Author |
Session |
Start page |
Title |
A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Abonyi, Dorathy |
S1.7 |
26 |
A System for Optimizing Small-Cell Deployment in 2-Tier HetNets |
Acatauassu, Diogo |
S11.2 |
355 |
Coaxial Networks for 5G Fronthaul |
Ahmed, Sohail |
S6.3 |
185 |
Multi-Agent RL based User-Centric Spectrum Allocation Scheme in D2D enabled Hetnets |
Ahmed, Toufik |
S8.5 |
272 |
Energy-aware Placement For IoT-Service Function Chain |
Al Jawarneh, Isam |
S3.3 |
86 |
In-memory Spatial-Aware Framework for Processing Proximity-Alike Queries in Big Spatial Data |
Al-Shayea, Tamara |
S9.1 |
285 |
On the Efficiency Evaluation of a Novel Scheme Based on Daubechies Wavelet for Watermarking in 5G |
Alay, Ozgu |
S6.5 |
197 |
5GENESIS: The Genesis of a flexible 5G Facility |
Albonda, Haider |
S11.4 |
368 |
An Efficient Mode Selection for improving Resource Utilization in Sidelink V2X Cellular Networks |
Alexaki, Sofia |
S8.1 |
247 |
Blockchains as Enablers for Auditing Cooperative Circular Economy Networks |
S8.2 |
254 |
Blockchain-based Electronic Patient Records for Regulated Circular Healthcare Jurisdictions |
Alexandris, George |
S5.2 |
140 |
The Interoperability of Things |
S5.3 |
147 |
Towards a Security, Privacy, Dependability, Interoperability Framework for the Internet of Things |
S8.1 |
247 |
Blockchains as Enablers for Auditing Cooperative Circular Economy Networks |
S8.2 |
254 |
Blockchain-based Electronic Patient Records for Regulated Circular Healthcare Jurisdictions |
Alexiou, George |
S9.4 |
303 |
Edge Caching Architecture for Media Delivery over P2P Networks |
Alimenti, Federico |
S10.5 |
344 |
A CMOS RF-Powered Tag with Sensing and Localization Capabilities |
Alleg, Abdelhamid |
S8.5 |
272 |
Energy-aware Placement For IoT-Service Function Chain |
Almeida, Igor |
S11.2 |
355 |
Coaxial Networks for 5G Fronthaul |
Alvarez, Pedro |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Andrade, Tiago |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Angelakis, Vangelis |
S1.8 |
32 |
Improving the Spectral Efficiency in Dense Heterogeneous Networks Using D2D-Assisted eICIC |
Anicic, Darko |
S5.2 |
140 |
The Interoperability of Things |
Anjomshoa, Fazel |
S8.4 |
266 |
Empowering Human-Computer Interaction in Securing Smartphone Sensing |
Antonopoulos, Angelos |
S12.2 |
392 |
Application and Network VNF migration in a MEC-enabled 5G Architecture |
Artail, Hassan |
S1.5 |
13 |
Managing Interference in D2D Networks via Clustering and Topological Awareness |
Askoxylakis, Ioannis |
S5.2 |
140 |
The Interoperability of Things |
S5.3 |
147 |
Towards a Security, Privacy, Dependability, Interoperability Framework for the Internet of Things |
Assaad, Mohamad |
S1.5 |
13 |
Managing Interference in D2D Networks via Clustering and Topological Awareness |
Astudillo, Carlos |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Atxutegi, Eneko |
S6.5 |
197 |
5GENESIS: The Genesis of a flexible 5G Facility |
Atzeni, Italo |
S12.3 |
398 |
On the Performance of Covariance Shaping in Massive MIMO Systems |
Atzori, Luigi |
S11.6 |
380 |
A QoE monitoring solution for LTE-Advanced Pro networks |
Ayenew, Tadege |
S12.5 |
410 |
Dynamic Programming Based Content Placement Strategy for 5G and Beyond Cellular Networks |
B A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Baños Polglase, Janie |
S6.6 |
203 |
TRIANGLE: a Platform to Validate 5G KPIs in End to End scenarios |
Bellavista, Paolo |
S3.3 |
86 |
In-memory Spatial-Aware Framework for Processing Proximity-Alike Queries in Big Spatial Data |
S7.6 |
241 |
DRIVE: Discovery seRvice for fully-Integrated 5G enVironmEnt in the IoT |
Benati, Filippo |
S3.4 |
92 |
Catching free-riders: in-network adblock detection with machine learning techniques |
Bittencourt, Luiz |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Bitzas, Dimitris |
S9.3 |
297 |
Uncertainty management for wearable IoT wristband sensors using Laplacian-based Matrix Completion |
Bojovic, Biljana |
S2.2 |
44 |
5G New Radio Numerologies and their Impact on the End-To-End Latency |
Bondorf, Steffen |
S7.5 |
235 |
The Deterministic Network Calculus Analysis: Reliability Insights and Performance Improvements |
Boschi, Mattia |
S6.2 |
179 |
Assessing QoE-driven management policies for VoIP and Video Streaming service provisioning |
Bosneag, Anne-Marie |
S6.5 |
197 |
5GENESIS: The Genesis of a flexible 5G Facility |
Both, Cristiano |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Bourazani, Stavroula |
S9.4 |
303 |
Edge Caching Architecture for Media Delivery over P2P Networks |
Braga, Raphael |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Bröring, Arne |
S5.2 |
140 |
The Interoperability of Things |
Brunstrom, Anna |
S6.5 |
197 |
5GENESIS: The Genesis of a flexible 5G Facility |
C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Caldognetto, Tommaso |
