Time (Jakarta) | Mulia 1A | Mulia 1B | Mulia 2 | Mulia 3 |
Tuesday, January 29 |
07:00 am-07:30 am | REG: REGISTRATION - from 7.00 AM until 11.59 AM | |||
07:30 am-09:30 am | 1-A: Parallel Session 1-A | 1-B: Parallel Session 1-B | 1-C: Parallel Session 1-C | 1-D: Parallel Session 1-D |
09:30 am-10:00 am | CB-1: Coffee Break 1 | |||
10:00 am-12:00 pm | Plenary: Opening Ceremony and Plenary Speaker | |||
12:00 pm-01:00 pm | LUNCH: LUNCH BREAK | |||
01:00 pm-03:15 pm | 2-A: Parallel Session 2-A | 2-B: Parallel Session 2-B | 2-C: Parallel Session 2-C | 2-D: Parallel Session 2-D |
03:15 pm-03:30 pm | CB-2: Coffee Break 2 | |||
03:30 pm-03:45 pm | CLOSING: CLOSING + AWARDING |
Tuesday, January 29
Tuesday, January 29 7:00 - 7:30
REG: REGISTRATION - from 7.00 AM until 11.59 AM
REGISTRATION - from 7.00 AM until 11.59 AM
Tuesday, January 29 7:30 - 9:30
1-A: Parallel Session 1-A
Room: Mulia 1A
Chair: Asih Winantu (STMIK EL RAHMA, Indonesia)
- 7:30 Involve Convolutional-NN to Generate Item Latent Factor Consider Product Genre to Increase Robustness in Product Sparse Data for E-commerce Recommendation
- 7:45 Training Performance of Recurrent Neural Network Using RTRL and BPTT for Gamelan Onset Detection
- 8:00 Hatespeech Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm Based on Image
- 8:15 Application of Transfer Learning Using Convolutional Neural Network Method for Early Detection of Terry's Nail
- 8:30 A Comparison of Human Crafted Features and Machine Crafted Features on White Blood Cells Classification
- 8:45 Transient Stability Prediction Using Algorithm Backpropagation
- 9:00 Motion Artifact Contaminated Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy Signals Classification Using K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)
- 9:15 Analysis of Alpha and Beta EEG Signal Pattern in Trypophobia Condition with Wavelet Method
1-B: Parallel Session 1-B
Room: Mulia 1B
Chair: Wahyu Widodo (STMIK EL RAHMA & Batikkode, Indonesia)
- 7:30 Fire Detection Use CCTV with Image Processing Based Raspberry Pi
- 7:45 Identical Instruments Detection Using Least Mean Square Based Adaptive Filter
- 8:00 Determination of the Ship Motion Direction with Digital Image Processing on Sea Water Surface to Avoid Collisions
- 8:15 Estimated Vehicle Density Based on Video Processing Using the Gaussian Mixture Model Method
- 8:30 Electrocardiogram Feature Recognition Algorithm with Windowing and Adaptive Tresholding
- 8:45 A Classification of Platelets in Peripheral Blood Smear Image as an Early Detection of Myeloproliferative Syndrome Using Gray Level Co-Occurence Matrix
- 9:00 Implementation of the Certainty Factor Method for Early Detection of Cirrhosis Based on Android
- 9:15 Automatic Shooting Scoring System Based on Image Processing
1-C: Parallel Session 1-C
Room: Mulia 2
Chair: Irfan Nurudin (STMIK EL RAHMA, Indonesia)
- 7:30 Current Trend and Literature on Electronic CRM Adoption Review
- 7:45 A Literature Review - Firm Investment on Cloud as Efficient & Effective Technology
- 8:00 Drone Tracking Modelling Ontology for Tourist Behavior
- 8:15 Implementation of Object Tracking Augmented Reality Markerless Using FAST Corner Detection on User Defined-Extended Target Tracking in Multivarious Intensities
- 8:30 Towards Personalization to Support Learners' Motivation on Gamified MOOC Platform
- 8:45 Fanaticism Knowledge Generation Using Sentiment, Emotion, and Hate Speech Features from Political Opinion on Social Media
- 9:00 Improving Internal BGP Provide Fast Failover in Multi-homing Environment Mobile Backhaul
- 9:15 Literation Hearing Impairment (I-Chat Bot): Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Naïve Bayes Method
1-D: Parallel Session 1-D
Room: Mulia 3
Chair: Yuli Praptomo (STMIK EL RAHMA, Indonesia)
- 7:30 Pesanggrahan River Watershed Flood Potential Mapping in South and West Jakarta with LiDAR Data Segmentation
- 7:45 Quality Assessment of DEM Generated from SAR Radargrammetry Based on Cross-Correlation and Spatial Resolution Setting
- 8:00 E-Leadership: The Effect of E-Government Success in Indonesia
- 8:15 National Government Agency's Compliance on Data Privacy Act of 2012 a Case Study
- 8:30 Customer Critique Analytics System for PT. KCI's Twitter
- 8:45 Recommendation System for Complementary Breastfeeding Using Ontology Modeling and Naïve Bayes
- 9:00 Twitter Sentiment Analysis of Juvenile Behaviour Deviations Using LSA (Latent Semantic Analysis)
- 9:15 Web-based GIS Ancestral Domain Management Using Pull Technology
Tuesday, January 29 9:30 - 10:00
Tuesday, January 29 10:00 - 12:00
Plenary: Opening Ceremony and Plenary Speaker
Opening Ceremony
Report from The Committee
Plenary Speaker 1:
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Ahmad Naim Che Pee @ Che Hanapi
Plenary Speaker 2:
Dr. Agfianto Eko Putra, M.Si.
