Author index
Author | Session | Start page | Title |
A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
Abdelkader, Ahmed | Wireless Relay Networks (Poster).5 | Orthogonalization Techniques for Single Group Multicasting in Cooperative Amplify-And-Forward Networks | |
Achutegui, Katrin | Advances in the Theory and Practice of Computationally Intensive Methods for Statistical Signal Processing.1 | A parallel resampling scheme and its application to distributed particle filtering in wireless networks | |
Akansu, Ali | Signal Processing Applied to Financial Engineering Problems.3 | On Epps Effect and Rebalancing of Hedged Portfolio in Multiple Frequencies | |
Alabed, Samer | Wireless Relay Networks (Poster).4 | Distributed Differential Space-Time Coding Techniques for Two-Way Wireless Relay Networks | |
Aliprantis, Dionysios | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.1 | Potential Impacts of Aggregator-Controlled Plug-in Electric Vehicles on Distribution Systems | |
Alizadeh, Mahnoosh | Signal Processing for Smart Grids.4 | Demand Side Management Trends in the Power Grid | |
Amin, Moeness | Wireless Relay Networks (Poster).6 | Successive Convex Approximation for System Performance Optimization in a Multiuser Network with Multiple MIMO Relays | |
Anderson, Christopher | Sensor Networks (Poster).3 | Modelling and Analysis of Radio Tomography | |
Asif, Amir | Distributed Estimation (Poster).2 | A Consensus/Fusion based Distributed Implementation of the Particle Filter | |
Atia, George | Tracking Problems (Poster).5 | Efficient Target Tracking using Mobile Sensors | |
Axell, Erik | Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Systems.3 | Multiantenna Spectrum Sensing of a Second-Order Cyclostationary Signal | |
Ayllón, David | Beamforming and Array Signal Processing (Poster).3 | Optimum Microphone Array for Monaural and Binaural In-The-Canal Hearing Aids | |
B A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
Bae, Junhyeong | MIMO Radar.6 | Widely Separated MIMO Radar with Adaptive Waveform for Target Classification | |
Bajwa, Waheed | Deterministic and Probabilistic Toolsets for High-Dimensional Optimization.1 | Faster than Nyquist, Slower than Tropp | |
Balakrishnan, Kannan | Signal Processing Applied to Financial Engineering Problems.5 | Rank Estimation in Cointegrated Vector Auto-Regression Models via Automated Trans-Dimensional Markov Chain Monte Carlo | |
Bar-Shalom, Yaakov | Tracking Problems (Poster).4 | Particle Filter Processing of Out-Of-Sequence Measurements: Exact Bayesian Solution | |
Barbarossa, Sergio | Student Paper Contest (Poster).1 | Optimal Beamforming for Range-Doppler Ambiguity Suppression in Squinted SAR Systems | |
Wireless Communications.5 | Distributed Stochastic Pricing for Sum-Rate Maximization in Femtocell Networks with Random Graph and Quantized Communications | ||
Beamforming and Array Signal Processing (Poster).1 | Optimal Beamforming for Range-Doppler Ambiguity Suppression in Squinted SAR Systems | ||
Basarab, Adrian | Advances in the Theory and Practice of Computationally Intensive Methods for Statistical Signal Processing.6 | Bayesian compressed sensing in ultrasound imaging | |
Bengtsson, Mats | Student Paper Contest (Poster).6 | Computational Framework for Optimal Robust Beamforming in Coordinated Multicell Systems | |
Efficient Algorithms for Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing.4 | Computational Framework for Optimal Robust Beamforming in Coordinated Multicell Systems | ||
Bianchi, Pascal | Distributed Estimation (Poster).3 | Distributed convex stochastic optimization under few constraints in large networks | |
Björnson, Emil | Student Paper Contest (Poster).6 | Computational Framework for Optimal Robust Beamforming in Coordinated Multicell Systems | |
Efficient Algorithms for Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing.4 | Computational Framework for Optimal Robust Beamforming in Coordinated Multicell Systems | ||
Bosse, Jonathan | Advances in Geographical Positioning.1 | A glance on geographical positioning | |
Bugallo, Monica | Advances in the Theory and Practice of Computationally Intensive Methods for Statistical Signal Processing.3 | Iterated multiple particle filtering | |
Burkholder, Robert | Through-the-Wall Imaging.2 | Autofocus for Coherent Through-the-wall Imaging with Multiple Antenna Arrays | |
C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
Cabric, Danijela | Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Systems.4 | Cyclostationary Feature Detection from Sub-Nyquist Samples | |
Cai, Chengrui | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.1 | Potential Impacts of Aggregator-Controlled Plug-in Electric Vehicles on Distribution Systems | |
Calderbank, Robert | Deterministic and Probabilistic Toolsets for High-Dimensional Optimization.1 | Faster than Nyquist, Slower than Tropp | |
Castiglione, Paolo | Student Paper Contest (Poster).2 | Energy-Harvesting for Source-Channel Coding in Cyber-Physical Systems | |
Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks.1 | Energy-Harvesting for Source-Channel Coding in Cyber-Physical Systems | ||
Cevher, Volkan | Deterministic and Probabilistic Toolsets for High-Dimensional Optimization.3 | Recipes on Hard Thresholding Methods | |
Chalise, Batu Krishna | Wireless Relay Networks (Poster).6 | Successive Convex Approximation for System Performance Optimization in a Multiuser Network with Multiple MIMO Relays | |
Chavali, Phani | Student Paper Contest (Poster).7 | Multiple Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filtering for Target Tracking in Urban Environments | |
Tracking Problems (Poster).6 | Multiple Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filtering for Target Tracking in Urban Environments | ||
