Author |
Session |
Start page |
Title |
A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Abadi, Agus |
1B.4 |
47 |
Modify Multistep Difference Transform Method for Solving Jamming Model in Lorentz System |
Achmadi, Bima |
3B.4 |
321 |
A Comprehensive Study of Alternating Current Voltage Sensor Using Rectifier and Operational Amplifier |
Ade Indra Saputra, Andika |
2D.3 |
253 |
Utilization of Hazardous Waste Fly Ash Coal from Kariangau Thermal Power Plant as Substitution of Portland Cement on Concrete |
Afandi, AN |
2C.4 |
218 |
Power Grid Capacity Forecasting Based on Electrical Energy Requirements Considering Macroeconomic Factor in Malang Regency |
Ahdan, Muhammad |
3C.5 |
349 |
Effect of Noise and Room Temperature on Employee Productivity in Mechanical Maintenance Workshop PT. Semen Bosowa Maros |
Ahmed, Saif |
2A.8 |
158 |
Wireless Health Monitoring System |
Alameka, Faza |
1C.3 |
70 |
An Evaluation Quality of Service of the Borneo Biodiversity Informasi System |
1C.5 |
82 |
Augmented Reality for Faculties Office and Basic Programming Laboratory Peripheral |
Albryansah, Ganang |
1D.3 |
102 |
Highway Performance Analysis Caused By Road Distress Using Microscopic Simulation Program (Case Study: Samarinda-Bontang Highway on KM 3-KM8) |
Aldrin Akbar, Mohammad |
1D.1 |
91 |
Paperless Human Resource Management System of Universitas Yapis Papua Staffing |
Alfian, Nurkholis |
2A.1 |
123 |
Continuous Wave Diffuse Optical Tomography for Imaging Defect in Agricultural |
Alfian, Nurkholis |
2D.6 |
266 |
Syzygium oleina as bioelectrical using Plant-Microbial Fuel Cell |
Alginahi, Yasser |
3A.2 |
286 |
Towards optimal search: A modified Secant method for Efficient Search in a Big Database |
Ali, Jahan |
3A.2 |
286 |
Towards optimal search: A modified Secant method for Efficient Search in a Big Database |
Alifah, Suryani |
2B.8 |
199 |
Smart Monitoring of Rice Logistic Employing Internet of Things Network |
Amalia, Rahma Nur |
3C.3 |
343 |
Design Of Radial Basis Function Network And State-Dependent LQT For Path Planning And Tracking Of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) To Intercept A Moving Target |
Andhara, Ade |
2B.4 |
179 |
Circular Waveguide Band Pass Filter Composed of Artificial Dielectric Resonators for Transverse Electric Propagation Mode |
Andika Sujarwo, Nararya |
2B.1 |
164 |
Failover Scenario on Power Shutdown of Wireless Sensor Network Node |
Anggarini, Ufafa |
2D.1 |
244 |
Production of Briquettes to Utilize Woody Cutting Waste at Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia |
Anggraeni, Garnis |
2B.5 |
184 |
Anggraeni, Merry |
3C.1 |
332 |
Converged Transparent Satellite For LTE A Evaluation State-of-the-Art Layer 2 Method |
Anifah, Lilik |
3C.2 |
338 |
An Ardiuno-Simulink Based ECG Waveform Generator |
Anwar, Nadjadji |
1B.3 |
42 |
A Flood Forecasting Model Based on Synthetic Unit Hydrograph of ITS-2 |
Aphale, Siddharth |
1A.2 |
7 |
A neural network approach towards development of computational model for performance estimation of commercial lithium ion batteries |
Arminas, Arminas |
3C.5 |
349 |
Effect of Noise and Room Temperature on Employee Productivity in Mechanical Maintenance Workshop PT. Semen Bosowa Maros |
Astrowulan, Katjuk |
3C.3 |
343 |
Design Of Radial Basis Function Network And State-Dependent LQT For Path Planning And Tracking Of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) To Intercept A Moving Target |
Atmaja, Lukman |
2D.4 |
258 |
Proton Exchange Membrane-Based Biopolymer Chitosan From Shrimp Shell For Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Application |
Atrinawati, Lovinta Happy |
1D.2 |
96 |
Modeling Academic Business Process for Balikpapan State Polytechnic using BPMN |
Aurelia, Mela |
2D.6 |
266 |
Syzygium oleina as bioelectrical using Plant-Microbial Fuel Cell |
Ayunina, Qurrotin |
2D.1 |
244 |
Production of Briquettes to Utilize Woody Cutting Waste at Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia |
B A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
