Author |
Session |
Start page |
Title |
A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
A Hammood, Waleed |
1-F.5 |
126 |
Systematic Review of IT Risk Management Using a Scientometric Approach |
Abdullah, Muhammad |
2-B.7 |
321 |
Enhanced Teaching Learning Based Optimization for Localization in Wireless Sensor Network |
Aboosh, Omar |
2-F.6 |
499 |
Fake Video Detection Model Using Hybrid Deep Learning Techniques |
Achmad, Said |
2-D.1 |
378 |
An Enhanced Approach for Divorce Prediction: Implementing XGBoost Machine Learning Model with Particle Swarm Optimization on the 54 Divorce Predictors Scale Dataset |
Adi, Prajanto |
2-B.8 |
327 |
Digital Watermarking using Unsigned Integer for Image Authentication |
Adninda, Gardyas |
2-B.1 |
286 |
GIS data support technique for forest fire management and decision support system: A Sebangau National Park, Kalimantan case |
Afandi, AN |
1-C.5 |
23 |
Power Quality Evaluation in Electrical Power System after Interconnection with Wind Farm |
Aini, Devie Nur |
1-H.4 |
189 |
Caries Level Classification using Combination of Hue and Zernike Invariant Moments Features and Machine Learning |
Akbar, Moh |
2-G.1 |
516 |
A Systematical Review on Round Robin as Task Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing |
Akbar, Zaky |
1-G.1 |
138 |
Analysis of factors influencing the use of the Online Learning Management System after Covid-19 with the D&M Model |
Al Irsyad, Hanif |
2-A.4 |
258 |
Disaster Tweet Classification using LSTM: A Comparative Study of Imbalanced Data Handling Techniques |
Alamo, Carla |
1-I.3 |
218 |
Exploring the Accuracy of Artificial Intelligence in Detecting Lies Through Micro-expression Analysis |
Alamsyah, Andry |
2-C.5 |
355 |
Uncovering Customer Issues in E-Commerce: Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling Approach |
2-E.3 |
437 |
Hotel Reviews Classification and Review-based Recommendation Model Construction using BERT and RoBERTa |
Alfana, Faza Ridha |
1-F.4 |
120 |
UI/UX Development Based on Design Thinking Framework for Mentor on Demand Service |
Alhakim, Furqaan |
1-C.2 |
5 |
Design and Metrological Analysis of An Automatic Air Pressure Measurement Instrument Using Arduino Mega 2560 |
Alwanda, Almi Yulistia |
1-G.6 |
165 |
Comparative Analysis of Hybrid Long Short-Term Memory Models for Fire Danger Index Forecasting with Weather Data |
Aminuddin, Afrig |
1-E.4 |
87 |
Analysis of LTE Performance of V2V Communications on Indonesia Toll Road |
1-F.4 |
120 |
UI/UX Development Based on Design Thinking Framework for Mentor on Demand Service |
1-F.5 |
126 |
Systematic Review of IT Risk Management Using a Scientometric Approach |
Aminulloh, Luthfi |
1-C.3 |
11 |
Battery Sizing Calculation and Consideration for the Electric Apron Bus System |
Amrullah, Agit |
1-E.4 |
87 |
Analysis of LTE Performance of V2V Communications on Indonesia Toll Road |
2-C.2 |
338 |
Performance Analysis of Deep Neural Network based Gamelan Musical Instruments Separation |
Anamisa, Devie |
2-A.3 |
252 |
Rice Pest and Disease Classification using Transfer Learning Inception V3 with data augmentation |
Andalantama, Yudikha |
1-I.4 |
224 |
Analysis of Intensity of Monthly Rain Variables in the Palangkaraya Area Using Multiple Regression Methods and MLR, NN, KNN, Random Forest, SVM Algorithms |
Anderies, Anderies |
1-I.3 |
218 |
Exploring the Accuracy of Artificial Intelligence in Detecting Lies Through Micro-expression Analysis |
Angela, Eryn |
1-D.2 |
41 |
Identifying Facial and Body Movement Through CNN And Monocular Tracking Algorithm |
Anggriandi, Dendi |
2-C.4 |
349 |
Multi-Class Classification of Skin Diseases Using ResNet50 |
Apriono, Catur |
1-E.1 |
70 |
Design of a Fiber to the Home (FTTH) Network for Housing in the BDN Sawangan Residence, Depok |
1-E.2 |
76 |
Comparison Analysis of Plastic Optical Fiber as a Replacement for Copper Cables for Car Communication Links |
Araki, Hiroshi |
2-F.7 |
505 |
Supervised STDP Learning with Weight Decay for Spiking Neural Networks |
Ariatmanto, Dhani |
1-D.4 |
53 |
Performance and Accuracy Analysis of the ResNet50 Transfer Learning Model for Melanoma Cancer Classification |
2-F.4 |
488 |
Transfer Learning and Fine-tuning Effect Analysis on Classification of Cat Breeds using a Convolutional Neural Network |
Arnold, Juan |
1-I.2 |
212 |
Mall Customer Clustering Using Gaussian Mixture Model, K-Means, and BIRCH Algorithm |
Artanto, Brychan |
2-D.1 |
378 |
An Enhanced Approach for Divorce Prediction: Implementing XGBoost Machine Learning Model with Particle Swarm Optimization on the 54 Divorce Predictors Scale Dataset |
Asaddulloh, Bima |
1-F.4 |
120 |
UI/UX Development Based on Design Thinking Framework for Mentor on Demand Service |
Asgar, Muhammad Ryandy Ghonim |
2-E.7 |
459 |
The Impact of Text Preprocessing on Personality Analysis on Twitter Social Media Posts in Bahasa Indonesia |
Ashardian, Amanda |
1-F.6 |
132 |
Construction and Consumption of FAQ Knowledge Graphs in the E-Commerce Domain |
Asrawi, Hannan |
2-E.8 |
464 |
Implementation of Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units for Text Classification |
Astagenta, Rangga |
2-E.2 |
431 |
Performance Comparison of Attention Mechanism and Multihead Attention Seq2seq Models for Fog Application Placement Problem |
Atillo, Guilbert Nicanor |
2-G.2 |
522 |
Sentiment Analysis in Product Reviews with Maximum Entropy and Naive Bayes Using N-gram Method |
Atqia, Nuha |
2-C.8 |
372 |
Utilization of Body Posture Feature Extraction with Movenet for Silat Movement Classification Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) |
Auliyah, Ulul Azmiati |
2-C.1 |
332 |
Droughts Level Prediction Based on Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index Using Long Short-Term Memory Based on Time-Series Split |
2-C.3 |
343 |
A Multi-scalar SPEI Drought Index Prediction Using Long Short-Term Memory |
Azhar, Fadhilah |
1-E.4 |
87 |
Analysis of LTE Performance of V2V Communications on Indonesia Toll Road |
Azima, Achmad |
1-E.1 |
70 |
Design of a Fiber to the Home (FTTH) Network for Housing in the BDN Sawangan Residence, Depok |
Aziza, Rifda Faticha Alfa |
1-F.5 |
126 |
Systematic Review of IT Risk Management Using a Scientometric Approach |
Azizah, Shafna |
2-E.1 |
425 |
Performance Analysis of Transformer Based Models (BERT, ALBERT and RoBERTa) in Fake News Detection |
Azmi, Ulil |
2-A.6 |
269 |
Rare Event Classification Based on Binary Generalized Extreme Value-Additive Models |
