Cost-Effective Fully-Metallic Geodesic H-Plane Horn Antenna |
CS5.1 |
197 |
Ray-Tracing Analysis of Double-Layer Geodesic Lens Antenna |
RS28.5 |
565 |
Ka-Band Implementation of a Geodesic Half Maxwell Fisheye Lens Antenna |
Michishita, Naobumi |
RS7.3 |
171 |
A Prototype of Helmet Antenna With Omnidirectional Radiation Pattern for VHF |
RS9.2 |
235 |
Decoupling of Four Closely Spaced PIFAs Using Parasitic Elements and Bridge Lines |
RS12.4 |
279 |
Electrical Performances of Meander Line Antenna in Fat Phantom |
CS9-II.3 |
297 |
Cylindrical Near-Field Scanning of Bistatic Radar Cross Section for Reflectarray With Two-Dimensional Reflection |
RS17.4 |
427 |
Orthogonal Polarized Omnidirectional Antenna Composed of Halo Antenna With Parasitic Elements and Dipole Antenna |
RS20.4 |
477 |
Characteristics Study of Structure of the Antenna Composed of a Metal Box and Folded Dipole Element |
Miroshnichenko, Andrey |
RS10.4 |
229 |
Diverse Beam-Generating Boundary Tunable Metasurface Antenna for Imaging |
Miswadi, Nurfarahin |
RS16.5 |
399 |
Flexible Low-Profile On-Metal Tag Antenna for Asset Tracking and Identification |
Mitsui, Yusuke |
CS9-I.1 |
253 |
Simplified OTA Test Using Phase-Less Spherical Near Field |
Miyashita, Masayuki |
RS24.2 |
519 |
An Experimental Study on DOA / DOD Measurement Method at 300 GHz Band by Double-Directional Rotating Reflector Antenna |
Miyazaki, Toshiyuki |
RS6.1 |
119 |
Evaluation of Luneberg Lens Focusing Performance in a Finite Size Anechoic Chamber |
Mizutani, Tomokazu |
RS17.4 |
427 |
Orthogonal Polarized Omnidirectional Antenna Composed of Halo Antenna With Parasitic Elements and Dipole Antenna |
Mo, Yuxin |
OS3.1 |
313 |
The Design of a Dual-Band Bidirectional Metal-Only Transmit-Reflected-Array Antenna Element With Different Polarizations |
Mohamadzade, Bahare |
CS11.2 |
413 |
Validation of Phased Array Mutual Coupling Simulation With Analytical Calculation |
Mohamed Nafis, Nur Biha |
RS19.2 |
463 |
Bandwidth Enhancement by Interconnecting Double Hexagonal Loops FSS |
Mohan Radha, Sonapreetha |
CS3-I.5 |
137 |
A Compact Broadband Quasi-Isotropic Antenna for Wireless Energy Harvesting Applications |
Mohd Yaziz, Nur Syahirah |
CS4.2 |
141 |
Broadband Metamaterial Polarizing Reflector at X-Band Frequencies for RIS Application |
Mohd Zain, Norlina |
RS7.5 |
175 |
Electrical Characterization of Pandanus Atrocarpus as a New Flexible Organic-Based Substrate: A Preliminary Studies |
Morgan, John |
RS14.3 |
335 |
Antenna Requirements for Ionospheric Remote Sensing Using a Small Satellite |
Mori, Hiroki |
RS10.5 |
231 |
Experimental Study on 3D Imaging Using Millimeter-Wave Non-Uniform 2D-MIMO Radar |
Morishita, Hisashi |
RS7.3 |
171 |
A Prototype of Helmet Antenna With Omnidirectional Radiation Pattern for VHF |
RS9.2 |
235 |
Decoupling of Four Closely Spaced PIFAs Using Parasitic Elements and Bridge Lines |
CS9-II.3 |
297 |
Cylindrical Near-Field Scanning of Bistatic Radar Cross Section for Reflectarray With Two-Dimensional Reflection |
RS17.4 |
427 |
Orthogonal Polarized Omnidirectional Antenna Composed of Halo Antenna With Parasitic Elements and Dipole Antenna |
RS20.4 |
477 |
Characteristics Study of Structure of the Antenna Composed of a Metal Box and Folded Dipole Element |
Moriyama, Takatsune |
RS13.3 |
325 |
RNN Based Proactive Received Power Prediction Using Latest and Estimated Received Power |
Mouthaan, Koen |
RS9.4 |
239 |
Robust Beamforming for Space-Based SAR Phased Arrays With Distributed Interferer Suppression |
RS17.3 |
425 |
C-Band Dual-Polarized Hat-Fed Reflector Antenna |
Muhammad, Nor Aishah |
CS5.5 |
205 |
Effect of Directional Antenna Arrays on Millimeter Wave Cellular Networks |
Muhsin, Muhsin |
CS8.2 |
343 |
Focal Region Ray Tracing of Dielectric Lens Antennas for Multibeam Designing |
Mukouyasu, Itsuki |
RS13.2 |
323 |
920 MHz Band Radio Wave Propagation Characteristics From Underground for Detecting Victims by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
Munir, Achmad |
CS9-I.3 |
257 |
Radiation Characteristics of Wideband Skeletal Discone Antenna |
RS19.1 |
461 |
Oval-Slot and Arc-Slits-Loaded UWB Planar Oval Monopole Antenna |
Murad, Noor Asniza |
CS4.1 |
139 |
Metamaterial Based Beamforming Network Integrated With Wilkinson Power Divider |
CS4.4 |
145 |
Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna With Rotated S Shape Slot for 5 G Application |
N A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Nabeel, Maira |
CS5.3 |
201 |
A Dual Band Resonant-Cavity Antenna for Satellite Communication |
Nagai, Akiko |
RS12.3 |
277 |
Development of a Numerical Model of 60 GHz Band Lens Antenna for the Study of Thermo-Physiological and Cellular Function Changes Induced by Millimeter-Wave Exposure |
Nagatomo, Koudai |
RS11.4 |
269 |
Distance Detection to a Human Body in a Sensing Technique Based on Changes of Antenna Characteristics |
Nakabayashi, Hiroaki |
CS9-I.5 |
261 |
Improvement of Target Estimation Accuracy of Terahertz Reflection Time-Domain Spectroscopy With MUSIC Using Virtual Arrays |
Nakamura, Mitsuki |
RS8.5 |
185 |
A Study on Path Loss Prediction Based on Computer Graphics Technologies |
Nakano, Hisamatsu |
OS4.3 |
365 |
Null-Steering Metaspiral Antenna |
Nakano, Masayuki |
CS9-II.3 |
297 |
Cylindrical Near-Field Scanning of Bistatic Radar Cross Section for Reflectarray With Two-Dimensional Reflection |
Nakatsugawa, Masashi |
CS9-III.2 |
353 |
Experimental Study of Efficiency With Inductance Load and Relay Coil for Magnetic Field Coupling WPT |
Nam, Yong-Hyun |
RS2.1 |
41 |
High-Efficiency Reconfigurable Reflectarray Based on Small Unit Cell of Ring Patch |
RS2.2 |
43 |
Improvement of Aperture Efficiency of Reflectarray Antenna Using Passive and Active Unit Cell |
Narita, Takanori |
CS8.4 |
347 |
Low Profile Cylindrical Lens Antenna With Matching Layers for 2-Dimensional Beam-Scanning |
Neve, Michael |
RS8.3 |
181 |
Improving Millimetre Wave Coverage in an Indoor Environment Using Passive Reflectors |
RS14.4 |
337 |
A Smaller-Than-Nominal-Swath Design Methodology for Ship Detection Synthetic Aperture Radars on Small Satellites |
Nguyen, Binh |
RS29.4 |
573 |
Differential Feeding for High-Gain Low Side Lobe Slotted Waveguide Array Antenna in High Power Applications |
Nguyen, Tien Manh |
RS29.4 |
573 |
Differential Feeding for High-Gain Low Side Lobe Slotted Waveguide Array Antenna in High Power Applications |
Nguyen, Tuan Hung |