S10.4 |
338 |
Plug and Play DC-DC Converters for Smart DC Nanogrids with Advanced Control Ancillary Services |
Camps, Daniel |
S4.6 |
129 |
Network Services SLAs over 5G Infrastructure Converging Disaggregated Network and Compute Resources |
Canegallo, Roberto |
S10.3 |
332 |
PV cell characteristic extraction to verify power transfer efficiency in indoor harvesting system |
Cañete, Francisco |
S2.1 |
38 |
Understanding the Impact of Line-of-Sight in the Ergodic Spectral Efficiency of Cellular Networks |
Canto Palancar, Rafael |
S4.6 |
129 |
Network Services SLAs over 5G Infrastructure Converging Disaggregated Network and Compute Resources |
Capone, Antonio |
S3.4 |
92 |
Catching free-riders: in-network adblock detection with machine learning techniques |
Cárdenas Angelat, Carlos |
S6.6 |
203 |
TRIANGLE: a Platform to Validate 5G KPIs in End to End scenarios |
Castañeda, Oscar |
S6.6 |
203 |
TRIANGLE: a Platform to Validate 5G KPIs in End to End scenarios |
Castor, Douglas |
S11.3 |
361 |
End-to-End Simulation of Integrated Access and Backhaul at mmWaves |
Cattoni, Andrea |
S6.6 |
203 |
TRIANGLE: a Platform to Validate 5G KPIs in End to End scenarios |
Cavalcante, Andre |
S11.2 |
355 |
Coaxial Networks for 5G Fronthaul |
Chatzigiannakis, Ioannis |
S9.3 |
297 |
Uncertainty management for wearable IoT wristband sensors using Laplacian-based Matrix Completion |
Chatzimisios, Periklis |
S7.6 |
241 |
DRIVE: Discovery seRvice for fully-Integrated 5G enVironmEnt in the IoT |
S11.6 |
380 |
A QoE monitoring solution for LTE-Advanced Pro networks |
Chatzinotas, Symeon |
S2.3 |
50 |
Antenna Selection Symbol-Level Precoding for Low Complexity Large-Scale Antenna Array Systems |
Chen, Bolin |
S1.3 |
1 |
Bringing LTE to Unlicensed Spectrum: Technical Solutions and Deployment Considerations |
Chen, Zheng |
S1.3 |
1 |
Bringing LTE to Unlicensed Spectrum: Technical Solutions and Deployment Considerations |
Chu, Xiaoli |
S1.4 |
8 |
Indoor Multiple-User MIMO Channel Measurement and Characterization |
Ciambrone, Daniele |
S6.2 |
179 |
Assessing QoE-driven management policies for VoIP and Video Streaming service provisioning |
Collins, Diarmuid |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Colman Meixner, Carlos |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Corradi, Antonio |
S3.3 |
86 |
In-memory Spatial-Aware Framework for Processing Proximity-Alike Queries in Big Spatial Data |
Cosmas, John |
S6.1 |
172 |
Software Defined Selective Traffic Offloading (SDSTO) |
Cottatellucci, Laura |
S12.3 |
398 |
On the Performance of Covariance Shaping in Massive MIMO Systems |
Crescentini, Marco |
S10.5 |
344 |
A CMOS RF-Powered Tag with Sensing and Localization Capabilities |
D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
DaSilva, Luiz |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Datsika, Eftychia |
S4.5 |
123 |
Medium-transparent Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for 5G Fiber Wireless Dense Fronthaul Networks |
de Jesus Martins, Rafael |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Demestichas, Panagiotis |
S4.1 |
102 |
Fiber-Wireless Fronthaul/Backhaul Network Architectures for 5G |
Diaz Zayas, Almudena |
S6.6 |
203 |
TRIANGLE: a Platform to Validate 5G KPIs in End to End scenarios |
Dieudonné, Michael |
S6.6 |
203 |
TRIANGLE: a Platform to Validate 5G KPIs in End to End scenarios |
Dilmore, Michael |
S4.3 |
112 |
Analysing Interface Bonding in 5G WLANs |
Ding, Liqin |
S1.4 |
8 |
Indoor Multiple-User MIMO Channel Measurement and Characterization |
Dini, Michele |
S10.5 |
344 |
A CMOS RF-Powered Tag with Sensing and Localization Capabilities |
do Carmo, Alexandre |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Dominicini, Cristina |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Domouchtsidis, Stavros |
S2.3 |
50 |
Antenna Selection Symbol-Level Precoding for Low Complexity Large-Scale Antenna Array Systems |
Dong, Mianxiong |
S2.4 |
56 |
Binary Reed-Solomon Coding Based Distributed Storage Scheme in Information-Centric Fog Networks |
S3.1 |
74 |
Toward Intelligent Detection Modelling for Adversarial Samples in Convolutional Neural Networks |
S3.2 |
80 |
Deep Reinforcement Learning based Smart Mitigation of DDoS Flooding in Software-Defined Networks |
Doumiati, Salam |
S1.5 |
13 |
Managing Interference in D2D Networks via Clustering and Topological Awareness |
Duarte, Jorge |
S10.2 |
326 |
Frequency Estimation for Grid-connected Converters under Time-varying Harmonics and Inter-harmonics |
Duque, Carlos |
S10.2 |
326 |
Frequency Estimation for Grid-connected Converters under Time-varying Harmonics and Inter-harmonics |
E A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Elshatshat, Mohamed |
S1.8 |
32 |
Improving the Spectral Efficiency in Dense Heterogeneous Networks Using D2D-Assisted eICIC |
Emmelmann, Marc |