B Hi Ibrahim, Muhdi |
1D.1 |
91 |
Paperless Human Resource Management System of Universitas Yapis Papua Staffing |
Baffour, Adu |
2A.2 |
128 |
Depth-wise Separable Convolution for Real-time Facial Expression Recognition |
Banaget, Cut Keumala |
1A.5 |
23 |
Study of The Relationship Between Attitudes, Knowledge and Availability Of Infrastructure to Waste Management Behavior (Case Study: Waste Management Of The Kalimantan Institute of Technology) |
Bataona, Daniel |
3A.7 |
295 |
Web-based tool for Registration and Recapitulation of Eligibility Certificates at East Nusa Tenggara Marine Affairs and Fisheries Department |
Benseghir, Hocine |
3A.2 |
286 |
Towards optimal search: A modified Secant method for Efficient Search in a Big Database |
3A.3 |
291 |
Modeling and simulation of a pedestrian-evacuation model during toxic cloud releases |
bin Mohd Idris, Mohd Fadzil |
3A.3 |
291 |
Modeling and simulation of a pedestrian-evacuation model during toxic cloud releases |
Budiman, Edy |
1C.1 |
60 |
Testing Model: Effect of Work Behavior and Work Target on Lecturer Performance |
1C.3 |
70 |
An Evaluation Quality of Service of the Borneo Biodiversity Informasi System |
1C.4 |
76 |
Mobile Learning App to Improve Students Learning Outcomes |
1C.5 |
82 |
Augmented Reality for Faculties Office and Basic Programming Laboratory Peripheral |
1D.1 |
91 |
Paperless Human Resource Management System of Universitas Yapis Papua Staffing |
Bura, Romie |
3B.1 |
307 |
Neutronic Study of Small Modular Reactor Thorium Based as a Model of Nuclear Power Plant for Remote Area |
C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Caraka, Rezzy Eko |
3A.1 |
280 |
Ensemble Time Series Modified Generalized Regression Neural Network Rainfall Forecasting |
D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Dahlan, Akhmad |
2D.8 |
275 |
Real-time Vehicle License Plate Detection by Using Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm with Tensorflow |
Damanik, Hillman |
3C.1 |
332 |
Converged Transparent Satellite For LTE A Evaluation State-of-the-Art Layer 2 Method |
Defisa, Tomi |
3C.1 |
332 |
Converged Transparent Satellite For LTE A Evaluation State-of-the-Art Layer 2 Method |
Dengen, Nataniel |
2A.7 |
153 |
Classification of Hotspot in East Kalimantan Forest with VIIRS Sensors using Support Vector Machine |
Dharmawan, Yudha |
1B.1 |
31 |
The effect of addition of Organic Inhibitors in the form of Bintaro Leaves (Cerbera manghas) on API 5L Steel Corrosion Rate in 0,1 M NaCl Environment |
E A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Elmunsyah, Hakkun |
2B.3 |
174 |
Integrating Scheduling System for Managing A Huge Number of Electrical Devices |
F A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Fadli, Sofiansyah |
1C.5 |
82 |
Augmented Reality for Faculties Office and Basic Programming Laboratory Peripheral |
Fahdian, Ali |
3B.4 |
321 |
A Comprehensive Study of Alternating Current Voltage Sensor Using Rectifier and Operational Amplifier |
Fansuri, Hamzah |
2D.3 |
253 |
Utilization of Hazardous Waste Fly Ash Coal from Kariangau Thermal Power Plant as Substitution of Portland Cement on Concrete |
Fifing, Fifing |
2B.5 |
184 |
Fikar, Muhammad 'Aizul |
3C.7 |
355 |
The Power Saver Development on Android Oreo Smartphone Based on App Categories which Accomodate User Preference |
Filiana, Firilia |
2B.4 |
179 |
Circular Waveguide Band Pass Filter Composed of Artificial Dielectric Resonators for Transverse Electric Propagation Mode |
Firdaus, Muhammad Bambang |
1C.5 |
82 |
Augmented Reality for Faculties Office and Basic Programming Laboratory Peripheral |
1D.1 |
91 |
Paperless Human Resource Management System of Universitas Yapis Papua Staffing |
2B.7 |
193 |
A comparative study of hierarchical-based routing protocol for heterogeneous sensor node in forest |
Firmansyah, Rifqi |
3C.2 |
338 |
An Ardiuno-Simulink Based ECG Waveform Generator |
G A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Gharte, Niraj |
1A.2 |
