Author |
Session |
Start page |
Title |
A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Adi, Sumarni |
2-G.5 |
288 |
Enhance Covid-19 Detection using Inception and Attention Mechanism |
2-G.6 |
294 |
Adoption Tea Leaf Disease Detection using ResNet50 and Advance Hyperparameter |
Adni, Dini |
2-E.5 |
211 |
Polarization-Affinity of Indonesian Political Figures: Insights from Network of Twitter Followers with Modularity Clustering and Linear Arrangement |
Ahmad, Muh |
1-D.3 |
73 |
Diploma Verification Through Multi-Modal Image Processing: Face Detection, Perforation Text Recognition, and System Architecture Evaluation |
Ahmad, Tohari |
1-A.4 |
18 |
Optimal Feature Set Analysis for Enhanced IoT Malware Detection with RFE and XGBoost |
Akanda, Md.Monir |
2-E.6 |
217 |
Enhancing Early Diagnosis and Precise Classification of Type 2 Diabetes with Diabetic Retinopathy using Machine Learning and Image Processing |
Akbar, Nur Arifin |
2-F.7 |
258 |
Proof of Federated Learning Contribution (PoFLC) for Secure Agri-Data Sharing and Collaborative Model Training |
Alexandrina, Zuraina |
1-C.3 |
55 |
Predictive Maintenance on Milling Machines Using Long Short-Term Memory and Support Vector Machines |
Alfizar, Rezi |
1-B.1 |
24 |
Exploring Deep Object Content through In-hand Tactile Vibration Sensing with Shaking Manipulation |
Alwin, Alwin |
2-F.6 |
252 |
Real Time Air Pollutant Forecast Using Ensemble Learning |
Ambekar, Neelima |
2-D.3 |
176 |
HAN-CapsNet: Multi-polarity based Sentiment Classification using Hierarchical Attention Networks and Capsule Neural Network |
Amelia, Nurul |
2-F.5 |
246 |
Improved Small Object Detection with YOLOv8 in Remote Sensing Imagery: Architecture Modifications and Loss Function Optimization |
Anderies, Anderies |
2-F.6 |
252 |
Real Time Air Pollutant Forecast Using Ensemble Learning |
Anggraini, Ratih Nur Esti |
2-D.2 |
170 |
Phonics Recognition Using Machine Learning with MFCC Extraction |
Anggraini, Rizka |
2-G.1 |
264 |
Multi-Extraction Techniques of Content-Based Music Recommender System |
Aprillia, Bandiyah |
2-D.1 |
165 |
Data Driven State of Health Estimation of Lithium Ion Battery Cells using Machine Learning |
Ardiyanto, Igi |
1-A.2 |
6 |
Various Signal Transformation for Optimizing CNN Model Performance of Earthquake Detection |
Arifin, Muhammad |
1-B.1 |
24 |
Exploring Deep Object Content through In-hand Tactile Vibration Sensing with Shaking Manipulation |
Asharudin, Firman |
2-C.1 |
130 |
Conceptual for Game Development Design with Facial Expressions |
Ataullah, Walid |
1-G.1 |
107 |
Multi-Purpose Security Camera for E-Cigarette Smoke Detection with Semantic Segmentation |
Awaluddin, Muh |
2-C.2 |
136 |
Mapping and Prediction of Stunting Potential Using K-Means Clustering and Support Vector Regression (Case Study Of Palopo City) |
B A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Badriyah, Tessy |
2-E.1 |
188 |
Detection of Tuberculosis Based on X-Ray Image Using The Vision Transformer Method |
Barriga, Zecharia |
1-E.2 |
85 |
In-Silico Pipelined Medical Compound Generation for Neglected Tropical Diseases |
Baskoro, Fajar |
2-C.5 |
154 |
Stock Buy and Sell Predictions Based on Technical Analysis and News Sentiment Using Random Forest |
C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Cahyani, Rifka |
2-E.2 |
194 |
Performance of LORA Gateway MQTT Protocol Communication on Motor Cycle IoT-Based: A QoS Analysis |
Carita, Sa'aadah |
2-G.2 |
270 |
Cryptanalysis of the RSA Cryptosystem Based on n Prime Numbers |
Ch S s, Manikant |
1-F.1 |
91 |
Memory Management and Arbitration for Multi-Channel Duplex Communication on FPGA |
Chang, Yohan |
1-F.2 |
95 |
Pure-inTention x G.I.: Purpose-driven Trip Demand Estimation Framework considering Multi-dimensional Geospatial Information |
