Author |
Session |
Start page |
Title |
A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
A, Parvathy |
2-5.1 |
316 |
Implementation of Energy Efficient Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Smart Grid |
Abdulhammed, Razan |
2-7.3 |
373 |
Delay Tolerant and Multipath Reliability for Energy Efficient Heterogeneous VANETs Network |
Abed, Ali |
2-2.1 |
248 |
DeepFake Image Detection Using Adaptive Discriminator Augmentation (ADA) |
Afandi, Achmad |
2-6.3 |
351 |
Forecasting Digestive System Diseases in Surabaya using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Method |
Aghniya Baihaqi, Muhammad |
1-4.4 |
126 |
Multi-Item Lot Sizing Optimization involving Transportation Cost and Stochastic Demand with Aquila Algorithm |
Ahmad Zukarnain, Zuriati |
2-X.1 |
190 |
Towards Optimal Efficiencies in Software Defined Network SDN-Edge Cloud: Performance Evaluation of Load Balancing Algorithms |
Ahmadi, Sofyan |
1-7.2 |
180 |
The Design Of A Vessel For Magnetohydrodynamics Is Based On The Atmega 8535 Microcontroller |
Ahmed, Mohamad |
2-3.1 |
269 |
Multiuser Beamforming System with Massive MIMO-NOMA over mmWave channel |
Aisuwarya, Ratna |
2-3.4 |
287 |
An Electricity Usage Monitoring System using Internet of Things (IoT) for Small Business Stalls |
Akther, Khadiza |
2-4.2 |
298 |
Assessing the Robustness of Machine Learning Algorithms for Cardiovascular Disease Detection Across Diverse Clinical Datasets |
Al-dujaili, Ayad |
2-5.2 |
322 |
Linear Quadratic Regulator Control for Multi-port DC-DC converter for Standalone PV system |
Alameka, Faza |
1-6.2 |
159 |
Determination of Superior Rice Varieties Using ROC-SMART |
1-6.3 |
164 |
Selection of Coal Based on Quality Using AHP-TOPSIS Method Combination |
Alani, Sameer |
1-7.1 |
174 |
Energy Preservation in MANET using Self-Adaptive CH Selection with Advanced Genetic Algorithm |
2-7.3 |
373 |
Delay Tolerant and Multipath Reliability for Energy Efficient Heterogeneous VANETs Network |
Ali, Rabei Raad |
2-6.1 |
339 |
The Effect of Vehicles Speed on the Performance of VANET Protocol |
2-7.3 |
373 |
Delay Tolerant and Multipath Reliability for Energy Efficient Heterogeneous VANETs Network |
Alkhayyat, Ahmed |
1-7.1 |
174 |
Energy Preservation in MANET using Self-Adaptive CH Selection with Advanced Genetic Algorithm |
2-7.3 |
373 |
Delay Tolerant and Multipath Reliability for Energy Efficient Heterogeneous VANETs Network |
Almohamadi, Mohammed |
1-7.1 |
174 |
Energy Preservation in MANET using Self-Adaptive CH Selection with Advanced Genetic Algorithm |
2-7.3 |
373 |
Delay Tolerant and Multipath Reliability for Energy Efficient Heterogeneous VANETs Network |
Alomari, Amirah |
2-X.1 |
190 |
Towards Optimal Efficiencies in Software Defined Network SDN-Edge Cloud: Performance Evaluation of Load Balancing Algorithms |
Amallynda, Ikhlasul |
1-4.4 |
126 |
Multi-Item Lot Sizing Optimization involving Transportation Cost and Stochastic Demand with Aquila Algorithm |
Ambarwati, Rita |
2-6.4 |
356 |
Facial Fatigue Detection in High-Risk Occupational Environments: Leveraging YOLOv4 for Enhanced Worker Safety |
Aminuddin, Afrig |
1-2.1 |
60 |
Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Rain Tomorrow for Automated Plant Watering System |
2-1.3 |
237 |
KNN Algorithm to Determine Optimum Agricultural Commodities in Smart Farming |
Anam, Khairul |
1-X.1 |
1 |
Prediction of Handgrip Strength Based on Convolutional Neural Network Using Electromyography Signals |
Anshory, Izza |
2-6.4 |
356 |
Facial Fatigue Detection in High-Risk Occupational Environments: Leveraging YOLOv4 for Enhanced Worker Safety |
Anugrah, Rinasa |
1-X.2 |
7 |
Design, Manufacturing Process, and Performance Test of Thermoacoustic Refrigerator |
Aprianti, W |
2-5.4 |
334 |
Prediction of Yields Fluctuations on Indonesian Government Bonds using Classification Model Based on Rough Sets and Fuzzy Rough Sets |
Arbateni, Khaled |
2-7.4 |
378 |
Conventional and Heterogeneous Cascade Reservoir Computing for Arrhythmia Detection: A Comparative Study |