7 |
A neural network approach towards development of computational model for performance estimation of commercial lithium ion batteries |
Giyantara, Andhika |
2C.5 |
223 |
Microcontroller Serial Communication to Analyze Bit Characters |
2C.8 |
239 |
Feasibility Analysis of Grid Connected PV System Installation under Indonesian Feed-in Tariff Policy |
3B.4 |
321 |
A Comprehensive Study of Alternating Current Voltage Sensor Using Rectifier and Operational Amplifier |
Gultom, Rudy |
2A.3 |
134 |
Designing a neural network for vehicle type classification using extended Haar features |
2B.5 |
184 |
Gunawan, Adrian |
2D.3 |
253 |
Utilization of Hazardous Waste Fly Ash Coal from Kariangau Thermal Power Plant as Substitution of Portland Cement on Concrete |
Gunawan, Gunawan |
2B.8 |
199 |
Smart Monitoring of Rice Logistic Employing Internet of Things Network |
Gunawan, Vincentius |
2A.4 |
138 |
Identification of Heart Disease With Iridology Using Backpropagation Neural Network |
Guo, Jiandong |
2A.2 |
128 |
Depth-wise Separable Convolution for Real-time Facial Expression Recognition |
H A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Hadid, Muhammad |
1D.3 |
102 |
Highway Performance Analysis Caused By Road Distress Using Microscopic Simulation Program (Case Study: Samarinda-Bontang Highway on KM 3-KM8) |
Haeruddin, Haeruddin |
1C.1 |
60 |
Testing Model: Effect of Work Behavior and Work Target on Lecturer Performance |
1C.4 |
76 |
Mobile Learning App to Improve Students Learning Outcomes |
Hanafi, Muh |
3A.8 |
301 |
Exploit Multi Layer Deep Learning to Handle Users and Product Sparse Data for E-commerce Recommender System |
Hantoro, Ridho |
1A.6 |
27 |
Study of Co-fired Empty Fruit Bunch with Coal in Drop Tube Furnace |
Haq, Sigit |
2B.3 |
174 |
Integrating Scheduling System for Managing A Huge Number of Electrical Devices |
Harfadli, Muhammad Ma'arij |
1A.5 |
23 |
Study of The Relationship Between Attitudes, Knowledge and Availability Of Infrastructure to Waste Management Behavior (Case Study: Waste Management Of The Kalimantan Institute of Technology) |
Harsono, Brian |
2C.2 |
207 |
Air Pollution Influences on 150 kV Transmission Insulators Performance |
3B.2 |
313 |
Lightning Activity Evaluation in South Sumatera Region |
3B.3 |
317 |
Integration of Intermittent Renewable Energy Source (IRES) to The West Kalimantan Grid |
Hartono, Hartono |
1B.4 |
47 |
Modify Multistep Difference Transform Method for Solving Jamming Model in Lorentz System |
Hartono, Joko |
2C.2 |
207 |
Air Pollution Influences on 150 kV Transmission Insulators Performance |
3B.2 |
313 |
Lightning Activity Evaluation in South Sumatera Region |
3B.3 |
317 |
Integration of Intermittent Renewable Energy Source (IRES) to The West Kalimantan Grid |
Hasan, Wordh |
2A.8 |
158 |
Wireless Health Monitoring System |
Hasanah, Barokatun |
2B.4 |
179 |
Circular Waveguide Band Pass Filter Composed of Artificial Dielectric Resonators for Transverse Electric Propagation Mode |
Hidayat, Givan |
2C.8 |
239 |
Feasibility Analysis of Grid Connected PV System Installation under Indonesian Feed-in Tariff Policy |
Huda, Thorikul |
3C.3 |
343 |
Design Of Radial Basis Function Network And State-Dependent LQT For Path Planning And Tracking Of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) To Intercept A Moving Target |
I A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Ibrahim, Abdullah |
3A.3 |
291 |
Modeling and simulation of a pedestrian-evacuation model during toxic cloud releases |
Indriani, Siti |
2C.7 |
233 |
Solar Water Pumping System for Paddy-field Irrigation in Dusun Manurungnge, Abbanuangnge Village, Wajo, South Sulawesi, Indonesia |
Irfan, Muhamad |
3B.1 |
307 |
Neutronic Study of Small Modular Reactor Thorium Based as a Model of Nuclear Power Plant for Remote Area |
Irwanto, Dwi |
3B.1 |
307 |
Neutronic Study of Small Modular Reactor Thorium Based as a Model of Nuclear Power Plant for Remote Area |
Islamiyah, Islamiyah |
2A.7 |
153 |