Chen, Hao | Distributed Estimation (Poster).4 | Spatial Whitening Framework for Distributed Estimation | |
Chen, Jianshu | Distributed Estimation (Poster).1 | Distributed Optimization via Diffusion Adaptation | |
Chintakunta, Harish | Sensor Networks (Poster).2 | Detection and tracking of systematic time-evolving failures in sensor networks | |
Closas, Pau | Advances in the Theory and Practice of Computationally Intensive Methods for Statistical Signal Processing.3 | Iterated multiple particle filtering | |
Cohen, Deborah | Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Systems.4 | Cyclostationary Feature Detection from Sub-Nyquist Samples | |
Couillet, Romain | Distributed Estimation (Poster).3 | Distributed convex stochastic optimization under few constraints in large networks | |
Cremers, Daniel | Advances in Geographical Positioning.5 | Multiple Source Localization Based on Biased Bearings Using the Intensity Filter - Approach and Experimental Results | |
D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
D'Amico, Antonio | Wireless Relay Networks (Poster).2 | Power Allocation in Two-Hop Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Relay Systems with QoS requirements | |
Dall'Anese, Emiliano | Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Systems.6 | Distributed Cognitive Spectrum Sensing via Group Sparse Total Least-Squares | |
Darolles, Serge | Signal Processing Applied to Financial Engineering Problems.2 | lq-regularization of the Kalman filter for exogenous outlier removal: application to hedge funds analysis | |
Davies, Mike | Deterministic and Probabilistic Toolsets for High-Dimensional Optimization.5 | Recovery of Cosparse Signals with Greedy Analysis Pursuit in the Presence of Noise | |
Devillers, Bertrand | Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks.4 | Two-hop Communication with Energy Harvesting | |
Di Lorenzo, Paolo | Student Paper Contest (Poster).1 | Optimal Beamforming for Range-Doppler Ambiguity Suppression in Squinted SAR Systems | |
Wireless Communications.5 | Distributed Stochastic Pricing for Sum-Rate Maximization in Femtocell Networks with Random Graph and Quantized Communications | ||
Beamforming and Array Signal Processing (Poster).1 | Optimal Beamforming for Range-Doppler Ambiguity Suppression in Squinted SAR Systems | ||
Djordjevic, Antonije | Through-the-Wall Imaging.4 | Sparse Through-the-Wall Imaging | |
Djurić, Petar | Advances in the Theory and Practice of Computationally Intensive Methods for Statistical Signal Processing.2 | Non-centralized Target Tracking in Networks of Directional Sensors: Further Advances | |
Dobigeon, Nicolas | Advances in the Theory and Practice of Computationally Intensive Methods for Statistical Signal Processing.6 | Bayesian compressed sensing in ultrasound imaging | |
Dogandžić, Aleksandar | Deterministic and Probabilistic Toolsets for High-Dimensional Optimization.2 | A GEM Hard Thresholding Method for Reconstructing Sparse Signals from Quantized Noisy Measurements | |
Dong, Min | Student Paper Contest (Poster).5 | On the Design and Performance of TDBC-based Bi-directional Network Beamforming | |
Beamforming and Array Signal Processing (Poster).2 | On the Design and Performance of TDBC-based Bi-directional Network Beamforming | ||
Doostmohammadian, Mohammadreza | Signal Processing for Smart Grids.3 | A sensor placement and network design paradigm for future smart grids | |
Duan, Dongliang | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.5 | Phasor State Estimation from PMU Measurements with Bad Data | |
Duvaut, Patrick | Signal Processing Applied to Financial Engineering Problems.2 | lq-regularization of the Kalman filter for exogenous outlier removal: application to hedge funds analysis | |
E A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
Elad, Michael | Deterministic and Probabilistic Toolsets for High-Dimensional Optimization.5 | Recovery of Cosparse Signals with Greedy Analysis Pursuit in the Presence of Noise | |
Eldar, Yonina | Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Systems.4 | Cyclostationary Feature Detection from Sub-Nyquist Samples | |
Equi, Julia | Wireless Communications.2 | Subspace-based semiblind channel estimation method for fast fading orthogonally coded MIMO-OFDM systems | |
Erkip, Elza | Student Paper Contest (Poster).2 | Energy-Harvesting for Source-Channel Coding in Cyber-Physical Systems | |
Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks.1 | Energy-Harvesting for Source-Channel Coding in Cyber-Physical Systems | ||
Ertin, Emre | Through-the-Wall Imaging.2 | Autofocus for Coherent Through-the-wall Imaging with Multiple Antenna Arrays | |
F A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
Falk, Kent | MIMO Radar.3 | Transmit and Receive Filter Optimization for Wideband MIMO Radar | |
Ferrari, André | Advances in the Theory and Practice of Computationally Intensive Methods for Statistical Signal Processing.4 | PDR and LRMAP detection tests applied to massive hyperspectral data | |
Ferréol, Anne | Advances in Geographical Positioning.1 | A glance on geographical positioning | |
Fleury, Bernard | Advances in Geographical Positioning.4 | Exploiting Network Topology Information to Mitigate Ambiguities in VMP Localization | |
Forster, Philippe | Estimation Theory (Poster).1 | Robust covariance matrix estimates with attractive asymptotic properties | |
Fuentes-Rivera, Abigail | Sensor Networks (Poster).5 | Multimodal Species Identification in Wireless Sensor Networks | |
Fuhrmann, Daniel | MIMO Radar.1 | MIMO Radar Signal Processing for Distributed Phased Arrays | |
G A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
