Time Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5 Room 6

Tuesday, June 14

09:00-10:30 Tutorial 1.1: Challenges and Solutions for the Green Transition Tutorial 3.1: The era of digital biomarkers in cardiovascular disease Tutorial - Recent Advances in the Assessment and Certification of AI Ethics R8 Student Paper Contest    
10:30-11:00   WORKSHOP: The EIRIE platform enabling R&I activities and investment in smart grids
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 Tutorial 1.2: Resilience in low-carbon grids Tutorial 3.2: Cardiovascular parameters and monitoring systems for patients in intensive care unit Tutorial 2.1: Pushing Intelligence to the Edge of Internet of Things: A new Paradigm enabling Next-Generation Smart Systems of Systems Tutorial 4.1: 5G localization: from research to standardization  
13:00-15:00 Lunch + moving to Aula MAGNA
16:30-18:30 Special meeting with industries
18:30-19:30 Visit of Palazzo Steri
20:00-22:30 Welcome Reception

Wednesday, June 15

08:30-10:15 Start up Video competition S1A - Part 1: Energy storage systems and their control - Part 1 S2A: Artificial Intelligence, Augmented and Virtual Reality S3A: Services, Applications and Solutions in Smart Healthcare S4A: 3D Networks S1D: Electrical Machines and drivers for Industry
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:45 WIE event S1A - Part 2: Energy storage systems and their control - Part 2 S2B: Modelling and Analysis of Advanced Products and Manufacturing Processes S3B: Nanostructured devices and smart materials for biophotonics applications S4B: 5G and beyond Wireless Networks and Applications S1E: Electrical Machines and Electric mobility
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:30 Special meeting on innovative start up & entrepreneurs- PANEL 1          
14:30-16:15 S1B: Conversion and Control of Sustainable Energy Sources   S3C - Part 1: Neural and Cognitive Engineering - Part 1 S4C - Part 1: Remote Sensing Methods and Applications - Part 1 S1F: The PSS and the EDS of Tokamak Experimental Facilities
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:15 Special meeting on innovative start up & entrepreneurs- PANEL 2 S1C: Electrification of small islands & electric marine transportation S2C: Smart Materials & Smart Sensors for Industry 4.0 S3C - Part 2: Neural and Cognitive Engineering - Part 2 S4C - Part 2: Remote Sensing Methods and Applications - Part 2 S4D: Smart Education Technologies
20:00-23:30 Gala Dinner

Thursday, June 16

08:30-10:00 WIE/young student projects competition S1J: Cyber Security and Big Data Issues for Smart Grid Systems S1G - P1: Smart solution for high penetration of PV generation in Renewable Energy Communities - Part 1 S3D: E-Health and IoT for Smart HealthCare S4E - P1: Cognitive Computing, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning - Part 1 S1H - P1: Wireless Power transfer and Power Electronics Systems
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:45 S1L: Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Smart Grids S1K - Part 1: Energy Management, Smart Metering and Distributed Energy Resources - Part 1 S1G - P2: Smart solution for high penetration of PV generation in Renewable Energy Communities - Part 2 S3E: Big Data Integration and Personalised Medicine S4E - P2: Cognitive Computing, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning - Part 2 S1H - P2: Energy Harvesting
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 STUDENT & YP projects competition S1K - Part 2: Energy Management, Smart Metering and Distributed Energy Resources - Part 2 S1M - P1: Power Electronics and Control in Smart Grids, Industry and e-Transportation - Part 1 S3F: Advances in Medical Informatics for HealthCare Applications S4F: IoT and Smart Communications S4G: Smart Living Technologies
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-17:45     S1M - P2: Power Electronics and Control in Smart Grids, Industry and e-Transportation - Part 2 S3G: Bio-electromagnetic modelling    
18:00-18:30 Closing and Award Ceremony          

Tuesday, June 14

Tuesday, June 14 9:00 - 11:00

Tutorial 3.1: The era of digital biomarkers in cardiovascular disease

Valentina Corino
Room 2

According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death accounting for 30% of deaths worldwide. Among these diseases, the incidence and prevalence of pathologies related to atrial electrical disfunctions, mainly involving supraventricular arrhythmias (SVAs) are today reaching pandemic proportions. SVAs are highly debilitating for the patient, ranging from a reduced quality of life to the development of stroke events. Today's standard for health screening is a clinical visit to a health facility where assessments are performed through the identification of biomarkers, that represent a snapshot in time that, on the one hand, may not identify the pathology, and, on the other hand, requires specific follow-on clinical visits. In this context, digital medicine may help through the use of technologies and tools for the measuring of human health biomarkers in a more pervasive and effective way, increasing the possibility of identifying the pathology and hence reducing the need for further visits. Data generated from wearables can potentially create personalized baselines for health and can help improve population health, advance clinical research, and guide the development of new devices. Collecting, processing and understanding of digital biomarkers extracted from such novel devices are an intensive and challenging process that requires an interdisciplinary effort, ranging from artificial intelligence to ethical and legal aspects.

Tutorial - Recent Advances in the Assessment and Certification of AI Ethics

Ali Hessami
Room 3

This tutorial will cover the latest advances on technology ethics and two IEEE initiatives namely IEEE 7000 standard and the Ethics Certification Programme for Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (ECPAIS). These provide a basis for raising awareness and providing a systematic framework for the innovators, researchers and technologists as well as small and large enterprises involved in AI and technology innovation and development. The main focus is on Autonomous Decision Making and Algorithmic Learning Systems and two complementary approaches to the risk reduction in societal harms and ethical assurance of these technologies.

R8 Student Paper Contest

Room 4
9:00 Optimization of Cold Rolling Process Recipes Based on Historical Data
Kristjan Cuznar (University of Ljubljana & Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia); Miha Glavan (Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
9:24 Design of Low-Power Arithmetic Logic Circuits for 45 nm CMOS Technology
Lorenzo Lagostina (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
9:48 Beam-Switching Circularly Polarized Antenna Array for Cold-Chain Tracking RFID Applications
Zixuan Huang (Imperial College London, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
10:12 Homomorphic Encryption for Privacy-Friendly Augmented Democracy
Matthieu Brabant (University of Louvain, Belgium); Olivier Pereira (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium); Pierrick Méaux (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
10:36 Machine Learning as an Aid to Predicting Clinical Outcome After Stroke
Emilija Cojbasic (University of Nis, Serbia)

Tutorial 1.1: Challenges and Solutions for the Green Transition

Rosario Miceli
Room 1

It can be stated that the sustainable development of our planet is considerably related to a significant and constant reduction of environmental pollution in the next years. In this perspective, the technological transition of power production from traditional energy sources to 100% renewable energy sources, represents a valuable solution to the global climate change challenge, decreasing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Indeed, this is one of the most relevant actual topics of all governments policy and it has considerable attention in the scientific community. As well known, electrical power systems are changing from centralized generation systems to distributed generation systems due to the increase of renewable energy sources. In the next future, the main grid will be composed by interconnected microgrids that can be managed and controlled independently. In particular, in a power system with conventional power plants, where synchronous machines are adopted, and distributed generation plants, where static conversion systems are used, the system stability is entrusted only on the conventional power generation systems thanks to their rotating inertia and damping. Indeed, static power converters cannot provide inertia and damping to power systems, so they are vulnerable to power dynamics and system faults. Thus, power system stability is degraded as the penetration of renewable energy sources increases and this issue is amplified in a possible future power system with only renewable sources. The "Smart Inverters" concept represents a promising solution to overcome the operative limits of traditional renewable energy sources. A Smart Inverter is an inverter with the capability to make a proactive and autonomous decision based on local measurements and external data. This new concept allows obtaining an energy source able to perform different functions, in real-time operations, like gridsupporting mode to provide ancillary services or grid-forming mode in the case of islanded microgrid following a fault. Also, innovative energy storage systems and hybrid solutions play an important role in order to ensure a power reserve to increase grid stability. In this context, the aim of this tutorial is to provide the audience with the actual scenario and the future perspective on the innovative solutions and control strategies in the inverter-based renewable energy sources. Moreover, a detailed overview of the energy storage systems and innovative hybrid solutions will be discussed. More in detail, the tutorial is structured as follows: The first part will be focused on the actual technological transition to an electrical system with 100% renewable energy sources in terms of innovations and operative limits of the traditional systems. These innovative paradigms will also address the social impact and government policies. The second part of the tutorial will examine the new scenarios of the future power system in terms of the interconnected microgrids with particular attention to the stability of the low-inertia systems. Finally, the tutorial will give particular attention to the Smart Inverters and their features and challenges in terms of functions, performance improvement, and operation mode. An extensive analysis regarding the control strategies based on the Virtual Synchronous Machine concept and multilevel technologies will be provided. Moreover, a part of this tutorial will be focused on storage systems, innovative hybrid solutions, and management strategies.

Tuesday, June 14 10:30 - 13:00

WORKSHOP: The EIRIE platform enabling R&I activities and investment in smart grids

Room 6

Tuesday, June 14 11:00 - 11:30

Tuesday, June 14 11:30 - 13:00

Tutorial 3.2: Cardiovascular parameters and monitoring systems for patients in intensive care unit

Manuela Ferrario
Room 2

In this tutorial the circulatory shock will be defined and used as a key example to show the importance for the hemodynamic monitoring in the intensive care unit (ICU). As covid pandemic taught us, ICU is particular hospital ward where patients with severe or life-threatening illnesses and injuries are admitted, they require constant care, close supervision from life support equipment and medication in order to be stabilized and to avoid life-threatening events. ICUs are staffed by highly trained physicians, nurses and respiratory therapists. The available technology and the key methodological aspects behind the parameters commonly used in clinical practice will be overviewed (e.g. gold standard measurement and beat-to-beat estimation of cardiac output, estimation of cardiac afterload and preload). The integration of artificial intelligence in the monitoring systems represents a great opportunity, the automatic risk stratification could be helpful in prioritizing risky patients and in better managing the staff workload. Some examples will be illustrated.

Tutorial 2.1: Pushing Intelligence to the Edge of Internet of Things: A new Paradigm enabling Next-Generation Smart Systems of Systems

Giancarlo Fortino
Room 3

Internet of Things will not be only a new worldwide network interconnecting trillions of (smart) devices but, most importantly, a platform (system of systems) where to develop a new wave of (cyber-physical) services for humans and machines. In this context, in order to build IoT systems, the so-called IoT-Edge-Cloud continuum paradigm is having tremendous focus from the research community as well as from the industry. This paradigm can therefore be an enabler to push intelligence from the core of the network to its edge: from centralized data mining to embedded machine learning in tiny IoT devices to federated machine learning involving networks of edge devices. Moreover, methodologies are emerging to support analysis, design, implementation and evaluation of solutions involving mining and machine learning at the IoT edge. In this talk, we will focus on IoT from both the architectural and machine learning at the edge perspectives. Finally, some use cases will be discussed related to mobile edge computing, ambient assisting living environments, and intelligent transportation systems.

