Author |
Session |
Start page |
Title |
A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
A. Marquering, Henk |
S5.5 |
95 |
Red Alert: Break-Glass Protocol to Access Encrypted Medical Records in the Cloud |
Abelem, Antonio Jorge |
S5.4 |
89 |
A Decentralized Protocol for Securely Storing and Sharing Health Records |
Alencar, Nadyelle |
S5.3 |
83 |
Systematic Mapping on Mobile Applications Used in the Analysis and/or Improvement of the Quality of Life of Adolescents |
Alian, Shadi |
S4.2 |
55 |
Personalized Meal Planning for Diabetic Patients Using a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach |
Alvear, Alcides |
S9.2 |
201 |
Implementation of Virtual Reality for the Treatment of People with Functional Disability |
Amiri Tehrani Zadeh, Maryam Sadat |
S4.2 |
55 |
Personalized Meal Planning for Diabetic Patients Using a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach |
Andrade, Luiz |
S10.3 |
182 |
GIRLS, a Gateway for Interoperability of electronic health Record in the Low-cost System |
Andrade, Odorico |
S6.1 |
102 |
Data Mining and Risk Analysis Supporting Decision in Brazilian Public Health Systems |
S6.2 |
108 |
Quality of Health Service, Optimizing an IoT Solution with Diffserv and EWS Protocols |
Anwar, Yumna |
S8.1 |
150 |
A Deep Learning Based Autonomous Mobile Robotic Assistive Care Giver |
Arango Paredes, Juan David |
S1.3 |
9 |
Kinect™ and Intel RealSense™ D435 comparison:a preliminary study for motion analysis |
Araujo, Kauã |
S5.3 |
83 |
Systematic Mapping on Mobile Applications Used in the Analysis and/or Improvement of the Quality of Life of Adolescents |
Araujo, Roberto |
S5.4 |
89 |
A Decentralized Protocol for Securely Storing and Sharing Health Records |
Arias, Fernando |
S6.5 |
125 |
RCMDD: A Denoising Architecture for Improved Recovery of Reflectance Confocal Microscopy Images of Skin from Compressive Samples |
Arzuaga, Emmanuel |
S6.5 |
125 |
RCMDD: A Denoising Architecture for Improved Recovery of Reflectance Confocal Microscopy Images of Skin from Compressive Samples |
Atreyaa A, Prahalad |
S4.4 |
67 |
Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Fall Detection |
Atsumori, Hirokazu |
S2.3 |
Mental Health Monitoring System using Multimodality Measurements |
B A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
Bacca Rodríguez, Jan |
S7.2 |
137 |
Recognition of silent speech syllables for Brain-Computer Interfaces |
Bahrami, Mehdi |
S8.1 |
150 |
A Deep Learning Based Autonomous Mobile Robotic Assistive Care Giver |
Bambos, Nicholas |
S3.1 |
25 |
Noninvasive Identification of Hypotension Using Convolutional-Deconvolutional Networks |
Barreto, Ivana Cristina de |
S6.1 |
102 |
Data Mining and Risk Analysis Supporting Decision in Brazilian Public Health Systems |
Barzallo, Boris |
S3.3 |
37 |
Analysis of hand movements in patients with Parkinson's Disease using Kinect |
Buettner, Ricardo |
S8.2 |
158 |
High-performance exclusion of schizophrenia using a novel machine learning method on EEG data |
S8.3 |
164 |
Efficient machine learning based detection of heart disease |
S9.1 |
194 |
Towards high-performance differentiation between Narcolepsy and Idiopathic Hypersomnia in 10 minute EEG recordings using a Novel Machine Learning Approach |
Burgdorf, Andreas |
S1.1 |
1 |
A Holistic System for Pre-clinical Diagnosis of Sleep Disorders in the Home Environment |
Büsing, Christina |
S1.1 |
1 |
A Holistic System for Pre-clinical Diagnosis of Sleep Disorders in the Home Environment |
C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
Carreño Perez, Airan Leonardo |
S1.2 |
5 |
Supervised learning system for detection of cardiac arrhythmias based on electrocardiographic data |
Castaño-Pino, Yor |
S1.3 |
9 |
Kinect™ and Intel RealSense™ D435 comparison:a preliminary study for motion analysis |