Geng, Li | Advances in the Theory and Practice of Computationally Intensive Methods for Statistical Signal Processing.2 | Non-centralized Target Tracking in Networks of Directional Sensors: Further Advances | |
Gershman, Alex | Wireless Relay Networks (Poster).5 | Orthogonalization Techniques for Single Group Multicasting in Cooperative Amplify-And-Forward Networks | |
Wireless Relay Networks (Poster).4 | Distributed Differential Space-Time Coding Techniques for Two-Way Wireless Relay Networks | ||
Gerstoft, Peter | Sparse Signal Processing.5 | Bayesian Sparse Wideband Source Reconstruction of Japanese 2011 Earthquake | |
Gharavol, Ebrahim | Wireless Relay Networks (Poster).1 | Robust Joint Optimization of MIMO Interfering Relay Channels with Imperfect CSI | |
Ghogho, Mounir | Through-the-Wall Imaging.3 | Fast Wideband Near-Field Imaging with URAs applied to Urban Sensing | |
Giannakis, Georgios B. | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.2 | Efficient and Scalable Demand Response for the Smart Power Grid | |
Signal Processing for Smart Grids.5 | A Convex Relaxation Approach to Optimal Placement of Phasor Measurement Units | ||
Wireless Communications.4 | Adaptive Underlay Cognitive Radios with Imperfect CSI and Probabilistic Interference Constraints | ||
Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Systems.6 | Distributed Cognitive Spectrum Sensing via Group Sparse Total Least-Squares | ||
Gil-Pita, Roberto | Beamforming and Array Signal Processing (Poster).3 | Optimum Microphone Array for Monaural and Binaural In-The-Canal Hearing Aids | |
Gini, Fulvio | Distributed Estimation (Poster).6 | NCTR in Netted Radar Systems | |
Gogineni, Sandeep | MIMO Radar.4 | Adaptive Waveform Design for Colocated MIMO Radar Using Sparse Modeling | |
MIMO Radar.5 | Polarimetric MIMO Radar Target Detection Using Game Theory | ||
Goodman, Nathan | MIMO Radar.6 | Widely Separated MIMO Radar with Adaptive Waveform for Target Classification | |
Gouriéroux, Christian | Signal Processing Applied to Financial Engineering Problems.2 | lq-regularization of the Kalman filter for exogenous outlier removal: application to hedge funds analysis | |
Goy, Philippe | Tracking Problems (Poster).1 | Clutter rejection for MTI radar using a single antenna and a long integration time | |
Goyal, Vivek | Student Paper Contest (Poster).11 | Generalized Approximate Message Passing Estimation from Quantized Samples | |
Deterministic and Probabilistic Toolsets for High-Dimensional Optimization.6 | Generalized Approximate Message Passing Estimation from Quantized Samples | ||
Greco, Maria | Distributed Estimation (Poster).6 | NCTR in Netted Radar Systems | |
Gribonval, Rémi | Deterministic and Probabilistic Toolsets for High-Dimensional Optimization.5 | Recovery of Cosparse Signals with Greedy Analysis Pursuit in the Presence of Noise | |
Guha, Ratan | Sensor Networks (Poster).5 | Multimodal Species Identification in Wireless Sensor Networks | |
Gündüz, Deniz | Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks.4 | Two-hop Communication with Energy Harvesting | |
Gunther, Jake | Wireless Communications.1 | An Interior Point Method for a Semidefinite Relaxation Based Equalizer Incorporating Prior Information | |
H A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
Haardt, Martin | Efficient Algorithms for Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing.5 | Efficient Relay Sharing (EReSh) between Multiple Operators in Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Systems | |
Harms, Andrew | Deterministic and Probabilistic Toolsets for High-Dimensional Optimization.1 | Faster than Nyquist, Slower than Tropp | |
He, Miao | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.6 | A Markov Decision Process Approach to Multi-timescale Scheduling and Pricing in Smart Grids with Integrated Wind Generation | |
Huang, Yih-Fang | Signal Processing for Smart Grids.2 | Event-Triggered Multi-Area State Estimation in Power Systems | |
Hurtado, Martin | Sparse Signal Processing.1 | Optimal Sensing Matrix for Sparse Linear Models | |
I A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
Inza, Lamberto | Advances in Geographical Positioning.2 | Localization with multicomponent seismic array | |
J A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
Jain, Varun | Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Systems.4 | Cyclostationary Feature Detection from Sub-Nyquist Samples | |
Jakubowicz, Jérémie | Distributed Estimation (Poster).3 | Distributed convex stochastic optimization under few constraints in large networks | |
Jay, Emmanuelle | Signal Processing Applied to Financial Engineering Problems.2 | lq-regularization of the Kalman filter for exogenous outlier removal: application to hedge funds analysis | |
Jia, Liyan | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.3 | Multi-Scale Stochastic Optimization for Home Energy Management | |
Jorswieck, Eduard | Student Paper Contest (Poster).3 | Coalition Formation in MISO Interference Channels | |
Efficient Algorithms for Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing.2 | Coalition Formation in MISO Interference Channels | ||
K A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
Kamilov, Ulugbek | Student Paper Contest (Poster).11 | Generalized Approximate Message Passing Estimation from Quantized Samples | |
Deterministic and Probabilistic Toolsets for High-Dimensional Optimization.6 | Generalized Approximate Message Passing Estimation from Quantized Samples | ||
Kar, Swarnendu | Distributed Estimation (Poster).4 | Spatial Whitening Framework for Distributed Estimation | |
Karipidis, Eleftherios | Efficient Algorithms for Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing.3 | Efficient Computation of the Pareto Boundary for the Two-User MISO Interference Channel with Multi-User Decoding Capable Receivers | |
