Author index
Author | Session | Start page | Title |
A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Abbe, Emmanuel | SMoM.14 | Proof of the outage probability conjecture for MISO channels | |
SThM.2 | Low-complexity constructions of secret keys using polar coding | ||
Abed Hodtani, Ghosheh | SFrA2.10 | Achievable Rate Regions for Compound Multiple Access Channel with Channel State Information | |
Acharya, Jayadev | STuA.9 | Information Theoretic Approach to Classification and Closeness Testing | |
Aggarwal, Vaneet | STuM.10 | Full- or Half-Duplex? A Capacity Analysis with Bounded Radio Resources | |
Agnihotri, Samar | SFrA2.1 | Analog Network Coding in General SNR Regime: Performance of Network Simplification | |
Ahmadi, Behzad | STuM.2 | On Channels with Action-Dependent States | |
SFrM.15 | On Cascade Source Coding with A Side Information "Vending Machine" | ||
Akyol, Emrah | SMoM.10 | A New Achievable Region for Gaussian Multiple Descriptions Based on Subset Typicality | |
SMoA.10 | On Common Information and the Encoding of Sources that are Not Successively Refinable | ||
SWeM.4 | On Random Binning versus Conditional Codebook Methods in Multiple Descriptions Coding | ||
Alipour, Masoud | STuM.8 | Irregular Product Codes | |
Amini, Arash | SFrA2.11 | The Analog Formulation of Sparsity implies Infinite Divisibility and rules out Bernoulli-Gaussian Priors | |
Andersson, Mattias | SMoA.15 | Secret-Key Agreement over a Non-Coherent Block-Fading MIMO Wiretap Channel | |
Andriyanova, Iryna | SWeM.7 | Spatially coupled quantum LDPC codes | |
Aref, Mohammad Reza | SThM.15 | Secure Channel Simulation | |
SThA.1 | Lattice Coding for Multiple Access Channels with Common Message and Additive Interference | ||
SFrA2.6 | On The Achievable Rate Region of a New Gaussian Wiretap Channel With Side Information | ||
Asnani, Himanshu | STuM.6 | Worst-Case Source for Distributed Compression with Quadratic Distortion | |
Atsan, Emre | STuM.11 | Towards integrating Quantize-Map-Forward relaying into LTE | |
Aurell, Erik | SFrA2.4 | Analysis of Sparse Representations Using Bi-Orthogonal Dictionaries | |
Avestimehr, Salman | SMoM.13 | On the Role of Deterministic Models in K x K x K Wireless Networks | |
STuM.6 | Worst-Case Source for Distributed Compression with Quadratic Distortion | ||
B A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Bafghi, Hamid | SFrA2.6 | On The Achievable Rate Region of a New Gaussian Wiretap Channel With Side Information | |
Balasingham, Ilangko | SMoM.11 | On Transmission of Multiple Gaussian Sources over a Gaussian MAC using a VQLC Mapping | |
Barros, Joao | SFrM.11 | Improved Joint Turbo Decoding and Physical-Layer Network Coding | |
Behboodi, Arash | SMoA.14 | On the Asymptotic Spectrum of the Error Probability of Composite Networks | |
Belfiore, Jean-Claude | SThA.2 | Analysis of lattice codes for the many-to-one interference channel | |
Berry, Randall | SThA.16 | The Combinatorial Structure of Linear Deterministic Interference Channels | |
Bhatia, Aman | STuA.4 | Multilevel 2-Cell t-Write Codes | |
Birget, Jean-Camille | SThA.5 | A Theoretical Approach to Gene Network Identification | |
Bjelakovic, Igor | SFrA1.13 | Strong Secrecy in Arbitrarily Varying Wiretap Channels | |
Bloch, Matthieu | SMoM.8 | Polar Codes for Secure Communications over the Two-Way Wiretap Channel | |
SThA.12 | LDPC-Based Coded Cooperative Jamming Codes | ||
Boche, Holger | SFrA1.13 | Strong Secrecy in Arbitrarily Varying Wiretap Channels | |
Boutros, Joseph Jean | SThA.3 | Integer Low-Density Lattices based on Construction A | |
Bracher, Annina | SMoA.11 | On Feedback, Cribbing, and Causal State-Information on the Multiple-Access Channel | |
SWeM.3 | Coherence-Based Probabilistic Recovery Guarantees for Sparsely Corrupted Signals | ||
Bradford, Glenn | STuA.2 | Error Exponents for Block Markov Superposition Encoding with Varying Decoding Latency | |
Bresler, Guy | STuA.7 | Information Theory of DNA Sequencing: General Statistics | |
Bresler, Ma'ayan | STuA.7 | Information Theory of DNA Sequencing: General Statistics | |
Bruck, Jehoshua | STuA.5 | Bit-fixing Codes for Multi-level Cells | |
Brunel, Loic | SThA.3 | Integer Low-Density Lattices based on Construction A | |
Burshtein, David | SThM.4 | Bounds on the Belief Propagation Threshold of Non-Binary LDPC Codes | |
C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Cascudo, Ignacio | OMoA.1 | The Arithmetic Codex | |
Castro, Maria Cláudia | SFrM.11 | Improved Joint Turbo Decoding and Physical-Layer Network Coding | |
Chan, Terence | STuA.11 | Compact Representation of Polymatroid Axioms for Random Variables with Conditional Independencies | |
Chang, Ben-Yue | STuA.14 | Non-binary Protograph-Based LDPC Codes for Short Block-lengths | |
Chatterjee, Saikat | SFrA2.4 | Analysis of Sparse Representations Using Bi-Orthogonal Dictionaries | |
Chaudhuri, Kamalika | OThA.2 | Spectral Clustering of Graphs in the Degree-Corrected Stochastic Block Model | |