B A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Banzon, Daryl Andrei |
2-B.4 |
303 |
Bridging the Power Gap: Evaluating the Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness of PV-Based Smart Grid Integration as a Solution for Power Deficiency in Catanduanes Province, Philippines |
Basit, Muhammad Abdul |
1-G.5 |
159 |
Forecasting the effect of parameters on AQI values with Machine Learning: Multiple Linear Regression |
Bayraktar, Rabia |
2-F.2 |
476 |
Layout Analysis for Robust Resume Parsing |
Bettiza, Martaleli |
2-A.1 |
241 |
An Evaluation on the Wind Speed Forecasting Model Using the ARIMA and SARIMA Methods Based on the MSE Value |
Binugroho, Eko |
1-C.3 |
11 |
Battery Sizing Calculation and Consideration for the Electric Apron Bus System |
C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Cahyaningtyas, Valentina |
1-D.3 |
47 |
Distance Metric Analysis in Recommendation System Using Content-Based Filtering Method |
Candra, Dendy |
1-F.1 |
103 |
Augmented Reality in Mobile Apps for Fashion Industry: A Quality Assessment based on ISO 25010 |
Caterino, Ciro |
2-F.1 |
470 |
From Diverse Sources to a Unified Framework: Constructing an Operational Ontology for Fire Management |
Cefarelli, Maria Serafina |
2-F.1 |
470 |
From Diverse Sources to a Unified Framework: Constructing an Operational Ontology for Fire Management |
Chamim, Anna Nur Nazilah |
1-H.4 |
189 |
Caries Level Classification using Combination of Hue and Zernike Invariant Moments Features and Machine Learning |
Chang, Frenrico |
2-D.1 |
378 |
An Enhanced Approach for Divorce Prediction: Implementing XGBoost Machine Learning Model with Particle Swarm Optimization on the 54 Divorce Predictors Scale Dataset |
Chen, Yohanes |
1-F.1 |
103 |
Augmented Reality in Mobile Apps for Fashion Industry: A Quality Assessment based on ISO 25010 |
Chowanda, Andry |
1-I.3 |
218 |
Exploring the Accuracy of Artificial Intelligence in Detecting Lies Through Micro-expression Analysis |
Christina, Christina |
1-D.3 |
47 |
Distance Metric Analysis in Recommendation System Using Content-Based Filtering Method |
Coastera, Funny |
1-D.6 |
64 |
Combination of CRITIC and PROMETHEE II Methods as An Early Detection of Potential Dropout Students |
Cucus, Ahmad |
1-F.5 |
126 |
Systematic Review of IT Risk Management Using a Scientometric Approach |
D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Danendra, Alfito |
1-H.1 |
171 |
Improving Traffic Management Efficiency: A Simplified Approach Utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks |
Darari, Fariz |
1-F.6 |
132 |
Construction and Consumption of FAQ Knowledge Graphs in the E-Commerce Domain |
Darmawan, Aang |
2-B.5 |
309 |
E-Government Service Management System (E-GovService) to Improve Local e-Government Using DevOps Approach |
Dewanto, Raden |
1-C.3 |
11 |
Battery Sizing Calculation and Consideration for the Electric Apron Bus System |
Dewi Ari Jayanti, Ni Ketut |
2-B.2 |
292 |
Utilizing GIS For Geospatial Data Visualization Of Student's Origin Areas |
Dhewa, Oktaf |
1-E.5 |
93 |
A Modified Artificial Potential Field using Perpendicular Force for Leader-Follower System |
Diansyah, Ahmad |
1-D.4 |
53 |
Performance and Accuracy Analysis of the ResNet50 Transfer Learning Model for Melanoma Cancer Classification |
Djamaluddin, Muhammad |
2-B.6 |
315 |
Impact of Data Augmentation on Prototypical Networks for Open-Set Face Identification |
Dwi Cahyono, Hasan |
2-E.1 |
425 |
Performance Analysis of Transformer Based Models (BERT, ALBERT and RoBERTa) in Fake News Detection |
2-E.4 |
443 |
Easy Data Augmentation in Sentiment Analysis of Cyberbullying Using Support Vector Machine |
2-F.8 |
511 |
Denoising Autoencoder-based Feature Compression for Enhanced Performance of Vehicle License Plate Image Recognition |
Dzulhijjah, Dwi Ahmad |
1-G.6 |
165 |
Comparative Analysis of Hybrid Long Short-Term Memory Models for Fire Danger Index Forecasting with Weather Data |
E A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Edbert, Ivan |
1-D.3 |
47 |
Distance Metric Analysis in Recommendation System Using Content-Based Filtering Method |
1-I.2 |
212 |
Mall Customer Clustering Using Gaussian Mixture Model, K-Means, and BIRCH Algorithm |
Edelyne, Felicia |
1-D.1 |
35 |
Towards Improved Age Verification System for Security in Social Media using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) |
Elbert, Darian |
1-I.2 |
212 |
Mall Customer Clustering Using Gaussian Mixture Model, K-Means, and BIRCH Algorithm |
Elhadi, Haithm |
1-E.4 |
87 |
Analysis of LTE Performance of V2V Communications on Indonesia Toll Road |
Elmas Erdem, Merve |
2-F.2 |
476 |
Layout Analysis for Robust Resume Parsing |
Emanuel, Andi |
2-A.8 |
280 |
Study on IoT: Applications and Security Risks |
Erfianto, Bayu |
1-E.3 |
82 |
Real-time Fall Detection using Keyjoint Position Transition Time in the Elderly Activity Monitoring System |
Eridani, Dania |
1-C.1 |
1 |
Basketball Arm Shooting Robot Design by Implementing Parabolic Motion |
Erlangga, Kresna |
1-E.1 |
70 |
Design of a Fiber to the Home (FTTH) Network for Housing in the BDN Sawangan Residence, Depok |
Ernawan, Ferda |
1-E.4 |
87 |
Analysis of LTE Performance of V2V Communications on Indonesia Toll Road |
F A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Fadhli, Rakha |
1-E.2 |
76 |
Comparison Analysis of Plastic Optical Fiber as a Replacement for Copper Cables for Car Communication Links |
Fahrezi, Ahmad |
1-E.2 |
76 |
Comparison Analysis of Plastic Optical Fiber as a Replacement for Copper Cables for Car Communication Links |
Faisal, Douglas |
1-F.6 |
132 |
Construction and Consumption of FAQ Knowledge Graphs in the E-Commerce Domain |
Fajri, Hanif |
2-G.1 |
516 |
A Systematical Review on Round Robin as Task Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing |
Farida, Intan |
1-I.1 |
206 |
Measuring Meaning Similarity Using TF/IDF and Term Synonym ID |
Fauzi, Ahmad |
1-F.3 |
114 |
Evaluation Quality Of E-Learning X Using ISO/IEC 25010 Framework And Design Thinking Approach |
Fauzi Abdulloh, Ferian |
1-F.4 |
120 |
UI/UX Development Based on Design Thinking Framework for Mentor on Demand Service |
Ferdiansyah, Teuku |
1-E.1 |
70 |
Design of a Fiber to the Home (FTTH) Network for Housing in the BDN Sawangan Residence, Depok |
Fiqri, Fahmi |
2-C.7 |
367 |
Rice Disease Image Classification using MobileNetV2 Pretrained Model with Attention Visualization using Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM) |