CS8.4 |
347 |
Low Profile Cylindrical Lens Antenna With Matching Layers for 2-Dimensional Beam-Scanning |
Nguyen, Van Thang |
CS3-I.3 |
133 |
Reconfigurable Metasurface With a Novel Coupled Line Structure for Ka-Band |
Nguyen Duy, Phong |
RS29.4 |
573 |
Differential Feeding for High-Gain Low Side Lobe Slotted Waveguide Array Antenna in High Power Applications |
Nguyen-Trong, Nghia |
RS19.4 |
467 |
Bandwidth Improvement of Single-Layer, Circularly-Polarized, Proximity-Fed Patch Antenna |
RS25.3 |
531 |
A High-Gain Single-Layered Circularly Polarized Spiral Series-Fed Patch Antenna Array |
Nine, Md |
RS27.5 |
553 |
Electromagnetic Shielding Using Graphene Material in Wide Bandwidth of 1.5GHz - 10GHz |
Nishi, Masahiro |
RS13.2 |
323 |
920 MHz Band Radio Wave Propagation Characteristics From Underground for Detecting Victims by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
Nishidate, Tsugumi |
RS12.5 |
281 |
Small Loop Shape Antenna for Generating a Localized Heating Region |
Nishie, Mina |
RS19.5 |
469 |
Broadbanding of Electrically Small Hemispherical Helix Antennas |
Nishikawa, Kenjiro |
RS26.2 |
539 |
Measurement of a 60-GHz-Band Digital Beamforming Array Using 4-By-2 Circular Patch |
Nishioka, Yasuhiro |
RS15.3 |
385 |
Development of Scanning Spot Beam Reflectarray Antenna |
RS15.5 |
389 |
Single-Layered Reflectarray Antenna With Branch Elements |
Nishiyama, Eisuke |
RS2.4 |
47 |
A Reconfigurable Circularly-Polarized Ring-Slot Antenna Employing Microstrip-Line Switchable Feed Network |
RS18.2 |
433 |
A Beam-Forming Antenna Integrating Magic-T Based Matrix Feed Network |
RS18.4 |
437 |
A Multi-Beam Array Antenna Employing Simple 4 × 2 Beam-Forming Network Integrating Magic-T and Hybrid Coupler |
Noguchi, Keisuke |
RS4.3 |
85 |
High Impedance Wire-Loop Antennas for Wireless Power Transfer Systems |
RS19.5 |
469 |
Broadbanding of Electrically Small Hemispherical Helix Antennas |
Nov, Lihour |
CS1.1 |
91 |
Precise Modeling of Active Component in Ka-Band Using Deep Neural Network Trained With S21 Data |
O A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Ogura, Shohei |
CS8.1 |
341 |
Wideband Design of 2×2-Element Dielectric-Filled Waveguide Slot Subarray for 350-GHz Band |
Oh, Ju-Ik |
OCS3.5 |
157 |
Series-Fed Slit Ring Resonator Antenna Array With Wide Fan-Beam and High Gain |
RS13.5 |
329 |
Feasibility Analysis of Ambient RF Energy Harvesting for Low-Power IoT Devices |
RS27.2 |
549 |
An Accurate and Simple Method for Measurement of RF Characterization in Thin Substrate |
Oh, Jungsuek |
CS3-II.4 |
193 |
3D Tempered Glass-Covered Metasurface Antenna-In-Package Enabling Reliable 5G/6G Smartphone Beam Coverage |
Oh, Soon-Soo |
CS9-III.4 |
357 |
Near-Field Measurement for 5G Modulated-Signal Radiated From the Antenna |
Ohno, Towa |
OS4.2 |
363 |
Phased Array of Dielectric Cuboid Antenna at 300 GHz Band |
Ohto, Takuya |
CS9-II.3 |
297 |
Cylindrical Near-Field Scanning of Bistatic Radar Cross Section for Reflectarray With Two-Dimensional Reflection |
Omiya, Manabu |
CS7.1 |
283 |
Propagation Loss Characteristics Considering Human Body Shadowing in Local 5G Frequency Band Using Parallel FDTD Analysis |
Omote, Hideki |
RS8.1 |
177 |
Site-Specific Model of Building Entry Loss Based on Measurements in a High-Rise Building |
Otsuyama, Takuya |
OS5.5 |
377 |
Preliminary Study on Receiving Status at MLAT Station and Estimated Aircraft Position |
Ou, Ming |
RS21.5 |
489 |
foF2 Estimation With TEC Observation Over China Based on Random Forest Method |
Oyane, Aoi |
RS4.5 |
89 |
Voltage Between Two Electrodes of Resonating Capacitive Couplers for Wireless Power Transfer |
P A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Pan, Yongmei |
OCS4.2 |
161 |
Dual-Band Dielectric Resonator Antenna With Self-Decoupling Characteristics |
Park, Chan Yeong |
CS3-II.5 |
195 |
Analysis of AMC and EBG Properties in Planar Log-Periodic Toothed Antenna |
Park, Hong Soo |
CS3-II.2 |
189 |
Generation of Plane Waves in the Nearfield Region in a Restricted Environment |
Park, Ikmo |
CS3-I.1 |
129 |
A Compact Wideband Solar-Cell Integrated Antenna |
Park, Jeon hong |
OS4.5 |
369 |
Inverse Design of Antenna Beam Pattern for Millimeter-Wave Base Station Applications |
Park, Jeong-Su |
RS13.1 |
321 |
Miniaturized UHF Module-Integrated Antenna With RF-Based Detection for Multi-Objective UAV Applications |
Park, Jung-Il |
RS22.1 |
497 |
Element-Level Phase Measurement and Calibration of Array Antenna for mmWave 5G Communications |
Park, Sang-Hyun |
CS1.1 |
97 |
28 GHz 5G OTA Test Using Optically-Transparent Reflective Surface Fabricated by Electroforming |
Park, Se-ho |
RS27.1 |
547 |
Experimental Study of Site-VSWR Method for Radiated Emission Test Sites Above 18 GHz |
Park, Yong Bae |
RS23.3 |
511 |
Link Budget Analysis of Low Earth Orbit Satellites Considering Antenna Patterns and Wave Propagation in Interference Situations |
Park, YoungJu |
RS23.3 |
511 |
Link Budget Analysis of Low Earth Orbit Satellites Considering Antenna Patterns and Wave Propagation in Interference Situations |
Pasakawee, Sarinya |
CS9-II.2 |
295 |
Design of Millimeter-Wave Antenna for Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) |
Pattapu, Udayabhaskar |
RS4.2 |
83 |
A 2.45 GHz Rectenna System for Far-Field Wireless Power Transfer / Energy Harvesting |
Pech, Phanam |
RS5.2 |
111 |
A Design of 3-Pole Coupled Line Bandpass Filter Using Group Delay Analysis Approach |
Pedersen, Gert |
CS5.2 |
199 |
Enabling Simultaneous Near-Field Focusing and Far-Field Radiation Using Multiple Lenses |
Peng, Guopeng |
OS2.4 |
309 |
Attributed Scattering Center Extraction With Improved Orthogonal Matching Pursuit |
Perez-Palomino, Gerardo |
RS15.2 |
383 |
Impact of Addressing Techniques on Liquid Crystal-Based mm-Wave Reflectarrays |
Perotoni, Marcelo |
OS1.1 |
217 |
Broadband Diversity Antenna Array for UHF Digital TV |
OS5.2 |
373 |
Breathing Detection via a UWB Radar |
Phaebua, Kittisak |
RS4.4 |
87 |
A Study of Misalignment Effects for High- Frequency Wireless Power Transfer Systems Using a Novel Equivalent Transmission Line Model |
Pham, Van Linh |
RS19.4 |
467 |
Bandwidth Improvement of Single-Layer, Circularly-Polarized, Proximity-Fed Patch Antenna |
Phongcharoenpanich, Chuwong |
RS14.1 |
331 |
Diversity Methods for Mitigating Tropospheric Attenuation in Thailand for Future Satellite Communication |
Phung, Duc Phu |
RS29.4 |
573 |