Kashyap, Neelabh | Signal Processing for Smart Grids.2 | Event-Triggered Multi-Area State Estimation in Power Systems | |
Kaveh, Mostafa | Student Paper Contest (Poster).8 | Persistently Active Block Sparsity with Application to Direction-Of-Arrival Estimation of Moving Sources | |
Tracking Problems (Poster).2 | Persistently Active Block Sparsity with Application to Direction-Of-Arrival Estimation of Moving Sources | ||
Kekatos, Vassilis | Signal Processing for Smart Grids.5 | A Convex Relaxation Approach to Optimal Placement of Phasor Measurement Units | |
Khabbazibasmenj, Arash | Beamforming and Array Signal Processing (Poster).5 | A Computationally Efficient Robust Adaptive Beamforming for General-Rank Signal Model with Positive Semi-Definite Constraint | |
Khan, Usman | Signal Processing for Smart Grids.3 | A sensor placement and network design paradigm for future smart grids | |
Kim, Seung-Jun | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.2 | Efficient and Scalable Demand Response for the Smart Power Grid | |
King, Amanda | Sensor Networks (Poster).3 | Modelling and Analysis of Radio Tomography | |
Koch, Wolfgang | Advances in Geographical Positioning.5 | Multiple Source Localization Based on Biased Bearings Using the Intensity Filter - Approach and Experimental Results | |
Koivunen, Visa | Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Systems.2 | Exploiting Spatial Diversity in Multiagent Reinforcement Learning Based Spectrum Sensing | |
Kouamé, Denis | Advances in the Theory and Practice of Computationally Intensive Methods for Statistical Signal Processing.6 | Bayesian compressed sensing in ultrasound imaging | |
Krim, Hamid | Sensor Networks (Poster).2 | Detection and tracking of systematic time-evolving failures in sensor networks | |
Kulkarni, Sanjeev | Student Paper Contest (Poster).12 | A Distributed Spring Model Algorithm for Sensor Localization using Dimension Expansion and Hyperbolic Tangential Force | |
Sparse Signal Processing.6 | Stationary Point Variational Bayesian Attribute-Distributed Sparse Learning with ℓ1 Sparsity Constraints | ||
Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Systems.2 | Exploiting Spatial Diversity in Multiagent Reinforcement Learning Based Spectrum Sensing | ||
Sensor Networks (Poster).4 | A Distributed Spring Model Algorithm for Sensor Localization using Dimension Expansion and Hyperbolic Tangential Force | ||
Kyrillidis, Anastasios | Deterministic and Probabilistic Toolsets for High-Dimensional Optimization.3 | Recipes on Hard Thresholding Methods | |
L A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
La Manna, Mario | Distributed Estimation (Poster).6 | NCTR in Netted Radar Systems | |
Lantéri, Henri | Advances in the Theory and Practice of Computationally Intensive Methods for Statistical Signal Processing.5 | Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Regularization and Sparsity-Enforcing Terms | |
Larsson, Erik G. | Wireless Relay Networks (Poster).1 | Robust Joint Optimization of MIMO Interfering Relay Channels with Imperfect CSI | |
Efficient Algorithms for Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing.3 | Efficient Computation of the Pareto Boundary for the Two-User MISO Interference Channel with Multi-User Decoding Capable Receivers | ||
Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Systems.3 | Multiantenna Spectrum Sensing of a Second-Order Cyclostationary Signal | ||
Larzabal, Pascal | Advances in Geographical Positioning.1 | A glance on geographical positioning | |
Lasscock, Ben | Signal Processing Applied to Financial Engineering Problems.5 | Rank Estimation in Cointegrated Vector Auto-Regression Models via Automated Trans-Dimensional Markov Chain Monte Carlo | |
Leigsnering, Michael | Through-the-Wall Imaging.3 | Fast Wideband Near-Field Imaging with URAs applied to Urban Sensing | |
Leshem, Amir | Student Paper Contest (Poster).10 | Fully distributed auction algorithm for spectrum sharing in unlicensed bands | |
Efficient Algorithms for Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing.1 | Fully distributed auction algorithm for spectrum sharing in unlicensed bands | ||
Leus, Geert | Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Systems.5 | Recovering Second-Order Statistics from Compressive Measurements | |
Sensor Networks (Poster).1 | Static Field Estimation Using a Wireless Sensor Network Based on the Finite Element Method | ||
Lev-Ari, Hanoch | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.4 | Multi-Sensor Networked Estimation in Electric Power Grids | |
Signal Processing for Smart Grids.1 | Customized Dynamic Phasors for Power Quality Control in Electric Grids | ||
Li, Jianhui | Efficient Algorithms for Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing.5 | Efficient Relay Sharing (EReSh) between Multiple Operators in Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Systems | |
Lindblom, Johannes | Efficient Algorithms for Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing.3 | Efficient Computation of the Pareto Boundary for the Two-User MISO Interference Channel with Multi-User Decoding Capable Receivers | |
Lopez-Ramos, Luis | Wireless Communications.4 | Adaptive Underlay Cognitive Radios with Imperfect CSI and Probabilistic Interference Constraints | |
López-Valcarce, Roberto | Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Systems.1 | Bandlimited or Constant Envelope? Exploiting Waveform Properties in Wireless Microphone Detection | |
Lu, Kejie | Sensor Networks (Poster).5 | Multimodal Species Identification in Wireless Sensor Networks | |