Fu, Agnes |
1-D.2 |
41 |
Identifying Facial and Body Movement Through CNN And Monocular Tracking Algorithm |
G A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Giuniano, Kevin |
1-H.2 |
177 |
YOLOv7 and EfficientNet Based Program For Detecting and Classifying Fish in Aquaculture Environment |
Gumilar, Langlang |
1-C.5 |
23 |
Power Quality Evaluation in Electrical Power System after Interconnection with Wind Farm |
1-G.3 |
148 |
Power Flow Evaluation in Selayar Island Power System as a Result of Wind Farm Installation |
Gunawan, Alexander |
1-F.2 |
108 |
The Impact of Playing Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Video Games on the Enhancement of Computational Thinking Skills Among Students in Indonesia |
H A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Habibi, Muhammad |
1-C.5 |
23 |
Power Quality Evaluation in Electrical Power System after Interconnection with Wind Farm |
Hadi, Zulpan |
2-E.6 |
454 |
Detecting Fake Reviews Using N-gram Model and Chi-Square |
Hadiyoso, Sugondo |
1-E.3 |
82 |
Real-time Fall Detection using Keyjoint Position Transition Time in the Elderly Activity Monitoring System |
Hananto, April |
1-F.3 |
114 |
Evaluation Quality Of E-Learning X Using ISO/IEC 25010 Framework And Design Thinking Approach |
Hartanto, Anggit Dwi |
1-D.6 |
64 |
Combination of CRITIC and PROMETHEE II Methods as An Early Detection of Potential Dropout Students |
Hartanto, Rudy |
1-H.6 |
200 |
Deep Learning Techniques for Lung Cancer Detection: A Systematic Literature Review |
Hartomo, Kristoko |
1-F.3 |
114 |
Evaluation Quality Of E-Learning X Using ISO/IEC 25010 Framework And Design Thinking Approach |
Hartono, Hartono |
2-F.5 |
494 |
Type-2 Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Design for Self-Balancing Mobile Robot |
Hasana, Silviya |
1-D.1 |
35 |
Towards Improved Age Verification System for Security in Social Media using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) |
1-D.2 |
41 |
Identifying Facial and Body Movement Through CNN And Monocular Tracking Algorithm |
1-H.1 |
171 |
Improving Traffic Management Efficiency: A Simplified Approach Utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks |
1-H.2 |
177 |
YOLOv7 and EfficientNet Based Program For Detecting and Classifying Fish in Aquaculture Environment |
Hassan, Ahmed |
2-F.6 |
499 |
Fake Video Detection Model Using Hybrid Deep Learning Techniques |
Hattori, Motonobu |
2-F.7 |
505 |
Supervised STDP Learning with Weight Decay for Spiking Neural Networks |
Hermawan, Indra |
2-G.3 |
527 |
Development of a Data Transmission Security System on a Mobile Smart Trash Bin Using an Elliptic Curve Cryptography Algorithm |
Hidayat, Taufik |
2-G.1 |
516 |
A Systematical Review on Round Robin as Task Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing |
Hiererra, Siti |
1-G.1 |
138 |
Analysis of factors influencing the use of the Online Learning Management System after Covid-19 with the D&M Model |
Hikmah, Nada Fitrieyatul |
2-D.5 |
401 |
Active Contour-Based Analysis of Stent Characterization in Cardiac Coronary Arteries from 2D Intravascular Ultrasound Images |
Huda, Arif Akbarul |
2-C.2 |
338 |
Performance Analysis of Deep Neural Network based Gamelan Musical Instruments Separation |
Huda, Baenil |
1-F.3 |
114 |
Evaluation Quality Of E-Learning X Using ISO/IEC 25010 Framework And Design Thinking Approach |
I A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Ibnul Malik, Riani |
2-A.1 |
241 |
An Evaluation on the Wind Speed Forecasting Model Using the ARIMA and SARIMA Methods Based on the MSE Value |
Igano, Vince Dhyzel |
2-B.4 |
303 |
Bridging the Power Gap: Evaluating the Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness of PV-Based Smart Grid Integration as a Solution for Power Deficiency in Catanduanes Province, Philippines |
Irawanto, Indra |
2-D.3 |
389 |
Deep Learning Based Car Detection System Using Convolutional Neural Network and Haar Cascade Classifier |
Iriawan, Alief |
2-D.2 |
384 |
Automatic License Plate Recognition System in Indonesia Using YOLOv8 and EasyOCR Algorithm |
Irmawati, Budi |
2-A.3 |
252 |
Rice Pest and Disease Classification using Transfer Learning Inception V3 with data augmentation |
Istiqomah, Istiqomah |
2-A.7 |
275 |
Alcoholism Detection in EEG Signals using GLCM-Based Texture Analysis of Image-Converted Signals |
Iswanto, Iswanto |
1-C.2 |
5 |
Design and Metrological Analysis of An Automatic Air Pressure Measurement Instrument Using Arduino Mega 2560 |
1-C.6 |
29 |
Towards Sustainable Energy Distribution: IoT-Based Monitoring of Electrical Load Parameters in a Hybrid Renewable Power Plant |
2-C.6 |
361 |
Diabetes Classification Problem with CatBoost Method and Optuna Gradient Boosting Optimization |
Iswara, Ratna |
2-G.3 |
527 |
Development of a Data Transmission Security System on a Mobile Smart Trash Bin Using an Elliptic Curve Cryptography Algorithm |
Ito, Yoshihiro |
1-G.4 |
154 |
Study on Effect of Degradation of Time Synchronization in IEEE 802.1AS Caused by Congestion on QoS of TAS and CBS |
Izumi, Tatsuya |
1-G.4 |
154 |
Study on Effect of Degradation of Time Synchronization in IEEE 802.1AS Caused by Congestion on QoS of TAS and CBS |
J A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Jain, Nilakshi |
2-D.6 |
407 |
Revenge Pornography Matching Using Computer Vision |
Jati, Mentari |
1-E.5 |
93 |
A Modified Artificial Potential Field using Perpendicular Force for Leader-Follower System |
Joelianto, Endra |
2-F.5 |
494 |
Type-2 Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Design for Self-Balancing Mobile Robot |
Johari, Muhammad |
2-B.1 |
286 |
GIS data support technique for forest fire management and decision support system: A Sebangau National Park, Kalimantan case |
Jose, Xavier Lorenzo |
2-B.4 |
303 |
Bridging the Power Gap: Evaluating the Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness of PV-Based Smart Grid Integration as a Solution for Power Deficiency in Catanduanes Province, Philippines |
Jumana, Athaillah |
1-F.2 |
108 |
The Impact of Playing Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Video Games on the Enhancement of Computational Thinking Skills Among Students in Indonesia |
Jusman, Yessi |
1-H.4 |
189 |
Caries Level Classification using Combination of Hue and Zernike Invariant Moments Features and Machine Learning |
K A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Kamal, Angela |