S6.5 |
197 |
5GENESIS: The Genesis of a flexible 5G Facility |
Escobar-Molero, Antonio |
S10.1 |
320 |
Why Use RF Energy Harvesting in Smart Grids |
F A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Fattore, Umberto |
S12.1 |
386 |
5GC+: an Experimental Proof of a Programmable Mobile Core for 5G |
Filis, Konstantinos |
S4.1 |
102 |
Fiber-Wireless Fronthaul/Backhaul Network Architectures for 5G |
S4.6 |
129 |
Network Services SLAs over 5G Infrastructure Converging Disaggregated Network and Compute Resources |
Flizikowski, Adam |
S12.6 |
416 |
Monitoring and Analytics for the Optimisation of Cloud Enabled Small Cells |
Fögen, Markus |
S7.5 |
235 |
The Deterministic Network Calculus Analysis: Reliability Insights and Performance Improvements |
Fonseca, Nelson L. S. da |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Foschini, Luca |
S3.3 |
86 |
In-memory Spatial-Aware Framework for Processing Proximity-Alike Queries in Big Spatial Data |
S7.6 |
241 |
DRIVE: Discovery seRvice for fully-Integrated 5G enVironmEnt in the IoT |
Foteas, Andreas |
S6.4 |
191 |
5G Performance Testing of Mobile Chatbot Applications |
Franchi, Eleonora |
S10.3 |
332 |
PV cell characteristic extraction to verify power transfer efficiency in indoor harvesting system |
Frascolla, Valerio |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
S6.5 |
197 |
5GENESIS: The Genesis of a flexible 5G Facility |
Freitas, Marx |
S11.2 |
355 |
Coaxial Networks for 5G Fronthaul |
Fysarakis, Konstantinos |
S5.2 |
140 |
The Interoperability of Things |
S5.3 |
147 |
Towards a Security, Privacy, Dependability, Interoperability Framework for the Internet of Things |
G A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Gama, Eduardo |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
García, Víctor |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Garcia Corrales, Celia |
S2.1 |
38 |
Understanding the Impact of Line-of-Sight in the Ergodic Spectral Efficiency of Cellular Networks |
Garcia Osma, Maria |
S6.5 |
197 |
5GENESIS: The Genesis of a flexible 5G Facility |
Gardikis, Georgios |
S6.5 |
197 |
5GENESIS: The Genesis of a flexible 5G Facility |
Gatzianas, Marios |
S4.5 |
123 |
Medium-transparent Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for 5G Fiber Wireless Dense Fronthaul Networks |
Georgakopoulos, Panagiotis |
S9.5 |
308 |
Considering CoMP for efficient cooperation among heterogeneous small cells in 5G networks |
Gesbert, David |
S12.3 |
398 |
On the Performance of Covariance Shaping in Massive MIMO Systems |
Giannelli, Carlo |
S7.3 |
222 |
Supporting the Development of Next-generation Fog Services |
Giannoulakis, Ioannis |
S12.6 |
416 |
Monitoring and Analytics for the Optimisation of Cloud Enabled Small Cells |
Giordani, Marco |
S11.3 |
361 |
End-to-End Simulation of Integrated Access and Backhaul at mmWaves |
Giupponi, Lorenza |
S2.2 |
44 |
5G New Radio Numerologies and their Impact on the End-To-End Latency |
Giust, Fabio |
S12.1 |
386 |
5GC+: an Experimental Proof of a Programmable Mobile Core for 5G |
Gomes, Roberta |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Goto, Hideaki |
S11.5 |
374 |
Automatic Roaming Consortium Discovery and Routing for Large-Scale Wireless LAN Roaming Systems |
Goyal, Sanjay |
S11.3 |
361 |
End-to-End Simulation of Integrated Access and Backhaul at mmWaves |
Grigoriou, Elisavet |
S11.6 |
380 |
A QoE monitoring solution for LTE-Advanced Pro networks |
Guimaraes, Julio Cesar |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Guimaraes, Rafael |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Gutiérrez, Jesús |
S4.6 |
129 |
Network Services SLAs over 5G Infrastructure Converging Disaggregated Network and Compute Resources |
H A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Hasslinger, Frank |
S7.4 |
228 |
Comparing Web Cache Implementations for Fast Updates Based on LRU, LFU and Score Based Strategies |
Hasslinger, Gerhard |
S7.4 |
228 |
Comparing Web Cache Implementations for Fast Updates Based on LRU, LFU and Score Based Strategies |
Hatzivasilis, George |
S5.2 |
140 |
The Interoperability of Things |
S8.1 |
247 |
Blockchains as Enablers for Auditing Cooperative Circular Economy Networks |
Hidalgo, Javier |
S12.6 |
416 |
Monitoring and Analytics for the Optimisation of Cloud Enabled Small Cells |
Hohlfeld, Oliver |
S7.4 |
228 |
Comparing Web Cache Implementations for Fast Updates Based on LRU, LFU and Score Based Strategies |
I A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Ioannidis, Sotiris |
S2.5 |
61 |
BitSurfing: Wireless Communications with Outsourced Symbol Generation |
S8.3 |
260 |
Towards a Circular Economy via Intelligent Metamaterials |
Irie, Kazunari |
S11.5 |
374 |
Automatic Roaming Consortium Discovery and Routing for Large-Scale Wireless LAN Roaming Systems |
J A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Javed, Nauman |
