
Technical Program
Monday, October 8
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Keynote 1
Room: Savoy
Chairs: Stefano Basagni (Northeastern University, USA), Byrav Ramamurthy (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
Prof. Jon Peha. Biography
Title: Innovation in Spectrum Policy and Technology: What will drive it, and what will block it?
The predominant approach to managing spectrum for the last eighty years is becoming less and less able to meet today’s wireless communications needs and desires. We need rapid innovation in both wireless technology and spectrum policy, and spectrum sharing will be critical. In recent years, U.S. policymakers have begun a series of bold initiatives to address this need. This has brought new challenges and opportunities to the research community, which must find innovative new ways to use spectrum more efficiently. In addition, we must overcome the difficulties of moving innovative spectrum-sharing ideas from theoretical discussion to actual deployment.
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Coffee Break
Room: Foyer Area
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Panel PM1:
Room: Savoy
Chair: Chiara Petrioli (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy)
Cognitive Networking and Opportunistic Access: Challenges and Cross
Over Applications
Abstract: This panel brings together experts who are applying the principles of
cognitive networking in actual cognitive networks and in different
mobile computing fields (e.g. to address challenges due to the
coexistence of different technologies operating on the same
bandwidth) with the objective to discuss current challenges and
novel opportunities for application.
Prof. Chiara Petrioli
Prof. Mario Gerla. Biography
Prof. Jon Peha. Biography
Dr. Sung-Ju Lee. Biography
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch (on your own)
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
SM1: Mobility
Room: Red Rock 5
Chair: Maurizio Bocca (University of Utah, USA)
- Modeling Spatial Node Density in Waypoint Mobility
Bruno Astuto Arouche Nunes (University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC), USA)
Katia Obraczka (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)
- On Tracking Multiple Indistinguishable Targets
Ye Zhu (Cleveland State University, USA)
Anil Babu Vikram (Cleveland State University, USA)
Huirong Fu (Oakland University, USA)
- Correlating Mobility with Social Encounters: Distributed Localization in Sparse Mobile Networks
Junbo Zhao (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R. China)
Yanmin Zhu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R. China)
Lionel Ni (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
- Mobile Barrier Coverage for Dynamic Objects in Wireless Sensor Networks
Linghe Kong (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R. China)
Yanmin Zhu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R. China)
Min-You Wu (Shanghai JiaoTong University, P.R. China)
Wei Shu (The University of New Mexico, USA)
- DHT-based Localized Service Discovery in Wireless Mesh Networks
Hanno Wirtz (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Tobias Heer (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Martin Serror (RWTH University, Germany)
Klaus Wehrle (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Room: Red Rock 6
Chair: Yuan Xue (Vanderbilt University, USA)
- RSAA:Reliable Splitting Aware ALOHA to Capture Passing Tags
Lei Kang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, P.R. China)
Chen Qian (The University of Texas at Austin, USA)
Lionel Ni (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
- Complete and Fast Unknown Tag Identification in Large RFID Systems
Xuan Liu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, P.R. China)
Shigeng Zhang (Central South University, P.R. China)
Kai Bu (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)
Bin Xiao (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)
- A Framework for Frameless TDMA Using Slot Chains
Gentian Jakllari (University of Toulouse, France)
Michael Neufeld (Akamai Technologies, USA)
Ram Ramanathan (BBN Technologies, USA)
- Fast Identification of Mobile RFID Tags
David Benedetti (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy)
Gaia Maselli (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy)
Chiara Petrioli (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy)
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Coffee Break
Room: Foyer Area
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
SM3: Energy
Room: Red Rock 5
Chair: Masashi Sugano (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
- ZigBee-Assisted Power Saving Management for Mobile Devices
Hua Qin (Iowa State University, USA)
Wensheng Zhang (Iowa State University, USA)
- SmartMote: Energy and VoI Aware Solar-Powered Sensor Network Design for Environment Monitoring
Shao-Jie Tang (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
Cheng Bo (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
Xiang-Yang Li (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
Yunhao Liu (Tsinghua University & The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, P.R. China)
- NetBrick: a high-performance, low-power hardware platform for wireless and hybrid sensor networks
Manuel Roveri (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Cesare Alippi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Romolo Camplani (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Gabriele Viscardi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