1-G.2 |
143 |
Analysis of Factors in TikTok Shopping Cart and Live Streaming that Affect TikTok Application User Satisfaction |
Kartikakirana, Renindya |
2-B.1 |
286 |
GIS data support technique for forest fire management and decision support system: A Sebangau National Park, Kalimantan case |
Kaurow, Joaquin |
1-H.1 |
171 |
Improving Traffic Management Efficiency: A Simplified Approach Utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks |
Kenardi, Marvelius |
1-H.3 |
183 |
Interpretation and Performance Machine Learning Model for Detection of Brain Stroke Based on Classifier |
Kistijantoro, A. Imam |
2-B.6 |
315 |
Impact of Data Augmentation on Prototypical Networks for Open-Set Face Identification |
Kurniawan, Safar |
2-C.6 |
361 |
Diabetes Classification Problem with CatBoost Method and Optuna Gradient Boosting Optimization |
Kusnawi, Kusnawi |
1-G.6 |
165 |
Comparative Analysis of Hybrid Long Short-Term Memory Models for Fire Danger Index Forecasting with Weather Data |
Kusrini, Kusrini |
1-D.6 |
64 |
Combination of CRITIC and PROMETHEE II Methods as An Early Detection of Potential Dropout Students |
1-G.5 |
159 |
Forecasting the effect of parameters on AQI values with Machine Learning: Multiple Linear Regression |
1-G.6 |
165 |
Comparative Analysis of Hybrid Long Short-Term Memory Models for Fire Danger Index Forecasting with Weather Data |
1-I.4 |
224 |
Analysis of Intensity of Monthly Rain Variables in the Palangkaraya Area Using Multiple Regression Methods and MLR, NN, KNN, Random Forest, SVM Algorithms |
1-I.6 |
236 |
Predict Wildfires in Kalimantan using MODIS Products with Linear Regression, Gradient Boosting and Decision Tree algorithms |
2-A.5 |
264 |
Breast Cancer Detection on Mammographic Image using Convolutional Neural Network |
2-B.1 |
286 |
GIS data support technique for forest fire management and decision support system: A Sebangau National Park, Kalimantan case |
2-C.1 |
332 |
Droughts Level Prediction Based on Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index Using Long Short-Term Memory Based on Time-Series Split |
Kusuma, Dimas Candra |
1-G.6 |
165 |
Comparative Analysis of Hybrid Long Short-Term Memory Models for Fire Danger Index Forecasting with Weather Data |
Kusuma, I |
1-F.2 |
108 |
The Impact of Playing Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Video Games on the Enhancement of Computational Thinking Skills Among Students in Indonesia |
Kusuma Wardhana, Ajie |
2-E.2 |
431 |
Performance Comparison of Attention Mechanism and Multihead Attention Seq2seq Models for Fog Application Placement Problem |
Kusumastuti, Rajnaparamitha |
2-D.4 |
395 |
Skin Cancer Classification using EfficientNetV2 And ViT b16 |
L A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Laksito, Arif |
2-A.4 |
258 |
Disaster Tweet Classification using LSTM: A Comparative Study of Imbalanced Data Handling Techniques |
2-B.1 |
286 |
GIS data support technique for forest fire management and decision support system: A Sebangau National Park, Kalimantan case |
Leksono, Edi |
2-F.5 |
494 |
Type-2 Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Design for Self-Balancing Mobile Robot |
Lim, Rayson |
1-D.1 |
35 |
Towards Improved Age Verification System for Security in Social Media using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) |
Lubis, Fahdi |
2-G.1 |
516 |
A Systematical Review on Round Robin as Task Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing |
Lubis, Muharman |
2-G.1 |
516 |
A Systematical Review on Round Robin as Task Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing |
Luhukay, Devyano |
1-G.1 |
138 |
Analysis of factors influencing the use of the Online Learning Management System after Covid-19 with the D&M Model |
1-G.2 |
143 |
Analysis of Factors in TikTok Shopping Cart and Live Streaming that Affect TikTok Application User Satisfaction |
M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Ma'arif, Alfian |
2-C.6 |
361 |
Diabetes Classification Problem with CatBoost Method and Optuna Gradient Boosting Optimization |
Magsumbol, Jo-Ann |
2-B.4 |
303 |
Bridging the Power Gap: Evaluating the Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness of PV-Based Smart Grid Integration as a Solution for Power Deficiency in Catanduanes Province, Philippines |
Mahmud, Sabilla |
1-H.6 |
200 |
Deep Learning Techniques for Lung Cancer Detection: A Systematic Literature Review |
Majid, Muhammad |
1-G.6 |
165 |
Comparative Analysis of Hybrid Long Short-Term Memory Models for Fire Danger Index Forecasting with Weather Data |
Mangku Luhur, Komang |
1-G.2 |
143 |
Analysis of Factors in TikTok Shopping Cart and Live Streaming that Affect TikTok Application User Satisfaction |
Mangun, Syamsul |
1-I.6 |
236 |
Predict Wildfires in Kalimantan using MODIS Products with Linear Regression, Gradient Boosting and Decision Tree algorithms |
Mardiyono, Anggi |
2-G.3 |
527 |
Development of a Data Transmission Security System on a Mobile Smart Trash Bin Using an Elliptic Curve Cryptography Algorithm |
Marotta, Simone |
2-F.1 |
470 |
From Diverse Sources to a Unified Framework: Constructing an Operational Ontology for Fire Management |
MartÃnez-Béjar, Rodrigo |
2-C.1 |
332 |
Droughts Level Prediction Based on Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index Using Long Short-Term Memory Based on Time-Series Split |
Maruf, Zauvik |
2-B.1 |
286 |
GIS data support technique for forest fire management and decision support system: A Sebangau National Park, Kalimantan case |
Maryani, Maryani |
1-F.1 |
103 |
Augmented Reality in Mobile Apps for Fashion Industry: A Quality Assessment based on ISO 25010 |
Masucci, Vincenzo |
2-F.1 |
470 |
From Diverse Sources to a Unified Framework: Constructing an Operational Ontology for Fire Management |
Masud, Fatin Zahidah |
2-A.2 |
246 |
A New Approach to Modify Post Transfer Learning with MobileNetV2 Architecture to Classify Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia |
Maulana, Mohammad |
1-E.2 |
76 |
Comparison Analysis of Plastic Optical Fiber as a Replacement for Copper Cables for Car Communication Links |
Maulana, Thooriq |
1-E.1 |
70 |
Design of a Fiber to the Home (FTTH) Network for Housing in the BDN Sawangan Residence, Depok |
Megantoro, Prisma |
1-C.2 |
5 |
Design and Metrological Analysis of An Automatic Air Pressure Measurement Instrument Using Arduino Mega 2560 |
1-C.6 |
29 |