Differential Feeding for High-Gain Low Side Lobe Slotted Waveguide Array Antenna in High Power Applications |
Pizarro, Francisco |
RS3.1 |
71 |
3D Printed Anisotropic Dielectric Polarizer for 38 GHz Low Profile Horn Antenna Array |
Plettemeier, Dirk |
CS2.4 |
107 |
Integrated mmWave 1x4 Half-Circle Monopole Antenna Array for Board-To-Board Communication |
RS14.5 |
339 |
Impact of Magnetometer Boom With Radio Wave Experiment on RIME Performance Aboard JUICE |
Powell, David |
RS10.4 |
229 |
Diverse Beam-Generating Boundary Tunable Metasurface Antenna for Imaging |
Prasetyo, Agus |
RS19.1 |
461 |
Oval-Slot and Arc-Slits-Loaded UWB Planar Oval Monopole Antenna |
Q A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Qi, Zhiyang |
AS3.5 |
59 |
Wideband Shielding Diaphragm Based on Electrically Small Single-Negative Metamaterial for Package Application |
Qin, Peiyuan |
RS7.1 |
167 |
E-Band Multibeam Conformal Transmitarrays for Beyond 5G Wireless Networks |
OS3.4 |
319 |
A High-Efficiency 3D-Printed E-Band Dielectric Transmitarray for Integrated Space and Terrestrial Networks |
CS11.4 |
417 |
Yagi-Uda Monopoles With Elevated-Angle Suppression for Endfire Radiation |
Qin, Xu |
AS3.3 |
55 |
Dual-Wideband Dual-Polarized Gridded Patch Antenna Array for 5G Millimeter-Wave Systems |
Qu, Meijun |
OS7.2 |
493 |
Ultra-Wideband Frequency Selective Absorber With Dual Independent Notched Bands |
Qualtrough-Mittal, Priya |
RS8.3 |
181 |
Improving Millimetre Wave Coverage in an Indoor Environment Using Passive Reflectors |
Quan, Phung |
RS9.2 |
235 |
Decoupling of Four Closely Spaced PIFAs Using Parasitic Elements and Bridge Lines |
Quevedo-Teruel, Oscar |
AS1.3 |
5 |
Azimuth and Elevation Scanning With Stacked Modulated Geodesic Luneburg Lenses |
AS1.5 |
9 |
Full Azimuthal Coverage in Planar Lens Antennas |
AS2.2 |
13 |
Ray-Tracing Model for Elliptical Half-Geodesic Lens Antennas |
CS2.2 |
103 |
Overview of Research on Metalenses and Geodesic Lenses for 5G/6G Applications in Ericsson |
RS7.4 |
173 |
Cost-Effective Fully-Metallic Geodesic H-Plane Horn Antenna |
CS5.1 |
197 |
Ray-Tracing Analysis of Double-Layer Geodesic Lens Antenna |
RS28.5 |
565 |
Ka-Band Implementation of a Geodesic Half Maxwell Fisheye Lens Antenna |
Quoc Dinh, Nguyen |
CS8.4 |
347 |
Low Profile Cylindrical Lens Antenna With Matching Layers for 2-Dimensional Beam-Scanning |
R A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Raad, Raad |
RS15.4 |
387 |
Single Layer Unit Cell With Reduced Phase Sensitivity for X-Band Reflectarray Applications |
Rajo-Iglesias, Eva |
RS3.1 |
71 |
3D Printed Anisotropic Dielectric Polarizer for 38 GHz Low Profile Horn Antenna Array |
Ramer, Rodica |
CS10.1 |
401 |
A Ku-Band Circular-Polarized Horn Antenna Based on a 3D Printed Polarizer |
Rana, Balwan |
RS28.1 |
557 |
TEM-Wave Propagation Over a Graded Periodic RHM-LHM Composite in a Coaxial Waveguide |
Ren, Jian |
RS9.5 |
241 |
A Novel Radiation Cancelling Filtering Dielectric Resonator Antenna Based on AMC Surface |
Rezaee, Behrooz |
AS2.1 |
11 |
High Gain Filtering Lens Antenna |
Richard, Théo |
RS22.3 |
501 |
Assessing the Movement of Microwave Cables by Statistical Indicators |
Rozali, Nurazulfathul |
CS4.5 |
147 |
Tilted Directional Couplers Based Nolen Matrix Beamforming Network for Fifth Generation Multi-Beam Application |
Rui, Xu |
CS4.3 |
143 |
Design Consideration of Dual-Polarized Angle- Selective Surfaces |
S A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Saito, Kazuyuki |
RS12.5 |
281 |
Small Loop Shape Antenna for Generating a Localized Heating Region |
Saito, Sakuyoshi |
CS6.5 |
251 |
Analyses of Transmission Loss of a Gap Waveguide Composed of a Dielectric Substrate With EBG Elements |
Sakaguchi, Hiroto |
RS4.3 |
85 |
High Impedance Wire-Loop Antennas for Wireless Power Transfer Systems |
Sakai, Ryusei |
OS4.2 |
363 |
Phased Array of Dielectric Cuboid Antenna at 300 GHz Band |
Sakakibara, Kunio |
RS6.3 |
123 |
Design for Uniform Aperture Distribution of 2×2 Lens Array Using Concave-Convex Lens in THz Band |
RS6.4 |
125 |
Design of 275 GHz Beamforming Network Using Partial Maxwell's Fisheye Lens |
CS8.4 |
347 |
Low Profile Cylindrical Lens Antenna With Matching Layers for 2-Dimensional Beam-Scanning |
RS29.2 |
569 |
Bandwidth Extension of GSCPW-To-Waveguide Transition in Multi-Layer Dielectric Substrate by Corrugation Structures in THz Band |
Sakano, Toshikazu |
RS11.4 |
269 |
Distance Detection to a Human Body in a Sensing Technique Based on Changes of Antenna Characteristics |
Sakaya, Shinnosuke |
RS21.3 |
485 |
Basic Study of the Placement and Number of Receiving Antennas in Undersea Positioning |
Samal, Purna |
RS7.2 |
169 |
Miniaturized Wearable Antennas Using Resonant Current Path Length Manipulation |
Samsuri, Noor Asmawati |
CS4.2 |
141 |
Broadband Metamaterial Polarizing Reflector at X-Band Frequencies for RIS Application |
Santosh, Sourabh |
RS16.1 |
391 |
A GSM Band RF Sensor Antenna |
Sarbandi Farahani, Hossein |
AS2.1 |
11 |
High Gain Filtering Lens Antenna |
Sari, Ayse |
OCS2.1 |
65 |
A Wideband Rectangular DRA Excited by a Differential Power Divider |
Saron, Samdy |
RS5.3 |
113 |
Filtering Differential Phase Shifter With Arbitrary Prescribed Wideband Flat Phase Difference and Group Delay |
Sasaki, Motoharu |
RS13.3 |
325 |
RNN Based Proactive Received Power Prediction Using Latest and Estimated Received Power |
Sato, Akihiro |
RS8.1 |
177 |
Site-Specific Model of Building Entry Loss Based on Measurements in a High-Rise Building |
Sato, Hiroshi |
RS9.2 |
235 |
Decoupling of Four Closely Spaced PIFAs Using Parasitic Elements and Bridge Lines |
RS17.4 |
427 |
Orthogonal Polarized Omnidirectional Antenna Composed of Halo Antenna With Parasitic Elements and Dipole Antenna |
Sato, Hiroyasu |
OS2.2 |
305 |
Bistatic Millimeter-Wave Imaging Using Leaky-Wave Focusing Antennas |
Sato, Ryoichi |
RS10.3 |
227 |
Fundamental Study on Misclassification of Urban Areas in Scattering Power Decomposition for PolSAR Data |
Sauleau, Ronan |
CS2.3 |
105 |
Wide-Band Wide-Scan High-Gain CTS Array for SatCom Applications in PCB Technology |
Sawada, Hirokazu |
RS24.1 |
517 |
24/60-GHz Dual-Band Double-Directional Channel Measurements in Urban Cellular Access Environments |
Sayed Daud, Syarifah Noor Syakiylla |
OS2.5 |
311 |
Reflected Slow and Fast Wave Attenuation Association With Cancellous Models Porosities and Thicknessess |
Sekigawa, Yoshiki |
AS1.2 |
3 |