S6.4 |
119 |
Wearable system to measure asymmetry by sensing arms swing |
Castillo Sánchez, Gema |
S2.2 |
19 |
Development of an E-learning Model for Training Health Staff in Suicide Prevention |
Cellier, Léonore |
S3.2 |
31 |
An interdisciplinary approach for security, privacy and trust in the electronic medical record |
Cevallos, Carlos |
S2.1 |
13 |
Development of An Adaptive Staircase System Actuated by Facial-, Object-, and Voice-Recognition |
Cevallos, Yesenia |
S10.1 |
170 |
Health Applications Based on Molecular Communications: A Brief Review |
Chiang, Po-Han |
S10.2 |
176 |
Personalized Blood Pressure Estimation using Photoplethysmography and Wavelet Decomposition |
Clotet, Roger |
S3.3 |
37 |
Analysis of hand movements in patients with Parkinson's Disease using Kinect |
Corba Castaño, Yohana Lyceth |
S1.2 |
5 |
Supervised learning system for detection of cardiac arrhythmias based on electrocardiographic data |
Cordonnier, Emmanuel |
S3.4 |
43 |
Introduction to DICOM-RTV: a new standard for real-time video communication in hospitals |
Cortes-Rodriguez, Carlos |
S7.2 |
137 |
Recognition of silent speech syllables for Brain-Computer Interfaces |
Cruz, Patricio |
S2.1 |
13 |
Development of An Adaptive Staircase System Actuated by Facial-, Object-, and Voice-Recognition |
Cubillos Jimenez, Jose Misael |
S1.2 |
5 |
Supervised learning system for detection of cardiac arrhythmias based on electrocardiographic data |
D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
da Costa, Leonardo |
S5.4 |
89 |
A Decentralized Protocol for Securely Storing and Sharing Health Records |
de la Torre, Isabel |
S2.2 |
19 |
Development of an E-learning Model for Training Health Staff in Suicide Prevention |
S10.4 |
188 |
A Mobile Health System to Empower Healthcare Services in Remote Regions |
de Moura, César |
S10.3 |
182 |
GIRLS, a Gateway for Interoperability of electronic health Record in the Low-cost System |
Dey, Sujit |
S10.2 |
176 |
Personalized Blood Pressure Estimation using Photoplethysmography and Wavelet Decomposition |
Diaz Castillo, Oscar Daniel |
S1.2 |
5 |
Supervised learning system for detection of cardiac arrhythmias based on electrocardiographic data |
Disdier, Shawn |
S9.2 |
201 |
Implementation of Virtual Reality for the Treatment of People with Functional Disability |
E A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
E. D. Groot, Adrien |
S5.5 |
95 |
Red Alert: Break-Glass Protocol to Access Encrypted Medical Records in the Cloud |
Egi, Masashi |
S2.3 |
Mental Health Monitoring System using Multimodality Measurements |
El Jaouhari, Saad |
S3.4 |
43 |
Introduction to DICOM-RTV: a new standard for real-time video communication in hospitals |
Eric, Poiseau |
S3.4 |
43 |
Introduction to DICOM-RTV: a new standard for real-time video communication in hospitals |
Estevez, Claudio |
S7.1 |
131 |
Smart Hospital LoRaWAN-based Backup Network Design that Monitors Critical Emergency and Standby Resources |
F A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
Fernandes, Marc |
S8.2 |
158 |
High-performance exclusion of schizophrenia using a novel machine learning method on EEG data |
Ferreira, Lauanne |
S5.3 |
83 |
Systematic Mapping on Mobile Applications Used in the Analysis and/or Improvement of the Quality of Life of Adolescents |
Filho, Raimundo Valter |
S6.1 |
102 |
Data Mining and Risk Analysis Supporting Decision in Brazilian Public Health Systems |
S6.2 |
108 |
Quality of Health Service, Optimizing an IoT Solution with Diffserv and EWS Protocols |
Franco Martín, Manuel A. |
S2.2 |
19 |
Development of an E-learning Model for Training Health Staff in Suicide Prevention |
Freitas, Renato |
S10.3 |
182 |
GIRLS, a Gateway for Interoperability of electronic health Record in the Low-cost System |