Chen, Jun | STuM.5 | On Vector Gaussian Multiterminal Source Coding | |
Chen, Li | SWeM.8 | Iterative Soft-Decision Decoding of Hermitian Codes | |
Chen, Minghua | SFrA2.1 | Analog Network Coding in General SNR Regime: Performance of Network Simplification | |
Chen, Qi | STuA.12 | Characterizing the Entropy Function Region via Extreme Rays | |
Chen, Tsung-Yi | SThA.15 | Chernoff Bounds for Analysis of Rate-Compatible Sphere-Packing with Numerous Transmissions | |
Chern, Bobbie | SThM.8 | Achieving the Capacity of the N-Relay Gaussian Diamond Network Within logN Bits | |
SThA.4 | Reference Based Genome Compression | ||
Choudhuri, Chiranjib | STuM.1 | On Witsenhausen's Counterexample: the Asymptotic Vector Case | |
SFrM.15 | On Cascade Source Coding with A Side Information "Vending Machine" | ||
Cici, Blerim | STuM.12 | Smartphones across networks: cooperative group communication | |
Coleman, Todd | STuA.8 | An Efficient Sequential Predictor for Inference of Time-Varying Causal Interactions in Neural Processes | |
Costello, Daniel | SMoM.4 | Reduced Complexity Window Decoding Schedules for Coupled LDPC Codes | |
STuM.9 | Constructing Good QC-LDPC Codes by Pre-lifting Protographs | ||
Cramer, Ronald | OMoA.1 | The Arithmetic Codex | |
D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Das, Hirakendu | STuA.9 | Information Theoretic Approach to Classification and Closeness Testing | |
Declercq, David | SFrM.1 | Approaching Maximum Likelihood decoding of finite length LDPC codes via FAID diversity | |
Delgosha, Payam | SFrM.8 | Information Theoretic Cutting of a Cake | |
Demay, Grégory | SMoM.7 | Common Randomness Amplification: A Constructive View | |
di Pietro, Nicola | SThA.3 | Integer Low-Density Lattices based on Construction A | |
Diggavi, Suhas | STuM.11 | Towards integrating Quantize-Map-Forward relaying into LTE | |
SThM.7 | On Multicasting Nested Message Sets Over Combination Networks | ||
Dimakis, Alexandros | SFrM.3 | Locally Repairable Codes for HDFS | |
Divsalar, Dariush | STuA.14 | Non-binary Protograph-Based LDPC Codes for Short Block-lengths | |
SThA.15 | Chernoff Bounds for Analysis of Rate-Compatible Sphere-Packing with Numerous Transmissions | ||
Dodis, Yevgeniy | SMoA.6 | Overcoming Weak Expectations | |
Dolecek, Lara | STuA.14 | Non-binary Protograph-Based LDPC Codes for Short Block-lengths | |
Draper, Stark | SThM.6 | Suppressing pseudocodewords by penalizing the objective of LP decoding | |
Du, Jinfeng | SMoA.13 | Short-Message Noisy Network Coding with Partial Source Cooperation | |
Duarte, Melissa | STuM.10 | Full- or Half-Duplex? A Capacity Analysis with Bounded Radio Resources | |
Dupuis, Frédéric | SMoA.7 | Achieving the Capacity of any DMC using only Polar Codes | |
PTh.1 | Efficient Polar Coding of Quantum Information | ||
Durisi, Giuseppe | SFrA1.3 | A Robust RFPI-Based 1-Bit Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Algorithm | |
SFrA1.4 | Diversity versus Channel Knowledge at Finite Block-Length | ||
E A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Effros, Michelle | SMoM.15 | Source Coding for Dependent Sources | |
Einolghozati, Arash | SThA.6 | Molecular Communication Between two Populations of Bacteria | |
Ekrem, Ersen | SMoA.2 | Gaussian Wiretap Channel with a Batteryless Energy Harvesting Transmitter | |
SMoA.12 | Gaussian Wiretap Channel with an Amplitude Constraint | ||
Emadi, Mohammad Javad | SThA.1 | Lattice Coding for Multiple Access Channels with Common Message and Additive Interference | |
Erez, Uri | SThA.11 | Decode-and-Forward for the Gaussian Relay Channel via Standard AWGN Coding and Decoding | |
Erkip, Elza | SMoA.1 | Throughput maximization for an energy harvesting communication system with processing cost | |
STuA.1 | Lossy Computing of Correlated Sources with Fractional Sampling | ||
Estela, Maria | SThA.2 | Analysis of lattice codes for the many-to-one interference channel | |
Estella, Inaki | STuA.13 | Capacity of a Class of Relay Channels with State | |
Etemadi Tajbakhsh, Shahriar | SFrA1.7 | Coded Cooperative Data Exchange for Multiple Unicasts | |
Etesami, Omid | STuM.8 | Irregular Product Codes | |
F A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Fekri, Faramarz | SThA.6 | Molecular Communication Between two Populations of Bacteria | |
Ferreira, Hendrik | STuA.6 | A DC-Free Multi-Mode Run-Length Limited Coding Scheme | |
Fettweis, Gerhard | SMoM.4 | Reduced Complexity Window Decoding Schedules for Coupled LDPC Codes | |
Floor, Pål Anders | SMoM.11 | On Transmission of Multiple Gaussian Sources over a Gaussian MAC using a VQLC Mapping | |
Fragouli, Christina | STuM.12 | Smartphones across networks: cooperative group communication | |
STuM.11 | Towards integrating Quantize-Map-Forward relaying into LTE | ||
SThM.9 | Optimizing Quantize-Map-and-Forward Relaying for Gaussian Diamond Networks | ||