Lugo-Cordero, Hector | Sensor Networks (Poster).5 | Multimodal Species Identification in Wireless Sensor Networks | |
Lundén, Jarmo | Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Systems.2 | Exploiting Spatial Diversity in Multiagent Reinforcement Learning Based Spectrum Sensing | |
M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
Macedo, Orlando | Advances in Geographical Positioning.2 | Localization with multicomponent seismic array | |
Mahot, Mélanie | Estimation Theory (Poster).1 | Robust covariance matrix estimates with attractive asymptotic properties | |
Makhzani, Alireza | Sparse Signal Processing.4 | Reconstruction of a Generalized Joint Sparsity Model using Principal Component Analysis | |
Marques, Antonio | Wireless Communications.4 | Adaptive Underlay Cognitive Radios with Imperfect CSI and Probabilistic Interference Constraints | |
Mars, Jerome | Advances in Geographical Positioning.2 | Localization with multicomponent seismic array | |
Martin, Richard | Sensor Networks (Poster).3 | Modelling and Analysis of Radio Tomography | |
Mary, David | Advances in the Theory and Practice of Computationally Intensive Methods for Statistical Signal Processing.4 | PDR and LRMAP detection tests applied to massive hyperspectral data | |
Mecklenbräuker, Christoph | Sparse Signal Processing.5 | Bayesian Sparse Wideband Source Reconstruction of Japanese 2011 Earthquake | |
Mestre, Xavier | Signal Processing Applied to Financial Engineering Problems.1 | Asymptotic analysis and consistent estimation of high-dimensional Markowitz portfolios | |
Métaxian, Jean-Philippe | Advances in Geographical Positioning.2 | Localization with multicomponent seismic array | |
Míguez, Joaquin | Advances in the Theory and Practice of Computationally Intensive Methods for Statistical Signal Processing.1 | A parallel resampling scheme and its application to distributed particle filtering in wireless networks | |
Mochaourab, Rami | Student Paper Contest (Poster).3 | Coalition Formation in MISO Interference Channels | |
Efficient Algorithms for Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing.2 | Coalition Formation in MISO Interference Channels | ||
Mohammadi, Arash | Distributed Estimation (Poster).2 | A Consensus/Fusion based Distributed Implementation of the Particle Filter | |
Moon, Todd | Wireless Communications.1 | An Interior Point Method for a Semidefinite Relaxation Based Equalizer Incorporating Prior Information | |
Moreau, Eric | Estimation Theory (Poster).3 | A Least Squares Algorithm for Global Joint Decomposition of Complex Matrix sets | |
Moses, Randy | Through-the-Wall Imaging.2 | Autofocus for Coherent Through-the-wall Imaging with Multiple Antenna Arrays | |
Mukherjee, Amitav | Efficient Algorithms for Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing.6 | Prescient Beamforming in Multi-user Interweave Cognitive Radio Networks | |
Muravchik, Carlos | Sparse Signal Processing.1 | Optimal Sensing Matrix for Sparse Linear Models | |
Murphy-Hoye, Mary | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.3 | Multi-Scale Stochastic Optimization for Home Energy Management | |
Murthy, Chandra | Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks.5 | Duty Cycling and Power Management with a Network of Energy Harvesting Sensors | |
Murugesan, Sugumar | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.6 | A Markov Decision Process Approach to Multi-timescale Scheduling and Pricing in Smart Grids with Integrated Wind Generation | |
N A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
Nam, Sangnam | Deterministic and Probabilistic Toolsets for High-Dimensional Optimization.5 | Recovery of Cosparse Signals with Greedy Analysis Pursuit in the Presence of Noise | |
Naparstek, Oshri | Student Paper Contest (Poster).10 | Fully distributed auction algorithm for spectrum sharing in unlicensed bands | |
Efficient Algorithms for Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing.1 | Fully distributed auction algorithm for spectrum sharing in unlicensed bands | ||
Nehorai, Arye | Student Paper Contest (Poster).7 | Multiple Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filtering for Target Tracking in Urban Environments | |
MIMO Radar.4 | Adaptive Waveform Design for Colocated MIMO Radar Using Sparse Modeling | ||
MIMO Radar.5 | Polarimetric MIMO Radar Target Detection Using Game Theory | ||
Through-the-Wall Imaging.4 | Sparse Through-the-Wall Imaging | ||
Sparse Signal Processing.3 | Computable Performance Analysis of Block-Sparsity Recovery | ||
Sparse Signal Processing.1 | Optimal Sensing Matrix for Sparse Linear Models | ||
Sparse Signal Processing.2 | Sparsity-enforced Regression Based on Over-complete Dictionary | ||
Tracking Problems (Poster).6 | Multiple Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filtering for Target Tracking in Urban Environments | ||
Nitinawarat, Sirin | Tracking Problems (Poster).5 | Efficient Target Tracking using Mobile Sensors | |
O A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
O'Brien, Gareth | Advances in Geographical Positioning.2 | Localization with multicomponent seismic array | |
Oispuu, Marc | Advances in Geographical Positioning.5 | Multiple Source Localization Based on Biased Bearings Using the Intensity Filter - Approach and Experimental Results | |
Omilipo, Marco | Wireless Communications.5 | Distributed Stochastic Pricing for Sum-Rate Maximization in Femtocell Networks with Random Graph and Quantized Communications | |
Ottersten, Björn | Student Paper Contest (Poster).6 | Computational Framework for Optimal Robust Beamforming in Coordinated Multicell Systems | |
Efficient Algorithms for Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing.4 | Computational Framework for Optimal Robust Beamforming in Coordinated Multicell Systems | ||
