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Welcome from the General Chairs

On behalf of the organizing committee, we are very pleased to welcome you to [|The Eight IEEE Sensor Array Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM)] in [|A Coruña], a modern Spanish city looking out onto the Atlantic Ocean. The SAM 2014 workshop will consist of 22 invited and contributed technical sessions, 6 plenary talks by world’s leading researchers, as well as 2 tutorials on timely topics.

We have been greatly helped by a superb team of colleagues, including many of you, who have been tirelessly working to make this workshop a success. We thank Aleksandar Dogandžić and Marius Pesavento for preparing a first-rate technical program and organizing a student paper competition. The student paper competition has facilitated an increased student participation in this SAM workshop.

Many thanks to Olivier Besson for handling the finances; to Maria Sabrina Greco our Publications Chair; and to Roberto López Valcarce for the local arrangements. We are particularly grateful to all the authors, plenary speakers, session organizers, and reviewers for their contributions.

We wish to express our gratitude to the public and private institutions that have provided both financial and logistic support to the SAM 2014 Workshop: the U.S. Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG), the University of A Coruña (UDC), the Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones (CITIC), Balidea, the Centro de Investigación Atlántico en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones (AtlanTIC), the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP), the Fundación Instituto Tecnológico de Galicia (ITG), the Centro Tecnolóxico de Telecomunicacións de Galicia GRADIANT, the Colexio Oficial de Enxeñeiros de Telecomunicación de Galicia (COETG) and the Consorcio de Turismo y Congresos de A Coruña.

A Coruña is an open city that embraces all its visitors with warmth and according to its motto “A Coruña is the city where nobody is a stranger.” It is blessed with the longest [|beach promenade] in Europe that completely surrounds it; the [|Hércules Tower], which is a World Heritage site; and many local and regional attractions. A Coruña, and its surroundings are also renowned by the [|exquisite cuisine] and [|lively nightlife].

As part of SAM 2014, we will offer a free excursion to [|Santiago De Compostela], another World Heritage site and destination of the Way of St. James pilgrimage route. The workshop will take place during the [|Midsummer Festival] that will make SAM 2014 an unforgettable experience.

Mónica F. Bugallo and Luis Castedo General Chairs

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