Author |
Session |
Start page |
Title |
A A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Abdul Rahman, Azrul Azwan |
2-A.3 |
301 |
Prediction Surface Roughness for Development of Smart Milling Machine |
Abdullah, Abdul |
1-C.3 |
159 |
Drone Tracking Modelling Ontology for Tourist Behavior |
Abu, Nor |
1-C.3 |
159 |
Drone Tracking Modelling Ontology for Tourist Behavior |
Aditsania, Annisa |
2-C.6 |
481 |
Item Delivery Simulation Using Genetic Algorithm |
2-D.4 |
544 |
Item Delivery Simulation Using Dijkstra Algorithm for Solving Traveling Salesman Problem |
Adlin, Faris |
1-C.1 |
139 |
Current Trend and Literature on Electronic CRM Adoption Review |
Affandi, Achmad |
1-B.4 |
96 |
Estimated Vehicle Density Based on Video Processing Using the Gaussian Mixture Model Method |
Al Ayubi, Shalahudin |
2-B.5 |
391 |
The Prototype of Hand Gesture Recognition for Elderly People to Control Connected Home Devices |
Ali, Rabei |
2-D.2 |
527 |
Dual Security Method for Digital Image Using HBV Encryption and Least Significant Bit Steganography |
Alia, Putri |
1-B.4 |
96 |
Estimated Vehicle Density Based on Video Processing Using the Gaussian Mixture Model Method |
Anggraeni, Merry |
1-C.7 |
195 |
Improving Internal BGP Provide Fast Failover in Multi-homing Environment Mobile Backhaul |
1-C.8 |
205 |
Literation Hearing Impairment (I-Chat Bot): Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Naïve Bayes Method |
Ardiansyah, Ardiansyah |
2-D.5 |
553 |
Optimization Substitution Cipher and Hidden Plaintext in Image Data Using LSB Method |
Ardiansyah, Dedy |
2-A.7 |
336 |
Effect of Information Waste and Technostress on Users Satisfaction and Productivity in STMIK El Rahma Yogyakarta |
Aribowo, Agus |
1-C.6 |
186 |
Fanaticism Knowledge Generation Using Sentiment, Emotion, and Hate Speech Features from Political Opinion on Social Media |
Arief, Rahmat |
1-D.1 |
215 |
Pesanggrahan River Watershed Flood Potential Mapping in South and West Jakarta with LiDAR Data Segmentation |
1-D.2 |
221 |
Quality Assessment of DEM Generated from SAR Radargrammetry Based on Cross-Correlation and Spatial Resolution Setting |
Ariyanto, Endro |
2-B.5 |
391 |
The Prototype of Hand Gesture Recognition for Elderly People to Control Connected Home Devices |
Ariyus, Dony |
2-D.5 |
553 |
Optimization Substitution Cipher and Hidden Plaintext in Image Data Using LSB Method |
Ary Murti, Muhammad |
1-B.1 |
70 |
Fire Detection Use CCTV with Image Processing Based Raspberry Pi |
Arymurthy, Aniati |
1-D.2 |
221 |
Quality Assessment of DEM Generated from SAR Radargrammetry Based on Cross-Correlation and Spatial Resolution Setting |
Asnar, Yudistira |
2-A.5 |
318 |
Ontology Modelling on Legal Document |
Astuti, Erna Zuni |
2-D.3 |
536 |
Flipping the Message Bits to Increase Imperceptibility in the Least Significant Bit Image Steganography |
Attamimi, Muhammad |
1-B.8 |
130 |
Automatic Shooting Scoring System Based on Image Processing |
Aziz, Abdul |
2-C.1 |
435 |
Dysgraphia Identification from Handwriting with Support Vector Machine Method |
Aziz Muslim, Muhammad |
2-B.7 |
409 |
Design and Implementation of Filter Pump Control in a Freshwater Fish Aquarium Based on Fuzzy Logic |
Azmi, Mohd Sanusi |
2-B.9 |
425 |
Question Answering Systems on Holy Quran: A Review of Existing Frameworks and Research Issues |
B A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Basiron, Halizah |
1-C.6 |
186 |
Fanaticism Knowledge Generation Using Sentiment, Emotion, and Hate Speech Features from Political Opinion on Social Media |
Budiharto Putri, Vita |
1-A.6 |
45 |
Transient Stability Prediction Using Algorithm Backpropagation |