Ovarlez, Jean-Philippe | Estimation Theory (Poster).1 | Robust covariance matrix estimates with attractive asymptotic properties | |
Ozel, Omur | Student Paper Contest (Poster).9 | Optimal Scheduling over Fading Broadcast Channels with an Energy Harvesting Transmitter | |
Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks.2 | Optimal Scheduling over Fading Broadcast Channels with an Energy Harvesting Transmitter | ||
P A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
Palomar, Daniel | Signal Processing Applied to Financial Engineering Problems.1 | Asymptotic analysis and consistent estimation of high-dimensional Markowitz portfolios | |
Panahi, Ashkan | Tracking Problems (Poster).3 | Fast LASSO Based DOA Tracking | |
Paris, Silvia | Advances in the Theory and Practice of Computationally Intensive Methods for Statistical Signal Processing.4 | PDR and LRMAP detection tests applied to massive hyperspectral data | |
Pascal, Frederic | Estimation Theory (Poster).1 | Robust covariance matrix estimates with attractive asymptotic properties | |
Pazos, Sebastian | Sparse Signal Processing.1 | Optimal Sensing Matrix for Sparse Linear Models | |
Pedersen, Claus | Advances in Geographical Positioning.4 | Exploiting Network Topology Information to Mitigate Ambiguities in VMP Localization | |
Pedersen, Troels | Advances in Geographical Positioning.4 | Exploiting Network Topology Information to Mitigate Ambiguities in VMP Localization | |
Pesavento, Marius | Wireless Communications.2 | Subspace-based semiblind channel estimation method for fast fading orthogonally coded MIMO-OFDM systems | |
Wireless Relay Networks (Poster).5 | Orthogonalization Techniques for Single Group Multicasting in Cooperative Amplify-And-Forward Networks | ||
Wireless Relay Networks (Poster).4 | Distributed Differential Space-Time Coding Techniques for Two-Way Wireless Relay Networks | ||
Wireless Relay Networks (Poster).3 | Multiuser Bi-directional Communications in Cooperative Relay Networks | ||
Peters, Gareth | Signal Processing Applied to Financial Engineering Problems.5 | Rank Estimation in Cointegrated Vector Auto-Regression Models via Automated Trans-Dimensional Markov Chain Monte Carlo | |
Picard, Joseph | Student Paper Contest (Poster).4 | Time-Delay and Doppler-Shift Based Geolocation in the Presence of Outliers | |
Advances in Geographical Positioning.3 | Time-Delay and Doppler-Shift Based Geolocation in the Presence of Outliers | ||
Piccioli, Ellen | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.3 | Multi-Scale Stochastic Optimization for Home Energy Management | |
Pollak, Ilya | Signal Processing Applied to Financial Engineering Problems.4 | Weight Shrinkage for Portfolio Optimization | |
Poor, H. Vincent | Student Paper Contest (Poster).12 | A Distributed Spring Model Algorithm for Sensor Localization using Dimension Expansion and Hyperbolic Tangential Force | |
Sparse Signal Processing.6 | Stationary Point Variational Bayesian Attribute-Distributed Sparse Learning with ℓ1 Sparsity Constraints | ||
Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Systems.2 | Exploiting Spatial Diversity in Multiagent Reinforcement Learning Based Spectrum Sensing | ||
Sensor Networks (Poster).4 | A Distributed Spring Model Algorithm for Sensor Localization using Dimension Expansion and Hyperbolic Tangential Force | ||
Pratt, Annabelle | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.3 | Multi-Scale Stochastic Optimization for Home Energy Management | |
Q A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
Qiu, Kun | Deterministic and Probabilistic Toolsets for High-Dimensional Optimization.2 | A GEM Hard Thresholding Method for Reconstructing Sparse Signals from Quantized Noisy Measurements | |
Quinsac, Celine | Advances in the Theory and Practice of Computationally Intensive Methods for Statistical Signal Processing.6 | Bayesian compressed sensing in ultrasound imaging | |
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Rajan, Raj Thilak | Distributed Estimation (Poster).5 | Joint ranging and clock synchronization for a wireless network | |
Ramos, F. Javier | Wireless Communications.4 | Adaptive Underlay Cognitive Radios with Imperfect CSI and Probabilistic Interference Constraints | |
Rangan, Sundeep | Student Paper Contest (Poster).11 | Generalized Approximate Message Passing Estimation from Quantized Samples | |
Deterministic and Probabilistic Toolsets for High-Dimensional Optimization.6 | Generalized Approximate Message Passing Estimation from Quantized Samples | ||
Rebeiz, Eric | Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Systems.4 | Cyclostationary Feature Detection from Sub-Nyquist Samples | |
Reddy, Srinivas | Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks.5 | Duty Cycling and Power Management with a Network of Energy Harvesting Sensors | |
Richard, Cédric | Advances in the Theory and Practice of Computationally Intensive Methods for Statistical Signal Processing.5 | Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Regularization and Sparsity-Enforcing Terms | |
Rodriguez, Domingo | Sensor Networks (Poster).5 | Multimodal Species Identification in Wireless Sensor Networks | |
Roemer, Florian | Efficient Algorithms for Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing.5 | Efficient Relay Sharing (EReSh) between Multiple Operators in Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Systems | |
Romero, Daniel | Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Systems.1 | Bandlimited or Constant Envelope? Exploiting Waveform Properties in Wireless Microphone Detection | |
Rosa-Zurera, Manuel | Beamforming and Array Signal Processing (Poster).3 | Optimum Microphone Array for Monaural and Binaural In-The-Canal Hearing Aids | |