G A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Gan, Lu | SFrA2.2 | Golay Meets Hadamard: Golay-Paired Hadamard Matrices for Fast Compressed Sensing | |
Gastpar, Michael | SFrM.6 | Network Coding with Computation Alignment | |
Geiger, Bernhard | SFrA1.2 | Relative Information Loss in the PCA | |
Geller, Leonid | SThM.4 | Bounds on the Belief Propagation Threshold of Non-Binary LDPC Codes | |
Geng, Quan | SThM.1 | Interactive Interference Alignment | |
Georgiadis, Leonidas | SWeM.11 | Stability and Capacity through Evacuation Times | |
Gesbert, David | SFrA1.5 | Degrees of Freedom of MISO Broadcast Channel with Perfect Delayed and Imperfect Current CSIT | |
Gholami Davoodi, Arash | SThA.1 | Lattice Coding for Multiple Access Channels with Common Message and Additive Interference | |
Gil Taborda, Camilo | SThM.10 | Derivative of the Relative Entropy over the Poisson and Binomial channel | |
Giurcaneanu, Ciprian Doru | SWeM.1 | Construction of irregular histograms by penalized maximum likelihood: a comparative study | |
Godana, Bruhtesfa | SThM.12 | On Channel Capacity of Communication Via Antenna Arrays with Receiver Noise Matching | |
Goela, Naveen | SFrM.6 | Network Coding with Computation Alignment | |
Gohari, Amin | SThM.15 | Secure Channel Simulation | |
SFrM.8 | Information Theoretic Cutting of a Cake | ||
Gohary, Ramy | SThA.8 | Grassmannian Signalling Achieves the Ergodic High SNR Capacity of the Non-Coherent MIMO Relay Channel within an SNR-Independent Gap | |
Goldsmith, Andrea | STuM.15 | Combining Superposition Coding and Binning Achieves Capacity for the Gaussian Cognitive Interference Channel | |
Grant, Alex | STuA.11 | Compact Representation of Polymatroid Axioms for Random Variables with Conditional Independencies | |
Gripon, Vincent | SFrA2.3 | Compressing multisets using tries | |
Gross, Warren | SFrA2.3 | Compressing multisets using tries | |
Grover, Pulkit | SFrM.10 | Fundamental limits on power consumption for lossless signal reconstruction | |
Grünwald, Peter | SFrM.14 | Sequential Normalized Maximum Likelihood in Log-loss Prediction | |
Guillaud, Maxime | SFrA2.8 | Limited Feedback for Interference Alignment in the K-user MIMO Interference Channel | |
Gündüz, Deniz | SMoA.1 | Throughput maximization for an energy harvesting communication system with processing cost | |
STuA.13 | Capacity of a Class of Relay Channels with State | ||
H A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Harrison, Kate | STuM.3 | Comments on unknown channels | |
Harrison, Willie | SFrA1.14 | Equivocations for the Simple Substitution Cipher with Erasure-Prone Ciphertext | |
Heymann, Carl | STuA.6 | A DC-Free Multi-Mode Run-Length Limited Coding Scheme | |
Ho, Siu-Wai | SFrA1.15 | Simultaneously Generating Multiple Keys and Multi-Commodity Flow in Networks | |
Hong, Dawei | SThA.5 | A Theoretical Approach to Gene Network Identification | |
Huang, Shao-Lun | SMoM.14 | Proof of the outage probability conjecture for MISO channels | |
Huber, Johannes | SThM.12 | On Channel Capacity of Communication Via Antenna Arrays with Receiver Noise Matching | |
Huppert, Carolin | SThA.9 | Achievable Sum-Rates in Gaussian Multiple-Access Channels with MIMO-AF-Relay and Direct Links | |
I A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Ishai, Yuval | OMoA.2 | The Complexity of Information Theoretic Secure Computation | |
Iyengar, Aravind | STuA.4 | Multilevel 2-Cell t-Write Codes | |
Iyengar, Garud | OTuA.1 | A Cellular Solution to an Information Processing Problem | |
J A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Jafarpour, Ashkan | STuA.9 | Information Theoretic Approach to Classification and Closeness Testing | |
Jaggi, Sidharth | SFrA2.1 | Analog Network Coding in General SNR Regime: Performance of Network Simplification | |
Javanmard, Adel | PFr.1 | Hypothesis Testing in High-Dimensional Problems | |
Javidi, Tara | SThM.11 | Optimal Reliability over a Class of Binary-Input Channels with Feedback | |
Jian, Yung-Yih | SMoM.5 | A Simple Proof of Threshold Saturation for Coupled Vector Recursions | |
Jiang, Anxiao Andrew | STuA.5 | Bit-fixing Codes for Multi-level Cells | |
K A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Kabashima, Yoshiyuki | SFrA2.4 | Analysis of Sparse Representations Using Bi-Orthogonal Dictionaries | |
Kaced, Tarik | STuA.10 | On the Non-robustness of Essentially Conditional Information Inequalities | |
Kadloor, Sachin | SMoM.9 | Scheduling with privacy constraints | |
Kamilov, Ulugbek | SFrA2.11 | The Analog Formulation of Sparsity implies Infinite Divisibility and rules out Bernoulli-Gaussian Priors | |
Kanazawa, Hiroki | SFrA1.1 | An MDL-based Change-Detection Algorithm with Its Applications to Learning Piecewise Stationary Memoryless Sources | |
Karande, Shirish | SFrA1.9 | Retargeting LT Codes using XORs at the Relay | |
Karbasi, Amin | STuA.16 | Sequential Group Testing with Graph Constraints | |
Kasai, Kenta | SMoM.6 | Efficient Termination of Spatially-Coupled Codes | |
