Sunday, July 14
Sunday, July 14 9:00 - 13:00 (America/Sao_Paulo)
Tutorial: mmWave RIS
Wireless Communications in the Wave Domain: Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface, Holographic MIMO, and the like
Marco di Renzo
PUC-Rio IAG Room 1Tutorial: Channel Charting
Wireless Channel Charting for Next-Generation Radio Access Networks
Maxime Guillaud and Christoph Studer
PUC-Rio IAG Room 2Turorial: massive MIMO
Next-Generation MIMO Communications
Giacomo Bacci and Luca Sanguinetti
Room: PUC-Rio IAG AuditórioTutorial: Open RAN
Open Innovation on the Open RAN Ecosystem: Challenges, Lessons and Opportunities with Using and Extending Open Source Solutions
Daniel Lazkani Feferman, Eduardo Melão, and Francisco Hugo Costa Neto
PUC-Rio IAG Room 11Monday, July 15
Monday, July 15 8:45 - 9:00 (America/Sao_Paulo)
Opening Ceremony
Room: PUC-Rio IAG Auditório
Monday, July 15 9:00 - 10:00 (America/Sao_Paulo)
Keynote: Ana Perez-Neira
Ana Perez-Neira
Room: PUC-Rio IAG AuditórioMonday, July 15 10:30 - 12:10 (America/Sao_Paulo)
Special Session - Advances in Machine Learning for Wireless Communications and Localization
PUC-Rio IAG Room 1
Chair: Wafa Njima (Institut Superieur d Electronique de Paris, France)
Regular Session - Wireless Networks
PUC-Rio IAG Room 11
Chair: Rodolfo Oliveira (Nova University of Lisbon, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal)
Regular Session - MIMO System
PUC-Rio IAG Room 2
Chair: Stefano Buzzi (University of Cassino and Lazio Meridionale/CNIT, Italy)
Special Session - Adaptive and Array Signal Processing and Applications
Room: PUC-Rio IAG Auditório
Chair: Rodrigo C. de Lamare (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil & University of York, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
- 10:30 LMS Quasi-Newton and RLS Algorithms with Sparsity-Aware Updates applied to Communications
- 10:50 Enhanced Target Localization based on Double RIS
- 11:10 Probabilistic-Constrained Robust Beamforming for RIS-Aided Dynamic TDD Systems
- 11:30 A Bayesian Algorithm for GNSS Time-Delay Estimation Using an Uncalibrated Array
- 11:50 Robust Widely linear complex-valued combined step-size algorithm for beamforming
Monday, July 15 14:00 - 15:40 (America/Sao_Paulo)
Tutorial: Rate-Splitting Multiple Access (RSMA) for 6G: Overview, Outlook, and Pathways to Standardization
Bruno Clerckx
Room: PUC-Rio IAG AuditórioRegular Session - Physical Layer Design
PUC-Rio IAG Room 11
Chair: André L. F. de Almeida (Federal University of Ceará & Wireless Telecom Research Group - GTEL, Brazil)
- 14:00 Minimum Peak Energy QAM Constellations
- 14:20 2D-FFT filter bank: an alternative waveform to OTFS in high mobility scenarios
- 14:40 Achieving Super-Resolution Reconstruction in Optical Camera Communications
- 15:00 Color-Selective Interference Equalization in Color-Shift Keying (CSK) Systems
- 15:20 New Insights into the PAPR Computation and Analysis of Chip-Wise DSSS-FTN Signaling
Special Session - Advances in multiple-antenna systems and applications
PUC-Rio IAG Room 2
Chair: Rodrigo C. de Lamare (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil & University of York, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
- 14:00 Tackling Delayed CSI in a Distributed Multi-Satellite MIMO Communication System
- 14:20 Scalability and Implementation Aspects of Cell-Free Massive MIMO for ISAC
- 14:40 Lattice-Reduction-Aided Preprocessing for Physical-Layer Security
- 15:00 Joint Visibility Region Detection and Channel Estimation for Extra-Large MIMO Systems
- 15:20 Fair Beamforming Design for MIMO ISAC Systems
Special Session - Advances in Machine Learning for Wireless Communications and Localization