Arief Hasan, Mhd |
2-1.1 |
225 |
The Darknet Framework Yolov7 Is Used For Pineapple Fruit Ripeness Classification |
Ariff, Hatta |
1-1.2 |
43 |
Predicting the Risk Level and Position of Objects in the Forklift's Blind Spot Area Using Artificial Neural Network |
Arifiyanti, Amalia |
2-6.3 |
351 |
Forecasting Digestive System Diseases in Surabaya using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Method |
Arrasyid Supriyanto, Muhammad |
2-Y.2 |
219 |
Brain MRI 3D Segmentation using Patch Spatially Localized Network Tiles utilizing Pipelines on GPU Memory |
Arthana, I Ketut Resika |
1-1.4 |
55 |
Simulation and Performance Testing of the Ganesha Honeypot System (GHOST) for SSH Security |
Aryadita, Himawat |
1-6.1 |
153 |
FLUENT: Factoid Retrieval Based Chatbot Using LSTM |
Asaddulloh, Bima |
1-2.1 |
60 |
Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Rain Tomorrow for Automated Plant Watering System |
Azzam, Jafar |
1-6.1 |
153 |
FLUENT: Factoid Retrieval Based Chatbot Using LSTM |
Azzuri, Fachrizal |
1-3.4 |
103 |
Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning and Machine Learning Techniques for Question Classification in Bloom's Taxonomy |
B A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
Bachtiar, Fitra |
1-3.4 |
103 |
Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning and Machine Learning Techniques for Question Classification in Bloom's Taxonomy |
1-6.1 |
153 |
FLUENT: Factoid Retrieval Based Chatbot Using LSTM |
Bahiuddin, Irfan |
1-1.2 |
43 |
Predicting the Risk Level and Position of Objects in the Forklift's Blind Spot Area Using Artificial Neural Network |
Bahr, Dina |
2-2.2 |
254 |
Evaluation of the Performance of Facial Recognition Model Based on Multiple Algorithms |
Boubchir, Larbi |
2-7.4 |
378 |
Conventional and Heterogeneous Cascade Reservoir Computing for Arrhythmia Detection: A Comparative Study |
Buana, I Komang |
2-1.2 |
231 |
Secure Mobile Application for Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Phising Detection based on Deep Learning |
Bukhori, Herri |
2-4.3 |
304 |
Modification Metric of Class Document on Naïve Bayes for Sentiment Analysis of Online Learning Evaluation |
Byrne, William |
2-3.2 |
275 |
A Hybrid Machine Learning Enabled Tourism Recommender System Providing a Context-Aware Experience to Tourists in Ireland |
C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
Carrillo, Dayana |
1-2.2 |
66 |
Forecasting Energy Consumption in the Chimborazo Province, Ecuador, using Random Forest and XGBoost Algorithms |
Chandrasekaran, Balasubramaniyan |
1-1.1 |
38 |
A Survey of Path Planning and Navigation in Multi-Robotic Systems |
Chua, Dewey |
1-3.3 |
97 |
Real-Time Human Detection and Tracking System: A Novel Comparative Study of Centroid Tracking, Single Shot Detection and YOLO Algorithms |
Cucus, Ahmad |
2-1.3 |
237 |
KNN Algorithm to Determine Optimum Agricultural Commodities in Smart Farming |
D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
D, Jim Solomon Raja |
2-5.1 |
316 |
Implementation of Energy Efficient Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Smart Grid |
Darfiansa, Lazuardy |
1-3.4 |
103 |
Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning and Machine Learning Techniques for Question Classification in Bloom's Taxonomy |
Dijaya, Rohman |
2-6.4 |
356 |
Facial Fatigue Detection in High-Risk Occupational Environments: Leveraging YOLOv4 for Enhanced Worker Safety |
Dwijayatiana, Danang |
1-X.1 |
1 |
Prediction of Handgrip Strength Based on Convolutional Neural Network Using Electromyography Signals |
Dyasham, Andi Alifsyah |
1-6.1 |
153 |
FLUENT: Factoid Retrieval Based Chatbot Using LSTM |
E A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
Enriko, I Ketut |
2-2.4 |
263 |
Adaptive Eye Aspect Ratio Technique for Drowsiness Detection System |
F A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
Fajar, Aziz |
2-Y.2 |
219 |