Choiruddin, Achmad |
2-D.4 |
182 |
Application of Dynamic Time Warping for Clustering Cellular Data Traffic Pattern |
Chowanda, Andry |
2-F.6 |
252 |
Real Time Air Pollutant Forecast Using Ensemble Learning |
Chowdhury, Tanvir |
2-E.6 |
217 |
Enhancing Early Diagnosis and Precise Classification of Type 2 Diabetes with Diabetic Retinopathy using Machine Learning and Image Processing |
Clarabell, Marsha |
2-D.1 |
165 |
Data Driven State of Health Estimation of Lithium Ion Battery Cells using Machine Learning |
Cook, David |
1-G.3 |
119 |
Honey in Depth: A Multi-Layered Deception Framework for Internet of Things Security |
D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Dahlan, Akhmad |
2-F.1 |
222 |
Systematic Literature Review on Realtime Emotion Detection Using AI Approach |
2-G.5 |
288 |
Enhance Covid-19 Detection using Inception and Attention Mechanism |
Dewi, Puput |
2-G.3 |
276 |
Melon Fruit Quality Classification with Hyperparameter Optimization of Random Forest Algorithm Using Grey Wolf Optimizer |
E A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Ecleo, Joss Chary Borj |
1-E.2 |
85 |
In-Silico Pipelined Medical Compound Generation for Neglected Tropical Diseases |
Emad, Gholam Reza |
2-C.3 |
142 |
Human-Centred Interfaces on Engineering Teleoperation: A Case Study of Utilising Virtual Reality (VR) with Robotic Systems |
F A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Farida, Lilis |
2-F.1 |
222 |
Systematic Literature Review on Realtime Emotion Detection Using AI Approach |
Fatichah, Chastine |
2-C.5 |
154 |
Stock Buy and Sell Predictions Based on Technical Analysis and News Sentiment Using Random Forest |
2-F.3 |
234 |
The Power of Context: A Comparative Analysis of Text Embeddings in Radiology Report Generation |
Fatta, Hanif |
2-F.1 |
222 |
Systematic Literature Review on Realtime Emotion Detection Using AI Approach |
Ferdianto, Dandi |
1-F.3 |
101 |
Common Modulus Attack on the Elliptic Curve-Based RSA Algorithm Variant |
Filza, Muhammad |
2-C.1 |
130 |
Conceptual for Game Development Design with Facial Expressions |
Fitrani, Arif |
2-E.5 |
211 |
Polarization-Affinity of Indonesian Political Figures: Insights from Network of Twitter Followers with Modularity Clustering and Linear Arrangement |
G A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Gadi Parthi, Ashok |
1-B.2 |
30 |
Transfer Learning in Natural Language Processing |
Godakanda, Menaka |
1-G.3 |
119 |
Honey in Depth: A Multi-Layered Deception Framework for Internet of Things Security |
Goran, Elisabeth |
2-G.4 |
282 |
An IoT Pen-Liked Screening Device Characterizations in Tissue Structures of Mouth Cavity Organ |
H A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Halim, Erwin |
2-E.3 |
200 |
Personalize E-Commerce Product Recommendations Based on User Behavior Using Reinforced Learning Algorithms |
Hamdika, Abidjanna |
2-C.5 |
154 |
Stock Buy and Sell Predictions Based on Technical Analysis and News Sentiment Using Random Forest |
Hanafi, Muh |
2-G.5 |
288 |
Enhance Covid-19 Detection using Inception and Attention Mechanism |
2-G.6 |
294 |
Adoption Tea Leaf Disease Detection using ResNet50 and Advance Hyperparameter |
Harahap, Satria |
1-A.1 |
1 |
Optimizing ANN Architecture for Classifying Student Stress Levels |
Hidayat, Risanuri |
1-A.2 |
6 |
Various Signal Transformation for Optimizing CNN Model Performance of Earthquake Detection |
Hoang, Thuong |
2-C.3 |
142 |
Human-Centred Interfaces on Engineering Teleoperation: A Case Study of Utilising Virtual Reality (VR) with Robotic Systems |
Hossain, Sadia |
2-E.6 |
217 |
Enhancing Early Diagnosis and Precise Classification of Type 2 Diabetes with Diabetic Retinopathy using Machine Learning and Image Processing |
I A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Ilham, Amil Ahmad |
