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IEEE WCNCW CmMmW5G 2018: 2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW): Centimetre and Millimetre Wave based communications for 5G Networks (CmMmW5G) - Program

Time (Madrid) 122

Sunday, April 15

09:00 am-10:30 am WS2-I: WS2: Centimetre and Millimetre Wave based communications for 5G Networks (CmMmW5G) Part I
10:45 am-12:15 pm WS2-II: WS2: Centimetre and Millimetre Wave based communications for 5G Networks (CmMmW5G) Part II
02:00 pm-03:30 pm WS2-III: WS2: Centimetre and Millimetre Wave based communications for 5G Networks (CmMmW5G) Part III
03:45 pm-05:15 pm WS2-IV: WS2: Centimetre and Millimetre Wave based communications for 5G Networks (CmMmW5G) Part IV

Sunday, April 15

Sunday, April 15 9:00 - 10:30

WS2-I: WS2: Centimetre and Millimetre Wave based communications for 5G Networks (CmMmW5G) Part I

Room: 122
Chair: Mythri Hunukumbure (Samsung Electronics, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
A Mixed Integer Programming Approach to Interference Exploitation in Massive MIMO
Pierluigi Vito Amadori (University College of London, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Christos Masouros (University College London, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Robust massive MIMO Equilization for mmWave systems with low resolution ADCs
Kilian Roth (Intel, Germany); Josef A. Nossek (TU Munich, Germany & Federal University of Ceara, Fortaleza, Brazil)
Secure Massive IoT Using Hierarchical Fast Blind Deconvolution
Gerhard Wunder (Freie Universität Berlin & AG Cybersecurity and AI, Germany); Ingo Roth (FU Berlin, Germany); Rick Fritschek (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany); Benedikt Groß (FU Berlin, Germany); Jens Eisert (Free University Berlin, Germany)

Sunday, April 15 10:45 - 12:15

WS2-II: WS2: Centimetre and Millimetre Wave based communications for 5G Networks (CmMmW5G) Part II

Room: 122
Chair: Belkacem Mouhouche (Samsung Electronics Research and Development UK, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Challenges for Enabling Virtual Reality Broadcast Using 5G Small Cell Network
Athul Prasad (Samsung, USA); Mikko A. Uusitalo and Mikko Säily (Nokia Bell Labs, Finland); David Navratil (Nokia Networks, Finland)
Good Neighbor Distributed Beam Scheduling in Coexisting Multi-RAT Networks
Alexandr Kuzminskiy, Pei Xiao and Rahim Tafazolli (University of Surrey, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Simple modeling of energy consumption for D2D relay mechanism
Cesar Vargas Anamuro (IMT Atlantique, France); Nadège Varsier and Jean Schwoerer (Orange Labs, France); Xavier Lagrange (IMT Atlantique & IRISA, France)

Sunday, April 15 2:00 - 3:30

WS2-III: WS2: Centimetre and Millimetre Wave based communications for 5G Networks (CmMmW5G) Part III

Room: 122
Chair: Gerhard Wunder (Freie Universität Berlin & AG Cybersecurity and AI, Germany)
Dynamic mmWave Beam Tracking for High Speed Railway Communications
Meilin Gao (Tsinghua University, China); Bo Ai (Beijing Jiaotong University & State Key Lab of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, China); Yong Niu, Zhangdui Zhong, Yiru Liu, Guoyu Ma and Zhewei Zhang (Beijing Jiaotong University, China); Dapeng Li (Zte Corporation, China)
5G Multi-antenna V2V Channel Modeling with a 3D Game Engine
David Garcia-Roger (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain); David Martín-Sacristán (Fivecomm, Spain); Sandra Roger (Universitat de València, Spain); Jose F Monserrat (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain); Apostolos Kousaridas, Panagiotis Spapis, Serkan Ayaz and Chan Zhou (Huawei Technologies, German Research Center, Germany)
Evaluation of IEEE 802.11ad for mmWave V2V Communications
Baldomero Coll-Perales (Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche, Spain); Marco Gruteser (WINLAB / Rutgers University, USA); Javier Gozalvez (Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche, Spain)

Sunday, April 15 3:45 - 5:15

WS2-IV: WS2: Centimetre and Millimetre Wave based communications for 5G Networks (CmMmW5G) Part IV

Room: 122