Brain MRI 3D Segmentation using Patch Spatially Localized Network Tiles utilizing Pipelines on GPU Memory |
Fajarianto, Otto |
1-Y.1 |
24 |
Weakness Analysis of Medical Image Watermarking Using RDWT and SVD |
Fallon, Enda |
2-3.2 |
275 |
A Hybrid Machine Learning Enabled Tourism Recommender System Providing a Context-Aware Experience to Tourists in Ireland |
Fatichah, Chastine |
2-Y.2 |
219 |
Brain MRI 3D Segmentation using Patch Spatially Localized Network Tiles utilizing Pipelines on GPU Memory |
Fatkhurrokhman, Mohammad |
1-Y.3 |
33 |
Design of Big Data Web Services for Personal Data Collection Using the Round Robin Method as Load Balance |
Fatmawati, Fatmawati |
2-5.3 |
328 |
Estimating the Values of Malaria Spread Model using the Ensemble Kalman Filter Method |
Fauzi Abdulloh, Ferian |
1-2.1 |
60 |
Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Rain Tomorrow for Automated Plant Watering System |
2-1.3 |
237 |
KNN Algorithm to Determine Optimum Agricultural Commodities in Smart Farming |
Fauzulhaq, Alfirsa |
1-6.1 |
153 |
FLUENT: Factoid Retrieval Based Chatbot Using LSTM |
Filsafan, Mas Syahdan |
1-X.3 |
13 |
Ensemble Imputation Method for Forecasting Indonesia Sugar Dataset using Machine Learning |
1-X.4 |
18 |
Indonesia White Sugar Supply and Demand Forecast using Machine Learning |
G A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
Geraldine, Wildan |
1-4.1 |
109 |
Comparison of the performance of the SQL Injection detection model using CNN, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, and Decision Tree |
Gonzalez, Carlos |
2-4.1 |
292 |
IoT Flooding Attack Defense in SDN: A Real-Data Machine Learning Approach |
Guo, Jing-Ming |
2-Y.1 |
213 |
Channel Attention HalfU-Net for Skin Lesion Segmentation |
H A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
H, Hanny |
1-4.1 |
109 |
Comparison of the performance of the SQL Injection detection model using CNN, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, and Decision Tree |
Hadiwiyanti, Rizka |
2-6.3 |
351 |
Forecasting Digestive System Diseases in Surabaya using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Method |
Hairah, Ummul |
1-6.2 |
159 |
Determination of Superior Rice Varieties Using ROC-SMART |
1-6.3 |
164 |
Selection of Coal Based on Quality Using AHP-TOPSIS Method Combination |
Hakim, M. Faris Al |
2-7.2 |
368 |
CNN model for the small data in vehicle miniature classification |
Hamdani, Hamdani |
1-1.3 |
49 |
Machine vision approach using multi features for detection of oil palm stem disease |
1-3.1 |
85 |
Classification of Arabica Coffee Beans Based on Multi-features Using Artificial Neural Networks |
1-6.2 |
159 |
Determination of Superior Rice Varieties Using ROC-SMART |
1-6.3 |
164 |
Selection of Coal Based on Quality Using AHP-TOPSIS Method Combination |
Hardianto, Triwahju |
1-X.1 |
1 |
Prediction of Handgrip Strength Based on Convolutional Neural Network Using Electromyography Signals |
Haryono, Agus |
1-X.3 |
13 |
Ensemble Imputation Method for Forecasting Indonesia Sugar Dataset using Machine Learning |
1-X.4 |
18 |
Indonesia White Sugar Supply and Demand Forecast using Machine Learning |
Hasani, M. Iqbal |
1-2.1 |
60 |
Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Rain Tomorrow for Automated Plant Watering System |
Hatta, Heliza Rahmania |
1-6.3 |
164 |
Selection of Coal Based on Quality Using AHP-TOPSIS Method Combination |
Hidayati, Abna |
1-Y.1 |
24 |
Weakness Analysis of Medical Image Watermarking Using RDWT and SVD |
Hsia, Chih-Hsien |
2-Y.1 |
213 |
Channel Attention HalfU-Net for Skin Lesion Segmentation |
I A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
Iftitah, Khofifa |
1-Y.1 |
24 |
Weakness Analysis of Medical Image Watermarking Using RDWT and SVD |
Indrawati, Elsanda |
1-7.2 |
180 |
The Design Of A Vessel For Magnetohydrodynamics Is Based On The Atmega 8535 Microcontroller |
Indriyono, Bonifacius |
1-7.1 |
174 |
Energy Preservation in MANET using Self-Adaptive CH Selection with Advanced Genetic Algorithm |