Tutorial 4.1: 5G localization: from research to standardization

Domenico Giustiniano & Mythri Hunukumbure
Room 4

Localization will greatly increase the overall value of the 5G ecosystem and beyond, exploiting both new waveforms, denser deployments, larger bandwidths and antennas, as well as other wireless technologies integrated in todays' smartphones. The 3GPP localization framework (eLCS) is also expanding to support these developments, but new technical challenges have also emerged in supporting different 5G verticals. Building on top of the current effort in 3GPP, the main findings from the research conducted in the framework of the H2020 LOCUS project will be presented, as well as its contribution to the ongoing standardization activities until the most recent Release 18. Future directions for 3GPP eLCS to evolve are also discussed, in view of the current challenges.

Tutorial 1.2: Resilience in low-carbon grids

Pierluigi Mancarella
Room 1

Our understanding of the classical reliability concepts of security and adequacy is increasingly being challenged by the rising penetration level of variable renewable energy (VRE) sources and distributed energy resources (DER) and the more frequent occurrence of extreme, high-impact low-probability (HILP) events - for instance driven by climate change - with potentially catastrophic impacts. In this tutorial, we will discuss how there is a need for introducing new analysis and modelling frameworks to deal with the increasing fragility of low-carbon grids and exposure to climate change-driven extreme events. The key desirable features of such frameworks will be presented for both operation and planning and from both technical and economic/commercial perspectives, along with metrics, methodologies and modelling tools that can help make future systems more secure, reliable and resilient. Several conceptual, modelling and analytical challenges, approaches and solutions will be outlined. The key question that will be addressed is whether power and energy systems should be made "stronger" (e.g., through component hardening), "bigger" (more redundant, through investment in new transmission/generation asset) or "smarter" (through new smart grid technologies and operational and commercial practices). Besides different examples taken from the lecturer's several international projects in the area, the South Australia "Black System" event of September 2016, the UK demand disconnection event of August 2019, and the Texas power crisis of February 2021, will be taken as "textbook" case studies to practically illustrate some of the general concepts presented.

Tuesday, June 14 13:00 - 15:00

Tuesday, June 14 15:00 - 16:30


Alberto Sangiovanni Vincentelli

The Covid-19 pandemic advanced the digital transformation by at least 10-15 years, bringing chaos to many productive sectors including tourism, mobility, trade, the hotel and food industries. The speech will analyze the impact of Covid-19 on the whole society and show how innovation can help rethinking business models and the boundaries between industries.

Tuesday, June 14 16:30 - 18:30

Tuesday, June 14 18:30 - 19:30

Tuesday, June 14 20:00 - 22:30

Wednesday, June 15

Wednesday, June 15 8:30 - 10:30

S1A - Part 1: Energy storage systems and their control - Part 1

Room 2
Chair: Andrea Mazza (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
8:30 Soft-Start Capabilities of Battery Energy Storage Systems: Simulative Analysis of an Applicative Test-Case
Roberto Aresi (Eletec2000 Srl, Italy); Andrea Bonfiglio (University of Genova, Italy); Daniele Mestriner (University of Genoa, Italy); Giampiero Pace (Eletec2000 Srl, Italy); Paola Pongiglione and Ernesto Soressi (Hitachi Energy Spa, Italy)
8:45 Modelling and Evaluating Capability of Battery Storage Systems to Provide Extreme Event Services to the DSO: Case Study of Croatia
Bojana Barać, Matija Kostelac and Ivan Pavić (University of Zagreb, Croatia); Tomislav Capuder (Zagreb, Croatia); Joško Grašo, Anton Marušić, Tomislav Koledić and Josipa Barišin (Elektra Zagreb, Croatia)
9:00 Energy Storage Systems in DC Railways for Improving Operating Conditions of AC Power Grids
Giuseppe Graber, Vito Calderaro, Vincenzo Galdi and Lucio Ippolito (University of Salerno, Italy)
9:15 Preliminary Research on the Power Supply of a Real Industrial Load Through Load-Leveling Operation Strategy of Energy Storage System
Michele De Santis (Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy); Luca Silvestri (Università Nicolò Cusano, Italy); Leonardo Federici (Università Niccolò Cusano, Italy)
9:30 Optimal Sizing of a Community Level Thermal Energy Storage System
Mitch Geraedts and Joel Alpízar-Castillo (TU Delft, The Netherlands); Laura Ramirez Elizondo (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands); Pavol Bauer (TU Delft, USA)
9:45 Vanadium Redox Flow Battery in Hybrid Propulsion Systems for Marine Applications
Linda Barelli and Dario Pelosi (University of Perugia, Italy); Michela Longo and Dario Zaninelli (Politecnico di Milano, Italy); Andrea Ottaviano and Federico Gallorini (VGA srl, Italy)
10:00 Option Value of EV Smart Charging Concepts in Transmission Expansion Planning Under Uncertainty
Stefan Borozan (Imperial College London, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Spyros Giannelos (Imperial College, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Marko Aunedi and Goran Strbac (Imperial College London, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
10:15 Grey Wolf Optimisation for Maximising Benefits of Storage Devices in Distribution Systems
Gianni Celli, Marco Galici, Maryam Mousavi and Fabrizio Pilo (University of Cagliari, Italy); Gian Giuseppe Soma (Università di Cagliari, Italy)

S2A: Artificial Intelligence, Augmented and Virtual Reality

Room 3
Chair: Andrea Matta (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
8:30 Edge-AI Platform for Realtime Wildlife Repulsion
Marialaura Tamburello (Università di Pisa, Italy); Giuseppe Caruso (University of Pisa, Italy); Davide Adami (CNIT Pisa Research Unit, University of Pisa, Italy); Mike Ojo (University of Torino, Torino, Italy); Stefano Giordano (University of Pisa, Italy)
8:45 Comparison of Hands-Free Speech-Based Navigation Techniques for Virtual Reality Training
Davide Calandra, Filippo Gabriele Pratticò and Fabrizio Lamberti (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
9:00 Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) Based Localization Algorithms for Mobile Robots Utilizing Vision and Odometry
Hoang Tran (Duy Tan University, Vietnam); Dong Tran Le (DUYTAN University, Vietnam); Minh T Nguyen (Thai Nguyen University of Technology, Vietnam)
9:15 Embedded Image Capture System for Liquid Monitoring in the Smart Chemical Industry
Nesrine Boussaada (ESTIA Bidart, France); Guillaume Terrasson, Alvaro Llaria and Octavian Curea (ESTIA, France)
9:30 Analysis of the Sentiments of the Participants in a Clinical Study to Evaluate a Balance Rehabilitation Intervention Delivered by a Virtual Coach
Maria Roumpi (Unit of Medical Technology and Intelligent Information Systems, Greece); Dimitrios Gatsios (University of Ioannina & Capemed, Greece); Vassilios Tsakanikas (Unit of Medical Technology and Intelligent Information Systems, Greece); Kostas M. Tsiouris (Unit of Medical Technology and Intelligent Information Systems, University of Ioannina Ioannina, Greece); Eleni Georga (University of Ioannina, Greece); Doris Eva Bamiou (University College London, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Marousa Pavlou (Centre for Human and Applied Physiological Sciences, Greece); Christos Nikitas and Dimitrios Kikidis (National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece); Isabelle Daniela Walz (Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Germany); Christoph Maurer (Neurologische Universitätsklinik, Germany); Dimitris Fotiadis (Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, FORTH, Greece & University of Ioannina, Greece)
9:45 Keynote Speaker: Domenico Formica

Wednesday, June 15 8:30 - 10:15

S3A: Services, Applications and Solutions in Smart Healthcare

Room 4
Chair: Fernando Vaquerizo-Villar (Universidad de Valladolid & Centro de Investigación Biomédica En Red En Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina, Spain)
8:30 A Convolutional Neural Network to Classify Sleep Stages in Pediatric Sleep Apnea From Pulse Oximetry Signals
Fernando Vaquerizo-Villar (Universidad de Valladolid & Centro de Investigación Biomédica En Red En Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina, Spain); Daniel Alvarez (University of Valladolid, Spain); Gonzalo Gutiérrez-Tobal (Biomedical Engineering Group, Universidad de Valladolid, CIBER-BBN, Spain); Felix del Campo (Hospital Universitario Rio Hortega de Valladolid, Spain); Leila Kheirandish-Gozal (The University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, Missouri, Spain); David Gozal (The University of Missouri School of Medicine, USA); Thomas Penzel (Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany); Hornero Roberto (University of Valladolid, Spain)
8:45 The Artificial Intelligence Based Diagnostic Assistant - AIDA
Azra Pašić, Lejla Pašić and Alija Pašić (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
9:00 Heal the Privacy: Functional Encryption and Privacy-Preserving Analytics
Alexandros Bakas and Antonis Michalas (Tampere University, Finland)
9:15 The Uncertain Times of COVID Mass Vaccine Deliveries: From Start-Up to Steady-State
Maurizio Naldi (LUMSA University, Italy); Gaia Nicosia (Università Roma Tre, Italy); Andrea Pacifici (Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy)
9:30 A Model to Improve the Quality of Low-Dose CT Scan Images
Francesca Chircop, Carl J. Debono, Paul Bezzina and Francis Zarb (University of Malta, Malta)
9:45 PDapp: A Companion Mobile Application With Appcessories for Continuous Follow-Up of Parkinson's Disease Patients
Duarte Dias (INESC TEC, Portugal); Joana M Silva (Previous Member of INESC Technology and Science, Portugal); Nuno Oliveira (Dengun, Portugal); João Massano (Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João & University of Porto, Portugal); João Paulo S. Cunha (INESC TEC and FEUP, Portugal)
10:00 Typical External Loads That Require to Be Resisted by a Non-Dominant Prosthetic Hand
Yesenia Aquilina, Michael A. Saliba, Jesmond Attard and Alexiei Dingli (University of Malta, Malta)

S4A: 3D Networks

Room 5
Chair: Barbara M Masini (CNR - IEIIT & University of Bologna, Italy)
8:30 Power and Bandwidth Allocation Based on Age of Information Metrics in Satellite Uplink Channels
Jorge Torres Gomez (TU Berlin, Germany); Máximo Morales-Céspedes (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain); Musbah Shaat (CTTC, Spain); Ana Garcia Armada (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain); Ana Isabel Pérez Neira (Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC-CERCA) & Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya - UPC, Spain)
8:45 NS-3-Based 5G Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Network Simulator
Nour Badini, Mario Marchese and Fabio Patrone (University of Genoa, Italy)
9:00 Over the Air Computing for Satellite Networks in 6G
Marc Martinez-Gost (Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya & Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain); Ana Pérez-Neira (CTTC, Spain)
9:15 Federated Semi-Supervised Classification of Multimedia Flows for 3D Networks
Saira Bano (ISTI-CNR, Italy); Achilles Kiwanuka Machumilane (University of Pisa, Italy & CNR-ISTI, Italy); Lorenzo Valerio (IIT-CNR, Italy); Pietro Cassarà (National Research Council (CNR) at Pisa, Italy); Alberto Gotta (ISTI-CNR, Italy & CNIT, Italy)
9:30 Keynote Speaker: Marco di Renzo