Keller, Lorenzo | STuM.12 | Smartphones across networks: cooperative group communication | |
Khina, Anatoly | SThA.11 | Decode-and-Forward for the Gaussian Relay Channel via Standard AWGN Coding and Decoding | |
Khisti, Ashish | SMoA.15 | Secret-Key Agreement over a Non-Coherent Block-Fading MIMO Wiretap Channel | |
Kildehoj Rasmussen, Lars | SFrA2.4 | Analysis of Sparse Representations Using Bi-Orthogonal Dictionaries | |
Kim, Anna | SMoM.11 | On Transmission of Multiple Gaussian Sources over a Gaussian MAC using a VQLC Mapping | |
Kiyavash, Negar | SMoM.9 | Scheduling with privacy constraints | |
Knabe, Frederic | SThA.9 | Achievable Sum-Rates in Gaussian Multiple-Access Channels with MIMO-AF-Relay and Direct Links | |
Knopp, Raymond | STuM.11 | Towards integrating Quantize-Map-Forward relaying into LTE | |
Kobayashi, Mari | SFrA1.5 | Degrees of Freedom of MISO Broadcast Channel with Perfect Delayed and Imperfect Current CSIT | |
Koch, Tobias | SFrA1.4 | Diversity versus Channel Knowledge at Finite Block-Length | |
Kochman, Yuval | SMoM.3 | On Uncoded Transmission and Blocklength | |
SMoM.2 | Results on Combinatorial Joint Source-Channel Coding | ||
SThA.11 | Decode-and-Forward for the Gaussian Relay Channel via Standard AWGN Coding and Decoding | ||
Kontkanen, Petri | SWeM.1 | Construction of irregular histograms by penalized maximum likelihood: a comparative study | |
Kontoyiannis, Ioannis | SThA.7 | Bayesian inference for discrete time series via tree weighting | |
Kostina, Victoria | SMoM.1 | To code or not to code: Revisited | |
Kotlowski, Wojciech | SFrM.14 | Sequential Normalized Maximum Likelihood in Log-loss Prediction | |
Kovačević, Mladen | SFrM.7 | On the Hardness of Entropy Minimization and Related Problems | |
Kramer, Gerhard | SWeM.10 | Networks with in-Block Memory | |
Kubin, Gernot | SFrA1.2 | Relative Information Loss in the PCA | |
Kurniawan, Ernest | STuM.15 | Combining Superposition Coding and Binning Achieves Capacity for the Gaussian Cognitive Interference Channel | |
L A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Lai, Lifeng | SFrA1.15 | Simultaneously Generating Multiple Keys and Multi-Commodity Flow in Networks | |
Land, Ingmar | SWeM.6 | Characterizing the rate region of the coded side-information problem | |
Laneman, J. Nicholas | STuA.2 | Error Exponents for Block Markov Superposition Encoding with Varying Decoding Latency | |
Langberg, Michael | SMoM.15 | Source Coding for Dependent Sources | |
Lapidoth, Amos | SMoA.11 | On Feedback, Cribbing, and Causal State-Information on the Multiple-Access Channel | |
Le, Anh | STuM.12 | Smartphones across networks: cooperative group communication | |
Lentmaier, Michael | SMoM.4 | Reduced Complexity Window Decoding Schedules for Coupled LDPC Codes | |
Li, Erbao | SFrM.1 | Approaching Maximum Likelihood decoding of finite length LDPC codes via FAID diversity | |
Li, Kezhi | SFrA2.2 | Golay Meets Hadamard: Golay-Paired Hadamard Matrices for Fast Compressed Sensing | |
Li, Xiangxue | SThA.10 | Two-Source Extractors for Leaky Sources | |
Li, Yue | STuA.5 | Bit-fixing Codes for Multi-level Cells | |
Libman, Lavy | SWeM.11 | Stability and Capacity through Evacuation Times | |
Lin, Fuchun | SFrA2.7 | Gaussian Wiretap Lattice Codes from Binary Self-dual Codes | |
Ling, Cong | SMoA.9 | A Construction of Lattices from Polar Codes | |
STuM.14 | Derandomized Sampling Algorithm for Lattice Decoding | ||
SThA.2 | Analysis of lattice codes for the many-to-one interference channel | ||
SFrA2.2 | Golay Meets Hadamard: Golay-Paired Hadamard Matrices for Fast Compressed Sensing | ||
Liu, Xi | STuA.1 | Lossy Computing of Correlated Sources with Fractional Sampling | |
Liu, Xishuo | SThM.6 | Suppressing pseudocodewords by penalizing the objective of LP decoding | |
Loeliger, Hans-Andrea | SThM.5 | Extending Monte Carlo Methods to Factor Graphs with Negative and Complex Factors | |
Lun, Desmond | SThA.5 | A Theoretical Approach to Gene Network Identification | |
Luosto, Panu | SWeM.1 | Construction of irregular histograms by penalized maximum likelihood: a comparative study | |
Luzzi, Laura | SThA.2 | Analysis of lattice codes for the many-to-one interference channel | |
M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
M. Olmos, Pablo | SFrM.2 | Finite-length performance of spatially-coupled LDPC codes under TEP decoding | |
Maatouk, Ghid | STuM.8 | Irregular Product Codes | |
Maier, Henning | SFrA2.9 | Uniform and Non-Uniform Delay-Rate Tradeoffs in Partial Ergodic Interference Alignment | |
Manolakos, Alexandros | SThA.4 | Reference Based Genome Compression | |
Mansour, Ahmed | SFrM.9 | On the estimation of Entropy for Unknown Support Size | |
Markopoulou, Athina | STuM.12 | Smartphones across networks: cooperative group communication | |
Marton, Katalin | PWe.1 | Distances between measures, relative entropy and measure concentration | |
Mathar, Rudolf | SFrA2.9 | Uniform and Non-Uniform Delay-Rate Tradeoffs in Partial Ergodic Interference Alignment | |
