Author |
Session |
Start page |
Title |
A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Abdurrazaq, Isa |
1C.4 |
97 |
Image-Based Classification of Snake Species Using Convolutional Neural Network |
Abeygunawardhana, Pradeep |
4B.2 |
462 |
Simulation of the Influence of environmental factors related to Greenhouses using Augmented Reality |
4C.8 |
505 |
An Intelligent Fashion Designer_TrendiTex |
Adi, Prajanto |
3B.2 |
301 |
Attendance System Based on Face Recognition System Using CNN-PCA Method and Real-time Camera |
4B.3 |
468 |
Fast and Robust Watermarking Method using Walsh Matrix Partition |
Adiyasa, I |
3D.3 |
388 |
Effect of Placement of Scattering Generator Locations on Microgrid Testbed Systems |
Adriansyah, Nachwan |
2B.5 |
188 |
LoRA-based IoT Network Planning for Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Urban, Suburban and Rural Scenario |
Affandi, Achmad |
3D.10 |
414 |
Network Architecture Design of Indonesia Research and Education Network (IDREN) |
Agus Subagyo, Al |
4D.8 |
546 |
Communication Analysis of Host-Based Card Emulation in NFC Enable Mobile Phone |
Akbar, Imadudin |
2B.8 |
205 |
Collaborative Whitelist Packet Filtering Driven by Smart Contract Forum |
Akbarsyah, Haidar |
3D.4 |
394 |
Improvement of Steam Distribution System using Modified Steam Trap in a Furniture Decorative Laminate Industry |
Al Amin, Imam |
3B.2 |
301 |
Attendance System Based on Face Recognition System Using CNN-PCA Method and Real-time Camera |
Alhammadi, Abdulraqeb |
2C.5 |
233 |
Simulation and Experimental Analysis for Indoor Localization System |
Amelia, Tan |
3B.6 |
314 |
Prototype of Automatic Essay Assessment and Plagiarism Detection on Mobile Learning "Molearn" Application Using GLSA Method |
Anggraeni, Dyah |
3D.6 |
403 |
The Third al-Biruni's Method for The Determination of Qibla Direction from Kitab Tahdid Nihayat al-Amakin with The Implementation Based on Arduino Board MCU, GPS Module, and Digital Compass |
Anwar, Muchamad Taufiq |
3B.2 |
301 |
Attendance System Based on Face Recognition System Using CNN-PCA Method and Real-time Camera |
Ariananda, Dyonisius |
2B.2 |
171 |
Interference Management in Heterogeneous Networks using Modified Mothflame Optimization |
Arif, Yunifa Miftachul |
3C.3 |
346 |
Selection of Tourism Destinations Priority Using 6AsTD Framework and Topsis |
Ariffin, Nizamuddin |
4B.7 |
488 |
The Design and Implementation of Trade Finance Application based on Hyperledger Fabric Permissioned Blockchain Platform |
Arifianto, Anditya |
1A.2 |
5 |
Hierarchical SVM-kNN to Classify Music Emotion |
1A.4 |
17 |
Melanoma Cancer Classification Using ResNet with Data Augmentation |
Arisal, Andria |
1B.1 |
38 |
Transferring Multi-Channel Convolutional Neural Network Model for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis |
Arisha, Bella |
2B.4 |
182 |
Improved internet wireless reverse charging models internet under multi link service network by end-to-end delay QoS attribute |
Ariyanto, Mochammad |
3D.5 |
398 |
Design and Kinematic Analysis of a Quarupedal Cat-Like Robot |
4B.1 |
456 |
3D Model of Photogrammetry Technique for Transtibial Prosthetic Socket Design Development |
Arsiwi, Pramudi |
4B.3 |
468 |
Fast and Robust Watermarking Method using Walsh Matrix Partition |
Arsyad, Shofyan |
2A.7 |
154 |
Electronic Loads Control and Management using Priority Queue Algorithm on Android Based Smartphone |
Azhari, Rendi |
2B.3 |
177 |
Simple Protocol Design of Multi-hop Network in LORA |
B A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Bachtiar, Fitra |
1C.6 |
109 |
Convergence Analysis in Swarm Intelligence for City Tour Optimization |
Bagariang, Yosia |
2B.5 |
188 |
LoRA-based IoT Network Planning for Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Urban, Suburban and Rural Scenario |
Basuki, Achmad |
3D.10 |
414 |
Network Architecture Design of Indonesia Research and Education Network (IDREN) |
Basuki, Akbari |
2B.8 |
205 |
Collaborative Whitelist Packet Filtering Driven by Smart Contract Forum |
Basuki, Gamar |
2C.7 |
244 |
Implementation of Genetic Algorithm for Induction Motor Speed Control Based on Vector Control Method |
Bayu, Qhansa |
1A.2 |
5 |
Hierarchical SVM-kNN to Classify Music Emotion |
Bejo, Agus |
2B.3 |
177 |
Simple Protocol Design of Multi-hop Network in LORA |
3A.18 |
279 |
Improvement of Character Segmentation for Indonesian License Plate Recognition Algorithm using CNN |
4A.19 |
450 |
The Development of Lexer and Parser as Parts of Compiler for GAMA32 Processor's Instruction-set using Python |
Budhiman, Arief |
1A.4 |
17 |
Melanoma Cancer Classification Using ResNet with Data Augmentation |
Budi Setiawan, Fajar |
2B.2 |
171 |
Interference Management in Heterogeneous Networks using Modified Mothflame Optimization |