S6.3 |
185 |
Multi-Agent RL based User-Centric Spectrum Allocation Scheme in D2D enabled Hetnets |
Jawad, Nawar |
S6.1 |
172 |
Software Defined Selective Traffic Offloading (SDSTO) |
Jimeno, Elisa |
S12.6 |
416 |
Monitoring and Analytics for the Optimisation of Cloud Enabled Small Cells |
K A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Kafetzakis, Emmanouil |
S12.6 |
416 |
Monitoring and Analytics for the Optimisation of Cloud Enabled Small Cells |
Kalfas, George |
S4.1 |
102 |
Fiber-Wireless Fronthaul/Backhaul Network Architectures for 5G |
S4.5 |
123 |
Medium-transparent Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for 5G Fiber Wireless Dense Fronthaul Networks |
Kantarci, Burak |
S8.4 |
266 |
Empowering Human-Computer Interaction in Securing Smartphone Sensing |
Kapari, Marianna |
S6.4 |
191 |
5G Performance Testing of Mobile Chatbot Applications |
Kapisch, Eder |
S10.2 |
326 |
Frequency Estimation for Grid-connected Converters under Time-varying Harmonics and Inter-harmonics |
Kartsakli, Elli |
S4.5 |
123 |
Medium-transparent Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for 5G Fiber Wireless Dense Fronthaul Networks |
S12.2 |
392 |
Application and Network VNF migration in a MEC-enabled 5G Architecture |
Karypidou, Kyriaki |
S7.6 |
241 |
DRIVE: Discovery seRvice for fully-Integrated 5G enVironmEnt in the IoT |
Katos, Vasilios |
S8.1 |
247 |
Blockchains as Enablers for Auditing Cooperative Circular Economy Networks |
S8.2 |
254 |
Blockchain-based Electronic Patient Records for Regulated Circular Healthcare Jurisdictions |
Kearney, Keven |
S5.4 |
153 |
Key challenges for developing a Socially Assistive Robotic (SAR) solution for the health sector |
Khodamoradi, Aram |
S10.4 |
338 |
Plug and Play DC-DC Converters for Smart DC Nanogrids with Advanced Control Ancillary Services |
Kotsopoulos, Stavros |
S9.5 |
308 |
Considering CoMP for efficient cooperation among heterogeneous small cells in 5G networks |
Kouah, Riad |
S8.5 |
272 |
Energy-aware Placement For IoT-Service Function Chain |
Koudouridis, Georgios |
S9.6 |
314 |
High Quality Mobile XR: Requirements and Feasibility |
Koumaras, Harilaos |
S6.4 |
191 |
5G Performance Testing of Mobile Chatbot Applications |
S6.5 |
197 |
5GENESIS: The Genesis of a flexible 5G Facility |
Koumaras, Vaios |
S6.4 |
191 |
5G Performance Testing of Mobile Chatbot Applications |
S6.5 |
197 |
5GENESIS: The Genesis of a flexible 5G Facility |
Kulkarni, Vivek |
S5.2 |
140 |
The Interoperability of Things |
L A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Lagen, Sandra |
S2.2 |
44 |
5G New Radio Numerologies and their Impact on the End-To-End Latency |
Lalos, Aris |
S9.3 |
297 |
Uncertainty management for wearable IoT wristband sensors using Laplacian-based Matrix Completion |
Lando, Gabriel |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Laraba, Abir |
S8.5 |
272 |
Energy-aware Placement For IoT-Service Function Chain |
Lent, Ricardo |
S2.6 |
68 |
Regulating the Block Loss Ratio of the Licklider Transmission Protocol |
Li, Jianhua |
S3.2 |
80 |
Deep Reinforcement Learning based Smart Mitigation of DDoS Flooding in Software-Defined Networks |
Liao, Siyi |
S2.4 |
56 |
Binary Reed-Solomon Coding Based Distributed Storage Scheme in Information-Centric Fog Networks |
Liaskos, Christos |
S2.5 |
61 |
BitSurfing: Wireless Communications with Outsourced Symbol Generation |
S8.3 |
260 |
Towards a Circular Economy via Intelligent Metamaterials |
Liebsch, Marco |
S12.1 |
386 |
5GC+: an Experimental Proof of a Programmable Mobile Core for 5G |
Liu, Guangyuan |
S10.4 |
338 |
Plug and Play DC-DC Converters for Smart DC Nanogrids with Advanced Control Ancillary Services |
Liu, Lizheng |
S3.5 |
98 |
A Smart Unstaffed Retail Shop Based on Artificial Intelligence and IoT |
Liu, Yandong |
S3.2 |
80 |
Deep Reinforcement Learning based Smart Mitigation of DDoS Flooding in Software-Defined Networks |
Lopez-Martinez, Francisco Javier |
S2.1 |
38 |
Understanding the Impact of Line-of-Sight in the Ergodic Spectral Efficiency of Cellular Networks |
Lundqvist, Henrik |
S9.6 |
314 |
High Quality Mobile XR: Requirements and Feasibility |
Lyberopoulos, George |
S4.1 |
102 |
Fiber-Wireless Fronthaul/Backhaul Network Architectures for 5G |
S4.6 |
129 |
Network Services SLAs over 5G Infrastructure Converging Disaggregated Network and Compute Resources |
M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Macedo, Daniel |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Madeira, Edmundo |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Magnone, Paolo |
S10.4 |
338 |
Plug and Play DC-DC Converters for Smart DC Nanogrids with Advanced Control Ancillary Services |
Mahmood, Kashif |
S5.5 |
160 |
Comparison of M2M traffic models against real world data sets |
Mangili, Michele |
S3.4 |
92 |
