Welcome Message from the Conference Chair
Dear IEEE SusTech 2024 Attendees, It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 11th anniversary IEEE Technologies for Sustainability Conference (SusTech 2024) held from April 14 to 17, 2024, in Portland, Oregon Over the years this conference has attracted attendees from government, industry, business and manufacturing sectors as it rotated from its beginning in Portland through Arizona, California, Utah and now back to Oregon. We have scientists, academics, technologists, and scholars from many disciplines that share and contribute to the themes and tracks that we offer in the conference. This year's program features an interactive one-day workshop on deveklpong a Roadmap to Low Carbon Emission Building Materials and Architecture, keynote speakers, panel discussions, peer-reviewed technical paper presentations across 18 thematic sessions, a student poster contest, and a 1-day sustainability fórum featuring a unique blend of experts in policy, leadership, and technology. All sessions will be in a hybrid format using Zoom. You will find the program schedule with information about the scheduled technical papers for each track; bio-data of distinguished keynote speakers, and panelists; and student poster contestants in the Program Guide and on our website https://ieee-sustech.org/. The technical papers can be found in in the attendee proceedings. Undergraduate and graduate students submitted abstracts for the Student Poster Contest, representing ideas or designs for developing projects/products supporting the sustainability topics areas of the Conference. The accepted posters will be presented during the online SusTech 2024 Student Poster Competition Sunday afternoon April 14, 2024. Prizes will be awarded to the top three posters; winners will be announced at the closing session. We thank our sponsors: the IEEE Oregon, San Fernando Valley, Foothill, Orange County and Coastal Los Angeles Sections, IEEE Region 6, IEEE-USA and the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT),; and co-sponsors IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS), Oceanic Engineering Society, Power and Energy (PES) Society, Sensors Council, Standards Association (IEEE-SA) and Technology and Engineering Management Society (TEMS). I want to personally thank the members of the Organizing and Program Committees whose support and dedication have enabled us to produce this 11th conference. And to thank you for participating in this SusTech 2024 hybrid conference. It is our sincere hope that you will enjoy and learn about the innovative developments in the area of sustainability.
SponsorsOregon Section Technical Sponsors

2024 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech) took place 14-17 April 2024 in Portland, Oregon, USA.