Budilaksono, Sularso |
2-D.6 |
563 |
Sentiment Analysis of the Indonesian Police Mobile Brigade Corps Based on Twitter Posts Using the SVM and NB Methods |
C A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Che Pee, Naim |
2-C.8 |
500 |
A Modification on Existing Cultural Metadata Management System to Accommodate Community-Driven Approach and Holistic Cultural Metadata |
D A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Damanik, Hillman |
1-C.7 |
195 |
Improving Internal BGP Provide Fast Failover in Multi-homing Environment Mobile Backhaul |
1-C.8 |
205 |
Literation Hearing Impairment (I-Chat Bot): Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Naïve Bayes Method |
Diharja, Reza |
2-B.2 |
370 |
Carbon Monoxide Sensor Based on Non-Dispersive Infrared Principle |
Dirgantoro, Burhanuddin |
2-C.2 |
445 |
Linear Congruential Method for Randomization of Test Item in Computer-Based Psychological Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) Test |
Djajadi, Arko |
2-A.8 |
346 |
Object Identification and Visualization of Urban Road Materials Using Narrowband near Infrared Imaging Indexes |
Doheir, Mohamed |
2-D.1 |
518 |
Hybrid Encryption Using Confused and Stream Cipher to Improved Medical Images Security |
F A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Fachruddin, Fachruddin |
1-C.4 |
166 |
Implementation of Object Tracking Augmented Reality Markerless Using FAST Corner Detection on User Defined-Extended Target Tracking in Multivarious Intensities |
Fadhilah, Azaria |
1-D.6 |
257 |
Recommendation System for Complementary Breastfeeding Using Ontology Modeling and Naïve Bayes |
Fajar, Utsman |
2-D.7 |
575 |
Pornographic Image Captioning Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) |
Fatta, Hanif |
2-D.7 |
575 |
Pornographic Image Captioning Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) |
Fauziah, Dila |
2-B.6 |
401 |
A Prototype Implementation of Visible Light Communication Based Electrocardiography Data Transmission |
Fauziati, Silmi |
1-C.1 |
139 |
Current Trend and Literature on Electronic CRM Adoption Review |
Febrina, Dewi |
2-A.1 |
286 |
Loading Effect with Distributed Generation (DG) Injection on Distribution System on Temperature and Breakdown Voltage of Oil Transformer in Distributed System |
Ferdiana, Ridi |
1-C.1 |
139 |
Current Trend and Literature on Electronic CRM Adoption Review |
Fikri, Khoirul |
2-C.1 |
435 |
Dysgraphia Identification from Handwriting with Support Vector Machine Method |
Fitrawan, Alif Akbar |
1-B.3 |
87 |
Determination of the Ship Motion Direction with Digital Image Processing on Sea Water Surface to Avoid Collisions |
Fitri, Zilvanhisna |
1-B.6 |
114 |
A Classification of Platelets in Peripheral Blood Smear Image as an Early Detection of Myeloproliferative Syndrome Using Gray Level Co-Occurence Matrix |
G A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Gata, Windu |
2-D.6 |
563 |
Sentiment Analysis of the Indonesian Police Mobile Brigade Corps Based on Twitter Posts Using the SVM and NB Methods |
Ginting, Hagai |
2-D.4 |
544 |
Item Delivery Simulation Using Dijkstra Algorithm for Solving Traveling Salesman Problem |
H A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Hadi, Sirojul |
2-B.8 |
415 |
Leader-Follower Formation System of Multi-Mobile Robots for Gas Source Searching |
Hadiyoso, Sugondo |
1-A.8 |
61 |
Analysis of Alpha and Beta EEG Signal Pattern in Trypophobia Condition with Wavelet Method |
2-B.3 |
377 |
Prototype of Visible Light Communication Transceiver Using Array Photo Transistor for Real Time Digital Media Transfer |
2-B.6 |
401 |