PUC-Rio IAG Room 1
Chair: Wafa Njima (Institut Superieur d Electronique de Paris, France)
- 14:00 Indoor Positioning Using Correlation Based Signal Analysis and Convolutional Neural Networks
- 14:20 Machine Learning-based Holdover for IEEE 1588 PTP Packet Fronthauling
- 14:40 PAPR Reduction Technique for Mobile Communications System Based on Pattern Learning
- 15:00 Soft Partitioning of Latent Space for Semantic Channel Equalization
- 15:20 Radar Interference Mitigation Using CNN Autoencoders with Spatial Attention
Monday, July 15 16:10 - 17:50 (America/Sao_Paulo)
Regular Session - Machine Learning for Wireless Communications
PUC-Rio IAG Room 1
Chair: Kayol S. Mayer (University of Campinas, Brazil)
- 16:10 Real-Time Jamming Detection, Classification and Logging Using Computer Vision in 5G Private Networks
- 16:35 Enhancing Robustness for Automated Mobile Network Optimization by Uncovering Causal Relationships
- 17:00 LSTM-DNN-Based Joint Wireless Signal Waveform Classification and Blind Transmitter Localization
- 17:25 Deep Complex-valued Radial Basis Function Neural Networks and Parameter Selection
Special Session - Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for 6G
PUC-Rio IAG Room 2
Chair: Bruno Clerckx (Imperial College London, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
- 16:10 Dynamic Rate Splitting Grouping for Antifragile Responses to Wireless Network Disruptions
- 16:30 RSMA-Aided Iterative Max-Age Scheduling for Multi-Source Systems
- 16:50 Rate-Splitting Downlink Transmission in Cell-Free Networks under Fronthaul Constraints
- 17:10 Multi-Branch Tomlinson-Harashima Precoders for Rate-Splitting-Based Cell-Free MIMO Systems
Special Session - Advances in multiple-antenna systems and applications
Room: PUC-Rio IAG Auditório
Chair: Rodrigo C. de Lamare (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil & University of York, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
- 16:10 Deep-Unfolded Joint Activity and Data Detection for Grant-Free Transmission in Cell-Free Systems
- 16:30 Single Frequency vs. Broadband: Factors to Consider in Wideband RIS Configuration
- 16:50 Channel-Adaptive Pilot Design for FDD-MIMO Systems Utilizing Gaussian Mixture Models
- 17:10 Adaptive Power Management for Maximizing Spectral Efficiency and QoS in Cell-Free Systems
- 17:30 Channel Estimation for mmWave MIMO-OFDM Systems Using Time Domain 3-D Tensor-ESPRIT in DFT beamspace
Special Session - Next generation wireless networking strategies
PUC-Rio IAG Room 11
Chair: Renato M. de Moraes (Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Brazil)
- 16:10 Optimal Packet Size in Optical Wireless Communication
- 16:30 Eavesdropper Avoidance through Adaptive Beam Management in SDR-Based Mm-Wave Communications
- 16:50 Impact of Rayleigh Fading Channel on IEEE 802.11ah Networks Under Restricted Access Window Mechanism
- 17:10 Minimal Latency and Buffer-Constrained Gathering of Data in Sensor Networks
- 17:30 Distributed Access in Full-duplex Directional Multi-Packet Reception Wireless Networks
Monday, July 15 18:00 - 20:30 (America/Sao_Paulo)
Welcome Reception
Room: PUC-Rio IAG
Tuesday, July 16
Tuesday, July 16 9:00 - 10:00 (America/Sao_Paulo)
Keynote: Lee Swindlehurst
Lee Swindlehurst
Room: PUC-Rio IAG AuditórioTuesday, July 16 10:30 - 12:10 (America/Sao_Paulo)
Regular Session - Antennas and Propagation
PUC-Rio IAG Room 1
Chair: Amine Mezghani (University of Manitoba, Canada)
- 10:30 Small-Scale Propagation Characterization at 300 GHz in an industrial Environment
- 10:50 Amazon Large-Scale Channel Modeling at 3.5GHz Based on Bio-Inspired Optimization