Doppler Velocity Decomposed Radar Imaging Method for 79 GHz Band Millimeter Wave Radar |
Sekine, Norihiko |
OS7.1 |
491 |
Suppression of Multiple Reflection by Metasurface Absorber in 120-GHz-Band Close-Proximity Wireless Link |
Seman, Norhudah |
CS4.5 |
147 |
Tilted Directional Couplers Based Nolen Matrix Beamforming Network for Fifth Generation Multi-Beam Application |
CS5.5 |
205 |
Effect of Directional Antenna Arrays on Millimeter Wave Cellular Networks |
Shadi, Maryam |
RS26.3 |
541 |
Uniform Overlap Feeding Network to Reduce the Number of Phase Shifters in Scan Arrays |
Shafiq, Shozab |
RS2.5 |
49 |
Dual Band Independent Phase Shift Electronically Reconfigurable Transmitarray for Ku Band |
RS29.5 |
575 |
Ridge Gap Waveguide Based Slot Antenna Array for Point to Point Wireless Communication |
Shah, Syed Imran |
CS1.1 |
95 |
Water-Loaded, Compact Ultrawideband Antenna With a Broadside Radiation Characteristic for Brain Signal Monitoring Applications |
Shallah, Abdulkadir |
RS23.4 |
513 |
A Miniaturized Branch Line Coupler for 5G Dual Band Applications |
Shan, Tingchang |
CS7.5 |
291 |
An Efficient Method for Analyzing the Wideband RCS of Multi-Scale Objects Based on SAIM and CAT |
Shao, Yu |
OS6.5 |
459 |
A Circularly Polarized Endfire Antenna Based on Single-Sided Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons |
Sharma, Somia |
RS27.6 |
555 |
Leaky Wave Antenna Design by Loading Radiating Elements to an Asymmetrical SSPP Line |
She, Yuanfeng |
CS9-II.5 |
301 |
A Test of Measurement of Antenna Alignment Using Image Processing |
Shen, Xi |
RS1.5 |
39 |
Forward Scatter Shadow Ratio for Passive Forward Scatter Radar |
Shen, Zhongxiang |
CS4.3 |
143 |
Design Consideration of Dual-Polarized Angle- Selective Surfaces |
Shiba, Konosuke |
RS4.1 |
81 |
A Development of WPT Devices for Wireless-Powered Small Sensors for Home Health Care |
Shibata, Koki |
CS9-III.2 |
353 |
Experimental Study of Efficiency With Inductance Load and Relay Coil for Magnetic Field Coupling WPT |
Shibata, Kosuke |
RS24.5 |
523 |
Development and Verification of Double-Directional Channel Sounder at 300 GHz |
Shibuya, Naoki |
RS13.3 |
325 |
RNN Based Proactive Received Power Prediction Using Latest and Estimated Received Power |
Shimizu, Satoru |
RS11.4 |
269 |
Distance Detection to a Human Body in a Sensing Technique Based on Changes of Antenna Characteristics |
Shin, Hyun-Ji |
RS2.3 |
45 |
Reconfigurable Phased Array Antenna Based on Liquid Crystal With Miniaturized Bandpass Filter |
Shin, Koichi |
RS13.2 |
323 |
920 MHz Band Radio Wave Propagation Characteristics From Underground for Detecting Victims by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
Shin, WookHyeon |
RS23.3 |
511 |
Link Budget Analysis of Low Earth Orbit Satellites Considering Antenna Patterns and Wave Propagation in Interference Situations |
Shrestha, Sujan |
RS3.2 |
73 |
Radiation Characteristics of Three Dimensional Printed Meta-Surface in Broadside Condition |
Singh, Khushboo |
AS1.1 |
1 |
Ku-Band Metallic Metasurfaces for High-Power Microwave Applications |
RS1.1 |
31 |
A Modified Approach to Optimize Phase-Gradient Metasurface-Based Beam-Steering System |
Singh, Rajesh |
RS27.6 |
555 |
Leaky Wave Antenna Design by Loading Radiating Elements to an Asymmetrical SSPP Line |
Singh, Shilpi |
CS10.2 |
403 |
Circularly Polarized Slotted Waveguide Leaky Wave Antenna at W Band for Radar Application |
Singh, Vikrant |
RS17.5 |
429 |
Polarisation Insensitive Transparent Metasurface With Dual Pass Band and Dual Stop Band for Wide-Incidence Angle Coverage Enhancement |
RS19.3 |
465 |
Polarization Insensitive Reconfigurable Artificial Magnetic Conductor for Wideband Applications |
Sittakul, Vitawat |
CS9-II.2 |
295 |
Design of Millimeter-Wave Antenna for Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) |
Smart, Ken |
CS9-III.5 |
359 |
Measurement of a Cryogenically Cooled Ultra Wideband Feed Horn for the Effelsberg Telescope |
Smit, Frank |
OS1.1 |
217 |
Broadband Diversity Antenna Array for UHF Digital TV |
Smith, Stephanie |
CS11.2 |
413 |
Validation of Phased Array Mutual Coupling Simulation With Analytical Calculation |
Son, Seong-Ho |
RS21.1 |
481 |
Distance Measurement Method Using Neural Network Learning of Microwave Reflection Signals |
Song, Lizhao |
RS7.1 |
167 |
E-Band Multibeam Conformal Transmitarrays for Beyond 5G Wireless Networks |
CS11.1 |
411 |
Wideband Hybrid Couplers and Their Applications to Multi-Beam Antenna Feed Networks |
Song, Won-young |
RS21.1 |
481 |
Distance Measurement Method Using Neural Network Learning of Microwave Reflection Signals |
Sowerby, Kevin |
RS21.4 |
487 |
Neural Network Model-Based Self-Interference Cancellers for True Full-Duplex Systems |
Su, Da |
OCS3.1 |
149 |
A Low Profile Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons |
Subahir, Suhaila |
RS16.5 |
399 |
Flexible Low-Profile On-Metal Tag Antenna for Asset Tracking and Identification |
Sudirman, Rubita |
OS2.5 |
311 |
Reflected Slow and Fast Wave Attenuation Association With Cancellous Models Porosities and Thicknessess |
Sugaya, Satoshi |
CS8.3 |
345 |
Wide-Angle Scanning and Gain Enhancement of Array Antenna by Dielectric Lens |
Sugimoto, Yoshiki |
RS6.3 |
123 |
Design for Uniform Aperture Distribution of 2×2 Lens Array Using Concave-Convex Lens in THz Band |
RS6.4 |
125 |
Design of 275 GHz Beamforming Network Using Partial Maxwell's Fisheye Lens |
CS8.4 |
347 |
Low Profile Cylindrical Lens Antenna With Matching Layers for 2-Dimensional Beam-Scanning |
RS29.2 |
569 |
Bandwidth Extension of GSCPW-To-Waveguide Transition in Multi-Layer Dielectric Substrate by Corrugation Structures in THz Band |
Suizu, Koji |
CS9-I.5 |
261 |
Improvement of Target Estimation Accuracy of Terahertz Reflection Time-Domain Spectroscopy With MUSIC Using Virtual Arrays |
Sun, Hai-Han |
AS2.4 |
17 |
Clutter Removal in Ground-Penetrating Radar Images Using Deep Neural Networks |
Sun, Xiao-Yuan |
OCS2.1 |
67 |
Design of Vivaldi Antenna With Ultra-Wide Passband and A Band Notch |
Sun, Yu-Xiang |
OCS4.1 |
159 |
Wideband Circularly Polarized Antenna on Glass Substrate With High Optical Transparency |
Sun, Zhengyi |
OCS3.4 |
155 |
A Parasitic Microstrip Linear Array With Customizable Tilted-Beam Radiation |
Sutinjo, Adrian |
RS14.3 |
335 |
Antenna Requirements for Ionospheric Remote Sensing Using a Small Satellite |
Suyama, Satoshi |
RS8.5 |
185 |
A Study on Path Loss Prediction Based on Computer Graphics Technologies |