Classification of Hotspot in East Kalimantan Forest with VIIRS Sensors using Support Vector Machine |
Ismail, Ika |
1B.6 |
55 |
Mechanical Properties and Morphological Characterisation of Waste Natural Fiber Composites Reinforced Polyester: Gelam (Melaleuca Leucadendra) |
Isnanto, R. Rizal |
2A.4 |
138 |
Identification of Heart Disease With Iridology Using Backpropagation Neural Network |
Izzudin, Muhammad |
2C.5 |
223 |
Microcontroller Serial Communication to Analyze Bit Characters |
J A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Jamil, Muh |
1D.1 |
91 |
Paperless Human Resource Management System of Universitas Yapis Papua Staffing |
Jintaka, Dhandis R. |
2C.2 |
207 |
Air Pollution Influences on 150 kV Transmission Insulators Performance |
3B.2 |
313 |
Lightning Activity Evaluation in South Sumatera Region |
3B.3 |
317 |
Integration of Intermittent Renewable Energy Source (IRES) to The West Kalimantan Grid |
Juwita, Asmi |
1A.3 |
12 |
Up grading Biodiesel from Low Grade Used Cooking Oil by Hydrodeoxygenation |
K A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Kabir, Muhammad Nomani |
3A.2 |
286 |
Towards optimal search: A modified Secant method for Efficient Search in a Big Database |
3A.3 |
291 |
Modeling and simulation of a pedestrian-evacuation model during toxic cloud releases |
Kanalebe, Herman |
2B.6 |
188 |
Software Defined Radio for Education: Multimode Transceiver and Spectrum Analyzer with HackRF One |
Kartono, Agus |
2A.5 |
143 |
Mathematical Modeling of Pharmacokinetics of Metformin using Oral Glucose Tolerance Test for the Treatment in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus |
2A.6 |
147 |
An Efficient Rate Parameters Estimation of Modified Oral Glucose Minimal Model from Oral Glucose Tolerance Tests using Gravitational Search Algorithm |
Kewo, Angreine |
2C.3 |
213 |
Multi-grained Household Load Profile Analysis using Smart Meter Data: The Case of Indonesia |
Khaja, Mohammad |
2A.8 |
158 |
Wireless Health Monitoring System |
Khan, Mohammad Monirujjaman |
2A.8 |
158 |
Wireless Health Monitoring System |
Krisna, Roy |
2D.4 |
258 |
Proton Exchange Membrane-Based Biopolymer Chitosan From Shrimp Shell For Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Application |
Kusi, Goodlet |
2A.2 |
128 |
Depth-wise Separable Convolution for Real-time Facial Expression Recognition |
Kusuma Priyanto, Yun |
3B.4 |
321 |
A Comprehensive Study of Alternating Current Voltage Sensor Using Rectifier and Operational Amplifier |
L A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Laksono, Andromeda |
1B.6 |
55 |
Mechanical Properties and Morphological Characterisation of Waste Natural Fiber Composites Reinforced Polyester: Gelam (Melaleuca Leucadendra) |
Lestari, Dyah |
1C.6 |
87 |
Multi-object Detection on The Illumination Changes Using Omnidirectional Camera |
Liu, Xiufeng |
2C.3 |
213 |
Multi-grained Household Load Profile Analysis using Smart Meter Data: The Case of Indonesia |
Lois, Gianda Almyra |
1D.2 |
96 |
Modeling Academic Business Process for Balikpapan State Polytechnic using BPMN |
Lulla, Soham |
1A.2 |
7 |
A neural network approach towards development of computational model for performance estimation of commercial lithium ion batteries |
M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
M Abuzalata, Mahmoud |
2C.6 |
228 |
Application of Firefly algorithm optimization in distribution generation location and sizing using Renewable Energy for a real case study in Halhul city of Palestine |
Mahandi, Yogi |
1C.6 |
87 |
Multi-object Detection on The Illumination Changes Using Omnidirectional Camera |
Mahendra Putra, Gubtha |
2B.7 |
193 |
A comparative study of hierarchical-based routing protocol for heterogeneous sensor node in forest |
Mahfudi, Isa |
2D.7 |
270 |
Improve Performance Electrical Power System on Mahakam System Using Static Var Compensator |
Manembu, Pinrolinvic |
2C.3 |
213 |
Multi-grained Household Load Profile Analysis using Smart Meter Data: The Case of Indonesia |
Manulangga, Gloria |
3A.7 |