Fuhrmann, Jessica |
S9.1 |
194 |
Towards high-performance differentiation between Narcolepsy and Idiopathic Hypersomnia in 10 minute EEG recordings using a Novel Machine Learning Approach |
Funane, Tsukasa |
S2.3 |
Mental Health Monitoring System using Multimodality Measurements |
G A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
Garcia, Andrea |
S3.3 |
37 |
Analysis of hand movements in patients with Parkinson's Disease using Kinect |
Garcia, Jose I. |
S6.3 |
113 |
Model-Based Design of Body Motion Sensing Technology using SysML and CPN |
Ghernaouti, Solange |
S3.2 |
31 |
An interdisciplinary approach for security, privacy and trust in the electronic medical record |
Ghose, Debasish |
S10.1 |
170 |
Health Applications Based on Molecular Communications: A Brief Review |
Gibaud, Bernard |
S3.4 |
43 |
Introduction to DICOM-RTV: a new standard for real-time video communication in hospitals |
Gomes de Sousa, Fabio José |
S10.3 |
182 |
GIRLS, a Gateway for Interoperability of electronic health Record in the Low-cost System |
Gomez, Guillermo |
S10.1 |
170 |
Health Applications Based on Molecular Communications: A Brief Review |
González-García, José |
S7.1 |
131 |
Smart Hospital LoRaWAN-based Backup Network Design that Monitors Critical Emergency and Standby Resources |
Guachamín, Wilson |
S2.1 |
13 |
Development of An Adaptive Staircase System Actuated by Facial-, Object-, and Voice-Recognition |
Guevara, Rubén |
S7.2 |
137 |
Recognition of silent speech syllables for Brain-Computer Interfaces |
Guiffard, Eric |
S3.4 |
43 |
Introduction to DICOM-RTV: a new standard for real-time video communication in hospitals |
Guillermo, Juan |
S3.3 |
37 |
Analysis of hand movements in patients with Parkinson's Disease using Kinect |
Guimarães, Tawana |
S5.3 |
83 |
Systematic Mapping on Mobile Applications Used in the Analysis and/or Improvement of the Quality of Life of Adolescents |
H A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
Hardy, Patrick |
S3.4 |
43 |
Introduction to DICOM-RTV: a new standard for real-time video communication in hospitals |
Haßler, Marc |
S1.1 |
1 |
A Holistic System for Pre-clinical Diagnosis of Sleep Disorders in the Home Environment |
Hernandez, Jesse |
S7.3 |
142 |
The Human Eye as a Camera |
Hernández Ramos, Amelia |
S2.2 |
19 |
Development of an E-learning Model for Training Health Staff in Suicide Prevention |
Hirschmiller, Michael |
S8.2 |
158 |
High-performance exclusion of schizophrenia using a novel machine learning method on EEG data |
Hoogendoorn, Mark |
S4.1 |
49 |
Identifying Patient Groups based on Frequent Patterns of Patient Samples |
Huerta, Monica |
S3.3 |
37 |
Analysis of hand movements in patients with Parkinson's Disease using Kinect |
Hurtado, Celia E. |
S6.3 |
113 |
Model-Based Design of Body Motion Sensing Technology using SysML and CPN |
I A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
Igbe, Tobore |
S4.3 |
61 |
Analysis of ECG Segments for Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring |
Inca, Deysi |
S10.1 |
170 |
Health Applications Based on Molecular Communications: A Brief Review |
J A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
Jonas, Stephan |
S1.1 |
1 |
A Holistic System for Pre-clinical Diagnosis of Sleep Disorders in the Home Environment |
K A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
Kanaan, Georges |
S7.3 |
142 |
The Human Eye as a Camera |
Kandwal, Abhishek |
S4.3 |
61 |
Analysis of ECG Segments for Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring |
Khan, Arshia |
S8.1 |
150 |
A Deep Learning Based Autonomous Mobile Robotic Assistive Care Giver |
Khokhar, Humza |
S7.3 |
142 |
The Human Eye as a Camera |
Kiguchi, Masashi |
S2.3 |
Mental Health Monitoring System using Multimodality Measurements |