Catching free-riders: in-network adblock detection with machine learning techniques |
Maniotis, Pavlos |
S4.5 |
123 |
Medium-transparent Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for 5G Fiber Wireless Dense Fronthaul Networks |
Markakis, Evangelos |
S9.1 |
285 |
On the Efficiency Evaluation of a Novel Scheme Based on Daubechies Wavelet for Watermarking in 5G |
S9.4 |
303 |
Edge Caching Architecture for Media Delivery over P2P Networks |
Marques, Paulo |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Marquez-Barja, Johann |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Martin-Vega, Francisco J. |
S2.1 |
38 |
Understanding the Impact of Line-of-Sight in the Ergodic Spectral Efficiency of Cellular Networks |
Martinello, Magnos |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Mastorakis, George |
S9.1 |
285 |
On the Efficiency Evaluation of a Novel Scheme Based on Daubechies Wavelet for Watermarking in 5G |
S9.4 |
303 |
Edge Caching Architecture for Media Delivery over P2P Networks |
Mattavelli, Paolo |
S10.4 |
338 |
Plug and Play DC-DC Converters for Smart DC Nanogrids with Advanced Control Ancillary Services |
Mavromoustakis, Constandinos |
S9.1 |
285 |
On the Efficiency Evaluation of a Novel Scheme Based on Daubechies Wavelet for Watermarking in 5G |
S9.4 |
303 |
Edge Caching Architecture for Media Delivery over P2P Networks |
Medeiros, Eduardo |
S11.2 |
355 |
Coaxial Networks for 5G Fronthaul |
Merakos, Lazaros |
S12.4 |
404 |
NB-IoT: A Candidate Technology for Massive IoT in the 5G Era |
S12.5 |
410 |
Dynamic Programming Based Content Placement Strategy for 5G and Beyond Cellular Networks |
Merino, Pedro |
S6.5 |
197 |
5GENESIS: The Genesis of a flexible 5G Facility |
S6.6 |
203 |
TRIANGLE: a Platform to Validate 5G KPIs in End to End scenarios |
Mesodiakaki, Agapi |
S4.5 |
123 |
Medium-transparent Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for 5G Fiber Wireless Dense Fronthaul Networks |
Mesogiti, Ioanna |
S4.1 |
102 |
Fiber-Wireless Fronthaul/Backhaul Network Architectures for 5G |
S4.6 |
129 |
Network Services SLAs over 5G Infrastructure Converging Disaggregated Network and Compute Resources |
Mezzanotte, Paolo |
S10.5 |
344 |
A CMOS RF-Powered Tag with Sensing and Localization Capabilities |
Miaoudakis, Andreas |
S5.3 |
147 |
Towards a Security, Privacy, Dependability, Interoperability Framework for the Internet of Things |
Mongay Batalla, Jordi |
S9.1 |
285 |
On the Efficiency Evaluation of a Novel Scheme Based on Daubechies Wavelet for Watermarking in 5G |
Montanari, Rebecca |
S3.3 |
86 |
In-memory Spatial-Aware Framework for Processing Proximity-Alike Queries in Big Spatial Data |
Moreno Cruz, Fernando |
S10.1 |
320 |
Why Use RF Energy Harvesting in Smart Grids |
Moro, Daniele |
S3.4 |
92 |
Catching free-riders: in-network adblock detection with machine learning techniques |
Moustakas, Konstantinos |
S9.3 |
297 |
Uncertainty management for wearable IoT wristband sensors using Laplacian-based Matrix Completion |
Munaretto, Daniele |
S6.5 |
197 |
5GENESIS: The Genesis of a flexible 5G Facility |
Mursia, Placido |
S12.3 |
398 |
On the Performance of Covariance Shaping in Massive MIMO Systems |
N A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Nadeem Sial, Muhammad |
S6.3 |
185 |
Multi-Agent RL based User-Centric Spectrum Allocation Scheme in D2D enabled Hetnets |
Narayanan, Subin |
S12.4 |
404 |
NB-IoT: A Candidate Technology for Massive IoT in the 5G Era |
Nejabati, Reza |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Nikoloudakis, Yannis |
S9.4 |
303 |
Edge Caching Architecture for Media Delivery over P2P Networks |
Nousias, Stavros |
S9.3 |
297 |
Uncertainty management for wearable IoT wristband sensors using Laplacian-based Matrix Completion |
Ntougias, Konstantinos |
S7.4 |
228 |
Comparing Web Cache Implementations for Fast Updates Based on LRU, LFU and Score Based Strategies |
O A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Oikonomou, Efthymios |
S7.2 |
216 |
Optimized Cloudlet management in Edge Computing environment |
Oliveira, Afonso |
S8.6 |
279 |
Connecting NS-3 with Cooja |
Ota, Kaoru |
S2.4 |
56 |
Binary Reed-Solomon Coding Based Distributed Storage Scheme in Information-Centric Fog Networks |
S3.1 |
74 |
Toward Intelligent Detection Modelling for Adversarial Samples in Convolutional Neural Networks |
S3.2 |
80 |
Deep Reinforcement Learning based Smart Mitigation of DDoS Flooding in Software-Defined Networks |
Ottersten, Björn |
S2.3 |
50 |
Antenna Selection Symbol-Level Precoding for Low Complexity Large-Scale Antenna Array Systems |
P A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Pallis, Evangelos |
S9.1 |
285 |
On the Efficiency Evaluation of a Novel Scheme Based on Daubechies Wavelet for Watermarking in 5G |
S9.4 |
303 |
Edge Caching Architecture for Media Delivery over P2P Networks |