295 |
Web-based tool for Registration and Recapitulation of Eligibility Certificates at East Nusa Tenggara Marine Affairs and Fisheries Department |
Maria, Eny |
2A.7 |
153 |
Classification of Hotspot in East Kalimantan Forest with VIIRS Sensors using Support Vector Machine |
Martoyo, Ihan |
2B.6 |
188 |
Software Defined Radio for Education: Multimode Transceiver and Spectrum Analyzer with HackRF One |
Mudeng, Vicky |
2A.1 |
123 |
Continuous Wave Diffuse Optical Tomography for Imaging Defect in Agricultural |
2B.4 |
179 |
Circular Waveguide Band Pass Filter Composed of Artificial Dielectric Resonators for Transverse Electric Propagation Mode |
2C.5 |
223 |
Microcontroller Serial Communication to Analyze Bit Characters |
3B.4 |
321 |
A Comprehensive Study of Alternating Current Voltage Sensor Using Rectifier and Operational Amplifier |
Muhammad, Damris |
2D.2 |
249 |
Effects of Bio-char Amendment on Stabilization of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Soil of Oil Palm Plantation |
Muladi, Muladi |
2B.2 |
169 |
Real Time Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Using Internet of Things at University |
2B.3 |
174 |
Integrating Scheduling System for Managing A Huge Number of Electrical Devices |
Mulyadi, Mulyadi |
1C.2 |
66 |
Environmental Impact Risk Analysis on Production Process Of PT X |
Mulyanto, Karina Berliana |
2D.6 |
266 |
Syzygium oleina as bioelectrical using Plant-Microbial Fuel Cell |
Munir, Buyung |
2C.2 |
207 |
Air Pollution Influences on 150 kV Transmission Insulators Performance |
3B.2 |
313 |
Lightning Activity Evaluation in South Sumatera Region |
3B.3 |
317 |
Integration of Intermittent Renewable Energy Source (IRES) to The West Kalimantan Grid |
Muntaha, Mohamad |
2D.5 |
263 |
Balikpapan Soil Development And Shrinkage Behavior That Has Been Stabilized With Additive Helmut |
Murti, Sri D. |
1A.3 |
12 |
Up grading Biodiesel from Low Grade Used Cooking Oil by Hydrodeoxygenation |
Muttaqin, Adharul |
2B.1 |
164 |
Failover Scenario on Power Shutdown of Wireless Sensor Network Node |
N A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Natiand, Huda |
2C.5 |
223 |
Microcontroller Serial Communication to Analyze Bit Characters |
Nielsen, Per |
2C.3 |
213 |
Multi-grained Household Load Profile Analysis using Smart Meter Data: The Case of Indonesia |
Nilda, Nilda |
1C.2 |
66 |
Environmental Impact Risk Analysis on Production Process Of PT X |
Ningrum, Cahyaningtyas |
1B.6 |
55 |
Mechanical Properties and Morphological Characterisation of Waste Natural Fiber Composites Reinforced Polyester: Gelam (Melaleuca Leucadendra) |
Nisa, Wahdiyatun |
2A.1 |
123 |
Continuous Wave Diffuse Optical Tomography for Imaging Defect in Agricultural |
Nojeng, Syarifuddin |
1D.5 |
113 |
Determine of Transmission Usage Allocation for the Bilateral Energy Market: A Method of the Industry Costumer |
Novizon, Novizon |
2C.8 |
239 |
Feasibility Analysis of Grid Connected PV System Installation under Indonesian Feed-in Tariff Policy |
Nugraha, Endah |
1A.6 |
27 |
Study of Co-fired Empty Fruit Bunch with Coal in Drop Tube Furnace |
Nugroho, Muhammad Agung |
2D.8 |
275 |
Real-time Vehicle License Plate Detection by Using Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm with Tensorflow |
Nur Alam, Sitti |
1D.1 |
91 |
Paperless Human Resource Management System of Universitas Yapis Papua Staffing |
Nurwahidah, Andi |
1C.2 |
66 |
Environmental Impact Risk Analysis on Production Process Of PT X |
3C.5 |
349 |
Effect of Noise and Room Temperature on Employee Productivity in Mechanical Maintenance Workshop PT. Semen Bosowa Maros |
P A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Pakpahan, Herman |
1D.4 |
107 |
The Influence of User Generation Differences on Individual Performance in Using Information Technology |
2B.7 |
193 |
A comparative study of hierarchical-based routing protocol for heterogeneous sensor node in forest |
Pardede, Marincan |
2B.6 |
188 |
Software Defined Radio for Education: Multimode Transceiver and Spectrum Analyzer with HackRF One |