Irawan, Mohammad |
2-X.2 |
195 |
Hybrid Algorithm of Differential Evolution - Support Vector Machine (DE-SVM) for Network Intrusion Detection System |
2-X.3 |
201 |
Conserved Sequence: Progressive Alignment and Binary Boolean Logic Algorithm |
2-X.4 |
207 |
CNN-Based Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Variants Using Spike Protein Hydrophobicity |
J A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
Jamhuri, Mohammad |
2-X.4 |
207 |
CNN-Based Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Variants Using Spike Protein Hydrophobicity |
Jumanto, Jumanto |
2-7.2 |
368 |
CNN model for the small data in vehicle miniature classification |
K A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
Kamelia, Riza |
1-7.2 |
180 |
The Design Of A Vessel For Magnetohydrodynamics Is Based On The Atmega 8535 Microcontroller |
Khusnul Arif, Didik |
2-5.3 |
328 |
Estimating the Values of Malaria Spread Model using the Ensemble Kalman Filter Method |
Kohinoor, Md Saidur |
2-4.2 |
298 |
Assessing the Robustness of Machine Learning Algorithms for Cardiovascular Disease Detection Across Diverse Clinical Datasets |
Kristanti, Nuning |
1-3.2 |
91 |
Sentiment-score Analysis of P2P Lending Industry on Android Application in Indonesia |
Kurniawan, Citra |
1-Y.1 |
24 |
Weakness Analysis of Medical Image Watermarking Using RDWT and SVD |
Kurniawan, Stephanus |
1-1.2 |
43 |
Predicting the Risk Level and Position of Objects in the Forklift's Blind Spot Area Using Artificial Neural Network |
Kusuma, Adenia |
1-2.4 |
79 |
Augmented Reality Usability Analysis of AR-Based VHF A/G Learning Design in Aviation Polytechnic |
Kusumawardana, Arya |
1-6.4 |
170 |
Implementing Linear Regression to Improve the Performance of Low-Cost Water Filling Machine |
L A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
Latip, Rohaya |
2-X.1 |
190 |
Towards Optimal Efficiencies in Software Defined Network SDN-Edge Cloud: Performance Evaluation of Load Balancing Algorithms |
Lemma, Tommaso |
2-3.2 |
275 |
A Hybrid Machine Learning Enabled Tourism Recommender System Providing a Context-Aware Experience to Tourists in Ireland |
M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
M Azmi, Zafril |
2-1.3 |
237 |
KNN Algorithm to Determine Optimum Agricultural Commodities in Smart Farming |
Mahamat Charfadine, Salim |
2-4.1 |
292 |
IoT Flooding Attack Defense in SDN: A Real-Data Machine Learning Approach |
Mahdy, Abid |
1-Y.2 |
29 |
Ghost Residual Networks for Image Companding |
2-Y.1 |
213 |
Channel Attention HalfU-Net for Skin Lesion Segmentation |
Mahmood, Sarmad |
1-7.1 |
174 |
Energy Preservation in MANET using Self-Adaptive CH Selection with Advanced Genetic Algorithm |
2-7.3 |
373 |
Delay Tolerant and Multipath Reliability for Energy Efficient Heterogeneous VANETs Network |
Manongga, Danny |
1-2.4 |
79 |
Augmented Reality Usability Analysis of AR-Based VHF A/G Learning Design in Aviation Polytechnic |
Marsetiya Utama, Dana |
1-4.4 |
126 |
Multi-Item Lot Sizing Optimization involving Transportation Cost and Stochastic Demand with Aquila Algorithm |
Maulidina, Miftakhul |
1-7.2 |
180 |
The Design Of A Vessel For Magnetohydrodynamics Is Based On The Atmega 8535 Microcontroller |
Mayuga, Gian Paolo |
1-3.3 |
97 |
Real-Time Human Detection and Tracking System: A Novel Comparative Study of Centroid Tracking, Single Shot Detection and YOLO Algorithms |
Megawanta, Putu Bayu |
1-1.4 |
55 |
Simulation and Performance Testing of the Ganesha Honeypot System (GHOST) for SSH Security |
Mintorini, Ery |
1-7.1 |
174 |
Energy Preservation in MANET using Self-Adaptive CH Selection with Advanced Genetic Algorithm |
Mohammed, Dania |
2-6.1 |
339 |
The Effect of Vehicles Speed on the Performance of VANET Protocol |
Mohammed, Ruaa |
2-5.2 |
322 |
Linear Quadratic Regulator Control for Multi-port DC-DC converter for Standalone PV system |
MohammedJawad, Bushra |
2-2.3 |
259 |
DSK: The Proposed Method for Deriving Secret Keys for encryption the block in the networks |
