4th ICOIACT 2021 logo

Welcome to ICOIACT

Let us expressed our gratitude to Allah SWT because, with His permission, we can organize the 4th International Conference on Information and Communications Technology 2021 (The 4th ICOIACT 2021) on 30th August 2021. This conference is an annual event jointly organized by Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta, Amikom IEEE Student Branch, and technically co-sponsored by IEEE Indonesian Section.

Conference Committee would like to express our gratitude to the honorable keynote speakers for sharing their knowledge in the plenary session of this conference. We are also very grateful to all participants coming from various institutions from 12 countries. Besides from Indonesia, the paper also came from Bangladesh, Singapore, India, Japan, Iraq, Korea (South), Macao, China, USA, Malaysia, and Thailand. High appreciation is also addressed to all committee members who have worked hard for this conference's success.

We congratulate all the presenters who have been successfully accepted into this conference after being reviewed by at least 3 reviewers using a blind review system. The acceptance rate at this conference is 44.9%.

This conference program is designed to help participants to find relevant information related to this conference, such as schedule and paper abstracts in this conference. However, should there be any confusion associated with this conference, please feel free to approach one of our committee members.

At last, we apologize for any mistakes in managing this conference, from the paper submission process until the post-conference activity.

Yogyakarta, August 2021
The 4th ICOIACT 2021 Committee



Welcome to the fourth International Conference of Information Communication and Technology (ICOIACT) 2021.

I am glad to welcome the honourable speaker and excellent participant from all around the world at this conference. ICOIACT started four years ago to enable a meeting point between academia, industry, and government to share their research achievement in information and communication technology for better human life.

This year is the second year we have struggled with the Covid-19 pandemic. Various problems arise from the health, economic, social, educational and other aspects of life. Including in holding this conference, which we should be able to gather in Yogyakarta Indonesia, we only meet online to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 Virus. Although it is held virtually, hopefully, it will not reduce the meaning of this conference. We can share and support each other to produce something useful for the community.

In this pandemic situation where there are no signs of stopping, researchers from various fields do not stand idly by to see the existing situation. Various studies were conducted to help prevent, detect, predict or provide treatment to reduce the impact of the existing pandemic. In the revolution industry 4.0 era, artificial intelligence has been used for treating many problems including healthcare. Therefore, we bring forward the topic of the conference "The Role of AI in Health and Social Revolution in Turbulence Era".

Today, scientists have to take their roles and responsibilities to share their expertise to solve the problem in the new world order. Researchers have to take responsibility to find out an explanation, methods, and tools to enable people to adapt to the new way of life.

Finally, I would like to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation for all of the hard work and dedication provided by the technical program committee, reviewers, and keynote speakers.

I would like to express my gratitude to the steering committee members, the conference chairman, the organizing committee, the IEEE Indonesian Section, the IEEE Student Branch of Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta, and the financial support from the conference sponsors that conducted the success of The 4th ICOIACT 2021.

The General Chair of 4th ICOIACT 2021

Prof. Dr. Kusrini, M.Kom.