Prabasari, Ira |
2D.2 |
249 |
Effects of Bio-char Amendment on Stabilization of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Soil of Oil Palm Plantation |
Prabowo, Rachmad |
1B.1 |
31 |
The effect of addition of Organic Inhibitors in the form of Bintaro Leaves (Cerbera manghas) on API 5L Steel Corrosion Rate in 0,1 M NaCl Environment |
1B.2 |
36 |
The Effect Of Addition Organic Inhibitor Bintaro Fruit Extract (Cerbera manghas) To Inhibition Eficiency And Corrosion Rate On JIS G3131 Steel In 0,1 M H2SO4 Environment |
Prasetyo, Joni |
1A.3 |
12 |
Up grading Biodiesel from Low Grade Used Cooking Oil by Hydrodeoxygenation |
Pratama, Boby |
2A.3 |
134 |
Designing a neural network for vehicle type classification using extended Haar features |
2B.5 |
184 |
Pratama, Detak |
1A.6 |
27 |
Study of Co-fired Empty Fruit Bunch with Coal in Drop Tube Furnace |
Purwanto, Mochammad |
2D.4 |
258 |
Proton Exchange Membrane-Based Biopolymer Chitosan From Shrimp Shell For Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Application |
2D.5 |
263 |
Balikpapan Soil Development And Shrinkage Behavior That Has Been Stabilized With Additive Helmut |
Pusfitasari, Memik |
2D.4 |
258 |
Proton Exchange Membrane-Based Biopolymer Chitosan From Shrimp Shell For Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Application |
Puspitaningayu, Pradini |
3C.2 |
338 |
An Ardiuno-Simulink Based ECG Waveform Generator |
Puspitasari, Novianti |
1C.3 |
70 |
An Evaluation Quality of Service of the Borneo Biodiversity Informasi System |
Putra, Leonardus Sandy Ade |
2A.4 |
138 |
Identification of Heart Disease With Iridology Using Backpropagation Neural Network |
Putranto, Bambang Purnomosidi Dwi |
2D.8 |
275 |
Real-time Vehicle License Plate Detection by Using Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm with Tensorflow |
R A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Rahmawati, Yuni |
2C.4 |
218 |
Power Grid Capacity Forecasting Based on Electrical Energy Requirements Considering Macroeconomic Factor in Malang Regency |
Riawan, Dedet |
2C.6 |
228 |
Application of Firefly algorithm optimization in distribution generation location and sizing using Renewable Energy for a real case study in Halhul city of Palestine |
Rini, Intan Dwi Wahyu Setyo |
2D.3 |
253 |
Utilization of Hazardous Waste Fly Ash Coal from Kariangau Thermal Power Plant as Substitution of Portland Cement on Concrete |
Robandi, Imam |
2C.6 |
228 |
Application of Firefly algorithm optimization in distribution generation location and sizing using Renewable Energy for a real case study in Halhul city of Palestine |
Rumaherang, W. |
1A.4 |
18 |
Optimization of Output Parameters of The Horizontal Tidal Turbine by Modifying Its Meridional Section |
S A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Sahasrabuddhe, Aniket |
1A.2 |
7 |
A neural network approach towards development of computational model for performance estimation of commercial lithium ion batteries |
Saptaningtyas, Fitriana |
1B.4 |
47 |
Modify Multistep Difference Transform Method for Solving Jamming Model in Lorentz System |
Saputra, Okcy |
2A.1 |
123 |
Continuous Wave Diffuse Optical Tomography for Imaging Defect in Agricultural |
Sastrawan, Febrian |
1B.5 |
51 |
Imaging Conceptual Model Andesite Distribution Using Geoelectric and VLF Methods |
Sendari, Siti |
1C.6 |
87 |
Multi-object Detection on The Illumination Changes Using Omnidirectional Camera |
2B.2 |
169 |
Real Time Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Using Internet of Things at University |
2B.3 |
174 |
Integrating Scheduling System for Managing A Huge Number of Electrical Devices |
Setyadi, Hario |
1D.4 |
107 |
The Influence of User Generation Differences on Individual Performance in Using Information Technology |
2B.7 |
193 |
A comparative study of hierarchical-based routing protocol for heterogeneous sensor node in forest |
Shah, Jaydeep |
1A.2 |
7 |