Suzuki, Hajime |
RS20.1 |
471 |
Circular Polarization of MACKEY Q-Type |
RS20.2 |
473 |
Two-Dimensional Arraying of Unbalanced MACKEY |
RS20.5 |
479 |
A Feasibility Study of Circularly Polarized MACKEY Using Sequential Array Technique |
Suzuki, Katsuyoshi |
RS10.1 |
223 |
Radar Enhanced Contrast Source Inversion Method for Microwave Nondestructive Evaluation |
Suzuki, Naoya |
RS24.1 |
517 |
24/60-GHz Dual-Band Double-Directional Channel Measurements in Urban Cellular Access Environments |
Suzuki, Shuya |
CS8.4 |
347 |
Low Profile Cylindrical Lens Antenna With Matching Layers for 2-Dimensional Beam-Scanning |
Suzuki, Yuki |
RS22.5 |
505 |
Flux Separation Method for Gain Analysis on Telescope Antenna With Segmented Reflector |
Suzuki, Yuta |
RS10.3 |
227 |
Fundamental Study on Misclassification of Urban Areas in Scattering Power Decomposition for PolSAR Data |
T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Ta, Son Xuat |
RS19.4 |
467 |
Bandwidth Improvement of Single-Layer, Circularly-Polarized, Proximity-Fed Patch Antenna |
Tafazolli, Rahim |
RS9.3 |
237 |
Closely Spaced MIMO Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Sub 6 GHz Applications |
RS15.1 |
381 |
Ultra-Wideband Dielectric Reflectarray Antenna With OAM Beams for mm-Wave Applications |
RS19.3 |
465 |
Polarization Insensitive Reconfigurable Artificial Magnetic Conductor for Wideband Applications |
RS23.1 |
507 |
Reflective Metasurface for 5G mmWave Coverage Enhancement |
Takahashi, Fumihiro |
RS6.1 |
119 |
Evaluation of Luneberg Lens Focusing Performance in a Finite Size Anechoic Chamber |
Takahashi, Kazuki |
CS7.2 |
285 |
DCNN-Based Multipath Channel Prediction Model in Mobile Communication Environment |
Takahashi, Masaharu |
RS4.1 |
81 |
A Development of WPT Devices for Wireless-Powered Small Sensors for Home Health Care |
RS12.1 |
273 |
Noncontact Size Detection Method for Bedsores |
RS12.4 |
279 |
Electrical Performances of Meander Line Antenna in Fat Phantom |
RS21.3 |
485 |
Basic Study of the Placement and Number of Receiving Antennas in Undersea Positioning |
Takahashi, Riku |
RS24.1 |
517 |
24/60-GHz Dual-Band Double-Directional Channel Measurements in Urban Cellular Access Environments |
RS24.5 |
523 |
Development and Verification of Double-Directional Channel Sounder at 300 GHz |
Takahashi, Ryuhei |
RS11.3 |
267 |
Study on Roll Angle Estimation of Radar Target Using Null Beam and Rotation Matrix |
Takahashi, Yoshiki |
RS11.3 |
267 |
Study on Roll Angle Estimation of Radar Target Using Null Beam and Rotation Matrix |
Takano, Tadashi |
RS25.5 |
535 |
Radiation Pattern of a Radially Arranged Array in Relation With the Number of Linear Arrays |
Takao, Masayoshi |
RS15.3 |
385 |
Development of Scanning Spot Beam Reflectarray Antenna |
RS15.5 |
389 |
Single-Layered Reflectarray Antenna With Branch Elements |
Takato, Shota |
RS9.1 |
233 |
An Optimal Decoupling Selection for a Monopole Array on Finite Sized Ground Plane |
Takemura, Nobuyasu |
OS1.2 |
219 |
A Study on Interference Suppression Performance Using Space Diversity of Mobile Terminal for Millimeter-Wave Full-Duplex MIMO System |
Tamura, Jo |
CS6.1 |
243 |
A Low-Profile Direction-Finding Antenna With Deep Null Steering Using High-Impedance Surface |
Tanaka, Hiroaki |
RS22.5 |
505 |
Flux Separation Method for Gain Analysis on Telescope Antenna With Segmented Reflector |
Tanaka, Shoma |
RS8.1 |
177 |
Site-Specific Model of Building Entry Loss Based on Measurements in a High-Rise Building |
Tang, Ming-Chun |
AS3.5 |
59 |
Wideband Shielding Diaphragm Based on Electrically Small Single-Negative Metamaterial for Package Application |
OCS3.2 |
151 |
A Low-Profile Parasitic Dipole Antenna With Improved Bandwidth and Gain |
OCS3.4 |
155 |
A Parasitic Microstrip Linear Array With Customizable Tilted-Beam Radiation |
CS12.5 |
449 |
Multifunctional, Low-Profile, Compact and Wideband Inductive Grid-Array Metasurface Antennas |
Tang, Si-Yuan |
OCS5.1 |
209 |
A 300 GHz SiGe Patch Antenna With 5.3 dBi Gain Using Off-Chip Package |
Tang, Weisheng |
OCS4.3 |
163 |
A Filtering Power Divider With Wide Bandwidth Using a Single Dielectric-Loaded Cavity Resonator |
Tang, Xudong |
OCS3.1 |
149 |
A Low Profile Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons |
Tavakol, Mohammad Reza |
RS26.3 |
541 |
Uniform Overlap Feeding Network to Reduce the Number of Phase Shifters in Scan Arrays |
Teng, Wenyi |
OCS4.4 |
165 |
Design of a Wideband Millimeter-Wave Circularly Polarized Lens Antenna |
Thalakotuna, Dush |
CS5.3 |
201 |
A Dual Band Resonant-Cavity Antenna for Satellite Communication |
Thalakotuna, Dushmantha |
RS1.1 |
31 |
A Modified Approach to Optimize Phase-Gradient Metasurface-Based Beam-Steering System |
Theoharis, Panagiotis |
RS15.4 |
387 |
Single Layer Unit Cell With Reduced Phase Sensitivity for X-Band Reflectarray Applications |
Thorsen, Per-Arne |
CS2.1 |
101 |
Monopulse Feeding Network Based on New Gap Waveguide Planar Magic-Tees |
Ting, Shi |
OCS3.2 |
151 |
A Low-Profile Parasitic Dipole Antenna With Improved Bandwidth and Gain |
Tishchenko, Anton |
RS23.1 |
507 |
Reflective Metasurface for 5G mmWave Coverage Enhancement |
Tomie, Takahiro |
RS8.5 |
185 |
A Study on Path Loss Prediction Based on Computer Graphics Technologies |
Tomimoto, Kazuma |
CS7.3 |
287 |
Doppler Shift Analysis of Moving Antennas Above the Road Surface by Using FDTD Method |
CS9-II.4 |
299 |
Antenna and Propagation Measurements for Next Generation Mobile Communications |
RS24.2 |
519 |
An Experimental Study on DOA / DOD Measurement Method at 300 GHz Band by Double-Directional Rotating Reflector Antenna |
Tomura, Takashi |
CS8.1 |
341 |
Wideband Design of 2×2-Element Dielectric-Filled Waveguide Slot Subarray for 350-GHz Band |
CS11.5 |
419 |
Design of a Waveguide Two-Plane Coupler With a Different Division Ratio in Horizontal and Vertical Directions |
RS29.1 |
567 |
Groove Gap Waveguide With Interlaced Pins for Higher-Frequency Fabrication |
Torrungrueng, Danai |
RS4.4 |
87 |
A Study of Misalignment Effects for High- Frequency Wireless Power Transfer Systems Using a Novel Equivalent Transmission Line Model |
RS18.3 |
435 |
Feeding Effects to Gain Enhancement of Microstrip Antennas With Partially Reflective Surfaces |
Toyoda, Ichihiko |
RS2.4 |
47 |
A Reconfigurable Circularly-Polarized Ring-Slot Antenna Employing Microstrip-Line Switchable Feed Network |
RS18.2 |
433 |