Kohlschein, Christian |
S1.1 |
1 |
A Holistic System for Pre-clinical Diagnosis of Sleep Disorders in the Home Environment |
Kolb, Laura |
S9.1 |
194 |
Towards high-performance differentiation between Narcolepsy and Idiopathic Hypersomnia in 10 minute EEG recordings using a Novel Machine Learning Approach |
Kong, Jun |
S5.2 |
77 |
Alexa, What Should I Eat? A Personalized Virtual Nutrition Coach for Native American Diabetes Patients Using Amazon's Smart Speaker Technology |
Kuriyama, Hiroyuki |
S2.3 |
Mental Health Monitoring System using Multimodality Measurements |
L A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
Lam, Derek |
S7.3 |
142 |
The Human Eye as a Camera |
Leitner, Jared |
S10.2 |
176 |
Personalized Blood Pressure Estimation using Photoplethysmography and Wavelet Decomposition |
Lemonnier, Philippe |
S3.4 |
43 |
Introduction to DICOM-RTV: a new standard for real-time video communication in hospitals |
Li, Jingzhen |
S4.3 |
61 |
Analysis of ECG Segments for Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring |
Li, Juan |
S4.2 |
55 |
Personalized Meal Planning for Diabetic Patients Using a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach |
S5.2 |
77 |
Alexa, What Should I Eat? A Personalized Virtual Nutrition Coach for Native American Diabetes Patients Using Amazon's Smart Speaker Technology |
Li, Sinan |
S4.3 |
61 |
Analysis of ECG Segments for Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring |
Liu, Yuhang |
S4.3 |
61 |
Analysis of ECG Segments for Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring |
Liu Cheng, Alexander |
S2.1 |
13 |
Development of An Adaptive Staircase System Actuated by Facial-, Object-, and Voice-Recognition |
Llorca Vega, Nestor |
S2.1 |
13 |
Development of An Adaptive Staircase System Actuated by Facial-, Object-, and Voice-Recognition |
López, Omar |
S7.2 |
137 |
Recognition of silent speech syllables for Brain-Computer Interfaces |
LU, Xixi |
S4.1 |
49 |
Identifying Patient Groups based on Frequent Patterns of Patient Samples |
M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
Maharjan, Bikesh |
S5.2 |
77 |
Alexa, What Should I Eat? A Personalized Virtual Nutrition Coach for Native American Diabetes Patients Using Amazon's Smart Speaker Technology |
Mann, Christina |
S7.3 |
142 |
The Human Eye as a Camera |
Mann, Steve |
S7.3 |
142 |
The Human Eye as a Camera |
Marin-Alvarez, Joseph |
S5.1 |
73 |
Hypertension Prevention in a Human Settlement of the Peruvian Capital Using Information and Communications Technology |
Martins de Oliveira, Pedro |
S5.3 |
83 |
Systematic Mapping on Mobile Applications Used in the Analysis and/or Improvement of the Quality of Life of Adolescents |
Mathewson, Kyle |
S7.3 |
142 |
The Human Eye as a Camera |
Mejia, Francisco |
S6.3 |
113 |
Model-Based Design of Body Motion Sensing Technology using SysML and CPN |
Mejia, Jeison |
S1.3 |
9 |
Kinect™ and Intel RealSense™ D435 comparison:a preliminary study for motion analysis |
Michalas, Antonis |
S5.5 |
95 |
Red Alert: Break-Glass Protocol to Access Encrypted Medical Records in the Cloud |
Miller, Daniel |
S3.1 |
25 |
Noninvasive Identification of Hypotension Using Convolutional-Deconvolutional Networks |
Montanez, Karla |
S9.2 |
201 |
Implementation of Virtual Reality for the Treatment of People with Functional Disability |
Montilla, Linda |
S6.4 |
119 |
Wearable system to measure asymmetry by sensing arms swing |
Munoz, Beatriz |
S1.3 |
9 |
Kinect™ and Intel RealSense™ D435 comparison:a preliminary study for motion analysis |
S6.4 |
119 |
Wearable system to measure asymmetry by sensing arms swing |
Muñoz Sánchez, Juan L. |
S2.2 |
19 |
Development of an E-learning Model for Training Health Staff in Suicide Prevention |
Muñoz-Sarmiento, Diana Marcela |
S1.2 |
5 |