Panno, Daniela |
S11.1 |
349 |
A New Joint Scheduling Scheme for GBR and non-GBR Services in 5G RAN |
Papadakis, Stefanos |
S1.8 |
32 |
Improving the Spectral Efficiency in Dense Heterogeneous Networks Using D2D-Assisted eICIC |
Papaioannou, Angeliki |
S6.4 |
191 |
5G Performance Testing of Mobile Chatbot Applications |
Pappas, Nikolaos |
S1.3 |
1 |
Bringing LTE to Unlicensed Spectrum: Technical Solutions and Deployment Considerations |
Paris, Jose Francisco |
S2.1 |
38 |
Understanding the Impact of Line-of-Sight in the Ergodic Spectral Efficiency of Cellular Networks |
Passas, Nikos |
S12.4 |
404 |
NB-IoT: A Candidate Technology for Massive IoT in the 5G Era |
S12.5 |
410 |
Dynamic Programming Based Content Placement Strategy for 5G and Beyond Cellular Networks |
Patriciello, Natale |
S2.2 |
44 |
5G New Radio Numerologies and their Impact on the End-To-End Latency |
Pérez-Romero, Jordi |
S1.6 |
20 |
Guaranteed Bit Rate Traffic Prioritisation and Isolation in Multi-tenant Radio Access Networks |
S11.4 |
368 |
An Efficient Mode Selection for improving Resource Utilization in Sidelink V2X Cellular Networks |
S12.6 |
416 |
Monitoring and Analytics for the Optimisation of Cloud Enabled Small Cells |
Perilli, Luca |
S10.3 |
332 |
PV cell characteristic extraction to verify power transfer efficiency in indoor harvesting system |
Perugini, Luca |
S10.3 |
332 |
PV cell characteristic extraction to verify power transfer efficiency in indoor harvesting system |
Pervez, Farrukh |
S6.3 |
185 |
Multi-Agent RL based User-Centric Spectrum Allocation Scheme in D2D enabled Hetnets |
Petroulakis, Nikolaos |
S5.3 |
147 |
Towards a Security, Privacy, Dependability, Interoperability Framework for the Internet of Things |
S8.2 |
254 |
Blockchain-based Electronic Patient Records for Regulated Circular Healthcare Jurisdictions |
Picoreti, Rodolfo |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Pielli, Chiara |
S5.5 |
160 |
Comparison of M2M traffic models against real world data sets |
Pilloni, Virginia |
S11.6 |
380 |
A QoE monitoring solution for LTE-Advanced Pro networks |
Pinheiro, Joao |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Pizzotti, Matteo |
S10.3 |
332 |
PV cell characteristic extraction to verify power transfer efficiency in indoor harvesting system |
S10.5 |
344 |
A CMOS RF-Powered Tag with Sensing and Localization Capabilities |
Pleros, Nikos |
S4.1 |
102 |
Fiber-Wireless Fronthaul/Backhaul Network Architectures for 5G |
Polese, Michele |
S11.3 |
361 |
End-to-End Simulation of Integrated Access and Backhaul at mmWaves |
Politis, Ilias |
S9.2 |
291 |
On the performance of SIP-based next generation emergency services |
S9.4 |
303 |
Edge Caching Architecture for Media Delivery over P2P Networks |
S9.5 |
308 |
Considering CoMP for efficient cooperation among heterogeneous small cells in 5G networks |
Poltronieri, Filippo |
S7.1 |
210 |
Phileas: A Simulation-based Approach for the Evaluation of Value-based Fog Services |
S7.3 |
222 |
Supporting the Development of Next-generation Fog Services |
Pomante, Luigi |
S6.2 |
179 |
Assessing QoE-driven management policies for VoIP and Video Streaming service provisioning |
Presenza, Domenico |
S5.4 |
153 |
Key challenges for developing a Socially Assistive Robotic (SAR) solution for the health sector |
Pubill, David |
S5.1 |
134 |
Scalable and Flexible IoT data analytics: when Machine Learning meets SDN and Virtualization |
S5.6 |
166 |
Harvesting artificial light indoors to power perpetually a Wireless Sensor Network node |
Q A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Qiao, Zhuobiao |
S3.1 |
74 |
Toward Intelligent Detection Modelling for Adversarial Samples in Convolutional Neural Networks |
Queiroz, Felippe |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Qvarfordt, Christer |
S9.6 |
314 |
High Quality Mobile XR: Requirements and Feasibility |
R A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Raddo, Thiago |
S4.4 |
117 |
The Fronthaul Infrastructure of 5G Mobile Networks |
Ramantas, Kostas |
S12.2 |
392 |
Application and Network VNF migration in a MEC-enabled 5G Architecture |
Rauen, Zachary |
S8.4 |
266 |
Empowering Human-Computer Interaction in Securing Smartphone Sensing |
Ravagnani, Giuseppe |
S5.5 |
160 |
Comparison of M2M traffic models against real world data sets |
Ribeiro, Moises |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Riccobene, Vincenzo |
S12.6 |
416 |
Monitoring and Analytics for the Optimisation of Cloud Enabled Small Cells |
Rigelsford, Jonathan |
S1.7 |
26 |
A System for Optimizing Small-Cell Deployment in 2-Tier HetNets |
Riolo, Salvatore |
S11.1 |
349 |
A New Joint Scheduling Scheme for GBR and non-GBR Services in 5G RAN |
Romani, Aldo |
S10.5 |
344 |
A CMOS RF-Powered Tag with Sensing and Localization Capabilities |
Rommel, Simon |
S4.4 |
117 |