Buhari, Buhari |
3C.5 |
352 |
Optimization of Determination of the Number of Fisheries Supervisory Vessels in the Fisheries Management Area-713 (FMA-713) Using Genetic Algorithms |
Bunga, Muhammad |
3B.12 |
326 |
Developing a Complete Dialogue System Using Long Short-Term Memory |
C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Cinderatama, Toga |
1C.6 |
109 |
Convergence Analysis in Swarm Intelligence for City Tour Optimization |
Clarissa, Vebby |
1C.7 |
114 |
New Reward-Based Movement to Improve Globally-Evolved BCO in Nurse Rostering Problem |
Cloramidina, Ocarina |
3A.20 |
284 |
Evaluation of High Dynamic Range Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment based on Spatial Features |
D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Dadang, Wayan |
1A.6 |
25 |
Security System Using A Robot Based On Speech Recognition |
Dermawan, Denny |
2A.2 |
129 |
Mobile Robot Localization via Unscented Kalman Filter |
Desrul, Dhamir |
3B.9 |
320 |
Abusive Languages Detection on Indonesian Online News Comments |
Djunaidy, Arif |
1B.8 |
73 |
Pair Extraction of Aspect and Implicit Opinion Word based on its Co-occurrence in Corpus of Bahasa Indonesia |
Donabela, Carensy |
4A.5 |
439 |
Design of Automated Polarization based on EDU-QCRY1 |
Dwijayanti, Suci |
1A.6 |
25 |
Security System Using A Robot Based On Speech Recognition |
E A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Eridani, Dania |
2B.7 |
200 |
Monitoring System in Lora Network Architecture using Smart Gateway in Simple LoRa Protocol |
Erwianda, Maximillian |
3B.5 |
309 |
Improving Confusion-State Classifier Model Using XGBoost and Tree-Structured Parzen Estimator |
4C.13 |
511 |
Predicting Student Academic Performance using Machine Learning and Time Management Skill Data |
Eviningsih, Rachma |
2C.7 |
244 |
Implementation of Genetic Algorithm for Induction Motor Speed Control Based on Vector Control Method |
F A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Faisal, Muhammad |
3B.3 |
305 |
SpecAugment Impact on Automatic Speaker Verification System |
Fajar, Ahmad |
4D.15 |
563 |
Recommender System for e-Learning based on Personal Learning Style |
Fajar, Utsman |
3A.4 |
263 |
Captioning Image Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) |
Fall, Doudou |
3A.16 |
269 |
Detection of Megalopa Phase Crab Larvae Using Digital Image Processing |
Fanany, M. Ivan |
3C.14 |
373 |
Indonesia Toll Road Vehicle Classification Using Transfer Learning with Pre-trained Resnet Models |
Faradila Purnama, Arrizky |
2B.6 |
194 |
Designing LoRaWAN Internet of Things Network for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) in Surabaya and Its Surrounding Cities |
Farid, Mifta Nur |
2A.4 |
137 |
Analysis of artificial dielectric material effect on the performance of microstrip antennas |
Fatta, Hanif |
3A.4 |
263 |
Captioning Image Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) |
Fauziati, Silmi |
3A.17 |
273 |
Improving Money Laundering Detection Using Optimized Support Vector Machine |
Fauziati, Silmi |
4C.15 |
516 |
Dropout Prediction Optimization through SMOTE and Ensemble Learning |
Febriana, Maghfirah |
3C.12 |
368 |
School zoning system using K-Means algorithm for high school students in Makassar City |
Februariyanti, Herny |
3B.2 |
301 |
Attendance System Based on Face Recognition System Using CNN-PCA Method and Real-time Camera |
Ferdiana, Ridi |
4D.11 |
554 |
Applying Metamorphic Testing to E-commerce Website Search Engines |
Ferdiansyah, Indra |
2C.7 |
244 |
Implementation of Genetic Algorithm for Induction Motor Speed Control Based on Vector Control Method |
Filiana, Firilia |
3D.1 |
379 |
ZSI Application for Reducing the Energy Incident of Arc Flash in A Distribution System |
Firmansyah, Eka |
2B.3 |
177 |
Simple Protocol Design of Multi-hop Network in LORA |
Fujaya, Yushinta |
3A.16 |
269 |
Detection of Megalopa Phase Crab Larvae Using Digital Image Processing |
G A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Gernowo, Rahmat |
3C.2 |
340 |
The combination of the MOORA method and the Copeland Score method as a Group Decision Support System (GDSS) Vendor Selection |
3C.7 |
363 |
College Services Quality Measurement using Importance-Performance Analysis |
Ghaisani, Febry |
1A.1 |
1 |
Discrete Firefly Algorithm for an Examination Timetabling |
Gunarathne, Nipun |
4B.2 |
462 |
Simulation of the Influence of environmental factors related to Greenhouses using Augmented Reality |
Gunawan, Irwan |
3A.20 |
284 |
Evaluation of High Dynamic Range Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment based on Spatial Features |
3C.1 |
334 |
Performance of K-Means Clustering Algorithm in enriching a new concept of Amenities into Dwipa Ontology III within the Indonesian Tourism Domain |