Tuesday, January 29 12:00 - 1:00
Tuesday, January 29 1:00 - 3:15
2-A: Parallel Session 2-A
Room: Mulia 1A
Chair: Asih Winantu (STMIK EL RAHMA, Indonesia)
- 1:00 Loading Effect with Distributed Generation (DG) Injection on Distribution System on Temperature and Breakdown Voltage of Oil Transformer in Distributed System
- 1:15 Prototype of Microhydro Generator with Complement Load and Telemonitoring Using Labview Software with ESP8266 Module Interface
- 1:30 Prediction Surface Roughness for Development of Smart Milling Machine
- 1:45 Walking Pattern for Quadruped as Observer Robot
- 2:00 Ontology Modelling on Legal Document
- 2:15 eParticipation of SQA (Service Quality Assessment) in the Clinical Laboratory
- 2:30 Effect of Information Waste and Technostress on Users Satisfaction and Productivity in STMIK El Rahma Yogyakarta
- 2:45 Object Identification and Visualization of Urban Road Materials Using Narrowband near Infrared Imaging Indexes
- 3:00 The Impact of Spatial Layout Design on the Pedestrian Movement During Panic Situation: Pedestrian Survival Prediction
2-B: Parallel Session 2-B
Room: Mulia 1B
Chair: Wahyu Widodo (STMIK EL RAHMA & Batikkode, Indonesia)
- 1:00 E-Nose Sensor Array Optimization Based on Volatile Compound Concentration Data
- 1:15 Carbon Monoxide Sensor Based on Non-Dispersive Infrared Principle
- 1:30 Prototype of Visible Light Communication Transceiver Using Array Photo Transistor for Real Time Digital Media Transfer
- 1:45 Unmanned Surface Vehicle Navigation Based on Gas Sensors and Fuzzy Logic Control to Localize Gas Source
- 2:00 The Prototype of Hand Gesture Recognition for Elderly People to Control Connected Home Devices
- 2:15 A Prototype Implementation of Visible Light Communication Based Electrocardiography Data Transmission
- 2:30 Design and Implementation of Filter Pump Control in a Freshwater Fish Aquarium Based on Fuzzy Logic
- 2:45 Leader-Follower Formation System of Multi-Mobile Robots for Gas Source Searching
- 3:00 Question Answering Systems on Holy Quran: A Review of Existing Frameworks and Research Issues
2-C: Parallel Session 2-C
Room: Mulia 2
Chair: Irfan Nurudin (STMIK EL RAHMA, Indonesia)
- 1:00 Dysgraphia Identification from Handwriting with Support Vector Machine Method
- 1:15 Linear Congruential Method for Randomization of Test Item in Computer-Based Psychological Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) Test
- 1:30 Early Detection of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Based on Palmprint Using Certainty Factor as Expert System Method Based on Android
- 1:45 Seizure Type Classification on EEG Signal Using Support Vector Machine
- 2:00 License Number Plate Recognition Using Template Matching and Bounding Box Method
- 2:15 Item Delivery Simulation Using Genetic Algorithm
- 2:30 Detecting Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in Earlier Stage Using C4.5 Algorithm as Expert System Based on Android
- 2:45 A Modification on Existing Cultural Metadata Management System to Accommodate Community-Driven Approach and Holistic Cultural Metadata
- 3:00 An Analysis of FPGA Hardware Platform Based Artificial Neural Network
2-D: Parallel Session 2-D
Room: Mulia 3
Chair: Yuli Praptomo (STMIK EL RAHMA, Indonesia)
- 1:00 Hybrid Encryption Using Confused and Stream Cipher to Improved Medical Images Security
- 1:15 Dual Security Method for Digital Image Using HBV Encryption and Least Significant Bit Steganography
- 1:30 Flipping the Message Bits to Increase Imperceptibility in the Least Significant Bit Image Steganography
- 1:45 Item Delivery Simulation Using Dijkstra Algorithm for Solving Traveling Salesman Problem
- 2:00 Optimization Substitution Cipher and Hidden Plaintext in Image Data Using LSB Method
- 2:15 Sentiment Analysis of the Indonesian Police Mobile Brigade Corps Based on Twitter Posts Using the SVM and NB Methods
- 2:30 Pornographic Image Captioning Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM)
- 2:45 Mobile Recommendation System for Culinary Tourism Destination Using KNN (K-nearest Neighbor)
- 3:00 Optimization of a Customized Mixed Model Assembly Using MATLAB/Simulink