Maurer, Ueli | SMoM.7 | Common Randomness Amplification: A Constructive View | |
Maurice, Denise | SWeM.7 | Spatially coupled quantum LDPC codes | |
Mazumdar, Arya | SMoM.2 | Results on Combinatorial Joint Source-Channel Coding | |
McLaughlin, Steven | SFrA1.14 | Equivocations for the Simple Substitution Cipher with Erasure-Prone Ciphertext | |
Miloslavskaya, Vera | SMoA.8 | Design of binary polar codes with arbitrary kernel | |
Mirmohseni, Mahtab | SFrA2.6 | On The Achievable Rate Region of a New Gaussian Wiretap Channel With Side Information | |
Mironov, Ilya | OMoA.3 | Differential Privacy as a Protocol Constraint | |
Mitchell, David | STuM.9 | Constructing Good QC-LDPC Codes by Pre-lifting Protographs | |
Mitra, Urbashi | STuM.1 | On Witsenhausen's Counterexample: the Asymptotic Vector Case | |
SFrM.15 | On Cascade Source Coding with A Side Information "Vending Machine" | ||
Miyake, Shigeki | SFrA1.11 | Uniform Random Number Generation by Using Sparse Matrix | |
Mohamed, Omar | SThA.9 | Achievable Sum-Rates in Gaussian Multiple-Access Channels with MIMO-AF-Relay and Direct Links | |
Molkaraie, Mehdi | SThM.5 | Extending Monte Carlo Methods to Factor Graphs with Negative and Complex Factors | |
Monemizadeh, Mostafa | SFrA2.10 | Achievable Rate Regions for Compound Multiple Access Channel with Channel State Information | |
Montanari, Andrea | PFr.1 | Hypothesis Testing in High-Dimensional Problems | |
Movahed, Amin | SFrA1.3 | A Robust RFPI-Based 1-Bit Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Algorithm | |
Müller, Ralf | SThM.12 | On Channel Capacity of Communication Via Antenna Arrays with Receiver Noise Matching | |
Muramatsu, Jun | SFrA1.11 | Uniform Random Number Generation by Using Sparse Matrix | |
Murillo-Fuentes, Juan José | SFrM.2 | Finite-length performance of spatially-coupled LDPC codes under TEP decoding | |
N A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Naghshvar, Mohammad | SThM.11 | Optimal Reliability over a Class of Binary-Input Channels with Feedback | |
Nanjundaswamy, Tejaswi | SMoA.10 | On Common Information and the Encoding of Sources that are Not Successively Refinable | |
Neely, Michael | STuA.15 | Asynchronous Control for Coupled Markov Decision Systems | |
Negahban, Sahand | OThA.1 | Iterative Ranking from Pair-wise Comparisons | |
Nguyen, Phong | SMoM.5 | A Simple Proof of Threshold Saturation for Coupled Vector Recursions | |
Nimwegen, Erik | OTuA.3 | How cells control their identity: Information theoretical concepts in gene regulatory networks | |
No, Albert | SThA.4 | Reference Based Genome Compression | |
Noronha-Neto, Mario | SFrM.11 | Improved Joint Turbo Decoding and Physical-Layer Network Coding | |
O A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Ochoa, Idoia | SThA.4 | Reference Based Genome Compression | |
Oechtering, Tobias | SMoM.12 | Source Coding with Conditionally Less Noisy Side Information | |
Oggier, Frederique | STuM.7 | MIDO Space-Time Codes from Associative and Nonassociative Cyclic Algebras | |
SFrA2.7 | Gaussian Wiretap Lattice Codes from Binary Self-dual Codes | ||
Oh, Sewoong | OThA.1 | Iterative Ranking from Pair-wise Comparisons | |
Oohama, Yasutada | STuM.4 | Privacy Amplification Theorem for Bounded Storage Eavesdropper | |
Ordentlich, Or | SThA.11 | Decode-and-Forward for the Gaussian Relay Channel via Standard AWGN Coding and Decoding | |
Orhan, Oner | SMoA.1 | Throughput maximization for an energy harvesting communication system with processing cost | |
Orlitsky, Alon | STuA.9 | Information Theoretic Approach to Classification and Closeness Testing | |
Ozel, Omur | SMoA.2 | Gaussian Wiretap Channel with a Batteryless Energy Harvesting Transmitter | |
SMoA.12 | Gaussian Wiretap Channel with an Amplitude Constraint | ||
Özgür, Ayfer | SThM.8 | Achieving the Capacity of the N-Relay Gaussian Diamond Network Within logN Bits | |
P A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Pan, Shengjun | STuA.9 | Information Theoretic Approach to Classification and Closeness Testing | |
Panahi, Ashkan | SFrA1.3 | A Robust RFPI-Based 1-Bit Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Algorithm | |
Panotopoulou, Athina | SThA.7 | Bayesian inference for discrete time series via tree weighting | |
Papailiopoulos, Dimitris | SFrM.3 | Locally Repairable Codes for HDFS | |
Park, Seok-Hwan | STuA.3 | Robust Distributed Compression for Cloud Radio Access Networks | |
Paschos, Georgios | SWeM.11 | Stability and Capacity through Evacuation Times | |
Pérez-Cruz, Fernando | SThM.10 | Derivative of the Relative Entropy over the Poisson and Binomial channel | |
SFrM.2 | Finite-length performance of spatially-coupled LDPC codes under TEP decoding | ||
Pfister, Henry | SMoM.5 | A Simple Proof of Threshold Saturation for Coupled Vector Recursions | |
Piantanida, Pablo | SMoA.14 | On the Asymptotic Spectrum of the Error Probability of Composite Networks | |
