4th ICOIACT 2021 logo


Time (Jakarta) Breakout Room A Breakout Room B Breakout Room C Breakout Room D Breakout Room E

Sunday, August 29

13:00-15:00 Practice: Free Practice + Simulation

Monday, August 30

06:45-07:00 Log In: JOIN ZOOM ROOM
07:00-08:30 1A: Parallel Session 1-A 1B: Parallel Session 1-B 1C: Parallel Session 1-C 1D: Parallel Session 1-D  
08:30-11:50 Opening Ceremony + 1st Plenary Session
11:50-12:30 Break: Break Time
12:30-14:30 2A: Parallel Session 2-A 2B: Parallel Session 2-B 2C: Parallel Session 2-C 2D: Parallel Session 2-D 2E: Parallel Session 2-E
14:30-14:45 Break: Break Time
14:45-16:00 2nd Plenary Session + Awarding and Closing Ceremony
16:00-16:10 Log Out: Leave Zoom Meeting

Sunday, August 29

Sunday, August 29 13:00 - 15:00 (Asia/Jakarta)

Practice: Free Practice + Simulation

Breakout Room A, Breakout Room B, Breakout Room C, Breakout Room D, Breakout Room E
Chair: Akhmad Dahlan

Meet with The Committee Team. Preparing for Conference Day. Simulation and Check Connection for Zoom Meeting. Contact Center : Open Q & A all about conference. Etc

Monday, August 30

Monday, August 30 6:45 - 7:00 (Asia/Jakarta)


Breakout Room A, Breakout Room B, Breakout Room C, Breakout Room D, Breakout Room E
Chairs: Rifda Faticha Alfa Aziza, Yoga Pristyanto

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/96477607576?pwd=WGQ2VVh3QkdyTlU3RWQvYWFka2Nhdz09 Meeting ID : 964 7760 7576 Passcode : 840963

Monday, August 30 7:00 - 8:30 (Asia/Jakarta)

1A: Parallel Session 1-A

Breakout Room A
Chair: Tonny Hidayat

1B: Parallel Session 1-B

Breakout Room B
Chair: Widiyana Riasasi

1C: Parallel Session 1-C

Breakout Room C
Chair: Rhisa Aidilla Suprapto
7:00 Reliability Improvement of UWB Tracker for Hospital Asset Management System
Febby Purnama Madrin and Eko Supriyanto
7:15 Smart Light Control Using Thermal Sensor As Human Presence Detection
Mario Roostandi, Timotius Austin Nathaniel, Dafin Qinthara and Boby Siswanto
7:30 Experiment on Distance Measurement Using Single Camera
Dany Eka Saputra, Aloysius Senjaya, Joshua Ivander and Alex Chandra
7:45 Artificial Neural Network in Classification of Human Blood Cells Using Faster R-CNN
Ike Verawati and Ivan Daniel Parlindungan Hasibuan
8:00 Comparative Study of Kalman Filter and H infinity Filter for Current Sensorless Battery Health Analysis
Wahyu Sukestyastama Putra, Jeki Kuswanto, Wahid Miftahul Ashari and Muhammad Koprawi
8:15 Ambient Assisted Living for Elderly Care and Monitoring in COVID-19 Pandemic
Shovon Bhowmick, Tarek Ferdous, Raihan Momtaz and Md. Golam Rabiul Alam

1D: Parallel Session 1-D

Breakout Room D
Chair: Gardyas Adninda
7:00 Fake Video Detection using Modified XceptionNet
Imam Kusniadi and Arief Setyanto
7:15 Classification of Brain Tumour MRI Images using Efficient Network
Anggi Zhaputri, Mardhiya Hayaty and Arif Dwi Laksito
7:30 Evaluation of Deep Transfer Learning Models in Glaucoma Detection for Clinical Application
Manop Phankokkruad
7:45 Efficient Deep Learning Architecture for Facemask Detection
Arief Setyanto, Theopilus Bayu Sasongko, Kusrini Kusrini, Adhitya Bagasmiwa Permana and Andhy Panca Saputra
8:00 CRAM: A Credit Risk Assessment Model by Analyzing Different Machine Learning Algorithms
Aquib Turjo, Yeaminur Rahman, Mynul Karim, Tausif Biswas, Ifroim Dewan and Muhammad Iqbal Hossain

Monday, August 30 8:30 - 11:50 (Asia/Jakarta)

Opening Ceremony + 1st Plenary Session

Breakout Room A, Breakout Room B, Breakout Room C, Breakout Room D, Breakout Room E
Chair: Alva H Muhammad

Welcome Speech Opening Remark Plenary Speakers 1 and 2

Monday, August 30 11:50 - 12:30 (Asia/Jakarta)

Break: Break Time

Breakout Room A, Breakout Room B, Breakout Room C, Breakout Room D, Breakout Room E

Break Time

Monday, August 30 12:30 - 14:30 (Asia/Jakarta)