A Prototype Implementation of Visible Light Communication Based Electrocardiography Data Transmission |
2-C.4 |
464 |
Seizure Type Classification on EEG Signal Using Support Vector Machine |
Hanafi, Muh |
1-A.1 |
1 |
Involve Convolutional-NN to Generate Item Latent Factor Consider Product Genre to Increase Robustness in Product Sparse Data for E-commerce Recommendation |
Hartatik, Hartatik |
2-D.7 |
575 |
Pornographic Image Captioning Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) |
Hassan, Fadratul Hafinaz |
2-A.9 |
352 |
The Impact of Spatial Layout Design on the Pedestrian Movement During Panic Situation: Pedestrian Survival Prediction |
Herdaning, Jehan |
1-A.8 |
61 |
Analysis of Alpha and Beta EEG Signal Pattern in Trypophobia Condition with Wavelet Method |
Herlambang C P, Yudha |
1-D.3 |
231 |
E-Leadership: The Effect of E-Government Success in Indonesia |
Herman, Nana Suryana |
1-C.6 |
186 |
Fanaticism Knowledge Generation Using Sentiment, Emotion, and Hate Speech Features from Political Opinion on Social Media |
Hermanto, Hermanto |
2-D.6 |
563 |
Sentiment Analysis of the Indonesian Police Mobile Brigade Corps Based on Twitter Posts Using the SVM and NB Methods |
Hidayat Kusuma, Dedy |
1-B.3 |
87 |
Determination of the Ship Motion Direction with Digital Image Processing on Sea Water Surface to Avoid Collisions |
Huda, Samsul |
2-A.4 |
311 |
Walking Pattern for Quadruped as Observer Robot |
I A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Ibrahim, Ali |
1-C.4 |
166 |
Implementation of Object Tracking Augmented Reality Markerless Using FAST Corner Detection on User Defined-Extended Target Tracking in Multivarious Intensities |
Ibrahim, Najihah |
2-A.9 |
352 |
The Impact of Spatial Layout Design on the Pedestrian Movement During Panic Situation: Pedestrian Survival Prediction |
Ibrahim, Nur |
1-A.7 |
53 |
Motion Artifact Contaminated Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy Signals Classification Using K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) |
Imron, Arizal |
1-B.6 |
114 |
A Classification of Platelets in Peripheral Blood Smear Image as an Early Detection of Myeloproliferative Syndrome Using Gray Level Co-Occurence Matrix |
Ipung, Heru |
2-A.8 |
346 |
Object Identification and Visualization of Urban Road Materials Using Narrowband near Infrared Imaging Indexes |
Irawan, Budhi |
1-A.3 |
20 |
Hatespeech Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm Based on Image |
1-A.4 |
26 |
Application of Transfer Learning Using Convolutional Neural Network Method for Early Detection of Terry's Nail |
1-B.7 |
121 |
Implementation of the Certainty Factor Method for Early Detection of Cirrhosis Based on Android |
2-C.3 |
455 |
Early Detection of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Based on Palmprint Using Certainty Factor as Expert System Method Based on Android |
2-C.7 |
490 |
Detecting Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in Earlier Stage Using C4.5 Algorithm as Expert System Based on Android |
Irawan, Candra |
2-D.1 |
518 |
Hybrid Encryption Using Confused and Stream Cipher to Improved Medical Images Security |
Irfansyah, Astria Nur |
2-B.4 |
383 |
Unmanned Surface Vehicle Navigation Based on Gas Sensors and Fuzzy Logic Control to Localize Gas Source |
J A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Jadied, Erwid |
2-B.5 |
391 |
The Prototype of Hand Gesture Recognition for Elderly People to Control Connected Home Devices |
Jamaludin, Zamberi |
2-A.3 |
301 |
Prediction Surface Roughness for Development of Smart Milling Machine |
K A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Kartawihardja, Djoni Setiawan |