Wednesday, June 15 8:30 - 10:30

S1D: Electrical Machines and drivers for Industry

Room 6
Chair: Daniele Bosich (University of Trieste, Italy)
8:30 Robust Control Based on Variable Structure of a Symmetrical Six Phase PMSM for Wind Turbine
Omar Bouyahia (University of Picardie Jules Verne & LTI, France); Franck Betin and Amine Yazidi (University of Picardie Jules Verne, France)
8:45 A Theoretical Analysis of the Direct Flux Control Technique for Inter-Turns Short-Circuits in PMSMs
Fabio Corti (University of Florence, Italy); Matthias Nienhaus (Laboratory of Actuation Technology, Saarland University, Germany); Marco Pratelli and Francesco Grasso (University of Florence, Italy); Emanuele Grasso (Saarland University, Germany)
9:00 Combined Grid Inertia Contribution and Mechanical Active Damping Control for Variable Speed Wind Turbines
Katharina Günther (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany); Constantinos Sourkounis (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)
9:15 Air-Gapped Current Transformer Simulation and Accuracy Assessment
Luis Felipe Ceron Oliver, Qing Wang and Dagou Zeze (Durham University, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
9:30 Torque Control of DC Electric Motor Using PID-Genetic Algorithm Optimization Method
Mohamed Benchagra (University Sultane Moulay Slimane, Morocco)
9:45 Discrimination Between Broken Bars Fault and Load Torque Variation in Induction Motors
Faiza Ouiddir and Noureddine Benouzza (USTOMB, Algeria)
10:00 Invited Speaker: Hadi Kanaan

Wednesday, June 15 10:30 - 11:00

Wednesday, June 15 11:00 - 13:00

S1A - Part 2: Energy storage systems and their control - Part 2

Room 2
Chair: Daniela Proto (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)
11:00 Statistical Approach for Continuous Internal Resistance Estimation of Lithium Ion Cells Under Dynamic Loads
Avdyli Arber (Mercedes Benz AG, Germany); Alexander Fill and Kai Peter Birke (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
11:15 Interaction of Temperature and Current Differences Among Parallel-Connected Lithium-Ion Cells in Dependency of the Thermal Battery Design
Alexander Fill and Kai Peter Birke (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
11:30 Optimal Bidding for a Large Battery-Electrolyzer Facility in the Day-Ahead Market
Petra Miljan (University of Zagreb, Croatia); Hrvoje Pandzic (Fer, Croatia); Zeljko Tomsic (University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Croatia)
11:45 Comparative Evaluation of Ramp-Rate Limitation Control Strategies Employing Supercapacitors
Kyriaki-Nefeli Malamaki, Georgios Kryonidis and Charis Demoulias (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
12:00 Provision of Ancillary Services by Wind Generators With Energy Storage Systems: A Real Italian Case-Study
Fabrizio De Caro, Antonio Pepiciello and Alfredo Vaccaro (University of Sannio, Italy)
12:15 Environmental and Economic Issues for the Sizing of Battery Energy Storage Combined With Renewable Generation in an Industrial Facility
Fabio Mottola, Daniela Proto and Marco Russo (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)
12:30 Consumer, Producer, and Prosumer Based Mathematical Models for Optimal Energy Storage Sizing
Semanur Sancar and Gokturk Poyrazoglu (Ozyegin University, Turkey)
12:45 Impact of Flexibility Services Implementation on Power Network Constraint Management
Carlos Cruzat (RINA Tech UK Ltd, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Rhys Williams (SSEN, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Karim Anaya and Michael Pollitt (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (Great Britain))

S2B: Modelling and Analysis of Advanced Products and Manufacturing Processes

Room 3
Chair: Francesco Masulli (University of Genova, Italy)
11:00 Invited Speaker: Giambattista Gruosso
11:30 Net-Zero Energy Factory: Exploitation of Flexibility - A Technical-Economic Analysis for a German Carpentry
Pio Lombardi (Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF, Germany); Marco Liserre (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany)
11:45 Pareto Front Analysis of Buffer-Based Energy Efficient Control for Machines in Serial Flow Lines
Nicla Frigerio and Andrea Matta (Politecnico di Milano, Italy); Ziwei Lin (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
12:00 Thevenin-Based Battery Model With Ageing Effects in Modelica
Roman Milishchuk (Ukrainian Catholic University, Ukraine); Tetiana Bogodorova (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
12:15 Modelling and Analysis of Radiation Heating in Thermoforming Processes
Enrico Spateri, Fredy Ruiz and Giambattista Gruosso (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
12:30 A Deep Transfer Learning Approach to an Effective Classification of Water Pollutants From Voltammetric Characterizations
Mario Molinara and Alessio DiTinno (University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy); Luigi Ferrigno (University of Cassino and Southern Lazio); Antonio Maffucci (University of Cassino and Southern Lazio & National Institute of Nuclear Physics, INFN-LNF, Italy); Polina Kuzhir (University of Eastern Finland, Finland); Mikhail Shuba (Belarus State University, Belarus); Rocco Cancelliere and Laura Micheli (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy)
12:45 Learning Factories: A Review of State of the Art and Development of a Morphological Model for an Industrial Engineering Education 4.0
Mara Bellucci and Alessandro Chiurco (University of Calabria, Italy); Antonio Cimino (University of Salento, Italy); Domenica Ferro, Francesco Longo and Antonio Padovano (University of Calabria, Italy)

Wednesday, June 15 11:00 - 12:45

S3B: Nanostructured devices and smart materials for biophotonics applications

Room 4
Chair: Antonio d'Alessandro (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
11:00 Invited Speaker: Zeev Zalevsky
11:30 Refractive Index Sensing by a Silicon Metasurface
Davide Rocco, Costantino De Angelis and Andrea Locatelli (Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy); Alfonso C. Cino (University of Palermo, Italy); Luca Carletti and Marco Gandolfi (Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy); Andrea Tognazzi (University of Palermo, Italy)
11:45 Micron-Sized Bioparticles Detection Through Phase Analysis of Back-Scattering Signals From Optical Fiber Tweezers: An Exploratory Study
Beatriz Jacinto Barros (INESC TEC, Portugal); João Paulo S. Cunha (INESC TEC and FEUP, Portugal)
12:00 Biocompatibility of Integrated Nanostructure for IC Electronics Devices
Palma Fabrizio (Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italy)
12:15 Characterization of All-Dielectric Metasurfaces Using Space-Limited Model
Sharmetha Kannan (Sapienza University of Rome, India); Fabio Mangini (University of Brescia, Italy); Fabrizio Frezza and Aniqa Mehboob (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
12:30 Exploring the Temperature-Dependent Goos-Hänchen Shift on the Metal Surface
Aniqa Mehboob (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy); Fabio Mangini (University of Brescia, Italy); Fabrizio Frezza (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)

S4B: 5G and beyond Wireless Networks and Applications

Room 5
Chair: Francesco Guidi (National Research Council of Italy (CNR) - IEIIT, Italy)
11:00 Invited Paper - A Spatio-Temporal Signal Dimension Reduction Method for Integrated Localization and Sensing
Yi Li, Hanying Zhao and Yuan Shen (Tsinghua University, China)
11:30 Joint Communication and Sensing in 5G-V2X Vehicular Networks
Nicolò Decarli (CNR - IEIIT, Italy & WiLab/CNIT, Italy); Stefania Bartoletti (University of Rome Tor Vergata and CNIT, Italy); Barbara M Masini (CNR - IEIIT & University of Bologna, Italy)
11:45 Automatic Backhaul Planning for 5G Open RAN Networks Based on MNO Data
Beatriz Marques (Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Portugal); Diogo Parracho (Instituto de Telecomunicações and CELFINET and ISEL, Portugal); Marco Sousa (Celfinet and Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), Portugal); Pedro Vieira (Instituto de Telecomunicações / ISEL, Portugal); Maria Paula Queluz (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal); António J. Rodrigues (IT / Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal)
12:00 Deep Learning to Robustify a Geometric Interpretation of Trilateration for 3D RSS-Based Localization
Minh Hoang Le and Dirk Slock (EURECOM, France); Jean-Pierre Rossi (France)
12:15 Cognitive Waveforms for Automotive Radar
Mario La Manna (Evoelectronics, Italy); Marco La Manna (Michigan Technological University, USA)
12:30 Design, Simulation and Testing of a Fast Recharge System for Public Transportation System
Adriano Alessandrini, Lorenzo Berzi, Tommaso Favilli and Domenico Staffa (University of Florence, Italy); Fabio Cignini (Enea & Research Centre, Italy); Antonino Genovese (Italian National Agency for New Technologies Energy and Sustainable Economic Development & ENEA, Italy); Fernando Ortenzi (ENEA, Italy); Luca Pugi (University of Florence, Italy)

Wednesday, June 15 11:00 - 13:00

S1E: Electrical Machines and Electric mobility

Room 6
Chairs: Daniele Bosich (University of Trieste, Italy), Massimo Caruso (University of Palermo, Italy)
11:00 A Fuzzy Controlled Pitch Angle in a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Type Wind Energy Conversion System
Demsew Mitiku Teferra (Pan-African University Institute of Basic Science, Technology and Innovation, Kenya & Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Ethiopia)
11:15 Applicability Verification of the Magnetic Geared Motor for Railway Vehicle Traction
Seong-Hwi Kim (Hanyang University, Korea (South)); Jae Hyeon Lim, Seong Yong Hong, Jin Chul Kim, Jae Bum Lee, Hyung Woo Lee and Chan Bae Park (Korea National University of Transportation, Korea (South))
11:30 A Data-Driven Model for Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor for Electric Powertrain
Hicham El hadraoui (UM6P, Morocco); Oussama Laayati (University Hassan 1 Settat & Mohamed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco); Nasr Guennouni (Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco); Ahmed Chebak (Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), Morocco); Mourad Zegrari (Université Hassan II Casablanca, Morocco)
11:45 Anti-Icing System on Railway Turnouts Using Induction Heating Technology for Energy Saving
Hyeong-Seok Oh (Hanyang University, Korea (South)); Dong Kyun Kim (Korea National University of Transportation, Korea (South)); Seok-Min Hong (Korea National University of Transportaion, Korea (South)); Sang Gyun Ryu, Chan Bae Park and Jae Bum Lee (Korea National University of Transportation, Korea (South)); Ju Lee (Hanyang University, Korea (South)); Hyung Woo Lee (Korea National University of Transportation, Korea (South))
12:00 Effect of Static Eccentricity on the Mean Values of the Inductances of PMSMs
Carsten Klein (Saarland University, Germany); Marco Palmieri (Università Della Basilicata, Italy); Matthias Nienhaus (Laboratory of Actuation Technology, Saarland University, Germany); Emanuele Grasso (IU International University of Applied Sciences)
12:15 Design, Optimization and Experimental Study of Axial and Hub BLDC Motors In-Wheel Application for Light Electric Vehicles
Ozturk Tosun and Kenan Toker (Marmara University, Electric Electronic Eng., Turkey); Necibe fusun Serteller (Marmara University Technology Faculty Electric-Electronic Dep. & Marmara University, Turkey); Vedat Topuz (Marmara University, Computer Technology Programming, Turkey)
12:30 Backstepping-Based Control of Vienna Rectifier for Electric Vehicle DC Ultra-Fast Charger
Achraf Saadaoui (Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco); Mohammed Ouassaid (Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco)
12:45 Effect of V2G Technology Integration on MV Distribution Grids
Francesca Marasciuolo, Maria Dicorato, Giuseppe Forte and Pasquale Montegiglio (Politecnico di Bari, Italy)