Rubio, Francisco | Signal Processing Applied to Financial Engineering Problems.1 | Asymptotic analysis and consistent estimation of high-dimensional Markowitz portfolios | |
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Sanguinetti, Luca | Wireless Relay Networks (Poster).2 | Power Allocation in Two-Hop Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Relay Systems with QoS requirements | |
Sarmadi, Nima | Wireless Communications.2 | Subspace-based semiblind channel estimation method for fast fading orthogonally coded MIMO-OFDM systems | |
Sayed, Ali | Distributed Estimation (Poster).1 | Distributed Optimization via Diffusion Adaptation | |
Estimation Theory (Poster).4 | Optimal Combination Rules for Adaptation and Learning over Networks | ||
Scaglione, Anna | Signal Processing for Smart Grids.4 | Demand Side Management Trends in the Power Grid | |
Schad, Adrian | Wireless Relay Networks (Poster).3 | Multiuser Bi-directional Communications in Cooperative Relay Networks | |
Scharf, Louis | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.5 | Phasor State Estimation from PMU Measurements with Bad Data | |
Schikora, Marek | Advances in Geographical Positioning.5 | Multiple Source Localization Based on Biased Bearings Using the Intensity Filter - Approach and Experimental Results | |
Schniter, Philip | Deterministic and Probabilistic Toolsets for High-Dimensional Optimization.4 | Exploiting Structured Sparsity in Bayesian Experimental Design | |
ShahbazPanahi, Shahram | Student Paper Contest (Poster).5 | On the Design and Performance of TDBC-based Bi-directional Network Beamforming | |
Beamforming and Array Signal Processing (Poster).2 | On the Design and Performance of TDBC-based Bi-directional Network Beamforming | ||
Shutin, Dmitriy | Sparse Signal Processing.6 | Stationary Point Variational Bayesian Attribute-Distributed Sparse Learning with ℓ1 Sparsity Constraints | |
Simeone, Osvaldo | Student Paper Contest (Poster).2 | Energy-Harvesting for Source-Channel Coding in Cyber-Physical Systems | |
Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks.1 | Energy-Harvesting for Source-Channel Coding in Cyber-Physical Systems | ||
Stanković, Aleksandar | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.4 | Multi-Sensor Networked Estimation in Electric Power Grids | |
Signal Processing for Smart Grids.1 | Customized Dynamic Phasors for Power Quality Control in Electric Grids | ||
Stevanovic, Marija | Through-the-Wall Imaging.4 | Sparse Through-the-Wall Imaging | |
Stinco, Pietro | Distributed Estimation (Poster).6 | NCTR in Netted Radar Systems | |
Ström, Marie | MIMO Radar.2 | Low PAPR Waveform Synthesis with Application to Wideband MIMO Radar | |
MIMO Radar.3 | Transmit and Receive Filter Optimization for Wideband MIMO Radar | ||
Swindlehurst, Lee | Efficient Algorithms for Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing.6 | Prescient Beamforming in Multi-user Interweave Cognitive Radio Networks | |
T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
Tang, Gongguo | Sparse Signal Processing.2 | Sparsity-enforced Regression Based on Over-complete Dictionary | |
Sparse Signal Processing.3 | Computable Performance Analysis of Block-Sparsity Recovery | ||
Tehrani, Pouya | Wireless Communications.3 | Multi-Channel Opportunistic Spectrum Access in Unslotted Primary Systems with Unknown Models | |
Theys, Céline | Advances in the Theory and Practice of Computationally Intensive Methods for Statistical Signal Processing.5 | Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Regularization and Sparsity-Enforcing Terms | |
Thomas, Ryan | Sensor Networks (Poster).3 | Modelling and Analysis of Radio Tomography | |
Tian, Zhi | Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Systems.5 | Recovering Second-Order Statistics from Compressive Measurements | |
Tong, Lang | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.3 | Multi-Scale Stochastic Optimization for Home Energy Management | |
Wireless Communications.3 | Multi-Channel Opportunistic Spectrum Access in Unslotted Primary Systems with Unknown Models | ||
Torun, Mustafa Ugur | Signal Processing Applied to Financial Engineering Problems.3 | On Epps Effect and Rebalancing of Hedged Portfolio in Multiple Frequencies | |
Tourneret, Jean-Yves | Advances in the Theory and Practice of Computationally Intensive Methods for Statistical Signal Processing.6 | Bayesian compressed sensing in ultrasound imaging | |
Tracking Problems (Poster).1 | Clutter rejection for MTI radar using a single antenna and a long integration time | ||
Trainini, Tual | Estimation Theory (Poster).3 | A Least Squares Algorithm for Global Joint Decomposition of Complex Matrix sets | |
Tu, Sheng-Yuan | Distributed Estimation (Poster).1 | Distributed Optimization via Diffusion Adaptation | |
Estimation Theory (Poster).4 | Optimal Combination Rules for Adaptation and Learning over Networks | ||
Tutuncuoglu, Kaya | Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks.3 | Transmission Policies for Asymmetric Interference Channels with Energy Harvesting Nodes | |
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Ulukus, Sennur | Student Paper Contest (Poster).9 | Optimal Scheduling over Fading Broadcast Channels with an Energy Harvesting Transmitter | |
Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks.2 | Optimal Scheduling over Fading Broadcast Channels with an Energy Harvesting Transmitter | ||
V A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
Valaee, Shahrokh | Sparse Signal Processing.4 | Reconstruction of a Generalized Joint Sparsity Model using Principal Component Analysis | |