Towards Sustainable Energy Distribution: IoT-Based Monitoring of Electrical Load Parameters in a Hybrid Renewable Power Plant |
Meiliana, Meiliana |
2-D.1 |
378 |
An Enhanced Approach for Divorce Prediction: Implementing XGBoost Machine Learning Model with Particle Swarm Optimization on the 54 Divorce Predictors Scale Dataset |
Mendoza, Abigail |
2-B.4 |
303 |
Bridging the Power Gap: Evaluating the Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness of PV-Based Smart Grid Integration as a Solution for Power Deficiency in Catanduanes Province, Philippines |
Motwakel, Abdelwahed |
2-A.2 |
246 |
A New Approach to Modify Post Transfer Learning with MobileNetV2 Architecture to Classify Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia |
Mozamir, Muhammad |
2-B.7 |
321 |
Enhanced Teaching Learning Based Optimization for Localization in Wireless Sensor Network |
Mumpuni, Retno |
2-F.3 |
481 |
Answering Why-Not Questions on Range-Based Skyline Queries for Incomplete Data in Road Networks |
Munir, Rinaldi |
2-B.6 |
315 |
Impact of Data Augmentation on Prototypical Networks for Open-Set Face Identification |
Muntasa, Arif |
2-A.2 |
246 |
A New Approach to Modify Post Transfer Learning with MobileNetV2 Architecture to Classify Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia |
2-B.5 |
309 |
E-Government Service Management System (E-GovService) to Improve Local e-Government Using DevOps Approach |
Murad, Fachroni |
2-G.3 |
527 |
Development of a Data Transmission Security System on a Mobile Smart Trash Bin Using an Elliptic Curve Cryptography Algorithm |
Muzadi, Ahmad |
1-C.6 |
29 |
Towards Sustainable Energy Distribution: IoT-Based Monitoring of Electrical Load Parameters in a Hybrid Renewable Power Plant |
N A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Nadiwa, Afdalio |
1-E.1 |
70 |
Design of a Fiber to the Home (FTTH) Network for Housing in the BDN Sawangan Residence, Depok |
Nisausysyakiroh, Nisausysyakiroh |
2-F.8 |
511 |
Denoising Autoencoder-based Feature Compression for Enhanced Performance of Vehicle License Plate Image Recognition |
Nucifera, Fitria |
2-B.1 |
286 |
GIS data support technique for forest fire management and decision support system: A Sebangau National Park, Kalimantan case |
2-B.3 |
298 |
Interactive Augmented Reality Implementation for Geomorphology by Using Open Data Source |
Nugroho, Fajar |
2-B.8 |
327 |
Digital Watermarking using Unsigned Integer for Image Authentication |
Nugroho, Hanung |
1-I.5 |
230 |
A Systematic Literature Review of Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Lung Disease Detection |
2-D.7 |
413 |
Optimizing Hyperparameters of YOLO to Improve Performance of Brain Tumor Detection in MRI Images |
Nugroho, Lukito |
2-E.2 |
431 |
Performance Comparison of Attention Mechanism and Multihead Attention Seq2seq Models for Fog Application Placement Problem |
Nugroho, Rino |
2-B.5 |
309 |
E-Government Service Management System (E-GovService) to Improve Local e-Government Using DevOps Approach |
Nur Cahyo, D. Diffran |
2-F.4 |
488 |
Transfer Learning and Fine-tuning Effect Analysis on Classification of Cat Breeds using a Convolutional Neural Network |
Nurfalinda, Nurfalinda |
2-A.1 |
241 |
An Evaluation on the Wind Speed Forecasting Model Using the ARIMA and SARIMA Methods Based on the MSE Value |
O A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Oktaviana, Pratnya |
2-A.6 |
269 |
Rare Event Classification Based on Binary Generalized Extreme Value-Additive Models |
Orphanoudakis, Theofanis G |
2-B.1 |
286 |
GIS data support technique for forest fire management and decision support system: A Sebangau National Park, Kalimantan case |
Osvaldo, Nelson |
1-H.1 |
171 |
Improving Traffic Management Efficiency: A Simplified Approach Utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks |
Ozawa, Yohei |
1-G.4 |
154 |
Study on Effect of Degradation of Time Synchronization in IEEE 802.1AS Caused by Congestion on QoS of TAS and CBS |
P A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Pakpahan, Michael |
2-E.2 |
431 |
Performance Comparison of Attention Mechanism and Multihead Attention Seq2seq Models for Fog Application Placement Problem |
Pamungkas, Danar |
1-I.1 |
206 |
Measuring Meaning Similarity Using TF/IDF and Term Synonym ID |
Perkasa, Sigit |
1-C.2 |
5 |
Design and Metrological Analysis of An Automatic Air Pressure Measurement Instrument Using Arduino Mega 2560 |
1-C.6 |
29 |
Towards Sustainable Energy Distribution: IoT-Based Monitoring of Electrical Load Parameters in a Hybrid Renewable Power Plant |
Permana, Ian |
1-G.3 |
148 |
Power Flow Evaluation in Selayar Island Power System as a Result of Wind Farm Installation |
Permata Sari, Wenny |
1-F.5 |
126 |
Systematic Review of IT Risk Management Using a Scientometric Approach |
Permatasari, Afrinia |
2-B.3 |
298 |
Interactive Augmented Reality Implementation for Geomorphology by Using Open Data Source |
Pitchay, Anwar |
1-G.1 |
138 |
Analysis of factors influencing the use of the Online Learning Management System after Covid-19 with the D&M Model |
1-G.2 |
143 |
Analysis of Factors in TikTok Shopping Cart and Live Streaming that Affect TikTok Application User Satisfaction |
Prabowo, Mahardhika |
1-E.2 |
76 |
Comparison Analysis of Plastic Optical Fiber as a Replacement for Copper Cables for Car Communication Links |
Praditha, Villy |
2-G.1 |
516 |
A Systematical Review on Round Robin as Task Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing |
Prakisya, Nurcahya |
1-D.5 |
58 |
Segmentation of White Blood Cells in M1, M2, and M3 Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network |
Pramadihanto, Dadet |
1-C.3 |
11 |
Battery Sizing Calculation and Consideration for the Electric Apron Bus System |
Pramesti, Anisa |
2-A.1 |
241 |
An Evaluation on the Wind Speed Forecasting Model Using the ARIMA and SARIMA Methods Based on the MSE Value |
Pramudya, Yudinda |
2-E.3 |
437 |
Hotel Reviews Classification and Review-based Recommendation Model Construction using BERT and RoBERTa |
Prastyo, Dedy |
2-A.6 |
269 |
Rare Event Classification Based on Binary Generalized Extreme Value-Additive Models |
Pratama, Galih |
1-D.1 |
35 |
Towards Improved Age Verification System for Security in Social Media using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) |
1-D.2 |
41 |
Identifying Facial and Body Movement Through CNN And Monocular Tracking Algorithm |
1-H.1 |
171 |
Improving Traffic Management Efficiency: A Simplified Approach Utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks |
1-H.2 |
177 |
YOLOv7 and EfficientNet Based Program For Detecting and Classifying Fish in Aquaculture Environment |
Pratama, Gilang |
1-E.5 |
93 |
A Modified Artificial Potential Field using Perpendicular Force for Leader-Follower System |
1-E.6 |
98 |
Comparing the Efficiency of State-Feedback Controllers in Stabilizing Two-Wheeled Robot |
Pratama, Julian |
2-F.3 |
481 |
Answering Why-Not Questions on Range-Based Skyline Queries for Incomplete Data in Road Networks |
Prayoga, Dimas |
1-G.5 |
159 |
Forecasting the effect of parameters on AQI values with Machine Learning: Multiple Linear Regression |
Priambodo, Ardy |
1-E.5 |
93 |
A Modified Artificial Potential Field using Perpendicular Force for Leader-Follower System |
Priya Utama, Nugraha |
2-B.6 |
315 |
Impact of Data Augmentation on Prototypical Networks for Open-Set Face Identification |
Purnamasari, Dewi |
2-A.5 |
264 |
Breast Cancer Detection on Mammographic Image using Convolutional Neural Network |
Purwono, Purwono |
2-C.6 |
361 |
Diabetes Classification Problem with CatBoost Method and Optuna Gradient Boosting Optimization |
Puspita, Rezkytadewi |
2-G.3 |
527 |
Development of a Data Transmission Security System on a Mobile Smart Trash Bin Using an Elliptic Curve Cryptography Algorithm |
Puspita, Sartika |
1-H.4 |
189 |
Caries Level Classification using Combination of Hue and Zernike Invariant Moments Features and Machine Learning |
Putra, Hadi |
1-F.6 |
132 |
Construction and Consumption of FAQ Knowledge Graphs in the E-Commerce Domain |
Putra, Irvan |
2-D.8 |
419 |
Hyperparameter Optimalization on Transfer Learning Method to Classify Mango Varieties |
Putra, Vito Hafizh Cahaya |
1-H.3 |
183 |
Interpretation and Performance Machine Learning Model for Detection of Brain Stroke Based on Classifier |
R A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Rahardi, Majid |
1-F.4 |
120 |
UI/UX Development Based on Design Thinking Framework for Mentor on Demand Service |
Raihandhika, Alif |
1-G.2 |
143 |
Analysis of Factors in TikTok Shopping Cart and Live Streaming that Affect TikTok Application User Satisfaction |
Rakhmatsyah, Andrian |
1-C.4 |
17 |
IoT-based Keyless Security System for Motorcycle |
Ramadani, Deni |
1-D.6 |
64 |
Combination of CRITIC and PROMETHEE II Methods as An Early Detection of Potential Dropout Students |
Ramadhani, Dian |
2-C.5 |
355 |
Uncovering Customer Issues in E-Commerce: Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling Approach |
Rianansyah, Anggit |
2-C.1 |
332 |
Droughts Level Prediction Based on Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index Using Long Short-Term Memory Based on Time-Series Split |
Rizal, Achmad |
1-E.3 |
82 |
Real-time Fall Detection using Keyjoint Position Transition Time in the Elderly Activity Monitoring System |
2-A.7 |
275 |
Alcoholism Detection in EEG Signals using GLCM-Based Texture Analysis of Image-Converted Signals |
Rizaldy Azhar, Muhammad |
2-E.2 |
431 |
Performance Comparison of Attention Mechanism and Multihead Attention Seq2seq Models for Fog Application Placement Problem |
Rizki, Randy |
2-D.5 |
401 |
Active Contour-Based Analysis of Stent Characterization in Cardiac Coronary Arteries from 2D Intravascular Ultrasound Images |
Rochim, Adian |
1-C.1 |
1 |
Basketball Arm Shooting Robot Design by Implementing Parabolic Motion |
Rosadi, Melinne Maldini |
2-C.1 |
332 |
Droughts Level Prediction Based on Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index Using Long Short-Term Memory Based on Time-Series Split |
Rusli, Muhammad |
1-C.3 |
11 |
Battery Sizing Calculation and Consideration for the Electric Apron Bus System |
Rustam, Patricia |
1-C.1 |
1 |
Basketball Arm Shooting Robot Design by Implementing Parabolic Motion |
S A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Saepulrohman, Asep |
2-C.7 |
367 |
Rice Disease Image Classification using MobileNetV2 Pretrained Model with Attention Visualization using Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM) |
Safitra, Muhammad Fakhrul |
2-G.1 |
516 |
A Systematical Review on Round Robin as Task Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing |
Sakpal, Rammya |
2-D.6 |
407 |
Revenge Pornography Matching Using Computer Vision |
Salonga, Paul Carlo |
2-B.4 |
303 |
Bridging the Power Gap: Evaluating the Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness of PV-Based Smart Grid Integration as a Solution for Power Deficiency in Catanduanes Province, Philippines |
Sanjaya, Ardi |
1-I.1 |
206 |
Measuring Meaning Similarity Using TF/IDF and Term Synonym ID |
Sanjaya, Febrian |
1-D.3 |
47 |
Distance Metric Analysis in Recommendation System Using Content-Based Filtering Method |
Santoso, Bagus Jati |
2-F.3 |
481 |
Answering Why-Not Questions on Range-Based Skyline Queries for Incomplete Data in Road Networks |
Saputra, Adika |
1-C.4 |
17 |
IoT-based Keyless Security System for Motorcycle |
Saputra, Dhanar |
1-F.4 |
120 |
UI/UX Development Based on Design Thinking Framework for Mentor on Demand Service |
1-F.5 |
126 |
Systematic Review of IT Risk Management Using a Scientometric Approach |
Saputra, Karen |
1-F.2 |
108 |
The Impact of Playing Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Video Games on the Enhancement of Computational Thinking Skills Among Students in Indonesia |
Saputri, Prilyandari |
2-A.6 |
269 |
Rare Event Classification Based on Binary Generalized Extreme Value-Additive Models |
Saputro, Nur Habib |
1-D.5 |
58 |
Segmentation of White Blood Cells in M1, M2, and M3 Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network |
Sardjono, Tri |
2-D.5 |
401 |
Active Contour-Based Analysis of Stent Characterization in Cardiac Coronary Arteries from 2D Intravascular Ultrasound Images |
Sari, Julia |
1-D.6 |
64 |
Combination of CRITIC and PROMETHEE II Methods as An Early Detection of Potential Dropout Students |
Sastrawangsa, Gde |
2-B.2 |
292 |
Utilizing GIS For Geospatial Data Visualization Of Student's Origin Areas |
Satoto, Budi |
2-A.3 |
252 |
Rice Pest and Disease Classification using Transfer Learning Inception V3 with data augmentation |
2-B.5 |
309 |
E-Government Service Management System (E-GovService) to Improve Local e-Government Using DevOps Approach |
Sediyono, Eko |
1-F.3 |
114 |
Evaluation Quality Of E-Learning X Using ISO/IEC 25010 Framework And Design Thinking Approach |
Sejati, Sadewa |
2-B.3 |
298 |