WIE event

Room 1

Wednesday, June 15 13:00 - 14:00

Wednesday, June 15 14:00 - 16:30

Special meeting on innovative start up & entrepreneurs- PANEL 1

Room 1

Wednesday, June 15 14:30 - 16:30

S1B: Conversion and Control of Sustainable Energy Sources

Room 2
14:30 Keynote Speaker: Kamal Al-Haddad
15:00 Optimal Allocation of Protection and Control Devices in Distribution Networks With Microgrids
Cleberton Reiz (INESC TEC, Brazil & São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil); Tayenne de Lima and Jonatas Leite (São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil); Mohammad Javadi (INESC TEC Porto, Iran & CPES1, Portugal); Clara Gouveia (INESC TEC Porto, Portugal)
15:15 Social and Environmental Impacts Linked to the Use of Non-Destructive Methods in Installations of Underground Electricity Networks
Maileen S Simão, Beatriz B Cardoso, Euler Ribeiro and Marcos Aurelio Izumida Martins (CERTI Foundation, Brazil); Moacir F Lopes, Jr. (Enel Distribuição São Paulo, Brazil)
15:30 Economic Dispatch Problem Solution via Holomorphic Embedding Method
Ana Catarina Salles Ramos (University of Palermo, Italy); Francisco Damasceno Freitas (Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil); Gaetano Zizzo (University of Palermo, Italy)
15:45 Climate Change Mitigation in Cities by Adopting Solar Streetlights With Energy Management Capabilities: Case of Nairobi
Willy Stephen Tounsi Fokui (Pan African University Institute for Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation, Kenya)
16:00 A Dual Function of Buck-Boost Converter in Photovoltaic System: MPP Tracker and I-V Tracer for Fault Diagnosis Applications
Yassine Chouay (Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco & Mohammadia School of Engineers (EMI), Morocco); Mohammed Ouassaid (Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco)
16:15 Hybrid PV-Wind-Battery Management System Based on 7L Switched-Capacitor MLI
Abdelbasset Mehiri (National Polytechnics School, Algeria); El Madjid Berkouk (National Polytechnic School of Algiers, Algeria); Saad Mekhilef (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)

S3C - Part 1: Neural and Cognitive Engineering - Part 1

Room 4
Chairs: Anna M. Bianchi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Patricia Figuereido (Istituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal)
14:30 Invited Speaker: Thomas Penzel
15:00 Machine Learning Techniques in Code Comprehension and Code Review Assessed by Neurophysiological and Biofeedback Measures: A Quick Review
Haytham Hijazi (University of Coimbra, Portugal); Ricardo Couceiro (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal); Joao Castelhano (University of Coimbra & CIBIT/ICNAS, Portugal); Miguel Castelo-Branco, Paulo Carvalho and Henrique Madeira (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
15:15 Intelligent Biofeedback Comprehension Assessment: Theory, Research, and Tools
Haytham Hijazi (University of Coimbra, Portugal); Ricardo Couceiro (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal); Joao Castelhano (University of Coimbra & CIBIT/ICNAS, Portugal); José Cruz, Miguel Castelo-Branco, Paulo Carvalho and Henrique Madeira (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
15:30 EEG Analysis of Selective Attention During Error Potential BCI Experiments
Andrea Farabbi and Luca Mainardi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
15:45 NeuXus: A Biosignal Processing and Classification Pipeline for Real-Time Brain-Computer Interaction
Simon Legeay (Université Paris-Saclay, France); Gustavo Caetano (Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Portugal); Patrícia Figueiredo (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal); Athanasios Vourvopoulos (Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
16:00 Focal Onset Detection Using Parallel Genetic Naive Bayes
Scot Davidson, Niamh Mccallan, Kok Yew Ng, Pardis Biglarbeigi and Dewar Finlay (Ulster University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Boon Leong Lan (Monash University, Malaysia); James Mclaughlin (University of Ulster, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
16:15 Assessment of Muscle Fatigue During the Walk on a Treadmill in Healthy Subjects Based on Median Frequency of Surface Electromyogram
Szymon Siecinski (University of Lübeck, Germany & Academy of Silesia, Poland); Paweł Kostka (Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Electronics, Poland); Ewaryst Janusz Tkacz (Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Poland)

Wednesday, June 15 14:30 - 16:15

S4C - Part 1: Remote Sensing Methods and Applications - Part 1

Room 5
Chair: Dino Ienco (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE), France)
14:30 Introduction to Remote Sensing Methods: Open Issues and New Challenges
14:45 Joint Use of Airborne LiDAR Metrics and Topography Information to Estimate Forest Parameters via Neural Networks
Kamel Lahssini (INRAE, France)
15:00 Spaceborne SAR Remote Sensing for Hydrogeological Risk Monitoring
Simona Verde and Diego Reale (CNR-IREA, Italy); Antonio Pauciullo (IREA, CNR, Italy); Eugenio Sansosti (IREA-CNR, Italy); Gianfranco Fornaro (CNR-IREA, Italy)
15:15 The VIIRS Nighttime Lights Average Annual Global Dataset: Exploratory and Brisk Trend Analysis on Three Different Domains
Andrea Ajmar (Politecnico di Torino, Italy); Emere Arco (Polytechnic of Turin, Italy); Allegra Eusebio (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
15:30 Automatic Generation of Sentinel-1 DInSAR Co-Seismic Maps at Global Scale
Mario Fernando Monterroso (IREA CNR, Italy); Manuela Bonano (IMAA-CNR, Italy); Claudio De Luca and Riccardo Lanari (IREA-CNR, Italy); Michele Manunta (CNR-IREA, Italy); Mariarosaria Manzo and Giovanni Onorato (IREA-CNR, Italy); Ivana Zinno (IREA, CNR, Italy); Francesco Casu (IREA-CNR, Italy)
15:45 Comparing Machine Learning Techniques for Aquatic Vegetation Classification Using Sentinel-2 Data
Erika Piaser and Paolo Villa (National Research Council of Italy, Italy)
16:00 Explainable Multi-Criteria Data-Driven Environmental Status Assessment From Remote Sensing
Gloria Bordogna, Daniela Stroppiana and Mirco Boschetti (CNR, Italy); Pietro Alessandro Brivio (CNR-IREA, Italy)

Wednesday, June 15 14:30 - 16:30

S1F: The PSS and the EDS of Tokamak Experimental Facilities

Room 6
Chairs: Gian Mario Polli (ENEA, Italy), Pietro Zito (ENEA, Italy)
14:30 Status of Design and Procurement Activities in DTT Tokamak Project Area
Gian Mario Polli (ENEA, Italy); Antonio Cucchiaro (DTT S. c. r. l., Italy); Mauro Dalla Palma (Consorzio RFX, Italy); Lori Gabellieri (ENEA and DTT S. c. a r. l., Italy); Alessandro Lampasi and Giuseppe Ramogida (ENEA, Italy); Andrea Reale (ENEA and DTT S. c. a r. l., Italy); Selanna Roccella (ENEA, Italy); Marco Valisa (RFX Consortium, Italy)
15:00 Model Predictive Control for Tokamak Central Solenoid Power Supply
Cristina Terlizzi (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy); Stefano Bifaretti (C-PED, Center for Power Electronics and Drive, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy); Alessandro Lampasi (ENEA, Italy)
15:15 Guidelines and Conceptual Design of the Grounding System of the DTT Experimental Facility
Carmelo Riccardo Riccardo Lopes (ITER Organization & ENEA, Italy); Cristina Terlizzi (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy); Roberto Romano (ENEA & DTT, Italy); Guido Ala (Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy); Gaetano Zizzo (University of Palermo, Italy); Pietro Zito (ENEA, Italy); Stefano Bifaretti (C-PED, Center for Power Electronics and Drive, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy); Vincenzo Bonaiuto (Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy); Alessandro Lampasi (ENEA, Italy)
15:30 Transmitter and HVPS Architectures in the Ion Cyclotron Radio Frequency System of DTT
Sebastian N Piras (University of Tor Vergata & ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Italy); Stefano Bifaretti (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy); Silvio Ceccuzzi (ENEA, DTT S.c. a r.l., Italy); Gianluca Ravera (Fusion and Nuclear Safety Department ENEA, Italy)
15:45 Progress in the Design of the DTT Electrical Distribution System
Marzia Caldora (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy); Gabriele Greco (Tuscia University, Italy); Roberto Romano (ENEA & DTT, Italy); Simone Minucci (University of Tuscia, Italy); Alessandro Lampasi (ENEA, Italy); Maria Carmen Falvo (University Sapienza of Rome, Italy)
16:00 Single-Phase Inverter Evaluation for a Tokamak Non-Axisymmetric In-Vessel Coil Power Supply
Giovanni Griva, Salvatore Musumeci and Radu Bojoi (Politecnico di Torino, Italy); Alessandro Lampasi and Pietro Zito (ENEA, Italy); Stefano Bifaretti (C-PED, Center for Power Electronics and Drive, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy)
16:15 Power Supply Systems for the DTT Superconducting Magnets
Alessandro Lampasi (ENEA, Italy); Carmelo Riccardo Riccardo Lopes (ITER Organization & ENEA, Italy); Matteo Manganelli, Sabino Pipolo and Pietro Zito (ENEA, Italy)

Wednesday, June 15 16:30 - 17:00

Wednesday, June 15 17:00 - 18:45

S1C: Electrification of small islands & electric marine transportation

Room 2
Chair: Enrico Ragaini (ABB, Italy)
17:00 Predictive Optimal Dispatch for Islanded Distribution Grids Considering Operating Reserve Constraints
Sergio Bruno, Giovanni Giannoccaro, Cosimo Iurlaro, Massimo La Scala and Marco Menga (Politecnico di Bari, Italy)
17:15 On the Participation of Demand-Side Resources on the Operation of Small Power Systems
Álvaro Gomes (University of Coimbra (DEEC) & INESC Coimbra, Portugal); Fábio Pessoa (Dep Eletrical Engineering and Computers, Portugal)
17:30 Impact of Non-Programmable Distributed Generation in an Islanded Microgrid: The Case Study of Ustica
Giuseppe Caravello (Unversity of Palermo, Italy); Giovanni Artale (University of Palermo, Italy); Antonio Cataliotti (Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy); Valentina Cosentino (University of Palermo, Italy); Nicola Panzavecchia, Valeria Boscaino and Salvatore Guaiana (National Research Council, Italy); Vito Ditta (Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy); Giovanni Tinè (Italian National Research Council, Italy & Institute of Marine Engineering - PALERMO UNIT, Italy); Dario Di Cara (National Research Council, Italy)
17:45 GIS Approach for Modeling the Electricity Grid of Small Islands Using Open-Source Data: The Case of Isola del Giglio
Aleksandar Dimovski (Politecnico di Milano, Italy); Enrico Ragaini (ABB, Italy); Darlain Edeme, Silvia Corigliano and Marco Merlo (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
18:00 Assessing the Economic Benefit Due to BESS Management in a Renewable Energy Community of a Small Island
Antonino Barberi (Università di Palermo, Italy); Vincenzo Di Dio (University of Palermo, Italy); Biagio Di Pietra (ENEA, Italy); Salvatore Favuzza (Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy); Mauro Galluzzo, Rossano Musca and Gaetano Zizzo (University of Palermo, Italy); Fabio Massaro (Università di Palermo, Italy)
18:15 Invited Speaker: Giorgio Sulligoi