Mubarak-Ali, Al-Fahim |
2-1.3 |
237 |
KNN Algorithm to Determine Optimum Agricultural Commodities in Smart Farming |
Mufid, Muhammad |
2-5.3 |
328 |
Estimating the Values of Malaria Spread Model using the Ensemble Kalman Filter Method |
Mukhlash, Imam |
2-X.4 |
207 |
CNN-Based Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Variants Using Spike Protein Hydrophobicity |
2-5.4 |
334 |
Prediction of Yields Fluctuations on Indonesian Government Bonds using Classification Model Based on Rough Sets and Fuzzy Rough Sets |
Musa, Sarhan |
1-5.3 |
143 |
Performing Text Classification and Categorization through Unsupervised Learning |
1-5.4 |
148 |
Performing Text Classification and Categorization through Deep Learning and Semi-Supervised Learning |
Muslim, Much Aziz |
2-7.2 |
368 |
CNN model for the small data in vehicle miniature classification |
Muttaqin, Adharul |
1-4.2 |
114 |
Power Aware Routing Implementation over IEEE 802.11 on Fisheries Pond |
N A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
N, Hemavathi |
2-5.1 |
316 |
Implementation of Energy Efficient Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Smart Grid |
N, Vinotha |
2-5.1 |
316 |
Implementation of Energy Efficient Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Smart Grid |
Nadhif, Abrar |
1-Y.2 |
29 |
Ghost Residual Networks for Image Companding |
2-Y.1 |
213 |
Channel Attention HalfU-Net for Skin Lesion Segmentation |
Nasution, Feldiansyah |
2-1.1 |
225 |
The Darknet Framework Yolov7 Is Used For Pineapple Fruit Ripeness Classification |
Nasution, Nurliana |
2-1.1 |
225 |
The Darknet Framework Yolov7 Is Used For Pineapple Fruit Ripeness Classification |
Nataliani, Yessica |
1-2.4 |
79 |
Augmented Reality Usability Analysis of AR-Based VHF A/G Learning Design in Aviation Polytechnic |
Noori, Mohammed |
2-6.1 |
339 |
The Effect of Vehicles Speed on the Performance of VANET Protocol |
Nur Az Zahrah, Rezha |
1-6.2 |
159 |
Determination of Superior Rice Varieties Using ROC-SMART |
Nurtanio, Ingrid |
1-5.1 |
132 |
Wavelet and Huffman Coding Optimization with V-Variable Image Compressor in Image Compression |
P A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
Pamungkas, Natalinda |
1-7.1 |
174 |
Energy Preservation in MANET using Self-Adaptive CH Selection with Advanced Genetic Algorithm |
Paundu, Ady Wahyudi |
1-5.1 |
132 |
Wavelet and Huffman Coding Optimization with V-Variable Image Compressor in Image Compression |
Pazuña, Willian |
1-2.2 |
66 |
Forecasting Energy Consumption in the Chimborazo Province, Ecuador, using Random Forest and XGBoost Algorithms |
Pereira, Daniel |
2-5.2 |
322 |
Linear Quadratic Regulator Control for Multi-port DC-DC converter for Standalone PV system |
Permanasari, Adhistya |
1-2.3 |
73 |
Employee Placement Model for Job Promotion and Transfer using AHP and Fuzzy Profile Matching |
Praherdhiono, Henry |
1-Y.1 |
24 |
Weakness Analysis of Medical Image Watermarking Using RDWT and SVD |
Prahesti, Fidya |
1-7.2 |
180 |
The Design Of A Vessel For Magnetohydrodynamics Is Based On The Atmega 8535 Microcontroller |
Praptodiyono, Supriyanto |
1-Y.3 |
33 |
Design of Big Data Web Services for Personal Data Collection Using the Round Robin Method as Load Balance |
Prasetiyo, Budi |
2-7.2 |
368 |
CNN model for the small data in vehicle miniature classification |
Prasetyo, Heri |
1-Y.1 |
24 |
Weakness Analysis of Medical Image Watermarking Using RDWT and SVD |
1-Y.2 |
29 |
Ghost Residual Networks for Image Companding |
2-Y.1 |
213 |
Channel Attention HalfU-Net for Skin Lesion Segmentation |
Prasetyo, Tegar |
1-1.2 |
43 |
Predicting the Risk Level and Position of Objects in the Forklift's Blind Spot Area Using Artificial Neural Network |
Prasetyo Sari, Kartika |
1-7.2 |
180 |
The Design Of A Vessel For Magnetohydrodynamics Is Based On The Atmega 8535 Microcontroller |
Pratama, Dafa |
1-1.2 |
43 |
Predicting the Risk Level and Position of Objects in the Forklift's Blind Spot Area Using Artificial Neural Network |