2-C.4 |
148 |
Modification of K-Means Clustering Algorithm for Optimizing School Zoning System Using Big Data |
Ilham, Karina |
1-A.4 |
18 |
Optimal Feature Set Analysis for Enhanced IoT Malware Detection with RFE and XGBoost |
Inthavixay, Saynam |
1-E.1 |
79 |
Utilizing Machine Learning Techniques to Identify Anomalies in Financial Transactions for Laos Banking |
Irmawati, Irmawati |
1-C.2 |
49 |
A Comparative Analysis of Transformer Models for Bird Song Recognition Using Mel-Spectrograms |
Iskandar, Abdullah |
1-B.1 |
24 |
Exploring Deep Object Content through In-hand Tactile Vibration Sensing with Shaking Manipulation |
J A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Jacksen, Jacksen |
2-E.3 |
200 |
Personalize E-Commerce Product Recommendations Based on User Behavior Using Reinforced Learning Algorithms |
Jayaram, Vivekananda |
1-B.2 |
30 |
Transfer Learning in Natural Language Processing |
Joe, Julian |
2-E.3 |
200 |
Personalize E-Commerce Product Recommendations Based on User Behavior Using Reinforced Learning Algorithms |
Joseph, Shenson |
1-B.2 |
30 |
Transfer Learning in Natural Language Processing |
K A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Kadarwati, Dinda |
2-E.2 |
194 |
Performance of LORA Gateway MQTT Protocol Communication on Motor Cycle IoT-Based: A QoS Analysis |
Keophilavong, Thongdy |
1-E.1 |
79 |
Utilizing Machine Learning Techniques to Identify Anomalies in Financial Transactions for Laos Banking |
Kusrini, Kusrini |
1-C.3 |
55 |
Predictive Maintenance on Milling Machines Using Long Short-Term Memory and Support Vector Machines |
L A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Laksito, Arif |
2-G.1 |
264 |
Multi-Extraction Techniques of Content-Based Music Recommender System |
Lenzitti, Biagio |
2-F.7 |
258 |
Proof of Federated Learning Contribution (PoFLC) for Secure Agri-Data Sharing and Collaborative Model Training |
Luu, Toan |
2-C.3 |
142 |
Human-Centred Interfaces on Engineering Teleoperation: A Case Study of Utilising Virtual Reality (VR) with Robotic Systems |
Luvena, Angelique |
2-E.3 |
200 |
Personalize E-Commerce Product Recommendations Based on User Behavior Using Reinforced Learning Algorithms |
M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Malathy, Batumalay |
1-G.2 |
113 |
Text Summarization Of Batak Toba Language Using Bidirectional Auto-Regressive Transformers Model |
Mansour, Christopher |
1-G.4 |
125 |
Security of Electric Vehicles: A Brief Survey |
Maruthavanan, Durgaraman |
1-B.2 |
30 |
Transfer Learning in Natural Language Processing |
Mathurin, Justine |
1-A.3 |
12 |
An Autonomic Computing Based Secure Password Management System |
Matin, Iik |
2-E.2 |
194 |
Performance of LORA Gateway MQTT Protocol Communication on Motor Cycle IoT-Based: A QoS Analysis |
Mawardi, Viny |
1-G.2 |
113 |
Text Summarization Of Batak Toba Language Using Bidirectional Auto-Regressive Transformers Model |
Mitasya, Shela |
1-D.2 |
67 |
The Development of Chicken Disease Detection Application Using The Xception Transfer Learning Method |
Munandar, Aris |
1-B.1 |
24 |
Exploring Deep Object Content through In-hand Tactile Vibration Sensing with Shaking Manipulation |
N A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Nafisaputra, Raihan |
2-E.1 |
188 |
Detection of Tuberculosis Based on X-Ray Image Using The Vision Transformer Method |
Navastara, Dini Adni |
1-C.1 |
43 |
Comparison Study of Preprocessing Methods for Corporate Loan Default Prediction |
2-C.5 |
154 |
Stock Buy and Sell Predictions Based on Technical Analysis and News Sentiment Using Random Forest |
Nawaj, Md |
2-E.6 |
217 |
Enhancing Early Diagnosis and Precise Classification of Type 2 Diabetes with Diabetic Retinopathy using Machine Learning and Image Processing |