2-C.8 |
500 |
A Modification on Existing Cultural Metadata Management System to Accommodate Community-Driven Approach and Holistic Cultural Metadata |
Kemala Putri, Vinnia |
1-A.5 |
35 |
A Comparison of Human Crafted Features and Machine Crafted Features on White Blood Cells Classification |
Khader, Ahamad |
2-A.9 |
352 |
The Impact of Spatial Layout Design on the Pedestrian Movement During Panic Situation: Pedestrian Survival Prediction |
Khomariah, Nuril Esti |
2-A.4 |
311 |
Walking Pattern for Quadruped as Observer Robot |
Kuntoro, Antonius |
2-D.6 |
563 |
Sentiment Analysis of the Indonesian Police Mobile Brigade Corps Based on Twitter Posts Using the SVM and NB Methods |
Kuriakose, Rangith |
2-D.9 |
593 |
Optimization of a Customized Mixed Model Assembly Using MATLAB/Simulink |
Kurniadi, Felix |
1-A.5 |
35 |
A Comparison of Human Crafted Features and Machine Crafted Features on White Blood Cells Classification |
Kusriyanto, Medilla |
2-A.2 |
295 |
Prototype of Microhydro Generator with Complement Load and Telemonitoring Using Labview Software with ESP8266 Module Interface |
Kusuma, Hendra |
1-B.5 |
106 |
Electrocardiogram Feature Recognition Algorithm with Windowing and Adaptive Tresholding |
1-B.8 |
130 |
Automatic Shooting Scoring System Based on Image Processing |
Kusumadewi, Ira |
2-C.5 |
472 |
License Number Plate Recognition Using Template Matching and Bounding Box Method |
M A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Maftuhah, Tasya |
2-A.5 |
318 |
Ontology Modelling on Legal Document |
Margatama, Lestari |
1-D.1 |
215 |
Pesanggrahan River Watershed Flood Potential Mapping in South and West Jakarta with LiDAR Data Segmentation |
Maryati, Nita |
2-C.4 |
464 |
Seizure Type Classification on EEG Signal Using Support Vector Machine |
Mayang Sari, Dyah Ratna |
1-A.6 |
45 |
Transient Stability Prediction Using Algorithm Backpropagation |
Minarwati, Minarwati |
2-A.6 |
328 |
eParticipation of SQA (Service Quality Assessment) in the Clinical Laboratory |
Mohamed, Ahmad Sufril Azlan |
2-A.9 |
352 |
The Impact of Spatial Layout Design on the Pedestrian Movement During Panic Situation: Pedestrian Survival Prediction |
Mujiono, Totok |
2-B.2 |
370 |
Carbon Monoxide Sensor Based on Non-Dispersive Infrared Principle |
Mulyono, Ibnu Utomo Wahyu |
2-D.2 |
527 |
Dual Security Method for Digital Image Using HBV Encryption and Least Significant Bit Steganography |
Muthasima, Rochma |
1-D.7 |
267 |
Twitter Sentiment Analysis of Juvenile Behaviour Deviations Using LSA (Latent Semantic Analysis) |
Muzakkar, Momon |
2-A.7 |
336 |
Effect of Information Waste and Technostress on Users Satisfaction and Productivity in STMIK El Rahma Yogyakarta |
N A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Naseer, Muchammad |
1-C.3 |
159 |
Drone Tracking Modelling Ontology for Tourist Behavior |
Nevriyanto, Adam |
1-C.4 |
166 |
Implementation of Object Tracking Augmented Reality Markerless Using FAST Corner Detection on User Defined-Extended Target Tracking in Multivarious Intensities |
Novianti, Deny |
2-D.6 |
563 |
Sentiment Analysis of the Indonesian Police Mobile Brigade Corps Based on Twitter Posts Using the SVM and NB Methods |
Novitasari, Dwi |
2-C.3 |
455 |
Early Detection of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Based on Palmprint Using Certainty Factor as Expert System Method Based on Android |
Nurhadi, Nurhadi |
1-C.4 |
166 |
Implementation of Object Tracking Augmented Reality Markerless Using FAST Corner Detection on User Defined-Extended Target Tracking in Multivarious Intensities |
Nurudin, Irfan |
2-A.7 |
336 |