- Pro-Energy: a novel energy prediction model for solar and wind energy-harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks
Alessandro Cammarano (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy)
Chiara Petrioli (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy)
Dora Spenza (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy)
- Collaborative Mobile Charging for Sensor Networks
Sheng Zhang (Nanjing University, P.R. China)
Jie Wu (Temple University, USA)
Sanglu Lu (Nanjing University, P.R. China)
SM4: MAC/Routing
Room: Red Rock 6
Chair: Kaushik Chowdhury (Northeastern University, USA)
- VICO: A Framework for Configuring Indoor Visible Light Communication Networks
Yiyang Li (University of California, Riverside, USA)
Leijie Wang (University of California, Riverside, USA)
Jianxia Ning (University of California, Riverside, USA)
Konstantinos Pelechrinis (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy (University of California, Riverside, USA)
Zhengyuan Xu (University of California, Riverside, USA)
- End-to-End Fairness over Non-Convex Capacity Region in IEEE 802.11-Based Wireless Networks
Jia Bai (Vanderbilt University, USA)
Fan Qiu (Vanderbilt University, USA)
Yuan Xue (Vanderbilt University, USA)
- A scalable analytical framework for deriving optimum scheduling and routing in underwater sensor networks
Francesco Lo Presti (Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy)
Chiara Petrioli (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy)
Roberto Petroccia (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy)
Ariona Shashaj (University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy)
- LOOP: A Location Based Routing Scheme For Opportunistic Networks
Shanshan Lu (The University of Texas at Arlington, USA)
Yanliang Liu (The University of Texas at Arlington, USA)
Yonghe Liu (The University of Texas at Arlington, USA)
Mohan J Kumar (The University of Texas at Arlington & Department of Computer Science and Engineering, USA)
- Optimizations for Route Discovery in Asynchronous Duty-Cycling Wireless Networks
Lei Tang (Rice University, USA)
Yanjun Sun (Texas Instruments & Rice University, USA)
Omer Gurewitz (Ben Gurion University, Israel)
David B. Johnson (Rice University, USA)
Tuesday, October 9
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Room: Savoy
Chairs: Stefano Basagni (Northeastern University, USA), Byrav Ramamurthy (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
Prof. Mario Gerla. Biography
Mobile Cloud Computing is an emerging field of research that aims to study
mobile agents (people, vehicles, robots) as they interact and collaborate to sense the
environment, process the data, propagate the results and more generally share storage,
processing and spectrum resources. Mobile agents collectively operate as Mobile Clouds
offering location aware services such as environment modeling, content discovery, data
collection and other applications in a more efficient than using the conventional Internet
Cloud alone. In this talk we focus on Vehicles. We review Vehicle Cloud applications
ranging from urban sensing to surveillance and intelligent transport. We also address
the cooperation between Vehicular Clouds and the Internet Cloud in the context of a
vehicular traffic management application.
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Coffee Break
Room: Foyer Area
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
ST5: Security
Room: Red Rock 5
Chair: Wenyuan Xu (University of South Carolina, USA)
- Credit Routing for Source-location Privacy Protection in Wireless Sensor Networks
Zongqing Lu (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Yonggang Wen (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
- Enhancing Wireless Communication Privacy with Artificial Fading
Ting Wang (Virginia Tech, USA)
Yaling Yang (Virginia Tech, USA)
- You unlocked the Mt.Everest Badge on Foursquare! Countering Location Fraud in GeoSocial Networks
Bogdan Carbunar (Florida International University, USA)
Rahul Potharaju (Purdue University, USA)
- Social Closeness Based Clone Attack Detection for Mobile Healthcare System
Yanzhi Ren (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
Yingying Chen (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
Mooi Choo Chuah (Lehigh University, USA)
- Closing the Pandora's Box: Defenses for Thwarting Epidemic Outbreaks in Mobile Adhoc Networks
Rahul Potharaju (Purdue University, USA)
Md. Endadul Hoque (Purdue University, USA)
Cristina Nita-Rotaru (Purdue University, USA)
Saswati Sarkar (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Santosh Venkatesh (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
ST6: DTN/Opportunistic Networking
Room: Red Rock 6
Chair: Loreto Pescosolido (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy)
- Data Elevators: Applying the Bundle Protocol in Delay Tolerant Wireless Sensor Networks
Wolf-Bastian Pöttner (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany)
Felix Büsching (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany)
Georg von Zengen (TU Braunschweig, Germany)
Lars C Wolf (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany)
- Maximizing Data Preservation in Intermittently Connected Sensor Networks
Xiang Hou (Wichita State University, USA)
Zane Sumpter (Wichita State University, USA)
Lucas Burson (Wichita State University, USA)