Nguyen, Quang |
2-C.3 |
142 |
Human-Centred Interfaces on Engineering Teleoperation: A Case Study of Utilising Virtual Reality (VR) with Robotic Systems |
Nimkar, Anant |
2-D.3 |
176 |
HAN-CapsNet: Multi-polarity based Sentiment Classification using Hierarchical Attention Networks and Capsule Neural Network |
Niswar, Muhammad |
2-G.3 |
276 |
Melon Fruit Quality Classification with Hyperparameter Optimization of Random Forest Algorithm Using Grey Wolf Optimizer |
Nova, Muhammad Fachry |
2-D.4 |
182 |
Application of Dynamic Time Warping for Clustering Cellular Data Traffic Pattern |
Nur Karimah, Shofiyati |
2-C.1 |
130 |
Conceptual for Game Development Design with Facial Expressions |
2-E.4 |
206 |
Analysis of the Impact of Memory Overclocking on the Performance of AMD Athlon 200GE |
Nurtanio, Ingrid |
1-D.3 |
73 |
Diploma Verification Through Multi-Modal Image Processing: Face Detection, Perforation Text Recognition, and System Architecture Evaluation |
2-C.2 |
136 |
Mapping and Prediction of Stunting Potential Using K-Means Clustering and Support Vector Regression (Case Study Of Palopo City) |
P A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Park, Seo Hyeon |
1-F.2 |
95 |
Pure-inTention x G.I.: Purpose-driven Trip Demand Estimation Framework considering Multi-dimensional Geospatial Information |
Parmar, Meet |
2-F.2 |
228 |
Time-Delay Compensation in Robotic Arms: A Novel Control Framework |
Patel, Himanshu |
2-C.6 |
159 |
Development and Analysis of Autonomous Vision System for Nuclear Reactor Maintenance |
2-F.2 |
228 |
Time-Delay Compensation in Robotic Arms: A Novel Control Framework |
Pothineni, Balakrishna |
1-B.2 |
30 |
Transfer Learning in Natural Language Processing |
Praditha, Villy |
1-G.1 |
107 |
Multi-Purpose Security Camera for E-Cigarette Smoke Detection with Semantic Segmentation |
Pranata, Caraka Aji |
2-C.1 |
130 |
Conceptual for Game Development Design with Facial Expressions |
Pratama, Alethea Agung |
2-F.6 |
252 |
Real Time Air Pollutant Forecast Using Ensemble Learning |
Pratama, Rian |
1-B.1 |
24 |
Exploring Deep Object Content through In-hand Tactile Vibration Sensing with Shaking Manipulation |
Pratomo, Baskoro |
1-D.1 |
61 |
Normality Shift Identification for Anomaly Detection of Windows Event Logs |
Prihanto, Agus |
1-A.1 |
1 |
Optimizing ANN Architecture for Classifying Student Stress Levels |
Purwananto, Yudhi |
2-E.5 |
211 |
Polarization-Affinity of Indonesian Political Figures: Insights from Network of Twitter Followers with Modularity Clustering and Linear Arrangement |
Purwitasari, Diana |
1-C.1 |
43 |
Comparison Study of Preprocessing Methods for Corporate Loan Default Prediction |
2-E.5 |
211 |
Polarization-Affinity of Indonesian Political Figures: Insights from Network of Twitter Followers with Modularity Clustering and Linear Arrangement |
Putra, Muhammad Aidiel |
1-A.4 |
18 |
Optimal Feature Set Analysis for Enhanced IoT Malware Detection with RFE and XGBoost |
Putrada, Aji |
1-G.1 |
107 |
Multi-Purpose Security Camera for E-Cigarette Smoke Detection with Semantic Segmentation |
Putro, Miko Kastomo |
2-E.4 |
206 |
Analysis of the Impact of Memory Overclocking on the Performance of AMD Athlon 200GE |
Q A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Qoiriah, Anita |
1-A.1 |
1 |
Optimizing ANN Architecture for Classifying Student Stress Levels |
R A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Raharjo, Agus Budi |
2-E.5 |
211 |
Polarization-Affinity of Indonesian Political Figures: Insights from Network of Twitter Followers with Modularity Clustering and Linear Arrangement |
Raharjo, Jangkung |
2-D.1 |
165 |
Data Driven State of Health Estimation of Lithium Ion Battery Cells using Machine Learning |
Rahman, Habibur |
2-E.6 |
217 |