Effect of Information Waste and Technostress on Users Satisfaction and Productivity in STMIK El Rahma Yogyakarta |
O A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Osmond, Andrew |
2-C.6 |
481 |
Item Delivery Simulation Using Genetic Algorithm |
2-D.4 |
544 |
Item Delivery Simulation Using Dijkstra Algorithm for Solving Traveling Salesman Problem |
P A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Patmasari, Raditiana |
1-A.7 |
53 |
Motion Artifact Contaminated Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy Signals Classification Using K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) |
2-C.4 |
464 |
Seizure Type Classification on EEG Signal Using Support Vector Machine |
Pirngadi, Harris |
2-B.2 |
370 |
Carbon Monoxide Sensor Based on Non-Dispersive Infrared Principle |
Pitogo, Vicente |
1-D.4 |
238 |
National Government Agency's Compliance on Data Privacy Act of 2012 a Case Study |
1-D.8 |
277 |
Web-based GIS Ancestral Domain Management Using Pull Technology |
Pranamurti, I Gusti Ngurah Hegar |
1-B.1 |
70 |
Fire Detection Use CCTV with Image Processing Based Raspberry Pi |
Praptomo, Yuli |
2-A.7 |
336 |
Effect of Information Waste and Technostress on Users Satisfaction and Productivity in STMIK El Rahma Yogyakarta |
Prasasti, Anggunmeka |
2-C.3 |
455 |
Early Detection of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Based on Palmprint Using Certainty Factor as Expert System Method Based on Android |
2-C.7 |
490 |
Detecting Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in Earlier Stage Using C4.5 Algorithm as Expert System Based on Android |
Pratama, Bryan |
2-D.6 |
563 |
Sentiment Analysis of the Indonesian Police Mobile Brigade Corps Based on Twitter Posts Using the SVM and NB Methods |
Priyadi, Ardyono |
1-A.6 |
45 |
Transient Stability Prediction Using Algorithm Backpropagation |
Purnama, Sevia Indah |
1-B.5 |
106 |
Electrocardiogram Feature Recognition Algorithm with Windowing and Adaptive Tresholding |
Purnamasari, D |
1-C.4 |
166 |
Implementation of Object Tracking Augmented Reality Markerless Using FAST Corner Detection on User Defined-Extended Target Tracking in Multivarious Intensities |
Purnamasari, Endah |
2-D.6 |
563 |
Sentiment Analysis of the Indonesian Police Mobile Brigade Corps Based on Twitter Posts Using the SVM and NB Methods |
Purwanto, Djoko |
2-B.8 |
415 |
Leader-Follower Formation System of Multi-Mobile Robots for Gas Source Searching |
Purwarianti, Ayu |
2-A.5 |
318 |
Ontology Modelling on Legal Document |
Puspasari, Miftahful |
1-D.6 |
257 |
Recommendation System for Complementary Breastfeeding Using Ontology Modeling and Naïve Bayes |
Putra, Bagas |
1-A.3 |
20 |
Hatespeech Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm Based on Image |
Putra, Nanda |
2-A.6 |
328 |
eParticipation of SQA (Service Quality Assessment) in the Clinical Laboratory |
Putra Muhammad Davi Labib, Radimas |
2-B.4 |
383 |
Unmanned Surface Vehicle Navigation Based on Gas Sensors and Fuzzy Logic Control to Localize Gas Source |
R A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Rachmawanto, Eko |
2-C.5 |
472 |
License Number Plate Recognition Using Template Matching and Bounding Box Method |
2-D.1 |
518 |
Hybrid Encryption Using Confused and Stream Cipher to Improved Medical Images Security |
2-D.2 |
527 |
Dual Security Method for Digital Image Using HBV Encryption and Least Significant Bit Steganography |
2-D.3 |
536 |
Flipping the Message Bits to Increase Imperceptibility in the Least Significant Bit Image Steganography |
Raditya Julianto, Yogi |
2-B.7 |
409 |
Design and Implementation of Filter Pump Control in a Freshwater Fish Aquarium Based on Fuzzy Logic |
