
Call for Workshop Proposals
The MASS 2012 Call for Workshop Proposals is also available as a
PDF file.
MASS 2012 is organized and sponsored by the
IEEE Computer Society.
The 9th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems (IEEE MASS-2012) will be held on October 8-11, 2012, at the Flamingo Hotel ofLas Vegas, Nevada, USA (IEEE MASS-2012)
The IEEE MASS Workshops provide a forum for interaction and exchange on topics related to any of the many facets of wireless and mobile ad hoc and sensor networks. They solicit novel ideas in specific research areas and possibly in more focused way than at the main conference.Workshop attendance is open to all registered conference delegates. All workshop proceedings will be published on IEEE Xplore, ensuring a high level of visibility.
MASS2011 had an exciting workshop program with 6 full day workshops. Topics cover a broad span ranging from wireless mobile ad hoc and sensor systems to new avenues such as theInternet of Things.Please visit: http://mass2011.upv.es/ to view information on workshops of MASS 2011.
The MASS2012 Organizing Committee invites proposals for one day workshops affiliated with the conference. The workshops will be held before and after the main conference. Proposals are solicited in all areas and topics pertaining to adhoc wireless and sensor networking research and applications. All selected workshops are expected to adhere to a common paper submission and reviewing schedule outlined below:
- Workshop proposals deadline: April 30, 2012
- Proposals notification: May 10, 2012
- Workshop papers due: July 23, 2012
- Workshop paper acceptance notification: August 23, 2012
- Camera‐ready submission: Sept1, 2012
Each workshop proposal must include:
- The name of the workshop
- The names, addresses, and a short bio (up to 200 words) of the organizers (maximum up to three)
- A brief description (up to 1 page) of the technical issues that the workshop will address, and the reasons why the workshop is of interest at this time
- The names of workshop / program committee chairs, and potential TPC members
- Planned format of the workshop, such as number of refereed papers and/or invited talks
- When applicable, a description of past editionsof the workshop, including the number of submitted and accepted papers, number of attendees, etc.
Workshop proposals should be submitted by email (in PDF format) to the MASS 2012 Workshop Chair:Jiannong Cao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, csjcao@polyu.edu.hk The submission deadline is Monday April 30th 2012. Please, put "MASS 2012 Workshop Proposal" in the subject.