Enhancing Early Diagnosis and Precise Classification of Type 2 Diabetes with Diabetic Retinopathy using Machine Learning and Image Processing |
Rathod, Priyank |
2-C.6 |
159 |
Development and Analysis of Autonomous Vision System for Nuclear Reactor Maintenance |
Rathod, Rajat |
2-C.6 |
159 |
Development and Analysis of Autonomous Vision System for Nuclear Reactor Maintenance |
Razak, Farzana |
2-D.2 |
170 |
Phonics Recognition Using Machine Learning with MFCC Extraction |
Rosdiana, Sri |
1-F.3 |
101 |
Common Modulus Attack on the Elliptic Curve-Based RSA Algorithm Variant |
Rouff, Christopher |
1-A.3 |
12 |
An Autonomic Computing Based Secure Password Management System |
Rozy, Abdus Salam Al |
1-A.2 |
6 |
Various Signal Transformation for Optimizing CNN Model Performance of Earthquake Detection |
S A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Saikhu, Ahmad |
2-C.5 |
154 |
Stock Buy and Sell Predictions Based on Technical Analysis and News Sentiment Using Random Forest |
Salim, Taufik |
1-B.1 |
24 |
Exploring Deep Object Content through In-hand Tactile Vibration Sensing with Shaking Manipulation |
Samosir, Novita |
1-G.2 |
113 |
Text Summarization Of Batak Toba Language Using Bidirectional Auto-Regressive Transformers Model |
Sari, Bety |
2-G.1 |
264 |
Multi-Extraction Techniques of Content-Based Music Recommender System |
Setiaji, Bayu |
2-A.2 |
304 |
Analysis of Round-Robin and Random Scheduling Algorithms on Sensor Node Activation Towards Latency of Wireless Sensor Network |
Setianingsih, Casi |
2-F.5 |
246 |
Improved Small Object Detection with YOLOv8 in Remote Sensing Imagery: Architecture Modifications and Loss Function Optimization |
Setyorini, Fitri |
2-E.1 |
188 |
Detection of Tuberculosis Based on X-Ray Image Using The Vision Transformer Method |
Sierra, Evelyn |
1-C.1 |
43 |
Comparison Study of Preprocessing Methods for Corporate Loan Default Prediction |
Sobhani, S. M. Sabbir |
2-E.6 |
217 |
Enhancing Early Diagnosis and Precise Classification of Type 2 Diabetes with Diabetic Retinopathy using Machine Learning and Image Processing |
Sooai, Adri |
1-A.1 |
1 |
Optimizing ANN Architecture for Classifying Student Stress Levels |
Studiawan, Hudan |
1-D.1 |
61 |
Normality Shift Identification for Anomaly Detection of Windows Event Logs |
Subakti, Misbakhul Munir Irfan |
1-C.1 |
43 |
Comparison Study of Preprocessing Methods for Corporate Loan Default Prediction |
Suciati, Nanik |
2-F.3 |
234 |
The Power of Context: A Comparative Analysis of Text Embeddings in Radiology Report Generation |
Sucipta, I Ketut Yudi |
2-G.2 |
270 |
Cryptanalysis of the RSA Cryptosystem Based on n Prime Numbers |
Sulistiyono, Mulia |
2-G.1 |
264 |
Multi-Extraction Techniques of Content-Based Music Recommender System |
Sulthanah, Nisrina |
2-E.2 |
194 |
Performance of LORA Gateway MQTT Protocol Communication on Motor Cycle IoT-Based: A QoS Analysis |
Sumon, Monjurul |
2-E.6 |
217 |
Enhancing Early Diagnosis and Precise Classification of Type 2 Diabetes with Diabetic Retinopathy using Machine Learning and Image Processing |
Sunaryono, Dwi |
2-D.2 |
170 |
Phonics Recognition Using Machine Learning with MFCC Extraction |
Sunyoto, Andi |
2-A.2 |
304 |
Analysis of Round-Robin and Random Scheduling Algorithms on Sensor Node Activation Towards Latency of Wireless Sensor Network |
Susan George, Suja |
1-F.1 |
91 |
Memory Management and Arbitration for Multi-Channel Duplex Communication on FPGA |
Susanti, Bety |
1-F.3 |
101 |
Common Modulus Attack on the Elliptic Curve-Based RSA Algorithm Variant |
2-G.2 |
270 |
Cryptanalysis of the RSA Cryptosystem Based on n Prime Numbers |
T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Talasari, Resky |
1-D.1 |
61 |
Normality Shift Identification for Anomaly Detection of Windows Event Logs |
Tedjojuwono, Samuel |
2-F.4 |