Raditya Martha, Gede Indra |
1-C.2 |
149 |
A Literature Review - Firm Investment on Cloud as Efficient & Effective Technology |
Rais, Ridwan |
2-A.2 |
295 |
Prototype of Microhydro Generator with Complement Load and Telemonitoring Using Labview Software with ESP8266 Module Interface |
Renggani, Retno |
2-B.3 |
377 |
Prototype of Visible Light Communication Transceiver Using Array Photo Transistor for Real Time Digital Media Transfer |
Riswanto, Eko |
2-D.8 |
583 |
Mobile Recommendation System for Culinary Tourism Destination Using KNN (K-nearest Neighbor) |
Rivai, Muhammad |
2-B.2 |
370 |
Carbon Monoxide Sensor Based on Non-Dispersive Infrared Principle |
2-B.4 |
383 |
Unmanned Surface Vehicle Navigation Based on Gas Sensors and Fuzzy Logic Control to Localize Gas Source |
2-B.8 |
415 |
Leader-Follower Formation System of Multi-Mobile Robots for Gas Source Searching |
Riyanto, Indra |
1-D.1 |
215 |
Pesanggrahan River Watershed Flood Potential Mapping in South and West Jakarta with LiDAR Data Segmentation |
Robi'in, Bambang |
2-D.8 |
583 |
Mobile Recommendation System for Culinary Tourism Destination Using KNN (K-nearest Neighbor) |
Rusdi, Jack |
1-C.3 |
159 |
Drone Tracking Modelling Ontology for Tourist Behavior |
S A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Sa'adah, Mamba'us |
1-B.2 |
79 |
Identical Instruments Detection Using Least Mean Square Based Adaptive Filter |
Safira, Laura |
1-B.7 |
121 |
Implementation of the Certainty Factor Method for Early Detection of Cirrhosis Based on Android |
Sahib, Shahrin |
1-C.3 |
159 |
Drone Tracking Modelling Ontology for Tourist Behavior |
Salam, Sazilah |
1-C.3 |
159 |
Drone Tracking Modelling Ontology for Tourist Behavior |
1-C.5 |
177 |
Towards Personalization to Support Learners' Motivation on Gamified MOOC Platform |
Santoso, Herdiesel |
2-A.6 |
328 |
eParticipation of SQA (Service Quality Assessment) in the Clinical Laboratory |
Saparudin, Saparudin |
1-C.4 |
166 |
Implementation of Object Tracking Augmented Reality Markerless Using FAST Corner Detection on User Defined-Extended Target Tracking in Multivarious Intensities |
Saputra, Dedi |
2-D.6 |
563 |
Sentiment Analysis of the Indonesian Police Mobile Brigade Corps Based on Twitter Posts Using the SVM and NB Methods |
Saputro, Inggi |
2-C.4 |
464 |
Seizure Type Classification on EEG Signal Using Support Vector Machine |
Saputro, Rujianto |
1-C.5 |
177 |
Towards Personalization to Support Learners' Motivation on Gamified MOOC Platform |
Sardjono, Tri |
1-B.5 |
106 |
Electrocardiogram Feature Recognition Algorithm with Windowing and Adaptive Tresholding |
Sari, Christy Atika |
2-C.5 |
472 |
License Number Plate Recognition Using Template Matching and Bounding Box Method |
2-D.1 |
518 |
Hybrid Encryption Using Confused and Stream Cipher to Improved Medical Images Security |
2-D.2 |
527 |
Dual Security Method for Digital Image Using HBV Encryption and Least Significant Bit Steganography |
2-D.3 |
536 |
Flipping the Message Bits to Increase Imperceptibility in the Least Significant Bit Image Steganography |
Sari, Dian |
1-A.2 |
11 |
Training Performance of Recurrent Neural Network Using RTRL and BPTT for Gamelan Onset Detection |
Sarker, Md Kamruzzaman |
2-D.3 |
536 |
Flipping the Message Bits to Increase Imperceptibility in the Least Significant Bit Image Steganography |
Septiadi, Abednego |
1-C.5 |
177 |
Towards Personalization to Support Learners' Motivation on Gamified MOOC Platform |
Sesari, Emeralda |
2-C.2 |
445 |
Linear Congruential Method for Randomization of Test Item in Computer-Based Psychological Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) Test |