Pierrot, Alex | SMoM.8 | Polar Codes for Secure Communications over the Two-Way Wiretap Channel | |
SThA.12 | LDPC-Based Coded Cooperative Jamming Codes | ||
Planjery, Shiva Kumar | SFrM.1 | Approaching Maximum Likelihood decoding of finite length LDPC codes via FAID diversity | |
Polyanskiy, Yury | SMoM.2 | Results on Combinatorial Joint Source-Channel Coding | |
SFrA1.4 | Diversity versus Channel Knowledge at Finite Block-Length | ||
Pope, Graeme | SWeM.3 | Coherence-Based Probabilistic Recovery Guarantees for Sparsely Corrupted Signals | |
Popovski, Petar | SFrA1.8 | Two-Way Communication with Energy Exchange | |
Pourbabaee, Mohammad Farzad | SThA.1 | Lattice Coding for Multiple Access Channels with Common Message and Additive Interference | |
Prabhakaran, Manoj | SMoA.4 | On Secure Multiparty Sampling for More than Two Parties | |
Prabhakaran, Vinod | SMoA.4 | On Secure Multiparty Sampling for More than Two Parties | |
SThM.7 | On Multicasting Nested Message Sets Over Combination Networks | ||
Pumplün, Susanne | STuM.7 | MIDO Space-Time Codes from Associative and Nonassociative Cyclic Algebras | |
Pusane, Ali | SMoM.4 | Reduced Complexity Window Decoding Schedules for Coupled LDPC Codes | |
Q A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Qian, Haifeng | SThA.10 | Two-Source Extractors for Leaky Sources | |
R A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Rabbat, Michael | SFrA2.3 | Compressing multisets using tries | |
Ramanathan, Sharad | OTuA.2 | Understanding neural networks by controlling and evoking behavior | |
Ramstad, Tor | SMoM.11 | On Transmission of Multiple Gaussian Sources over a Gaussian MAC using a VQLC Mapping | |
Ranade, Gireeja | STuM.3 | Comments on unknown channels | |
Rao, Madan | OTuA.1 | A Cellular Solution to an Information Processing Problem | |
Ratnarajah, Tharmalingam | SFrA2.5 | Aspect of Security in the Cognitive Relay Assisted Interference Channels | |
Ravikumar, Pradeep | OThA.3 | Component-based Models for High-Dimensional Data: Graphical Models and Structurally Constrained Models | |
Rawat, Ankit Singh | SFrM.4 | On Locality in Distributed Storage Systems | |
Recht, Benjamin | SThM.6 | Suppressing pseudocodewords by penalizing the objective of LP decoding | |
Renes, Joseph | SMoA.7 | Achieving the Capacity of any DMC using only Polar Codes | |
PTh.1 | Efficient Polar Coding of Quantum Information | ||
Renner, Renato | SMoA.7 | Achieving the Capacity of any DMC using only Polar Codes | |
PTh.1 | Efficient Polar Coding of Quantum Information | ||
Rezaee, Mohsen | SFrA2.8 | Limited Feedback for Interference Alignment in the K-user MIMO Interference Channel | |
Rini, Stefano | STuM.15 | Combining Superposition Coding and Binning Achieves Capacity for the Gaussian Cognitive Interference Channel | |
SFrA1.10 | An Extension to the Chain Graph Representation of an Achievable Scheme | ||
Romashchenko, Andrei | STuA.10 | On the Non-robustness of Essentially Conditional Information Inequalities | |
Rose, Kenneth | SMoM.10 | A New Achievable Region for Gaussian Multiple Descriptions Based on Subset Typicality | |
SMoA.10 | On Common Information and the Encoding of Sources that are Not Successively Refinable | ||
SWeM.4 | On Random Binning versus Conditional Codebook Methods in Multiple Descriptions Coding | ||
S A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Sabharwal, Ashutosh | STuM.10 | Full- or Half-Duplex? A Capacity Analysis with Bounded Radio Resources | |
Sadeghi, Parastoo | SFrA1.7 | Coded Cooperative Data Exchange for Multiple Unicasts | |
Saeedi Bidokhti, Shirin | SThM.7 | On Multicasting Nested Message Sets Over Combination Networks | |
Saha, Suvarup | SThA.16 | The Combinatorial Structure of Linear Deterministic Interference Channels | |
Sahai, Amit | PMo.1 | An information-theoretic protocol compiler | |
Sahai, Anant | STuM.3 | Comments on unknown channels | |
Sahin, Onur | STuA.3 | Robust Distributed Compression for Cloud Radio Access Networks | |
Sakaniwa, Kohichi | SMoM.6 | Efficient Termination of Spatially-Coupled Codes | |
Sakurai, Eiichi | SWeM.2 | Comparison of Dynamic Model Selection with Infinite HMM for Statistical Model Change Detection | |
Salamanca, Luis | SFrM.2 | Finite-length performance of spatially-coupled LDPC codes under TEP decoding | |
Salimi, Somayeh | SThA.13 | Secret Key Agreement Using Correlated Sources over the Generalized Multiple Access Channel | |
Sardari, Mohsen | SThA.6 | Molecular Communication Between two Populations of Bacteria | |
Sarkar, Md. Zahurul Islam | SFrA2.5 | Aspect of Security in the Cognitive Relay Assisted Interference Channels | |
Sason, Igal | SFrM.13 | On the Entropy of Sums of Bernoulli Random Variables via the Chen-Stein Method | |
Schober, Steffen | SFrM.9 | On the estimation of Entropy for Unknown Support Size | |
Sedaghat, Mohammad Ali | SThM.12 | On Channel Capacity of Communication Via Antenna Arrays with Receiver Noise Matching | |