H A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Hadikurniawati, Wiwien |
3B.2 |
301 |
Attendance System Based on Face Recognition System Using CNN-PCA Method and Real-time Camera |
Hanunggul, Puruso |
1B.4 |
54 |
The Impact of Local Attention in LSTM for Abstractive Text Summarization |
Hareendran, Shreeharan |
4B.2 |
462 |
Simulation of the Influence of environmental factors related to Greenhouses using Augmented Reality |
Hariadi, Bambang |
3B.6 |
314 |
Prototype of Automatic Essay Assessment and Plagiarism Detection on Mobile Learning "Molearn" Application Using GLSA Method |
Hariadi, Mochamad |
3C.3 |
346 |
Selection of Tourism Destinations Priority Using 6AsTD Framework and Topsis |
Harnaningrum, Lucia Nugraheni |
4D.8 |
546 |
Communication Analysis of Host-Based Card Emulation in NFC Enable Mobile Phone |
Hartatik, Hartatik |
3A.4 |
263 |
Captioning Image Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) |
Harwahyu, Ruki |
2C.1 |
211 |
Performance study of OpenAirInterface 5G System on the Cloud Platform Managed by Juju Orchestration |
Hasanah, Barokatun |
2A.4 |
137 |
Analysis of artificial dielectric material effect on the performance of microstrip antennas |
Hashim, Fazirulhisyam |
2C.5 |
233 |
Simulation and Experimental Analysis for Indoor Localization System |
Herman, Nana Suryana |
4D.4 |
534 |
Agriculture Spatiotemporal Business Intelligence using Open Data Integration |
Hermawati, Hermawati |
1A.6 |
25 |
Security System Using A Robot Based On Speech Recognition |
Herwanto, Guntur |
1B.7 |
69 |
Hate Speech and Abusive Language Classification using fastText |
Heryana, Ana |
3A.3 |
259 |
Bottleneck RGB Features for Tea Clones Identification |
Hidayah, Indriana |
3A.17 |
273 |
Improving Money Laundering Detection Using Optimized Support Vector Machine |
4C.15 |
516 |
Dropout Prediction Optimization through SMOTE and Ensemble Learning |
Hidayat, Risanuri |
3A.18 |
279 |
Improvement of Character Segmentation for Indonesian License Plate Recognition Algorithm using CNN |
Hidayat, Siddiq |
4B.6 |
483 |
Design and Simulation of Side Rail Strength and Latch Reliability for Medical Beds Testing Using FluidSim |
4C.1 |
494 |
Infant Incubator Temperature Controlling and Monitoring System by Mobile Phone Based on Arduino |
Hozairi, Hozairi |
3C.5 |
352 |
Optimization of Determination of the Number of Fisheries Supervisory Vessels in the Fisheries Management Area-713 (FMA-713) Using Genetic Algorithms |
Hudaya, Chairul |
3D.4 |
394 |
Improvement of Steam Distribution System using Modified Steam Trap in a Furniture Decorative Laminate Industry |
Hutagalung, Sutrisno |
4B.6 |
483 |
Design and Simulation of Side Rail Strength and Latch Reliability for Medical Beds Testing Using FluidSim |
I A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
I. Santoso, Berkah |
3A.20 |
284 |
Evaluation of High Dynamic Range Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment based on Spatial Features |
Ilham, Amil Ahmad |
3B.1 |
296 |
The effect of light on Leap Motion Controller in the classification of Sign Language Translator Systems |
Insani, Asep |
4A.1 |
420 |
Investigation Reinforcement Learning Method for R-Wave Detection on Electrocardiogram Signal |
Insani, Chairi |
3B.1 |
296 |
The effect of light on Leap Motion Controller in the classification of Sign Language Translator Systems |
Insap Santosa, Paulus |
3B.5 |
309 |
Improving Confusion-State Classifier Model Using XGBoost and Tree-Structured Parzen Estimator |
4C.13 |
511 |
Predicting Student Academic Performance using Machine Learning and Time Management Skill Data |
Ismail, Ahmad Zuhairi |
4B.7 |
488 |
The Design and Implementation of Trade Finance Application based on Hyperledger Fabric Permissioned Blockchain Platform |
Ismail, Rifky |
4B.1 |
456 |
3D Model of Photogrammetry Technique for Transtibial Prosthetic Socket Design Development |
Iswari, Ni Made Satvika |
4C.16 |
522 |
E-Business Application Recommendation for SMEs based on Organization Profile using Random Forest Classification |
Izzah, Abidatul |
1C.6 |
109 |
Convergence Analysis in Swarm Intelligence for City Tour Optimization |
J A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Jati, Grafika |
4A.1 |
420 |
Investigation Reinforcement Learning Method for R-Wave Detection on Electrocardiogram Signal |
Jatmiko, Wisnu |
4A.1 |
420 |
Investigation Reinforcement Learning Method for R-Wave Detection on Electrocardiogram Signal |
Jonathan, Kevin |
2C.4 |
228 |
Security Issues and Vulnerabilities of Blockchain System: A Review |
Jordan, Willy |
4A.19 |
450 |
The Development of Lexer and Parser as Parts of Compiler for GAMA32 Processor's Instruction-set using Python |
K A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
K, Heri |
3A.3 |
259 |