Xinyu Xue (Wichita State University, USA)
Bin Tang (Azusa Pacific University, USA)
- CodeMP: Network Coded Multipath to support TCP in Disruptive MANETs
Chien-Chia Chen (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
Guruprasad Tahasildar (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
Yu-Ting Yu (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
Joon-Sang Park (Hongik University, Korea)
Mario Gerla (University of California at Los Angeles, USA)
M. Y. Sanadidi (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
- Eagle Eye: A Dual-Radio Architecture in Delay Tolerant Networks
Linghe Kong (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R. China)
Tianji Li (National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland)
Min-You Wu (Shanghai JiaoTong University, P.R. China)
Wei Shu (The University of New Mexico, USA)
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch (on your own)
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
PT: Posters and Demo
Room: Savoy
Chair: Kaushik Chowdhury (Northeastern University, USA)
- Exploiting long-range opportunistic links to improve delivery, delay and energy consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks
Quentin Lampin (Orange Labs, France)
Dominique Barthel (Orange Labs & France Telecom, France)
Isabelle Augé-Blum (CITI, INSA Lyon, France)
Fabrice Valois (INSA Lyon, France)
- Demo of Sensor Deployment in Detecting Event's Boundary
Aparna Venkataraman (University of Cincinnati, USA)
Junghyun Jun (Singapore University of Technology and Design & Singapore-MIT International Design Centre (IDC), USA)
Dharma P Agrawal (University of Cincinnati, USA)
- Creating Secured Electronic Medical Record Framework For Mobile Devices
Muneer Malik (University of Cincinnati, USA)
Dharma P Agrawal (University of Cincinnati, USA)
- Performance Improvement by Collision Avoidance of Control Packets in Receiver-Driven Multihop Wireless Mesh Networks
Tadashi Hayamizu (Osaka University, Japan)
Daichi Kominami (Osaka University, Japan)
Masashi Sugano (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
Murata Masayuki (Osaka University, Japan)
Takaaki Hatauchi (Fuji Electric Systems, Japan)
- Dynamic Re-configuration of Mobile Cloud Middleware based on Traffic
Huber Flores (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Satish N Srirama (University of Tartu, Estonia)
- Immediate Acknowledgement for Single-Channel Full-Duplex Wireless Networks
Wooyeol Choi (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)
Hyuk Lim (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)
- A Novel Distributed Scheme for Building Spontaneous Social Communities over MANETs
Zhao Tian (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Nancy Samaan (University of Ottawa, Canada)
- Efficient Mobile Content Dissemination Through Broadcast and Opportunistic Networks
Fang Wang (Tsinghua University, P.R. China)
Yong Li (Tsinghua University, P.R. China)
Zhaocheng Wang (Tsinghua University, P.R. China)
Depeng Jin (Tsinghua University, P.R. China)
Yang Zhixing (Tsinghua University, P.R. China)
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Coffee Break
Room: Foyer Area
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
ST7: Security and Localization
Room: Red Rock 5
Chair: Giacomo Ghidini (University of Texas at Arlington, USA)
- Detecting Spectrum Misuse in Wireless Networks
Kefeng Tan (University of California, Davis, USA)
Kai Zeng (University of Michigan - Dearborn, USA)
Daniel Wu (University of California, Davis, USA)
Prasant Mohapatra (University of California, Davis, USA)
- The Monitoring Core: A Framework for Sensor Security Application Development
Marco Valero (Georgia State University, USA)
Selcuk Uluagac (Georgia Institute of Technology & The School of ECE,USA)
Venkatachalam S (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Ramalingam K C (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Raheem Beyah (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
- Collusion-Resistant Repeated Double Auctions for Cooperative Communications
Zichuan Xu (Australian National University, Australia)
Weifa Liang (Australian National University, Australia)
- Sensory-Data-Enhanced Authentication for Access Control Systems
Yuanchao Shu (Zhejiang University, P.R. China)
Yu Gu (Singapore University of Technology and Design & Advanced Digital Sciences Center, Singapore)
Jiming Chen (Zhejiang University, P.R. China)
- Enhancing the Accuracy of Radio Tomographic Imaging Using Channel Diversity
Ossi Kaltiokallio (Aalto University & University of Utah, Finland)
Maurizio Bocca (University of Utah, USA)
Neal Patwari (University of Utah, USA)
ST8: Reliability and Throughput
Room: Red Rock 6
Chair: Byrav Ramamurthy (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
- Capacity and Delay Tradeoffs in Mobile Networks under Gaussian Channel Model
Cheng Wang (University of Ottawa & Tongji University, Shanghai, Canada)
Xiang-Yang Li (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
Shaojie Tang (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
Changjun Jiang (Tongji University, Shanghai, P.R. China)
- Achievable Throughput in Duty-Cycled Wireless Networks
Jing Li (The Ohio State University, USA)
Wenjie Zeng (The Ohio State University, USA)
Anish Arora (The Ohio State University, USA)
- A Hybrid Fault Detection Approach for Context-aware Wireless Sensor Networks
Ehsan Ullah Warriach (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
