12th International Conference on Network and Service Management
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Oct. 31 - Nov. 4, 2016

Program at a Glance

Mini-Conference Keynote

A Modern Interface for Managing Compute, Storage and Network Platforms

John Leung, Vice President of Alliances, DMTF Inc.
The Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) standards organization has hosted academic workshop on manageability for several years. These workshops were conceived to recognize and illuminate research in system, virtualization, and distributed management. At the time, one of the DMTF's key technologies, the Common Information Model (CIM), had brought forth an abundant inventory of open source tools and implementations, which researchers could select, modify and extend for their own needs. Recently, the DMTF has released Redfish™, a modern RESTful interface, for managing compute, storage and network platforms and services. The simplicity and familiar tool-chain of Redfish has driven its acceptance by the manageability ecosystem. The presentation will provide a brief overview of DMTF and its technologies, before focusing on the Redfish and the open source tools available which researchers can use to extend the interface in exploring new areas of network and service management.

Mini-Conference Session 1

Room: A1600
Reliability-Aware Service Provisioning in NFV-enabled Enterprise Datacenter Networks
Long Qu (Ningbo University, China); Chadi Assi (Concordia University, Canada); Khaled Bashir Shaban (Qatar University & College of Engineering, Qatar); Maurice J. Khabbaz (American University of Beirut, Lebanon & Concordia University, Canada)
CoFence: A Collaborative DDoS Defence Using Network Function Virtualization
Bahman Rashidi (Virginia Commonwealth University, USA); Carol J Fung (Concordia University, Canada)
Emulating an Infrastructure with EASE
Arup Raton Roy (University of Waterloo, Canada); Shihabur R. Chowdhury (Apple, USA); Md. Faizul Bari, Reaz Ahmed and Raouf Boutaba (University of Waterloo, Canada)

Mini-Conference Session 2

Room: A1600
The Curious Case of Parallel Connections in HTTP/2
Jawad Manzoor (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium); Idilio Drago (University of Turin, Italy); Ramin Sadre (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Measuring Web Similarity from Dual-stacked Hosts
Steffie Jacob Eravuchira (SamKnows, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Vaibhav Bajpai (Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany & University of Potsdam, Germany); Jürgen Schönwälder (Constructor University Bremen, Germany); Sam Crawford (SamKnows, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Detecting and Diagnosing Performance Impact of Smartphone Software Upgrades
Ajay A Mahimkar (AT&T Labs, USA)
NEMEA: A Framework for Network Traffic Analysis
Tomas Cejka (CESNET z. s. p. o. & CTU in Prague, FIT, Czech Republic); Václav Bartoš (CESNET); Marek Svepes and Zdenek Rosa (CESNET, Czech Republic); Hana Kubatova (CTU in Prague, Czech Republic)

Mini-Conference Session 3

Room: A1600
Self-Optimizing Energy Management in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks
Majid Ghaderi and Mohammad Naghibi (University of Calgary, Canada)
Reusability of Software-Defined Networking Applications: A Runtime, Multi-Controller Approach
Roberto Doriguzzi-Corin (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy); Pedro A Aranda Gutiérrez (Telefónica, I+D, Spain); Elisa Rojas (Universidad de Alcalá, Spain); Holger Karl (Hasso Plattner Institute & University of Potsdam, Germany); Elio Salvadori (Create-Net, Italy)
BRAHMA: An Intelligent Framework for Automated Scaling of Streaming and Deadline-critical Workflows
Ankita Atrey (Ghent University - iMinds); Hendrik Moens (Ghent University - iMinds, Belgium); Gregory Van Seghbroeck and Bruno Volckaert (Ghent University- iMinds); Filip De Turck (Ghent University-iMinds)

Keynote Session 1

The Zero Touch Network

Large scale content and cloud infrastructure providers strive to offer the highest level of availability across the infrastructure stack. This however is not an easy feat given the fast pace of technology evolution, infrastructure expansion and global reach. Google's network infrastructure has been built to achieve scale, efficiency and very high reliability by following a set of key architectural principles, which we refer to as the "zero touch network". Failures do happen in any global scale network infrastructure such as Google's. By analyzing past failures, we found that a large number of them happened when a network management operation was in progress. To minimize such failures, we have built a network infrastructure where all network operations are automated, requiring no additional steps beyond the instantiation of intent. The network infrastructure is fully declarative and changes applied to individual network elements are derived by the network infrastructure from the high-level network-wide intent. Any network changes are automatically halted and automatically rolled-back by the management infrastructure if the network displays unintended behavior. Finally, the infrastructure does not allow operations which violate network policies. While it might be tempting to limit the rate at which the network evolves to minimize risk of network failures, we have internally come to the opposite conclusion. In a zero-touch-network, continuous incremental evolution results in a more robust infrastructure rather than in-frequent large changes.