Seferoglu, Hulya | STuM.12 | Smartphones across networks: cooperative group communication | |
Sefidgaran, Milad | SThA.14 | On Function Computation over a Cascade Network | |
Sengupta, Ayan | SThM.9 | Optimizing Quantize-Map-and-Forward Relaying for Gaussian Diamond Networks | |
Šenk, Vojin | SFrM.7 | On the Hardness of Entropy Minimization and Related Problems | |
Seyfe, Babak | SFrA2.6 | On The Achievable Rate Region of a New Gaussian Wiretap Channel With Side Information | |
Shah, Devavrat | OThA.1 | Iterative Ranking from Pair-wise Comparisons | |
Shamai, Shlomo (Shitz) | SMoA.13 | Short-Message Noisy Network Coding with Partial Source Cooperation | |
STuA.3 | Robust Distributed Compression for Cloud Radio Access Networks | ||
Shankaranarayanan, Nemmara | STuM.10 | Full- or Half-Duplex? A Capacity Analysis with Bounded Radio Resources | |
Shokrollahi, Amin | STuM.8 | Irregular Product Codes | |
Shomorony, Ilan | SMoM.13 | On the Role of Deterministic Models in K x K x K Wireless Networks | |
STuM.6 | Worst-Case Source for Distributed Compression with Quadratic Distortion | ||
Siegel, Paul | STuA.4 | Multilevel 2-Cell t-Write Codes | |
Simeone, Osvaldo | STuM.2 | On Channels with Action-Dependent States | |
STuA.3 | Robust Distributed Compression for Cloud Radio Access Networks | ||
STuA.1 | Lossy Computing of Correlated Sources with Fractional Sampling | ||
SFrM.15 | On Cascade Source Coding with A Side Information "Vending Machine" | ||
SFrA1.8 | Two-Way Communication with Energy Exchange | ||
Simon, Francois | SWeM.9 | From Channel Codes to Computation Codes | |
SFrA1.12 | Recurrent AMS One-Sided Channels | ||
Skachek, Vitaly | SFrA2.3 | Compressing multisets using tries | |
Skoglund, Mikael | SMoA.13 | Short-Message Noisy Network Coding with Partial Source Cooperation | |
SMoA.15 | Secret-Key Agreement over a Non-Coherent Block-Fading MIMO Wiretap Channel | ||
SThA.13 | Secret Key Agreement Using Correlated Sources over the Generalized Multiple Access Channel | ||
SFrA2.4 | Analysis of Sparse Representations Using Bi-Orthogonal Dictionaries | ||
Skoularidou, Maria | SThA.7 | Bayesian inference for discrete time series via tree weighting | |
Smarandache, Roxana | STuM.9 | Constructing Good QC-LDPC Codes by Pre-lifting Protographs | |
Sommerfeld, Jochen | SFrA1.13 | Strong Secrecy in Arbitrarily Varying Wiretap Channels | |
Stanojević, Ivan | SFrM.7 | On the Hardness of Entropy Minimization and Related Problems | |
Steele, Andrew | STuM.7 | MIDO Space-Time Codes from Associative and Nonassociative Cyclic Algebras | |
Steinberg, Yossef | SMoA.11 | On Feedback, Cribbing, and Causal State-Information on the Multiple-Access Channel | |
Studer, Christoph | SWeM.3 | Coherence-Based Probabilistic Recovery Guarantees for Sparsely Corrupted Signals | |
Sudan, Madhu | PTu.1 | Communication Amid Uncertainty | |
Suh, Changho | SFrM.6 | Network Coding with Computation Alignment | |
Suresh, Ananda | STuA.9 | Information Theoretic Approach to Classification and Closeness Testing | |
Sutter, David | SMoA.7 | Achieving the Capacity of any DMC using only Polar Codes | |
T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Tassiulas, Leandros | SWeM.11 | Stability and Capacity through Evacuation Times | |
Tazoe, Koji | SMoM.6 | Efficient Termination of Spatially-Coupled Codes | |
Tchamkerten, Aslan | SThA.14 | On Function Computation over a Cascade Network | |
Telatar, Emre | SMoM.14 | Proof of the outage probability conjecture for MISO channels | |
Thakor, Satyajit | STuA.11 | Compact Representation of Polymatroid Axioms for Random Variables with Conditional Independencies | |
Tillich, Jean-Pierre | SWeM.7 | Spatially coupled quantum LDPC codes | |
Timo, Roy | SMoM.12 | Source Coding with Conditionally Less Noisy Side Information | |
Trifonov, Peter | SMoA.8 | Design of binary polar codes with arbitrary kernel | |
SFrM.12 | On the Additive Complexity of the Cyclotomic FFT Algorithm | ||
Tse, David | STuA.7 | Information Theory of DNA Sequencing: General Statistics | |
Tuninetti, Daniela | STuM.13 | An Outer Bound for the Memoryless Two-user Interference Channel with General Cooperation | |
Tutuncuoglu, Kaya | SMoA.3 | The Energy Harvesting Multiple Access Channel with Energy Storage Losses | |
Tyagi, Himanshu | SThM.14 | Interactive Communication for Optimum Rate Secret Key Generation | |
U A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Uchôa-Filho, Bartolomeu | SFrM.11 | Improved Joint Turbo Decoding and Physical-Layer Network Coding | |
Ul Hassan, Najeeb | SMoM.4 | Reduced Complexity Window Decoding Schedules for Coupled LDPC Codes | |
Ulukus, Sennur | SMoA.12 | Gaussian Wiretap Channel with an Amplitude Constraint | |
SMoA.2 | Gaussian Wiretap Channel with a Batteryless Energy Harvesting Transmitter | ||
Unser, Michael | SFrA2.11 | The Analog Formulation of Sparsity implies Infinite Divisibility and rules out Bernoulli-Gaussian Priors | |