Interactive Augmented Reality Implementation for Geomorphology by Using Open Data Source |
Sekarsih, Fitria |
2-B.3 |
298 |
Interactive Augmented Reality Implementation for Geomorphology by Using Open Data Source |
Sembiring, Irwan |
1-F.3 |
114 |
Evaluation Quality Of E-Learning X Using ISO/IEC 25010 Framework And Design Thinking Approach |
Setiadi, De Rosal Ignatius Moses |
2-B.8 |
327 |
Digital Watermarking using Unsigned Integer for Image Authentication |
Setiaji, Bayu |
1-H.5 |
194 |
Forest Fire Disaster Classification Using Artificial Neural Network Method |
2-D.3 |
389 |
Deep Learning Based Car Detection System Using Convolutional Neural Network and Haar Cascade Classifier |
2-E.8 |
464 |
Implementation of Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units for Text Classification |
Setiawan, Ahmad |
1-I.1 |
206 |
Measuring Meaning Similarity Using TF/IDF and Term Synonym ID |
Setiawan, Anjar |
1-I.4 |
224 |
Analysis of Intensity of Monthly Rain Variables in the Palangkaraya Area Using Multiple Regression Methods and MLR, NN, KNN, Random Forest, SVM Algorithms |
Setyaningsih, Sri |
2-C.7 |
367 |
Rice Disease Image Classification using MobileNetV2 Pretrained Model with Attention Visualization using Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM) |
Setyanto, Arief |
2-B.1 |
286 |
GIS data support technique for forest fire management and decision support system: A Sebangau National Park, Kalimantan case |
Sheet, Dalya |
2-F.6 |
499 |
Fake Video Detection Model Using Hybrid Deep Learning Techniques |
Shidik, Guruh Fajar |
2-D.8 |
419 |
Hyperparameter Optimalization on Transfer Learning Method to Classify Mango Varieties |
Sholikhah, Evi |
1-C.3 |
11 |
Battery Sizing Calculation and Consideration for the Electric Apron Bus System |
Siddiq, Muhammad |
1-E.3 |
82 |
Real-time Fall Detection using Keyjoint Position Transition Time in the Elderly Activity Monitoring System |
Sidiq, Muhammad |
1-I.4 |
224 |
Analysis of Intensity of Monthly Rain Variables in the Palangkaraya Area Using Multiple Regression Methods and MLR, NN, KNN, Random Forest, SVM Algorithms |
Sihwi, Sari |
2-E.1 |
425 |
Performance Analysis of Transformer Based Models (BERT, ALBERT and RoBERTa) in Fake News Detection |
Siswono, Galuh Oktavia |
2-A.6 |
269 |
Rare Event Classification Based on Binary Generalized Extreme Value-Additive Models |
Sitorus, Fernandus |
1-H.5 |
194 |
Forest Fire Disaster Classification Using Artificial Neural Network Method |
Situmeang, Jason |
2-D.1 |
378 |
An Enhanced Approach for Divorce Prediction: Implementing XGBoost Machine Learning Model with Particle Swarm Optimization on the 54 Divorce Predictors Scale Dataset |
Sobirin, Rahmat |
1-G.5 |
159 |
Forecasting the effect of parameters on AQI values with Machine Learning: Multiple Linear Regression |
Soesanti, Indah |
1-H.6 |
200 |
Deep Learning Techniques for Lung Cancer Detection: A Systematic Literature Review |
1-I.5 |
230 |
A Systematic Literature Review of Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Lung Disease Detection |
2-D.7 |
413 |
Optimizing Hyperparameters of YOLO to Improve Performance of Brain Tumor Detection in MRI Images |
Sony, Arya |
1-E.5 |
93 |
A Modified Artificial Potential Field using Perpendicular Force for Leader-Follower System |
Sophan, Mochammad |
2-A.3 |
252 |
Rice Pest and Disease Classification using Transfer Learning Inception V3 with data augmentation |
2-B.5 |
309 |
E-Government Service Management System (E-GovService) to Improve Local e-Government Using DevOps Approach |
Sugiharto, Nathanael |
1-I.2 |
212 |
Mall Customer Clustering Using Gaussian Mixture Model, K-Means, and BIRCH Algorithm |
Suhartono, Derwin |
1-D.3 |
47 |
Distance Metric Analysis in Recommendation System Using Content-Based Filtering Method |
1-I.2 |
212 |
Mall Customer Clustering Using Gaussian Mixture Model, K-Means, and BIRCH Algorithm |
Sujito, Sujito |
1-C.5 |
23 |
Power Quality Evaluation in Electrical Power System after Interconnection with Wind Farm |
Sukmana, Septian Enggar |
2-B.8 |
327 |
Digital Watermarking using Unsigned Integer for Image Authentication |
Sukmawan, Irfan |
1-C.6 |
29 |
Towards Sustainable Energy Distribution: IoT-Based Monitoring of Electrical Load Parameters in a Hybrid Renewable Power Plant |
Sulistiyono, Mulia |
1-I.6 |
236 |
Predict Wildfires in Kalimantan using MODIS Products with Linear Regression, Gradient Boosting and Decision Tree algorithms |
Sumargi, Bintang |
1-F.1 |
103 |
Augmented Reality in Mobile Apps for Fashion Industry: A Quality Assessment based on ISO 25010 |
Sunyoto, Andi |
1-H.5 |
194 |
Forest Fire Disaster Classification Using Artificial Neural Network Method |
2-C.3 |
343 |
A Multi-scalar SPEI Drought Index Prediction Using Long Short-Term Memory |
2-C.4 |
349 |
Multi-Class Classification of Skin Diseases Using ResNet50 |
2-D.2 |
384 |
Automatic License Plate Recognition System in Indonesia Using YOLOv8 and EasyOCR Algorithm |
2-D.3 |
389 |
Deep Learning Based Car Detection System Using Convolutional Neural Network and Haar Cascade Classifier |
2-D.4 |
395 |
Skin Cancer Classification using EfficientNetV2 And ViT b16 |
2-E.5 |
448 |
Hybrid Sentiment Analysis: Majority Voting with Multinomial Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression on IMDB Dataset |
2-E.6 |
454 |
Detecting Fake Reviews Using N-gram Model and Chi-Square |
2-E.8 |
464 |
Implementation of Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units for Text Classification |
2-F.4 |
488 |
Transfer Learning and Fine-tuning Effect Analysis on Classification of Cat Breeds using a Convolutional Neural Network |
Suryani, Esti |
1-D.5 |
58 |
Segmentation of White Blood Cells in M1, M2, and M3 Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network |
2-C.8 |
372 |
Utilization of Body Posture Feature Extraction with Movenet for Silat Movement Classification Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) |
2-F.8 |
511 |
Denoising Autoencoder-based Feature Compression for Enhanced Performance of Vehicle License Plate Image Recognition |
Suryani, Vera |
1-C.4 |
17 |
IoT-based Keyless Security System for Motorcycle |
Susanto, Justin |
1-H.2 |
177 |
YOLOv7 and EfficientNet Based Program For Detecting and Classifying Fish in Aquaculture Environment |
Suwandi, Wina |
1-E.2 |
76 |
Comparison Analysis of Plastic Optical Fiber as a Replacement for Copper Cables for Car Communication Links |
Suyama, Yojiro |
1-G.4 |
154 |