Bottleneck RGB Features for Tea Clones Identification |
Kamal Baharin, Safiza Suhana |
4D.4 |
534 |
Agriculture Spatiotemporal Business Intelligence using Open Data Integration |
Kashihara, Shigeru |
3A.16 |
269 |
Detection of Megalopa Phase Crab Larvae Using Digital Image Processing |
Khadija, Mutiara |
2B.1 |
165 |
Detecting Network Intrusion by Combining DBSCAN, Principle Component Analysis and Ranker |
Khotimah, Khusnul |
4B.6 |
483 |
Design and Simulation of Side Rail Strength and Latch Reliability for Medical Beds Testing Using FluidSim |
4C.1 |
494 |
Infant Incubator Temperature Controlling and Monitoring System by Mobile Phone Based on Arduino |
Kuntarto, Guson |
3A.20 |
284 |
Evaluation of High Dynamic Range Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment based on Spatial Features |
3C.1 |
334 |
Performance of K-Means Clustering Algorithm in enriching a new concept of Amenities into Dwipa Ontology III within the Indonesian Tourism Domain |
Kurniawan, Defri |
4C.17 |
528 |
Implementing Dynamic Group Formation in Web-Based Collaborative Learning for High School |
Kurniawan, Freddy |
2A.2 |
129 |
Mobile Robot Localization via Unscented Kalman Filter |
Kusumawardani, Sri Suning |
3B.5 |
309 |
Improving Confusion-State Classifier Model Using XGBoost and Tree-Structured Parzen Estimator |
4C.13 |
511 |
Predicting Student Academic Performance using Machine Learning and Time Management Skill Data |
L A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Lasmadi, Lasmadi |
2A.2 |
129 |
Mobile Robot Localization via Unscented Kalman Filter |
Lemantara, Julianto |
3B.6 |
314 |
Prototype of Automatic Essay Assessment and Plagiarism Detection on Mobile Learning "Molearn" Application Using GLSA Method |
Lumaksono, Heru |
3C.5 |
352 |
Optimization of Determination of the Number of Fisheries Supervisory Vessels in the Fisheries Management Area-713 (FMA-713) Using Genetic Algorithms |
M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Madhusudhanan, Sheema |
2C.2 |
217 |
Converging Security Threats and Attacks Insinuation in Multidisciplinary Machine Learning Applications: A Survey |
Mahadika, Pratama |
1C.8 |
118 |
Design of Optimal Controller for Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle Based On Shortest Path Algorithm |
Mahmudy, Wayan |
1C.6 |
109 |
Convergence Analysis in Swarm Intelligence for City Tour Optimization |
Mallissery, Sanoop |
2C.2 |
217 |
Converging Security Threats and Attacks Insinuation in Multidisciplinary Machine Learning Applications: A Survey |
Marcel, Marcel |
4A.7 |
444 |
Implementation of RAM-based Cache at Write-back Mode Using Virtual-NAS for DAS-based Storage on VMware Platform |
Mardi Susiki Nugroho, Supeno |
3C.3 |
346 |
Selection of Tourism Destinations Priority Using 6AsTD Framework and Topsis |
Muchlis, Imamul |
4B.6 |
483 |
Design and Simulation of Side Rail Strength and Latch Reliability for Medical Beds Testing Using FluidSim |
Mulyani, Eko |
4C.15 |
516 |
Dropout Prediction Optimization through SMOTE and Ensemble Learning |
Munandar, Devi |
1B.1 |
38 |
Transferring Multi-Channel Convolutional Neural Network Model for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis |
Murniyati, Dyah Ayu Yuli |
3D.3 |
388 |
Effect of Placement of Scattering Generator Locations on Microgrid Testbed Systems |
Murti, Muhammad |
2A.5 |
142 |
Implementation of Lamp Control System by Reccurent Neural Network and Long-Short Term Memory |
Murti, Muhammad |
2A.7 |
154 |
Electronic Loads Control and Management using Priority Queue Algorithm on Android Based Smartphone |
Musaddid, Ahmad |
3A.18 |
279 |
Improvement of Character Segmentation for Indonesian License Plate Recognition Algorithm using CNN |
Mustika, I Wayan |
2B.2 |
171 |
Interference Management in Heterogeneous Networks using Modified Mothflame Optimization |
3D.9 |
409 |
A Comparative Study Cluster-Based Routing Protocols in VANETs for City Environment |
N A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Nabil, Husein |
1C.2 |
85 |
Comparison of Real Time Iterative Deepening Best First Search Algorithm and A* Algorithm on Maze Chase Game NPC |
Nanayakkara, Heshani |
4C.8 |
505 |
An Intelligent Fashion Designer_TrendiTex |
Nashiruddin, Muhammad Imam |
2B.5 |
188 |
LoRA-based IoT Network Planning for Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Urban, Suburban and Rural Scenario |
2B.6 |
194 |
Designing LoRaWAN Internet of Things Network for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) in Surabaya and Its Surrounding Cities |
Nasution, Surya Michrandi |
1C.1 |
79 |
Comparison of Time Bounded A* Algorithm and A* Algorithm on Maze Chase Game NPCs |
1C.2 |
85 |
Comparison of Real Time Iterative Deepening Best First Search Algorithm and A* Algorithm on Maze Chase Game NPC |
1C.3 |
91 |