Pratama, Hafiyyan |
1-Y.3 |
33 |
Design of Big Data Web Services for Personal Data Collection Using the Round Robin Method as Load Balance |
Pratama, Zudha |
2-7.3 |
373 |
Delay Tolerant and Multipath Reliability for Energy Efficient Heterogeneous VANETs Network |
Pristyanto, Yoga |
2-1.3 |
237 |
KNN Algorithm to Determine Optimum Agricultural Commodities in Smart Farming |
Priya, Bushra |
2-4.2 |
298 |
Assessing the Robustness of Machine Learning Algorithms for Cardiovascular Disease Detection Across Diverse Clinical Datasets |
Proma, Moulia |
2-4.2 |
298 |
Assessing the Robustness of Machine Learning Algorithms for Cardiovascular Disease Detection Across Diverse Clinical Datasets |
Purwananto, Yudhi |
2-7.1 |
362 |
Hybrid School Selection System using R-Tree Spatial Index Algorithm and SAW Method |
Puspaningsih, Ni Nyoman |
2-X.4 |
207 |
CNN-Based Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Variants Using Spike Protein Hydrophobicity |
Puspitasari, M. Dewi |
1-7.2 |
180 |
The Design Of A Vessel For Magnetohydrodynamics Is Based On The Atmega 8535 Microcontroller |
Puspitasari, Novianti |
1-6.3 |
164 |
Selection of Coal Based on Quality Using AHP-TOPSIS Method Combination |
Putri, Bellia |
1-4.3 |
120 |
Implementation of RFID HF Reader for Detecting of multi-Tag Reader using Anti-collision Algorithm based on Binary Tree |
Putri, Rizqy |
2-4.4 |
310 |
Optimal Feature Selection Algorithm (FSA) for Electronic Nose Signal |
Q A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
Qasim, Osama A. |
2-6.1 |
339 |
The Effect of Vehicles Speed on the Performance of VANET Protocol |
Quazi, Saiman |
1-5.3 |
143 |
Performing Text Classification and Categorization through Unsupervised Learning |
1-5.4 |
148 |
Performing Text Classification and Categorization through Deep Learning and Semi-Supervised Learning |
Quinatoa, Carlos |
1-2.2 |
66 |
Forecasting Energy Consumption in the Chimborazo Province, Ecuador, using Random Forest and XGBoost Algorithms |
R A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
R, Sharmitha |
2-5.1 |
316 |
Implementation of Energy Efficient Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Smart Grid |
R, Sriranjani |
2-5.1 |
316 |
Implementation of Energy Efficient Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Smart Grid |
Rachmawanto, Eko Hari |
1-7.1 |
174 |
Energy Preservation in MANET using Self-Adaptive CH Selection with Advanced Genetic Algorithm |
2-6.1 |
339 |
The Effect of Vehicles Speed on the Performance of VANET Protocol |
Radhiah, Ainatul |
1-Y.3 |
33 |
Design of Big Data Web Services for Personal Data Collection Using the Round Robin Method as Load Balance |
Rahaman, Md. Jamaner |
2-4.2 |
298 |
Assessing the Robustness of Machine Learning Algorithms for Cardiovascular Disease Detection Across Diverse Clinical Datasets |
Rahardi, Majid |
1-2.1 |
60 |
Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Rain Tomorrow for Automated Plant Watering System |
Ramantoko, Gadang |
1-3.2 |
91 |
Sentiment-score Analysis of P2P Lending Industry on Android Application in Indonesia |
Ramdhani, Heru |
2-2.4 |
263 |
Adaptive Eye Aspect Ratio Technique for Drowsiness Detection System |
Raras Indah Rosari, Bernadetta |
1-X.3 |
13 |
Ensemble Imputation Method for Forecasting Indonesia Sugar Dataset using Machine Learning |
1-X.4 |
18 |
Indonesia White Sugar Supply and Demand Forecast using Machine Learning |
Ratnawati, Dian |
1-3.4 |
103 |
Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning and Machine Learning Techniques for Question Classification in Bloom's Taxonomy |
Recto, King Harold |
1-3.3 |
97 |
Real-Time Human Detection and Tracking System: A Novel Comparative Study of Centroid Tracking, Single Shot Detection and YOLO Algorithms |
Rezky, Muhammad |
1-5.1 |
132 |
Wavelet and Huffman Coding Optimization with V-Variable Image Compressor in Image Compression |
Ridho, Felza |
2-X.3 |
201 |
Conserved Sequence: Progressive Alignment and Binary Boolean Logic Algorithm |
