Welcome Message from the Technical Program Chairs
Welcome Message from the TPC Chair
Welcome to the 2018 edition of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC 2018)!
The spirit of this year's conference is "Leading the way to 5G and Beyond". Indeed, this is the first conference which happens with parts of 5G having been standardized by 3GPP. It also happens in Barcelona, the city which is home to the industry's largest tradeshow, the Mobile World Congress (MWC). Weave in an amazing research, innovation and startup ecosystem, and you get an exciting and stimulating environment for this year's conference.
The conference has originally received 1,043 papers, of which 489 have eventually been accepted. In more details, Track 1 "PHY and Fundamentals" has 186 papers which are presented in 39 Sessions; Track 2 "MAC and Cross-Layer Design" has 64 papers in 13 Sessions; Track 3 "Wireless Networks" has 131 papers in 27 Sessions; and Track 4 "Emerging Technologies, Architectures and Services" has 108 papers in 21 Sessions. In addition, the program is dotted with exciting special sessions, panels, tutorials and of course our flagship plenary keynotes.
As Technical Chair, I am very grateful to the incredible work of the Track Chairs who have worked day and night to ensure a smooth delivery of the review process. Our thanks extends to the dedicated TPC members and all the reviewers who have delivered more than 4,000 quality reviews within shortest time. It is thanks to the efforts of our community that we had delivered high quality reviews and the review results three days before the official deadline.
We would also like to thank the authors of all submitted papers. If you are attending this year, do enjoy the high quality presentations and don't forget to network! I am looking forward to an exciting conference with many stimulating discussions over keynotes, panels and technical sessions.
Thank you,

Prof Mischa Dohler, FIEEE FREng FRSA
TPC Chair, IEEE WCNC 2018
Chair Professor, Dept of Informatics
King's College London, UK