Determining NPC Behavior in Maze Chase Game using Naïve Bayes Algorithm |
Ningtyas, Annisa |
1B.7 |
69 |
Hate Speech and Abusive Language Classification using fastText |
Nishom, M |
4D.6 |
540 |
Usability Testing Based on System Usability Scale and Net Promoter Score |
Niswar, Muhammad |
3A.16 |
269 |
Detection of Megalopa Phase Crab Larvae Using Digital Image Processing |
Nugraha, Helmi |
1B.2 |
44 |
Typographic-Based Data Augmentation to Improve a Question Retrieval in Short Dialogue System |
Nugraha, Kurniawan |
1B.7 |
69 |
Hate Speech and Abusive Language Classification using fastText |
Nugrahaeni, Ratna |
1C.1 |
79 |
Comparison of Time Bounded A* Algorithm and A* Algorithm on Maze Chase Game NPCs |
1C.2 |
85 |
Comparison of Real Time Iterative Deepening Best First Search Algorithm and A* Algorithm on Maze Chase Game NPC |
1C.3 |
91 |
Determining NPC Behavior in Maze Chase Game using Naïve Bayes Algorithm |
Nugraheni, Dinar Mutiara Kusumo |
3C.6 |
358 |
Selecting Palm Oil Cultivation Land Using ARAS Method |
Nugraheni, Ekasari |
1B.5 |
58 |
Indonesian Twitter Data Pre-processing for the Emotion Recognition |
Nugroho, Benni |
1C.6 |
109 |
Convergence Analysis in Swarm Intelligence for City Tour Optimization |
Nugroho, Lukito |
2B.1 |
165 |
Detecting Network Intrusion by Combining DBSCAN, Principle Component Analysis and Ranker |
Nuha, M. Azza |
4A.5 |
439 |
Design of Automated Polarization based on EDU-QCRY1 |
Nurlaela, Novi |
3A.16 |
269 |
Detection of Megalopa Phase Crab Larvae Using Digital Image Processing |
Nurtanio, Ingrid |
3A.16 |
269 |
Detection of Megalopa Phase Crab Larvae Using Digital Image Processing |
3B.1 |
296 |
The effect of light on Leap Motion Controller in the classification of Sign Language Translator Systems |
3C.12 |
368 |
School zoning system using K-Means algorithm for high school students in Makassar City |
O A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Ogi, Dion |
4A.5 |
439 |
Design of Automated Polarization based on EDU-QCRY1 |
Oktavia, Tanty |
4D.10 |
550 |
E-Business Value Creation Factors That Affect Consumers Intention to Shop Online at |
P A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Pambudi, Bayu |
3A.17 |
273 |
Improving Money Laundering Detection Using Optimized Support Vector Machine |
Pamela Adithama, Stephanie |
4D.4 |
534 |
Agriculture Spatiotemporal Business Intelligence using Open Data Integration |
Panduman, Yohanes Yohanie Fridelin |
2C.6 |
238 |
A Survey of IoT Platform Comparison for Building Cyber-Physical System Architecture |
Persada, Anugerah |
4A.19 |
450 |
The Development of Lexer and Parser as Parts of Compiler for GAMA32 Processor's Instruction-set using Python |
Praditya, Naufal |
4A.3 |
430 |
Hyperspectral Band Selection based on Decision Tree Algorithm in Beeswax Coating Identification on Rome Beauty Apple |
Prajitno, Prawito |
2A.6 |
148 |
Parameter Tuning of G-mapping SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) on Mobile Robot with Laser-Range Finder 3600 Sensor |
Prananingrum, Lely |
4C.5 |
499 |
Web Based Ontology Implementation for Information Search System |
Prasetya, Faisal |
4A.4 |
434 |
Linear Support Vector Regression in Cloud Computing on Data Encrypted using Paillier Cryptosystem |
Pratama, Gilang |
2A.2 |
129 |
Mobile Robot Localization via Unscented Kalman Filter |
Prayogi, Ahmad Rizky |
2A.3 |
133 |
The Impact of Low-Pass Filter in Speech Identification |
Prayogo, M. Ari |
3C.6 |
358 |
Selecting Palm Oil Cultivation Land Using ARAS Method |
Purwa Laksana, Eka |
3D.2 |
384 |
2D Heat Distribution Mapping of Monocrystalline Type Photovoltaic Placed in Universitas Budi Luhur Jakarta |
Purwanto, Era |
2C.7 |
244 |
Implementation of Genetic Algorithm for Induction Motor Speed Control Based on Vector Control Method |
Puspita, Fitri Maya |
2B.4 |
182 |
Improved internet wireless reverse charging models internet under multi link service network by end-to-end delay QoS attribute |
Putra, Fahryandi Helasmara |
1C.1 |
79 |
Comparison of Time Bounded A* Algorithm and A* Algorithm on Maze Chase Game NPCs |
Putra, Irham |
2A.6 |
148 |
Parameter Tuning of G-mapping SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) on Mobile Robot with Laser-Range Finder 3600 Sensor |
Putra, Wahyu Sukestyastama |
2A.1 |
124 |
Sensor Array Fault Detection Technique using Kalman Filter |
Putranto, Dedy |
4A.5 |
439 |
Design of Automated Polarization based on EDU-QCRY1 |
Putranto, Lesnanto Multa |
3D.3 |
388 |
Effect of Placement of Scattering Generator Locations on Microgrid Testbed Systems |
Q A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Qomariyah, Nunung Nurul |
4D.15 |
563 |
Recommender System for e-Learning based on Personal Learning Style |
R A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Rabiula, Andre |