Kenji Tei (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
Tuan Anh Nguyen (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
Marco Aiello (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
- WiFu: A Composable Toolkit for Experimental Wireless Transport Protocols
Randy Buck (Brigham Young University, USA)
Rich Lee (Brigham Young University, USA)
Philip Lundrigan (Brigham Young University, USA)
Daniel Zappala (Brigham Young University, USA)
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Room: Savoy
Chairs: Stefano Basagni (Northeastern University, USA), Byrav Ramamurthy (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
Wednesday, October 10
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Coffee Break
Room: Foyer Area
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
SW09: Jamming
Room: Red Rock 5
Chair: Orestis Evangelatos (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
- Error Minimizing Jammer Localization Through Smart Estimation of Ambient Noise
Zhenhua Liu (University of South Carolina, USA)
Hongbo Liu (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
Wenyuan Xu (University of South Carolina, USA)
Yingying Chen (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
- Bankrupting the Jammer in WSN
Farhana Ashraf (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Yih-Chun Hu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Robin Kravets (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
- STIR-ing the Wireless Medium with Self-Tuned, Inference-Based, Real-Time Jamming
Bruce DeBruhl, II (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Yu Seung Kim (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Zachary Weinberg (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Patrick Tague (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
- Efficient and Timely Jamming Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
Donggang Liu (University of Texas at Arlington, USA)
Joshua Raymer (UT Arlington, USA)
Andy Fox (UT Arlington, USA)
SW10: Cognitive Radio/Spectrum Sharing
Room: Red Rock 6
Chair: Xin Wang (Stony Brook University, USA)
- Statistics Exploration vs. Diversity Exploitation: Online Sequential Channel Access in CRN
Bowen Li (Institute of Communications Engineering, PLA University of Science & Technology, P.R. China)
Panlong Yang (Institute of Communication Engineering, PLAUST, P.R. China)
Jinlong Wang (PLA University of Science and Technology, P.R. China)
Qihui Wu (PLA University of Sci. & Tech., P.R. China)
Xiang-Yang Li (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
Yunhao Liu (Tsinghua University & The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, P.R. China)
- Goodput Maximization in Opportunistic Spectrum Access Radio Links with Imperfect Spectrum Sensing and FEC-based Packet Protection
Maurizio A Bonuccelli (Universita' di Pisa, Italy)
Donatella Ermini (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy)
Loreto Pescosolido (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy)
Chiara Petrioli (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy)
- Exploiting Cooperation for Delay Optimization in Cognitive Networks
Chowdhury Hyder (MSU, USA)
Li Xiao (Michigan State University, USA)
Max Ellison (Michigan State University, USA)
- Spectrum Decision for Efficient Routing in Cognitive Radio Network
Ramzi Saifan (Iowa State University, USA)
Ahmed E. Kamal (Iowa State University, USA)
Yong Guan (Iowa State University, USA)
- Content Dissemination by Pushing and Sharing in Mobile Cellular Networks: An Analytical Study
Xiaofei Wang (Seoul National University,Korea)
Min Chen (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, P.R. China)
Zhu Han (University of Houston, USA)
Taekyoung Kwon (Seoul National University, Korea)
Yanghee Choi (Seoul National University, Korea)
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch (on your own)
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
SW11: Data Handling
Room: Red Rock 5
Chair: Bin Tang (Azusa Pacific University, USA)
- FuseViz: A Framework for Web-based Data Fusion and Visualization in Smart Environments
Giacomo Ghidini (University of Texas at Arlington, USA)
Sajal K. Das (University of Texas at Arlington, USA)
Vipul Gupta (Oracle Corporation, USA)
- Fusion Performance in Long-Haul Sensor Networks with Message Retransmission and Retrodiction
Qiang Liu (Stony Brook University, USA)
Xin Wang (Stony Brook University, USA)
Nageswara Rao (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
Katharine Brigham (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
- Cross-layer Coordination for Efficient Contents Delivery in LTE eMBMS Traffic
Eilwoo Baik (University of California, Davis, USA)
Amit Pande (University of California Davis, CA, USA)
Prasant Mohapatra (University of California, Davis, USA)
- Balanced Spatio-Temporal Compressive Sensing for Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks
Mohammadreza Mahmudimanesh (Technische Universität Darmstadt & Technische Universität Darmstadt - FB Informatik, Germany)
Abdelmajid Khelil (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Neeraj Suri (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany)
- PathZip: Packet Path Tracing in Wireless Sensor Networks
Xiaopei Lu (National University of Defense Technology, P.R. China)
Dezun Dong (National University of Defense Technology & Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, P.R. China)