The Fronthaul Infrastructure of 5G Mobile Networks |
Ropodi, Athina |
S4.1 |
102 |
Fiber-Wireless Fronthaul/Backhaul Network Architectures for 5G |
Roselli, Luca |
S10.5 |
344 |
A CMOS RF-Powered Tag with Sensing and Localization Capabilities |
Rouskas, Angelos |
S7.2 |
216 |
Optimized Cloudlet management in Edge Computing environment |
Roy, Arnab |
S11.3 |
361 |
End-to-End Simulation of Integrated Access and Backhaul at mmWaves |
Ruffini, Marco |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
S A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Saccà, Federica |
S5.4 |
153 |
Key challenges for developing a Socially Assistive Robotic (SAR) solution for the health sector |
Sakkas, Christos |
S6.4 |
191 |
5G Performance Testing of Mobile Chatbot Applications |
Salih, Mukhald |
S6.1 |
172 |
Software Defined Selective Traffic Offloading (SDSTO) |
Sallent, Oriol |
S1.6 |
20 |
Guaranteed Bit Rate Traffic Prioritisation and Isolation in Multi-tenant Radio Access Networks |
S12.6 |
416 |
Monitoring and Analytics for the Optimisation of Cloud Enabled Small Cells |
Sanabria-Russo, Luis |
S5.1 |
134 |
Scalable and Flexible IoT data analytics: when Machine Learning meets SDN and Virtualization |
Sansoni, Marco |
S5.5 |
160 |
Comparison of M2M traffic models against real world data sets |
Saoulidis, Theocharis |
S11.6 |
380 |
A QoE monitoring solution for LTE-Advanced Pro networks |
Sarrigiannis, Ioannis |
S12.2 |
392 |
Application and Network VNF migration in a MEC-enabled 5G Architecture |
Scheffler, Alexander |
S7.5 |
235 |
The Deterministic Network Calculus Analysis: Reliability Insights and Performance Improvements |
Schimuneck, Matias |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Schmidt, Florian |
S12.6 |
416 |
Monitoring and Analytics for the Optimisation of Cloud Enabled Small Cells |
Scotece, Domenico |
S7.6 |
241 |
DRIVE: Discovery seRvice for fully-Integrated 5G enVironmEnt in the IoT |
Sena, Emanuel |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Serra, Jordi |
S5.1 |
134 |
Scalable and Flexible IoT data analytics: when Machine Learning meets SDN and Virtualization |
S5.6 |
166 |
Harvesting artificial light indoors to power perpetually a Wireless Sensor Network node |
Serrano, Nicolás |
S4.6 |
129 |
Network Services SLAs over 5G Infrastructure Converging Disaggregated Network and Compute Resources |
Shu, Ye |
S2.4 |
56 |
Binary Reed-Solomon Coding Based Distributed Storage Scheme in Information-Centric Fog Networks |
Sigioltzakis, Eleftherios |
S9.2 |
291 |
On the performance of SIP-based next generation emergency services |
Silva, Carlos Filipe Moreira e |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Silva, Vinicius |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Simeonidou, Dimitra |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Skianis, Harry |
S9.4 |
303 |
Edge Caching Architecture for Media Delivery over P2P Networks |
Slyne, Frank |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Soultatos, Othonas |
S5.3 |
147 |
Towards a Security, Privacy, Dependability, Interoperability Framework for the Internet of Things |
Spanoudakis, George |
S5.2 |
140 |
The Interoperability of Things |
Spanoudakis, George |
S5.3 |
147 |
Towards a Security, Privacy, Dependability, Interoperability Framework for the Internet of Things |
Stefanelli, Cesare |
S7.1 |
210 |
Phileas: A Simulation-based Approach for the Evaluation of Value-based Fog Services |
S7.3 |
222 |
Supporting the Development of Next-generation Fog Services |
Suárez de Puga, Jara |
S6.5 |
197 |
5GENESIS: The Genesis of a flexible 5G Facility |
Suri, Niranjan |
S7.1 |
210 |
Phileas: A Simulation-based Approach for the Evaluation of Value-based Fog Services |
T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Tafur Monroy, Idelfonso |
S4.4 |
117 |
The Fronthaul Infrastructure of 5G Mobile Networks |
Tamburini, Cinzia |
S10.5 |
344 |
A CMOS RF-Powered Tag with Sensing and Localization Capabilities |
Tartagni, Marco |
S10.5 |
344 |
A CMOS RF-Powered Tag with Sensing and Localization Capabilities |
Tennina, Stefano |
S6.2 |
179 |
Assessing QoE-driven management policies for VoIP and Video Streaming service provisioning |
Theodoropoulou, Elina |
S4.1 |
102 |
Fiber-Wireless Fronthaul/Backhaul Network Architectures for 5G |
S4.6 |
129 |
Network Services SLAs over 5G Infrastructure Converging Disaggregated Network and Compute Resources |
Tibola, Gabriel |
S10.2 |
326 |
Frequency Estimation for Grid-connected Converters under Time-varying Harmonics and Inter-harmonics |
Tortonesi, Mauro |
S7.1 |
210 |
Phileas: A Simulation-based Approach for the Evaluation of Value-based Fog Services |
S7.3 |
222 |
Supporting the Development of Next-generation Fog Services |
Trevisan, Ana |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Triantafyllopoulou, Dionysia |
S6.5 |
197 |
5GENESIS: The Genesis of a flexible 5G Facility |