2A: Parallel Session 2-A

Breakout Room A
Chair: Tonny Hidayat
12:30 Performance analysis of NOMA using different types receivers
Roaa Ali and Saad Ahmed Ayoob
12:45 Geographical Information System For Mapping Of Settlements Land Potency Index
Robert Marco, Anik Vega Vitianingsih, Anastasia Maukar, Erri Wahyu Puspitarini and Seftin Fitri Ana Wati
13:00 Spatial data modeling for mapping of slum region using multi-attribute utility theory method
Robert Marco, Anik Vega Vitianingsih, Anastasia Maukar, Erri Wahyu Puspitarini and Seftin Fitri Ana Wati
13:15 Modeling and evaluating performance for Long-Term Evaluation networks in a part of Mosul city
Mahmood Samir and Saad Ahmed Ayoob
13:30 Analysis of CSIRT Services in Facing Cyber Security Challenges In Indonesia
Muhammad Haidar, Yudho Sucahyo, Teddy Sukardi and Arfive Gandhi
13:45 Comparison of Naïve Bayes Algorithm Model Combinations with Term Weighting Techniques in Sentiment Analysis
Rizqi Sukma Kharisma, Muttafi'ah Muttafi'ah and Akhmad Dahlan
14:00 Rank-Based Univariate Selection for Intrusion Detection System
Winda Ayu Safitri and Tohari Ahmad

2B: Parallel Session 2-B

Breakout Room B
Chair: Rhisa Aidilla Suprapto
12:30 Decision Tree-Based Bok Choy Growth Prediction Model for Smart Farm
Aldi Susilo, Nyoman Karna and Ratna Mayasari
12:45 Developing from 2D to 3D Droplet Modeling and Simulation Using Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)
Kumara Ari Yuana, Arifiyanto Hadinegoro, Indarto Indarto, Deendarlianto Deendarlianto and Eko Budiana
13:00 Imbalanced Class handling and Classification on Educational Dataset
Irfan Pratama, Yoga Pristyanto and Putri Taqwa Prasetyaningrum
13:15 Analysis on the Use of Declarative and Pull-based Deployment Models on GitOps Using Argo CD
Ramadoni Ramadoni, Ema Utami and Hanif Fatta
13:30 The Recommendation System for Increasing the Independence of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Using the Normalized Rating Frequency (NRF) Method
Sri Lestari, Yulmaini Yulmaini, Aswin Aswin, Rio Kurniawan, Sulyono Sulyono and Yan Aditiya Pratama
13:45 Machine Learning for Security and Security for Machine Learning: A Literature Review
Nuruddin Wiranda and Fal Sadikin
14:00 Comparative Analysis of CLAHE and AHE on Application of CNN Algorithm in the Detection of Covid-19 Patients
Buyut Khoirul Umri, Ema Utami and Mei P Kurniawan

2C: Parallel Session 2-C

Breakout Room C
Chair: Gardyas Adninda
12:30 Towards a Cloud-Based System Architecture for Drain Inspection Robots
Ganesh Sai Apuroop Koppaka, Loke Ji Xian, Rajesh Elara Mohan, Povendhan Arthanaripalayam Palanisamy, Sriniketh Konduri, Charan Satya Chandra Sairam Borusu and Dylan Ng Terntzer
12:45 Narrow-Band Internet of Things for Smart Metering Infrastructure in Urban Area: Medan City Case
Muhammad Adam Nugraha, Muhammad Imam Nashiruddin and Gunawan Hutagalung
13:00 Long Range Wide Area Network Deployment for Smart Metering Infrastructure in Urban Area: Case Study of Bandung City
Muhammad Imam Nashiruddin and Muhammad Adam Nugraha
13:15 Decision Support System of Stock Selection Using Promethee Method
Tamrizal Am and Ainul Yaqin
13:30 Banjarese Chatbot Using Seq2Seq Model
Bambang Abdi Setiawan, Ema Utami and Anggit Dwi Hartanto
13:45 Foreign Exchange Prediction Using Machine Learning Approach: A Pilot Study
Sudimanto Sudimanto, Yaya Heryadi, Lukas Lukas and Antoni Wibowo
14:00 Electronic Nose in Classification of Gas Sensor Array Detection Through Flow Modulation
Ferry Wahyu Wibowo and Wihayati Wihayati

2D: Parallel Session 2-D

Breakout Room D
Chair: Kumara Ari Yuana

2E: Parallel Session 2-E

Breakout Room E
Chair: Dhani Ariatmanto

Monday, August 30 14:30 - 14:45 (Asia/Jakarta)

Break: Break Time

Breakout Room A, Breakout Room B, Breakout Room C, Breakout Room D, Breakout Room E

Monday, August 30 14:45 - 16:00 (Asia/Jakarta)

2nd Plenary Session + Awarding and Closing Ceremony

Breakout Room A, Breakout Room B, Breakout Room C, Breakout Room D, Breakout Room E
Chair: Alva H Muhammad

Plenary Spreaker 3 Closing Ceremony Awarding Best Paper

Monday, August 30 16:00 - 16:10 (Asia/Jakarta)

Log Out: Leave Zoom Meeting

Breakout Room A, Breakout Room B, Breakout Room C, Breakout Room D, Breakout Room E
Chair: Sumarni Adi