A neural network approach towards development of computational model for performance estimation of commercial lithium ion batteries |
Sholihah, Atti |
1A.3 |
12 |
Up grading Biodiesel from Low Grade Used Cooking Oil by Hydrodeoxygenation |
Sholikah, Umi |
2D.3 |
253 |
Utilization of Hazardous Waste Fly Ash Coal from Kariangau Thermal Power Plant as Substitution of Portland Cement on Concrete |
2D.6 |
266 |
Syzygium oleina as bioelectrical using Plant-Microbial Fuel Cell |
Sinaga, Noval |
1C.5 |
82 |
Augmented Reality for Faculties Office and Basic Programming Laboratory Peripheral |
Sirad, Mochammad Apriyadi Hadi |
2C.1 |
203 |
Performance Optimazation Of 150 KV Transmission Tower In Jeneponto Steam Power Plant Using GIS Analysis |
Sivaraman, K |
1A.1 |
1 |
Modelling of Smart Airborne Wind turbine System with Neural Network |
Su'ud, Zaki |
3B.1 |
307 |
Neutronic Study of Small Modular Reactor Thorium Based as a Model of Nuclear Power Plant for Remote Area |
Sudarmadji, Petrisia |
3A.7 |
295 |
Web-based tool for Registration and Recapitulation of Eligibility Certificates at East Nusa Tenggara Marine Affairs and Fisheries Department |
Sudiharto, Dodi Wisaksono |
3C.7 |
355 |
The Power Saver Development on Android Oreo Smartphone Based on App Categories which Accomodate User Preference |
Sulisetyono, Aries |
3C.3 |
343 |
Design Of Radial Basis Function Network And State-Dependent LQT For Path Planning And Tracking Of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) To Intercept A Moving Target |
Sulistjono, Sulistjono |
1B.1 |
31 |
The effect of addition of Organic Inhibitors in the form of Bintaro Leaves (Cerbera manghas) on API 5L Steel Corrosion Rate in 0,1 M NaCl Environment |
1B.2 |
36 |
The Effect Of Addition Organic Inhibitor Bintaro Fruit Extract (Cerbera manghas) To Inhibition Eficiency And Corrosion Rate On JIS G3131 Steel In 0,1 M H2SO4 Environment |
1B.6 |
55 |
Mechanical Properties and Morphological Characterisation of Waste Natural Fiber Composites Reinforced Polyester: Gelam (Melaleuca Leucadendra) |
Supriyadi, Asep |
2A.3 |
134 |
Designing a neural network for vehicle type classification using extended Haar features |
Suryani, Erma |
1D.6 |
117 |
Investigating the Future of Angkot as Public Transportation in Surabaya Using System Dynamics Framework |
Suryawan, Sayekti |
1D.6 |
117 |
Investigating the Future of Angkot as Public Transportation in Surabaya Using System Dynamics Framework |
Susanto, Tony Dwi |
1D.4 |
107 |
The Influence of User Generation Differences on Individual Performance in Using Information Technology |
Susilo, Rizky |
2D.7 |
270 |
Improve Performance Electrical Power System on Mahakam System Using Static Var Compensator |
Suyanto, S |
1A.6 |
27 |
Study of Co-fired Empty Fruit Bunch with Coal in Drop Tube Furnace |
Syafii, Syafii |
2C.8 |
239 |
Feasibility Analysis of Grid Connected PV System Installation under Indonesian Feed-in Tariff Policy |
Syuhada, Akmal |
2D.5 |
263 |
Balikpapan Soil Development And Shrinkage Behavior That Has Been Stabilized With Additive Helmut |
T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Taha, Syamsumarlin |
2C.1 |
203 |
Performance Optimazation Of 150 KV Transmission Tower In Jeneponto Steam Power Plant Using GIS Analysis |
Tambunan, Handrea |
3B.3 |
317 |
Integration of Intermittent Renewable Energy Source (IRES) to The West Kalimantan Grid |
Taruk, Medi |
1D.4 |
107 |
The Influence of User Generation Differences on Individual Performance in Using Information Technology |
2A.7 |
153 |
Classification of Hotspot in East Kalimantan Forest with VIIRS Sensors using Support Vector Machine |
Taufik, Moch |
2B.8 |
199 |
Smart Monitoring of Rice Logistic Employing Internet of Things Network |
Taufiq, Imam |
2D.8 |
275 |
Real-time Vehicle License Plate Detection by Using Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm with Tensorflow |
Taufiqi, Ilham |
2C.4 |
218 |
Power Grid Capacity Forecasting Based on Electrical Energy Requirements Considering Macroeconomic Factor in Malang Regency |