Wednesday, June 15 17:00 - 18:15

S2C: Smart Materials & Smart Sensors for Industry 4.0

Room 3
Chair: Pio Lombardi (Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF, Germany)
17:00 Measurements of Two-Phase Flows in Pipelines Using Radioisotopes and Statistical Signal Processing
Robert Hanus (Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland); Marcin Zych (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland); Anna Golijanek-Jędrzejczyk (Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland)
17:15 A Battery-Free Wireless Smart Sensor Platform With Bluetooth Low Energy Connectivity for Smart Agriculture
Roberto La Rosa (STMicroelectronics, Italy); Catherine Dehollain (EPFL, Switzerland); Mario Costanza (UNIPA, Italy); Angelo Speciale (STM, Italy); Fabio Viola and Patrizia Livreri (University of Palermo, Italy)
17:30 Investigation of PCB-Based Inductive Sensors Orientation for Corona Partial Discharge Detection
Antonino Imburgia (University of Palermo, Italy); Sinda Kaziz (ENIS, Tunisia); Pietro Romano (University of Palermo, Italy); Denis Flandre (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium); Giovanni Artale (University of Palermo, Italy); Giuseppe RIzzo (Prysmian group, Italy); Fabio Viola (University of Palermo, Italy); Fares Tounsi (National Engineering School of Sfax, Tunisia); Guido Ala (Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy)
17:45 3D Additive Manufacturing of Tapered EBG Layers for a Resonant-Cavity Antenna
Cristina Ponti, Paolo Baccarelli, Silvio Ceccuzzi and Giuseppe Schettini (Roma Tre University, Italy)
18:00 An ASIC Data Readout Processor for the ALICE HMPID and Charged Particle Veto Detectors
Clive Seguna (University of Malta & NIL, Malta)

Wednesday, June 15 17:00 - 18:30

S3C - Part 2: Neural and Cognitive Engineering - Part 2

Room 4
Chairs: Anna M. Bianchi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Henrique Madeira (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
17:00 Quantitative Measures of Autonomic Activations During Software Development
Giulio Steyde, Alessandra Calcagno, Pierluigi Reali and Anna M. Bianchi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
17:15 Impact of Ultra-Short-Term HRV Features in Software Code Sections Complexity Classification
André Matias Bernardes (Univ Coimbra, CISUC-Center for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra, Portugal); Ricardo Couceiro (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal); Júlio Cordeiro Medeiros, Jorge Henriques and César Teixeira (University of Coimbra, Portugal); João Durães (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal); Henrique Madeira and Paulo Carvalho (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
17:30 Sustained Attention Task-Related Changes of Functional Connectivity in Children With ADHD
Stefania Coelli, Alessandra Calcagno, Eleonora Iascone and Ludovica Gaspari (Politecnico di Milano, Italy); Maria Canevini (University of Milan, A. O. San Paolo, Italy); Anna M. Bianchi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
17:45 Personality Traits Classification From EEG Signals Using EEGNet
Veronika Guleva, Alessandra Calcagno, Pierluigi Reali and Anna M. Bianchi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
18:00 Cognitive Computing Tools for Identification and Classification of Brain Tumors Starting From Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Preliminary Results
Camilla Russo, Paolo Maresca and Alfredo Marinelli (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)
18:15 Using SVM for Alzheimer's Disease Detection From 3D T1MRI
Rashmi Kumari (Bennett University, India); Shivani Goel (Bennett University, Greater Noida, India); Subhranil Das (Birla Institute of Technology, India)

Wednesday, June 15 17:00 - 18:15

S4C - Part 2: Remote Sensing Methods and Applications - Part 2

Room 5
Chair: Gloria Bordogna (CNR, Italy)
17:00 SAR Sea Surface Currents Estimation Over Long Strips of the Adriatic Sea
Virginia Zamparelli (IREA-CNR, Italy); Gianfranco Fornaro (CNR-IREA, Italy)
17:15 Multi-Spectral Sensors Monitoring of the Epidemic of Xylella Fastidiosa in the Apulia Region
Sara Dell'Anna (Polytechnic of Turin, Italy); Giuseppe Mansueto (ITHACA, Italy); Piero Boccardo (Politecnico di Torino, Italy); Emere Arco (Polytechnic of Turin, Italy)
17:30 Use of Multi-Temporal SAR Non-Local Mean Filtering Operations for Change Detection Analyses
Antonio Pepe (National Council Research of Italy (CNR), Italy)
17:45 Dealing With Missing Modalities at Test Time for Land Cover Mapping: A Case Study on Multi-Source Optical Data
Yawogan Jean Eudes Gbodjo (National Research Institute for Agriculture Food and the Environment (INRAE), France); Dino Ienco (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE), France)
18:00 Support Vector Machine for Volcano Hazard Monitoring From Space at Mount Etna
Ciro Del Negro and Eleonora Amato (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy); Federica Torrisi (University of Catania & Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy); Claudia Corradino (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy); Maide Bucolo and Luigi Fortuna (University of Catania, Italy)

S4D: Smart Education Technologies

Room 6
Chair: Francesca Pozzi (CNR-ITD, Italy)
17:00 Invited Speaker: Carlo Giovannella
17:30 Smartness Dimensions in Designing Collaborative Learning Activities
Francesca Pozzi, Donatella Persico, Marcello Passarelli and Andrea Ceregini (CNR-ITD, Italy); Pietro Polsinelli and Matteo Bicocchi (OpenLab, Italy)
17:45 Bare Conductive Ink as a Smart Tool to Teach Pupils EFL Vocabulary
Alice Pagano, Giulia Lombardi and Rita Cersosimo (Università di Genova, Italy)
18:00 The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Smart Classes: A Survey
Eleni Dimitriadou and Andreas Lanitis (Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus)

Wednesday, June 15 17:00 - 18:30

Special meeting on innovative start up & entrepreneurs- PANEL 2

Room 1

Wednesday, June 15 20:00 - 23:30

Thursday, June 16

Thursday, June 16 8:30 - 10:30

S1J: Cyber Security and Big Data Issues for Smart Grid Systems

Room 2
Chair: Pierluigi Gallo (University of Palermo, Italy)
8:30 Digital Data Integration Project Between a DSO and a University for Sustainability and Efficiency
Emin Kartci (Ozyegin University, Turkey); Eda Emniyet Akkus (Yesilirmak Electric Distribution Co., Turkey); Semanur Sancar (Ozyegin University, Turkey); Tuba Avsar Bugdayci and Mutlu Bektas (Yesilirmak Electric Distribution Co., Turkey); Gokturk Poyrazoglu (Ozyegin University, Turkey)
8:45 Impact of Data Granularity and Distribution Network Modeling on the Energy Community Operation
Andrea Mazza, Stefano Aime and Gianfranco Chicco (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
9:00 Long Term Scenarios: Optimal Selection of a Representative Set of Climatic Years for the Simulation of the National Electricity System
Ivan De Palma (Italy); Enrico De Tuglie (Politecnico di Bari, Italy); Nunzia Riccio and Pierluigi Di Cicco (Terna S.p.A., Rome, Italy)
9:15 Deep Learning for Classification of FDIs on Time-Series Sensor Data in Cyber-Physical Power Systems
Siddhartha Deb Roy and Sanjoy Debbarma (National Institute of Technology Meghalaya, India)
9:30 Machine Learning Architecture for Signature-Based IoT Intrusion Detection in Smart Energy Grids
Nikhil Yadav, Laura Truong and Erald Troja (St. John's University, USA); Mehrdad Aliasgari (California State University, Long Beach, USA)
9:45 A Privacy-Preserving Blockchain Solution to Support Demand Response in Energy Trading
Lorenzo Bracciale (University of Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy); Pierpaolo Loreti (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy); Emanuele Raso (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy); Giuseppe Bianchi (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy); Pierluigi Gallo and Eleonora Riva Sanseverino (University of Palermo, Italy)
10:00 Keynote Speaker: Seref Sagiroglu

S1G - P1: Smart solution for high penetration of PV generation in Renewable Energy Communities - Part 1

Room 3
Chair: José Blanes (University Miguel Hernández of Elche, Spain)
8:30 Experimental Characterization of Filter Reactors for Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems
Antonio Faba and Ermanno Cardelli (University of Perugia, Italy)
8:45 Power Quality Analysis of Power Converters for Photovoltaic Systems in Avionic Applications
Antonio Faba and Ermanno Cardelli (University of Perugia, Italy)
9:00 PVMODEL: An Online Photovoltaic Modelling Tool
Vicente Galiano (Miguel Hernández University of Elche, Spain); José Blanes (University Miguel Hernández of Elche, Spain); Francisco Javier Toledo (Center of Operations Research, Spain); Victoria Herranz (University Miguel Hernández, Spain); Antonino Laudani (University of Roma Tre, Italy)
9:15 High-Reliability Solar Array Regulator Proposal for Harsh Environments
Cristian Torres, José Blanes, Ausias Garrigos, David Marroquí, Carlos Orts and José António Carrasco (University Miguel Hernández of Elche, Spain)
9:30 Pareto Optimization Strategy for Clustering of PV Prosumers in a Renewable Energy Community
Francesco Grasso and Gabriele Maria Lozito (University of Florence, Italy); Francesco Riganti Fulginei (Roma TRE University, Italy); Giacomo Talluri (Università di Firenze, Italy)
9:45 Artificial Load Profiles and PV Generation in Renewable Energy Communities Using Generative Adversarial Networks
Francesco Grasso, Carlos A. Iturrino and Gabriele Maria Lozito (University of Florence, Italy); Giacomo Talluri (Università di Firenze, Italy)
10:00 Invited Speaker: Daniela Proto

S3D: E-Health and IoT for Smart HealthCare

Room 4
Chair: Sergio Cerutti (Polytechnic of Milan, Italy)
8:30 A Model for Digital Sweat Sensing Devices
Jelte Haakma, Elisabetta Peri, Simona Turco, Eduard Pelssers, Jaap den Toonder and Massimo Mischi (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
8:45 Data Processing Using Edge Computing: A Case Study for the Remote Care Environment
Ian Chetcuti (University of Malta, Malta); Conrad A Attard (Faculty of ICT Room 13 Floor 1 Blk A & University of Malta, Malta); Joseph Bonello (University of Malta, Malta)
9:00 Biometric-Based Packet Validation Scheme for Body Area Network Smart Healthcare Devices
Vincent O. Nyangaresi (Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science & Technology, Kenya); Mustafa Al Sibahee (Iraq University College, Iraq); Zaid Ameen Abduljabbar (University of Basrah, Iraq); Junchao Ma (Shenzhen Technology University, China); Mustafa Khalefa (University of Basrah, Iraq)
9:15 Correlation Between Wearable Inertial Sensor Data and Standardised Parkinson's Disease Axial Impairment Measures Using Machine Learning
Luigi Borzì (Politecnico di Torino, Italy); Alessandro Manoni and Alessandro Zampogna (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy); Fernanda Irrera (University of Roma La Sapienza, Italy); Antonio Suppa (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy); Gabriella Olmo (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
9:30 Performance Assessment of Microneedle Dry and Wet Gel Electrodes Using a Dual-Channel, Single Lead Wearable ECG Device
Om Prakash Singh (Tyndall National Institute & University College Cork, Ireland); Yuan Hu, Andrea Bocchino, Theo Guillerm and Conor O Mahony (Tyndall National Institute, Ireland)
9:45 Covid-19 Symptoms Monitoring Sensor Network for Isolation Rooms at Hospitals
Hossam Ahmed, O. (American University of the Middle East (AUM), Kuwait)
10:00 Invited Speaker: Massimo Mischi