Setiadi, De Rosal Ignatius Moses |
2-C.5 |
472 |
License Number Plate Recognition Using Template Matching and Bounding Box Method |
2-D.1 |
518 |
Hybrid Encryption Using Confused and Stream Cipher to Improved Medical Images Security |
2-D.2 |
527 |
Dual Security Method for Digital Image Using HBV Encryption and Least Significant Bit Steganography |
2-D.3 |
536 |
Flipping the Message Bits to Increase Imperceptibility in the Least Significant Bit Image Steganography |
Setianingsih, Casi |
1-A.3 |
20 |
Hatespeech Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm Based on Image |
1-A.4 |
26 |
Application of Transfer Learning Using Convolutional Neural Network Method for Early Detection of Terry's Nail |
1-B.1 |
70 |
Fire Detection Use CCTV with Image Processing Based Raspberry Pi |
1-B.7 |
121 |
Implementation of the Certainty Factor Method for Early Detection of Cirrhosis Based on Android |
2-C.2 |
445 |
Linear Congruential Method for Randomization of Test Item in Computer-Based Psychological Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) Test |
Setiyoko, Andie |
1-D.2 |
221 |
Quality Assessment of DEM Generated from SAR Radargrammetry Based on Cross-Correlation and Spatial Resolution Setting |
Sfenrianto, Sfenrianto |
2-D.6 |
563 |
Sentiment Analysis of the Indonesian Police Mobile Brigade Corps Based on Twitter Posts Using the SVM and NB Methods |
Shodiq, Moh Nur |
1-B.3 |
87 |
Determination of the Ship Motion Direction with Digital Image Processing on Sea Water Surface to Avoid Collisions |
Sihwi, Sari |
1-D.5 |
247 |
Customer Critique Analytics System for PT. KCI's Twitter |
1-D.6 |
257 |
Recommendation System for Complementary Breastfeeding Using Ontology Modeling and Naïve Bayes |
2-C.1 |
435 |
Dysgraphia Identification from Handwriting with Support Vector Machine Method |
Siswanto, Joko |
2-A.6 |
328 |
eParticipation of SQA (Service Quality Assessment) in the Clinical Laboratory |
Solihati, Siti |
2-C.4 |
464 |
Seizure Type Classification on EEG Signal Using Support Vector Machine |
Subandri, Muhammad |
2-B.1 |
362 |
E-Nose Sensor Array Optimization Based on Volatile Compound Concentration Data |
Subriadi, Apol |
1-C.2 |
149 |
A Literature Review - Firm Investment on Cloud as Efficient & Effective Technology |
Sudiana, Dodi |
1-D.1 |
215 |
Pesanggrahan River Watershed Flood Potential Mapping in South and West Jakarta with LiDAR Data Segmentation |
1-D.2 |
221 |
Quality Assessment of DEM Generated from SAR Radargrammetry Based on Cross-Correlation and Spatial Resolution Setting |
Sudianto, Agus |
2-A.3 |
301 |
Prediction Surface Roughness for Development of Smart Milling Machine |
Sudibyo, Harry |
1-D.1 |
215 |
Pesanggrahan River Watershed Flood Potential Mapping in South and West Jakarta with LiDAR Data Segmentation |
Sudiharto, Dodi Wisaksono |
2-B.5 |
391 |
The Prototype of Hand Gesture Recognition for Elderly People to Control Connected Home Devices |
Sumantri, Airita |
1-A.7 |
53 |
Motion Artifact Contaminated Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy Signals Classification Using K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) |
Suparyanto, Suparyanto |
2-D.8 |
583 |
Mobile Recommendation System for Culinary Tourism Destination Using KNN (K-nearest Neighbor) |
Suprapto, Yoyon |
1-B.2 |
79 |
Identical Instruments Detection Using Least Mean Square Based Adaptive Filter |
Suryana, Nanna |
2-B.9 |
425 |
Question Answering Systems on Holy Quran: A Review of Existing Frameworks and Research Issues |
Susanto, Ajib |
2-D.2 |
527 |