V A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Vadhan, Salil | SMoA.5 | Characterizing Pseudoentropy | |
Vasic, Bane | SFrM.1 | Approaching Maximum Likelihood decoding of finite length LDPC codes via FAID diversity | |
Vehkapera, Mikko | SFrA2.4 | Analysis of Sparse Representations Using Bi-Orthogonal Dictionaries | |
Vellambi, Badri | SWeM.5 | Multi-terminal Source Coding: Zero-rate Encoders Cannot Enlarge the Rate Region | |
SWeM.6 | Characterizing the rate region of the coded side-information problem | ||
Venkat, Kartik | SThA.4 | Reference Based Genome Compression | |
Venkitasubramaniam, Parv | SMoM.9 | Scheduling with privacy constraints | |
Verdú, Sergio | SMoM.1 | To code or not to code: Revisited | |
Vinhoza, Tiago | SFrM.11 | Improved Joint Turbo Decoding and Physical-Layer Network Coding | |
Vishwanath, Sriram | SFrM.4 | On Locality in Distributed Storage Systems | |
Viswanath, Pramod | SThM.1 | Interactive Interference Alignment | |
Viswanatha, Kumar | SMoM.10 | A New Achievable Region for Gaussian Multiple Descriptions Based on Subset Typicality | |
SMoA.10 | On Common Information and the Encoding of Sources that are Not Successively Refinable | ||
SWeM.4 | On Random Binning versus Conditional Codebook Methods in Multiple Descriptions Coding | ||
W A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Wang, Chih-Chun | SWeM.12 | Capacity Region of Two Symmetric Nearby Erasure Channels With Channel State Feedback | |
Wang, I-Hsiang | SThM.9 | Optimizing Quantize-Map-and-Forward Relaying for Gaussian Diamond Networks | |
Wang, Jia | STuM.5 | On Vector Gaussian Multiterminal Source Coding | |
Wang, Ligong | SFrA1.6 | A refined analysis of the Poisson channel in the high-photon-efficiency regime | |
Wang, Zheng | STuM.14 | Derandomized Sampling Algorithm for Lattice Decoding | |
Watanabe, Shun | STuM.4 | Privacy Amplification Theorem for Bounded Storage Eavesdropper | |
SThM.13 | Expurgation Exponent of Leaked Information in Privacy Amplification for Binary Sources | ||
Weber, Jos | STuA.6 | A DC-Free Multi-Mode Run-Length Limited Coding Scheme | |
Weidmann, Claudio | SWeM.6 | Characterizing the rate region of the coded side-information problem | |
Weissman, Tsachy | STuM.6 | Worst-Case Source for Distributed Compression with Quadratic Distortion | |
SThA.4 | Reference Based Genome Compression | ||
Wesel, Richard | SThA.15 | Chernoff Bounds for Analysis of Rate-Compatible Sphere-Packing with Numerous Transmissions | |
Wigger, Michele | SMoM.12 | Source Coding with Conditionally Less Noisy Side Information | |
SThM.11 | Optimal Reliability over a Class of Binary-Input Channels with Feedback | ||
Wirth, Anthony | SThA.5 | A Theoretical Approach to Gene Network Identification | |
Wornell, Gregory | SMoM.3 | On Uncoded Transmission and Blocklength | |
SThA.11 | Decode-and-Forward for the Gaussian Relay Channel via Standard AWGN Coding and Decoding | ||
SFrA1.6 | A refined analysis of the Poisson channel in the high-photon-efficiency regime | ||
Woyach, Kristen | STuM.3 | Comments on unknown channels | |
X A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Xiao, Ming | SMoA.13 | Short-Message Noisy Network Coding with Partial Source Cooperation | |
Xing, Chaoping | OMoA.1 | The Arithmetic Codex | |
Y A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Yamanishi, Kenji | SWeM.2 | Comparison of Dynamic Model Selection with Infinite HMM for Statistical Model Change Detection | |
SFrA1.1 | An MDL-based Change-Detection Algorithm with Its Applications to Learning Piecewise Stationary Memoryless Sources | ||
Yan, Yanfei | SMoA.9 | A Construction of Lattices from Polar Codes | |
Yang, Sheng | SFrA1.5 | Degrees of Freedom of MISO Broadcast Channel with Perfect Delayed and Imperfect Current CSIT | |
Yang, Shenghao | SFrM.5 | Superposition Coding for Linear Operator Channels over Finite Fields | |
Yang, Wei | SFrA1.4 | Diversity versus Channel Knowledge at Finite Block-Length | |
Yanikomeroglu, Halim | SThA.8 | Grassmannian Signalling Achieves the Ergodic High SNR Capacity of the Non-Coherent MIMO Relay Channel within an SNR-Independent Gap | |
Yassaee, Mohammad Hossein | SThM.15 | Secure Channel Simulation | |
Yedla, Arvind | SMoM.5 | A Simple Proof of Threshold Saturation for Coupled Vector Recursions | |
Yener, Aylin | SMoA.3 | The Energy Harvesting Multiple Access Channel with Energy Storage Losses | |
Yeung, Raymond W. | STuA.12 | Characterizing the Entropy Function Region via Extreme Rays | |
Yi, Xinping | SFrA1.5 | Degrees of Freedom of MISO Broadcast Channel with Perfect Delayed and Imperfect Current CSIT | |
Yu, Yu | SMoA.6 | Overcoming Weak Expectations | |
SThA.10 | Two-Source Extractors for Leaky Sources | ||
Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||
Zadimoghaddam, Morteza | STuA.16 | Sequential Group Testing with Graph Constraints | |
Zémor, Gilles | SThA.3 | Integer Low-Density Lattices based on Construction A | |
Zheng, Colin | SMoA.5 | Characterizing Pseudoentropy |