S4E - P1: Cognitive Computing, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning - Part 1

Room 5
Chairs: Danilo Pietro Pau (STMicroelectronics, Italy), Mattia Rigotti (IBM Research, Switzerland)
8:30 Complexity Bounded Classification of Fish-Eye Distorted Objects With Micro-Controllers
Danilo Pietro Pau and Alessandro Carra (STMicroelectronics, Italy); Marco Garzola (Italy); Laura Falaschetti (Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy); Claudio Turchetti (Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy)
8:45 Tiny Neural Networks for ISM Band Demodulation
Marco Forleo, Danilo Pietro Pau and Nicolo' Ivan Piazzese (STMicroelectronics, Italy)
9:00 Automated Neural and On-Device Learning for Micro Controllers
Danilo Pietro Pau and Prem K. Ambrose (STMicroelectronics, Italy)
9:15 Design of a Cloud-Based Data Platform for Standardized Machine Learning Workflows With Applications to Transport Infrastructure
Andrea Bartezzaghi (IBM Research, Switzerland); Ioana Giurgiu (IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland); Chiara Marchiori (IBM Zurich Research Center, Switzerland); Mattia Rigotti (IBM Research, Switzerland); Rizal Sebastian (The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands); A. Cristiano I. Malossi (IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland)
9:30 Question Answering With BERT: Designing a 3D Virtual Avatar for Cultural Heritage Exploration
Mariella Farella (National Research Council of Italy - Institute for Educational Technology & University of Palermo, Italy); Giuseppe Chiazzese (National Research Council of Italy - Institute for Educational Technology, Italy); Giosue' Lo Bosco (University of Palermo, Italy)
9:45 Keynote Speaker: Mattia Rigotti

Thursday, June 16 8:30 - 10:00

S1H - P1: Wireless Power transfer and Power Electronics Systems

Room 6
Chair: Minh T Nguyen (Thai Nguyen University of Technology, Vietnam)
8:30 Center-Fed Resonator Array for Increased Misalignment Tolerance in Automotive Wireless Power Transfer
Mattia Simonazzi, Leonardo Sandrolini and Alessandro Campanini (University of Bologna, Italy); José Alberto (Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Portugal); Andrea Mariscotti (University of Genova, Italy)
8:45 Voltage Adaptation or Resistance Matching in Backpack Regenerative Systems?
Luigi Costanzo (Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy); Mingyi Liu (Virginia Tech, USA); Alessandro Lo Schiavo and Massimo Vitelli (Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy); Lei Zuo (Virginia Tech, USA)
9:00 Coupled Inductor Core Design Methodology to Improve Power-Density for Interleaved Buck Converter With 22kW-Class Wireless Charging of EV
Jin Chul Kim, Hyung Woo Lee, Chan Bae Park, Jae Bum Lee, Dong Kyun Kim, Sang Gyun Ryu and Seong Yong Hong (Korea National University of Transportation, Korea (South))
9:15 Application of a Power Source for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Railway Vehicles in Multiple Resonant LLC Converter With Parallel-Input and Series-Output
Dong Kyun Kim, Hyung Woo Lee, Chan Bae Park, Jae Bum Lee, Sang Gyun Ryu, Jae Hyeon Lim and Jin Chul Kim (Korea National University of Transportation, Korea (South))
9:30 Dual-Topology Cross-Coupled Configuration of Switched Capacitor Converter for Wide Range of Application
Saahithi Suresh (Reva University, India); Busireddy Hemanth Kumar (Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College, India); Kalvakurthi Jyotheeswara Reddy (VIT University, India); Ritesh Dash (REVA University, India); Vivekanandan Subburaj (NIT Silchar, India)
9:45 Finite Element Analysis of Copper Wire for Wireless Power Transfer Applications
Libero Paolucci, Francesco Grasso, Luca Pugi and Leonardo Luchetti (University of Florence, Italy); Giacomo Zini (Università di Firenze, Italy)

Thursday, June 16 8:30 - 10:30

Thursday, June 16 10:30 - 11:00

Thursday, June 16 11:00 - 12:45

S1K - Part 1: Energy Management, Smart Metering and Distributed Energy Resources - Part 1

Room 2
Chair: Ciro Spataro (Università di Palermo, Italy)
11:00 The Decentralized Grid-Aware P2P Energy Market Enabled by a Distributed Ledger Implementation
Robert Jahn, Marcel Klaes, Dennis Schmid, Ulf Haeger, Oliver Kraft and Christian Rehtanz (TU Dortmund University, Germany)
11:15 Optimisation of Generation Models for Clusters of Photovoltaic Plants
Alessandro Ciocia, Gianfranco Chicco and Filippo Spertino (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
11:30 Experimental Tests About the Efficiency of Commercial Hybrid PV Inverters Operating at Variable Power Factor
Cristina Ventura and Giuseppe M Tina (University of Catania, Italy); Daniele Dugo, Massimiliano De Benedetti and Luigi Lanuzza (Enel X Inn & Prod Lab, Italy)
11:45 Cost Sensitivity Analysis to Uncertainty in Demand and Renewable Energy Sources Forecasts
Domagoj Badanjak, Nikolina Čović and Karlo Šepetanc (University of Zagreb, Croatia); Hrvoje Pandzic (Fer, Croatia)
12:00 Real-Time Distribution Grid Control and Flexibility Provision Under Uncertainties: Laboratory Demonstration
Mohammad Rayati (Haute École Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale (HES-SO) & HEIG-VD, Switzerland); Mokhtar Bozorg (Haute École d'Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud, Switzerland); Mauro Carpita (University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, Switzerland); Pasquale De Falco (University of Naples Parthenope, Italy); Pierluigi Caramia and Antonio Bracale (University of Napoli Parthenope, Italy); Daniela Proto and Fabio Mottola (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)
12:15 Comparing R-Vine Copulas and Quantile Regression Forests for Reliability Forecasting of Renewable Energies
Stefan Möws, Marisa Ahrens and Christian Becker (Hamburg University of Technology, Germany)
12:30 A Template Model to Assess the DC Stability of Green Charging Microgrids
Andrea Alessia Tavagnutti (Unversity of Trieste, Italy); Daniele Bosich, Stefano Pastore and Giorgio Sulligoi (University of Trieste, Italy)

Thursday, June 16 11:00 - 13:00

S1G - P2: Smart solution for high penetration of PV generation in Renewable Energy Communities - Part 2

Room 3
Chair: José Blanes (University Miguel Hernández of Elche, Spain)
11:00 Invited Speaker: Luigi Martirano
11:30 A Python Tool for Simulation and Optimal Sizing of a Storage Equipped Grid Connected Photovoltaic Power System
Elisa Belloni (University of Perugia, Italy); Gabriele Maria Lozito and Alberto Reatti (University of Florence, Italy)
11:45 Simulation-Based Assessment of Super-Capacitors as Enabling Technology for Fast Charging in Micromobility
Maurizio Laschi, Fabio Corti, Gabriele Maria Lozito, Dario Vangi, Michelangelo S. Gulino, Luca Pugi and Alberto Reatti (University of Florence, Italy)
12:00 Control Strategies for Output Voltage Regulation in a SS Compensated Wireless Charging System
Vittorio Bertolini (Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy); Fabio Corti (University of Florence, Italy); Ermanno Cardelli (University of Perugia, Italy); Alberto Reatti (University of Florence, Italy)
12:15 Comparison of Control Strategies for Dual Active Bridge Converter
Vittorio Bertolini (Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy); Fabio Corti and Alberto Reatti (University of Florence, Italy); Ermanno Cardelli (University of Perugia, Italy); Marco Giallongo (University of Florence, Italy)
12:30 Optimal Expansion Planning of Integrated Natural Gas and Electricity Network With High Penetration of Wind and Solar Power Under Uncertainty
Rana Zubo (University of Bradford, United Kingdom (Great Britain) & Northern Technical University, Iraq)
12:45 MPP Tracking Optimization of Complete PV Installations Attaining Minimum Losses
Zaint Alexakis and Antonio T Alexandridis (University of Patras, Greece)

S3E: Big Data Integration and Personalised Medicine

Room 4
Chairs: Luca Faes (University of Palermo, Italy), Giandomenico Nollo (University of Trento, Italy)
11:00 Keynote Speaker: Dimitrios Fotiadis
11:45 Assessment of Driving Stress Through SVM and KNN Classifiers on Multi-Domain Physiological Data
Damiano Fruet (University of Trento, Italy); Chiara Barà, Riccardo Pernice and Luca Faes (University of Palermo, Italy); Giandomenico Nollo (University of Trento, Italy)
12:00 Analysis of Cardiac Pulse Arrival Time Series at Rest and During Physiological Stress
Chiara Barà, Riccardo Pernice, Laura Sparacino and Yuri Antonacci (University of Palermo, Italy); Michal Javorka (Comenius University, Italy); Luca Faes (University of Palermo, Italy)
12:15 An Integrated Multimodal Approach to Evaluate Autonomic Control, Cerebral Autoregulation and Cognitive Function in Patients Undergoing Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement During a 3-Months Follow-Up
Vlasta Bari and Francesca Gelpi (University of Milan, Italy); Noemi Cornara (IRCCS Policlinico San Donato); Beatrice Cairo (University of Milan, Italy); Beatrice De Maria (IRCCS Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri, Italy); Enrico Bertoldo and Valentina Fiolo (IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, Italy); Edward Callus (IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, Italy & University of Milan, Italy); Carlo De Vincentiis, Marianna Volpe and Raffaella Molfetta (IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, Italy); Moreno Zanardo (University of Milan, Italy); Paolo Vitali, Francesco Sardanelli and Marco Ranucci (IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, Italy); Alberto Porta (Universita' degli Studi di Milano & IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, Italy)
12:30 Low-Invasive Multisensor Real-Time Acquisition System for the Assessment of Cardiorespiratory and Skin Conductance Parameters
Gabriele Volpes, Simone Valenti and Antonino Parisi (University of Palermo, Italy); Alessandro Busacca (Università di Palermo, Italy); Luca Faes and Riccardo Pernice (University of Palermo, Italy)
12:45 Information Extraction From Clinical Records: An Example for Breast Cancer
Ivan Lazic (University of Novi Sad, Serbia); Nikša Jakovljević (University of Novi Sad & Faculty of Technical Sciences, Serbia); Jasmina Boban and Igor Nosek (School of Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Serbia); Tatjana Loncar-Turukalo (University of Novi Sad, Serbia)