Tsagkaris, Konstantinos |
S4.1 |
102 |
Fiber-Wireless Fronthaul/Backhaul Network Architectures for 5G |
Tselios, Christos |
S9.3 |
297 |
Uncertainty management for wearable IoT wristband sensors using Laplacian-based Matrix Completion |
Tsinos, Christos |
S2.3 |
50 |
Antenna Selection Symbol-Level Precoding for Low Complexity Large-Scale Antenna Array Systems |
Tsioliaridou, Ageliki |
S2.5 |
61 |
BitSurfing: Wireless Communications with Outsourced Symbol Generation |
S8.3 |
260 |
Towards a Circular Economy via Intelligent Metamaterials |
Tsolkas, Dimitris |
S6.2 |
179 |
Assessing QoE-driven management policies for VoIP and Video Streaming service provisioning |
S6.5 |
197 |
5GENESIS: The Genesis of a flexible 5G Facility |
S12.4 |
404 |
NB-IoT: A Candidate Technology for Massive IoT in the 5G Era |
Tzanakaki, Anna |
S4.6 |
129 |
Network Services SLAs over 5G Infrastructure Converging Disaggregated Network and Compute Resources |
U A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Umbert, Anna |
S1.6 |
20 |
Guaranteed Bit Rate Traffic Prioritisation and Isolation in Multi-tenant Radio Access Networks |
V A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Vagionas, Chris |
S4.1 |
102 |
Fiber-Wireless Fronthaul/Backhaul Network Architectures for 5G |
S4.5 |
123 |
Medium-transparent Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for 5G Fiber Wireless Dense Fronthaul Networks |
Vardakas, John |
S4.5 |
123 |
Medium-transparent Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for 5G Fiber Wireless Dense Fronthaul Networks |
Vassallo, Raquel |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Vazão, Teresa |
S8.6 |
279 |
Connecting NS-3 with Cooja |
Verikoukis, Christos |
S5.1 |
134 |
Scalable and Flexible IoT data analytics: when Machine Learning meets SDN and Virtualization |
S5.6 |
166 |
Harvesting artificial light indoors to power perpetually a Wireless Sensor Network node |
S12.2 |
392 |
Application and Network VNF migration in a MEC-enabled 5G Architecture |
Vilà, Irene |
S1.6 |
20 |
Guaranteed Bit Rate Traffic Prioritisation and Isolation in Multi-tenant Radio Access Networks |
Villaca, Rodolfo |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Villas, Leandro |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Virili, Marco |
S10.5 |
344 |
A CMOS RF-Powered Tag with Sensing and Localization Capabilities |
W A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Wang, Yang |
S1.4 |
8 |
Indoor Multiple-User MIMO Channel Measurement and Characterization |
Weyl Costa, Joao |
S11.2 |
355 |
Coaxial Networks for 5G Fronthaul |
Wickboldt, Juliano |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Wright, Philip |
S5.4 |
153 |
Key challenges for developing a Socially Assistive Robotic (SAR) solution for the health sector |
Wu, Jun |
S2.4 |
56 |
Binary Reed-Solomon Coding Based Distributed Storage Scheme in Information-Centric Fog Networks |
S3.1 |
74 |
Toward Intelligent Detection Modelling for Adversarial Samples in Convolutional Neural Networks |
S3.2 |
80 |
Deep Reinforcement Learning based Smart Mitigation of DDoS Flooding in Software-Defined Networks |
X A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Xenakis, Dionysis |
S12.5 |
410 |
Dynamic Programming Based Content Placement Strategy for 5G and Beyond Cellular Networks |
Y A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Yeh, Shih-Ching |
S3.5 |
98 |
A Smart Unstaffed Retail Shop Based on Artificial Intelligence and IoT |
Yuan, Di |
S1.3 |
1 |
Bringing LTE to Unlicensed Spectrum: Technical Solutions and Deployment Considerations |
Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Zanella, Andrea |
S5.5 |
160 |
Comparison of M2M traffic models against real world data sets |
Zanotti, Andrea |
S3.3 |
86 |
In-memory Spatial-Aware Framework for Processing Proximity-Alike Queries in Big Spatial Data |
Zhang, Jie |
S1.3 |
1 |
Bringing LTE to Unlicensed Spectrum: Technical Solutions and Deployment Considerations |
S1.4 |
8 |
Indoor Multiple-User MIMO Channel Measurement and Characterization |
Zhang, Jiliang |
S1.4 |
8 |
Indoor Multiple-User MIMO Channel Measurement and Characterization |
Zhang, Yi |
S4.2 |
107 |
Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach |
Zheng, Lirong |
S3.5 |
98 |
A Smart Unstaffed Retail Shop Based on Artificial Intelligence and IoT |
Zhou, Bo |
S3.5 |
98 |
A Smart Unstaffed Retail Shop Based on Artificial Intelligence and IoT |
Zia, Kamran |
S6.3 |
185 |
Multi-Agent RL based User-Centric Spectrum Allocation Scheme in D2D enabled Hetnets |
Zorzi, Michele |
S11.3 |
361 |
End-to-End Simulation of Integrated Access and Backhaul at mmWaves |
Zou, Zhuo |
S3.5 |
98 |
A Smart Unstaffed Retail Shop Based on Artificial Intelligence and IoT |
Zucchetto, Daniel |
S5.5 |
160 |
Comparison of M2M traffic models against real world data sets |