Dual Security Method for Digital Image Using HBV Encryption and Least Significant Bit Steganography |
Susanto, Tony Dwi |
1-D.3 |
231 |
E-Leadership: The Effect of E-Government Success in Indonesia |
Suwadi, Suwadi |
1-B.4 |
96 |
Estimated Vehicle Density Based on Video Processing Using the Gaussian Mixture Model Method |
Switrayana, I Nyoman |
2-C.6 |
481 |
Item Delivery Simulation Using Genetic Algorithm |
Syafrianto, Syafrianto |
2-A.6 |
328 |
eParticipation of SQA (Service Quality Assessment) in the Clinical Laboratory |
Syafrullah, Mohammad |
1-C.8 |
205 |
Literation Hearing Impairment (I-Chat Bot): Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Naïve Bayes Method |
Syahrial, Farisa |
2-C.7 |
490 |
Detecting Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in Earlier Stage Using C4.5 Algorithm as Expert System Based on Android |
T A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Tjandrasa, Handayani |
2-A.8 |
346 |
Object Identification and Visualization of Urban Road Materials Using Narrowband near Infrared Imaging Indexes |
U A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Usino, Wendi |
1-C.7 |
195 |
Improving Internal BGP Provide Fast Failover in Multi-homing Environment Mobile Backhaul |
Utama, Handry |
2-A.2 |
295 |
Prototype of Microhydro Generator with Complement Load and Telemonitoring Using Labview Software with ESP8266 Module Interface |
Utomo, Fandy |
2-B.9 |
425 |
Question Answering Systems on Holy Quran: A Review of Existing Frameworks and Research Issues |
V A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Vermaak, Hermanus |
2-D.9 |
593 |
Optimization of a Customized Mixed Model Assembly Using MATLAB/Simulink |
W A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Wardhani, Nia |
2-D.6 |
563 |
Sentiment Analysis of the Indonesian Police Mobile Brigade Corps Based on Twitter Posts Using the SVM and NB Methods |
Wibowo, Ferry Wahyu |
2-C.9 |
509 |
An Analysis of FPGA Hardware Platform Based Artificial Neural Network |
Widayaka, Parama Diptya |
1-B.8 |
130 |
Automatic Shooting Scoring System Based on Image Processing |
Wijayanto, Inung |
1-A.7 |
53 |
Motion Artifact Contaminated Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy Signals Classification Using K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) |
1-A.8 |
61 |
Analysis of Alpha and Beta EEG Signal Pattern in Trypophobia Condition with Wavelet Method |
2-B.3 |
377 |
Prototype of Visible Light Communication Transceiver Using Array Photo Transistor for Real Time Digital Media Transfer |
2-B.6 |
401 |
A Prototype Implementation of Visible Light Communication Based Electrocardiography Data Transmission |
2-C.4 |
464 |
Seizure Type Classification on EEG Signal Using Support Vector Machine |
Winantu, Asih |
2-A.7 |
336 |
Effect of Information Waste and Technostress on Users Satisfaction and Productivity in STMIK El Rahma Yogyakarta |
Winarno, Winarno |
1-D.6 |
257 |
Recommendation System for Complementary Breastfeeding Using Ontology Modeling and Naïve Bayes |
Wulandari, Diah |
1-B.2 |
79 |
Identical Instruments Detection Using Least Mean Square Based Adaptive Filter |
Y A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Yani, Muhamad |
1-A.4 |
26 |
Application of Transfer Learning Using Convolutional Neural Network Method for Early Detection of Terry's Nail |
Z A B C D F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W Y Z |
Zakaria, Mohd Hafiz |
1-C.5 |
177 |
Towards Personalization to Support Learners' Motivation on Gamified MOOC Platform |
2-C.8 |
500 |
A Modification on Existing Cultural Metadata Management System to Accommodate Community-Driven Approach and Holistic Cultural Metadata |