S4E - P2: Cognitive Computing, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning - Part 2

Room 5
Chair: Danilo Pietro Pau (STMicroelectronics, Italy)
11:00 Risk Prediction in the Life Insurance Industry Using Federated Learning Approach
Harshit Gupta (Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad India, India); Dhairya Patel, Anurag Makade and Kapil Gupta (IIIT Allahabad, India); Om Prakash Vyas (Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabd, India); Antonio Puliafito (University of Messina, Italy)
11:15 Training of an ANN Feed-Forward Regression Model to Predict Wind Farm Power Production for the Purpose of Active Wake Control
Philip Krajinski (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany); Constantinos Sourkounis (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)
11:30 Exploring How Weak Supervision Can Assist the Annotation of Computer Vision Datasets
Andrea Abela, Dylan Seychell and Mark Bugeja (University of Malta, Malta)
11:45 Baggage Threat Recognition Using Deep Low-Rank Broad Learning Detector
Divya Velayudhan (Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates); Taimur Hassan (Abu Dhabi University, United Arab Emirates); Abdelfatah Hassan Ahmed (Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates); Ernesto Damiani and Naoufel Werghi (Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates)
12:00 A Flexible HLS Hoeffding Tree Implementation for Runtime Learning on FPGA
Luís Miguel Sousa (Universidade do Porto, Portugal); Nuno M. Paulino (INESC TEC & Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal); João C Ferreira (INESC TEC and Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal); João Bispo (INESC TEC & University of Porto, Portugal)
12:15 An Efficient Ocular Disease Recognition System Implementation Using GLCM and LBP Based Multilayer Perception Algorithm
Lakindu Induwara Mampitiya (Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology, Sri Lanka); Namal Rathnayake (Kochi University of Technology, Japan)
12:30 Neural Network Decomposition and Distribution on Multiple Microcontrollers
Biagio Montaruli, Andrea Santamaria and Danilo Pietro Pau (STMicroelectronics, Italy)
12:45 A Citizen Science Approach for the Collection of Data to Train Deep Learning Models
Chantelle Saliba, Dylan Seychell and Joseph Buhagiar (University of Malta, Malta)

S1H - P2: Energy Harvesting

Room 6
Chair: Minh T Nguyen (Thai Nguyen University of Technology, Vietnam)
11:00 Invited Speaker: Minh Nguyen
11:30 Self-Powered Extensible S-SSHI Based on RC Differential Circuit for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting
Yuyao Qi (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ningbo University, China); Yin-Shui Xia (Ningbo University, China)
11:45 Experimental Verification of an AC-DC Boost Towards Non-Periodic (AC) Energy Harvesting
Carmine Stefano Clemente, Daniele Davino, Immacolato Iannone and Vincenzo Paolo Loschiavo (University of Sannio, Italy)
12:00 A Novel Framework of Hybrid Harvesting Mechanisms for Remote Sensing Devices
Minh T Nguyen (Thai Nguyen University of Technology, Vietnam); Hoang Tran (Duy Tan University, Vietnam); Cuong Van Nguyen (Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology, Vietnam); Guido Ala (Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy); Fabio Viola (University of Palermo, Italy); Ilhami Colak (Nisantasi University, Turkey)
12:15 Circuital Emulation for Testing Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvesters
Luigi Costanzo, Alessandro Lo Schiavo and Massimo Vitelli (Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy)
12:30 A High-Efficiency Optical Energy Harvester Based on a Low-Impedance Plasmonic Nanoantenna
Aurelio Zinno (University of Palermo, Italy); Marco Scalici (Electronics Engineering, Italy); Patrizia Livreri (University of Palermo, Italy)
12:45 Performance Estimation for RF Wireless Power Transfer Under Real-Life Scenario
Romans Kusnins, Ruslans Babajans, Darja Čirjuļina, Janis Eidaks and Anna Litvinenko (Riga Technical University, Latvia)

S1L: Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Smart Grids

Room 1
Chair: Alessandro D'Innocenzo (University of L'Aquila, Italy)
11:00 Invited Speaker: Tao Huang
11:30 On Substrates, Blocks and States: Distributed Energy Resources' Diffusion Models, Use Cases and Frontiers in Power System Planning
Fabian Heymann (INESC TEC, Portugal); Joel Villavicencio Gastelu (Sao Paulo State University - UNESP, Brazil); Anselmo Rajabo Anselmo (Federal University of ABC, Switzerland); Joel D Melo (Federal University of ABC, Brazil)
11:45 An Ontological Approach for Automatic Tracking Causes of Blackouts in Power Systems
Tao Huang and Martina Baiocchi (Politecnico di Torino, Italy); Xia Lei (Xihua University, China)
12:00 An Asymmetric Loss With Anomaly Detection LSTM Framework for Power Consumption Prediction
Jihan Ghanim and Maha Issa (American University of Beirut, Lebanon); Mariette Awad (AUB, Lebanon)
12:15 Graph Neural Network Power Flow Solver for Dynamical Electrical Networks
Tania B. López-García and José A Domínguez-Navarro (University of Zaragoza, Spain)
12:30 Video Discharge Extractor: A Deep Learning and Computer Vision-Based Framework for Surface Discharges Recognition on HV Lines Insulators
Alberto Maldarella (RSE Spa, Italy); Gabriele Lami (Elif Lab, Italy); Enea Bionda (RSE Spa, Italy); Carlo Tornelli, Giovanni Pirovano and Sergio Ludovico Chiarello (RSE, Italy)
12:45 Ultra-Short-Term Photovoltaic Output Power Forecasting Using Deep Learning Algorithms
Berhane Darsene Dimd, Steve Völler, Ole-Morten Midtgård and Tarikua Mekashaw Zenebe (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)

Thursday, June 16 13:00 - 14:00

Thursday, June 16 14:00 - 16:00

S1K - Part 2: Energy Management, Smart Metering and Distributed Energy Resources - Part 2

Room 2
Chair: Ciro Spataro (Università di Palermo, Italy)
14:00 Automated Route Planning of Hydrogen Deliveries
Georg Sehr, Mathias Vorbröcker, Torsten Birth, Marcel Scheffler and Sven Schiffner (Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF, Germany)
14:15 Energy Exchange Management in Smart Grids Using a Knapsack Problem Inspired Approach
Ayoub Zerka (Mohammed V University in Rabat & Mohammadia School of Engineers, Morocco); Mohammed Ouassaid (Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco); Mohamed Maaroufi (EMI, Morocco); Reda Rabeh (Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco)
14:30 Integrated Scheduling of Grid-Connected PV Pumping Stations and Irrigation Water Systems
Natalia Naval and Jose M Yusta (University of Zaragoza, Spain)
14:45 Digital Platforms in the Energy Sector - A Menu of Regulatory Options for Policy Makers
Fabian Heymann and Matthias Galus (Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Switzerland)
15:00 A Proposal for Customer Baseline Load Evaluation From Electricity Bills
Giuseppe Sciume, Maria Luisa Di Silvestre, Pierluigi Gallo, Giovanni Restifo, Eleonora Riva Sanseverino and Antony Vasile (University of Palermo, Italy)
15:15 An Optimal Energy Management Scheme of a Vehicle to Home
Nsilulu Tresor Mbungu (Tshwane University of Technology & University of Sharjah, South Africa); Ali Ismail, Ramesh Bansal and Abdul-Kadir Hamid (University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates); Raj Naidoo (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
15:30 Techno-Economic Analysis of Port Renewable Energy Communities
Riccardo Trevisan (University of Cagliari, Italy); Emilio Ghiani (Università di Cagliari, Italy); Simona Ruggeri and Susanna Mocci (University of Cagliari, Italy); Enrico De Tuglie (Politecnico di Bari, Italy); Fabrizio Pilo (University of Cagliari, Italy)
15:45 Imputation of Electrical Load Profile Data as Derived From Smart Meters
Michael Farrugia, Kenneth Scerri and Andrew Sammut (University of Malta, Malta)

S1M - P1: Power Electronics and Control in Smart Grids, Industry and e-Transportation - Part 1

Room 3
Chairs: Hadi Y. Kanaan (Saint-Joseph University of Beirut, Lebanon), Giuseppe Schettino (University of Studies of Palermo, Italy)
14:00 Invited Speaker: Sheldon Williamson
14:30 Design of a Smart Car Park With PV Generation and BESS for Grid-On and Grid-Off Operation. the SMARTEP Project
Antonino Barberi and Marco Beccali (Università di Palermo, Italy); Marina Bonomolo (University of Palermo, Italy); Salvatore Favuzza (Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy); Valerio Lo Brano and Rossano Musca (University of Palermo, Italy); Cristenzio Provenzano (Università di Palermo, Italy); Gaetano Zizzo (University of Palermo, Italy)
14:45 A Comparison Between RMS and EMT Grid-Forming Implementations in MATLAB/Simscape for Smart Grids Dynamics
Salvatore Favuzza (Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy); Rossano Musca and Gaetano Zizzo (University of Palermo, Italy); Jaser Saed (Birzeit University, Palestine)
15:00 Comparative Studies on High-Power Density and Light-Weight Step-Up DC-DC Power Converter for Hydrogen-Fuel-Cell Hybrid System
Sang Gyun Ryu, Hyung Woo Lee, Chan Bae Park, Jae Bum Lee, Jin Chul Kim, Dong Kyun Kim and Jae Hyeon Lim (Korea National University of Transportation, Korea (South))
15:15 Experimental Evaluation of Dead-Time Impacts on the Efficiency and THD for a Three-Phase Five-Level Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter
Giuseppe Schettino (University of Studies of Palermo, Italy); Claudio Nevoloso, Rosario Miceli and Gioacchino Scaglione (University of Palermo, Italy); Antonino Oscar Di Tommaso (Università di Palermo, Italy); Fabio Viola (University of Palermo, Italy); Concettina Buccella and M. Gabriella Cimoroni (University of L'Aquila, Italy)
15:30 Accurate Frequency Estimation of Electrical Waveforms Affected by Harmonics and Interharmonics
Daniel Belega (University of Timisoara, Romania); Dario Petri (University of Trento, Italy)
15:45 Design and Comparison Between PSFB and LLC 400/48V DC/DC Stages for On-Board Battery Charger During Total and Partial CC-CV Charging Cycles
Alessandro Campanini, Mattia Simonazzi, Marco Bosi and Claudio Rossi (University of Bologna, Italy)

