Welcome from the Program Chairs
On behalf of the technical program committee (TPC), we welcome you to the The Eighth IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop in beautiful A Coruńa, Spain. This year’s program includes 134 accepted papers by 429 authors:
- 58 regular papers (with an acceptance ratio of 44.3%) and
- 76 papers in special sessions (with an acceptance ratio of 95%)
selected from 211 reviewed submissions.
The technical program will include 6 plenary talks:
- Displacement Structure of Matrices - an Introduction, Thomas Kailath, Stanford University, USA
- Towards 5G, Angel Lozano, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
- Array Processing Underground, James H. McClellan, Georgia Tech, USA
- Modeling the Aggregator problem: the Economic Dispatch and Dynamic Scheduling of Flexible Electrical Loads, Anna Scaglione, University of California Davis, USA
- Label-Free Estimation and Tracking, Peter Willett, University of Connecticut, USA
- Distributed Optimization over Network, Wotao Yin, University of California Los Angeles, USA
We hope you join us and enjoy this truly international event. We had submissions from around the world and all continents (61% from Europe, Middle East and Africa, 17% from North America, 20% from Asia/Pacific and 2% from Latin America) and the final program includes authors from over 30 countries. The papers are organized into 10 regular and 12 special sessions.
On June 22, a student poster competition will be held for three best student paper awards. The 11 competitors have been selected by votes of the TPC committee amongst eligible papers that have received the highest review scores in the review process.
The technical program also includes two free tutorials to be held on June 22:
- Cartography for Cognitive Networks, Georgios B. Giannakis, University of Minnesota, USA
- Tradeoffs in MIMO Radar, Sergiy A. Vorobyov, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland and Marco Lops, University of Cassino, Italy, and University of Toulose, France
We had the pleasure of working with an outstanding technical program committee, Special Session Chairs, and Reviewers spanning the globe and drawn from both industry and academia. We are grateful for their tremendous dedication and hard work. All papers, (regular and invited) have been reviewed independently and in similar way by best experts. An intensive discussion phase then followed to make the final decision based on the recommendations of reviewers. In total, the 211 submitted papers received 694 completed reviews. The program committee has had numerous interactions among themselves and in consultation with reviewers along the review process in order to discuss special cases.
As TPC Co-Chairs, we rely on so many who did a tremendous amount of hard work. First, and most importantly, we thank all of the authors for their creative and compelling research -- the conference and the community would not exist without it. We thank the Reviewers for their diligence and commitment and to the Sensor Array and Multichannel Technical Committee for their technical support. We are also grateful to EDAS conference management software staff. Finally, we thank the Special Session Chairs and student paper competition judges.
Aleksandar Dogandžić and Marius Pesavento Program Chairs
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