240 |
Diabetic Retinopathy Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks on Retinal Fundus Imaging |
Tegolo, Domenico |
2-F.7 |
258 |
Proof of Federated Learning Contribution (PoFLC) for Secure Agri-Data Sharing and Collaborative Model Training |
Tekeoglu, Ali |
1-A.3 |
12 |
An Autonomic Computing Based Secure Password Management System |
Tran, Minh |
2-C.3 |
142 |
Human-Centred Interfaces on Engineering Teleoperation: A Case Study of Utilising Virtual Reality (VR) with Robotic Systems |
Tran, Phuoc Thien |
2-C.3 |
142 |
Human-Centred Interfaces on Engineering Teleoperation: A Case Study of Utilising Virtual Reality (VR) with Robotic Systems |
Tsaniya, Hilya |
2-F.3 |
234 |
The Power of Context: A Comparative Analysis of Text Embeddings in Radiology Report Generation |
Tundjungsari, Vitri |
1-D.2 |
67 |
The Development of Chicken Disease Detection Application Using The Xception Transfer Learning Method |
U A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Utami, Ema |
1-B.3 |
37 |
Comparison of Classification Algorithm In Sentiment Analysis of E-Commerce App Comments Based on Feature Extraction and Imbalanced Handling Technique |
W A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Wahid, Eva |
2-C.4 |
148 |
Modification of K-Means Clustering Algorithm for Optimizing School Zoning System Using Big Data |
Wardana, Ananta |
1-B.1 |
24 |
Exploring Deep Object Content through In-hand Tactile Vibration Sensing with Shaking Manipulation |
Wibowo, Ferry Wahyu |
2-A.2 |
304 |
Analysis of Round-Robin and Random Scheduling Algorithms on Sensor Node Activation Towards Latency of Wireless Sensor Network |
Wibowo, Prasetyo |
2-E.1 |
188 |
Detection of Tuberculosis Based on X-Ray Image Using The Vision Transformer Method |
Wibowo, Suryo Adhi |
2-F.5 |
246 |
Improved Small Object Detection with YOLOv8 in Remote Sensing Imagery: Architecture Modifications and Loss Function Optimization |
Wihayati, Wihayati |
2-A.2 |
304 |
Analysis of Round-Robin and Random Scheduling Algorithms on Sensor Node Activation Towards Latency of Wireless Sensor Network |
Wijaya, Arya |
2-C.5 |
154 |
Stock Buy and Sell Predictions Based on Technical Analysis and News Sentiment Using Random Forest |
William, Martin |
2-E.5 |
211 |
Polarization-Affinity of Indonesian Political Figures: Insights from Network of Twitter Followers with Modularity Clustering and Linear Arrangement |
Wilson, Brett |
1-G.4 |
125 |
Security of Electric Vehicles: A Brief Survey |
Winarno, Deandra |
1-C.2 |
49 |
A Comparative Analysis of Transformer Models for Bird Song Recognition Using Mel-Spectrograms |
Y A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Yamasari, Yuni |
1-A.1 |
1 |
Optimizing ANN Architecture for Classifying Student Stress Levels |
Yang, Hao |
2-A.1 |
299 |
SDL: Spoken Dual Learning for Joint Optimization of SLU and SLG |
Yaqin, Ainul |
1-B.3 |
37 |
Comparison of Classification Algorithm In Sentiment Analysis of E-Commerce App Comments Based on Feature Extraction and Imbalanced Handling Technique |
Yulianti, Susana |
2-E.2 |
194 |
Performance of LORA Gateway MQTT Protocol Communication on Motor Cycle IoT-Based: A QoS Analysis |
Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U W Y Z |
Zainuddin, Zahir |
1-D.3 |
73 |
Diploma Verification Through Multi-Modal Image Processing: Face Detection, Perforation Text Recognition, and System Architecture Evaluation |
2-C.2 |
136 |
Mapping and Prediction of Stunting Potential Using K-Means Clustering and Support Vector Regression (Case Study Of Palopo City) |
2-C.4 |
148 |
Modification of K-Means Clustering Algorithm for Optimizing School Zoning System Using Big Data |
2-G.3 |
276 |
Melon Fruit Quality Classification with Hyperparameter Optimization of Random Forest Algorithm Using Grey Wolf Optimizer |