Supervised learning system for detection of cardiac arrhythmias based on electrocardiographic data |
Murari, Shivam |
S4.4 |
67 |
Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Fall Detection |
N A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
Nakagawa, Hiromitsu |
S2.3 |
Mental Health Monitoring System using Multimodality Measurements |
Navarro, Andres |
S1.3 |
9 |
Kinect™ and Intel RealSense™ D435 comparison:a preliminary study for motion analysis |
S6.4 |
119 |
Wearable system to measure asymmetry by sensing arms swing |
Nie, Ze-dong |
S4.3 |
61 |
Analysis of ECG Segments for Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring |
Nishimura, Ayako |
S2.3 |
Mental Health Monitoring System using Multimodality Measurements |
O A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
Obata, Akiko |
S2.3 |
Mental Health Monitoring System using Multimodality Measurements |
Olabarriaga, Silvia |
S5.5 |
95 |
Red Alert: Break-Glass Protocol to Access Encrypted Medical Records in the Cloud |
Oliveira, Antonio |
S6.1 |
102 |
Data Mining and Risk Analysis Supporting Decision in Brazilian Public Health Systems |
S6.2 |
108 |
Quality of Health Service, Optimizing an IoT Solution with Diffserv and EWS Protocols |
Oliveira, Mauro |
S10.3 |
182 |
GIRLS, a Gateway for Interoperability of electronic health Record in the Low-cost System |
Orozco, Jorge Luis |
S1.3 |
9 |
Kinect™ and Intel RealSense™ D435 comparison:a preliminary study for motion analysis |
S6.4 |
119 |
Wearable system to measure asymmetry by sensing arms swing |
Ortiz, Esteban |
S2.1 |
13 |
Development of An Adaptive Staircase System Actuated by Facial-, Object-, and Voice-Recognition |
P A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
Pahwa, Piyush |
S4.4 |
67 |
Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Fall Detection |
Parra Ayala, Luz Janneth |
S1.2 |
5 |
Supervised learning system for detection of cardiac arrhythmias based on electrocardiographic data |
Pasquier, Guillaume |
S3.4 |
43 |
Introduction to DICOM-RTV: a new standard for real-time video communication in hospitals |
Pierce, Cayden |
S7.3 |
142 |
The Human Eye as a Camera |
Piette, Luke |
S7.3 |
142 |
The Human Eye as a Camera |
Pinheiro, Billy |
S5.4 |
89 |
A Decentralized Protocol for Securely Storing and Sharing Health Records |
Pomp, André |
S1.1 |
1 |
A Holistic System for Pre-clinical Diagnosis of Sleep Disorders in the Home Environment |
Q A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
Quispe-Sipan, Jacqueline |
S5.1 |
73 |
Hypertension Prevention in a Human Settlement of the Peruvian Capital Using Information and Communications Technology |
R A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
R, Anupama |
S4.4 |
67 |
Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Fall Detection |
Rabelo, Ricardo |
S10.4 |
188 |
A Mobile Health System to Empower Healthcare Services in Remote Regions |
Ramachandran, Anita |
S4.4 |
67 |
Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Fall Detection |
Ramesh, Adarsh |
S4.4 |
67 |
Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Fall Detection |
Ramos, André |
S10.4 |
188 |
A Mobile Health System to Empower Healthcare Services in Remote Regions |
Ramos, Ronaldo |
S6.1 |
102 |
Data Mining and Risk Analysis Supporting Decision in Brazilian Public Health Systems |
Reijers, Hajo A |
S4.1 |
49 |
Identifying Patient Groups based on Frequent Patterns of Patient Samples |
Ribadeneira, Benito |
S2.1 |
13 |
Development of An Adaptive Staircase System Actuated by Facial-, Object-, and Voice-Recognition |
Ribeiro, Morgana |
S10.3 |
182 |
GIRLS, a Gateway for Interoperability of electronic health Record in the Low-cost System |
Rincon, Domiciano |
S1.3 |
9 |
Kinect™ and Intel RealSense™ D435 comparison:a preliminary study for motion analysis |