A Beam-Forming Antenna Integrating Magic-T Based Matrix Feed Network |
RS18.4 |
437 |
A Multi-Beam Array Antenna Employing Simple 4 × 2 Beam-Forming Network Integrating Magic-T and Hybrid Coupler |
Tsukada, Hibiki |
RS24.1 |
517 |
24/60-GHz Dual-Band Double-Directional Channel Measurements in Urban Cellular Access Environments |
Tsushima, Kosuke |
CS6.4 |
249 |
A Meta-Surface-Inspired Circularly Polarized Antenna With Magneto-Electric Feeding Structure |
Tubbal, Faisel |
RS15.4 |
387 |
Single Layer Unit Cell With Reduced Phase Sensitivity for X-Band Reflectarray Applications |
U A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Ueda, Tetsuya |
CS6.2 |
245 |
A Metamaterial-Inspired V-Shaped Wire Antenna for Wideband Operation |
Ulfah, Mia |
RS18.3 |
435 |
Feeding Effects to Gain Enhancement of Microstrip Antennas With Partially Reflective Surfaces |
Umeda, Yutaka |
RS18.2 |
433 |
A Beam-Forming Antenna Integrating Magic-T Based Matrix Feed Network |
Uno, Toru |
CS6.3 |
247 |
Effective Modeling Method of Single Antenna Above Meta-Surfaces in FDTD Method |
CS7.3 |
287 |
Doppler Shift Analysis of Moving Antennas Above the Road Surface by Using FDTD Method |
RS27.3 |
551 |
The Effect of Raindrops on the Automotive On-Glass Antenna |
V A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Vásquez Peralvo, Juan A. |
RS1.3 |
35 |
Triangular Intertwined Frequency Selective Surface |
Verho, Sebastian |
CS3-I.3 |
133 |
Reconfigurable Metasurface With a Novel Coupled Line Structure for Ka-Band |
Verran, Karl |
RS25.1 |
527 |
Simultaneous S/X 3.7 m-Diameter Earth Station |
Vidarsson, Freysteinn |
AS1.5 |
9 |
Full Azimuthal Coverage in Planar Lens Antennas |
Vieira, Gustavo |
OS5.2 |
373 |
Breathing Detection via a UWB Radar |
Vieira, Marcos |
OS1.1 |
217 |
Broadband Diversity Antenna Array for UHF Digital TV |
W A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Wada, Yukiko |
RS20.4 |
477 |
Characteristics Study of Structure of the Antenna Composed of a Metal Box and Folded Dipole Element |
Wakayama, Kichi |
RS20.3 |
475 |
Consideration of MACKEY Reverse F-Type for Multi-Band Purposes |
Wang, Chao |
OS6.3 |
455 |
A Dual-Passband Filter With Wide Stopband Based on Quarter-Mode Substrate Integrated Elliptical Waveguide |
Wang, Chao-Fu |
RS28.4 |
563 |
Surface Integral Equation Based Characteristic Mode Analysis of Dielectric Objects |
Wang, Enlin |
CS2.1 |
101 |
Monopulse Feeding Network Based on New Gap Waveguide Planar Magic-Tees |
Wang, Jiahao |
RS9.4 |
239 |
Robust Beamforming for Space-Based SAR Phased Arrays With Distributed Interferer Suppression |
Wang, Jiawei |
OS4.4 |
367 |
Synthesizing Multiple Beams, Sum and Difference Beams at 28GHz Based on A Programmable Metasurface |
Wang, Jun Hong |
AS2.5 |
19 |
Electronically-Controlled Leaky-Wave Antenna With Dual-Band Fixed-Frequency Beam-Steering Performance |
OCS1.2 |
23 |
An SIW Leaky-Wave Antenna With Electronically Controlled Beam Scanning Performance |
OCS1.3 |
25 |
A Fixed-Frequency Beam-Scanning Leaky-Wave Antenna Base on Phase and Amplitude Control |
Wang, Kaixu |
OCS4.4 |
165 |
Design of a Wideband Millimeter-Wave Circularly Polarized Lens Antenna |
Wang, Min |
OS3.1 |
313 |
The Design of a Dual-Band Bidirectional Metal-Only Transmit-Reflected-Array Antenna Element With Different Polarizations |
OS6.1 |
451 |
A Wideband High Gain Arched Slotted Patch Array Antenna by Substrate-Integrated Coaxial Line |
Wang, Qian |
OS2.3 |
307 |
Flexible Biosensor for Non-Invasive Continuous Alcohol Monitoring |
Wang, Rui |
OS6.3 |
455 |
A Dual-Passband Filter With Wide Stopband Based on Quarter-Mode Substrate Integrated Elliptical Waveguide |
Wang, Shanzhe |
AS2.5 |
19 |
Electronically-Controlled Leaky-Wave Antenna With Dual-Band Fixed-Frequency Beam-Steering Performance |
Wang, Sungsik |
CS3-II.1 |
187 |
Design of a Shared-Aperture Antenna With a Hashmark-Shaped Loop to Improve Electromagnetic Transparent Characteristics |
Wang, Tingfei |
OS5.1 |
371 |
Radar Working Mode Recognition Algorithm Based on Siamese Network and Deep Auto Encoder-Affinity Propagation |
OS5.6 |
379 |
Parameter Estimation of LFM-BPSK Composite Modulated Radar Signal Based on Multi-Output Regression Network |
Wang, Xing |
CS7.5 |
291 |
An Efficient Method for Analyzing the Wideband RCS of Multi-Scale Objects Based on SAIM and CAT |
OS2.4 |
309 |
Attributed Scattering Center Extraction With Improved Orthogonal Matching Pursuit |
Wang, Ya-Xing |
CS10.3 |
405 |
Multi-Antenna-In-Package With High Isolation |
Washiro, Takanori |
RS4.5 |
89 |
Voltage Between Two Electrodes of Resonating Capacitive Couplers for Wireless Power Transfer |
Watanabe, Issei |
OS7.1 |
491 |
Suppression of Multiple Reflection by Metasurface Absorber in 120-GHz-Band Close-Proximity Wireless Link |
Wei, Bang |
OCS1.2 |
23 |
An SIW Leaky-Wave Antenna With Electronically Controlled Beam Scanning Performance |
Wei, Feng |
OCS2.1 |
61 |
A Differential Low-Profile Metasurface Filtering Antenna |
OCS2.1 |
63 |
Rapid Measurement and Estimation of Antenna Radiation Pattern Based on Characteristic Mode |
Withayachumnankul, Withawat |
RS6.2 |
121 |
275-GHz Planar High-Gain Resonant Cavity Antenna With Effective Medium |
Wong, Alex |
RS6.5 |
127 |
A Dual-Polarized High-NA Achromatic Transmission Huygens' Metalens |
CS12.1 |
441 |
Wideband RCA Using a True-Time-Delay Metasurface: An Experimental Demonstration |
Wu, Bian |
OCS2.1 |
67 |
Design of Vivaldi Antenna With Ultra-Wide Passband and A Band Notch |
OCS2.1 |
69 |
Research Advance on Multistate Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons Antennas |
Wu, Fan |
AS3.2 |
53 |
A Wideband Circularly Polarized Magneto-Electric Dipole Transmitarray Antenna |
OCS5.1 |
207 |
Millimeter-Wave Dual-Band Antenna Array Integrated in Metal-Framed Smartphones |
OCS5.1 |
211 |
A Hybrid Dual-Polarized Conformal Dielectric Resonator Antenna Array for Mobile Terminals |
Wu, Jiahui |
OS2.4 |
309 |
Attributed Scattering Center Extraction With Improved Orthogonal Matching Pursuit |
Wu, Kun |
OS3.4 |
319 |
A High-Efficiency 3D-Printed E-Band Dielectric Transmitarray for Integrated Space and Terrestrial Networks |
Wu, Yaxiang |
RS29.1 |
567 |
Groove Gap Waveguide With Interlaced Pins for Higher-Frequency Fabrication |
X A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Xia, Xiaoyue |
OCS5.1 |
207 |
Millimeter-Wave Dual-Band Antenna Array Integrated in Metal-Framed Smartphones |
OCS5.1 |
209 |