S3F: Advances in Medical Informatics for HealthCare Applications

Room 4
Chair: Silvana Quaglini (Università di Pavia, Italy)
14:00 Taking a Walk Avoiding Polluted Routes: An Application to a Virtual Coach for Cancer
Silvana Quaglini (Università di Pavia, Italy); Cosimo Strusi, Arianna Dagliati and Daniele Pala (University of Pavia, Italy); Cristiana Larizza (Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italy); Riccardo Bellazzi (University of Pavia, Italy)
14:15 Designing a Testing Environment for the CAPABLE Telemonitoring and Coaching Platform
Giordano Lanzola and Francesca Polce (University of Pavia, Italy); Silvana Quaglini (Università di Pavia, Italy); Valentina Tibollo (Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri IRCCS, Italy); Szymon Wilk (Poznan University of Technology, Poland)
14:30 Automatic Detection of COVID-19 Pneumonia in Chest Computed Tomography Scans Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Neil Micallef, Carl J. Debono and Dylan Seychell (University of Malta, Malta); Conrad A Attard (Faculty of ICT Room 13 Floor 1 Blk A & University of Malta, Malta)
14:45 PROper-Net: A Deep-Learning Approach for Prostate's Peripheral Zone Segmentation Based on MR Imaging
Eugenia Mylona (Unit of Medical Technology and Intelligent Information Systems, University of Ioannina & FORTH-IMBB, Greece); Dimitris Zaridis (Biomedical Research Institute, FORTH, Greece); Nikolaos Tachos (Unit of Medical Technology and Intelligent Information Systems, Greece); Kostas Marias (FORTH, Greece); Manolis Tsiknakis (Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece & FORTH -ICS, Greece); Dimitris Fotiadis (Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, FORTH, Greece & University of Ioannina, Greece)
15:00 Perceived Stress Analysis of Undergraduate Students During COVID-19: A Machine Learning Approach
Ahnaf Akif Rahman, Muntequa Imtiaz Siraji and Lamim Ibtisam Khalid (IUT, Bangladesh); Fahim Faisal, Mirza Muntasir Nishat, Ashik Ahmed and Md Abdullah Al Mamun (Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh)
15:15 Can Machine Learning Predict Mortality in Myocardial Infarction Patients Within Several Hours of Hospitalization? A Comparative Analysis
Christopher Farah and Yasmine Abu Adla (American University of Beirut, Lebanon); Mariette Awad (AUB, Lebanon)
15:30 A Cost-Effective Eye-Tracker for Early Detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment
Davide Daffonchio (University of Genoa, Italy); Danilo Greco (Politecnico di Milano & Università Degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope, Italy); Stefano Rovetta (University of Genoa, Italy); Alberto Cabri (University of Milan, Italy); Francesco Masulli (University of Genova, Italy)
15:45 Prediction of the 3D Spinal Alignment From External Shape of the Back in AIS Patients Using Regression Model
Stefano Caturano (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy); Mirko Kaiser (ETH Zurich, Switzerland); Martin Bertsch (Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland); Tito Bassani (IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Italy); William Taylor and Sasa Cukovic (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

S4F: IoT and Smart Communications

Room 5
14:00 Personalized Outsourced Privacy-Preserving Database Updates for Crowd-Sensed Dynamic Spectrum Access
Erald Troja, Laura Truong, Nikhil Yadav and Syed Ahmad Chan Bukhari (St. John's University, USA); Mehrdad Aliasgari (California State University, Long Beach, USA)
14:15 Container-Based Load Balancing and MonitoringApproach in Fog Computing System
Tina Samizadeh Nikoui (Science and Research Branch, Islamic, Iran); Amir Masoud Rahmani (National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan); Ali Balador (Ericsson Research, Sweden); Hooman Tabarsaied (South Branch of Islamic Azad University, Sweden)
14:30 A Cost-Aware Resource Management Technique for Cloud and Edge Environment
Hamie Ebrahimiyan (Urmia University, Iran); Ali Balador (Ericsson Research, Sweden); Tina Samizadeh Nikoui (Science and Research Branch, Islamic, Iran)
14:45 Path Asymmetry Reconstruction via Deep Learning
Nada Alhashmi (EBTIC, Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates); Nawaf Almoosa (Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates); Gabriele Gianini (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy & EBTIC, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, United Arab Emirates)
15:00 Combining Learners to Predict Link Quality in Wireless IoT Networks
Miguel Landry Foko Sindjoung and Mthulisi Velempini (University of Limpopo, South Africa); Pascale Minet (INRIA Paris, France)
15:15 Learning-Automata-Based Hybrid Model for Event Detection in LoRaWAN Networks
Athanasios Tsakmakis, Anastasios Valkanis, Georgia Beletsioti, Konstantinos F Kantelis and Petros Nicopolitidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece); Georgios Papadimitriou (Aristotle University, Greece)
15:30 Sentiment Analysis and Recurrent Radial Basis Function Network for Bitcoin Price Prediction
Mario Casillo and Marco Lombardi (Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy); Angelo Lorusso and Francesco Marongiu (University of Salerno, Italy); Domenico Santaniello (Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy); Carmine Valentino (Universityof Salerno, Italy)
15:45 Predictive Preservation of Historic Buildings Through IoT-Based System
Mario Casillo (Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy); Caterina Gabriella Guida (University of Salerno, Italy); Marco Lombardi (Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy); Angelo Lorusso and Francesco Marongiu (University of Salerno, Italy); Domenico Santaniello (Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy)

Thursday, June 16 14:00 - 15:30

S4G: Smart Living Technologies

Room 6
Chair: Riccardo Bassoli (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
14:00 Invited Speaker: Frank Fitzek
14:30 A Good Horse Only Jumps as High as Needed: Multi-Field Fulcrum Codes for Heterogeneous Decoders
Vu Nguyen (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany & Vietnam - Korea University of Information and Communication Technology, Vietnam); Juan A. Cabrera (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany); Javier Acevedo (Technical Univierstiy of Dresden, Germany); Christian Scheunert (TU Dresden, Germany); Giang T. Nguyen (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany); Frank H.P. Fitzek (Technische Universität Dresden & ComNets - Communication Networks Group, Germany)
14:45 MC NFV: Molecular Communication NFV in 6G Networks
Pit Hofmann and Riccardo Bassoli (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany); Frank H.P. Fitzek (Technische Universität Dresden & ComNets - Communication Networks Group, Germany); Martin Reisslein (Arizona State University, USA)
15:00 Evaluation of an Intelligent Task Scheduling Algorithm for 6G 3D Networking
Jiajing Zhang (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany); Huanzhuo Wu (Nokia, Germany); Shiwei Shen (Technical University of Dresden, Germany); Riccardo Bassoli and Giang T. Nguyen (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany); Frank H.P. Fitzek (Technische Universität Dresden & ComNets - Communication Networks Group, Germany)
15:15 You Only Hear Once: Lightweight In-Network AI Design for Multi-Object Anomaly Detection
Huanzhuo Wu (Nokia, Germany); Jia He (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany); Máté Tömösközi (Technische Universität Dresden & Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Germany); Jiajing Zhang (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany); Frank H.P. Fitzek (Technische Universität Dresden & ComNets - Communication Networks Group, Germany)

Thursday, June 16 14:00 - 16:00

Thursday, June 16 16:00 - 16:30

Thursday, June 16 16:30 - 18:00

S1M - P2: Power Electronics and Control in Smart Grids, Industry and e-Transportation - Part 2

Room 3
Chairs: Concettina Buccella (University of L'Aquila, Italy), Giuseppe Schettino (University of Studies of Palermo, Italy)
16:30 Power Flow Numerical Assessment of a STATCOM iUPQC Utility Interface for Microgrids
Matheus Montagner (Santa Catarina State University & WEG Drives and Controls, Brazil); Marcello Mezaroba (Santa Catarina State University, Brazil); Cassiano Rech (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil); Douglas Aguiar do Nascimento (University of Zielona Góra, Poland & University of Twente, Poland); Hermes Loschi (University of Zielona Gora, Poland & University of Twente, The Netherlands); Eduardo B. dos Prazeres (UDESC, Brazil)
16:45 Finite Set Model Predictive Control of Three Phase 2L-VSC for Grid Connected Photovoltaic System
Mohammed Tebaa (Mohammed V University in Rabat & Mohammadia School of Engineers, Morocco); Mohammed Ouassaid (Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco)
17:00 Investigation on Selective Harmonic Elimination in Unbalanced Multilevel Inverters
Concettina Buccella, M. Gabriella Cimoroni and Carlo Cecati (University of L'Aquila, Italy); Antonino Oscar Di Tommaso (Università di Palermo, Italy); Claudio Nevoloso (University of Palermo, Italy); Giuseppe Schettino (University of Studies of Palermo, Italy); Santolo Meo (Federico II University, Italy)
17:15 Machine Learning for Model Predictive Control of Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters
Francesco Simonetti, Giovanni Domenico Di Girolamo, Alessandro D'Innocenzo and Carlo Cecati (University of L'Aquila, Italy)
17:30 Estimation of Model Order for Electromechanical Modes Using Sequential K-Mean Algorithm
Jangam Sandeep (National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India); Shekha Rai (NIT Rourkela, India)
17:45 Active Chaos to Control Energy Flows in Complex Networks of Oscillators
Maide Bucolo (University of Catania, Italy); Arturo Buscarino and Luigi Fortuna (Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy); Giuseppe La Spina (University of Catania, Italy)

Thursday, June 16 16:30 - 17:45

S3G: Bio-electromagnetic modelling

Room 4
16:30 Computational Techniques in Bio-Electromagnetics: Theory and Perspectives
Serena Fiocchi (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy); Emma Chiaramello (CNR IEIIT Institute of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering, Italy); Marta Bonato (Istituto di Elettronica e di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e delle Telecomunicazioni IEIIT CNR, Italy); Silvia Gallucci (CNR Consiglio Nazionale Delle RIcerche, Italy); Gabriella Tognola (CNR IEIIT - CNR Institute of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering, Italy); Laura Dossi (CNR-IEIIT, Italy); Marta Parazzini (IEIIT CNR, Italy); Paolo Ravazzani (CNR, Italy)
16:45 Electric Scalar Potential Estimations for Non-Invasive Brain Activity Detection Through Multinode Shepard Method
Elisa Francomano (Università di Palermo, Italy); Guido Ala (Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy); Filomena Di Tommaso (Universita della Calabria, Italy); Francesco Dell'Accio (University Della Calabria, Italy)
17:00 Magnetic Field Effects on the Binding Site of A2A Receptor: An Insight Based on Atomistic Simulations
Federico Del Signore (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy); Paolo Marracino (Rise Technology S. R. L. Rome, Italy); Davide Cocco (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy); Stefania Setti, Simona Salati and Ruggero Cadossi (IGEA SPA, Italy); Micaela Liberti (ICEMB at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy); Francesca Apollonio (ICEmB at Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy)
17:15 Improved Anatomical Female Breast Model: 3D Realization and Its Application to Numerical Plane Wave Exposure
Noemi Dolciotti (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy); Micol Colella (La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy); Simona D'Agostino (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy); Francesca Apollonio (ICEmB at Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy); Micaela Liberti (ICEMB at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
17:30 Automated Needle Localisation for Electric Field Computation During an Electroporation Ablation
Eloise Julia Rose Inacio (INRIA & Université de Bordeaux, France); Luc Lafitte (Université de Bordeaux, France); Olivier Sutter and Olivier Seror (University Hospital Paris Seine Saint Denis, France); Baudouin Denis de Senneville (University of Bordeaux, IMB - Imaging Division, UMC Utrecht, France); Clair Poignard (Université de Bordeaux, France)

Thursday, June 16 18:00 - 18:30