Technical Session 1

Room: A1600
A Connectionist Approach to Dynamic Resource Management for Virtualised Network Functions
Rashid Mijumbi (Nokia, Ireland); Sidhant Hasija, Steven Davy, Alan Davy and Brendan Jennings (Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland); Raouf Boutaba (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Boost Online Virtual Network Embedding: Using Neural Networks for Admission Control
Andreas Blenk and Patrick Krämer (Technische Universität München, Germany); Patrick van der Smagt (TUM, Germany); Wolfgang Kellerer (Technische Universität München, Germany)
ReNoVatE: Recovery from Node Failure in Virtual Network Embedding
Nashid Shahriar (University of Regina, Canada); Reaz Ahmed and Aimal Khan (University of Waterloo, Canada); Shihabur R. Chowdhury (Apple, USA); Raouf Boutaba (University of Waterloo, Canada); Jeebak Mitra (Dell Technologies, Canada)

Technical Session 2

Room: A1600
SWAN: Base-Band Units Placement over Reconfigurable Wireless Front-Hauls
Roberto Riggio (Università Politecnica Delle Marche, Italy); Davit Harutyunyan (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy); Abbas Bradai (University of Côte d'Azur, France); Slawomir Kuklinski (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland); Toufik Ahmed (CNRS-LaBRI UMR 5800, University Bordeaux, Bordeaux-INP, France)
Quantifying the Service Performance Impact of Self-Organizing Network Actions
Swati Roy (Princeton University, USA); David Applegate (Google Inc., USA); Zihui Ge (AT&T Labs - Research, USA); Ajay A Mahimkar (AT&T Labs, USA); Shomik Pathak (AT&T Mobility Services, USA); Sarat Puthenpura (AT&T Labs Research, USA)
A Steiner Tree-Based Verification Approach for Handling Topology Changes in Self-Organizing Networks
Tsvetko Tsvetkov (Technical University of Munich, Germany); Janne Ali-Tolppa (Nokia, Finland); Henning Sanneck (Apple, Germany); Georg Carle (Technische Universität München, Germany)

Poster Session 1

Optimizing the RoI of Cyber Risk Mitigation
Mohammed Noraden Alsaleh (Eastern Michigan University, USA); Ghaith Husari (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA); Ehab Al-Shaer (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Diagnosis Cloud: Sharing Knowledge Across Cellular Networks
Gabriela F. Ciocarlie, Cherita Corbett, Eric Yeh and Christopher Connolly (SRI International, USA); Henning Sanneck (Apple, Germany); Muhammad Naseer-ul-islam (Nokai Bell Labs, Germany); Borislava Gajic (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany); Szabolcs Nováczki (Nokia Siemens Networks, Hungary); Kimmo Hatonen (Nokia, Finland)
Fluid Capacity for Energy Saving Management in Multi-Layer Ultra-Dense 4G/5G Cellular Networks
Stephen S. Mwanje (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany); Janne Ali-Tolppa (Nokia, Finland)
On the Impact of Advance Reservations for Energy-Aware Provisioning of Bare-Metal Cloud Resources
Marcos Dias de Assuncao (ETS Montreal, Canada); Laurent Lefevre (INRIA, France); François Rossigneux (ENS-Lyon, France)
Graph-based diagnosis in Software-Defined Infrastructure
Joseph Wahba (University of Toronto, Canada); Hazem M. Soliman (Rank Software Inc., Canada); Hadi Bannazadeh and Alberto Leon-Garcia (University of Toronto, Canada)
Identifying Resources for Cloud Garbage Collection
Zhiming Shen (Cornell University, USA); Christopher C. Young, Sai Zeng, Karin Murthy and Kun Bai (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA)
Energy-aware quality adaptation for mobile video streaming
Stefano Petrangeli (Ghent University & iMinds, Belgium); Patrick Van Staey (Ghent University - iMinds, Belgium); Maxim Claeys (University of Antwerp - imec, Belgium); Tim Wauters (Ghent University - Imec, Belgium); Filip De Turck (Ghent University - imec, Belgium)
On the Adoption of the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) in DNSSEC
Roland van Rijswijk-Deij (University of Twente & NLnet Labs, The Netherlands); Mattijs Jonker (University of Twente, The Netherlands); Anna Sperotto (Twente University, The Netherlands)
Inferring Smartphone Service Quality using Tensor Methods
Vaneet Aggarwal (Purdue University, USA); Ajay A Mahimkar (AT&T Labs, USA); Hongyao Ma (Harvard University, USA); Zemin Zhang and Shuchin Aeron (Tufts University, USA); Walter Willinger (NIKSUN, USA)
Understanding the Role of Change in Incident Prevention
Sinem Guven and Karin Murthy (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA)