A 300 GHz SiGe Patch Antenna With 5.3 dBi Gain Using Off-Chip Package |
OCS5.1 |
211 |
A Hybrid Dual-Polarized Conformal Dielectric Resonator Antenna Array for Mobile Terminals |
Xia, Zuxue |
OS6.3 |
455 |
A Dual-Passband Filter With Wide Stopband Based on Quarter-Mode Substrate Integrated Elliptical Waveguide |
Xiang, Bingjie |
CS12.3 |
445 |
A Wideband Low-Profile Transmitarray Antenna Based on Metasurface |
Xiang, Lei |
AS3.2 |
53 |
A Wideband Circularly Polarized Magneto-Electric Dipole Transmitarray Antenna |
Xiao, Pei |
RS9.3 |
237 |
Closely Spaced MIMO Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Sub 6 GHz Applications |
Xu, Xin |
OCS2.1 |
63 |
Rapid Measurement and Estimation of Antenna Radiation Pattern Based on Characteristic Mode |
Y A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Yabuki, Ayumu |
RS24.2 |
519 |
An Experimental Study on DOA / DOD Measurement Method at 300 GHz Band by Double-Directional Rotating Reflector Antenna |
Yamada, Hiroyoshi |
RS10.3 |
227 |
Fundamental Study on Misclassification of Urban Areas in Scattering Power Decomposition for PolSAR Data |
RS10.5 |
231 |
Experimental Study on 3D Imaging Using Millimeter-Wave Non-Uniform 2D-MIMO Radar |
Yamada, Wataru |
RS13.3 |
325 |
RNN Based Proactive Received Power Prediction Using Latest and Estimated Received Power |
Yamada, Yoshihide |
RS6.3 |
123 |
Design for Uniform Aperture Distribution of 2×2 Lens Array Using Concave-Convex Lens in THz Band |
RS12.4 |
279 |
Electrical Performances of Meander Line Antenna in Fat Phantom |
CS8.2 |
343 |
Focal Region Ray Tracing of Dielectric Lens Antennas for Multibeam Designing |
Yamaguchi, Ryo |
CS7.3 |
287 |
Doppler Shift Analysis of Moving Antennas Above the Road Surface by Using FDTD Method |
CS9-II.4 |
299 |
Antenna and Propagation Measurements for Next Generation Mobile Communications |
RS24.2 |
519 |
An Experimental Study on DOA / DOD Measurement Method at 300 GHz Band by Double-Directional Rotating Reflector Antenna |
Yamamoto, Atsushi |
RS20.4 |
477 |
Characteristics Study of Structure of the Antenna Composed of a Metal Box and Folded Dipole Element |
Yamamoto, Kohei |
RS12.3 |
277 |
Development of a Numerical Model of 60 GHz Band Lens Antenna for the Study of Thermo-Physiological and Cellular Function Changes Induced by Millimeter-Wave Exposure |
Yamamoto, Manabu |
CS7.1 |
283 |
Propagation Loss Characteristics Considering Human Body Shadowing in Local 5G Frequency Band Using Parallel FDTD Analysis |
Yamamoto, Shin-ichi |
RS15.3 |
385 |
Development of Scanning Spot Beam Reflectarray Antenna |
RS15.5 |
389 |
Single-Layered Reflectarray Antenna With Branch Elements |
Yamauchi, Junji |
OS4.3 |
365 |
Null-Steering Metaspiral Antenna |
Yamauchi, Yoshihiro |
RS10.2 |
225 |
Inverse Scattering Enhanced Synthetic Aperture Imaging for Multi-Layered Ground Media |
Yang, Jian |
CS2.1 |
101 |
Monopulse Feeding Network Based on New Gap Waveguide Planar Magic-Tees |
Yang, Rui |
OS4.1 |
361 |
Circularly Polarized Wide-Angle Beam Scanning Circular Array Antenna |
CS10.4 |
407 |
A Frequency Reconfigurable Metasurface Based on Liquid Metal |
Yang, Shiyi |
RS28.5 |
565 |
Ka-Band Implementation of a Geodesic Half Maxwell Fisheye Lens Antenna |
Yang, Silei |
OCS3.1 |
149 |
A Low Profile Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons |
Yang, Weixu |
CS12.4 |
447 |
A Compact Folded Transmitarray Antenna With Polarization-Dependent Metasurface |
Yang, Yang |
RS3.3 |
75 |
A 3D Printing 120 GHz Lens Antenna for Terahertz 1D Beam-Scanning Applications |
CS12.2 |
443 |
3D Broadband FSS With Through Holes and Low Profile for UHF and SHF Applications |
Yao, Yu |
OCS5.1 |
207 |
Millimeter-Wave Dual-Band Antenna Array Integrated in Metal-Framed Smartphones |
Ye, Fang |
OS5.1 |
371 |
Radar Working Mode Recognition Algorithm Based on Siamese Network and Deep Auto Encoder-Affinity Propagation |
Yi, Da |
AS3.5 |
59 |
Wideband Shielding Diaphragm Based on Electrically Small Single-Negative Metamaterial for Package Application |
Yin, Xiaoyang |
RS22.4 |
503 |
A Wideband Unbalanced-To-Unbalanced Choke for Return Current Suppression in Antenna Measurements |
Yin, Ying Zeng |
RS9.5 |
241 |
A Novel Radiation Cancelling Filtering Dielectric Resonator Antenna Based on AMC Surface |
Yohandri, Yohandri |
RS16.4 |
397 |
A Design of Broadband Axial Ratio Ellipse Microstrip Antenna for CP-SAR Sensor |
Yokoe, Keito |
RS20.1 |
471 |
Circular Polarization of MACKEY Q-Type |
RS20.3 |
475 |
Consideration of MACKEY Reverse F-Type for Multi-Band Purposes |
RS20.5 |
479 |
A Feasibility Study of Circularly Polarized MACKEY Using Sequential Array Technique |
Yonawa, Hiroto |
RS8.4 |
183 |
Evaluation of Secret Transmission Performance of Spatially Selective Modulation |
Yoneda, Michinori |
RS20.1 |
471 |
Circular Polarization of MACKEY Q-Type |
RS20.2 |
473 |
Two-Dimensional Arraying of Unbalanced MACKEY |
RS20.5 |
479 |
A Feasibility Study of Circularly Polarized MACKEY Using Sequential Array Technique |
Yong, Wai Yan |
AS3.4 |
57 |
Ultra-Wideband, Wide Scanning Phased Array for SATCOM Ground Station |
Yoon, Ick-Jae |
CS1.1 |
95 |
Water-Loaded, Compact Ultrawideband Antenna With a Broadside Radiation Characteristic for Brain Signal Monitoring Applications |
CS3-I.5 |
137 |
A Compact Broadband Quasi-Isotropic Antenna for Wireless Energy Harvesting Applications |
Yoon, Young Joong |
CS3-II.5 |
195 |
Analysis of AMC and EBG Properties in Planar Log-Periodic Toothed Antenna |
Yoshida, Kazuki |
CS7.1 |
283 |
Propagation Loss Characteristics Considering Human Body Shadowing in Local 5G Frequency Band Using Parallel FDTD Analysis |
Yoshida, Satoshi |
RS26.2 |
539 |
Measurement of a 60-GHz-Band Digital Beamforming Array Using 4-By-2 Circular Patch |
Youn, Sangwoon |
RS11.1 |
263 |
Design of a Single Radiator Monopulse Antenna for UWB Direction Finding |
Youn, Youngno |
CS1.1 |
97 |
28 GHz 5G OTA Test Using Optically-Transparent Reflective Surface Fabricated by Electroforming |
Young, Jeanne |
RS1.4 |
37 |
Transient Radiation and Scattering From Wire Antennas Using a Product Nystrom Method |
RS28.2 |
559 |
On the Equivalence Between Geometry and Material Properties in Maxwell's Equations |
Yu, Changjun |
OS5.3 |
375 |
Bistatic HFSWR Impulsive Interference Suppression Based on Data Fusion |
Yu, Chao |
OCS5.1 |
207 |
Millimeter-Wave Dual-Band Antenna Array Integrated in Metal-Framed Smartphones |
OCS5.1 |
211 |