4D.11 |
554 |
Applying Metamorphic Testing to E-commerce Website Search Engines |
Rachmawati, Ema |
3A.2 |
253 |
Sundanese Aksara Recognition Using Histogram of Oriented Gradients |
Rahadian, Raya |
1A.5 |
21 |
Deep Residual Neural Network for Age Classification with Face Image |
Ranny, Ranny |
4A.2 |
424 |
Separation of Overlapping Sound using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization |
Ratnawati, Dian |
1C.5 |
103 |
Features Selection for Classification of SMILES Codes Based on Their Function |
Rekoputra, Nadhif |
2C.1 |
211 |
Performance study of OpenAirInterface 5G System on the Cloud Platform Managed by Juju Orchestration |
Ridha, Dzufiqar |
1B.3 |
50 |
Removing Unvoiced Segment to Improve Text Independent Speaker Recognition |
Ridwan, Ari |
4D.14 |
558 |
Designing a Sustainable Green Accounting System Based on Enterprise Resource Planning for Leather Tanning Industry |
Rimadana, Meizar |
3B.5 |
309 |
Improving Confusion-State Classifier Model Using XGBoost and Tree-Structured Parzen Estimator |
4C.13 |
511 |
Predicting Student Academic Performance using Machine Learning and Time Management Skill Data |
Rohdiana, Dadan |
3A.3 |
259 |
Bottleneck RGB Features for Tea Clones Identification |
Romadhony, Ade |
1B.6 |
64 |
Lexical and Syntactic Simplification for Indonesian Text |
3B.9 |
320 |
Abusive Languages Detection on Indonesian Online News Comments |
Rosiyadi, Didi |
2B.8 |
205 |
Collaborative Whitelist Packet Filtering Driven by Smart Contract Forum |
Rozie, Andri |
1B.1 |
38 |
Transferring Multi-Channel Convolutional Neural Network Model for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis |
Rusman, Juprianus |
2A.8 |
160 |
Fog Computing Concept Implementation in Work Error Detection System of The Industrial Machine Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) |
S A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Sa'adah, Siti |
1B.6 |
64 |
Lexical and Syntactic Simplification for Indonesian Text |
Safitri, Irma |
2C.8 |
248 |
Artificial Neural Networks Android-Based Interface Facial Recognition Systems |
Sagirani, Tri |
3B.6 |
314 |
Prototype of Automatic Essay Assessment and Plagiarism Detection on Mobile Learning "Molearn" Application Using GLSA Method |
Sahida, Aulia |
3C.2 |
340 |
The combination of the MOORA method and the Copeland Score method as a Group Decision Support System (GDSS) Vendor Selection |
Salam, A Ejah |
2A.8 |
160 |
Fog Computing Concept Implementation in Work Error Detection System of The Industrial Machine Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) |
Salsabila, Haifa |
3A.2 |
253 |
Sundanese Aksara Recognition Using Histogram of Oriented Gradients |
Sanjaya, W. S. Mada |
3D.6 |
403 |
The Third al-Biruni's Method for The Determination of Qibla Direction from Kitab Tahdid Nihayat al-Amakin with The Implementation Based on Arduino Board MCU, GPS Module, and Digital Compass |
Saputra, Muhardi |
4D.14 |
558 |
Designing a Sustainable Green Accounting System Based on Enterprise Resource Planning for Leather Tanning Industry |
Saputro, Adhi |
1A.7 |
30 |
Smoker's Melanosis Tongue Identification System using the Spatial and Spectral Characteristic Combinations Tongue in the Visible and Near-Infrared Range |
4A.3 |
430 |
Hyperspectral Band Selection based on Decision Tree Algorithm in Beeswax Coating Identification on Rome Beauty Apple |
4B.5 |
478 |
Study on Venation Visualization System Using Hyperspectral Images and Multi-Layer Perceptron Classifier |
Saputro, Danar |
3D.4 |
394 |
Improvement of Steam Distribution System using Modified Steam Trap in a Furniture Decorative Laminate Industry |
Sari, Anny |
2C.4 |
228 |
Security Issues and Vulnerabilities of Blockchain System: A Review |
4A.4 |
434 |
Linear Support Vector Regression in Cloud Computing on Data Encrypted using Paillier Cryptosystem |
Sari, Riri Fitri |
2C.1 |
211 |
Performance study of OpenAirInterface 5G System on the Cloud Platform Managed by Juju Orchestration |
Sari, Yuita Arum |
1C.6 |
109 |
Convergence Analysis in Swarm Intelligence for City Tour Optimization |
Sasia, Priscilya Inri |
2A.5 |
142 |
Implementation of Lamp Control System by Reccurent Neural Network and Long-Short Term Memory |
Sasmito, Ginanjar |
4D.6 |
540 |
Usability Testing Based on System Usability Scale and Net Promoter Score |
Sasongko, Ananto |
3C.14 |
373 |
Indonesia Toll Road Vehicle Classification Using Transfer Learning with Pre-trained Resnet Models |
Satryoko, Ariesta |
4B.4 |
473 |
Method for Linear Satellite Pay Television Censor Inappropriate Movie Scene in Indonesia |
Setianingsih, Casi |
2A.5 |
142 |
Implementation of Lamp Control System by Reccurent Neural Network and Long-Short Term Memory |
2A.7 |
154 |