van der Veen, Alle Jan | Beamforming and Array Signal Processing (Poster).4 | Improved Blind Separation Algorithm for Overlapping Secondary Surveillance Radar Replies | |
Distributed Estimation (Poster).5 | Joint ranging and clock synchronization for a wireless network | ||
van Waterschoot, Toon | Sensor Networks (Poster).1 | Static Field Estimation Using a Wireless Sensor Network Based on the Finite Element Method | |
Varshney, Pramod | Distributed Estimation (Poster).4 | Spatial Whitening Framework for Distributed Estimation | |
Veeravalli, Venugopal | Tracking Problems (Poster).5 | Efficient Target Tracking using Mobile Sensors | |
Viberg, Mats | MIMO Radar.2 | Low PAPR Waveform Synthesis with Application to Wideband MIMO Radar | |
MIMO Radar.3 | Transmit and Receive Filter Optimization for Wideband MIMO Radar | ||
Tracking Problems (Poster).3 | Fast LASSO Based DOA Tracking | ||
Vincent, François | Tracking Problems (Poster).1 | Clutter rejection for MTI radar using a single antenna and a long integration time | |
Vorobyov, Sergiy | Beamforming and Array Signal Processing (Poster).5 | A Computationally Efficient Robust Adaptive Beamforming for General-Rank Signal Model with Positive Semi-Definite Constraint | |
W A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
Wang, Zhifang | Signal Processing for Smart Grids.4 | Demand Side Management Trends in the Power Grid | |
Weichman, Peter | Through-the-Wall Imaging.1 | Physics-Based EM Models in Support of Through-Wall Microwave Imaging | |
Weiss, Anthony | Student Paper Contest (Poster).4 | Time-Delay and Doppler-Shift Based Geolocation in the Presence of Outliers | |
Advances in Geographical Positioning.3 | Time-Delay and Doppler-Shift Based Geolocation in the Presence of Outliers | ||
Werner, Stefan | Signal Processing for Smart Grids.2 | Event-Triggered Multi-Area State Estimation in Power Systems | |
Wiesel, Ami | Estimation Theory (Poster).2 | Regularized covariance estimation in scaled Gaussian models | |
Wu, Di | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.1 | Potential Impacts of Aggregator-Controlled Plug-in Electric Vehicles on Distribution Systems | |
Y A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
Yan, Bei | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.4 | Multi-Sensor Networked Estimation in Electric Power Grids | |
Yang, Jing | Student Paper Contest (Poster).9 | Optimal Scheduling over Fading Broadcast Channels with an Energy Harvesting Transmitter | |
Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks.2 | Optimal Scheduling over Fading Broadcast Channels with an Energy Harvesting Transmitter | ||
Yang, Liuqing | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.5 | Phasor State Estimation from PMU Measurements with Bad Data | |
Yang, Peng | Sparse Signal Processing.2 | Sparsity-enforced Regression Based on Over-complete Dictionary | |
Yao, Huajian | Sparse Signal Processing.5 | Bayesian Sparse Wideband Source Reconstruction of Japanese 2011 Earthquake | |
Yener, Aylin | Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks.3 | Transmission Policies for Asymmetric Interference Channels with Energy Harvesting Nodes | |
Yu, Jieqi | Student Paper Contest (Poster).12 | A Distributed Spring Model Algorithm for Sensor Localization using Dimension Expansion and Hyperbolic Tangential Force | |
Sensor Networks (Poster).4 | A Distributed Spring Model Algorithm for Sensor Localization using Dimension Expansion and Hyperbolic Tangential Force | ||
Yu, Zhe | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.3 | Multi-Scale Stochastic Optimization for Home Energy Management | |
Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z | |||
Zaeri-Amirani, Mohammad | Student Paper Contest (Poster).5 | On the Design and Performance of TDBC-based Bi-directional Network Beamforming | |
Beamforming and Array Signal Processing (Poster).2 | On the Design and Performance of TDBC-based Bi-directional Network Beamforming | ||
Zemen, Thomas | Student Paper Contest (Poster).2 | Energy-Harvesting for Source-Channel Coding in Cyber-Physical Systems | |
Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks.1 | Energy-Harvesting for Source-Channel Coding in Cyber-Physical Systems | ||
Zhang, Junshan (Joshua) | Estimation, Learning, and Optimization for the Smart Power Grid.6 | A Markov Decision Process Approach to Multi-timescale Scheduling and Pricing in Smart Grids with Integrated Wind Generation | |
Zhang, Shuo | Tracking Problems (Poster).4 | Particle Filter Processing of Out-Of-Sequence Measurements: Exact Bayesian Solution | |
Zhang, Yimin | Wireless Relay Networks (Poster).6 | Successive Convex Approximation for System Performance Optimization in a Multiuser Network with Multiple MIMO Relays | |
Zhao, Qing | Wireless Communications.3 | Multi-Channel Opportunistic Spectrum Access in Unslotted Primary Systems with Unknown Models | |
Zheng, Gan | Student Paper Contest (Poster).6 | Computational Framework for Optimal Robust Beamforming in Coordinated Multicell Systems | |
Efficient Algorithms for Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing.4 | Computational Framework for Optimal Robust Beamforming in Coordinated Multicell Systems | ||
Zheng, Jimeng | Student Paper Contest (Poster).8 | Persistently Active Block Sparsity with Application to Direction-Of-Arrival Estimation of Moving Sources | |
Tracking Problems (Poster).2 | Persistently Active Block Sparsity with Application to Direction-Of-Arrival Estimation of Moving Sources | ||
Zhou, Mu | Beamforming and Array Signal Processing (Poster).4 | Improved Blind Separation Algorithm for Overlapping Secondary Surveillance Radar Replies | |
Zoubir, Abdelhak | Through-the-Wall Imaging.3 | Fast Wideband Near-Field Imaging with URAs applied to Urban Sensing |