- 11:10 Vehicular MMW Communication: Channel Characterization Based on Ray Tracing Study
- 11:30 Enhancing Mobile Communication on Railways: Impact of Train Window Size and Coating
- 11:50 Evaluation of MLP and LSTM ANNs for Signal Prediction in a Tunnel at 5.8 GHz Using Measurement Data
Special Session - Energy Resilient and Sustainable Communication for Green 6G
PUC-Rio IAG Room 11
Chair: Xiaopeng Yuan (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
- 10:30 Average Local EMF Exposure and Power Consumption of a RIS-assisted WET System
- 10:50 Energy Efficiency Maximization for Multi-Node IoT Networks Operating with Finite Blocklength Codes
- 11:10 IRS Deployment in Wireless Powered Communication Network with Nonlinear Energy Harvesting
- 11:30 Secure Communications in Near-field ISCAP Systems with Extremely Large-Scale Antenna Arrays
- 11:50 Energy-Optimised Design for Secure-Reliability within Finite Blocklength Regime
Special Session - Adaptive and Array Signal Processing and Applications
Room: PUC-Rio IAG Auditório
Chair: Rodrigo C. de Lamare (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil & University of York, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
- 10:30 Exploring Adaptive Beamformers with the Null Placing Sidelobe Suppression Algorithm
- 10:50 Correntropy-based Data-Selective Adaptive Filtering Algorithms for Acoustic Feedback Cancellation
- 11:10 Can Adaptive Diffusion Networks Do Better with Less Data?
- 11:30 Frequency Estimation and Tracking Based on DFT-Domain NLMS Filters
- 11:50 A 1.5-bit Quantization Scheme and Its Application to Sparse Array Direction Estimation
Special Session - Quantized Signal Processing for Wireless Communications
PUC-Rio IAG Room 2
Chairs: In-Soo Kim (Qualcomm, USA), Erico Lopes (National Instutute of Intellectual Property of Brazil, Brazil)
- 10:30 Channel Estimation for RIS-Aided Communication Systems: A Task-Based Quantization Approach
- 10:50 Iterative Timing Estimation with 1-bit Quantization and Oversampling at the Receiver
- 11:10 RIS-based Passive Transmitter Reflection Optimization with Performance Complexity Trade-Offs
- 11:30 Improved Analysis of Comparator Network Aided Channel Estimation for MIMO Receivers with 1-Bit ADCs
- 11:50 Performance Analysis of Distributed Quantization-Aware LMS Algorithm with Quantized Measurements
Tuesday, July 16 14:00 - 15:40 (America/Sao_Paulo)
Special Session - Quantized Signal Processing for Wireless Communications
PUC-Rio IAG Room 2
Chairs: In-Soo Kim (Qualcomm, USA), Erico Lopes (National Instutute of Intellectual Property of Brazil, Brazil)
- 14:00 Deep-Learning-Based Channel-Estimation for Distributed MIMO with 1-bit Radio-Over-Fiber Fronthaul
- 14:20 Spectral Efficiency Analysis of Uplink RSMA-enabled Massive MIMO Systems With Mixed-ADCs
- 14:40 Performance Analysis for ISAC Systems with 1-bit DACs
- 15:00 Mitigating SAR-ADC Non-Idealities in Massive MU-MIMO Systems via Affine Models
- 15:20 Energy Optimization using Joint Modulation Scheme and Front End Adaptation - the Gearbox-PHY
Regular Session - Multiple Access Techniques
Multiple Access Techniques: RSMA, NOMA, and other approaches
PUC-Rio IAG Room 1Chair: Andre R. Flores (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
- 14:00 Trajectory Design for RSMA Networks Assisted by AIRS with LSTM and Transformers
- 14:20 Adaptive Power Allocation among Private and Common Streams for Multicarrier RSMA System
- 14:40 Optimization-based solution for data rate maximization with QoS guarantees for IRS-aided NOMA-WPCN
- 15:00 Resource Allocation for Spectral Efficiency Maximization in WPCN-NOMA Systems with Multiple IRSs