Keynote Session 2

Scaling IoT Up, Down and Out

Prof. Henning Schulzrinne (Levi Professor of Computer Science, Columbia University, USA)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is not all that interesting at small scale - a home thermostat consisting of a microprocessor connecting to BlueTooth or WiFi hardly requires technological breakthroughs in computer science and networking. However, the challenges become more interesting as IoT scales up to include smart phones, scales down to long-lived devices that may be energy-constrained and scales out to tens of thousands of nodes, e.g., when instrumenting a large commercial building. For scaling up, we need to consider smartphones and similar devices as integral components of sensor-based systems, including the impact on privacy. For scaling down, energy-efficient wide-area coverage may offer new opportunities. For scaling up, securing, managing and prototyping large numbers of nodes exposes the weak points in our existing IP-based infrastructure. For example, classical techniques for managing credentials and access rights are unlikely to work well, so we have worked on inverting the standard model for device authentication. Diagnosing network conditions has to move beyond expert guidance as many of these networks are going to be managed by mechanical engineers and HVAC technicians, not system administrators writing Perl scripts querying SNMP counters. As an example, I will discuss our WiSlow diagnostic system. Scaling up also requires the ability to plan, simulate and emulate deployments before a building has been completed, motivating our current work on SECE (Sense Everything Control Everything). Finally, computation will likely move between many more locations, from the IoT device itself to opportunistically-available computational resources to traditional cloud infrastructure.

Technical Session 3

Room: A1600
Efficient Detection of Flow Anomalies with Limited Monitoring Resources
Jalil Moraney (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel); Danny Raz (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology & Google, Israel)
Correlating Network Events and Transferring Labels in the Presence of IP Address Anonymisation
Sebastian Abt (DE-CIX, Germany); Harald Baier (Hochschule Darmstadt / CASED, Germany)
Predicting Web Service Response Time Percentiles
Yasaman Amannejad (Mount Royal University, Canada); Diwakar Krishnamurthy and Behrouz Far (University of Calgary, Canada)

Technical Session 4

Room: A1600
Dynamic Server Selection Strategy for Multi-server HTTP Adaptive Streaming Services
Niels Bouten (Ghent University - iMinds, Belgium); Maxim Claeys (University of Antwerp - imec, Belgium); Bert Van Poecke (Ghent University - iMinds, Belgium); Steven Latré (University of Antwerp - imec, Belgium); Filip De Turck (Ghent University - imec, Belgium)
Virtual Machine Priority Adaption to Enforce Fairness Among Cloud Users
Patrick Poullie and Stephan Mannhart (University of Zurich, Switzerland); Burkhard Stiller (University of Zürich, Switzerland)
Deadline-aware TCP Congestion Control for Video Streaming Services
Maxim Claeys (University of Antwerp - imec, Belgium); Niels Bouten (Ghent University - iMinds, Belgium); Danny De De Vleeschauwer, Koen De Schepper and Werner Van Leekwijck (Nokia, Belgium); Steven Latré (University of Antwerp - imec, Belgium); Filip De Turck (Ghent University - imec, Belgium)