A Hybrid Dual-Polarized Conformal Dielectric Resonator Antenna Array for Mobile Terminals |
Yu, Jong-Won |
OCS3.5 |
157 |
Series-Fed Slit Ring Resonator Antenna Array With Wide Fan-Beam and High Gain |
RS13.4 |
327 |
RF Energy Harvesting System for Polarization Independence and Stability of Time-Varying Signal |
RS13.5 |
329 |
Feasibility Analysis of Ambient RF Energy Harvesting for Low-Power IoT Devices |
Yu, Jong-Won |
RS27.2 |
549 |
An Accurate and Simple Method for Measurement of RF Characterization in Thin Substrate |
Yu, Xiao |
RS21.5 |
489 |
foF2 Estimation With TEC Observation Over China Based on Random Forest Method |
Yu, Yang |
OS6.1 |
451 |
A Wideband High Gain Arched Slotted Patch Array Antenna by Substrate-Integrated Coaxial Line |
Yu, Ying |
OS3.2 |
315 |
A New Low-Cost and High-Gain Dual-Band Reflection/Transmission Array Antenna |
OS3.3 |
317 |
A 1-Bit 14 × 14 Dual-Beam Electronically Reconfigurable Reflectarray |
Yuan, Tao |
CS10.3 |
405 |
Multi-Antenna-In-Package With High Isolation |
Yuan, Yuan |
RS3.5 |
79 |
A 3D-Printed Hybrid Dielectric Resonator Antenna With Low Cross-Polarization |
Yubo, Wen |
CS11.4 |
417 |
Yagi-Uda Monopoles With Elevated-Angle Suppression for Endfire Radiation |
Yun, Gwang-Ro |
RS17.2 |
423 |
A New Design of a Fabry-Perot Cavity Antenna for Beam-Scanning With Polarization-Reconfiguration |
RS25.4 |
533 |
Design Method of a High-Directivity Corner Fabry-Perot Cavity Antenna Using a Conformal Mapping |
Yusoff, Zubaida |
RS23.4 |
513 |
A Miniaturized Branch Line Coupler for 5G Dual Band Applications |
Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Zaman, Ashraf |
CS2.1 |
101 |
Monopulse Feeding Network Based on New Gap Waveguide Planar Magic-Tees |
Zetterstrom, Oskar |
AS1.3 |
5 |
Azimuth and Elevation Scanning With Stacked Modulated Geodesic Luneburg Lenses |
AS1.5 |
9 |
Full Azimuthal Coverage in Planar Lens Antennas |
Zhang, Ao |
OCS3.1 |
149 |
A Low Profile Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons |
Zhang, Bing |
RS9.5 |
241 |
A Novel Radiation Cancelling Filtering Dielectric Resonator Antenna Based on AMC Surface |
Zhang, Changhong |
OS6.5 |
459 |
A Circularly Polarized Endfire Antenna Based on Single-Sided Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons |
Zhang, Chi |
OS3.2 |
315 |
A New Low-Cost and High-Gain Dual-Band Reflection/Transmission Array Antenna |
Zhang, Hairong |
CS7.5 |
291 |
An Efficient Method for Analyzing the Wideband RCS of Multi-Scale Objects Based on SAIM and CAT |
Zhang, Jie |
OS6.5 |
459 |
A Circularly Polarized Endfire Antenna Based on Single-Sided Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons |
Zhang, Lijin |
OS7.2 |
493 |
Ultra-Wideband Frequency Selective Absorber With Dual Independent Notched Bands |
Zhang, Lin-Xi |
CS10.4 |
407 |
A Frequency Reconfigurable Metasurface Based on Liquid Metal |
Zhang, Miao |
OCS5.1 |
213 |
Development of Single-Layer Full-Corporate-Fed SIW Slot Array Antennas |
Zhang, Pengfei |
OCS2.1 |
61 |
A Differential Low-Profile Metasurface Filtering Antenna |
OCS2.1 |
63 |
Rapid Measurement and Estimation of Antenna Radiation Pattern Based on Characteristic Mode |
Zhang, Shuai |
CS5.2 |
199 |
Enabling Simultaneous Near-Field Focusing and Far-Field Radiation Using Multiple Lenses |
Zhang, Tianling |
CS2.1 |
101 |
Monopulse Feeding Network Based on New Gap Waveguide Planar Magic-Tees |
Zhang, Yangzhou |
OCS3.1 |
149 |
A Low Profile Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons |
Zhang, Yuhang |
RS21.5 |
489 |
foF2 Estimation With TEC Observation Over China Based on Random Forest Method |
Zhang, Ziqi |
RS23.5 |
515 |
A Low Profile and Broadband Silicon-Based Dielectric Resonator Antenna |
Zhao, Junming |
CS12.4 |
447 |
A Compact Folded Transmitarray Antenna With Polarization-Dependent Metasurface |
Zhao, Pengjie |
OS5.6 |
379 |
Parameter Estimation of LFM-BPSK Composite Modulated Radar Signal Based on Multi-Output Regression Network |
Zhao, Rui |
OCS3.1 |
149 |
A Low Profile Magneto-Electric Dipole Antenna Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons |
Zhao, Xibei |
OCS2.1 |
61 |
A Differential Low-Profile Metasurface Filtering Antenna |
Zhen, Weimin |
RS21.5 |
489 |
foF2 Estimation With TEC Observation Over China Based on Random Forest Method |
Zheng, Shaoyong |
OCS4.3 |
163 |
A Filtering Power Divider With Wide Bandwidth Using a Single Dielectric-Loaded Cavity Resonator |
Zheng, Sidou |
OCS5.1 |
209 |
A 300 GHz SiGe Patch Antenna With 5.3 dBi Gain Using Off-Chip Package |
Zheng, Yong Xuan |
OCS4.3 |
163 |
A Filtering Power Divider With Wide Bandwidth Using a Single Dielectric-Loaded Cavity Resonator |
Zhong, Wen |
OCS4.1 |
159 |
Wideband Circularly Polarized Antenna on Glass Substrate With High Optical Transparency |
Zhou, Hanqi |
OCS1.4 |
27 |
A High-Efficiency Quasi-Optical Coupling Design for Terahertz Heterodyne Receivers |
Zhou, Lei |
RS23.5 |
515 |
A Low Profile and Broadband Silicon-Based Dielectric Resonator Antenna |
Zhou, Liang |
RS23.5 |
515 |
A Low Profile and Broadband Silicon-Based Dielectric Resonator Antenna |
Zhou, Peigen |
OCS5.1 |
209 |
A 300 GHz SiGe Patch Antenna With 5.3 dBi Gain Using Off-Chip Package |
Zhou, Yuxiang |
OS2.4 |
309 |
Attributed Scattering Center Extraction With Improved Orthogonal Matching Pursuit |
Zhu, He |
OS1.3 |
221 |
A Dual-Slant-Polarized Differentially-Fed In-Band Full-Duplex (IBFD) Antenna |
CS11.1 |
411 |
Wideband Hybrid Couplers and Their Applications to Multi-Beam Antenna Feed Networks |
Zhu, Xi |
RS26.4 |
543 |
Design of Millimetre-Wave Passive Mixer in 45-nm SOI CMOS Technology |
RS26.5 |
545 |
Design of Millimetre-Wave Low-Noise Amplifier in 130-nm SiGe HBT Technology |
Ziolkowski, Richard |
AS2.3 |
15 |
Closed-Path Toroidal-Waveguide Leaky-Wave Antenna With Directive Beam |
CS11.3 |
415 |
Ka-Band Huygens Array With High Realized Aperture Efficiency for 5G Wireless Applications |
CS12.5 |
449 |
Multifunctional, Low-Profile, Compact and Wideband Inductive Grid-Array Metasurface Antennas |
Zou, Longfang |
RS22.4 |
503 |
A Wideband Unbalanced-To-Unbalanced Choke for Return Current Suppression in Antenna Measurements |
Zu, Hao-Ran |
OCS2.1 |
69 |
Research Advance on Multistate Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons Antennas |
Zubir, Farid |
RS23.4 |
513 |
A Miniaturized Branch Line Coupler for 5G Dual Band Applications |
Zulfi, Zulfi |
CS9-I.3 |
257 |
Radiation Characteristics of Wideband Skeletal Discone Antenna |