Yunhao Liu (Tsinghua University & The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, P.R. China)
Xiangke Liao (NUDT, P.R. China)
Li Shanshan (National University of Defense Technology, P.R. China)
SW12: Modeling and Analysis
Room: Red Rock 6
Chair: Jing Li (The Ohio State University, USA)
- Path-Loss Fluctuations: Towards Robust Scheduling Algorithms in the SINR Model
Zhaoquan Gu (Tsinghua University, P.R. China)
Guanyu Wang (Tsinghua University, P.R. China)
Amy Yuexuan Wang (Tsinghua University & Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, P.R. China)
- Bugs or Anomalies? Sequence Mining Based Debugging in Wireless Sensor Networks
Kefa Lu (University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA)
Qing Cao (University of Tennessee, USA)
Michael Thomason (University of Tennessee, USA)
- On the Spanning Ratio of Partial Delaunay Triangulation
Florentin Neumann (University of Paderborn, Germany)
Hannes Frey (University of Paderborn, Germany)
- Collaborative Assessment of Functional Reliability in Wireless Networks
Zi Feng (University of California, Riverside, USA)
Konstantinos Pelechrinis (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy (University of California, Riverside, USA)
Ananthram Swami (Army Research Lab., USA)
S. Felix Wu (University of California at Davis, USA)
Munindar P. Singh (North Carolina State University, USA)
Dr. Mario Gerla is a Professor in the Computer Science Dept at UCLA. He holds an Engineering degree from Politecnico di Milano, Italy and the Ph.D. degree from UCLA. He became IEEE Fellow in 2002. At UCLA, he was part of the team that developed the early ARPANET protocols under the guidance of Prof. Leonard Kleinrock. He joined the UCLA Faculty in 1976.
At UCLA he has designed network protocols including ad hoc wireless clustering, multicast (ODMRP and CODECast) and Internet transport (TCP Westwood). He has lead the ONR MINUTEMAN project, designing the next generation scalable airborne Internet for tactical and homeland defense scenarios. He is now leading several advanced wireless network projects under Industry and Government funding. His team is developing a Vehicular Testbed for safe navigation, content distribution, urban sensing and intelligent transport. Parallel research activities are wireless medical monitoring using smart phones and cognitive radios in urban environments.
He has served as a Technical Program Committee member of many international conferences, and is active in the organization of conferences and workshops, including MedHocNet and WONS. He serves on the IEEE TON Scientific Advisory Board. He was recently recognized with the annual MILCOM Technical Contribution Award for 2011 and the IEEE Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Society Achievement Award in 2011.
Jon Peha is a Full Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. He served in the U.S. Government in 2008-2011, first as the Chief Technologist of the Federal Communications Commission, and then at the White House as Assistant Director of the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy where he focused on Communications and Research. At Carnegie Mellon, he is a Professor in the Dept. of Engineering & Public Policy and the Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, and former Associate Director of the university's Center for Wireless & Broadband Networking. He has served as Chief Technical Officer for three high-tech companies, and a member of technical staff at SRI International, AT&T Bell Laboratories, and Microsoft. He has addressed telecom and e-commerce policy on legislative staff in the House Energy & Commerce Committee and the Senate, and helped launch and lead a US Government interagency program to assist developing countries with information infrastructure. His research spans technical and policy issues of information networks, including spectrum management, broadband Internet, wireless networks, video and voice over IP, communications for emergency responders, universal service, secure Internet payment systems, online dissemination of copyrighted material, and network security. Dr. Peha holds a PhD in electrical engineering from Stanford, and a BS from Brown. He is an IEEE Fellow, an AAAS Fellow, and a winner of the IEEE TCCN Publication Award for career “contributions to techno-economic analysis of spectrum allocation policies†and the FCC's "Excellence in Engineering Award.
Sung-Ju Lee received his PhD in Computer Science from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2000 and has since been with Hewlett-Packard Labs where he is a Principal Research Scientist at the Networking & Communications Lab. Dr. Lee has published over 90 technical papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences. His papers are well-cited, with his top ten publications receiving a total of more than 5,000 citations according to Google Scholar. Two of his papers have each been cited more than 1,000 times and thirteen of his papers have each been cited more than 100 times. In addition, he has 15 granted US patents and 40-plus pending patents. He won the HP CEO Innovation Award in 2010 as part of the mega-scale wireless sensor networking team. This award recognizes the people behind the most innovative products that HP has brought to market and the winners are nominated by executives in HP businesses. He is a co-founder and steering committee member of IEEE SECON. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and a Distinguished Scientist of ACM.