Rimadhani, Tri |
2-6.3 |
351 |
Forecasting Digestive System Diseases in Surabaya using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Method |
Rizal, Naufal |
1-X.1 |
1 |
Prediction of Handgrip Strength Based on Convolutional Neural Network Using Electromyography Signals |
Rochim, Adian |
1-4.3 |
120 |
Implementation of RFID HF Reader for Detecting of multi-Tag Reader using Anti-collision Algorithm based on Binary Tree |
Rubiyanti, Selvia |
1-4.4 |
126 |
Multi-Item Lot Sizing Optimization involving Transportation Cost and Stochastic Demand with Aquila Algorithm |
S A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
Sabila, Shoffi |
2-4.4 |
310 |
Optimal Feature Selection Algorithm (FSA) for Electronic Nose Signal |
Sabilla, Irzal |
2-7.1 |
362 |
Hybrid School Selection System using R-Tree Spatial Index Algorithm and SAW Method |
Safitri, Dewi |
2-5.4 |
334 |
Prediction of Yields Fluctuations on Indonesian Government Bonds using Classification Model Based on Rough Sets and Fuzzy Rough Sets |
Safitri, Rina |
2-5.3 |
328 |
Estimating the Values of Malaria Spread Model using the Ensemble Kalman Filter Method |
Sakti, Widhi |
1-X.1 |
1 |
Prediction of Handgrip Strength Based on Convolutional Neural Network Using Electromyography Signals |
Saleh, Ahmed |
2-3.1 |
269 |
Multiuser Beamforming System with Massive MIMO-NOMA over mmWave channel |
Saleh, Azmi |
1-X.1 |
1 |
Prediction of Handgrip Strength Based on Convolutional Neural Network Using Electromyography Signals |
Samian, Normalia |
2-X.1 |
190 |
Towards Optimal Efficiencies in Software Defined Network SDN-Edge Cloud: Performance Evaluation of Load Balancing Algorithms |
Santoso, Michael |
1-5.2 |
138 |
Detection Of Click Bait And Fake News In Online News Using Neural Network Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) |
Sari, Christy Atika |
2-6.1 |
339 |
The Effect of Vehicles Speed on the Performance of VANET Protocol |
Sarno, Riyanarto |
1-X.3 |
13 |
Ensemble Imputation Method for Forecasting Indonesia Sugar Dataset using Machine Learning |
1-X.4 |
18 |
Indonesia White Sugar Supply and Demand Forecast using Machine Learning |
2-Y.2 |
219 |
Brain MRI 3D Segmentation using Patch Spatially Localized Network Tiles utilizing Pipelines on GPU Memory |
2-4.4 |
310 |
Optimal Feature Selection Algorithm (FSA) for Electronic Nose Signal |
Saskara, Gede Arna Jude |
1-1.4 |
55 |
Simulation and Performance Testing of the Ganesha Honeypot System (GHOST) for SSH Security |
Septiarini, Anindita |
1-1.3 |
49 |
Machine vision approach using multi features for detection of oil palm stem disease |
1-3.1 |
85 |
Classification of Arabica Coffee Beans Based on Multi-features Using Artificial Neural Networks |
1-6.2 |
159 |
Determination of Superior Rice Varieties Using ROC-SMART |
Setiabudi, Djoni |
1-5.2 |
138 |
Detection Of Click Bait And Fake News In Online News Using Neural Network Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) |
Setiarso, Ichwan |
2-7.3 |
373 |
Delay Tolerant and Multipath Reliability for Energy Efficient Heterogeneous VANETs Network |
Setiawan, Hermawan |
2-1.2 |
231 |
Secure Mobile Application for Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Phising Detection based on Deep Learning |
Setiyani, Lila |
1-4.1 |
109 |
Comparison of the performance of the SQL Injection detection model using CNN, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, and Decision Tree |
Setyaningsih, Emy |
1-1.3 |
49 |
Machine vision approach using multi features for detection of oil palm stem disease |
Setyawan, Raden Arief |
1-4.2 |
114 |
Power Aware Routing Implementation over IEEE 802.11 on Fisheries Pond |
Setyawati, Dian |
2-5.4 |
334 |
Prediction of Yields Fluctuations on Indonesian Government Bonds using Classification Model Based on Rough Sets and Fuzzy Rough Sets |
Setyawati, Onny |
1-4.2 |
114 |
Power Aware Routing Implementation over IEEE 802.11 on Fisheries Pond |
Siagian, Pandapotan |
2-Y.2 |
219 |