Tejawati, Andi |
1C.4 |
76 |
Mobile Learning App to Improve Students Learning Outcomes |
Thebora, Meyly |
1A.3 |
12 |
Up grading Biodiesel from Low Grade Used Cooking Oil by Hydrodeoxygenation |
Tofani, Kemas |
2C.2 |
207 |
Air Pollution Influences on 150 kV Transmission Insulators Performance |
3B.2 |
313 |
Lightning Activity Evaluation in South Sumatera Region |
3B.3 |
317 |
Integration of Intermittent Renewable Energy Source (IRES) to The West Kalimantan Grid |
Toharudin, Toni |
3A.1 |
280 |
Ensemble Time Series Modified Generalized Regression Neural Network Rainfall Forecasting |
Tope, Jayesh |
1A.2 |
7 |
A neural network approach towards development of computational model for performance estimation of commercial lithium ion batteries |
Triana, Yunita |
1B.1 |
31 |
The effect of addition of Organic Inhibitors in the form of Bintaro Leaves (Cerbera manghas) on API 5L Steel Corrosion Rate in 0,1 M NaCl Environment |
1B.2 |
36 |
The Effect Of Addition Organic Inhibitor Bintaro Fruit Extract (Cerbera manghas) To Inhibition Eficiency And Corrosion Rate On JIS G3131 Steel In 0,1 M H2SO4 Environment |
Triwiyatno, Aris |
2A.4 |
138 |
Identification of Heart Disease With Iridology Using Backpropagation Neural Network |
Tunas, I Gede |
1B.3 |
42 |
A Flood Forecasting Model Based on Synthetic Unit Hydrograph of ITS-2 |
U A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Ummatin, Kuntum |
2D.1 |
244 |
Production of Briquettes to Utilize Woody Cutting Waste at Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia |
Uranus, Henri |
2B.6 |
188 |
Software Defined Radio for Education: Multimode Transceiver and Spectrum Analyzer with HackRF One |
Utama, Bintang |
1C.6 |
87 |
Multi-object Detection on The Illumination Changes Using Omnidirectional Camera |
Utami, Putri |
1B.1 |
31 |
The effect of addition of Organic Inhibitors in the form of Bintaro Leaves (Cerbera manghas) on API 5L Steel Corrosion Rate in 0,1 M NaCl Environment |
W A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Wadu, Robinson |
3A.7 |
295 |
Web-based tool for Registration and Recapitulation of Eligibility Certificates at East Nusa Tenggara Marine Affairs and Fisheries Department |
Wardhana, Reza |
1D.4 |
107 |
The Influence of User Generation Differences on Individual Performance in Using Information Technology |
2B.7 |
193 |
A comparative study of hierarchical-based routing protocol for heterogeneous sensor node in forest |
Wibowo, Ferry Wahyu |
3B.5 |
326 |
Comparison of Multiplication Algorithms Based on FPGA |
Widagdo, Putut |
1D.4 |
107 |
The Influence of User Generation Differences on Individual Performance in Using Information Technology |
2B.7 |
193 |
A comparative study of hierarchical-based routing protocol for heterogeneous sensor node in forest |
Widians, Joan |
1C.5 |
82 |
Augmented Reality for Faculties Office and Basic Programming Laboratory Peripheral |
Widiyaningtyas, Triyanna |
2B.2 |
169 |
Real Time Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Using Internet of Things at University |
Widodo, Arif |
3C.2 |
338 |
An Ardiuno-Simulink Based ECG Waveform Generator |
Y A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Yogaswara, Rachmad |
2D.4 |
258 |
Proton Exchange Membrane-Based Biopolymer Chitosan From Shrimp Shell For Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Application |
Yulianto, Fazmah Arif |
3C.7 |
355 |
The Power Saver Development on Android Oreo Smartphone Based on App Categories which Accomodate User Preference |
Yuwono, Rudy |
2B.1 |
164 |
Failover Scenario on Power Shutdown of Wireless Sensor Network Node |
Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T U W Y Z |
Zaeni, Ilham Ari |
1C.6 |
87 |
Multi-object Detection on The Illumination Changes Using Omnidirectional Camera |
Zainuri, Akhmad |
2B.1 |
164 |
Failover Scenario on Power Shutdown of Wireless Sensor Network Node |
Zulwisli, Zulwisli |
2C.8 |
239 |
Feasibility Analysis of Grid Connected PV System Installation under Indonesian Feed-in Tariff Policy |