Electronic Loads Control and Management using Priority Queue Algorithm on Android Based Smartphone |
3A.21 |
290 |
Fire Detection Using Image Processing Techniques with Convolutional Neural Networks |
Setiawan, Joga |
3D.5 |
398 |
Design and Kinematic Analysis of a Quarupedal Cat-Like Robot |
Setiawan, Nurman |
3D.3 |
388 |
Effect of Placement of Scattering Generator Locations on Microgrid Testbed Systems |
Setiowati, Yuliana |
1B.8 |
73 |
Pair Extraction of Aspect and Implicit Opinion Word based on its Co-occurrence in Corpus of Bahasa Indonesia |
Setiya Raharja, Lucky |
2C.7 |
244 |
Implementation of Genetic Algorithm for Induction Motor Speed Control Based on Vector Control Method |
Sfenrianto, Sfenrianto |
4D.10 |
550 |
E-Business Value Creation Factors That Affect Consumers Intention to Shop Online at |
Shaleendra, Thusitha |
4B.2 |
462 |
Simulation of the Influence of environmental factors related to Greenhouses using Augmented Reality |
Shane, Michael |
4D.10 |
550 |
E-Business Value Creation Factors That Affect Consumers Intention to Shop Online at |
Sharmila, Geethma |
4C.8 |
505 |
An Intelligent Fashion Designer_TrendiTex |
Siahaan, Daniel |
1B.8 |
73 |
Pair Extraction of Aspect and Implicit Opinion Word based on its Co-occurrence in Corpus of Bahasa Indonesia |
Sidiq, Muhammad Fajar |
2B.8 |
205 |
Collaborative Whitelist Packet Filtering Driven by Smart Contract Forum |
Silva, Deepika |
4C.8 |
505 |
An Intelligent Fashion Designer_TrendiTex |
Sthevanie, Febryanti |
3A.2 |
253 |
Sundanese Aksara Recognition Using Histogram of Oriented Gradients |
Subiantoro, Aries |
1C.8 |
118 |
Design of Optimal Controller for Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle Based On Shortest Path Algorithm |
Sugianto, Sugianto |
3B.17 |
330 |
Voting-Based Music Genre Classification Using Melspectogram and Convolutional Neural Network |
Sugiarto, Anto Tri |
4A.1 |
420 |
Investigation Reinforcement Learning Method for R-Wave Detection on Electrocardiogram Signal |
Sugiarto, Reza |
4B.5 |
478 |
Study on Venation Visualization System Using Hyperspectral Images and Multi-Layer Perceptron Classifier |
Sukaridhoto, Sritrusta |
2C.6 |
238 |
A Survey of IoT Platform Comparison for Building Cyber-Physical System Architecture |
Sulistyo, Selo |
3D.9 |
409 |
A Comparative Study Cluster-Based Routing Protocols in VANETs for City Environment |
4D.11 |
554 |
Applying Metamorphic Testing to E-commerce Website Search Engines |
Sunarto, Dewiyani |
3B.6 |
314 |
Prototype of Automatic Essay Assessment and Plagiarism Detection on Mobile Learning "Molearn" Application Using GLSA Method |
Suprapto, Bhakti |
1A.6 |
25 |
Security System Using A Robot Based On Speech Recognition |
Surarso, Bayu |
3C.2 |
340 |
The combination of the MOORA method and the Copeland Score method as a Group Decision Support System (GDSS) Vendor Selection |
Suryawati, Endang |
3A.3 |
259 |
Bottleneck RGB Features for Tea Clones Identification |
Suseno, Jatmiko |
3C.6 |
358 |
Selecting Palm Oil Cultivation Land Using ARAS Method |
Suyanto, Suyanto |
1A.1 |
1 |
Discrete Firefly Algorithm for an Examination Timetabling |
1A.2 |
5 |
Hierarchical SVM-kNN to Classify Music Emotion |
1A.3 |
11 |
Multi-Class Peripapillary Atrophy for Detecting Glaucoma in Retinal Fundus Image |
1A.4 |
17 |
Melanoma Cancer Classification Using ResNet with Data Augmentation |
1A.5 |
21 |
Deep Residual Neural Network for Age Classification with Face Image |
1A.8 |
34 |
Classification of Cervical Type Image Using Capsule Networks |
1B.2 |
44 |
Typographic-Based Data Augmentation to Improve a Question Retrieval in Short Dialogue System |
1B.3 |
50 |
Removing Unvoiced Segment to Improve Text Independent Speaker Recognition |
1B.4 |
54 |
The Impact of Local Attention in LSTM for Abstractive Text Summarization |
1C.4 |
97 |
Image-Based Classification of Snake Species Using Convolutional Neural Network |
1C.7 |
114 |
New Reward-Based Movement to Improve Globally-Evolved BCO in Nurse Rostering Problem |
2A.3 |
133 |
The Impact of Low-Pass Filter in Speech Identification |
3B.3 |
305 |
SpecAugment Impact on Automatic Speaker Verification System |
3B.12 |
326 |
Developing a Complete Dialogue System Using Long Short-Term Memory |
3B.17 |
330 |
Voting-Based Music Genre Classification Using Melspectogram and Convolutional Neural Network |
Syafa'ah, Salmaa |
3A.20 |
284 |
Evaluation of High Dynamic Range Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment based on Spatial Features |
Syahral, Mohamad |
4A.5 |
439 |
Design of Automated Polarization based on EDU-QCRY1 |
T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Tahir, Zulkifli |
2A.8 |
160 |
Fog Computing Concept Implementation in Work Error Detection System of The Industrial Machine Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) |
