EDAS Attendee Proceedings Options
EDAS can produce several kinds of proceedings for attendees, as well as submit the materials necessary for IEEE Xplore publication. For attendee proceedings, there are two common options and one less common option:
- Attendees can view web pages with links to papers, presentations, and video recordings. Access to these pages can be public, can be restricted to attendees registered using the EDAS event registration functionality or can be secured with a password. The system tracks how often a paper or video presentation is being downloaded. The online version also offers real-time discussion and question features.
- Attendees can download a zip file with the front matter, as HTML pages, and the stamped PDF files for manuscripts. The zip file is stored on EDAS servers and can be accessed via a special link, containing a secret key, or be made available only to users who have registered via the EDAS event registration options. The conference can, if it chooses, make the file available in some other way, e.g., through their own web site or registration system. The zip file consists of a set of custom HTML files that generally use the content and often follow the basic style of the conference web site. The materials include the "front matter" such as the program listing, TPC listing, author index, copyright information, and other items of interest to the conference, such as tutorial and workshop information or welcome messages from the chair, in addition to the stamped PDF files for the papers, The conference needs to provide the IEEE letter of acquisition, if applicable, as well as any content not already found on the conference web page (if managed by EDAS), such as welcome messages.
- We can also produce a single combined PDF file containing all front matter and manuscripts. This option is rarely requested.
Conferences can offer both options simultaneously; EDAS charges for the preparation of the attendee proceedings, but there is no extra charge for making both options available.
While much less common recently, we can also produce USB memory sticks (thumb drives), using the same content as the zip file.
EDAS can also produce brochures containing front matter such as the conference program or program committee listings for in-person conferences.
PDF files for the the papers are stamped with the copyright information, the conference name and, optionally, page numbers. There are two separate stamped paper sets, one for the attendee proceedings and one for the permanent proceedings, e.g., submitted to a society digital library such as ACM Digital Library and IEEE Xplore. All accepted manuscripts are included in the attendee proceedings, while only selected tracks and categories are included in the digital library proceedings. The attendee proceedings consist of a set of HTML files, along with the PDF manuscripts, while the digital library proceedings are a set of PDF files. The two types of proceedings may have different page numbers, since some papers, such as poster or demo papers, may be included in the attendee proceedings, but be omitted from the digital library.
Information such as sponsors and welcome messages are defined through the conference configuration, in Conference:Sponsors & Patrons and Conference:Welcome messages, respectively. Please do not just provide PDF files for the welcome messages!
Unlike typical society publishers, changes in content, such as changes in messages from chairs, program and organising committees, author name changes or paper updates, are reflected in the proceedings content, until the master content is approved by the chairs. We encourage chairs to provide all information as soon as possible, even before all aspects of the content are finalized.
Producing the attendee proceedings content for review by the conference takes ten working days, counted from the date all necessary materials have been provided to EDAS, including, if necessary, the IEEE Letter of Acquisition and compliant PDF files..
We also collaborate with an organization that produces a smartphone app for conference attendees. We will provide them with the necessary program content.
IEEE Xplore Submission
EDAS can also produce the IEEE Xplore materials. It contains the papers and introductory materials, such as TPC and committee listings. These materials are similar in content to the attendee proceedings, but contain no links and are formatted for printing, not viewing. EDAS will produce the Xplore disks and upload them to the IEEE submission ftp site, typically after the end of the conference.
Tracking Progress
Progress on the proceedings is tracked by milestones, visible in Conference:Milestones to both the chair and publication chairs. Reminders about milestones are emailed periodically to the publication chairs. Milestones include items to be completed by the chairs or publication chair, such as adding the conference program or entering the shipping address. The publication and conference chairs should coordinate who is responsible for which milestones.