Brain MRI 3D Segmentation using Patch Spatially Localized Network Tiles utilizing Pipelines on GPU Memory |
Subramaniam, Shamala |
2-X.1 |
190 |
Towards Optimal Efficiencies in Software Defined Network SDN-Edge Cloud: Performance Evaluation of Load Balancing Algorithms |
Suhendar, Agung |
2-2.4 |
263 |
Adaptive Eye Aspect Ratio Technique for Drowsiness Detection System |
Sulistyo, Selo |
1-2.3 |
73 |
Employee Placement Model for Job Promotion and Transfer using AHP and Fuzzy Profile Matching |
Sunarti, S |
2-4.3 |
304 |
Modification Metric of Class Document on Naïve Bayes for Sentiment Analysis of Online Learning Evaluation |
Sunaryono, Dwi |
2-7.1 |
362 |
Hybrid School Selection System using R-Tree Spatial Index Algorithm and SAW Method |
Surojo, Surojo |
1-1.2 |
43 |
Predicting the Risk Level and Position of Objects in the Forklift's Blind Spot Area Using Artificial Neural Network |
Susanto, Tri |
2-2.4 |
263 |
Adaptive Eye Aspect Ratio Technique for Drowsiness Detection System |
Suwardono, Agus |
1-7.2 |
180 |
The Design Of A Vessel For Magnetohydrodynamics Is Based On The Atmega 8535 Microcontroller |
Suyanto, Suyanto |
2-2.4 |
263 |
Adaptive Eye Aspect Ratio Technique for Drowsiness Detection System |
Syaifudin, Encik |
1-1.3 |
49 |
Machine vision approach using multi features for detection of oil palm stem disease |
Sylviani, Sylviani |
1-2.3 |
73 |
Employee Placement Model for Job Promotion and Transfer using AHP and Fuzzy Profile Matching |
T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
Tadisetti, Sivarama |
2-3.2 |
275 |
A Hybrid Machine Learning Enabled Tourism Recommender System Providing a Context-Aware Experience to Tourists in Ireland |
Taha, Dujan |
2-3.3 |
281 |
Detection Bad Code Smells By Using Deep Machine Learning Approaches |
Talib, Doaa |
2-2.1 |
248 |
DeepFake Image Detection Using Adaptive Discriminator Augmentation (ADA) |
Tampati, Ihsan |
2-1.2 |
231 |
Secure Mobile Application for Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Phising Detection based on Deep Learning |
Tjondrowiguno, Alvin |
1-5.2 |
138 |
Detection Of Click Bait And Fake News In Online News Using Neural Network Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) |
W A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
Wati, Masna |
1-6.2 |
159 |
Determination of Superior Rice Varieties Using ROC-SMART |
Wibawanto, Slamet |
1-6.4 |
170 |
Implementing Linear Regression to Improve the Performance of Low-Cost Water Filling Machine |
Wibowo, Ferry Wahyu |
1-7.3 |
185 |
Analysis of Finding Optimal Current in Electric Circuit Using Chimpanzee Leader Election Optimization |
Wicaksana, Cakra |
1-Y.3 |
33 |
Design of Big Data Web Services for Personal Data Collection Using the Round Robin Method as Load Balance |
2-6.2 |
345 |
Eye and People Counting using Haar Cascade and NVIDIA Jetson Nano for Ad Analysis |
Wicaksono, Hanif |
1-Y.3 |
33 |
Design of Big Data Web Services for Personal Data Collection Using the Round Robin Method as Load Balance |
Wihayati, Wihayati |
1-7.3 |
185 |
Analysis of Finding Optimal Current in Electric Circuit Using Chimpanzee Leader Election Optimization |
Wijaya, William |
2-7.1 |
362 |
Hybrid School Selection System using R-Tree Spatial Index Algorithm and SAW Method |
Winarno, Agustinus |
1-1.2 |
43 |
Predicting the Risk Level and Position of Objects in the Forklift's Blind Spot Area Using Artificial Neural Network |
Y A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
Yahya, Hiba |
2-3.3 |
281 |
Detection Bad Code Smells By Using Deep Machine Learning Approaches |
Yaqin, Ainul |
1-2.1 |
60 |
Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Rain Tomorrow for Automated Plant Watering System |
Yuliansyah, Harry |
2-1.4 |
243 |
Implementation of Plant Disease Recognition Using Deep Learning in Telegram Messenger |
Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T W Y Z |
Zaeni, Ilham Ari |
1-6.4 |
170 |
Implementing Linear Regression to Improve the Performance of Low-Cost Water Filling Machine |