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Opening Speech

Prof. TRAN XUAN NAM, Vice - President of Le Quy Don Technical University

Colleagues, Guests, Ladies and gentlemen,

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 8th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science - NICS 2021 which is hosted by the Le Quy Don Technical University. I know that many of you are from many countries around the world; welcome you to NICS 2021!

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to sponsor agencies, in particular:

  • IEEE Systems
  • National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED)

I do hope that our relationship will be stronger via such cooperative activities. Also, my very special thanks go to the people of the Organizing Committee and Programme Committee for all their work without which we would not be here, in this virtual conference.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Le Quy Don Technical University was established in 1991 based on the Military Technical Academy. It operates as a public university providing education for both civilians and military personnel. Since its establishment, the university has quickly become one of the leading universities in Engineering & Technology in Vietnam. Our aspiration is to have our research and teaching institution being recognized at the international level.

This aspiration is reflected in its consistent success in gaining external competitive research grants; its ability to attract outstanding students to its undergraduate, postgraduate coursework, and postgraduate research programs. In 2008, the government recognized our university as one of the key national universities. An indication of the size and dimensions of the university can be gained from the following statistics: we have 15 engineering faculties/institutes and 12 research centers, over 10,000 students, and about 900 permanent academic staff.

We have close links with the community and continue to play a leading role in, and attract support from Vietnamese society. Additionally, the university maintains a firm international standing by fostering cooperative research linkages and staff and student exchanges with many international universities.

I am, as the vice-president of the university, particularly interested in the idea of hosting NICS 2021 proposed by the Faculty of Radio-Electronic Engineering. These events are organized to provide an opportunity for researchers from academia and industry to meet and discuss the latest ideas, solutions, and scientific results in the fields of Electronics, Information, and Computer Science. Also, I believe that such activities will be an excellent opportunity to boost our international collaboration programs.

Now let me finally wish you successful conferences with interesting presentations and lively discussions.

Thank You!