- 15:20 Uplink Data Rate Maximization with Channel Uncertainties in BackCom NOMA System
Special Session - Advances in multiple-antenna systems and applications
Room: PUC-Rio IAG Auditório
Chair: Rodrigo C. de Lamare (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil & University of York, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
- 14:00 On Massive Antenna Channel Models with Dependent Fading: Theory and Experiments
- 14:20 Cell-Free Massive MIMO with Imperfect Channel State Information and Hardware Impairments
- 14:40 Multi-Antenna Towards In-band Shift Keying
- 15:00 Distributed Belief Propagation Detection for User-Centric Cell-Free Massive MIMO
- 15:20 Robust Communication and Computation using Deep Learning via Joint Uncertainty Injection
Special Session - From data to information: semantics-aware and task-oriented communications in future multifunctional networks
PUC-Rio IAG Room 11
Chair: Saeed Mashdour (PUC-Rio, Brazil)
- 14:00 Joint Trajectory and User Scheduling Design for UAV-Assisted Secure Communication
- 14:20 Dual-Task-Oriented Resource Allocation for Integrated Sensing and Communication
- 14:40 Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation for Digital Twin-empowered Mobile Edge Computing
- 15:00 Trajectory and User Scheduling Design for UAV Semantic Communication in PLoS Channels
Tuesday, July 16 16:10 - 17:50 (America/Sao_Paulo)
Regular Session - Machine Learning in Networks
PUC-Rio IAG Room 2
Chairs: Rogério Ballestrin (Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul & Instituto Senai de Inovação Em Sistemas de Sensoriamento, Brazil), Maxime Guillaud (Inria, France)
- 16:10 Enhancing IoT Intrusion Detection with Federated Learning-Based CNN-GRU and LSTM-GRU Ensembles
- 16:30 Transfer Learning for Handover Prediction in 5G Maritime Vehicular Networks
- 16:50 Artificial Intelligence for Dynamic Resource Allocation of 5G FR2 Networks
- 17:10 Exploring Machine Learning Techniques for Path Loss Prediction in LoRa Networks
Special Session - Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Enabling 6G Communication
PUC-Rio IAG Room 1
Chair: José Carlos Marinello (Federal University of Technology - Parana, Brazil)
- 16:10 Show Me the Way: Real-Time Tracking of Wireless Mobile Users with UWB-Enabled RIS
- 16:30 Iterative Detection and Decoding for RIS-Assisted Multiuser Multiple-Antenna Systems
- 16:50 Performance Analysis of Systems with Coupled and Decoupled RISs
- 17:10 Matching Pursuit With Phase Rotation for RIS-Aided mmWave Channel Estimation
- 17:30 PSO-based Optimization of STAR-RIS aided NOMA Wireless Communication Networks
Special Session - Advances in multiple-antenna systems and applications
Room: PUC-Rio IAG Auditório
Chair: Rodrigo C. de Lamare (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil & University of York, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
- 16:10 Beam-Steering in Super-Directive Antenna Arrays Using Loaded Parasitic Elements
- 16:30 Multi-user Detection with Oversampled Large Antenna Arrays and Low-resolution ADCs
- 16:50 Spatial Modulation and Sparse Regression Codes
- 17:10 On the Generalization of Machine Learning for mmWave Beam Prediction
- 17:30 Reduced-Complexity and Robust Uplink Signal Processing for Large-Scale MIMO
Special Session - From data to information: semantics-aware and task-oriented communications in future multifunctional networks
PUC-Rio IAG Room 11
Chair: Saeed Mashdour (PUC-Rio, Brazil)
Tuesday, July 16 19:00 - 23:59 (America/Sao_Paulo)
Room: Caiçaras Club
Wednesday, July 17
Wednesday, July 17 9:00 - 10:00 (America/Sao_Paulo)