Tjahjono, Anang |
2C.6 |
238 |
A Survey of IoT Platform Comparison for Building Cyber-Physical System Architecture |
Tobing, Muhammad Rasyid Ridho |
4D.14 |
558 |
Designing a Sustainable Green Accounting System Based on Enterprise Resource Planning for Leather Tanning Industry |
Trisna, I Nyoman Prayana |
1B.7 |
69 |
Hate Speech and Abusive Language Classification using fastText |
Tukan, Marcus |
3C.5 |
352 |
Optimization of Determination of the Number of Fisheries Supervisory Vessels in the Fisheries Management Area-713 (FMA-713) Using Genetic Algorithms |
U A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Umam, Busro |
3C.5 |
352 |
Optimization of Determination of the Number of Fisheries Supervisory Vessels in the Fisheries Management Area-713 (FMA-713) Using Genetic Algorithms |
Utomo, Danang |
4C.17 |
528 |
Implementing Dynamic Group Formation in Web-Based Collaborative Learning for High School |
W A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Wahjono, Endro |
2C.7 |
244 |
Implementation of Genetic Algorithm for Induction Motor Speed Control Based on Vector Control Method |
Wang, Gunawan |
2C.3 |
223 |
Effective Use of the Knowledge Management System in Improving Organisational Performance |
Wardhana, Purwa |
2A.4 |
137 |
Analysis of artificial dielectric material effect on the performance of microstrip antennas |
Wardhani, Rini Wisnu |
4A.5 |
439 |
Design of Automated Polarization based on EDU-QCRY1 |
Weerasinghe, Chathurangi |
4C.8 |
505 |
An Intelligent Fashion Designer_TrendiTex |
Wibowo, Fahrudin |
2B.8 |
205 |
Collaborative Whitelist Packet Filtering Driven by Smart Contract Forum |
Wibowo, Ferry Wahyu |
2A.1 |
124 |
Sensor Array Fault Detection Technique using Kalman Filter |
Wibowo, Muhammad |
1B.6 |
64 |
Lexical and Syntactic Simplification for Indonesian Text |
Wibowo, Suryo Adhi |
4A.1 |
420 |
Investigation Reinforcement Learning Method for R-Wave Detection on Electrocardiogram Signal |
Wickramarathne, Poorni |
4C.8 |
505 |
An Intelligent Fashion Designer_TrendiTex |
Widianto, Eko Didik |
2B.7 |
200 |
Monitoring System in Lora Network Architecture using Smart Gateway in Simple LoRa Protocol |
Widodo, Catur |
3C.7 |
363 |
College Services Quality Measurement using Importance-Performance Analysis |
Widyawan, Widy |
2B.1 |
165 |
Detecting Network Intrusion by Combining DBSCAN, Principle Component Analysis and Ranker |
3D.10 |
414 |
Network Architecture Design of Indonesia Research and Education Network (IDREN) |
Wijaya, Fransisco |
3D.3 |
388 |
Effect of Placement of Scattering Generator Locations on Microgrid Testbed Systems |
Wijaya, Muhammad |
4C.17 |
528 |
Implementing Dynamic Group Formation in Web-Based Collaborative Learning for High School |
Wimpy, Benedict |
1A.8 |
34 |
Classification of Cervical Type Image Using Capsule Networks |
Winarno, Edy |
3B.2 |
301 |
Attendance System Based on Face Recognition System Using CNN-PCA Method and Real-time Camera |
Wishvamali, Buddhi Tharuka |
4B.2 |
462 |
Simulation of the Influence of environmental factors related to Greenhouses using Augmented Reality |
Wisnubhadra, Irya |
4D.4 |
534 |
Agriculture Spatiotemporal Business Intelligence using Open Data Integration |
Wisnudrajat, Lukman |
4D.10 |
550 |
E-Business Value Creation Factors That Affect Consumers Intention to Shop Online at |
X A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Xaphakdy, Khampaserth |
2B.2 |
171 |
Interference Management in Heterogeneous Networks using Modified Mothflame Optimization |
Y A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Yanaratri, Diah |
2C.7 |
244 |
Implementation of Genetic Algorithm for Induction Motor Speed Control Based on Vector Control Method |
Youneng, Kim |
3D.9 |
409 |
A Comparative Study Cluster-Based Routing Protocols in VANETs for City Environment |
Yunita, Linda |
1A.7 |
30 |
Smoker's Melanosis Tongue Identification System using the Spatial and Spectral Characteristic Combinations Tongue in the Visible and Near-Infrared Range |
Yuwana, Raden Sandra |
3A.3 |
259 |
Bottleneck RGB Features for Tea Clones Identification |
Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z |
Zainuddin, Zahir |
3C.12 |
368 |
School zoning system using K-Means algorithm for high school students in Makassar City |
Zilvan, Vicky |
3A.3 |
259 |
Bottleneck RGB Features for Tea Clones Identification |
Zohro'iyah, Hidayah |
1C.3 |
91 |
Determining NPC Behavior in Maze Chase Game using Naïve Bayes Algorithm |
Zulfahri, Aidil |
3C.7 |
363 |
College Services Quality Measurement using Importance-Performance Analysis |
Zulfiqar, La Ode |
4D.6 |
540 |
Usability Testing Based on System Usability Scale and Net Promoter Score |
Zulfira, Fakhira |
1A.3 |
11 |
Multi-Class Peripapillary Atrophy for Detecting Glaucoma in Retinal Fundus Image |