Study on Effect of Degradation of Time Synchronization in IEEE 802.1AS Caused by Congestion on QoS of TAS and CBS |
Syifa, Kayla |
1-H.2 |
177 |
YOLOv7 and EfficientNet Based Program For Detecting and Classifying Fish in Aquaculture Environment |
T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Tamayo, Geanne Bea Erica |
2-B.4 |
303 |
Bridging the Power Gap: Evaluating the Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness of PV-Based Smart Grid Integration as a Solution for Power Deficiency in Catanduanes Province, Philippines |
Tananjaya, Vincen |
1-D.1 |
35 |
Towards Improved Age Verification System for Security in Social Media using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) |
Tatualia, Ellah Marie |
2-B.4 |
303 |
Bridging the Power Gap: Evaluating the Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness of PV-Based Smart Grid Integration as a Solution for Power Deficiency in Catanduanes Province, Philippines |
Tubola, Orland |
2-B.4 |
303 |
Bridging the Power Gap: Evaluating the Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness of PV-Based Smart Grid Integration as a Solution for Power Deficiency in Catanduanes Province, Philippines |
Tuzzahra, Zabrina |
2-A.2 |
246 |
A New Approach to Modify Post Transfer Learning with MobileNetV2 Architecture to Classify Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia |
U A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Umboh, Josua |
1-F.2 |
108 |
The Impact of Playing Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Video Games on the Enhancement of Computational Thinking Skills Among Students in Indonesia |
Utami, Ema |
1-D.4 |
53 |
Performance and Accuracy Analysis of the ResNet50 Transfer Learning Model for Melanoma Cancer Classification |
2-E.7 |
459 |
The Impact of Text Preprocessing on Personality Analysis on Twitter Social Media Posts in Bahasa Indonesia |
W A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Wahyudi, Dwi |
2-D.7 |
413 |
Optimizing Hyperparameters of YOLO to Improve Performance of Brain Tumor Detection in MRI Images |
Wahyuningrum, Rima |
2-A.2 |
246 |
A New Approach to Modify Post Transfer Learning with MobileNetV2 Architecture to Classify Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia |
Wibisono, Samantha |
1-D.2 |
41 |
Identifying Facial and Body Movement Through CNN And Monocular Tracking Algorithm |
Widayani, Wiwi |
2-B.1 |
286 |
GIS data support technique for forest fire management and decision support system: A Sebangau National Park, Kalimantan case |
Widianto, Mochammad Haldi |
1-H.3 |
183 |
Interpretation and Performance Machine Learning Model for Detection of Brain Stroke Based on Classifier |
Widiarto, Wisnu |
2-E.1 |
425 |
Performance Analysis of Transformer Based Models (BERT, ALBERT and RoBERTa) in Fake News Detection |
Widjaja, Katriel |
1-I.3 |
218 |
Exploring the Accuracy of Artificial Intelligence in Detecting Lies Through Micro-expression Analysis |
Widyadara, Made |
1-I.1 |
206 |
Measuring Meaning Similarity Using TF/IDF and Term Synonym ID |
Widyawan, Widy |
2-E.2 |
431 |
Performance Comparison of Attention Mechanism and Multihead Attention Seq2seq Models for Fog Application Placement Problem |
Wiharto, Wiharto |
1-D.5 |
58 |
Segmentation of White Blood Cells in M1, M2, and M3 Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network |
2-C.8 |
372 |
Utilization of Body Posture Feature Extraction with Movenet for Silat Movement Classification Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) |
Wijayanto, Inung |
2-A.7 |
275 |
Alcoholism Detection in EEG Signals using GLCM-Based Texture Analysis of Image-Converted Signals |
Winarno, Winarno |
2-E.4 |
443 |
Easy Data Augmentation in Sentiment Analysis of Cyberbullying Using Support Vector Machine |
Wiputra, Richard |
1-G.1 |
138 |
Analysis of factors influencing the use of the Online Learning Management System after Covid-19 with the D&M Model |
Wiratama, Bima |
2-C.2 |
338 |
Performance Analysis of Deep Neural Network based Gamelan Musical Instruments Separation |
Wirawan, Alwan |
2-E.4 |
443 |
Easy Data Augmentation in Sentiment Analysis of Cyberbullying Using Support Vector Machine |
Wiryawan, Drajad |
1-G.1 |
138 |
Analysis of factors influencing the use of the Online Learning Management System after Covid-19 with the D&M Model |
1-G.2 |
143 |
Analysis of Factors in TikTok Shopping Cart and Live Streaming that Affect TikTok Application User Satisfaction |
Y A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Y, Yahya |
1-I.5 |
230 |
A Systematic Literature Review of Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Lung Disease Detection |
Yengayenga, Fabrice |
2-A.8 |
280 |
Study on IoT: Applications and Security Risks |
Yuana, Kumara |
2-B.1 |
286 |
GIS data support technique for forest fire management and decision support system: A Sebangau National Park, Kalimantan case |
Yusa, Mochammad |
1-D.6 |
64 |
Combination of CRITIC and PROMETHEE II Methods as An Early Detection of Potential Dropout Students |
Yusida, Niniek |
1-D.5 |
58 |
Segmentation of White Blood Cells in M1, M2, and M3 Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network |
Yusuf, Muhammad |
2-A.2 |
246 |
A New Approach to Modify Post Transfer Learning with MobileNetV2 Architecture to Classify Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia |
2-A.3 |
252 |
Rice Pest and Disease Classification using Transfer Learning Inception V3 with data augmentation |
2-B.5 |
309 |
E-Government Service Management System (E-GovService) to Improve Local e-Government Using DevOps Approach |
Yuwono, Yohannes |
1-E.6 |
98 |
Comparing the Efficiency of State-Feedback Controllers in Stabilizing Two-Wheeled Robot |
Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y Z |
Zahratul Jannah, Meike |
2-C.5 |
355 |
Uncovering Customer Issues in E-Commerce: Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling Approach |
Zakaria, Fariz |
1-G.6 |
165 |
Comparative Analysis of Hybrid Long Short-Term Memory Models for Fire Danger Index Forecasting with Weather Data |
Zakaria, Zakaria |
2-E.5 |
448 |
Hybrid Sentiment Analysis: Majority Voting with Multinomial Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression on IMDB Dataset |
Zhafran, Muhammad |
1-E.1 |
70 |
Design of a Fiber to the Home (FTTH) Network for Housing in the BDN Sawangan Residence, Depok |
Zuhdi, Muhammad |
1-E.2 |
76 |
Comparison Analysis of Plastic Optical Fiber as a Replacement for Copper Cables for Car Communication Links |