S6.4 |
119 |
Wearable system to measure asymmetry by sensing arms swing |
Rivas, David |
S3.3 |
37 |
Analysis of hand movements in patients with Parkinson's Disease using Kinect |
Rodrigues, Antonio Wendell |
S6.2 |
108 |
Quality of Health Service, Optimizing an IoT Solution with Diffserv and EWS Protocols |
Rodrigues, Joel |
S2.2 |
19 |
Development of an E-learning Model for Training Health Staff in Suicide Prevention |
S10.4 |
188 |
A Mobile Health System to Empower Healthcare Services in Remote Regions |
Rössle, Manfred |
S8.2 |
158 |
High-performance exclusion of schizophrenia using a novel machine learning method on EEG data |
S A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
Santiago Lopes Pereira, Silas |
S6.1 |
102 |
Data Mining and Risk Analysis Supporting Decision in Brazilian Public Health Systems |
Saraguro, Williams |
S3.3 |
37 |
Analysis of hand movements in patients with Parkinson's Disease using Kinect |
Sarmiento, Luis |
S7.2 |
137 |
Recognition of silent speech syllables for Brain-Computer Interfaces |
Scheinker, David |
S3.1 |
25 |
Noninvasive Identification of Hypotension Using Convolutional-Deconvolutional Networks |
Schlosser, Kevin |
S8.2 |
158 |
High-performance exclusion of schizophrenia using a novel machine learning method on EEG data |
Schunter, Marc |
S8.3 |
164 |
Efficient machine learning based detection of heart disease |
Shin, Andrew |
S3.1 |
25 |
Noninvasive Identification of Hypotension Using Convolutional-Deconvolutional Networks |
Sierra, Heidy |
S6.5 |
125 |
RCMDD: A Denoising Architecture for Improved Recovery of Reflectance Confocal Microscopy Images of Skin from Compressive Samples |
Silva, Bruno |
S10.4 |
188 |
A Mobile Health System to Empower Healthcare Services in Remote Regions |
Soto, Angel |
S3.3 |
37 |
Analysis of hand movements in patients with Parkinson's Disease using Kinect |
Sotomayor-Beltran, Carlos |
S5.1 |
73 |
Hypertension Prevention in a Human Settlement of the Peruvian Capital Using Information and Communications Technology |
Stairs, Jeremy |
S7.3 |
142 |
The Human Eye as a Camera |
Sutoko, Stephanie |
S2.3 |
Mental Health Monitoring System using Multimodality Measurements |
T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
Tabatabaei, Seyed Amin |
S4.1 |
49 |
Identifying Patient Groups based on Frequent Patterns of Patient Samples |
Tao, Cui |
S5.2 |
77 |
Alexa, What Should I Eat? A Personalized Virtual Nutrition Coach for Native American Diabetes Patients Using Amazon's Smart Speaker Technology |
Tello-Oquendo, Luis |
S10.1 |
170 |
Health Applications Based on Molecular Communications: A Brief Review |
Timm, Ingo |
S8.2 |
158 |
High-performance exclusion of schizophrenia using a novel machine learning method on EEG data |
Tuler de Oliveira, Marcela |
S5.5 |
95 |
Red Alert: Break-Glass Protocol to Access Encrypted Medical Records in the Cloud |
V A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
Valderrama, Jaime |
S1.3 |
9 |
Kinect™ and Intel RealSense™ D435 comparison:a preliminary study for motion analysis |
S6.4 |
119 |
Wearable system to measure asymmetry by sensing arms swing |
Viana, David |
S6.2 |
108 |
Quality of Health Service, Optimizing an IoT Solution with Diffserv and EWS Protocols |
Villamizar, Sergio |
S7.2 |
137 |
Recognition of silent speech syllables for Brain-Computer Interfaces |
W A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
Wang, Lei |
S4.3 |
61 |
Analysis of ECG Segments for Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring |
Ward, Andrew |
S3.1 |
25 |
Noninvasive Identification of Hypotension Using Convolutional-Deconvolutional Networks |
Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z |
Zadeh Shirazi, Amin |
S10.1 |
170 |
Health Applications Based on Molecular Communications: A Brief Review |