Summary of Attendee Proceedings Content
A downloadable zip file consists of a number of HTML pages:
- a front page with the required IEEE copyright information and a brief introduction to the conference;
- welcome messages (from Conference:Welcome messages);
- listing of the technical program committee
- listing of the organizing committee
- keynotes, with bios and abstracts
- technical program, with a short summary at the top that links to the sessions; the paper title in each session links to the PDF, which appears in a separate window
- author index (all papers and their sessions sorted by author last name)
- sponsors
Author guidelines
Authors should be advised to follow these guidelines:
- Manuscripts must NOT, under any circumstances, contain the IEEE copyright notice at the bottom of the first page. Some IEEE templates include this text, and it must be removed from the template. EDAS adds the correct IEEE copyright stamp automatically.
- Manuscripts must not contain page numbers at the bottom of the page.
- Manuscripts must not contain the conference title at the top of the page.
- Be sure to check that the title in the PDF file agrees with the meta data (EDAS) paper title, as otherwise the conference program will show the wrong paper title.
PDF eXpress does not check margins or font sizes, so papers may pass PDF eXpress inspection, yet still fail the EDAS format checks if configured.
Summary of Materials Needed
To request EDAS to prepare the attendee proceedings or IEEE Xplore content, go to Conference:Configure, under "Proceedings", and edit the relevant options. If you are having the flash drives made, please include a precise and complete shipping address suitable for FedEx, including telephone number.
The materials below should be provided to EDAS as soon as possible, but no later than immediately after the acceptance notifications have been made.
- Upload the IEEE letter of acquisition (LoA) or other copyright and publishing information to Conference:Files. For IEEE conferences, we cannot start the proceedings content creation until we have the LoA.
- Configure the proceedings ISBN and catalog number at Conference:Configure under "Proceedings ISBN and ISSN".
- Check all papers for PDF problems (Papers:Manuscript problems). It is the authors' responsibility to provide valid PDF, e.g., to satisfy IEEE and ACM requirements.
- Update the conference committee, such as general chair or publicity chair, under People:Committees; however, do not add the technical program committee members since they are already captured in the EDAS TPC listing.
- Check the completeness and accuracy of the technical program committee under TPC:List and export; all members will be listed in the attendee proceedings and IEEE Xplore based on this information.
- Add any conference technical and financial sponsors you want to be recognized in the proceedings via Conference:Sponsors.
- Create sessions and assign all accepted papers to sessions, via Conference:Sessions. Be sure to include breaks, keynotes and anything else you'd like to see in the conference program.
- Create chair welcome messages, via Conference:Welcome messages. Do not provide PDF files!
Marking papers
To avoid confusion as to which papers should be included in the attendee proceedings and IEEE Xplore, please mark papers as appropriate:
- Papers where authors did not register and pay, did not submit a copyright form or did not submit a final manuscript should be marked as withdrawn.
- Mark other papers that should not appear in the proceedings accordingly via the link on the paper page at "Appears in proceedings?". You can also exclude whole tracks.
- For IEEE conferences, mark papers as "no-show" when authors do not present the paper at the conference. As per IEEE process, PDF files for no-show papers marked as "don't publish" are included in the material EDAS sends to IEEE, but labeled as such. They are not page-numbered and do not appear online on the IEEE Xplore web site. Papers with no-show status empty (i.e., in evaluation), excused or error will be included just like other accepted papers.
Papers are page-numbered in the order they appear in the conference program. You can manually adjust the order of tracks in Conference:Tracks.
Using the IEEE Page Style
- Make sure that the HTML template and CSS are empty in Conference:Email, web and visa letter templates, "Proceedings".
- Inherit the page template and CSS.
- Be sure that each page has the "Use page template for format" checkbox set.
Hints for Custom Page Styles
HTML experts may want to create their own CSS and HTML templates.
- Use the CSS entry in the template definition for custom CSS. It should be referenced using css/style.css.
- By default, assets such as images are in the images/ directory.
- All external images, CSS or JavaScript URLs must use https, not http, as their URL scheme because of the EDAS content security policy.