Keynote: Bruno Clerckx
Bruno Clerckx
Room: PUC-Rio IAG AuditórioWednesday, July 17 10:30 - 12:10 (America/Sao_Paulo)
Special Session - Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Enabling 6G Communication
PUC-Rio IAG Room 1
Chair: José Carlos Marinello (Federal University of Technology - Parana, Brazil)
- 10:30 Joint BS and RIS Element Selection with Large Arrays for EE Maximization
- 10:50 Enabling Decentralized Access Policy Selection by Exploiting RIS-Induced Channel Diversity
- 11:10 User Clustering and Phase-Shift Design for RIS-Aided Systems Based on Statistical CSI
- 11:30 Weighted MSE Minimization for RIS-aided Multiuser MIMO OFDM Systems with ICSI
- 11:50 Multibeam Beamforming Design in RIS-aided SISO Communications Subject to Reradiation Masks
Special Session - Adaptive and Array Signal Processing and Applications
Room: PUC-Rio IAG Auditório
Chair: Rodrigo C. de Lamare (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil & University of York, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Special Session - Advanced Channel Coding/Decoding for Future Wireless Communication
PUC-Rio IAG Room 2
Chairs: Didier Le Ruyet (CNAM, France), Bartolomeu F. Uchôa-Filho (Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA), Brazil)
- 10:30 Improved Generalized Automorphism Belief Propagation Decoding
- 10:50 On the Design of LDPC-Based Error-Reducing Codes
- 11:10 Advanced Iteration Overlap for Low-Latency Turbo Decoding
- 11:30 Design of Concatenated Product Codes with Spatially-Coupled LDPC Codes
- 11:50 Weighted Residual Layered Belief Propagation for LDPC Decoding
Wednesday, July 17 14:00 - 15:40 (America/Sao_Paulo)
Regular Session - Networks and Protocols
PUC-Rio IAG Room 2
Chair: Rafael Kunst (University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos), Brazil)
- 14:00 Intelligent Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks in Precision Agriculture
- 14:20 Routing Performance Evaluation in Centralized and Distributed FANETs for 6G Networks
- 14:40 Impact of Network Deployment on the Performance of NCR-assisted Networks
- 15:00 LoRa Video Streaming in Rural Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
Special Session - Advances in multiple-antenna systems and applications
Room: PUC-Rio IAG Auditório
Chair: Rodrigo C. de Lamare (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil & University of York, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
- 14:00 Relevance-Based Information Processing for Fronthaul Rate Reduction in Cell-Free MIMO Systems
- 14:20 Machine Learning-Enabled Joint Codebook Design and Beam Selection
- 14:40 Statistical Framework for Clustering MU-MIMO Wireless via Second Order Statistics
- 15:00 Dynamic Interference Avoidance in the Joint Space-Time Domain with Arbitrary Antenna Formations
- 15:20 Attention-enabled Channel Estimation for STAR-RIS-aided Indoor and Outdoor MIMO
Special Session - Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Enabling 6G Communication
PUC-Rio IAG Room 1
Chair: José Carlos Marinello (Federal University of Technology - Parana, Brazil)
- 14:00 Low-Complexity Tensor-based Monostatic Sensing for IRS-Assisted Communication Systems
- 14:20 Joint Channel and Symbol Estimation for Hybrid RIS Wireless Communications
- 14:40 Adaptive Bayesian Method for RIS Passive Beamforming
- 15:00 Reconfigurable intelligent surface-assisted massive MIMO system to reduce pilot contamination
- 15:20 Robust DOA Estimation in RIS-Assisted MISO Systems
Wednesday, July 17 15:40 - 16:30 (America/Sao_Paulo)
Closing Ceremony and Happy Hour (Awards and Outlook)
Room: PUC-Rio IAG Auditório