Poster Session 2

Let's Adapt to Network Change: Towards Energy Saving with Rate Adaptation in SDN
Samy Zemmouri (ETS, Canada); Shahin Vakilinia (Synchromedia, Canada); Mohamed Cheriet (Ecole de technologie superieure (University of Quebec), Canada)
A Traffic Visualization Framework for Monitoring Large-scale Inter- DataCenter Network
Meryem Elbaham (École de Technologie Supérieure - Quebec University, Canada); Kim Khoa Nguyen (École de Technologie Supérieure, Canada); Mohamed Cheriet (Ecole de technologie superieure (University of Quebec), Canada)
Online Characterization of Buggy Applications Running on the Cloud
Arnamoy Bhattacharyya (University if Toronto, Canada); Harsh Singh, Seyed Ali Jokar Jandaghi and Cristiana Amza (University of Toronto, Canada)
Measuring Auto Switch Between Wi-Fi and Mobile Data Networks in an Urban Area
Jonghwan Hyun (POSTECH, Korea (South)); Youngjoon Won (Hanyang University, Korea (South)); David Nahm (UC Berkeley, USA); James Won-Ki Hong (POSTECH, Korea (South))
Building a Feedback Loop to Capture Evidence of Network Incidents
Zdenek Rosa (CESNET, Czech Republic); Tomas Cejka (CESNET z. s. p. o. & CTU in Prague, FIT, Czech Republic); Martin Zadnik and Viktor Puš (CESNET, Czech Republic)
Behavioral Clustering of Non-Stationary IP Flow Record Data
Christian Hammerschmidt (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg); Samuel Marchal (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland); Radu State (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg); Sicco Verwer (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Applying Big Data Technologies to Manage QoS in an SDN
Shashwat Jain, Manish Khandelwal and Ashutosh Katkar (RIT, USA); Joseph Nygate (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
BuDDI: Bug Detection, Debugging, and Isolation Middlebox for Software-Defined Network Controllers
Rohit Abhishek (AT&T, USA); Shuai Zhao (INTEL, USA); Sejun Song (Augusta University, USA); Baek-Young Choi (University of Missouri - Kansas City, USA); Haihong (Henry) Zhu (Huawei Technologies Co., USA); Deep Medhi (US National Science Foundation, USA)

Keynote Session 3

CORD: Central Office Re-architected as a Datacenter

Larry Peterson (Chief Architect and Board Member, ON.LAB, USA)
CORD is a new design of a Telco Central Office that replaces closed and proprietary hardware with software running on commodity servers, switches, and access devices. It allows network operators to benefit from both the economies of scale (infrastructure constructed from a few commodity building blocks) and agility (the ability to rapidly deploy and elastically scale services) that commodity cloud providers enjoy today. This talk outlines the motivation for CORD, introduces its architecture, and describes an open reference implementation of that is available for evaluation.

Technical Session 5

Room: A1600
Analytic Model for SDN Controller Traffic and Switch Table Occupancy
Christopher Metter (University of Würzburg, Germany); Michael Seufert (University of Augsburg, Germany); Florian Wamser (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland); Thomas Zinner (NTNU, Norway); Phuoc Tran-Gia (University of Wuerzburg, Germany)
Enabling Efficient Multi-Layer Repair in Elastic Optical Networks by Gradually Superimposing SDN
Jeremias Blendin (Barefoot Networks & Intel Corporation, USA); Daniel Herrmann (TU Darmstadt, Germany); Matthias Wichtlhuber (DE-CIX, Germany); Matthias Gunkel (Deutsche Telekom Technik GmbH & Fixed Mobile Engineering Deutschland, Germany); Felix Wissel (Deutsche Telekom Technik, Germany); David Hausheer (OVGU Magdeburg, Germany)

Technical Session 6

Room: A1600
Detecting Version Number Attacks in RPL-based Networks using a Distributed Monitoring Architecture
Anthéa Mayzaud (Inria Nancy Grand-Est, Université de Lorraine, France); Remi Badonnel (TELECOM Nancy - LORIA/INRIA & RESIST Research Team, France); Isabelle Chrisment (LORIA-TELECOM Nancy, Université de Lorraine, France)
CAAMP: Completely Automated DDoS Attack Mitigation Platform in Hybrid Clouds
Nasim Beigi, Cornel Barna and Mark Shtern (York University, Canada); Hamzeh Khazaei (University of Alberta, Canada); Marin Litoiu (York University, Canada)
Booter Blacklist: Unveiling DDoS-for-hire Websites
José Jair Santanna (Northwave Security, The Netherlands & University of Twente, The Netherlands); Ricardo de O. Schmidt (University of Twente, The Netherlands); Daphne Tuncer (Universite Paris-Est, Ecole Des Ponts ParisTech, France); Joey de Vries (University of Twente, The Netherlands); Lisandro Z Granville (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil); Aiko Pras (University of Twente, The Netherlands)

Distinguished Experts Panel

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Technical Co-Sponsors